All about Yandex Navigator: where to download and how to work with the Android application. Yandex Navigator for Android: where to download, how to install and use Why the navigator does not determine the location

Probably one of the most popular navigation programs for iPhone is the Yandex Navigator program. Today there will be a lot of information about Yandex Navigator.

Yandex.Navigator - what is this program?

If you are a happy car owner and you know the city very poorly, then without such a program as Yandex Navigator you just can't get by.

There is also the Yandex.Maps application, but under no circumstances confuse these two programs. Maps can also be used, but the Navigator is made with voice prompts and other details like on devices designed for navigation in cars.

In order not to write long and tediously about the program’s capabilities, it’s enough to simply make a list of its main functions:

  • building optimal routes;
  • voice prompts;
  • ability to view traffic jams;
  • places as bookmarks;
  • changing the route depending on the situation.

So if you have a car and mobile device, this application will come in handy more than once.

You don’t need to do anything special for this program to appear on your device. You just have to check a couple of nuances before installing.

The first nuance is the device itself. If you have an iPhone lower than 4, then look for older versions on the Internet and download them. You must also have iOS no lower than 7.0.

How to use Yandex Navigator?

Some usage details will be mentioned in the following paragraphs, but I will tell you in general how to use this wonderful program.

So, when you launch it, you will see four tabs: Search, Map, My Places and Menu. Search We use it when we need to assign a new point for a route.

On Map we are during navigation, you can also see if there are traffic jams ahead. My places are a kind of bookmark of the places you will go to most often.

AND last tab- This Menu, on it you can go to your Yandex profile, change the navigator voice, disable night mode and other details.

Let's say you have the desired address and you need to somehow create a route there. The program is running and now you should go to the tab Search.

On this tab below we see a selection of different establishments that could be useful to you. This could be the nearest gas station or just a place to grab a snack.

So, at the top we see the Search line, where we actually write our goal. Once you start writing, hints will appear at the bottom, which will speed up the whole process a little.

You will be offered several of the most optimal routes, which will show the time and distance that will have to be covered.

Select the one you want and click Go. Sometimes it happens that we need to go through a certain place, but we want to build a route straight to the end point.

To do this, there is a blue plus sign, which we drag to the desired road and the route will be rebuilt.

How to enter coordinates in Yandex.Navigator?

The question is very similar to the previous one, and in fact, to complete it, we also go to the tab Search and enter the addressee you need.

Quite often there is such a situation that you have completely looked through the entire route, started driving using the navigator, and suddenly you see that the places do not coincide with the previously viewed route.

If suddenly there is a traffic jam on your way and there is an opportunity to get around it, then the navigator immediately changes the route and takes you along a completely different path.

At first it was even a little scary, but then you begin to understand how much time you save by not standing in traffic jams.

Yandex.Navigator does not detect location

If you have launched the program, but your location is simply not detected, then first of all we check whether you have turned off geolocation on your iPhone.

You can find where to find it and turn it on in the material. But there is also a possibility that you cannot find the satellite.

This happens if you are far from the city center or simply out of reach of a satellite.

If you drive using this application very often, then there is a chance that the voice may sooner or later get boring.

There are two voices: Dima and Oksana. To change it just go to MenuSoundVoice.

Yandex.Navigator does not work without the Internet

Even if you download maps of the desired city in this application and want to use it without the Internet, nothing will work.

Your location is not enough for these maps. A lot of data is downloaded from the Internet and therefore at least Edge must be enabled. But you can see the desired address on the map.

There are many programs for offline navigation, but they are very specific and can only recommend the optimal route.

To always easily find the right road in any city and anywhere, most people use GPS navigators, however, technology does not stand still: now you can have a convenient and fast navigator right on your smartphone. Yandex service provides its users free application“Yandex.Navigator”, which is designed to take you anywhere in the city in the shortest possible way. The application is equipped with speakers, comments from other users, and current data on road traffic, traffic jams and repair work. Download for yourself this program and learn how to use it with the help of this article.

Downloading Yandex.Navigator and specifying the path

  • You can easily download Navigator from Yandex at Play Market or AppStore. Click “Install” after you have found the application and wait a few seconds.
  • Now log into the application. To find yourself on the map you need to enable geodata on your phone. Open the device tray by swiping your finger across the screen from top to bottom, click on the “Location Data” icon and wait until it changes color.

  • Now your current location will be instantly determined.
  • Pay attention to the very bottom panel in the program: all the necessary tools for working with the navigator are located here. The most important thing is finding a route. Try to make your first path right now. Your location is automatically determined as point “A”. Find your destination on the map and click on that location.

  • If you don’t know where the place you are looking for is, then just click on the “Search” icon. In this menu, you can either enter an address or the name of a place, or search for it in categories.

  • As soon as the system determines the available list of places, click on the one you need.

  • Now you see possible options for point “B” on the map.

  • Click on one of them, and then select the “Let's go!” field.

  • That's all. The path is automatically set. If you have several route options, the time and kilometers for each of them will be indicated at the top. The system will also notify you about traffic jams and repairs.

  • Keep track of your path in the panel above. These tools will be very useful to you to quickly find your way on the road.

How to add favorite places to Yandex.Navigator

To get directions in just a couple of seconds, you can add your most frequently visited places to a special list.

  • Open the “My Places” item.

  • Here you will see convenient bookmarks, such as “Home” and “Work”. Add addresses or points on the map to them.
  • In the “Recent” section, you have access to all the addresses that you recently visited.

How to log in to Yandex.Navigator

Users authorized in the system can synchronize all settings on devices. This is very convenient if you have several phones or if you suddenly get lost with a friend who has such an application.

  • Press “Menu” again and then the “Login” button.

  • The convenience of the system is that you can use not only account Yandex for authorization, but also any social network.
  • As soon as you log in and give the application access, authorization is complete.

How to set up Yandex.Navigator

The application has a user-friendly interface and many flexible settings. By selecting “Settings” in the menu, the following options become available to you:

  • Map view from satellite or schematic.
  • North location.

There are also minor points of interest:

  • Announcer's voice. There's even Optimus Prime here.
  • Setting up a call to Yandex using the “Listen, Yandex” command.

Customize the application to suit your needs and tastes.

Yandex.Navigator tools

There is a separate “Tools” item in the menu. You should know why it is needed.

Here you can mark your fines so that you always remember them, store your trip history, and quickly find nearby vehicle towing companies and commissioners. Don't forget to add fines so that the application reminds you of them.

How to add a mark on a map in Yandex.Navigator

If you witness an accident or see repair work on the road, you can notify other drivers about it.

  • Click on the location on the map where the traffic jam occurred. Select the triangular road sign icon on the left.

  • Now note what exactly happened on the road and select a row if necessary. You can also simply leave a comment on this place by clicking on the gray icon.
  • So simply you can communicate with other drivers right in your navigator.

According to the company itself, Yandex.Navigator is used by 13 million users. Recently, the navigator spoke in the voices of Vasily Utkin and Optimus Prime, but users are still unhappy: some believe that the navigator builds suboptimal routes, leads straight through traffic jams, or often goes astray. In April, news appeared that the service would soon become partially paid, and in June a search for available parking spaces became available in the navigator. The Village asked Mikhail Vysokovsky from Yandex.Navigator to talk about how the service builds a route, where the traffic forecast comes from, and what innovations to expect.

Mikhail Vysokovsky

Head of the Yandex.Navigator service

Where does the navigator get data from?

Opening the navigator, we see how the arrow moves beautifully along the road line. But in fact, the GPS signal is not like that at all - it is something that constantly jumps: five meters to the left, 20 meters to the right. Therefore, accurately showing the location and guiding a person along the route is a big task for any navigator.

The navigator receives location information from the mobile device: first the smartphone must understand its geographic coordinate and inform the Internet service. For example, an iPhone has several sensors: GPS, GLONASS, base station data cellular network and Wi-Fi. The iPhone automatically analyzes this and gives the application a specific coordinate, so to speak: “Friend, I know for sure that your coordinates are like this.” How exactly the device determined them - via GPS, GLONASS or cellular network - remains at the discretion of the operating system. With Android it’s a little easier: you can find out where the signal is coming from.

After the coordinates are received from the device, you need to understand where the car is actually moving and what road it is driving on. The navigator receives data about this every few seconds. This is not an easy task, especially if the user is at a difficult junction. The algorithm makes a number of assumptions about where the user actually is. If several signals have been received that a person is driving closer to the backup than to the main road, then the navigator transfers him to the backup. At some point, having analyzed all previous signals, the system may change its decision - then the arrow will be on the main road. At each moment of time, this is making a decision based on the user’s route, previous signals and new ones that arrive.

"Yandex.Maps" and "Yandex.Navigator" use identical algorithms. Sometimes their forecasts and choice of routes diverge: this can happen because even nearby devices can receive slightly different coordinates or build a route with a difference of several seconds. Despite the fact that the platform is single, different teams work on geoservices at Yandex. The Navigator team is responsible for the entire automotive theme and routing - this makes it easier to synchronize.

How does a navigator build a route?

While the user is building a route from point A to point B, the system considers a large number of alternatives and selects the optimal route options. There is a road graph - this is map information where maneuvers are marked: where you can turn and where you cannot. The system goes through different options for combining maneuvers, giving priority to the optimal one in terms of time, and suggests this route, but taking into account traffic jams and current closures. In addition, the navigator usually offers two other routes, they should be different in content - we will not offer exactly the same route, but with a stop at a gas station to save 30 seconds.

Currently, Yandex.Navigator offers a maximum of three route options. We can offer 50 different routes, and let the user think what to do with them. But the results of usability testing show that when a person is given a huge number of routes, it is quite difficult to understand which one to actually choose.

While driving, every two minutes the navigator checks to see if there is a faster route. However, there is some limitation on when this route can be offered. The situation in the city is changing quickly, and if the navigator keeps saying: “We found a route 30 seconds faster,” it will be quite difficult. Now the system offers an alternative if the time savings is more than five minutes, when there is little time before the maneuver. At the same time, if even 30 seconds are important to a person, he can request to search for a quick route himself by going to “Browse” on the application panel.

Now the algorithm is designed in such a way that it optimizes time for each specific user, that is, it builds a route specifically for you. And it does not take public welfare into account when trying to divert flows. (There have been suggestions on the Internet that Yandex.Navigator is trying to globally influence the transport situation in Moscow. - Ed.) But, since there are many users, we inevitably influence the situation on the roads. A few years ago, the navigator was such an elite club - there was a small proportion of people who used the navigator, and the rest were Muscovites. Then users saw: there are traffic jams here, but there are no traffic jams here - and the navigator had no effect on the situation on the roads. Now, when millions of users every day build routes with a navigator, and we tell them that there is no traffic jam here, everyone comes here, and, probably, a traffic jam may appear because of this.

How does the navigator take into account traffic jams?

Every time users travel with the Yandex.Maps or Yandex.Navigator application, they transmit anonymous information about their movements. In total, 13 million people use our navigator in Russia.

Receiving this data, we automatically analyze it on the server and understand that on a certain road, if people are driving slower, there is most likely a traffic jam. We take this information into account and communicate it to users in two ways. The first is a color indicator in the application, the second is that traffic jams are taken into account in the time predicted by the navigator. This is completely automatic system: Data is updated every minute.

Some time ago we built a route, taking into account only current traffic jams. Although in fact the situation is constantly changing, and rush hours are a difficult time for all navigators. Traffic grows chaotically, and the navigator, when constructing a route based on current traffic jams, does not take into account new ones, and because of this, lies in time. Therefore, we are now experimentally taking into account the traffic forecast for the next hour. For such a forecast, we have two factors: the first is the situation in past weeks on this day of the week and at this time, and the second is the situation on the roads at the moment.

After we have predicted traffic jams, we analyze how well we did it. If a person reached the end with the navigator, we know how long it took him to do it, and we can compare it with the navigator’s promise. Our second metric is called “Yandex is lying.” People often complain about how the navigator behaves in Conversations. We count the share of conversations in which Yandex is criticized, according to keywords“lies,” “tells a lie,” and all sorts of other curse words. When we display something inaccurately, we see a sharp rise in such conversations - it turns out to be a rather sensitive instrument.

Why does the navigator act up near the Kremlin?

The navigator, like other geolocation applications, receives information about the current location from the device. And he cannot determine how reliable they are. The device does not report that these are bad coordinates, it behaves in a standard way - only the coordinates are not on the Kremlin embankment, but somewhere else.

In a simple way The navigator cannot do anything with a change in the GPS signal. It behaves according to the principle “what the device says, that’s what I do.” When at the end of last year we realized that the situation on the Kremlin embankment was not a one-time story, but a regular problem, we came up with new algorithm. Now, if the navigator sees that the coordinate is changing very quickly (for example, the user seems to have flown at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour from one point to another), the system blocks this movement. The navigator arrow does not move anywhere: at this moment, route guidance does not work and the exact position is not determined, but a person can at least navigate on the map where to go, and not find himself in Vnukov’s gray zone. This works when "teleportation" occurs. Unfortunately, there are more complex schemes. Sometimes the coordinate can be transferred not tens of kilometers, but to the next street, then a little more, and then another. In this case, the navigator cannot understand whether this is a false reroll or whether the last value should be trusted.

How changes in the city affect the operation of the navigator

In fact, algorithms need constant improvement. It would seem that he did it - and everything should work endlessly. In general, this would be the case, but the world is constantly changing. In addition to the story of the Kremlin embankment, there are other cases. For example, a year ago, a lot of dedicated lanes for public transport appeared in Moscow: taxis drive on them, but violators also drive on them. In this case, we see that some of the signals are stuck in a terrible traffic jam, and some of the signals are passing through calmly. The algorithm automatically identified this as a traffic jam and highlighted it in yellow - it turned out to be stupid. We have learned to identify signals that differ from the main flow. But the “My Street” program is quite difficult to take into account, because the situation changes every day. Today there is renovation here, and tomorrow on the next street. We take it into account using standard methods- note and check all messages about overlaps.

How a navigator searches for free parking

One day I was going to the theater. Imagine the situation. The performance starts at 19:00, after the third bell it is difficult to enter. I looked at the traffic jams and decided to go by car. I arrived at the final destination, the navigator reported that we had arrived, but in fact I had not arrived anywhere: I was still driving the car, I saw the theater on the right, but this did not help me at all. Then I see that there is a parking lot on the left, I drive closer and find a sign “For disabled people only.” There is also parking on the right, but it costs 200 rubles. I kind of want to park, but I'm hoping to find a cheaper place. While I’m thinking about where to go, it turns out that I’m standing at a pedestrian crossing, and they’re honking at me from behind. A lot of problems arise. Then I turn into the nearest alley and find myself in God knows where. In the end, I somehow leave the car and run to the theater, but this is a super uncomfortable story.

We realized that parking means new traffic jams. If previously the main problem for Muscovites was traffic jams, now they still remain a problem, but at the same time, navigators have learned to predict them. No navigator has helped with parking before. We did five things. First, when approaching a destination, they began to show where parking is and is not allowed. At this moment, the person is stressed and often does not see the signs, and if everyone is standing, this does not mean at all that parking is allowed here - maybe they have covered up the numbers with paper. The next thing is that when a person understands where he can park, he wants to park not for 200 rubles. That's why we started showing where and for how long you can leave your car. Third, when approaching a destination, the navigator offers a special route so that the user can drive along nearby lanes and be more likely to find parking without going far from the destination. Otherwise, you can turn into a one-way lane and then end up on the Third Ring Road.

But ideally, the user should see where it is actually free. And this is a very complex story. Such data simply does not exist. We are trying to detect with our algorithms that space has become free. Now the navigator on Android is background provides us with information - we record that a person has changed his method of transportation from automobile to pedestrian and vice versa. We conclude that he most likely left or took the car. We overlay this data on a parking map and show available spots within five minutes. But now we do not guarantee that it is really free: the place can be occupied in 30 seconds. At the same time, the probability of finding a free place is still high. This feature is already available to users: you can turn on the parking layer and see green dots. After a person has parked, he still needs to pay for parking - we have integrated with a payment service and are testing the payment function.

We are looking for parking data different ways. There is open data from the Department of Transport, but it is often out of date and due to reconstruction in the center, it is constantly changing. We are rechecking them. Data about other parking lots, for example when shopping centers, we collect manually using a directory of organizations.

Will the navigator be paid?

We feel that the navigator should not do everything the same for everyone. We are currently working on offering special solutions to professional navigator users. For example, the navigator should show taxi drivers the traffic situation on dedicated lanes, and truck drivers should build routes taking into account where they are allowed to go and show the axle load. Now many logistics and transport companies have applications from which our navigator is automatically launched. Previously, we did not know what kind of companies they were and what they wanted. Maybe for a courier company it is necessary to display 50 points on a map and show the optimal route between them. We asked them to register in the system and are now trying to understand what the demand is for. The nearest thing that will appear is navigation for taxi drivers using dedicated lanes. For ordinary users Yandex.Navigator will remain free.

What innovations to expect

Sitting in a room, you can talk as much as you like about how the navigator is useful or not useful. But behind the wheel the situation changes. Therefore, we regularly test the system, doing rides with users and seeing where the navigator works well and where it does not. In addition, we read reviews a lot - through the support service, in stores and in social networks. If some problem comes to the fore, we make a prototype of the function, arrange races, and then test it with some users.

Recently it has become possible to build a route entirely by voice, without using your hands. There are statistics that say that using a smartphone while driving increases the likelihood of accidents by 24 times. Now, when you get behind the wheel, you can say: “Listen, Yandex, let’s go home.”

Only the search for entrances appears. Navigating the last mile, when you need to understand which side of the house to approach from, where there is a barrier and where there is not, used to be quite difficult. Now in the “People's Map” - in a special editor where users can independently add additional information to maps - we have announced a week of entrances. If the entrance has been added to this map, then the navigator will be able to find it now. When there is a lot of data, we will add a more convenient search method.

In Russia, users often complain about bad connection. Now you can only download maps in the navigator, and we are actively working to make it possible to build a route offline.

We want to be more than just a dry tool that leads through traffic jams. Therefore, new voiceovers appear in the navigator: before there were the standard voices of Oksana and Dmitry, then Vasily Utkin and Fyodor Bondarchuk, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee from Transformers appeared. The recording of the stars' voices lasted several hours. When the navigator says, “Turn right in 200 meters,” it’s actually five pieces glued together. Synthesized machine voices are also now available: they differ from regular voices in that they can say many more phrases, such as street names. New voices will emerge for different audiences.

Now you can call a tow truck from the Navigator application. This is not a directly related thing to the navigator. But we are going to develop in this direction. Having a problem with your car? Go to Navigator. Do you need to pay for parking? Go to Navigator. Don't know what to do? Go to Navigator.

Until relatively recently, the navigation software market offered users only expensive solutions from companies specializing in the production of such products. However, after Google's applications became freely available, competitors also had to make some concessions. Thus, users learned about the free Yandex.Navigator, which in our time is able to work successfully even without the Internet.

Yandex.Navigator – description

Yandex.Navigator is a breakthrough in the field of navigation applications that helps drivers get from point “A” to point “B” in a significantly shorter period of time. The program itself will calculate how best to get you to the desired place, and will also take into account traffic jams and road events (accidents and accidents), road repairs and road closures.

The driver is always offered several options (up to three) for overcoming a certain section of the route, with the fastest one listed first. In the event that the route will pass along a toll road, you will be warned about this.

When the car is in motion, the screen of the device used will display the remaining distance, measured not only in kilometers, but also in minutes. In order not to distract you from the traffic situation once again, the developers also took care of voice guidance.

Appearance The appearance of Yandex.Navigator (user interface) is one of strengths this application . The main screen has three tabs:, "Search""Map" And"Favorites"

. In turn, the map has translucent buttons for changing the scale (increasing or decreasing) and returning to displaying the current position. There is also a compass and a traffic indicator, where information is provided in points. By clicking on this indicator, you can turn off the display of information about traffic jams. An interesting design solution is the multi-colored coloring of the line of the marked route. The choice of color (from red to green) depends on the intensity of vehicle traffic on a particular section of the road, and the load graph itself is presented in the form of a thin multi-colored line located above the map.

Thanks to this feature, you can estimate the duration of the ride along the remaining section of the route, taking into account all possible obstacles. The time remaining to the final point is also displayed on the map, but information about the current speed and other trip parameters remains hidden.


Among the main functions of Yandex.Navigator are the following:

constructing routes on the map (we will tell you in more detail about how to enter coordinates into Yandex.Navigator a little later); performance voice commands driver, that is, you can plot a route or mark an accident on the map by simply saying it out loud. The driver turns to Yandex.Navigator and, after waiting for the corresponding sound signal

Possibility of loading maps into the cache and their further use without access to the Internet. This feature distinguishes the application from other similar ones.

How to use the program

Using Yandex.Navigator usually does not cause any difficulties in installation and operation, but there are still some features.

How to install Yandex.Navigator

First of all, it should be noted that The application can only work successfully with iOS or Android devices. This means that you can download Yandex.Navigator from the AppStore or PlayMarket. After downloading the application and confirming all permissions, installation will begin.

There is no need to download maps separately from the application, since they are pulled from the Internet themselves (of course, if the network connection is active) and are stored in the device’s memory cache as needed. It is also worth remembering that downloading the entire map, as happens in Yandex.Maps, will not work here.

Yandex.Navigator does not require any special settings. To determine location, the system Location API is used, which, in addition to GPS satellites, can also work through base stations or Wi-Fi (the function is activated in the operating system settings). As soon as you install the application on your smartphone, you can start using Yandex.Navigator.

How to set up your navigator

Having familiarized yourself with the Yandex.Navigator settings, you will notice that they allow you to enable/disable automatic switching to the night map display mode, select categories of custom points displayed on the screen, and also provide the ability to change the voice of the prompts (male, female) or disable it. The settings also display the amount of memory that is used for caching maps (avoiding the need for constant loading).

To customize the appearance of the map, you need to perform several sequential steps:

1. Click on the bottom of the screen;

2. Press the "Menu" button;

3. In this section, select:

“Map View” (used to enable the “Outline”, “Satellite” or “People’s Map” modes).

Settings → Maps:

Night mode - activates a gentle screen mode when using the application in the dark. If the driver wants to control the mode manually, you need to select the “On” or “Off” button. For automatic switching mode – click “Auto”.

Besides, There are also some other modes in the settings:

3D mode- turns on the three-dimensional display of the map.

Autoscale- helps to automatically change the map scale as the vehicle moves.

"The North is always up"- fixes the map relative to the cardinal points.

There is nothing complicated in the settings, which means that all that remains is to figure out how to use Yandex.Navigator correctly.

How to get directions

When the driver sets a route, the system automatically offers him two alternative travel options - the fastest and the shortest. Information about the length and time it takes to travel a section of the route can be seen on two tabs located at the top of the screen. The routes themselves are also visible on the map.

Once selected, the route will be laid out only once and will not change in any way while moving. Even if the driver deviates from the specified path, it will still remain the same, still displayed on the map. How can you build a new route in Yandex.Navigator? In fact, you just need to re-use the search, specifying the name of the endpoint in it. Your location is determined automatically.

You can set the route in another way - sound command. However, in this case, you need to speak clearly and distinctly, otherwise the application will not be able to recognize the command. It is better to turn off voice prompts immediately, since the program sometimes confuses “right” and “left”.

How to use Yandex.Navigator without the Internet

There are situations when there is no Internet connection, and there is nowhere to look for it on the road. In this case, you should take care of pointers in advance and download necessary cards to your smartphone.

Which devices are suitable?

The first versions of the Yandex.Navigator application were distinguished by the need for a constant connection to the network. Despite the fact that the volume of transmitted data is not so large, there are still places where mobile Internet is completely absent.

Good that Last update the application already partially allows you to use Yandex Navigator without the Internet, and owners of devices running on Android based or iOS (including not only smartphones, but also iPads and Android tablets), were able to download a vector map of the region of interest in a special settings section. A new version Yandex.Navigator is already available for download in the AppStore and Google Play.

How to enable the feature

To activate the application without connecting to the Internet, you need to:

1. Go to the Yandex.Navigator application installed on the device you are using (smartphone or tablet).

2. Go to the “Menu” section.

3. Click the “Download maps” button and select from the list of available regions the one that suits you (you can find the desired area either by scrolling through the list or by searching).

4. Select one of the possible download types: for example, “Review” or “Full”.

Thus, you can download maps in advance (when the Internet is available), and use them anywhere, even if there is no network there.

Note!If the device you are using is equipped with a GPS module, then you will be able to see your current location on the diagram and, even without navigation, determine where exactly you should go.

The size of the downloaded file is always indicated next to the type of map, and it should be noted that sometimes it can be quite significant. This is why it is better to download over Wi-Fi. With further use, you will be able to view maps without connecting to the network, although building a route on the road will still require an Internet connection. That is, such a solution cannot be called completely autonomous. Downloaded vector maps only reduce the amount of transmitted data, but even this is a significant advantage, and in some cases turns out to be a real salvation for drivers who find themselves in an area without coverage from mobile operators.

Let us remind you that you will be able to find out how Yandex.Navigator works offline only after updating current version(if it is not updated automatically).

Pros and cons of offline mode

Positive aspects of use new opportunity some:

Firstly, if there is no Internet at all, you can still view the previously downloaded map, and in the case when the device you are using also has a GPS module (which for modern smartphones and tablets are not new), it is possible to see your location.

Secondly, even when running mobile internet, maps will load much faster, whether you just want to view them or are setting a route. This does not waste traffic.

Third, plus updated version Yandex.Navigator, which allows you to use the application offline, is a vector map with higher quality appearance and clear images. Its volume is smaller than a raster one, which means it will require less space in the phone. Moreover, all buildings in the updated version are three-dimensional.

Unfortunately, the matter is not limited to advantages alone, and the disadvantages of the updated version of Yandex.Navigator are also noticeable. The most significant of them include the impossibility of building a route without an Internet connection. However, if you have planned a route in advance while the Internet is active, it will be saved on the map (the presence of a GPS module will allow you to see your movement on the map). Also, do not forget that if you turn off the given route, a new one will not be laid.

In any case, as on devices with operating Android system, using Yandex Navigator on iPhone is a pleasure, because traveling with such an “assistant” is much more enjoyable.

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