Which html draws a horizontal line. How to make blocks in a line using css? Horizontal and vertical lines using css

From the author: I salute you. The need to present several blocks on a web page in one line is a very common task that layout designers face. It occurs during the layout of almost every template, so in any case, we all need to know and apply the basic methods of changing the behavior of blocks.

Before we look at the most common techniques, I would like to remember a little theory. Web page elements are divided into block and inline elements. And the difference between them is very simple - lowercase ones can be placed on one line, but block ones cannot. Of course, the differences don't end there, but this is the main difference. Blocks can already have padding at the top and bottom (lowercase ones do not), and more properties can be applied to them.

Basic ways to line up blocks in CSS

We won’t complicate anything, there are 3 main ways:

Convert blocks to inline elements. In this case, block properties are lost, so this option is almost never used

Make the necessary elements block-line. This is a special type in which the element retains its properties, but at the same time allows other blocks to be located nearby.

Make elements float using the float property.

Let's focus on these options. We will not consider Flexbox, table display and other aspects. So, let's say we have 3 subheadings.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Naturally, all css properties need to be written in separate file(style.css), which needs to be connected to the html document. In this file I will write a minimal style so that our subheadings are simply visible.

h3( background: #EEDDCD; )

h3 (

background : #EEDDCD;

Here they are on the page:

They behave like blocks. Each one is located on its own line, there are indents between them. If you wish, you can also set any internal padding and do whatever you want.

Let's convert it to lines and immediately add indents. To do this, the h3 selector needs to add the following properties:

display: inline; padding: 30px;

There are 2 main problems that arise when using this technique. The first is the minimum indentation. It is formed due to the fact that in the code there is one space between the blocks, which forms this indentation. If this problem needs solving, there are 2 main options:

In html, place the code of the required blocks in one line without spaces

Enter negative margin right -4 pixels. That's how much one space takes.

The second problem is that if the elements have different heights, display problems may arise. All in all, best option- floating blocks. Instead of display: inline-block we write this:

Blocks in a line using the framework

I’ll say right away that if you are going to use any normal CSS framework (for example, Bootstrap), then everything is still much simpler. All the CSS code responsible for arranging the elements has already been written and all you have to do is set the correct classes. To do this, just learn the grid system, and you will be able to make multi-column responsive templates without much difficulty. At least it will be much easier than writing css from scratch.

Another challenge of writing code from scratch comes when you need responsive design. Of course, you can implement it yourself by owning media queries, but it will be much more difficult if you have a complex template.

For example, when you should have 4 columns on large screens, 3 on medium screens, and mobile phones— 2. With the help of frameworks such as Bootstrap, or rather with the help of its grid, implementing something like this is a matter of just a few minutes.

Smoothly translating the topic to the Bootstrap framework, I will once again note that if you are faced with the task of laying out a complex adaptive template, then it is simply a sin not to use the grid. You don't even need to connect to do this. full version framework - you can customize it and stop there only what you really need.

You can learn how to work with the framework using . The theory is explained there, but most importantly, there is practice. You are making up 3 adaptive template and get great experience that will allow you to design websites to order or for yourself. And if you want to get acquainted with the advantages and capabilities of the framework for free, I suggest you look through our series of articles on Bootstrap, as well as on simple layout design. I wish you success in layout and website building in general.

Greetings to all readers. From time to time, craftsmen are faced with the problem of how to make a horizontal or vertical line using HTML or CSS. This is what I will tell you about today.

Lines in CSS

There are several ways to make lines. One of these ways is using CSS. Or rather, using Border. Let's look at an example.

And this is what will happen as a result.

Horizontal and vertical line with using css.

Lines can be drawn in CSS using the Border operator. If you just need a rectangle with a fixed frame width, then you can simply use this operator and give it a value. For example border:5px solid #000000; will mean that the block borders have a width equal to 5 pixels of black color.

However, if you need to set not all boundaries, but only some, then you need to specify which boundaries are needed and what value each of them will have. These are the operators:

  • border-top – sets the value of the top border
  • border-bottom – sets the value of the bottom border
  • border-left – sets the value of the left border
  • border-right – sets the value of the right border.

Vertical and horizontal line in HTML

You can create lines in the HTML itself. To do this, you can use the hr tag.

In this case, a horizontal line will be drawn, one pixel high and full width.

But this tag can also be given some values.

  • Width– sets the line width value.
  • Color– sets the line color.
  • Align– sets alignment to left, center, right
  • Size– sets the line thickness value in pixels.

Using the hr tag, you can also set a vertical line. But in this case, you will have to resort to styles again.

In this case, a vertical line will be drawn one hundred pixels high, one pixel thick and five pixels indented.


Well, now you know how you can set a vertical and horizontal line. Lines can be set as on regular sites, with using HTML, and set it on a site that uses a CMS, for example, WordPress, but in this case, you will need to switch to HTML mode.

Well, if you have any more questions, ask them in the comments.

Hi all! Today I will tell you how to make a horizontal line using html.

In fact, the need to make a horizontal line arises quite often, for example, when you need to separate one part of the text from another.

Horizontal and vertical lines using css

This can be done using css. To do this, I enclose the required section of text in a block using a div tag, and then in the style.css file or directly in the html code we write properties for this block for the top or bottom border using border-top and border-bottom. Here's an example:

Vertical HTML line

Horizontal line using css.

In this case, I set the styling using css directly from the html code, and made the top border solid and the bottom dotted line.

This is what it will look like on the page:

Horizontal line using css.

This method has its advantages:

  • A wide range of settings that allow you to set almost any type of line;
  • You can create both horizontal and vertical lines. In order to make vertical lines, you need to change border-top to border-left, and border-bottom to border-right.

The disadvantages include the relative cumbersomeness of the code.

However, as it turned out, you can insert a horizontal line into the text using html. At the same time, you don’t even have to go into css. The tag is used for this


Horizontal line using html tag

The first feature of this tag is that it does not have a paired closing tag. It can be used anywhere in the html code between tags And.

This tag has the following attributes:

  • Width– determines the length of our horizontal line in pixels or percentages;
  • Color– determines the color of the line;
  • Align– sets the alignment of the line to the right edge – right, to the left edge – left, in the center – center;
  • Size– line thickness in pixels.

Here example html– code.

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