How to disable location tracking in Android OS. How to disable location tracking in Mozilla Firefox How to disable location tracking on your phone

The question of privacy and convenience often comes up when it comes to technology. The same geolocation that tells you there's a good coffee shop nearby, or that automatically maps you to your airport gate, can also be used to find a first aid station. Here's how to turn off location tracking on Android if you don't want it anymore.

How does Android do location tracking?

According to Google, location history "helps you get useful information- such as automatic trip predictions or improved search results - creating a private map where you are tracked using registered devices."

If for any reason your location tracking service is not working, then you should contact a repair shop. Most likely your device is faulty. If you have your own electronics repair service or have friends who have a service, recommend them a program that will automate all business processes

If the card is private, what's the problem?

We didn't say there was a problem! But not everyone feels comfortable knowing that they are being tracked. If you lose your device, then the data could be used by someone with malicious intent. If you were a burglar, wouldn't it be great to know not only where the victim lives, but also when he leaves and returns from work?

It's also possible that location data could one day be used against you in court. And of course, some people just aren't comfortable with private organizations like Google knowing every aspect of your life.

What is the disadvantage of disabling Android location tracking?

You'll lose some of the things that make Android so good. Google Assistant will be less informative if it doesn't know your favorite places, and some apps aren't very useful without location services enabled. On the other hand, less GPS use means less battery drain.

How to disable location tracking Android

There are two ways to avoid telling Google where you're going. On your computer, go to > Location history> Change the position of the checkbox.

It's even easier on an Android phone.

  • Open settings
  • Scroll to "Personal data", then click "Location".
  • In the top right corner you will see an on/off switch. Use it to turn location services on or off.
  • Click "Location"> "History"locationsGoogle"
  • Once again - there is a button in the top right corner that allows you to turn location history on and off

How to delete location history on Android

  • If you also want to delete your location history, you can do so under Location: under Location history tap the three dots in the top right corner and then tap "View and Control".
  • Click the three dots again, then Settings
  • You should now be in the section dedicated to personal data
  • Here you can delete all location history or choose "Delete location history range" to remove only part of it. Once deleted, this information cannot be restored.

How to turn off location tracking on iPhone or iPad

If you have an Apple phone or tablet in addition to an Android phone, you'll also need to check your iOS location tracking settings: Apple may store your location data and share it with apps. To disable this, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.

Assuming location services is turned on, you should see a list of apps with two pieces of information: a button showing whether access to location services is enabled or disabled for that app, and a small arrow if the app has recently used your location data.

There is another screen here, « System Services» , which allows you to disable the use of your location for a number of features such as location-based advertising, web browser search suggestions, time zone settings, etc. Simply disable any services you want to disable.

How to enable location tracking Android

If you need guidance from Google Assistant, or decide your movements aren't interesting enough to worry about other people seeing them, it's easy enough to turn on Android location tracking. This time all you need to do is:

  • Open settings
  • Go to location
  • Use the on-screen toggle button in the top right corner to turn it on
  • Click "Google Location History" and use the on-screen button to turn it on.

A similar process with Apple devices: return to Settings > Privacy > Location Services and use the toggle buttons to reactivate the services.

Many people don't even know that they are constantly being tracked and that their location is constantly being recorded on Google servers. Every place you visit is tracked with using Wi-Fi, mobile networks and GPS. This option is enabled by default and usually makes the user experience more convenient.

There are many apps and services that rely on your location, such as Google Now, or show your location in Tweets, Facebook messages, etc., so your movement is constantly tracked.

Although tracking your location has many benefits, those who care about their privacy don't like this feature. And this is logical, since not everyone wants to reveal their exact location. In this case, it is possible to disable the location tracking function. Additionally, you can also delete all previous location history.

If you want to disable the location feature and keep your current location private, below are detailed instructions which will show you how to disable Google feature Location, and will also tell you how to delete previous location history.

Note! There are many apps that need your location data to provide services, and in most cases, disabling location tracking is more important to some of them than maintaining your privacy. Before disabling this feature, make sure you don't depend on apps that use your location to provide services, or you'll have to stop using them. Moreover, the effect is not permanent, by following the same procedures described below, you can enable this feature again at any time convenient for you. Therefore, you should not worry if you disable the location feature.

How to turn off location tracking on PC in Windows 10

If you don't like the idea of ​​Windows 10 always knowing your location, you can quickly change your settings and turn it off. You can disable location tracking only for your account user or per user account.

How to disable location tracking for one user account

How to turn off location tracking for all Windows 10 accounts

If you have multiple accounts Windows entries, you can turn off the location for everyone at once. You can do this as follows..

The blue color of the switch should disappear.

Video - How to disable location in Windows 10

How to set a computer shutdown timer

If you want to turn off your computer after certain time, for example, after rendering is finished but you need somewhere to go, you can set a computer shutdown timer. Fortunately, third party programs are not required for this.

There are several ways to shut down your computer using the shutdown timer.

Method 1: Using the command “shutdown -s -t N”

On a note! It may happen that you change your mind about turning off your computer. In this case, press “Win ​​+ R” and in the window that appears, insert “shutdown -a”. This will reset the previous command, canceling the computer shutdown.

Method 2: Create a shortcut with the command “shutdown.exe -s -t N”

How to disable location tracking on Android&iOS

The location tracking feature can be very useful. For example, she can recommend a great cafe nearby, but this option can also lead to trouble.

If during the first launch of your Android devices, when asked if you would like your location to be tracked, you answered “Yes,” then you have a location history. It contains data about all your movements, added by Google to automatic mode. You can view it in your Google account. This history may provide more accurate search results or any other clues.

However, if you are not comfortable and don't feel secure (that your steps are being tracked), you can turn off the location tracking feature. And here's how to do it.

Disable location tracking on Android

Note! You can also do the following. Open the link There you will see “Location History”. Slide the switch to turn it off.

If you want to delete your location history, do the following.

You can also access location settings through Google Maps.

Turn off location tracking on iPhone and iPad

Location services in iOS are quite flexible. You can disable them as follows:

How to disable location tracking in browsers

There are services and add-ons that require your current location while browsing. Therefore, if you do not want them to know your location, you need to disable location tracking in your browser specifically.

Below are detailed instructions on how to disable location in different browsers.

Disable Location Tracking in Chrome

Your location will no longer be tracked. In this window, you can also add sites that are allowed to track your location.

Disable location tracking in Opera

Your location will no longer be tracked.

Disable location tracking in Mozilla Firefox

This means that your location will no longer be tracked.

Disable location tracking in Internet Explorer

Your location will no longer be tracked.

Disable location tracking in Microsoft Edge

Browser Microsoft Edge associated with operating room Windows system, so location tracking settings are not available in it. But if you turn off the location in Windows settings for a PC (as in the instructions at the very beginning of this article), then your location will not be used in the browser.

Video - How to prevent sites from tracking your location

Like most popular browsers Mozilla Firefox uses geolocation – a function that allows you to determine the user’s location. Websites you visit may ask for information about your physical location, and this can sometimes be very useful because this approach allows you to narrow down your geographic search, thereby allowing you to find things faster. necessary information or goods.

To determine your physical location, your IP address, information about nearby wireless access points, and some other, less significant data are used. How safe is this technology? According to the Firefox developers, no confidential data that violates user privacy is sent during geopositioning. Moreover, the user's location is requested only if the site itself sends the request.

But that's not all. You have every right to refuse to provide the site with your data, and in addition, you can revoke the permission previously given to the site at any time. However, if you feel that Firefox's use of geolocation is somehow violating your privacy, or you simply don't want sites to track you, you can disable the feature entirely. To do this, enter in the browser line about:config and complete the transition.

After you press the button I promise I'll be careful, the browser will redirect you to the settings page.

Find the parameter geo.enabled and double click to set the value false.

As an additional measure, you can prevent sites from tracking you in your browser settings (in the privacy section). Location ban search engines is done separately, in the search settings, for example, to prohibit geopositioning by Yandex you need to go to the address and choose City settings.

Disabling physical location detection is also available in other browsers. For example, in Opera this can be done in the settings section Web sites.

IN old version Opera for this you need to follow the address opera:config, In chapter Geolocation Uncheck and clear the location service address field.

If you are wondering how to disable location, then you have come to the right place. This need arises for those who use Android smartphones, iOS and Windows computers.

Certainly, geolocation- Very useful feature, but in some cases we don’t really want “big brother” to watch us (this is from the work “1984” by J. Orwell).

So, let's proceed to the shutdown procedure. various devices.

Android smartphones and tablets

Initially, you can turn off geolocation using the functions menu, which opens by swiping from the top. The process looks like this step by step:

1Open the function menu. To do this, swipe from top to bottom, that is, just move with your finger.

2There will be items for the Internet, airplane mode, flashlight and, in fact, location. Just click on the item "Geolocation". It will stop glowing. This will mean that it is disabled.

Important! This item may be called "Location", so "Geolocation". It all depends on the version of the operating system.

3If you want to delete location history from the device’s memory, that is, places where you were, you need to hold down this item in the functions menu. The location settings window will open. There you can also turn this function on and off. This is done by moving the switch to the position "On"(when the switch is green) or "Off"(when he is white). Below there will be a point "Story…", which makes it possible to erase this data.

But this procedure will still not prevent Google from monitoring where you are and even what you are doing. To completely get rid of the influence of this “evil” company, Here's what else you need to do:

1Go to settings. This shortcut is located on the desktop. In some versions it is also in the same menu additional functions, which opens by swiping from top to bottom (in the form of a gear in the upper right corner).

2In settings, find “My location”. It is in the section "Personal data".

3There will be two inscriptions - “By coordinates of the series” and “By GPS satellites» . It is best to uncheck the boxes next to each of them. Only in this case, no one will have the opportunity to monitor you in any way.

It is worth noting that some devices do not have the ability to work with satellites. Therefore, if you complete all the steps outlined in the list above, but do not find the corresponding item in the menu, this is quite normal. You should not look for it in any other places and sections of the settings.

Now let's move on to the same procedure, but on Apple smartphones and tablets.

iOS smartphones and tablets

It is worth saying that everything is much more interesting here. The fact is that in iOS many more applications use the determination of the user’s position on the map than in Android. But turn off this function It’s also simple here. This is done like this:

  • Go to settings. In iOS, the corresponding shortcut is also on the desktop.
  • In settings, open “Privacy”. This section contains all the settings related to the user’s personal data.
  • Next open "Location Services".
  • IN open window There will be a switch next to the same inscription. You need to make sure he is in position "Off", that is, it was white. If not, press the switch and location detection will turn off.
  • You will be prompted to perform this action. It will contain a warning about the possible consequences of disabling the user's location. We will return to this later. So, in this request you need to click the button "Switch off".
  • Close settings. The changes will take effect immediately.

As for the consequences of the actions described above, which are discussed in the shutdown request, they boil down to the fact that the function "Find iPhone" will become inaccessible. It is intended for cases when the user loses his device or it is stolen from him.

When the function is enabled, you can easily determine where the device is located and even see it on the map. Additionally, some applications will not work or certain features may not be available. In fact, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. So feel free to click "Switch off" in the request and continue working.

The procedure described above was done on an iPhone (as you can tell from the screenshots), but on an iPad it will be performed in exactly the same way.

In this case, Apple will also be able to track you, even if the location is disabled. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a number of other actions, namely, erase “frequently visited places”, remove Spotlight search, and so on. The full process of disabling geolocation is shown in the video below.

Windows computers

In Windows 10, the feature in question is enabled by default. The manufacturer’s goal is the same as in other cases – collecting information about the user. The system tracks where he was, what he did, asks for feedback, and so on.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, but some users decide to disable this function - either to save battery power, or because they are afraid of surveillance " big brother».

Whatever it was, this service can be disabled and this is done as follows:

1Go to the menu "Start" and open there "Settings". If your interface is English language, then the settings will be called "Settings".

2Go to the section "Confidentiality" or "Privacy". A new window will open in which you will need to go to the “Location” or “Location” section.

3There you can disable this function for specific applications or for the entire OS. To do this, there is a list of programs and a slider next to each of them, as well as another slider under the inscription "Location" or "Location". They can be placed in position "On" or "Off".

Important! It is extremely important to do all this from an account that has administrator rights. Please note that even if you work from the same account all the time, this does not mean that you are an administrator.

You can learn more about obtaining administrator rights in the video below.

As you can see, everything is done quite simply, but in different versions Windows process outages may look different. Figure No. 5 shows disabling geolocation on the “ten”. On Windows 8 it looks exactly the same.

But as for Windows 7, location is possible there only if the computer has the necessary sensor. Accordingly, in order to disable the service in question, it is necessary to disable this very sensor. This is done as follows:

  • Open menu "Start" and enter “sensor” into the search bar. It will be easiest this way.
  • The list above will show all the programs and services associated with that word. You are taking "Enable location sensor and other sensors". In principle, you could initially enter a query to search for a given service rather than typing in the word “sensor.”
  • If there are no sensors in the system, the list will be empty. And if there is, next to each one on the right there will be (or not) a check mark, which indicates that this sensor is working. Actually, you only need to uncheck the box next to the geolocation sensor.

It is worth saying that not every ordinary user can determine which sensor does what by name.

Therefore, you will have to look on the Internet for its functionality by the name of the sensor. Most often, the official website has all the necessary information. "Start" To check if the location feature works in Windows 7, you need to go to the menu enter the query “sensor” and open the program"View Posting Actions"

. Again, you can immediately enter the name of this service into the search bar. In the open window you need to look at the section"Location Actions"

. If there are 0 events there, then the position is not determined and is not sent to the corporation. Accordingly, if there is something, you can view the list of actions.

There is no such service in Ubuntu, since the manufacturer does not need data about where users are and what they are doing. So there is no way to disable it there.

"I can not!"

In this case, write to us. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. Main advantage useful option

The point is that if you have lost your phone, finding it will not be difficult, the main thing is that the battery does not run out, but even if this happens, a turned off iPhone (or Android) can be found with the help of special services.

One of the main disadvantages is that if the phone is in always working mode, it will start to discharge too quickly. Therefore, for the convenience of gadget owners, the built-in geolocation program can be active or inactive. navigation system. Without the help of this option, you will not immediately find your way in an unfamiliar city if you need to find a restaurant or overnight accommodation.

But if you're determined to rid your phone of hidden surveillance, it's quite easy to do.

How to disable geolocation

The geolocation icon resembles a drop and is displayed at the very top, where the battery indicator is. It is impossible to confuse the icon with something else. To wipe a drop from the face of the earth, just go to the “settings” of your phone. Select "location" or "privacy". Uncheck “by network coordinates” and “by satellites”.

By disconnecting, you will also protect yourself from possible spies who are trying to get as much information as possible in order to use it for personal gain. But you shouldn’t stress yourself out in vain - to pursue a person, you need good reasons.

On the iPhone, the functions have slightly different names - “privacy” and “location services”. The shutdown principle is the same. Just find the items in the settings and confirm the disabling (you can disable it selectively, leaving the geolocation for navigation and removing, for example, from “photo”). Understanding the settings of any phone is not difficult.

Before you disable the option, no matter which one you have operating system, make sure all applications are turned off. You can enable the function at any time.

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