Paid posts in smm planer. SMMplanner is your tireless assistant in SMM promotion on social networks. The best auto-posting services on Instagram

On this moment, Instagram's audience has 400 million active users and continues to grow. People are spending more and more time in in social networks. It will become increasingly difficult for you, as a business owner, to update your company’s pages on social networks in a timely manner, write new content and interact with the target audience.

To save time, prepare a number of posts in advance and then add them to your .

Which method should you choose to schedule your posts?

Instead of going to Instagram every time mobile phone and publish everything manually, there are a number of tools that do this for you.

In this article, you will learn about ten popular online services for scheduling and posting posts on Instagram.

I actively use some services from the list for publications on my Instagram account - subscribe to @oleksii.malygin for more Instagram tips!

#1. Parasite

Let's start the selection with Parasite. Very simple and understandable service. Pleased with the “clean”, minimalistic interface, Russian language and high speed work.

Main functions:

  • Publication schedule
  • Proxy
  • Templates
  • Statistics
  • Use emoticons, geotags and much more.
  • The service is paid. Tariffs start from 299 rubles per month. There is a free trial period of 7 days. I recently blogged about this service.

    #2. Seolit

    Seolit ​​is an online service that performs the function of auto-posting from one data source to another. For example, you can publish a post to several social networks at once. Or set up automatic posting from an RSS site to Telegram using a pre-selected template.

    Here are some features of the service:

    Price: from 400 rubles per month. There is a free 7-day trial trial version. Also read my service blog.

    #3. Insta Systems

    Do you want to reach the TOP on Instagram? Pay your attention to the service of effective promotion without fraud with posting and liking, without
    financial overload on the budget.

    Insta Systems offers honest promotion using white-hat methods. Namely:

    • Free auto-posting without restrictions on the number of accounts.
    • Full-fledged, thematic, realistic mutual comments.
    • Mutual likes.
    • Mutual saving of posts.

    Price: tariffs are quite flexible, the price depends on the load and selected functions. But there is also FREE a tariff that is quite enough to get acquainted with the service.

    It’s great that Insta Systems is adapted for use on a smartphone.

    For one account the service is free. If you need more, pay $10/month. You can choose from web or mobile version Crowdfire.

    Some features of the service:

    Cost - from $24/month. This rate includes:

    • 1 account
    • Unlimited number of publications

    If you want to sell something on Instagram, ViralTag has it for you useful features, which will become available at more expensive tariff plans. All information and product presentation can be found on the official website.

    An excellent, quite popular tool that can do a lot of things, not just delayed posting. There is a Russian interface language. I recently wrote about this service because I use it myself. Be sure to read it.

    Key Features:

    • Uploading photos and videos from your computer to Instagram
    • Manage up to 40 accounts
    • Creating multiple user accounts
    • Instagram analytics
    • Competitor monitoring

    Tariff plan starts from $12/month. There is also a 7-day trial.

    With Hootsuite, you can create a post and publish it on several social networks at once.

    Some possibilities:

    Personally, I use Hootsuite to manage multiple Twitter accounts. Very comfortably.

    Free Hootsuite can work with no more than three accounts. If you need more, pay $9/month.

    Almost all scheduling services impose limits on the number of posts. There is nothing like that in Machinegram.

    For just $10 you get unlimited use.

    #9. Buffergram

    Another interesting application for scheduled posting on Instagram.

    With Buffergram you can do the following:

    • Instagram update on schedule
    • Uploading Photos to Instagram from Dropbox
    • Track and measure the success of your Instagram campaigns

    The service is quite expensive. The minimum tariff starts at $5 and does not include analytics, and you can publish only one post per day. There are many tariffs, look at the official website.

    #10. Mass Planner

    Like Hootsuite, Mass Planner is a tool for scheduling posts not only on Instagram, but also on other social media.


    • Auto-following
    • Auto-unfollowing
    • Deleting publications
    • And much more

    Cost - from $10/month. You can use the service for free for 5 days.


    Autogrammer is not much different from the above tools.


    • Making a schedule for posting on Instagram
    • Managing multiple accounts
    • Photo editing (filters, color correction, rotation, etc.)

    Autogrammer has only one plan, $19 per month. The only thing the service can’t do is download videos. For publishing video content, I recommend ScheduGram or Latergramme.

    #12. Starcomment

    An interesting Russian-language service for tracking comments on keywords. This could be your company name or any other characteristics.

    Starcomment is not only for Instagram, but also for VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter. You create a task where you choose what you want to track; it is possible to monitor only comments for certain words or, conversely, cut off unnecessary words.

    #13. Napotom

    I suggest trying out another Russian-language service for planning posts on Instagram, Telegram and Vkontakte. I haven’t tried it for the other two channels yet, but I use it successfully for Instagram. 😏👌

    Publications appear exactly on schedule, without delays... which cannot be said about many famous competitors.

    The price is ridiculous... plus there is a free plan.

    #14. PublBox

    The service is not only for planning, but also for creating publications on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and other social networks. Has a built-in graphics editor, a library of templates and post ideas.

    The highlight of PublBox is the generation of a content strategy, with the choice of the best day and time for publication.

    Price - from $9/month plus there is a free plan.

    #15. Zengram

    A service for self-promoting your Instagram account. The set of functions is more or less standard: subscribe/unsubscribe, like, comment, work according to a schedule, targeting. Plus a few additional functions, which competitors do not have.

    The price is approximately $10 per month, plus there are promotional codes and discounts. Read full review below and there you will find a promotional code that gives a 20% discount.


    Of course, these are not all the tools for scheduled posting on Instagram. If you use other services that you consider to be the best, write in the comments to this article or PM me (see the “Contacts” section), I’ll be happy to take a look.

    Don’t forget to subscribe to the @magdamagla channel on Telegram and receive the most interesting SMM content directly to your mobile.

    Hello everyone!

    Some of you, my subscribers, are watching my VKontakte group, where I try to post every lesson published on the blog. It turns out that my results are not very good, to put it mildly, and the group, in my opinion, is not interesting, which I will try to correct using the tool presented here. Its name is SMM Planner.

    Most of an SMM specialist’s time is spent working on content: drawing up a content plan, creating content and publishing it. If the first two parts cannot be automated using tools, then the third is quite automated. So why not take advantage of this opportunity and make your life easier? Especially if a specialist has several projects, and even on several social networks. In this case, you will definitely need the help of third-party resources.

    So, SMM Planner will help you plan and publish posts on all social networks where you have any projects. Thus, you will free yourself from routine activities and be able to devote time to more important things.

    What kind of beast is this SMM Planner?

    SMM Planner is a service for delayed publishing on social networks. With its help, you can schedule the publication of posts for a couple of days, a week, a month in advance, which is very, very convenient.

    This service is suitable not only for SMM specialists, but also for those who run their own blogs on the Internet; after all, people are accustomed to consuming content on several platforms at once, and even in several formats. SMM Planner is also useful for those who run their business on the Internet, including social networks. The tool will also be useful for editors of entertainment public pages.

    Because of this versatility and ease of use, thousands of people actually use it. There is a high probability that your favorite public page is also routed through it. However, why is it so popular?

    1. It can be used practically free of charge for quite a long period of time. In the service, upon registration, you are credited with 50 free posts, after which the same number of posts will be credited monthly;
    2. The service can be used with all popular social networks and instant messengers. SMM Planner is suitable for Instagram, Viber, Telegram, Facebook, Pinterest, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki;
    3. A functional editor that allows you to process the image before uploading, create a survey, supplement the post with video content and emoticons;
    4. You can work with it not only from a computer, but also through a smartphone or tablet;
    5. Well, and some other features that you will notice when using the service.

    Of course, using such a service cannot be completely free. There are several plans with unlimited posting, but with a limit on the number of social pages. For example, to use the cheapest tariff you will have to pay 450 rubles/month.

    As for me, SMM Planner is a really convenient thing and it is what I will use to manage the VKontakte group, Facebook and Twitter account.

    How to use SMM Planner?

    It's quite simple:

    As you can see, using SMM Planner is not difficult; completing almost all processes does not require even 10 mouse clicks.

    Use as many services as possible in your work to make any task easier. This will give you time for other, more important tasks, and besides, you will be able to increase your productivity, which will directly affect your earnings.

    Well, that’s all for me, dear friends!

    I hope this material will be useful to you!

    See you!

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    Greetings, dear readers. I continue to share useful tools for working on the Instagram social network.

    Today we will look at another method using auto-posting programs and services. Instagram auto-posting is the ability to customize photo publications so that they go out automatically at the right time.

    For those people who are professionally involved in the promotion and promotion of Instagram accounts, they simply cannot do without such a program.

    A friend of mine works remotely as an Instagram manager; he promotes 10 client accounts at once. Every day he publishes 2-3 posts on each page, thanks to automatic posting, he sets up the publication of content for a week in advance in a few hours.

    The best auto-posting services on Instagram

    There are many similar services on the Internet, but I will consider 3 of the best:

    1. very convenient service)

    I chose these two services because they are the simplest, most understandable and have the necessary functionality. Now I will tell you more about each of them.— online auto-posting service for the most popular social networks. Main features:

    1. Scheduling automatic publication of photos with descriptions, emoticons and hashtags.
    2. All photo editing features: cropping, filters, etc.
    3. Function of auto-deleting posts after a certain time.
    4. You can work in 20 accounts at once.

    I personally use this service because it allows you to publish up to 50 posts a month for free, which is quite enough for me. If you compare the cost and quality of this service with others, it is the most profitable.

    How to schedule posts according to time?

    To get started, you need to register or log in using your Instagram username and password.

    Step 1.

    In the window that opens, you need to insert a description for the post, a photo and select the desired account.

    Step 2.

    We write a description for the photo, insert emoticons and hashtags.

    Step 3.

    Upload a photo from your computer.

    If necessary, click “Edit Photo”.

    Everything is here standard features editing. You can move the menu using the blue stripe at the bottom. After editing the photo, click the “Save” button at the top.

    Step 4.

    After setting the automatic publication time, click the “OK” button at the very bottom and your first post is ready.

    Just pay attention to the server time so that posts appear at the right time.

    Second service designed specifically for auto-posting and scheduling content publication on Instagram. The only difference between this service and smmplaner is that it has a little more features for professional use.

    He doesn't have it yet free features except for the test period. In general, if you are professionally involved in promoting business accounts on Instagram, then you can consider this option.

    I don’t think I will describe how to use it; one example will suffice.

    This concludes the review of services for auto-posting on Instagram, I hope the article was useful. Leave comments and subscribe to blog news. I wish you all good luck and success in your online business.

    The SMMplanner online service allows you to post posts to social media accounts in one place, with minimal time investment. In it you can set up automatic scheduled posting, work on 8 sites at once, and edit images. The service constantly keeps up with the times - for example, it allows you to publish and easily works with videos and . A convenient control panel allows you to complex actions in a few clicks.

    How to register

    To register for the service, click on the “Login/Register” button in the upper right corner of the screen.

    A window will open in front of you with registration in the service. You can create an account in two ways:

    By email. From the login page, go to the registration page - click the active hyperlink.

    Fill in required fields, indicate the exact e-mail address and password. Don’t forget to agree to the terms of the three documents and check the “I’m not a robot” box - the system will not allow registration without it.

    Click on the “registration” button and the system will redirect you to your personal account. There you can add accounts on social networks and start working with them.

    To fully use all the capabilities of the service, you need to confirm your address Email- To do this, follow the link in the letter.

    Through social networks. To register in the service using a social network, also go to the login page and select the appropriate platform. Now you can register with the service through Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram and other instant messengers and social networks. To log in, simply click on the icon of the appropriate social network.

    The system will ask for permission to access general information, audio recordings, photographs, walls and other parameters. To give access, simply click the "Allow" button.

    After this, you will be taken to the final stage of registration. The system will ask you to enter your email address. Specify it and click the “Registration” button.

    This method is practically no different from the previous one, but when you use it, you will immediately add an account. The social network account you used when registering will be shown in personal account, and you can start working with it right away.

    Features and tariffs

    Like many other services, SMMplanner has paid and free access. Immediately after registration you receive 7 free days access with restrictions - you can schedule no more than 10 posts at a time. Next, the system will offer to purchase additional posts or use pay for one of the existing tariffs:

    • “Initial” - 450 rubles per month, the ability to connect 5 accounts simultaneously
    • “Professional” - costs 600 rubles, can work with 10 pages
    • “Small business” - 2,500 rubles for connecting 25 pages at the same time
    • “Medium business” - costs 3,000 rubles and allows you to use 50 accounts on social networks simultaneously
    • “Large business” - 7,500 rubles for working simultaneously with 150 accounts

    In each tariff you can buy additional packages posts - for example, give 990 rubles for 3,000 posts. Others are available for money Additional services- for example, publishing a video costs 300 rubles for 30 days, and using your own proxies costs 100 rubles for 30 days.

    How to use SMMplaner

    How to add an account

    To add an account, you need to log in to the website and go to the “Accounts” tab in your personal account. Open the social network whose page you want to add and log in to the desired account. Then return to the SMMplanner website and click on the social network icon. A window will open in front of you asking you to allow access - just click “allow”. Some sites require additional steps - for example, to add an Instagram account, you must first manually enter the login and password for the desired page.

    The number of added accounts depends on the tariff - we wrote about them above. You can add accounts of one social network or several pages of several sites at the same time to the service.

    What are projects and how to use them

    Projects are created for conveniently adding posts to one or more accounts. In them, you can combine social network pages into groups and then publish identical posts with one click to several accounts at once.

    To add a new project and combine accounts in it, go to the corresponding tab in your personal account. Click on “Create a project” and enter the name of the group. When creating each new group you will be automatically redirected to its editing page. To add accounts, click "Add/Remove Pages". You will see a list of previously added pages, as well as groups and communities over which the added pages have control. To select accounts, simply check the boxes next to them. Changes will be saved automatically - no need to press additional buttons.

    To schedule a post, go to the Posts/Create Post tab. Then click on “Schedule Post”. An editing window will open in front of you - in it you can write text and put emoticons, add music on VKontakte, place, poll, link and other types of content. To add a video, you need to pay for the service separately - we also wrote about this above.

    And create the desired post. If necessary, check the box next to the line “Automatically delete after” - then the time editing window will open in front of you, and the post will be deleted from the pages after the selected period after publication. Then select the project you previously created - to do this, click on the blue plus. The post will be published on all pages of the project, regardless of how many there are - one or ten.

    After you have added a project, a window with time editing will open in front of you. Click on the calendar to select a date and on the drop-down list to set the time. This time planning format is not very convenient, but the service does not offer other options.

    Once you have set the time, you will be taken to the final stage of post editing. Here you can delete pages that are not needed or make changes to the text/content. As soon as you click the “OK” button, the post will go to “Scheduled”.

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Working on social networks (namely work, i.e. SMM promotion, not entertainment) is an endless mode of multitasking. At breakfast you are looking for a picture to post, at lunch you are thinking of something to publish in the evening. And so on all the time.

    All this is very important, it brings “delicious fruits”, but very exhausting. Few people can live in such a rhythm and it is quite natural that they want to automate part of the routine in the field of SMM (Social Media Marketing - the process of attracting traffic or attention to a brand or product through social platforms).

    At least in order to get out of the hourly schedule of tasks and the fear of forgetting to publish something or being late for the required deadline. It is worth, in my opinion, first of all think about delayed posting. Get yourself an account where you can manage all social networks from one tab: either from your phone or from your laptop.

    A tempting idea, right? Using, for example, SMMplanner- all this is possible. Let him then become the hero of this publication, if you don’t mind. It’s better to tell with an example...

    What is a delayed posting service on a social network?

    It's quite simple. Using such a service, you can plan content for social networks at least a week or a month in advance. There is no need to worry every hour that there is nothing to post on your feed. Having just one account, you can work under it with your whole team.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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