Unable to restore iPhone unknown error 9

For a variety of purposes, they know first-hand about application failures that occur during work. Each error is accompanied by a notification informing about the problem and containing a unique code indicating the nature of the problem. This makes it much easier to find the source of the failure and resolve the issue. In the case of iPhone 5s, error code 9 is a common occurrence, but it can also appear on others Apple devices. A failure most often occurs when restoring the firmware when contact between the smartphone and the computer is lost, which can happen due to software or hardware problems. Sometimes the user himself becomes the culprit of the problem by disconnecting the device from the computer during the process. There are several solutions to resolve error 9 in iTunes, because the problem can be caused by various factors.

Methods to resolve error 9 in iTunes.

In some cases, you can get rid of the failure yourself using software methods, restoring the connection of the device with iTunes. Each of the solution methods is relevant for certain problems that caused the error. To provide correct operation program and a successful firmware recovery procedure requires a stable connection to the Internet. Often, even a simple reboot of interacting devices (for iPhone, performed forcibly) helps. Re-authorization is often effective in resolving connection problems. There is nothing easier than logging out of your account and logging in again, but these actions may resolve the situation.

ADVICE. It will be useful to clean hosts file before performing the firmware, and also make sure that a proxy/VPN is not used in the computer settings. Before working to eliminate error 9, you need to check whether the cable has come loose, because often there is no reason to panic, and the problem is resolved in a matter of minutes. In this case, hardware faults cannot be ruled out, but first it is better to try software methods to resolve error 9.

Method 1: Using a different USB port, replacing the cable

Any error in iTunes related to connection failure, including code 9, can be caused by a faulty USB connector, so you need to try connecting to a different port, and also disconnect unnecessary devices. The connection must be made directly to the computer. In addition, you should check the cable for damage, deformation or other defects and replace it if necessary. You must use the original USB cable that comes with the iPhone 5s or other Apple you are working with.

Method 2: Update iTunes

To ensure correct operation of the program, it is very important that it is installed on the computer latest version, otherwise errors will inevitably occur. Check existing options updates can be found in the “Updates” section of the “Help” menu.

If there are newer versions available, it is recommended to install the latest one available on the official resource, then restart the computer and resume the firmware recovery procedure. The same recommendations apply to the computer's operating system; its components must be updated, so if the automatic update function is inactive, you need to go to the Update Center, run a search and install.

Method 3. Disabling antivirus and firewall

A program conflict or blocking by system defenders can also lead to error 9 in iTunes. This happens when the antivirus or firewall perceives the actions being performed as a virus threat. By disabling protection, you can check whether error 9 is related to this possible reason. If the error message does not appear during operation, then you need to add iTunes to the antivirus exclusion list.

Method 4. Scan for viruses

Malicious programs installed on your computer can easily interfere with the recovery procedure using iTunes. Scanning hard drive an antivirus or a healing utility will help get rid of “pests” and stabilize the application.

Method 5. Using different firmware

Often unknown error 9 in iTunes similar to " blue screen death" on Windows occurs as a result of using low-quality custom firmware. If the previous solutions were not effective, it is better to download the original iOS version or other custom firmware.

Method 6: Reinstall iTunes

Damaged program files can also cause communication problems with the device. Sometimes it solves the problem complete removal iTunes with all components and reinstalling the latest version of the service.

IMPORTANT. To perform the uninstallation operation it is convenient to use special applications, then the process is faster and the disk is thoroughly cleaned of program files. You can reinstall iTunes after rebooting.

Method 7. DFU mode

Often get rid of error 9 in iTunes when iPhone recovery 5s and other versions, you can use the DFU emergency mode, which can help in emergency situations. You can put your iPhone into this state as follows:

  • turn off the device, connect via the original USB cable to the computer;
  • launch the iTunes application;
  • press the “Power” button and hold it for 3 seconds, then press “Home” without releasing the power button;
  • hold down both “Power” and “Home” simultaneously for 10 seconds;
  • release the power button and hold “Home” until the program detects the device in DFU mode.

The only possible action “Restore iPhone” will appear; we start the process by pressing this button and follow the instructions on the screen.

Method 7. Performing work on another computer

It is worth trying to carry out the procedure on another PC or laptop if none of the methods can help. Perhaps the problem lies in the computer settings or some hardware malfunction. But if error 9 occurs again, then most likely there are hardware problems with the Apple device. Often on the iPhone 5s, error 9 occurs due to a solder joint falling off under the processor, which may be due to an impact or fall of the smartphone. Damage to the i2C bus or NAND memory can also be the cause of the problem. In such cases, it is necessary to diagnose the device and fix the problem in the service. Without special skills, it is better not to reboot the processor or even replace the memory yourself, no matter how simple the process may seem.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove errors containing Error 9 keys is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [Download] (developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Error 9-related issues. Using Registry Cleaner [Download] you will be able to automate the process of finding corrupted registry entries, missing file references (such as those causing the %%error_name% error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy, which allows you to undo any changes with one click and protects you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors [Download] can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: If you are not experienced user PC, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems and require Windows reinstallation. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting the part of the registry associated with Error 9 (for example, iTunes):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the key associated with Error 9 (for example, iTunes) that you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save the iTunes key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, such as "iTunes backup."
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your iTunes-related registry entry.

Next steps when manual editing registry errors will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

This error occurs when updating or restoring an iPhone. For this error code, there is no single solution advice, but we have collected advice from various forums and divided it into software and hardware. This is what happened.

This error occurs when the device communicates with iTunes via USB port unexpectedly interrupted. This can happen if the user manually disconnects the device during the recovery process. This issue can be resolved by troubleshooting USB connections, use a different cable from the dock connector to USB port, use a different USB port, restore on a different computer, or resolve conflicts with third-party security software.

Programs not solving the error

  • You need to clean the host file before flashing the firmware.
  • You enter the phone into DFU, select iPhone 4 in iReb, wait for a message to appear about the ability to flash without closing iReb, in iTunes Shift+Restore - select custom firmware without upgrading the modem, clear the host file in advance.
  • The redsn0w_win_0.9.15b3 program helped, the Recovery Fix button.
  • Log out of your iTunes account and then restore.

Hardware problems

  • First, try flashing with the cable disconnected. By the way, you can try with the screen turned off, sometimes it helps.
  • Sometimes this error 9 occurs when the gyroscope cable is damaged.
  • Error 9 may be related to the battery, cord, or recovery mode.
  • If the flash is Samsung, then 99% that reball will not help (whoever shot the flash saw the Shari), you need to change it to a new one (or from a donor).
  • I solved the problem more than once by rolling over the modem flash drive and BB.
  • You need to first open the TA...look (oxide, cracks, refresh, etc.).
  • You need to measure 0.8 volts on the flash.
  • Eprom. The glass breaks down very quickly when the GPS connectors are removed and they touch it; it is very fragile. It always falls off on the left side at the top and bottom.
  • The modem needs to be repaired.
  • Error 9 appears when the modem part starts to fail.
  • If it is not flashed either from DFU or from recovery mode, then you need to look at where the connection is broken.
  • On fives, THREE microcircuits U4, U501_RF and U601_RF are changed.
  • The error may be due to damage to the nickels under the screws on the motherboard.

Board delamination

There were several fives hanging on “waiting for Iphone”, re-rolling the processor and nand did not help,the problem turned out to be in the board itself, after removing the processor it began to call the nickels that come from the NAND,and noticed such a situation that if you press harder on the nickel, the contact seems to ring, but ifdo not press, but step as if from the edge of the contact, then the nickel is in the break, so that there are no objections about cleanlinessexperiment, I’ll say that everything was done under a microscope and with well-sharpened probes, I repeatwhat have I encountered on several devices and now if the device arrives with a reboot or waitingI withdraw the percentage and first of all I check the nickels coming from the Nand.The board is probably delaminating.

Checking the modem

The modem memory (EEPROM) and the modem are like brother and sister) if you unpair them, then error 27. If you unsolder the EEPROM, then error 1669. That's it. This is how I check the functionality of the modem when at the firmware stage there is an error 1669. I changed the EEPROM and at the end of the firmware, at the very end, error 27. But if at the beginning of the modem firmware there is an error 1669 with a non-native (but tested EEPROM), then it is a symptom of a dead modem.

Instructions for replacing flash memory on iPhone

The problem is in the flash memory of Samsung 843 K9MDG0805M. Devices with 16 gigabytes on board are susceptible to the problem, since these are the chips they contain. 8s - toshiba.

The screen was removed. In front of us is a flash filled with black compound at the bottom and sides where the contacts are. There is only one way to remove it, at least all the others led to the separation of the platforms from the PCB. Moreover, this does not depend on the degree of solder melting; they come off due to the compound.

  • We fix the board, heat it up at a temperature of 260-280 (this is for air! - the microcircuit should not heat up more than 240 degrees) to the flash evenly, while using an ordinary stationery knife at the edge we begin to scrape the compound trying to make a crack under the microcircuit. (Before this, we rub this place with a solvent - the rag gets a little black .
  • Then we take a regular razor with duckbills (sold for machines), first adjust it in width with scissors) and begin to carefully push it under the mikruha while it’s hot.
  • Then, without ceasing to heat, we begin to move the blade with “swinging” movements until we reach the legs on the edge. switch to this place - carefully and evenly heat it (I changed the nozzle to a narrow nozzle - I warmed the legs locally) and carefully move the blade outside the flash, cutting off the remaining compound and separating the legs from the contact pads, since the solder “floated” .
  • Nothing should rest against or interfere with the movement of the blade; by the way, check that it is smooth without burrs or bites. it will smoothly go beyond the limits. We repeat the procedure for the other side - it is more careful there, the chip parts and the upper cable connector are close. By the way, we cover it with foil (I also put a thermal pad from some kind of video camera) otherwise you will end up with a replacement if it melts.
  • And here before us is the “hero of the occasion” and the seat after removal:

In general, if all the pads on the board are in place, you can breathe out, the worst is over. Next, we prepare a new microcosm (from the donor), prepare the board (we service all the contacts, wash them, then apply a thin layer of flux) and go ahead.

Part 2: Five Common Ways to Fix iTunes Errors 9 and 9006

There are several ways to try to fix it. When you receive a message asking you to restore the system and click the “restore” button. Nothing happened. In fact, you are faced with a hanging telephone. Here are 5 of the most successful ways to get rid of iPhone error 9 and iPhone error 9006.

Solution 1: Recovery Mode

We can try to enter recovery mode to fix iPhone 9 error, but this method will cause data loss. So it's better to think about this method. And in order to fix iPhone error without data loss, we will show you the method in . You can choose the right one for you.

  1. Turn off your iPhone.
  2. Try the Reboot program.
  3. Turn your phone back on.
  4. Restart iTunes.

The system should recover. Try a method once or twice before trying others.

Solution 2: Updata to the latest version of iTunes

Check if the latest iTunes version installed on a Mac or other computer. If not, then update to the latest version. But this method is not 100% effective.

For a Mac

  1. Launch iTunes.
  2. On the computer top line menu click on iTunes > Check for Updates.
  3. Follow these steps to install the updated version.

For Windows based computer

  1. Launch iTunes.
  2. Enable Help > Check for Updates in the menu bar. If you don't see it, press CTRL and B.
  3. Follow simple instructions by update.

Solution 3: Make sure the USB cable is connected

The USB cable may be damaged if you decide to use a cable that did not come with your device. Here are the steps to ensure that USB cable Fine.

  1. Make sure you are using the original USB cable. You can also try a standard Apple USB cable.
  2. Make sure the cable is not dislodged or disconnected. You may receive iPhone error 9006 as well.
  3. Plug the cable into another USB port. It should connect directly to the computer, not to the keyboard.

Solution 4: Check the USB connection

The connection to the computer may be faulty. Perform the following checks to enable correct connection. Testing the process at every step.

  1. Check the cable connections at both ends of the firm. To be sure, unplug the cable from your computer first and plug it in. Then disconnect the cable from your iPhone or other iOS devices and again.
  2. Disconnection by any third party of the battery.
  3. Connect the USB cable directly to the device port.
  4. If you find a 30-pin or lightning cable connected to a USB hub, keyboard, or display, unplug it and plug it into your computer's USB port directly.
  5. If any virtualization application is running, such as VMware or Parallels, disable them. This may interfere with your USB communications, especially if they are not specified or configured incorrectly. If the method works, quickly complete the application update.
  6. Restart your computer.
  7. Restart your iPhone or other iOS device.
  8. If iTunes error 9 (iPhone error 9) or iPhone errors 9006 still persists, see if any software updates are needed. For example, an OS X update might be forced on the Mac, or you might want to download the latest version of iTunes.
  9. If you are using a computer under Windows control, based on, check if your update is required USB cards or computer firmware. It can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website.
  10. Finally, connect your iPhone or iOS device to another computer.

Solution 5: Check your security software (complex)

Maybe, software security installed on your iPad cannot communicate with Apple's update server. This problem may also occur when you try to sync your device contents or downloads like songs and you will receive an iPad error 9 message.

  1. Check your security software settings and make sure that connecting to Apple is enabled.
  2. Make sure your iPad or other device is recongnised on iTunes.
  3. Now check whether the time, date and time zone are set properly on the computer.
  4. Using the computer as an administrator rather than in guest mode.
  5. Make sure the latest version of iTunes is available.
  6. Update your version operating system on Mac computer or Windows based.
  7. Make sure your security software is up to date.

Today Apple technology is at the peak of its popularity. Users are willing to pay a lot of money just to become the owner of Apple products. This excitement can be explained high level quality of technology and the most modern technologies, which are used in its production. However, even the best product is not always able to work uninterruptedly. High-quality Apple gadgets are not spared the problems either.

Service application crashes and error code 9 have become a huge problem for thousands of users. But is it really that scary? Are expensive iPhones really not as good as the manufacturer says? Of course, Apple offers only the best products to its customers. The problem is that some users make minor mistakes while using gadgets. They become the main causes of malfunction. In reality, error 9 is completely solvable. In this case, there is no need to contact service center.

Basic information

After error 9 appears on your smartphone monitor, you should not immediately panic. First of all, it is worth understanding that this is a completely normal phenomenon for any technology. And as is the case with other phones, the problem may be in hardware or software. You can determine this or that type of breakdown by code.

If error 9 occurs, then in most cases the problem lies in the software part. This means that users very often perform phone firmware incorrectly. Such manipulations may well lead to software malfunctions.

Firmware rules

Before upgrading your favorite gadget yourself, you need to remember a few simple recommendations. Before installing the firmware you must:

  • Install a new version of iTunes.
  • Check the functionality of the original cable from Apple technology. If it does not work correctly and there are connection breaks, this may lead to the loss of some data important for updating.
  • Since the firmware is installed using a computer, you need to make sure that there is no malware installed on it that could delete important folders and files.
  • Make sure the Internet is stable. If the connection breaks, you can also lose data.

If error 9 appears due to incorrect flashing, then in rare cases the help of a specialist may be required. However, before going to the service center, it is worth considering all the methods for solving the problem that are available even to inexperienced iPhone users.

Error 9 on iPhone 6 and 5 – what does it mean?

If the user sees this code, then this may primarily indicate that the Nand is not powered correctly. It is essentially a smartphone's flash memory that is typically used to store photos, music tracks, and other user information uploaded by a person.

In addition, error 9 may indicate incorrect operation connectors and power controllers. Such problems are in the hardware mobile devices occur quite often.

The most common reason for this code to appear is that the iTunes media application did not load correctly. Also, this program may damage the registry. This can be caused by virus programs and careless actions on the part of the user. That is why the developers strongly recommend not to try to make manipulations that could change system files. And of course, you should not delete seemingly unimportant folders from the main directories of the device.

Error 9 iPhone 5S and 6S – how to fix it?

If such a problem appears, you should first perform a number of standard measures that will help identify the cause of the breakdown:

  • Cable. To work with iPhone, it is strongly recommended to use only the original 30-pin cable. In extreme cases, a certified cable will do, but it must fully meet the manufacturer's requirements. If you use a different wire, the device may not recognize it correctly. That's why the phone gives error 9. In this case, it is enough to replace the cable with a “native” one.

  • USB port. When connecting a smartphone to a PC, error 9 on the iPhone 5S may occur due to improper operation or damage to the connector. In this case, you need to try connecting any other device to the computer. If it is not displayed, then you need to use another USB port or use the PC of friends or neighbors.
  • iOS Features. It has long been the custom that these devices periodically “glitch.” However, such breakdowns are quite easily “cured” with a regular reboot. Therefore, if error 9 appears on the iPhone 6 or its previous versions during the process of updating applications, then first of all you should try to disable the gadget and perform a standard reboot.

Also today on the Internet you can find a huge amount free applications, which will help identify which directory the failure occurred in. However, it is recommended to download such software solutions only from trusted sites. Otherwise, you may accidentally install virus software on your device, which will further worsen the situation.

Antivirus and firewall on PC

During the iTunes update process, the program must connect to network resources to obtain new data. Of course, this requires an Internet connection. However, in some cases standard antivirus programs may block this access, citing the fact that these resources may be infected. In fact, there cannot be any virus software on official Apple services. In this case, we are talking about incorrect antivirus and firewall settings.

To fix error 9 when restoring an iPhone or updating it, you need to go to your PC settings and make sure that the use of a proxy/VPN is not activated in them. This may be the reason for constant blocking.

In addition, if there is good antivirus On a PC there is no need to use a firewall. Therefore, you can turn it off at least temporarily. If this does not help, then you can deactivate the antivirus itself for a while (the main thing after this is not to go to suspicious sites). If after this the update process proceeds without any errors, then you need to delve into the software settings and add Apple servers to the exclusion list.


If iTunes is out of date by even a few minutes, errors will immediately begin to appear. Therefore, it is worth going to the developer’s website and comparing software versions. In order not to rack your brains and constantly check for new data, you can try activating automatic system updates.

Reinstalling the application and system

If the problem has reached a critical level and none of the recommendations help, then drastic measures should be taken. To do this you need to remove iTunes app and check that there are no “tails” left on the device. After this, just go to the official website of the developer and install latest version Software again.

If this does not help, then you will have to remove the software of the gadget itself. Before such manipulations, it is better to save all data, since there is no guarantee that re-flashing will be successful.

Another option is to try returning the gadget to factory settings.

Force reboot iOS

This method is recommended if simply turning the device on and off, checking for updates, etc. did not help. The point is that when forced reboot The phone returns to its factory settings. Accordingly, everything that the user painstakingly added to the phone may be lost. The same goes for standard settings. After the reset, you will have to re-adjust the screen brightness, set the ringtone and much more. However, in some cases there is simply no other choice.

So, to restart iOS, you need to perform several manipulations:

  • Open the phone menu and find the “Settings” item in it. Go to it.
  • A list of available options will appear on the screen. You need to go to the very bottom, find “Reset” there and click on it.
  • A new menu will open, which will present a list of possible operations. You must select "Reset all settings." Other points imply only partial restoration.
  • A confirmation window will appear on the screen. You need to double-click on “Erase data”.
  • Now you just need to enter your password and confirm the “Erase” command again. The main thing is to check that the current address is displayed in the window that opens Email and user login.

After this, the phone will reboot and return to initial settings, thereby deleting all user data.


Thus, you can independently correct errors that occur on modern gadgets. Most often, drastic measures are not required and it is enough to restart the device or update iTunes. The same methods are used when correcting errors on more earlier versions iPhones. However, regardless of the phone model, you should not engage in amateur activities and reflash sensitive equipment.

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