How to log into the full version of VKontakte. How to install the royal VKontakte client or how to sit offline VK from iPhone Extensions for VK on safari

One tap and you're done.

Articles tagged "CHIP" include short recipes for activation little-known functions in iOS, OS X operating systems and Apple gadgets. If you already knew about this– we are proud to present you with a virtual “advanced user” medal. Let's give other readers the opportunity to receive such an award;)

Mobile operating system iOS still keeps a lot of secrets that, at first glance, do not seem obvious.

One of the problems that an active iPhone user faces is opening web pages in mobile version layouts. In the Safari browser, there are two options for switching to the full-size version:

For a long time? Agree! And there is a beautiful one alternative to this method:

Method 2. Fast:

  1. When you open a web page in your Safari browser, click on the icon Update and do not release your finger for several seconds.
  2. A pop-up menu will open asking you to go to Full version of the site.

Note: More and more website owners are installing forced opening of the mobile version, which cannot be circumvented using standard means. It is likely that after the transition to Full version, the page will remain unchanged.

To enable the mobile version of the site close the current tab with the page and go to its address again.

The day has come when you, as usual, decided to log into your favorite social network, but then it just doesn’t work out.

And you don't understand why this happens. Well, let's solve this problem together.

First, answer the question, what happens when you try to log into

Fast forward to the answer you need:

The VKontakte website ( does not load?

There are several explanations for this:

VKontakte login and password don't work?

The answer to the question and the solution is very simple!

First, make sure that you enter your username and password correctly:

  • Make sure you enter the password in the correct language, for example, you enter a password using Russian letters, but it is in the English keyboard layout;
  • Make sure the caps lock light is not on on the keyboard, otherwise the password will be entered incorrectly;

Are your login and password still incorrect? Then an attacker most likely stole your password and changed it. But you can restore access to your page again, if the page is registered to your phone number, which you have at hand.

Restoring access to the VKontakte page

Click on the link “Forgot your password?”, enter your phone number to which the page is registered (or e-mail, or login), click “next”. You will be asked to enter the characters from the image (captcha), and then confirm whether this page is yours

After this, a code will be sent to your phone number which you need to enter in the form provided and click “change password”.

Well, after that we just come up with a new password.

After this, you will be able to log in to VKontakte again, with the same login, but with a new password that you came up with.
To avoid errors, you will also receive another SMS on your phone, in which you will be reminded of the information you entered so that you do not forget or lose it.

Are they asking you to send an SMS when you go to a VKontakte page?

Everything seems to be as usual, but they ask you to send SMS for money.

You think that Pavel Durov, the creator of the VKontakte network, is to blame, and that the day has come when you will have to pay for it, or there are some technical problems and in order for everything to work you need to send an SMS. But this is absolutely not true!

Very often people think that their VKontakte page is blocked, or there are simply problems with the site itself and it does not work, but this is absolutely not true! To check this, just go to your VKontakte page from your friend’s computer and you will make sure that everything is fine with it.

This means that your page is not blocked. What happens then, why doesn’t he go to the site The answer is simple - a virus has entered your computer or Trojan horse, which blocks access to the site and requires sending a paid SMS in return.

Such messages can look very believable and as if on behalf of the VKontakte administration, but this is not so.

Remember once and for all, the above-mentioned social network never requires money from you to access your page.

One of the ways to infect your computer or gain access to your page is to send you a link in a letter on behalf of your VKontakte friend, whose page has already been hacked, or whose computer is already charged. You click on it, do some actions, and the next day you cannot get in touch.

Think before you click on such links. More often than not, messages with such links may make you suspicious. For example, you have never communicated with this person (and you don’t remember when he became your friend), and then suddenly a message comes from him: “Hello. How are you? Follow this link, there is something interesting written about you))).” Under no circumstances should you fall for such tricks from scammers.

A file similar to vkontakte.exe could have arrived on your computer, which automatically opens a window reminiscent of the VKontakte site, but this is a fake page, that is, not real, very similar to it, where various errors appear when you want to view your page.

Do not send the SMS that you are asked to send.

This will not give you access, but after one SMS they will require a second, then a third, and so on. At the same time, you constantly have from your account mobile phone Tidy sums will be written off. And you can also infect your mobile phone.

How to solve a problem?

  1. Firstly, install an antivirus. If you have it installed, then update it. Perhaps its anti-virus databases are long outdated, and for this reason it did not protect your computer from hacker attacks.
  2. Secondly, search for the vkontakte.exe program on your computer. If found, remove it immediately.
  3. Third, edit the host file on your computer, which may have been modified by a virus. We will dwell on this point in more detail, since in most cases this is the reason.

How to find and edit the host file?

Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. This means go to drive C, then to Windows folder, then to System32, drivers and finally to the etc. folder.

To avoid having to get to the etc folder for a long time, as written above, you can simply address bar Explorer, enter C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and you will be taken to the desired folder.

There is hosts file. Open it with standard program"Notebook".
Remove everything from there except this line: localhost

and save the file.

Can't save the hosts file?

If you cannot save the hosts file - you are denied access, then click right click mouse on the hosts file, select “Properties”, then “Security”, then click “Edit” and select users,
(click on the image to enlarge and view it)

check all the boxes and click “Apply”.

After this, you can edit and save the hosts file. But when you edit this file and save it, then return the permissions to us. This is important for safety.

How to prevent such problems in the future?

1) Use antiviruses with constantly up-to-date (fresh) virus and Trojan programs databases;

2) Before entering your username and password from the VKontakte page, make sure that the address is accurate in your browser.

Due to your carelessness, you can give your password to an attacker by simply entering it on a page very similar to a contact, with a difference in address of just one character, for example;

3) Create a complex password for the VK page and email. Don't just use letters or numbers, but alternate them, and also use large and small letters, also alternating them.

If you are currently using a simple password, immediately go to the page settings and change it to a more complex one.

This will protect you from password guessing programs. Don’t wait until you are hacked and I will send spam on your behalf;

4) Do not download suspicious programs or add-ons for contacts, which, according to the creators, increase friends, likes and votes;

5) Don't open suspicious emails, which come to you by e-mail and do not follow suspicious links in VKontakte messages, even if it is from a person who is your friend (but with whom you have not communicated before).

Remember that scammers do not sleep, and are always finding new ways to make money from you. Be careful and good luck.

VK was blocked in Ukraine: how to bypass the blocking

In May 2017, the president of the country signed a decree blocking Yandex, Vkontakte and other Russian social networks and large resources in the country.

Now all you have to do is use a VPN, or simply any browser extensions that use a proxy.

To access blocked sites from your computer, you will need to install one of the following extensions:

  1. friGate - recommended.
  2. Google traffic savings(in addition to saving traffic, it allows access to blocked sites);

To bypass blocking from your phone, download and install any of the following applications on it:

  1. Opera VPN (stopped working);
  2. Opera Mobile (stopped working);
  3. Tunnelbear
  4. Zenmate
  5. Alternatives to Opera VPN (paid and free)

VKontakte is currently the most popular social network in Russia. And the number of users sitting in it with mobile devices iPhone and iPad are growing every day. But due to Apple's policies, VKontate were forced to remove many important functions from their mobile client, such as listening to music in the background and offline modes.

Fortunately, users who had a jailbreak installed could install the VKsettings tweak and enjoy full functionality. But due to the latest delays, the question of how to listen to VKontakte music offline and background modes. Fortunately, developer Ilya Kambarov (preciserf0x) has integrated the wonderful VKsettings tweak into the VK client. Next, we will tell you how to install the royal VKontakte client without jailbreak and its advantages.

Supported iOS

  • iOS 9.3 – iOS 9.3.5
  • iOS 10.0.1 – iOS 10.2.1
  • iOS 11 – iOS 11.2.2

Instructions updated

Attention! The VKontakte team periodically closes the ability to listen to music online through third-party clients, so this functionality may not be available in current versions Tsar's VK.

1. How to install the royal VKontakte client

The installation process of the royal client is extremely simple and will not take you much time, follow these steps:

  1. Delete the current VKontakte client
  2. Open your mobile Safari browser on your iPhone
  3. Go to the website and follow further instructions about purchasing a client
  4. Tap on the VK icon
  5. Quickly go into the settings and change the date to July 2015
  6. After installation, change the date back.
  7. The installation will begin, once completed, go to Settings->Basic->Profiles and controls device...
  8. Click on ASTRID MOBILE, OOO and confirm permission

1 If the error “Unable to check programs from “iPhone Distribution: ASTRID MOBILE, OOO”” appears, then restart your device and try again.

2 After step 6 (returning the date), check your time zone, it must be yours. Otherwise an error will appear.

2. Instructions for free installation of royal VK on iOS 10, 11 using Cydia Impactor

Disadvantages of this method

  • After 7 days you will have to repeat all previously completed steps
  • You don't have the best latest version VK

You can also jailbreak your device and install the VKsettings tweak.

After that you have working application VKontakte with everyone hidden functions, such as:

  • Offline mode
  • Option not to read messages
  • Hiding typing
  • Multi-account
  • Smart Post (creating a message on your wall without going online)
  • Setting up VK tabs
  • Client ID spoofing (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8 and many others)
  • Turn off Safe Video Search
  • Playing music with the VK application minimized (in the background)

Rollback to the old version of VK with unlimited music

Video review of the application

How to use VKontakte offline

There is no full-fledged offline mode (invisibility when viewing news, writing messages, etc.) and never will be! VKontakte has closed access to offline methods of work; now even with the most advanced applications of this kind, when performing certain actions, you will be online for a moment (“I just logged in” and then the countdown will begin from that time)

To prevent other VKontakte users from knowing that you are currently online, you can use the royal VK client.

  1. To do this, follow the instructions described earlier.
  2. Open installed application and scroll down
  3. Activate the Offline toggle switch

That's all, we hope our instructions helped you install the royal VK client and you can now enjoy all its functions.


The website from which you could download the VKontakte client has stopped working. The developer reported that he could no longer support its functionality and offered installation for a fee.

The title of the material contains a popular question that often interests our readers. Just a few months ago it was necessary to advise users on rather stupid alternatives, but now, thanks to the growing number the most useful plugins for Safari, the situation has improved. We present to your attention the plugin Vkontakte.Ru Downloader for Safari.

What is required from a decent plugin for such tasks? Stealth and ease of use, of course. The first requirement is implemented remarkably well - the plugin does not add any left buttons to the toolbar, for which we are very grateful.

As for the second requirement, judge for yourself. After installing the plugin, next to each audio file, next to the Play button, a button for direct download:

The developers managed to integrate a wonderful feature into the plugin. Click on the duration of the song and you will see file size in megabytes and its bitrate:

On the video viewing page, two additional links will appear instead of buttons:

Now about how to install the plugin. File with extension .safariextz, In theory, it should open immediately in Safari. But it often happens that attempts to launch it do not lead to any noticeable results. To fix the problem, Quit Safari completely (Cmd+Q) and only after that run the plugin file.

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