Lightbox description. Web design and search engine optimization. Getting started with Lightbox

Lightbox is a small JavaScript library that is used to display large images on top of the current page. It is easy to install and works in all modern browsers.

The script allows you to display images both single and with switching inside a pop-up window.

Instructions for use.

PART I: Connecting the library.

1. Download and unpack the archive with the script from here

2. In the JS folder, find the files jquery-1.10.2.min.js and lightbox-2.6.min.js and copy them to the folder with your scripts on your site.

3. Connect these scripts to your page by writing the following lines between the tags:

4. In the css folder, find the lightbox.css file and copy it to the folder with your style files.

5. Connect this file to your page by adding the following lines between the tags:

6. From the img folder, copy the following files to your server into the folder with images of your site design: and next.png . These files are used in the lightbox.css style file. By default, the style file refers to images that are located in the img folder, which has the same parent as the css folder. If your images folder and styles folder are in completely different folders, then you should change the paths to the images in the lightbox.css file to the appropriate ones.

PART II: Inserting pictures on the page.

This script is triggered when a link is clicked. The link can be either text or an image. In order to indicate to the script which link it should process, you need to add the data-lightbox attribute to the link and assign any value to it.

Single pictures.

Link text 1 Link text 2 Link text 3

* the title attribute can be filled in as desired. If it is full, its contents will be displayed under the pop-up image.

Group of pictures.

Let's say you have a group of images and when you click on one of the links, you want to be able to scroll through all the pictures in this group in a pop-up window without having to close the pop-up window.

Link text 1 Link text 2 Link text 3

*Previously, you used the rel="lightbox" attribute for the LiteBox script. You can still use it now, and it will work, but using the new attributes is preferable, as it provides more advanced capabilities.

It seems like everything has been done, everything should work, but:

If we form a group of pictures from images, then when viewing, “image 1 of 8” is indicated in the pop-up window under the pictures? I would like to see something like this “image 1 of 8”.

To do this, in the lightbox-2.6.min.js file in line 13 you need to replace this:

return "Image " + b + " of " + c

return "Image " +b +" of " +c

return "Image " + b + " from " + c

return "Image " +b +" from " +c

When I used this script last time, I needed to use it together with the carousel script, and I noticed one glitch.

Below is a description of the glitch and how to fix it.

If we have 2 different groups of images on the page, and for example in the first group the pictures have captions (the title attribute is filled in), and in the second group the title attribute has empty values ​​or is not specified at all, then when viewing pictures without descriptions (if we have viewed at least one picture with a description), we will still display a description of the last picture viewed. That is, the script refuses to clear the title for the pop-up window, it replaces it with a new one, if available. How to fix it?

To fix the error of not clearing the Title attribute, replace the text in the lightbox-2.6.min.js file on line 219:

if (typeof this.album.title !== "undefined" amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; this.album.title !== "") ( this.$lightbox.find(".lb-caption ").html(this.album.title).fadeIn("fast") )

if (typeof this . album [ this . currentImageIndex ] . title ! =="undefined" & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; this . currentImageIndex ! . album [ this . currentImageIndex ] . fadeIn ( "fast" )

This article contains the best jQuery Lightbox plugins that will help you create beautiful websites.

These jQuery plugins are used to add pop-ups to your website. Such plugins are a very powerful tool for any web designer and developer, as they help achieve very beautiful effects, giving an ordinary website a spectacular and attractive look. To use the jQuery plugin, you need basic knowledge of JavaScript and jQuery. If you don't know the basics, just read the plugin description and follow the instructions.


I'll start with a plugin I wrote - . You can see how the plugin works in this article - all images are clickable. My goal when developing it was to make a simple lightbox of only images, without slideshow effects, etc.

Lightweight, touch-enabled, and most importantly, a modular plugin that allows you to remove unnecessary parts that are not needed. It works well in mobile browsers. You can change images with a swipe of your finger as if it were standard application, with smooth transitions.

Lightbox for Bootstrap

Initially, the lightbox plugin is not available in Bootstrap. fixes it. If you are using Bootstrap, it is recommended to use this library. The plugin integrates well with Bootstrap.


Strip is a unique lightbox plugin. Instead of overlaying the image, the lightbox module slides with the image from side to side so that the image does not block all the content. Strip supports both images and videos.

is a JavaScript library for creating responsive lightbox galleries. Lightweight and compatible with mobile version, it is easy to customize and use smooth image transitions in CSS3.


Rebox is a very lightweight and fast lightbox for content. Mainly, of course, for images. To initialize the plugin, you only need to connect the JS and CSS library.

Great lightbox plugin. Supports several types of animations, such as: fade, elastic, zoom and scrolling. In addition, it also supports different kinds media including Youtube Embed, HTML video, SWF and input forms.


LightGallery is a highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating a responsive gallery. It has absolutely everything you need: viewing in a lightbox, slide show, full screen zoom, previews. Also, the user who views the gallery can immediately download the picture.

Unlike some of its brothers in the industry, it is not a combine for displaying anything in a pop-up window. The plugin was created and works only for the purpose of displaying images – both single and as part of a set (gallery), but this does not make it any less attractive.

jQuery Lightbox Plugin

The jQuery LightBox plugin is simple, elegant, unobtrusive, requires no additional markup, and is used to overlay images on the current page thanks to the power and flexibility of the jQuery selector.

Allows you to create dialog boxes in the facebook style, while it is possible to create dialog boxes with simple text of some elements, images, ajax pages placed in them.

Used to create photo galleries and display other content in beautiful modal windows. If you are planning on having a photo gallery on your website and placing some content in modal windows, then pay attention to this script.

Quite lightweight, can resize images to fit the window size, and is easy to configure.

ImageLightbox.js is a lightbox for images only, not video, text and frames at the same time. By default there are no headers, navigation buttons or background.

It is a jQuery UI mediabox that is capable of displaying many types of content, including images and videos from YouTube and Vimeo. There are many unique features including Panorama and Live Re-size.

jQuery TosRus

jQuery TosRus is a convenient and functional jQuery plugin for working with videos and images. The script can act as a lightbox tool and a horizontal slider at the same time. Content in modal windows is responsive by default. Adapted for touch devices.

- this is one of the types of lightbox, based on jQuery, with more advanced functionality than traditional ones. Like all analogues, it has a bunch of settings for controlling background transparency, display speed, effects, sizes, labels, etc.

is a jQuery plugin designed to implement an unobtrusive, responsive lightbox that is ideal for images with high resolution. It works great for mobile devices ah, and can also be used on screens with more high resolution for beautiful image output.

– jQuery plugin for desktop computers, smartphones and tablets. He supports touch control for mobile devices, keyboard navigation for desktop devices, CSS transitions with fallback to JQuery controls, fairly easy to customize.

jQuery Superbox

jQuery Superbox makes it very easy to create lightboxes for images, groups of images, external pages, or specific content. The plugin is fully accessible and self-explanatory, and uses the "rel" attribute to run the script and the "href" attribute to specify the URL of the image or page.

— jQuery lightbox plugin with wide support for various media formats: including video, Flash / SWF, Ajax, frames and maps. This plugin also adds buttons social networks at the top, allowing its users to share it to Facebook, Twitter or Reddit. In addition there is additional settings to see which can be applied in various occasions.

is another responsive jQuery Lightbox plugin that is suitable for displaying images, iFrames, Google-Maps, Vimeo and YouTube videos. The plugin calculates the maximum width of the image on the screen and maintains the proportional height, even if it is larger than the height of the window.

Allows you to easily create beautiful popups using jQuery. You can enhance your media content automatically or create custom popups using a powerful API.

- excellent adaptive lightbox. It can be used to create stunning galleries that will look great on any screen.

Magnific Popup is an easy-to-use jQuery lightbox plugin with a focus on performance. Its main goal is to provide a comfortable experience on any device.

A basic plugin weighing 6 kilobytes for experienced developers and includes only the essentials. If you need a lightbox effect, for example, for a group of images in a gallery, you can enable the gallery extension. You can also develop your own plugin extension to use in your projects.

In this article, I have reviewed 14 WordPress Lightbox Effect Plugins tested for Lightbox effect on WordPress website. Lightbox is a photo effect in which the photo is displayed on a web page in a modal window when you click on the photo.

In the modal window, the photo is enlarged to the size of the original. At the same time, another part of the page (the background) fades out, “the screen turns off.” This gives site visitors the opportunity to look at the image up close without leaving the page. For the Lightbox effect on the WordPress website, JavaScript libraries are used: jQuery, MooTools.

Lightbox JS v2.0

Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive front-end script used to overlay images on the current page. Works on all modern browsers. This latest version initial Lightbox JS by Lokesh Dhakar. Plugin features include:

  • index.html
  • JS/JQuery-1.7.2.min.js
  • JS/lightbox.js
  • CSS/lightbox.css
  • images/close.png
  • images/next.png
  • images/prev.png
  • Plus a few files for the demo page
Lightbox Plus ColorBox

The Lightbox Plus plugin is a plugin that implements the Lightbox JS method by Lokesh Dhakar (see above). Lightbox Plus is used to create image overlays on the web page screen and automatically adds the correct links to the overlayed image. Lightbox Plus can add image galleries to your WordPress lightbox, display simple slideshows, videos, forms and external content (texts) in pop-up overlays. The back page is darkened with a dark or light background, the so-called “black out page” effect.—onLoad

I have reviewed various image galleries many times and collected an extensive collection of spectacular slideshows and plugins. Lightbox is also available exclusively on CSS3, without connecting additional js libraries. But time does not stand still, users are increasingly using various mobile devices to surf the Internet, which means the adaptability of web elements and in particular photo galleries with the “ ” effect is becoming one of the priorities that web designers and developers should pay attention to.

I present another selection of 15 adaptive jQuery plugins that are friendly both with desktop browsers and fit perfectly into the screens of various mobile devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.).

Watch the demo on the developers' websites, download the plugin you like and create, create, create...

1. iLightbox

iLighbox is a lightweight jQuery Lightbox plugin with support for a wide range of various types files: images, videos, Flash/SWF, Ajax content, frames and embedded maps. This plugin also adds social media buttons, allowing users to share content via Facebook, Twitter or Reddit. An excellent opportunity to organize spectacular slide shows, image galleries and videos, with viewing in normal and full screen modes.

iLighbox works quite quickly and when viewed on mobile devices, it more than correctly displays the processed content. Among other things, using this plugin, you can easily implement the display of information blocks like a modal window.

  • Dependency: jQuery
  • Browser support: IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera
  • License: The devil knows)))
2. SwipeBox

Swipebox is JQuery plugin with the support touch screens mobile platforms. In addition to images, the plugin supports embedded videos from Youtube and Vimeo. Swipebox is very easy to attach to any project; the plugin has several intuitive options for customizing its functionality and behavior. The developer’s website has detailed documentation on connecting and using the plugin, without unnecessary fluff, everything is just to the point, so I think it won’t be difficult to figure out what, where, and why.

  • Dependency: jQuery
  • Browser support: IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IOS4+, Android and Windows Phone
  • License: Not determined, maybe you'll be lucky)))


A long-known and well-proven lightbox plugin based on jQuery or Zepto.js. The author of the plugin is Dmitry Semenov, who is also the developer of the PhotoSwipe plugin, which I’ll talk about below. Delivered as a jQuery/Zepto plugin, it has more advanced features not found in PhotoSwipe, such as video support, display of maps and Ajax content, implementation of modal windows with built-in forms. By all criteria, this is another great tool for a web developer. There is a separate plugin for WordPress and detailed documentation on setup and use. The only depressing thing is the lack of documentation in Russian, judging by the name and surname, the author seems to be Russian, never understood whether it was harmful, or because of an imaginary awareness of his own sophistication, but blah. Well, okay, who needs to figure it out, we also didn’t boil the tea soft-boiled))).

  • Dependency: jQuery 1.9.1+, or Zepto.js
  • Browser support: IE7 (partially), IE8+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera
  • License: MIT license

  • Dependency: Javascript or jQuery
  • Browser support
  • License: MIT license


A 6 kbit lightbox plugin for more or less savvy developers, equipped with all the most necessary functions. In addition to supporting all common content types (text, images, iframe, Ajax), there is the ability to connect an additional one, and you can also develop your own extension for this plugin, which will fully meet your needs when creating a new project. How this whole thing (extension development) works, I haven’t really looked into, but those who install this plugin, I think they’ll figure it out))).

  • Dependency: jQuery
  • Browser support: IE8+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera
  • License: MIT license

12. LightGallery

LightGallery is a multifunctional lightbox plugin with many additional features. Comes with over 20 options to customize the smallest details of the Lightbox. There is everything here, well, or almost everything)). Full image gallery with neatly arranged thumbnails, navigation elements and thumbnail scrolling. Simple HTML markup in the form of an unordered list

    using the data-src attribute for full-size images. The same goes for videos from Youtube and Vimeo. Excellent support for all video formats HTML5, MP4, WebM, Ogg... Animated thumbnails, mobile responsive layout, slide effects and smooth transitions when switching between images and other content. Appearance easy to form and configure with using CSS. Image preloading and code optimization. Navigation using the keyboard for desktops, as well as the ability to use additional font icons. LightGallery is where the real “combine” is, the main thing is not to get lost in the abundance of settings and extensive capabilities of this plugin.
    For those who need a decent slider, I recommend paying attention to one from the same developers.

    • Dependency: jQuery
    • Browser support: IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, iOS, Android and Windows Phone
    • License: MIT license

    13. StripJS

    Unusual, I would even say: an unusual implementation of the lightbox, more precisely, an unusual presentation of content, when an image or video, in the lightbox design, appears on the right, filling not the entire screen, but only given size full-size picture or video. On large screens this approach is understandable; interaction with the page remains possible. On the small screens of mobile devices, all this innovative design smoothly turns into a classic “lightbox”. The idea is interesting, look at the demo, maybe someone will add such creativity.

    • Dependency: jQuery
    • Browser support: IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, iOS 5+ and Android 3+
    • License: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 license

    14.Light Layer

    An easy to use lightbox plugin that goes well with any project and also looks good on any screen. The LightLayer plugin provides control over many settings, such as changing the background color and degree of transparency, the position of the base block, the choice of transition effects when opening/closing, functions that users can manipulate independently. The plugin works great with external website content, embedded video players and maps.

    • Dependency: jQuery
    • Browser support: IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera
    • License: MIT license

    15. FluidBox

    Fluidbox is a lightbox plugin exclusively for images. The number of possible variations in image presentation is truly impressive. The plugin works great with images in various designs, including floating images, images with absolute positioning, pictures and photographs framed and indented, with single images, and combined into a gallery. In general, it’s a waste of time, it’s still not possible to describe all the capabilities of the plugin in a short presentation, so it’s better to watch the demo, twist it, turn it around, and I think many people will like this plugin.

    • Dependency: jQuery
    • Browser support: IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera
    • License: MIT license

    That's probably all! I hope this short review will help you understand the heap of web development products offered. I would like to note that I have not used all of the plugins presented in the selection on working projects; I tested most of them on test sites or at the workshop, so if any questions arise, we will most likely solve them together, and together, as always We will succeed.

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    With all respect, Andrew

    If you come across an image site built with jQuery, it will most likely use a lightbox. The power of a lightbox is that it can turn even a simple image library into an attractive and effective gallery. This feature is precisely the reason for the popularity of such jQuery plugins in the field of web design.

    Thanks to the jQuery community, there are a huge number of lightbox plugins available, creating great opportunities for image designers. Our tutorial presents 15 different plugins that are worth paying attention to.


    TopUp is an easy-to-use JavaScript library for unobtrusively displaying images and web pages. The library is managed through jQuery and jQuery UI to ensure cross-browser compatibility and compactness.

    Highslide plugin

    Highslide is a special tool for viewing images, media and galleries.

    Color Box

    Small custom plugin for jQuery 1.3+.

    Lightbox 2 is a simple, unobtrusive script that is used to display an image in an overlay layer on the current page. It's easy to install and works in all modern browsers.

    prettyPhoto not only supports images, but also videos, flash, YouTube and Ajax. Lightbox for media files.

    Slimbox 2 is a 4 KB clone of Light box 2, implemented using jQuery.

    Shadowbox is a web application for viewing media files that supports all popular formats. Shadowbox is written in JavaScript and CSS, and is highly customizable.

    Pirobox Extended V.1.0.

    One of the advantages of this plugin is the ability to open any type of file - from embedded content to a .swf file, from a simple image to a .pdf file.

    Other great features include automatic image resizing and drag-and-drop support.

    GreyBox can be used to display websites, images and other content.

    Super Box is a plugin that displays windows with a lightbox effect.

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