Instructions for converting drawings from AutoCAD to PDF. How to create a PDF file from an AutoCAD drawing. Convert DWG to PDF Export from AutoCAD to pdf

Sometimes it becomes necessary to print a drawing where AutoCAD is not installed, or send it to the Customer for approval. Therefore, the most correct way is to save AutoCAD as pdf.

Several ways to convert AutoCAD to PDF.

Let's look at several options for saving AutoCAD to PDF. Initially, it is best to configure the parameters of the sheets that are used for design and subsequent printing of the drawing.

In our case, the drawing is located in the Model space. You need to right-click on the “Model” tab, as shown in the figure, then select “Sheet Parameters Manager”.

A dialog box will open in which we will create a new set of parameters by clicking the “Create” button.

In the “Sheet Options - Model” window that appears, you must first select the DWG To PDF.pc3 driver. Decide on the format and scale. Also set the appropriate orientation of the drawing. Particular attention should be paid to the printing area. There are 3 options: border, limits, screen. Choose the appropriate method.

Pay special attention to printing styles. If you select the monochrome.ctb option, the entire drawing will be displayed in black and white (monochrome). It is also important what print quality you choose.

By clicking view in the lower left corner, you can see the result of the setting.

If you are satisfied with everything, click “Ok”.
Next, the newly created set needs to be installed on our model. Click Install. The result is shown in the figure below.

NOTE: If the work is formatted in the “Sheet” space, then the sequence of setting the parameters of sheets for printing is similar. The only thing is that you need to right-click on the “Sheet” tab when it is active. Next, select “Sheet Settings Manager”, etc.

Translation from AutoCAD to pdf using the "Print" command.

Go to the application menu → “Print”, or write “PRINT” in the command line.

The familiar dialog box will open. Because a set of parameters has been created previously, just select it. Otherwise, make the necessary settings as described above.

Export from AutoCAD to pdf.

To export from AutoCAD to PDF, you need to select the application menu → Export → PDF, as shown in the figure.

A dialog box will open as shown in the figure.

This method allows you to create a pdf file with the ability to redefine a set of sheet parameters. Select a location for the file, change the sheet settings and export type if necessary. Provide a file name and then click Save.

AutoCAD saving to pdf via publishing.

You can also save an AutoCAD drawing to PDF through publication.

A dialog box will open as shown in the image below. You need to keep only those sheets that you plan to convert to PDF in Autocad, the rest should be deleted. You also need to specify a location to save the file by clicking “Publish Options...”. Once everything is configured, select “Publish”.

Next, a dialog box will appear in which you will be asked to save the current list of sheets.

Another information window warns you that publishing is running in the background. Just close it.

In this lesson you will learn How to save a drawing in PDF format in AutoCAD.

From the video you will learn:

– How to convert (translate) a drawing from AutoCAD to PDF;

– How to export a drawing from AutoCAD to pdf.

Video version of the lesson:

Text version of the lesson:

Hello dear students, today we will look at the question “How to work with PDF files in AutoCAD” in practice. Please remember to practice everything you read. Go!

Question 1. How to save a drawing in PDF format?

Step 1. Let's consider this question using the example of an already created drawing, let's go to the sheets where

Step 2. To save the drawing in PDF format, you need to go to the “output” tab.

Step 3. Going to the tab, we need to expand the list in the “Export” command. To do this, click on the “Export” button.

Having expanded the list, click on the PDF button.

Step 4. In a new window, you need to select a location to save the file. We decided that we would save the PDF to the desktop, enter a file name and click on “save”.

Step 5. After this, the program should display the following message: “Print/publish job completed,” after which we will see our PDF file on the desktop.

You can open the file with any PDF reader that is installed on your computer.

Question 2. How to save a PDF drawing, but in black and white?

Step 1. While in sheets, right-click on the word “Sheet 1” (in our case), if your sheet is called differently or the drawing is on sheet 2, then you select “Sheet 2” and also right-click. Our task is to ensure that the printing is black and white; to do this, you need to go to the sheet parameters.

Right-click and select the “Sheet Settings Manager” command.

Make sure the names match.

Step 2. In the new window, click on the word “Edit”. Let me remind you that our task is to ensure that the sheet is always printed in black and white.

Step 3. In the new window, you should select in the style sheet a style called “monochrome”. To do this, open all the styles and select the one you need.

Step 4. After we have selected the desired style, click on “ok”.

Step 6. Now, we need to go through the steps that we covered in “question 1” How to save a drawing in PDF format. Opening the drawing we will see that it has become black and white.

Let's sum it up save the drawing in pdf format in AutoCAD very easy and simple. You just need to select different steps when printing and we will receive our file. And if you need to make a drawing in black and white, you should also follow simple steps and in the end we will have a black and white drawing.

And that’s all we have! See you in new lessons, thanks for your attention!

Other lessons on the topic

You may need to save DWG to PDF for various reasons; perhaps the customer does not have the opportunity to open files with the dwg extension or simply protect his work from copying or changes.

Interesting. You can read about how to do the reverse operation.

AutoCAD how to save to PDF

Saving in AutoCAD dwg to pdf happens in the following order:

1. Open the print window in any convenient way (click the icon, select the menu item File → Print, press the key combination Ctrl+P, enter PLOT or PRINT in the command line).

2. In the list of printers, select ".

3. Select the required sheet format to save the file dwg to pdf from the list below. If the required format does not exist, create it using the Custom Sheet Format Wizard by clicking: Properties → Custom Sheet Sizes → Add.

5. All that remains is to choose a location to save the pdf file.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about saving in AutoCAD dwg to pdf.

AutoCAD to PDF. Saving fonts

To avoid problems when displaying non-standard fonts on other computers, you can use the ability to embed these fonts in the generated PDF file.

In the printer settings "" do the following: Properties → Advanced Properties → Advanced Properties → Then on the Fonts tab, check the Enable all option. Here you can disable information about the layers of a dwg drawing in a pdf file by unchecking the corresponding checkbox.

Healthy. Read how to protect a pdf file from printing, copying and editing.

How to convert AutoCAD to pdf. Video tutorial

A video lesson on how to convert AutoCAD to pdf will be recorded soon...

For novice AutoCAD users, it will be useful to learn how drawings are saved in the program, including in JPEG and PDF formats -
this is especially true when you need to print a drawing later in a print store where AutoCAD is not installed (and pdfs are printed everywhere).

So, saving is usually done through the Export command in the main menu.
You choose which format to export the file to, for example, you can convert from dwg to pdf and then the drawing can be viewed even by those users who do not have AutoCAD installed on their computer, but only have Adobe Reader. You will only need to configure the export parameters before saving - specify the boundaries, orientation of the drawing, where to save the file.

When exporting to jpeg in stdu viewer, right-click on the pdf file and select Export page as image, save the file where you want.

We save AutoCAD drawings in PDF and JPEG Also, if you don’t have AutoCAD, but have a dwg drawing, you can convert the dwg file to pdf using special programs DWG True View (look for it on the official website of the AutoCAD developer company - or PDF Creator
In the first case, to download the program for viewing, publishing and printing DWG True View, you will need to indicate your first name, last name, country in which you live, and e-mail. You will also need to enter information in the form fields about where you work or study and what industry your organization belongs to,
They may also ask for your position (if you indicated a company). Next, click the Download button and download the DWG True View English version (about 200Mb) to your computer.

To save the file as a pdf, in the main menu of the program, click Open and specify the drawing file. Then select Export and configure the export parameters approximately as in the previous video (specify Window and highlight the drawing with a frame). Next, click Save to save

Save the AutoCAD drawing file in DWG True View

To convert a model from AutoCAD - dwg to Compass - m3d, you can use the .sat format. Compass automatically reads such a file and converts it into its own.

We save AutoCAD drawings in .sat format

To convert drawings saved in AutoCAD formats into pdf files, you need to open each drawing sequentially in the AutoCAD program and perform the following actions with it:
2. In the window that opens, select Printer/Plotter Name: DWG To PDF.pc3 (Fig. 1).

Picture 1

Figure 2

5. Where Fonts, put the “Enable all” checkbox and then the “As lines” checkbox (this is so that later all fonts can be read regardless of their presence on the computer) (Fig. 3). Click "OK".

Figure 3

6. If the drawing size is standard (for example: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), then go to step 7, otherwise select Non-standard sheet formats (Fig. 4).

Figure 4

Click “Add”, point “Start over” (Fig. 5). Click "Next".

Figure 5

Set the sheet dimensions for the drawing (Fig. 6). Click "Next".

Figure 6

Here we set the size of the fields (if additional white fields are not needed for the drawing, then set “0” everywhere) (Fig. 7). Click "Next".

Figure 7

Here we write the name of our sheet size (it’s better to indicate these dimensions in the name so as not to get confused later) (Fig. 8). Click "Next".

Figure 8

Then click “Finish” (Fig. 9).

Figure 9

Figure 10

8. Select the sheet size from the Format list: either the sheet that we created or another one you need.
9. In the “What to print” print area, select “Frame” (Fig. 11). Select the outer boundaries of the drawing.


Figure 11

10. Check the "Center" box.
11. Set the print scale.
12. In the Print Style Table, select “monochrome.ctb” (if the drawing should be black and white) or other (Fig. 12).

Figure 12

13. Check the “Take into account line weights” and “Take into account print styles” checkboxes.
14. If necessary, change the orientation of the drawing with the “portrait” or “landscape” point.
15. Click “Apply to sheet” (Fig. 13).
16. Click “View” and check what happened.

Figure 13

17. If something is not satisfactory, click “Cross” (cancel), if everything is in order, click on the “Print” printer icon.
18. In the window that opens, select a folder, write the file name, then click “Save” (Fig. 14).

Figure 14

The PDF file of our drawing has been created.

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