Setting up a language change on the Windows 10 keyboard. Replacing the combination for switching the language on the lock screen

With the release of the new operating system from Microsoft, all devices began to update automatically. Moreover, some are even forced, and without your knowledge. The operating system turned out to be good, but many users had problems with the settings, since some of them were changed, moved to other sections, etc.

In particular, many questions arise when changing the keyboard shortcut to switch keyboard layouts. By default it is Shift+Alt, but some are used to the combination Ctrl+Shift or another, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to know how to set it up. It should also be said that in Windows 10, you can switch the keyboard layout, regardless of what key combination you have installed, using the Windows key and the spacebar. Try it, maybe this switch will be more preferable for you.

Changing the keyboard shortcut

So, today I will give you instructions on how to set up layout switching in Windows 10. First of all, you need to go to the desktop and press the Win + X key combination. After this, you will have a context menu in which you need to go to the “Control Panel” item. Yes, this is exactly the same control panel that was on older versions of Microsoft operating systems. By the way, in the next versions of Windows OS, developers will remove the control panel completely. In this field, scroll to the very bottom of the window and find the “Language” section. By clicking on it, a window will open where, on the left side, you need to find and click on the “Advanced options” link.

As soon as the additional options open, scroll the window a little down and click on the “Change language bar keyboard shortcuts” link.

After this, the “Languages ​​and text input services” modal window will open, in which you need the “Change keyboard shortcut” button. Click on it and another modal window opens, but smaller in size. In it you can see all the possible combinations that you can configure to change the language in Windows 10. Mark what suits you best and do not forget to click on the “OK” button in all windows to save the changes.

In this way, we changed the keyboard shortcut to change the keyboard layout and change the input language in Windows 10. But there is one point, the keyboard layout, when entering a password to log in, will change to the default combination, and not the one you just set. In order for the change of input language to occur everywhere in the same way, it is necessary to do the following manipulations.

Return to “Advanced Options”. At the top, after the first drop-down list, there should be a link “Apply language settings to the welcome screen, system accounts, and new user accounts.” You need to cross it.

A modal window will open in which you need to click on the “Copy parameters” button, and you must have administrator rights, otherwise the button will be unavailable. After which, you will be taken to another window in which you need to check the “Welcome screen and system accounts” checkbox.

If you want the layout parameters in new accounts created on this computer to be the same as those you just configured, then check the box below.

In the Windows 10 operating system, changing the keyboard shortcut by default is set to the combination “Alt+Shift” or “Win+Shift”. However, if you want to change the language switching keys in Windows 10 using the standard “Ctrl+Shift” combination, as in Windows 7, then these recommendations are intended just for you.

Changing the keyboard shortcut to switch keyboard layouts in Windows 10

Switching the input language in Windows 10 is set by default to the key combination “Alt+Shift”. However, there are ways to change the keyboard shortcut to change the language in Windows 10. To do this, you need to follow a number of simple steps:

  • Click “Start”, “Control Panel” and select the “Language” section.
  • Or press “Win+R” and enter “exe /name Microsoft.Language”

  • A window will open. In the menu on the left, select “Advanced options”.

  • A new window will appear. To change the language, you need to click “Change language bar keyboard shortcut”.

  • In the next window you need to go to the “Keyboard Switching” tab. There will be a button “Change keyboard shortcut...”.

  • In a small window there will be options for keyboard shortcuts for the input language in Windows 10. Select the appropriate one.

  • Then we return to the first tab and click “Ok”.

Editing the registry as a way to change the keyboard layout on Windows 10

Windows 10 language switching keys can be changed by editing the registry. However, in order not to search for the necessary registry branches, we recommend creating .reg files. To do this we do the following:

  • Open notepad. And enter the following characters to enter in Windows 10 using the “Ctrl+Shift” key combination.

"Language Hotkey"="2"
"Layout Hotkey"="3"

  • You can switch to another language using the “Alt+Shift” combination by creating and running a .reg file with the following content:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Language Hotkey"="1"
"Layout Hotkey"="3"

We save the files with the extension .reg and run them with administrator rights.

Now you can test the keyboard shortcut.

To learn how to change the keyboard shortcut on Windows 10, watch the video:

“How to change the keyboard layout on Windows 10?” – this question is asked quite often. In this article we will try to describe in detail and answer basic questions about how to change the language, keyboard layout and keyboard shortcuts.

How to switch keyboard layout in Windows 10

During the installation process or when you turn on a Windows 10 device for the first time, the user is given a choice of keyboard language. Most often we choose the language corresponding to the installed system - Russian. It becomes the main language, and English becomes a secondary language. To add a new language layout, you need to add it to the system.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Opening OptionsWindows.
  • Go to the menu Time and Language.
  • Click on Add language.
  • Select the required package and install it.

Select keyboard layout

The system uses the keyboard shortcut Shift+Alt to change the default language. You can also change the key combination in Windows 10 to change the keyboard layout to Ctrl + Shift. To do this, open Options and do the following:

  • Open the settings Devices and select a tab Enter
  • Choose Additional keyboard options
  • Then we go to Language bar options
  • Next, the window we are all familiar with opens. Text input languages ​​and services, where you can already change the keyboard shortcuts.

Previously, changing the keyboard shortcut could be done in Control panels, but, as we all know, Microsoft has set its sights on moving everything from Control panels V OptionsWindows and successfully implemented part of her plan in build 1803. On the one hand, many people do not really like such changes, since the old interface was convenient, logical and easy to remember. On the other hand, system developers not only transfer, but add and rework previously created options for system development.

Note! Regardless of your choice, there is an alternative keyboard shortcut that is always available - Win+Space. When you hold down the key Win and press Space, a small panel will appear where you can see the language switching.

Configure automatic keyboard layout switching in Windows 10

Often we enter text, and then look at the monitor and notice that we forgot to switch the layout. I have to reprint everything again. You can configure automatic switching for each window.

For example, in Google Chrome you write a letter in English and at the same time fill out a table in Excel in Russian. The following setting will help ensure that when switching between windows the language also changes.

To do this, in the previous window we just need to check the box Allow input method to be selected automatically.

Also, if you want the language to change intelligently, depending on the text you type, a wonderful application will help you - Punto Switcher. No more "ghbdtn"! The application will automatically correct the message and change the language to the required one. It is very convenient if the text contains inclusions of a foreign language.

And there is always an alternative in the form of applications - Keyboard Ninja and Orfo Switcher.

The keyboard layout icon has disappeared in Windows 10

If the keyboard layout icon suddenly disappears, then in this case it is worth checking the settings in Personalization. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open Options
  • Go to Personalization and open the tab Task bar
  • Press Turn system icons on or off
  • Turn on Input indicator

Windows 10 keyboard layout does not change

There are several reasons why it is impossible to change the layout:

Keyboard layout missing in Windows 10

If the system is damaged, some options disappear or refuse to work correctly. The ctfmon.exe application, which is located in the Windows/System32 directory, is responsible for the language bar in the system. Sometimes, due to system damage, this application may be lost or stop running along with the system. To possibly resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  • Correction or restoration of system integrity. You can find out how to restore the system in.
  • Sometimes, when a simple recovery (SFC /scannow or DISM) does not help, you can try to create a new profile in which, perhaps, everything will work correctly.
  • Another option is to autorun ctfmon.exe.

To add the ctfmon service to the startup list, open a Command Prompt or PowerShell window as an administrator and enter the command:

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v CTFMON.EXE /t REG_SZ /d C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe

Then restart your computer and check the system.

Have a great day!

Users who are used to working with Windows 7 will probably want to change the keyboard layout switching combination after switching to Windows 7. The fact is that the Ctrl+Shift combination does not work in the new OS. Therefore, many will be interested in learning how to change the keyboard layout on Windows 10.

Standard layout switching

In Windows 10, there are two combinations for switching:

  • Windows button + spacebar;
  • Alt + Shift.

Second option → click LMB on the language indicator, which is located on the taskbar, and select the desired language in it.

Change combination

Windows 10 gives the user the opportunity to select a different combination to change the input language.

For Windows desktop environment (old versions)

Changing the buttons responsible for switching layouts in the “ten” is not as easy as it is in earlier versions of the OS.

Look at the video to see how else you can get to the Language window and change the combination to change the keyboard layout.

Instructions for new versions of Windows

In the latest updates, the setup method has changed. To search for parameters, use search or “Start”.

  1. Go to Settings → Devices.
  2. Open the Input tab → Advanced keyboard options.
  3. Open your language bar options.
  4. Open the "Keyboard Switching" tab and configure the combinations.

For the login screen

The changes you made do not work when you select a language on the login screen. To fix this, you need:


Changing the keyboard shortcut to switch the input language in Windows 10 is done in the Language window. Also in this window you can change the method of switching the layout for the login screen.

Several times on the computers of different users I encountered the fact that on the Windows login screen (Welcome screen) the Russian keyboard layout is used by default, while the user name and password are usually typed in the English layout. Therefore, every time before typing a password, these unfortunate people have to switch the keyboard layout from Russian to English (Alt+Shift), which is really annoying.

Although changing the keyboard layout when logging into Windows to English is not at all difficult. To do this, go to Control Panel -> Clock, language and region ->Language. Make sure that Russian and English are present in the list of system languages. Use the button to move English to the top of the list.

Then click on the button Extra options" If you want to use the Russian Windows interface, select Russian in the “Override interface language” list. If you want to change the operating language of the OS itself to English, leave the recommended value.

In the window that opens, click the button Copy options.

In the screen parameters and new user accounts window, put two checkboxes:

Copy current settings to:

  • Welcome Screen and System Accounts
  • New user accounts.

Apply the changes and restart Windows.

In Windows 7 and earlier, you could use a registry modification to change the default layout on the Windows logon screen. To do this, you need to create/change two REG_SZ parameters in the branch

  • 1 – with meaning 00000409 (English language)
  • 2 - with meaning 00000419 (Russian language)

However, these keys do not work on Windows 8/8.1/10. The fact is that by default in these operating systems, the user’s language settings are applied to the language settings of the Windows logon screen.

To disable this behavior, you need to enable Group Policy under Computer configuration -> Administrative Templates ->System ->Locale Services.

Thus, by enabling this policy and distributing the registry keys specified above to user computers using GPP, you can set a single input language for the logon screen on all computers in the domain.

In Windows Server Core, you can change the default layout type to English using the following command:

Set-WinDefaultInputMethodOverride "0409:00000409"

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