Smartphone ld power keyboard fell off what to do. Why did the keyboard disappear on Android? Software failure

Enough simple program for entering and switching languages ​​to tablet computer greatly facilitates the user’s process of working, communicating over the Internet, as well as playing and surfing the Internet. However, problems may occur when using the on-screen keyboard. And in this case, device owners are trying to understand why the keyboard on the tablet does not work. This question is answered and explained by industry gurus.

The on-screen keyboard on the tablet does not work: possible reasons

Among the most common problems Incorrect or complete failure of the on-screen keyboard is:

  • Incorrect operation of the program.
  • Crash software.

Both options require a special approach to solving the problem.

Incorrect operation of the language application

It could be that screen keyboard does not appear at all or does not respond to user commands. To solve the problem, you should:

  • Open settings and find the language application.
  • Click the “Clear data” button, stop the program and clear the cache.
  • Restart the tablet.

After such actions, in most cases the program performs its functions and restores normal operation. If this does not happen, you need to look for other ways to solve the language problem.

Software failure

It can occur after installing a new application that conflicts with the software. Sometimes malicious adjustments to the program are made by viruses that can be “picked up” on the network. To get rid of them, you need to install antivirus program on mobile device and delete malware. And to solve the problem with the electronic (on-screen) keyboard, you need:

  • Go to tablet settings.
  • Open the “Language” tab.
  • Click "Input Methods".
  • Make sure that there is a checkmark next to the required keyboard (it must be active).

All these actions should help solve the problem. If this does not happen, you will have to reinstall language program. There are quite a few of them on the Internet, including modern smart ones (with voice typing, the ability to write letters on the tablet screen) and the simplest ones.

In this article I will tell you:

  • how to set up the keyboard on Android
  • turn off phone vibration
  • what to do if the keyboard on a Samsung smartphone is missing
  • how to install a replacement for a standard keyboard (change the keyboard shell).

How to remove vibration on the Android keyboard

When you enter text, your phone vibrates. At first it is comfortable, then it slowly begins to irritate. It’s also annoying that it can’t be disabled directly in the keyboard layout settings. Here step-by-step instruction how to quickly turn off vibration on the Android keyboard:

  1. Go to Settings – General settings- section "Language and input".
  2. On the page that appears, select the keyboard you are using
  3. Scroll through the list of keyboard options and uncheck the box next to "Vibrate when typing."

If you are using Samsung, vibration can be turned off as follows:

  1. Settings - General settings - Language and input section
  2. Screen keyboard - Samsung keyboard - Email * when pressed - Vibration
  3. Slide the Vibration switch to the left

This is how you can turn off vibration response on most devices with the latest versions of Android. In older versions, some settings may differ, but we believe you can easily find them.

The keyboard has disappeared on Android (Samsung) - what to do?

What to do if the keyboard has disappeared on your Android (and this application is mega-important for many)? You can quickly return the keyboard to Samsung models etc. into place in one of the ways.

On Google Play dozens of excellent keyboards for tablets and smartphones have been posted. Each of them can become a full-fledged replacement for a standard keyboard. Many of them are free to download, but require nominal money for add-ons. We recommend reading our review if you want to change the keyboard on Android.

How to install a keyboard on Android

The standard Android keyboard does not suit all users. Although with each new version The OS is improving (in terms of ergonomics, i.e. ease of use); in terms of customization, the standard keyboard is very limited. So, you will not be able to download additional themes, change the sound of the keys, select stickers and numerous emoticons.

In order to install an additional keyboard, you need:

  1. Download the desired application from Google Play
  2. Run the installer (usually this happens immediately after downloading)
  3. Launch installed application by finding it by name on the Android start screen.
  4. All further actions (changing the standard keyboard and activating another through Android settings) will be described in the application window.

How to change the keyboard on Android

If your tablet or smartphone has multiple alternative keyboards and you would like to switch from your current keyboard add-on to another, there are two ways to do this.

1) You can change the keyboard on Android via standard settings in Android OS. To change the current keyboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings - General settings - Language and input
  2. Default keyboard
  3. In the Select Keyboard window, select the keyboard you want to display when you enter text. Just set the switch next to its name.
Changing the keyboard on Android ( Samsung Galaxy S8)

2) You can also change the shell directly through the installed settings Android keyboards- when starting the application. For this

  1. Install a new keyboard by downloading it from Google Play or another resource
  2. Follow the step-by-step setup wizard built into the keyboard shell (usually, developers provide this option)
  3. Agree to access permissions
  4. Activate the keyboard add-on

The keyboard on Xiaomi has disappeared or been deleted, text input is only done by voice? On this page you will find detailed information with attached pictures how to restore the keyboard on Xiaomi and similar Android smartphones and tablets. Why did the keyboard disappear from the phone? Most likely, you or someone else accidentally deleted or canceled the keyboard while entering text. In our example, we will show how to restore a keyboard on a Xiaomi Redmi 4X that has disappeared somewhere. Perhaps the instructions will be relevant on other Android devices.

Let's see how to return the keyboard on Xiaomi and similar Android phones.
Open “Settings” by clicking on the gear-shaped icon on the screen. You can also get to the settings through the menu for quick access; to do this, drag your finger down from the top edge of the screen and select “Settings” in the menu that appears by clicking on the gear-shaped icon.
Next, in the settings that open, select “Advanced settings”.
Next is the item “Language and input”.
To return the keyboard, select "Current keyboard".
Look at the attached pictures below.
If your Xiaomi does not have such items in the settings, then below there will be more information on how to get into the keyboard settings.


Now you can select the keyboard, after which it will appear where you need to enter a message or any text. You can also set the input language in the Android settings, usually Russian and English or any other available. There are also different settings options, for example, “spell checking”. If there is no keyboard at all, then you can download a keyboard to your phone free from Play Market.

If you cannot find the “Language and input” item in the Android settings as shown above, then try this.
"Settings" / "System and device" / "Advanced" / "Language and input" / "Current keyboard" where we select the keyboard and other text or language input settings.

If the methods above did not help, then you can look at another article at this link where there should definitely be a solution to the problem with the keyboard.

  • We'd love it if you add a review or share useful information on this topic.
  • Thank you for your responsiveness, additional information and useful tips!!!

Reviews missing keyboard on Xiaomi


10 p.m. 48 min.
Did not help

10 o'clock 09 min.
The keyboard on Redmi 4X has disappeared. I updated it through the Play Market. Earned it. Thank you. Updates constantly bring only problems

20 o'clock 58 min.
The keyboard on Redmi 4X has disappeared. I updated it through the Play Market. Earned it. Thank you

20 o'clock 59 min.
Did not help

19 o'clock 39 min.
appeared after downloading from the play market, thanks

20 o'clock 17 min.
Hello. I did everything as in the instructions, but the keyboard did not appear.

11 o'clock 46 min.
Thank you, you helped.

10 o'clock 53 min.
Restored it after installation from the Play Store. Thanks to the author of the publication.

10 o'clock 46 min.
Thank you! Mega cool and affordable! I downloaded the keyboard from the play store and everything worked. Manipulating the settings did not help. If it weren’t for your article, I would have had to remove the settings ((THANK YOU for the advice!

09 o'clock 31 min.

09 o'clock 24 min.
the keyboard disappeared xiaomi smartphone redmi note3pro

02 o'clock 32 min.
Thank you very much for the advice. Everything worked. Otherwise I was going to reset it to factory settings (as advised on other sites).

20 o'clock 56 min.
Elena, you can do it voice search in the play market, at the top where you search instead of typing, click on the microphone icon and you can search with your voice. If you can’t log into your account, you can download it to another phone and send it from there via Bluetooth, or you can try going to the play market from your computer and downloading it and transferring it to your phone.

20 o'clock 27 min.
The keyboard is missing. Gboard is not active. I wanted to download from Play Market, but how to do this without a keyboard, I can’t log into my account. Help me please

20 o'clock 08 min.
Thanks for the recommendation! Today after 13-00 my keyboard fell off. I downloaded and switched - everything worked! Thank you

15 o'clock 43 min.
Thanks for your feedback! downloaded a new keyboard and switched.

13 o'clock 03 min.
Thank you! They helped a lot, today my keyboard flew off

11 o'clock 38 min.
Thanks a lot! Thanks to your article, I restored my keyboard in a couple of minutes!!!

21 o'clock 41 min.
I restored the keyboard on my Honor 8X phone using the following steps: settings - system - language and input (added English) - default keyboard (checked) Chinese, and the keyboard was restored, maybe this option will help someone,

2 p.m. 42 min.
Thank you very much for the article, otherwise I called the service center and they said that I needed to change the firmware, but it turned out that the settings were just lost

On-screen keyboard on touch devices is an indispensable means of interaction. But sometimes it can function incorrectly or disappear altogether. Why the keyboard disappeared on Android and what to do in such situations will be discussed in the article.

Might be interesting:

Causes of malfunction

The main reasons for keyboard failure are:

You can fix the problem yourself without contacting service centers.

Solution options

There are several ways to fix the problem.

Note! On different devices And Android versions The names of menu items or their location may differ, but the operating principle is the same.

A full or overloaded cache can cause your text input application to malfunction. In this case, it must be cleaned.

Selecting the required keyboard

It happens that Android crashes when installing multiple text input applications, and the system cannot determine which keyboard to choose.

Installing another application

If problems occur with a standard keyboard, it is worth trying alternative options.

Most Popular free programs text input in 2018:

  • Swift KeyboardUses high quality artificial intelligence to determine writing style. Present big choice emoticons and additional symbols.
  • Cheetah Keyboard. Availability of a large dictionary and the possibility of smart answers. You can enter popular GIF images and memes.
  • Ginger Emoji Keyboard. Built-in translator and English grammar checker.
  • Yandex.Keyboard. A Yandex product that allows you to send geolocation and select emoji while typing a message.
  • TouchPal. Automatic selection of paired characters such as quotes and parentheses. A variety of emoticons, including text ones.

After installing the software, select it as the default input method in the Language & Input settings.

Removing a conflicting program

Some applications “conflict” with each other, which leads to failure. In this case, these are those that are associated with the input method (for example, a set of emojis, speech synthesizers, etc.). Therefore, you should remove programs after installation of which the problem was noticed.


If none of the methods described above helped, you need to reset the system settings. This option should be used as a last resort, so as not to risk losing the necessary information.

Important! Reset will result in complete removal data from the device. Save important information to another storage device (for example, to cloud storage).

After rebooting the device, text input will work.

Note! The article “” describes in detail how to restore, as well as how to create a backup copy.


If you have a problem with the on-screen keyboard, you need to clear the program cache or try choosing an alternative input method. As a last resort, you should reset the system to factory settings.

But he himself is an active user of it. A tablet is a device that allows you to perform many actions identical to those that can be performed on a computer. Distinctive feature The only thing is that on a computer and laptop there is a keyboard, with which it is much easier and faster to type text information and make queries, but on a tablet there is no such input device. However, the developers did not ignore this point. It is for this reason that it was developed special program, allowing users to work on the tablet using the on-screen keyboard.

Solving problems with the keyboard on the tablet.

Unfortunately, sometimes you have to deal with technical problems when you discover that the on-screen keyboard on your tablet does not work. The first desire that most people have is to take the tablet to a service center. Of course, in this case, if necessary, the device will be repaired and the settings will be changed. However, rush to visit service center Still, it’s not necessary, if only because you can try to do everything yourself, while saving your own finances. Our recommendations will help you understand this technical issue.

If you find that the keyboard on your tablet suddenly stops working, think about what caused such an unexpected “surprise”. Having found out the causes of the technical failure, it will be easier to restore the functioning of the input device, as well as prevent the recurrence of the failure.

Possible reasons why the on-screen keyboard does not work on your tablet

Experts identify two common reasons that provoke a situation in which such important device on the tablet stops functioning. In particular, the touch keyboard on Android may fail due to:

  • and the operation of the language application;
  • technical software failure.

Incorrect operation of the language application

It often happens that all plans begin to collapse like a house of cards, only because of failures in the operation of various applications. In particular, after starting the system, you expect an on-screen keyboard to appear on your tablet. However, all attempts to restore the device's functionality are futile. Trying to launch the on-screen keyboard, many press various keys, but despite all these actions, it still does not work, and inexperienced users do not understand what to do. So, if it has been determined that the cause of the failure is incorrect operation of the application, we suggest making some adjustments:

  1. First, open the “Settings” section and find the language application in it.
  2. Next, it is recommended to pause its operation, then start the process of clearing the cache, and finally you will need to click the “Clear data” button.

In most cases, after performing such manipulations, the application returns to its “pristine” state. However, for any changes you make to take effect, you must restart the system, so be sure to restart your tablet. In most cases, after this everything starts working.

Software failure

This can happen even without user intervention. After starting the system, it is often discovered that the input keyboard does not appear on the tablet. All attempts to revive her remain unsuccessful. Software failure may occur due to the harmful effects of virus attacks. Anyone can easily “pick up” viruses while surfing. A failure can also occur if the user himself installed a new one the day before. software application, which conflicted with the on-screen keyboard software.

In such cases, first of all, you should install anti-virus protection, which will allow you to quickly detect malware and also prevent it from re-entering. If an antivirus program is already installed, pay attention to the relevance of its databases, and update if necessary. After dealing with antivirus protection, we make the following adjustments to resolve the problem:

  • open “Settings”;
  • find and open the “Language” tab;
  • click on the line “Input methods”;
  • put a tick in the checkbox next to the offer to launch the on-screen keyboard.

After performing these simple manipulations, you will find in most cases that an on-screen keyboard has appeared on your tablet, allowing you to work as before.

Wired and wireless keyboard malfunction

Modern tablets by screen size, volume random access memory, processor frequency, etc. technical parameters They are not inferior even to some netbooks. To avoid discomfort while typing text information, many users decide to purchase an additional wired or wireless keyboard. Unfortunately, it happens that it stops working. What provokes a technical failure, as well as what to do in such problematic situations, is difficult for an inexperienced user to figure out on their own.

What to do if your wired keyboard doesn't work

You can’t give up on the keyboard and rush to buy a new device just because it refused to “submit” to you. certain moment. You need to figure out why the removable keyboard does not work, why it does not start when you try to connect it again. Finding out the cause is important because it will help you avoid a similar failure occurring in the future. The main reasons may be:

  • incorrect connection;
  • technical software failure;
  • breakdown of components;
  • overturned liquid that has flooded the interior of the input device.

Now let's start fixing the identified problem. Some keyboards have a power button, make sure it is in the correct position to turn on the device. Wired keyboards are connected to the tablet via USB connectors, which often fail. We recommend that you disconnect all other USB devices so that you can connect the keyboard through different ports. If everything worked out, it means that one of the ports simply failed. It doesn’t hurt to check the quality of the driver installation; if necessary, you can reinstall them.

What to do if your wireless keyboard doesn't work

Many active users prefer to deal with a wireless keyboard, which allows them to place it on the desktop in any position that is comfortable for the user. If it stops functioning wireless keyboard, we recommend that you first carefully inspect the batteries. They may have been inserted incorrectly by the user himself, or a lot of time has passed and they simply managed to run out. If this doesn't help, you need to update wireless connection, check the functionality of Bluetooth, provided that it is the one that is involved in connecting the tablet with the wireless keyboard.

So, if the keyboard refuses to work on the tablet, follow all the steps we suggest. We are confident that you will find a solution to the problem that, in your particular case, will allow you to revive the keyboard.

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