What to choose PlayStation or Xbox. Which console is better: PS4 or Xbox One? Xbox's Key Strengths

The new generation of game consoles again confuses users. Which console should I buy? Which one has the best technical characteristics? Which console will the exclusives appear on? And these are just the first questions that come to mind. It's time to deal with them by making a kind of comparison Xbox One and PS4.

A little history

First, we need to put in a good word about the past generation. This example clearly shows how large corporations react to their own mistakes. PlayStation-3 launched later than its competitor. The characteristics of the console were almost identical to those of the Xbox-360. But the price tag was much less humane. Few people dared to spend five hundred bucks on a console in those years. Later, the cost of the console fell, the price was reduced, but it was already difficult to fix anything. The biggest sales came only in the current decade, when the best exclusives began to appear on the console.

Due to the high price tag, the Xbox-360, if it didn’t win the console war, at least felt noticeably better. The console sold well in the first years of its life. Then a certain recession began, which was solved by the introduction of a device called Kinect to the market. It allowed you to control the gameplay without any accessories, using only your own hands.

In recent years, there have been some problems with sales of the Xbox-360. It seems that the gaming console has exhausted its capabilities. A meager number of exclusives began to be released, and questions arose about their quality.

As you understand, both manufacturers had certain problems. Sony has priced its console too high. After some time, Microsoft seemed to have lost interest in their creation. The company stopped incentivizing developers, which is why the release of exclusives has become a very rare occurrence. It is very interesting how manufacturers reacted to their own mistakes.

Announcements of new consoles

Sony clearly made the best conclusions. The PS4 game console received a very “tasty” price tag, which was emphasized during the presentation. Also during the announcements, they talked about a lot of impressive games that await gamers in the future. And even if these were not always exclusives. However, playing them on the new gamepad is a pleasure.

The announcement of the Xbox One caused mixed feelings, unless those watching the presentation were an ardent fan of American television. Microsoft devoted a minimum of time to games. The emphasis was mainly on other entertainment services. The price also turned out to be too high. The manufacturer brazenly charged a hundred bucks for the obligatory Kinect, which many people really didn’t like. Contrary to popular belief, many players enjoy using a gamepad rather than jumping around and waving their arms in front of the TV like a monkey.

Have any conclusions been drawn?

Sony won the war preparations without much effort. She remembered her own mistakes, not making them when announcing her new console. The price turned out to be not very high. When compared, the technical characteristics of the Xbox One and PS4 turned out to be far from equal (this will be discussed a little later). The manufacturer did not force its own camera on the consumer. Also, the Japanese continued to push the idea of ​​exclusives, thanks to which a new part of Killzone with excellent graphics appeared at the start of sales.

Microsoft doesn’t seem to follow the development of technology. They presented the public with a huge “box”. It surpassed the size of the standard Xbox-360, although this seemed impossible! Questions also arose regarding the design of the device. Microsoft is also not going to solve the problem with the low number of exclusives. Forza, Halo - that's all that awaits Xbox One in the near future. And before them, gamers are provided mainly with sports games and other multi-platforms. There is a feeling that the American corporation is tired of all this, that it wants to gradually exit the game console market. But without unnecessary noise.

Buying consoles

But let's get down to finding out which is better: PS4 or Xbox One. Announcements are a thing of the past. Now both consoles can be purchased if desired. However, this can also be difficult. By unknown Microsoft reasons is delaying the start of sales of its new console in some markets. For example, in Russia the console is still impossible to find in stores. It is expected that sales in our country will begin only in September. Almost a year after the start of sales in the USA! The only solution for a persistent gamer is to buy a console in another country.

With Sony's console everything is much easier. It has been officially sold in our country for several months. But the severe shortage affected the price tag. In Russia, they are already asking more than five hundred dollars for a PS4. The price will definitely decrease, but it is unknown when this will happen.


Judging a game console by its appearance is stupid. However, some people do just that. They are wondering which is better: PS4 or Xbox One. And they answer it only after becoming familiar with the design of the devices. This idea looks stupid. But not in the case of the current generation.

The fact is that the PS4 turned out to be both more beautiful and more compact. Modern technology has reached such a level that thin smartphones manage to fit up to three gigabytes random access memory And quad-core processor. Everyone would be very surprised if the PS4 was the size of its predecessor. The beveled edges also gave the console a certain style.

So what about Xbox One? The answer to this question is deplorable. Microsoft has released a huge box that only lacks wheels. Moreover, the power supply didn’t even fit into this giant box! It will take up additional space on the table or floor.

Menu interface

It would be interesting to ask the developers from Microsoft about why the Xbox One is better than the PS4. They will probably point to the software interface of the set-top box. In fact, the new console has as many as three operating systems. The main thing is recycled Windows version 8. She is responsible for choosing games and all kinds of services. The second system is working on displaying games. The third is designed to keep certain processes in the background.

Theoretically, Microsoft's operating system can be considered an advantage of the console. But Sony PS4 is doing quite well in this regard. The menu looks nice, everything works quickly. Therefore, in the battle “Xbox One vs PS4” on this front, we can assign one point to both consoles.

Ease of use

Everyday use of game consoles evokes two impressions. Here you immediately understand which is better: PS4 or Xbox One. Of course, the first option is much preferable. Even before the release, the Japanese company Sony presented an updated PSN service, which began to work much faster. It can be accessed not only from the set-top box, but also from mobile device! This way you can check out your achievements and find out what your friends are doing. You can also buy a game from your smartphone, after which it will automatically start downloading to the console.

The most important advantage of the PS4 is its speed. Games launch instantly. The speed of downloading them from the PSN service depends only on your operator. But now you don’t have to wait for the purchased game to be completely downloaded to your hard drive. In most cases, only ten percent loaded is enough, after which the toy can be launched! This is an unprecedented opportunity that completely changes the entire experience of digital purchasing of goods!


PS4 or Xbox One? If you are still undecided, then take a look at the technical characteristics of both devices. They seem very similar. But in practice it turns out that PS4 is a more powerful console.

The secret lies in RAM. Both consoles have 8 GB of this type memory. But on PS4 it belongs to more fast standard GDDR5. In fact, this is video memory; the block with RAM (512 MB) is located at a distance from it. The Xbox One uses DDR3 RAM, which is much cheaper, but its speed characteristics do not meet modern requirements.


There are a lot of things you can remember about the Xbox One by not purchasing it. But in most cases this is not necessary. It is very difficult to buy it without this. Sony is already selling the new console in 57 countries. Its owners have already become 5.3 million people. Microsoft cannot boast of this. It supplies its products to only a few countries. But even there they rarely buy it, which is why they may soon stop producing the console for a while in order to get rid of its oversupply.

We discussed with you which is better: PS4 or Xbox One. Perhaps we missed something? The graphics also deserve special mention. Xbox One vs PS4 - It turns out to be a kind of battle of the graphics chips installed inside. This war is also won by Sony's console.

A simplified architecture, close to that of a computer, and a detailed manual provided by game developers allow her to do this. As a result, many games on PS4 run in Full resolution HD. The developers say that slow RAM does not allow this to be achieved on Xbox One. Therefore, on this console the maximum resolution is most often 720p. The exception is when the owner of the console launches indie projects and simple sports games. When developing them, it is easiest to achieve maximum resolution.

The winner of our comparison is the PS4. There is not an ounce of doubt about this. The winner is so clear that in the future Microsoft may have problems promoting its console and creating games for it. Or the Americans will have to release an improved version with more fast memory. But gamers definitely won’t wait for this.

The gamer community can be conditionally divided into two opposing camps - fans of the Sony Playstation 3 and fans of the Xbox 360. Due to obvious bias, they cannot give an objective assessment of this or that game console, so a beginner who is just about to discover the world of video games faces a difficult choice between two leading manufacturers - Sony and Microsoft.


The design of both consoles is stylishly laconic, but the PS3 Slim is slightly smaller in size than the Xbox 360. The white one from Microsoft looks very impressive, but the Sony Playstation 3 in a black tinted plastic case looks no less luxurious.


Internal content is considered one of the most important factors influencing the choice of a gaming console, and the clear leader here is the Xbox 360 console, which has a central and graphic processor with more power, which means that the Microsoft console is capable of processing more data compared to its competitor.

As for video, the first place here, without a doubt, should be given to the Sony Playstation 3 game console, which is equipped with a system from NVIDIA, which produces only exemplary and functional video cards. That is why the PS3 console is capable of operating at a frequency of 600 MHz, while the Xbox 360 does not exceed 500 MHz.

Graphic arts

The level of graphics is a subject of heated debate between representatives of the two camps. True, we are not talking about any significant differences in picture quality. Thus, the graphics component of the Xbox 360 is characterized by a brighter and richer palette of shades, while the graphics of the Sony Playstation 3 are distinguished by a smoother image and ideal shadow placement.

Optical drive

In this regard functionality The PS3 gaming console is much wider due to the Blu-Ray drive, which allows you to watch movies in HD format. This fact makes the Sony Playstation 3 not just a game console, but a real multimedia center.


The gamepad is another subject of controversy that flares up on opposite sides of the barricades. Of course, a game controller is not a determining factor when choosing a particular console, but one cannot but agree that the player’s comfort directly depends on its shape.

The Xbox 360 game controller has a round shape and is quite weighty, so it is very comfortable to hold in your hands. In addition, the sticks on the joystick are placed in such a way that there is no need to bend the index finger - it lies naturally and at ease. The PS3 gamepad looks more like a boomerang and is lighter and smaller. The location of the sticks is not as convenient as on the Xbox 360 game controller - during gameplay the index finger is constantly in a half-bent state, which causes some discomfort for the player, especially after many hours of online battles.

In turn, the PS3 controller has another advantage in the form of a built-in battery, while the owner of the Xbox 360 game console will have to spend additional money on purchasing batteries and a charger for them.

Motion controllers

The Xbox 360 game console is equipped with a Kinest motion controller, and the console from the Japanese manufacturer is equipped with a Move manipulator. The Kinest camera is able to determine the player’s position in space, as a result of which it is as if he himself becomes a joystick, controlling the gameplay using the movements of his body. With the Kinest game controller, the game is controlled in a more traditional way - using a manipulator held in your hand. It is quite difficult to determine the winner in this battle: the Kinest controller has proven itself well in sports simulators, and the Move manipulator is much more convenient to control in those games where fixation, accuracy and throwing power are required.


According to this indicator, the Xbox 360 clearly loses due to the monopoly established by Microsoft. So, if you decide to install a hard drive with a large amount of memory, you will have to buy only the original hard drive, which is quite expensive. The Sony Playstation 3 gaming console does not have this drawback - it can be used with accessories from any manufacturer.

Network resource

Each game console has own network: for Xbox 360 - this is Xbox Live, and for PS3 – Playstation Network. Using these resources, the player can download games and demo versions, play online and communicate with other users. Fans of multi-hour online battles most often choose the PS3 gaming console, since participation in games is completely free for users, while the owner of an Xbox 360 will have to pay an additional fee for using the account.

Network hits or single games

For users who prefer to play various games and are indifferent to online fun, it is worth choosing the Xbox 360 game console. The fact is that the Microsoft product can be flashed and downloaded any games in unlimited quantities, because licensed games are not cheap - 1500 - 3000 rubles per game. However, if you ever want to play with friends online, you risk getting your account banned without the possibility of recovery.


Most buyers, when choosing a gaming console, focus on the games they support, namely exclusive shooters, fighting games and action games. For example, if you are a fan of games such as Uncharted, God of War, InFamous, Heavy Rain, KillZone, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Gran Turismo, then choose the Sony Playstation 3. Exclusives for the Xbox 360 console are represented by such games as like Halo, Fable, Gears of War, AlanWake, Blue Dragon, LostOdyssey, etc.

Electronics manufacturers, as a rule, with each model update strive to make their products as elegant and compact as possible. However, when developing the Xbox One game console, this trend was completely ignored. The new device is significantly larger than its predecessor - it is approximately 6 cm longer and 1 cm taller and wider than the Xbox 360. In addition, the design of the Xbox One console allows for placement only in a horizontal position.


The Xbox One gaming console is equipped with 8 nuclear processor, 8 GB RAM, 500 GB hard drive and Blu-Ray drive. Such a powerful “filling” allows you to bring the world computer games to a new level with more realistic graphics.


In appearance, the Xbox One Gamead is not much different from its predecessor. There are only three main noticeable changes. Firstly, the deflection between the end horizontal keys has been leveled out thanks to a glossy plastic insert. Secondly, the battery recess is now completely recessed into the case and no longer sticks out. Thirdly, the “cross” got rid of rounded shapes and began to work much more accurately. Other changes in the form of slightly beveled handles and slightly mixed control buttons are not so noticeable, but they cope with the task very successfully - the joystick fits in the hand like a glove.

In addition, the Xbox One controller is now officially compatible with Windows, so you can connect it to your computer if you wish.


The camera of the Xbox One game console has also increased significantly in size. The new Kinest is now better suited for small spaces: this is made possible thanks to an expanded viewing angle of 70 degrees vertically and 60 degrees horizontally (for the Xbox 360 game console this figure is 57 and 43 degrees). Now, outside of games, you can do without a gamepad altogether - almost all operations with the console can be performed using gestures and voice commands. Camera with high resolution perfectly recognizes people's faces even in the dark. Of particular note is the ability of Kinest to determine heart rate, which is especially useful in conjunction with sports Xbox app Fitness.

Linking third party devices

The new generation gaming console from Microsoft can be linked to any to a third party device(PC, or ). In practice, it looks like this: by introducing the Xbox One to any application (browser, YouTube, social media etc.), all saves will be reflected on the other device.


Despite some shortcomings, we can safely say that the new Xbox One is certainly a success and is significantly superior to its predecessor (the Xbox 360 game console) in terms of technical parameters And social opportunities. The only drawback compared to the previous model is the higher cost of the console, so if you have just started to join the world of video games, and also do not want to spend money on games and overpay for better graphics, then it is better to opt for Xbox console 360.

Today there are many different devices on the gaming industry market. Games are released on smartphones, tablets, computers, and, of course, game consoles. Among the latter, there are many different models, but the two main top devices are and. And if you can’t decide which company to give preference to, the American Microsoft or the Japanese Sony, this article is for you, in which comparison of xbox one and ps4.

Playstation 4: general information

The world first saw this device in the second half of 2013, a year earlier than it released its Microsoft product. This allowed us to conquer the market - today the PS 4 community is 3 times larger than that of the Xbox. The console is positioned by Sony as gaming device, and its multimedia functions are secondary. Because of this, it has more powerful hardware installed.

The first version of PlayStation 4 is presented with the following technical characteristics:

  • The processor is an eight-core AMD x86-64 “Jaguar” with a core frequency of 1600 MHz. It is completely enough to play all modern games in Full HD resolution.
  • GPU is installed in the device AMD Radeon Graphics Core Next. Its tests give a result of 1.84 Tflops. (Teraflops is a value that shows the number of floating point operations per second. Nothing clear, right? In short, the larger this value, the higher the graphics performance.)
  • RAM capacity – 8 GB s throughput 178 Gb/sec. You won't notice its lack in games.
  • The hard drive has a size of 500 GB, it is enough to install 4-5 games.

General information on hardware is given, a more detailed list is available on our site.

Now let's look at the equipment of the device. In addition to the console itself, the box contains a power cable, headphones, USB and microUSB cables, an HDMI cable, and a controller - Dualshock 4.

New versions of PlayStation

But times are changing, developers are releasing new, more demanding games, and the regular Playstation 4 is outdated. In August 2016, Sony released two new versions of the device: Slim and Pro.

The slim version is almost no different from the regular one. The case has been reduced and redesigned, USB 3.1 ports have been added, and minor changes in performance have been added. A larger volume appeared HDD. But the new version of PS 4 Pro is a separate topic for discussion.

The main purpose of the PS 4 Pro is gaming in 4K resolution. Therefore, the performance of the device has been significantly increased. Now the GPU test gives a result of 4.5 Tflops. The frame rate per second has also been increased. However, for a high-quality picture you will need a 4k TV that meets the requirements.

Xbox One: General Information

Microsoft provided its console a year later, losing a lot in the community. The device is positioned as a media center for the home. And although the main purpose is games, the functions of watching movies and communicating on the Internet are clearly expressed in the Xbox. Now, keeping up with market trends, Microsoft has introduced new version– Xbox One S. Also announced for fall 2017, Xbox One Project Scorpio with support for 4K resolution in games GPU at 6 Tflops.

The first model of the Xbox Van has the following characteristics:

  • Processor - 8-core x86-64 APU, with clock frequency 1.75 GHz. Gaming in Full HD resolution is also possible.
  • GPU: AMD Radeon GCN. Tests have shown that its performance is 1.3 Tflops.
  • RAM – 8 GB with a bandwidth of 68.6 GB/sec.
  • In the first version, the hard drive has a capacity of 500 GB, but in the S version there are variations with 1 TB or 2 TB.
  • More detailed characteristics You can also look at our website http://site/.
  • A gamepad is included with the device, hdmi cable, power supply, set of batteries and a two-week subscription to Xbox Live.

A special word should be said about Kinect technology. Kinect is a wireless controller for the Xbox console. The PlayStation has no analogue. However, its presence does not make the Microsoft product better. In the S version it is completely removed. It is not used in most games and is mostly useless.

Xbox One S version

There are no significant differences from the first version. The case is reduced by 40% and the absence of a power supply is quite a nice bonus, but not worth 25 thousand rubles.
There is now the ability to watch movies in 4K, useful for those few who have a 4K TV. There are no big differences in hardware, and if you have an Xbox Van, then you don’t need the S version.

Clash of the Titans: xbox one s vs ps4

Somehow we got too carried away by the technical characteristics, let's move on to the main question: Whatis it better xbox one or ps4? Here we will consider the latest versions capable of competition: PS 4 Slim and Xbox One S. We will not consider the PS 4 Pro version in this comparison, since Microsoft has nothing to compete with Sony yet.

We will compare according to the following criteria:

  1. Specifications;
  2. Appearance;
  3. Controllers;
  4. Community;
  5. Exclusives;
  6. Price;
  7. Manufacturer support.

Criterion 1 – “Filling”

All the internals of the updated models from both companies remained the same as the first ones. Only appearance.

In the technical confrontation xbox one s vs ps4 slim, the second one wins. It’s not surprising, since the Sony console is positioned as a gaming console, while the Xbox is more intended for media functions. Most of the Xbox functions are not available in Russia; they only work in the United States.

Criterion 2 – “Beauty”

The first thing that is compared is the dimensions of the device. And, although Microsoft reduced the size of the device by 40% (Sony by 17%), the PS 4 Slim is smaller in size. Before the update, the Microsoft product resembled a small PC, now it’s better, but in comparison with the PlayStation 4 it loses a lot.

Both companies did their best with the design; there is no better one. Everything is subjective. Which console do you like best? Choose that one.

Criterion 3 – Input devices

In addition to gamepads, which will be discussed below, consoles have additional input devices. PS4 has a camera and sound controls. Xbox One has a camera, sound controls and Kinect 2.0.

In version S, the built-in Kinect is removed from the Xbox, but the function remains external connection this development. This solution made it possible to reduce the size of the case and place the power supply inside the console.

Since the Xbox One is positioned as a media center, it has a better camera than the Ps 4. The sound controls are the same on both devices.

Now about the most important component of gameplay - the controller. There are no significant differences in structure. The usual joystick handles, slightly improved. Both devices have good response and excellent controllability. The main difference is in the power source. PS 4 has a built-in battery, Xbox one has replaceable batteries. On the one hand, the removable battery can be recharged, and you won’t need to buy anything else. But it only lasts for 6 hours. But the batteries, after they are discharged, can be replaced and continue playing. But they need to be purchased additionally.

Criterion 4 – Gaming Community

The early release date allowed Sony to grow its community three times larger than Microsoft's. Both companies provide ways to share gaming content on Twitch or YouTube. But PlayStation 4 implements this function more simply and conveniently.

A simple rule will help in choosing a console for the community: if one of the consoles prevails in your close circle, buy it. This way you can play with your friends.

Another advantage of PS 4 is the lack of protection on discs. They can be easily exchanged with friends.

Criterion 5 – Exclusives

Developers specifically release games for consoles. They are easier to develop and optimize. And besides, payment is guaranteed - they will not be uploaded to torrents like PC games. Each console comes with its own exclusives, and choosing between these two devices should also be based on what games you want to play.

Sony's exclusives policy looks better than Microsoft's. U last game comes out on both console and PC. Owners of PlayStation 4 feel more unique in this regard, because exclusive games are released only for their platform.

Criterion 6 – Manufacturer support

It's always nice if someone takes care of you, even if they are console manufacturers. Let's look at how manufacturing companies support users.

Microsoft allows you to use Xbox One as a media center for watching movies, communicating on the Internet, etc. In Russia, most of these functions are not available, only gaming activities are possible. But the company has located servers in Europe, and the speed of downloading data from the servers is higher than that of its competitor.

Sony guarantees free repair their consoles on the territory of the Russian Federation. A nice bonus. But the connection speed to the servers is not as high as that of Microsoft. If you have an Internet speed of 1 Gb/sec, you will not be able to use it fully.

Criterion 6 – Cost

The price for 500 GB will be 18,900 rubles, at . 1 TB versions cost 19,900 and 25,990 respectively.

Bottom line

So, finally, let’s answer the question: “Playstation or Xbox, which is better?” Let's say right away that we did not consider the “ps4 pro or xbox one” pair due to the lack of competitive products from Microsoft.

In our subjective opinion, buying a Ps 4 Slim is more profitable than buying an Xbox One S. Firstly, greater performance allows you to play more modern games. Secondly, the price is lower. Thirdly, a more beautiful appearance. Fourthly, the gaming community is 3! times more than the Xbox. If you choose a console for games, then the PlayStation 4 is the best option.

But this is a subjective opinion, choose what you like best.

Where to buy?

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A lot of time has passed since the release of the Xbox One and PS4 consoles, but to this day they continue to remain popular and many are wondering what is the best choice to purchase in 2018. The question is complex and needs to be approached comprehensively, having considered the characteristics and features of each game console. Let's go through the main points and figure out what better than xbox One or PS4 Pro, so you know which is better to choose for yourself.

Comparison of consoles or which is better to buy in 2018 - Xbox One and PS4?


Each manufacturer used its own approach when creating the console, and it is fundamentally different from each other. Sony PS4 Pro and Slim are positioned as gaming consoles, while Xbox One is presented as a powerful multimedia center. It would seem that there is a difference between these concepts, but in fact there is one, which you will understand after reading the article. When figuring out which console is better than Xbox One or PS4, you can come to one simple conclusion: the biggest difference lies in technical characteristics ah and the operating system. For many, they will be the deciding factor in their choice.

Design and equipment of game consoles

Appearance is a controversial point, because everyone will have their own opinion, as they say, there are no comrades according to taste and color. It's up to you to decide - after looking at the photo below you will understand which option you like. In my opinion, the PS4 Pro looks more beautiful - the beveled edges make it more modern and even somewhat futuristic, while the XBOX One is a simple black box. Another disadvantage of the Microsoft console is that the power supply is not built into the case, but takes up space on the table. In Playstation 4, the power supply is built into the case, so it will be easier to find a place for the console.

When figuring out whether it’s better to buy an Xbox One or a PS4, you need to consider what comes with each console.

With Playstation 4 you get the following:

  • Power cable;
  • Headset with a single earpiece;
  • USB-MicroUSB cable;
  • Gamepad Dualshock 4;
  • HDMI cable for connecting to a monitor or TV;
  • Documentation and the console itself.

Xbox One is sold in the following configurations:

  • Kinect 2.0, but it is not available in all console configurations;
  • Xbox Life subscription for 1 month;
  • Headphones;
  • Gamepad and batteries for it;
  • Network adapter;
  • HDMI cable;
  • Documentation and the console itself.

And here Xbox takes the lead, since at the same cost the delivery package turned out to be more generous. Separately, kinect 2.0 is expensive, so its presence is a significant advantage, especially since in the second generation it acquired new capabilities. The included headphones will also be better than those on the Xbox, especially since they fit two ears, which is much more convenient.

Comparison of Dualshock 4 and Microsoft gamepad gamepads

When comparing Xbox One and PS4, you cannot ignore this point, because your comfort during the game depends on the gamepad. The more convenient it is to use, the better you will play, which means this is an important point when choosing a console. The gamepad for the Xbox 360 was not subjected to any special changes when creating the new console, which fans appreciated, since they already had almost no complaints about it. The company managed to offer an almost perfect solution that did not need any modification. Among the changes - an infrared port appeared, the “hump” under the batteries was removed, making the gamepad more ergonomic, the location of the menu key was changed, and the cross and sticks were modified. There have also been a number of small design changes. To make the immersion in the gameplay even more complete, vibration was added to the triggers.

A comparison of PS4 Pro and Xbox shows that competitors are not standing still. When developing Dualshock 4, all past shortcomings were taken into account, thanks to which it was possible to offer a modern gamepad, which you would expect to see in the latest generation console. Dualshock 4 has become wider and has more sensitive sticks, so it fits perfectly in the hands of a gamer. A big advantage in comparison with the Microsoft gamepad is the fact that it does not run on batteries, but on a built-in battery. This allows you to play for 6-8 hours without being limited by the length of the wires, and if necessary you can always connect Charger and continue the game. But on the Xbox, dead batteries cause a lot of trouble, because until you replace them with new ones, you can forget about playing your favorite game.

When figuring out which is better than Xbox One or PS4, one cannot help but notice that Dualshock 4 received touchpad, which may have different purposes depending on the application or game. Another positive change is the introduction of a built-in speaker, which makes for an immersive experience game process more profound. This perfectly complements the horror atmosphere when playing a horror game. The indicator light complements the capabilities of the PS4 Pro. So, it can be illuminated in different colors, conveying to you important information. In Killzone Shadow Fall, it can be used to understand the character's current health level. In addition, at any time you can set the intensity of its glow, which is very convenient. Both controllers have a headphone jack.

Comparison of technical characteristics of Xbox One and PS4

So we get to the most important difference between the consoles - their positioning. In terms of power, the consoles are not very different from each other, but the PS is much better suited for games and now I will explain why. Both consoles have 8 GB of RAM installed, but only the Xbox One has only 5 GB allocated for games, and the rest is allocated for the needs of the system and this cannot be changed in any way. In PS 4, only 1 GB of RAM is allocated for the system, which means that there is as much as 7 GB left for games, which is much better. But this is not the only reason why the Japanese console is better for games. Xbox One vs PS4 comparison of characteristics does not end yet, next is the most interesting part.

The PlayStation 4 uses a more powerful latest generation graphics card - the main component in games. That's why the PS4 has the upper hand in games - they will load faster thanks to more free RAM, and the new video card provides better graphics. In some games the difference is almost not felt, but in others it is clearly noticeable. Also, a lot depends on the game itself, or more precisely on how well the developer optimized it. And in this regard, exclusives win, of which there are many more on PS.

There are now practically no exclusives left on the Xbox; now all of them have become available on the computer, and therefore there is no incentive to buy the console. But Sony focuses specifically on games, which make up the bulk of the company’s revenue and are released exclusively on the console. These are high-quality and interesting projects, for example Uncharted, the passage of which will give you a lot of pleasure. Below you can see a comparison of PS4 and Xbox One graphics to clearly see the difference.

Operating system Xbox One and PlayStation 4

XBox Van uses more than one operating system, and two at once - Xbox OS and mini-Windows. They function together. Due to this, you can simultaneously watch a TV show and play (using the picture-in-picture function), and there are also a number of other interesting additions, characteristic of Smart TV. This is the second feature that follows from the positioning of the console. The Xbox One comes pre-installed with applications such as Skype, popular social networks, and a cool browser. If you wish, you can always download and install many new programs, which are presented in a wide range in the company store. There are more of them than on the PlayStation 4. Because of this, the XBox Van is ideal as a TV set-top box so that you don’t have to buy it separately.

Range of games and exclusives for Xbox One and PS4

Games are what you buy a console for, so let's look at them in more detail. When comparing PS4 and Xbox One games, one cannot help but notice the huge number of exclusives available on the Japanese console. The popularity of the Xbox 360 was ensured by the fact that many people put freeboot on it and installed hacked games, but now this will not work, just like on the Sony PlayStation 4. In other words, now you can’t play anywhere for free, you will have to buy all the games. At the same time, on both consoles they are incredibly expensive, but there is no longer such an urgent need for disks as there was before.

Thus, consoles offer equal conditions, and accordingly, exclusives play a much larger role. There are many more of them on PS4, including such hits as:

  • The Uncharted series, which recently acquired a sequel;
  • Little Big Planet 3;
  • InFamous Series;
  • Killzone and a number of successful PS3 games that are also available on the new generation console: Heavy Rain, God of War, Last of Us and many other projects that are extremely popular among players. For this reason, many choose PlayStation, wanting to play high-quality exclusives.

The following games are exclusively available for Xbox One:

  • Gears of War 4;
  • Halo 5;
  • Forza Motorsport 6.

There are other exclusive projects, but they are much smaller in scale and inferior in quality, which is why most gamers choose PS4.

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