How to fix when the computer starts incorrectly. Eliminating the error “The computer is not started correctly The computer is not started correctly Windows 10 after updating

The computer does not start correctly in Windows 10

This instruction will describe step by step how to fix the problem when booting Windows 10 on the Automatic Repair screen, you see a message stating that the computer did not start correctly or that Windows did not boot correctly. We'll also talk about possible reasons such a mistake.

First of all, if the “The computer did not start correctly” error occurs to you after turning off the computer or after interrupting the Windows 10 update, but is successfully corrected by clicking the “Restart” button, and then appears again, or in cases where the computer does not turn on the first time , after which automatic recovery occurs (and again, everything is fixed by rebooting), then all the actions described below with the command line are not for your situation, in your case the reasons may be as follows.

The first and most common is power problems (if the computer does not turn on the first time, the power supply is probably faulty). After two unsuccessful startup attempts, Windows 10 automatically launches System Restore. The second option is a problem with turning off the computer and fast boot mode. Try turning off Windows 10 Fast Startup. The third option is that there is something wrong with the drivers. It has been noticed, for example, that rolling back the Intel Management Engine Interface driver on laptops with Intel to more old version(from the laptop manufacturer's website, not from the center Windows updates 10) Can solve problems with turning off and sleeping. You can also try checking and correcting integrity system files Windows 10

If the error appears after resetting Windows 10 or updating

One of the simple options for the error “The computer has not started correctly” is something like this: after resetting or updating Windows 10, “ blue screen" with an error like INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE (although this error can be an indicator of more serious problems, in the case of its appearance after a reset or rollback, everything is usually simple), and after collecting information, the “Recovery” window appears with the “Advanced options” button and reboot. Although, this same option can be tried in other error scenarios, the method is safe.

Go to “Advanced Options” - “Troubleshooting” - “Advanced Options” - “Boot Options”. And click the "Restart" button.

In the Boot Options window, press 6 or F6 on your keyboard to launch Safe Mode with Command Prompt support. If it starts, log in as an administrator (and if not, then this method is not suitable for you).

In the command prompt that opens, use the following commands in order (the first two may show error messages or take a long time to complete, freezing in the process. Please wait.)

  1. sfc /scannow
  2. dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  3. shutdown -r

And wait until the computer is restarted. In many cases (in relation to the problem appearing after a reset or update), this allows you to fix the problem by restoring Windows 10 to start.

"The computer did not start correctly" or "Windows appears to have started incorrectly"

If, after turning on your computer or laptop, you see a message stating that the computer is being diagnosed, and after that - a blue screen with a message stating that “The computer is not started correctly” with a suggestion to restart or go to additional settings (the second version of the same message is at "Recovery" screen shows a message that the Windows system did not boot correctly), this usually indicates damage to some Windows 10 system files: registry files and more.

The problem may appear after a sudden shutdown while installing updates, installing an antivirus or cleaning the computer from viruses, cleaning the registry using cleaner programs, or installing dubious programs.

And now about ways to solve the problem “The computer is not started correctly.” If it so happened that you had it enabled in Windows 10 automatic creation recovery points, then first of all you should try this option. You can do this as follows:

After clicking the cancel button, you will be taken to the blue screen again. Click on “Troubleshooting” on it.

Now, if you are not ready to take all the following steps to restore startup, which will use the command line exclusively, click "Return the computer to the initial state"to reset Windows 10 (reinstallation), which can be done while saving your files (but not programs). If you are ready and want to try to return everything as it was, click “Advanced options”, and then “Command line”.

In the command line, we will check the integrity of the system files in order and Windows components 10, we will try to fix them, and also restore the registry from a backup copy. All this together helps in most cases. Use the following commands in order:

There is a good chance that Windows 10 will start after this. If not, you can undo any changes you've made in the command line (which you can run the same way as before or from the recovery disk), restoring the files from the backup we created:

  1. cd e:\configbackup\
  2. copy * e:\windows\system32\config\ (confirm overwriting files by pressing A and Enter).

If none of the above helped, then I can only recommend Windows reset 10 through “Reset the computer to its original state” in the “Troubleshooting” menu. If after these steps you cannot get to this menu, use a recovery disk or bootable USB flash drive Windows 10 created on another computer to get into the recovery environment.

The computer does not start correctly - Windows 10 solution to problem 0xc19001-0x40017

If you decide to install on your Windows computer 10 and during installation or after it you receive the error “The computer is not started correctly, then in this article you will find Possible Solution.

To resolve this issue during Windows installations 10 you need to select “Advanced options” in the error window.

After that, select “Download Options”.

In the next paragraph you will be asked to reboot and select certain launch options.

After the reboot, in these parameters, click on number 7 “Disable mandatory driver signature verification.” This is precisely the problem with the error.

This should solve the problem. However, if after installation when you restart the computer this error appeared again.

To see what the problem is, we went to the log in which this problem. It is located in the folder at the path “C:\Windows\system32\LogFiles\Srt” under the name SrtTrail.txt.

After opening it, we found the error and found that the problem was with the file “oem-drv64.sys”. After searching on the Internet, we found out that it needs to delete the file entry from the registry.

To do this, press the key combination Win + R and enter “regedit” in the “Run” window to open the registry.

Here we open the lists in the following path “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services” and here we find a folder with the file name (oem-drv64.sys), which then needs to be deleted.

This action should help you resolve the issue.

The computer is not started correctly: what to do?

For all operating systems of the Windows family, including the most stable Windows 7 and the most new Windows 10 is characterized by the appearance of failures in which the system does not boot in normal mode and informs the user that the computer was started incorrectly.

Windows 8.1, 8, 10: main causes of failures

As for the reasons that cause this behavior of the system, there can actually be quite a lot of them. Most often, such failures, according to statistics, occur as a result of improper shutdown of the computer, forced stopping of processes, for example, updates, damage to system files and the bootloader. The most common are failures whose error descriptions contain phrases like INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE, CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED, or something like that. Notifications can very often occur that it was launched incorrectly Personal Computer. Because of this, Windows cannot start in normal mode. Notifications also appear in case of voltage drops that occur when the computer terminal spontaneously turns off in the absence of a stabilizer or unit uninterruptible power supply. It is also worth paying special attention to the functionality of the “hardware components” of a personal computer. It's all little things. Situations in which there are viruses in the system that disrupt the operation look worse operating system Windows. In some cases, components that are responsible for booting the system may also fail. Let's look at a few of these cases and how to fix them, without touching on problems associated with iron components. What should you do first? If a situation suddenly arises in which the personal computer was not started correctly or the system suddenly cannot start on its own, the cause may be a fleeting failure. In this case, first you need to reboot the system or simply turn off the terminal in the usual software way using the Start menu. If this cannot be done, you will have to use a forced shutdown by long pressing the power button on the laptop panel or on system unit desktop computer. Typically, after such a procedure, the system will begin checking the disk for errors upon startup. After this, the system can boot in normal mode. The check can be visually observed in operating systems Windows 7 and below. In more later versions verification is carried out in background.

Virus check

Equally important if a message appears about the computer starting incorrectly is to diagnose the system for the presence of virus threats. If the system does not start at all, then this will be quite problematic. For this reason, it is recommended to use special utilities such as Kaspersky Rescue Disk. They boot from them even before Windows starts. In the utility itself, to facilitate this task, you can use its own GUI. It works much better than stationary anti-virus scanners. It allows you to identify many threats even in boot sectors or random access memory.

Automatic recovery

For all latest versions Operating systems of the Windows family are characterized by the presence of a special recovery module after critical failures. This process also known as Automatic Recovery. The computer does not start correctly, the operating system does not load, although the device shows signs of operability. System recovery in this situation should be performed automatically. A notification appears on the screen that an analysis has begun to restore the system. However, it only works if Windows has a rollback point. If, before the critical failure occurred, the user cleaned or deleted previously created restore points, then nothing will work. There is simply no copy in the reserve from which you can rollback to a previous state. In Windows 7 and below, fixing this situation looks much easier. When starting the system at the load stage, you must press the F8 key, which is used to select the safe boot mode. In the window that appears, you must select to load the last working configuration, if possible. It is also worth noting that in the tenth version of the operating Windows systems You can also configure the use of the F8 key to call up such a menu.

The situation is more complicated with damage to system components with the impossibility of restoring them in automatic mode. In this case, when starting or rebooting the operating system, a message appears stating that the computer was started incorrectly. What to do then? First, you can try downloading to safe mode, and then use the command line by calling “Run” from the console. If for some reason this download option is not possible, you should set safe mode with confirmation on the command line to determine at what point in time the download stops. In this situation, you will have to call the command line from the recovery console from the installation disk. In both cases, sfc/scannow is written on the command line. After this, the system will automatically check and repair failed components. However, this method does not always help.

Disabling driver signature verification

Now let's look at a situation where the computer was not started correctly. In Windows 10, getting to safe mode is quite problematic. Here we need a restorative or installation disk, when booting from which in the recovery partition you will need to select additional settings and go to diagnostics, and then use the boot options menu. The window that appears will contain a line to disable the scan digital signature drivers, which is number seven. You need to move to it and press the enter key. This can be done quickly by pressing the number 7 on the keyboard. Sometimes this problem occurs due to the oem_drc64.sys driver. If disabling signature verification worked, then in the system you will need to enter the registry editor (regedit in the Run menu) and go through the HKLM branch through SYSTEM section to the Current Control Set directory, which contains a Services directory. Here you should find the driver folder and delete it.

Restoring a system from an image

The best option System recovery after a message that the PC was launched incorrectly is to restore the system from a previously recorded image. True, not everyone thinks about such things in advance, but the process of putting the Windows operating system in order in this case turns out to be the simplest and fastest.

Using the command line when an update is interrupted or incomplete

In some cases, situations arise when problems with the computer starting incorrectly are associated with an interrupted or incomplete system update. These failures can also be dealt with. As mentioned earlier, call the command line when loading and write the following command there: dism\online\clean-upimage\scanhealth

Commands for force recovery

If this option does not help, the computer does not start correctly and the system does not boot, then you can try to perform a forced recovery. First, to do this, you need to write three commands:

It is imperative to remember the letter of the system partition, since in most cases it will differ from the generally accepted meaning of “c”. Next, you must first enter sfc/scannow/offbootdir=C:\ /offwindir=E:\Windows sequentially. After entering each command, you must press the enter key. This method, in theory, provides an almost 100% guarantee of restoring the functionality of the Windows operating system.

Bootloader recovery

If the computer was not started correctly, the Windows operating system of all versions offers another universal solution that allows you to restore the bootloader, which may be damaged. In the Shell, to do this, you must first use the chkdskc:/f/r check command, and then the recovery directives directly. Then you can reboot. If the failure was related to the bootloader, the system will work like clockwork.

What to do if nothing helps?

Finally, it is worth mentioning one more situation when none of the measures listed above help. In this case, you will have to reinstall Windows. In order not to demolish the entire system, it is enough to select the option to return the computer to the so-called original state when booting from the installation disk. This approach provides the option of saving user files, after which it will be possible to enter a “clean” installation of the Windows operating system. In most cases, this method allows you to get rid of software failures much better. This, as should already be clear, should be done only as a last resort, when other methods are ineffective.


Finally, it remains to add that the situation when the computer does not start correctly may be related to hardware components. Problems with the hard drive and graphics chip can have a particularly strong impact on system loading. Indeed, if these are problems of a physical nature, then nothing can be done about it. To determine faults, it is necessary to use additional diagnostic tools. If you determine the cause of the failure and the component that is failing, you can select correct solution to eliminate the consequences. As for the remaining cases, it is believed that at least one of the methods proposed above will work. It remains only to advise you to use the proposed options for troubleshooting, moving from simple methods to more complex ones. In any case, to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future, it is better to create a system image or recovery disk in advance. This can be done quite simply, and using the native tools of the Windows operating system. Any user should always have such tools at hand.

Windows users often encounter the Blue Screen of Death problem. What is it? The fact is that damaged system files can lead to a critical error that prevents the computer from starting correct operation. In this case, a “blue screen” appears. But don't panic! After all, you can fix the problem yourself. Let's figure out exactly how.

Causes of blue and black screens

In Windows 10, you may encounter the following error messages: “The computer did not start correctly,” “The system requires repair,” etc. The reason for their appearance lies in damaged system files, due to which Windows could not boot.

The system may be damaged due to incorrect actions of the user himself, who made changes to the registry or files on drive C. Or the cause of the breakdown may be a virus. The error also sometimes occurs due to incompatibility with drivers third party devices or activated fast boot. However, most often a critical error appears due to an interrupted update or an incorrect shutdown of the computer. For example, the computer shut down forcibly because the power was lost or a power surge occurred. Processes and files controlled by them are terminated, after which their reuse becomes impossible.

If damaged, the system first tries to recover twice on its own, rebooting the computer each time. If the error is not resolved after this, control is given to the user. Sometimes it happens that the system freezes and reboots a large number of times, after which a black screen appears. In this situation, you must abort the procedure and continue the recovery manually.

Video: the danger of the Blue Screen of Death in Windows 10

Automatic system recovery

First, give the computer a chance to figure out the error on its own. Please note that the procedure automatic recovery can go more than an hour. Do not interrupt it under any circumstances, as this can lead to even more tragic consequences. Proceed to manual recovery only if the system freezes or one of the messages appears: “The computer is not starting correctly,” “Windows seems to have loaded incorrectly.”

The appearance of a “blue screen of death” indicates the presence of a critical error in the system


This method is suitable for you if the system displays a message with a choice of two options: “Reboot” and “Advanced options”. If it is not there, then you will have to use other methods.

What should be done:

  1. When you receive the notification, go to the Advanced Options section.

    Start System Restore by going to Advanced Options

  2. Select the troubleshooting block.

    Open the “Troubleshooting” tab

  3. Select the section with additional parameters again.

    Select "Advanced Options"

  4. Go to the Boot Options tab.

    Open the "Boot Options" section

  5. In the list that opens, click “Restart”.

    Click Reboot

  6. A list with download options will open. Select option 6 - command line support mode. Wait until the system restarts and the command prompt appears.

    Select reboot with command line support

  7. On the command line, run three commands in sequence:
    • sfc /scannow;
    • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth;
    • shutdown -r.

Commands take time to complete, please wait for them to complete.

Video: how to fix the Blue Screen of Death in Windows 10

Deactivating Quick Launch

The reason for the impossibility of recovery may be fast boot, activated by default. Since in this case there is no access to the system, you will have to deactivate the function through the BIOS:

If this method does not work, move on to the next one.

Deactivating automatic recovery

It happens that the system resorts to recovery without any reason, by mistake. Therefore, it is worth trying to prevent it from calling the recovery procedure by following these steps:

  1. When the message appears, go to advanced options and invoke Command Prompt.

    From the Advanced Options menu, open Command Prompt

  2. Using the bcdedit command, find the string resumeobject and copy its value.

    Run bcdedit to get to Windows Boot Manager

  3. Run the command bcdedit /set (X) recoveryenabled, where X is the previously copied line enclosed in braces. After that, exit the command line with the exit command.

    Run bcdedit /set (X) recoveryenabled to disable automatic recovery

Ready! Now try booting the system.

Manually running diagnostics

Going to the command line using the method described in the paragraphs “Deactivating automatic recovery” or “Reboot”, run the following commands in sequence:

  • chkdsk /r c:;
  • sfc /scannow.

Run the command chkdsk /r c;, sfc /scannow

These commands scan system files and fix any errors found. After executing them, write exit to exit the command line and check if the problem goes away.

Manual system recovery

If none of the described methods help resolve the problem, you will have to return the system to working condition manually. There are several ways to do this.

Restore point

This method is good because your data (photos, music, archives and other files) will not be deleted or changed. System settings, updates, and driver versions will be rolled back to the state they were in at the time the restore point was created. If it was not created automatically or manually in advance, then you will not be able to use the method.

Follow these steps:

After this, the rollback procedure will begin, which can last about an hour. Don't interrupt it - it will lead to big problems. As a result of the rollback, system files are regenerated, so no errors should occur.

Reset to factory settings

This method allows you to reset all system settings, installed programs and created tasks, and at the same time save the user’s personal data that is not stored in the system partition. This method replaces system reinstallation, allowing you to complete it much faster.

Do the following:

The rollback procedure will begin, which may last more than an hour. Do not interrupt it, otherwise the system will be damaged so much that a direct reinstallation cannot be avoided. At one stage you will be asked whether to save your personal data or not. If you select the “Do not save” option, you can get absolutely clean Windows 10.

Choose whether to save your personal data or not

Manually entering the recovery menu

To manually enter the recovery menu, you will need recovery media. An installation flash card with at least 8 GB of memory will be used as it.

To create installation media, follow the instructions:

  1. Insert the flash card into your work computer, find its icon in Explorer, right-click on it and select the “Format” function. Please note that you can create media at any Windows versions, but the “Format” function is present only in Windows 10. In previous systems you will have to use third party program eg USB Disk Storage Format Tool. The formatting format is FAT32.

    Before formatting the flash card, select the format file system FAT32

  2. After formatting is completed, go to the Microsoft website to the Windows download page and download the installation program.

    Go to the Microsoft website and download the system installer

  3. Launch the downloaded program. Check that you want to update another device.

    Select "Create installation media"

  4. When asked to select the characteristics of the system to be recorded, select the specifications that match the characteristics of the system that needs to be restored.

    Specify the characteristics of the system you want to restore

  5. Specify which media to use and wait for the recording to complete. Done, the installation media has been created.

    Specify the media - flash card or disk

  6. After the operation is completed, run the flash card on a non-working computer. To do this, enter the BIOS (how to do this is described in the first step of the “Deactivating Quick Startup”) and change the boot order so that the connected media moves HDD from first place.

    Install the installation media first

  7. Exit the BIOS and wait for the installation window to appear. Go through the first step of selecting a language, and on the second, interrupt the installation procedure by clicking “System Restore.”

    Click "System Restore" in the second step of Windows installation

After completing these steps, you will be in the recovery menu and can use all the instructions described above.

Generating a system image

If you have another computer with the same Windows characteristics 10, as on a non-working computer, you can record a system image. This will create a restore point and you will be able to use the fix method already described above. Windows errors using a restore point.

To generate a system image, follow these steps:

  1. In the Control Panel menu, go to File History.

    Click "Create a system image"

  2. Select the recording media and confirm the action. After the procedure is completed, you will have a flash card with backup copy. Use it to restore a damaged system.

    Specify the media on which the system image will be written

The appearance of a blue or black screen with an error indicates the presence of failures or damaged files in the system. You can fix the problem using the automatic system recovery options. If this does not work, use one of the manual recovery methods. Follow the instructions from the article and you will definitely succeed!

This instruction will describe step-by-step ways to fix the problem when, when loading Windows 10, on the Automatic Repair screen, you see a message stating that the computer did not start correctly or that the Windows system did not boot correctly. We’ll also talk about the possible causes of this error. First of all, if the “Computer is not started correctly” error occurs after you turn off your computer or after interrupting a Windows 10 update, but it is successfully corrected by clicking the “Restart” button, and then appears again, or in those cases when the computer does not turn on the first time, after which automatic recovery occurs (and again, everything is corrected by rebooting), then all the actions described below with the command line are not for your situation, in your case the reasons may be as follows. The first and most common - power problems (if the computer does not turn on the first time, the power supply is probably faulty). After two unsuccessful startup attempts, Windows 10 automatically launches System Restore. The second option is a problem with turning off the computer and fast boot mode. Try it. The third option is that there is something wrong with the drivers. It has been noticed, for example, that rolling back the Intel Management Engine Interface driver on laptops with Intel to an older version (from the laptop manufacturer's website, and not from Windows 10 Update) can solve problems with shutdown and sleep.

This article contains the most common mistakes when Windows startup 10, as well as ways to eliminate them. We hope this information will make life a little easier for those who have switched to new version system and suddenly found himself between a rock and a hard place.

1. Windows 10: “The computer is not starting correctly”

The first common problem when starting Windows 10 is that the system reports some critical error ( CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED, INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE), and then displays a blue "Automatic Repair" screen with the text .

Automatic recovery: the computer did not start correctly

The cause of this error, in most cases, is damage and deletion of system files or registry entries. This may be caused by installing and uninstalling programs, or by antivirus programs or Windows registry cleaning utilities.

The solution to the problem is to repair files and registry entries that are damaged:

  1. Click on the button Extra options on the blue screen, select Troubleshooting> Extra options > Boot Options.
  2. Click Reboot.
  3. In the window Boot Options press the F6 key or the number 6 on numeric keypad to launch safe mode with command line support.
  4. The computer will restart in Safe Mode and Command Prompt will automatically open. In it enter:
sfc /scannow dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth shutdown -r

The computer will restart and after that Windows will start in normal mode.

2. Windows 10 does not load beyond the logo

Another known problem is that the system boots all the way to the Windows logo, after which the computer randomly shuts down. The reason for this error is also damage to system files, however, unlike the first case, the damage is so serious that the system cannot start the recovery itself.

In this case, you will have to create a rescue disk Windows recovery on another Windows 10 PC:

  1. In the panel Windows management 10 find and select Recovery > Creating a recovery disc.
  2. In the window that appears, set the parameter Execute backup system files to recovery disk and press Dalley.
  3. Connect an empty USB drive to your computer. Select it in the recovery disk creation window and click Next > Create.Wait until the files are copied and press Ready.
  4. Remove the USB drive from your computer, connect it to the one that won't run Windows 10, and enable booting from it in the BIOS.
  5. The Windows Recovery Environment will launch. You need to select Restoring a system image, or point Command line, and then enter the commands from the instructions for solving the first problem.

Windows Recovery Environment

You can also run the system recovery environment from the disk from which you installed Windows. To do this, you need to boot from the installation disk, in the bootloader instead Install press System Restore. In the menu that appears, select Troubleshooting> Extra options. The same options window above will open.

After recovery, the computer will restart. Return to BIOS loading from the hard drive, and the system should start correctly.

3. Errors “Boot Failure” and “An operating system wasn’t found”

In some cases, when starting Windows 10, instead of loading the operating system, a black screen appears with one of two errors:

  1. Boot failure. Reboot and Select Proper Boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device.
  2. An operating system wasn't found. Try disconnecting any drives that don’t contain an operating system. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.

There can also be two reasons for this error:

  1. Incorrect boot device order in BIOS or UEFI. Make sure you are booting from the exact drive where Windows 10 is installed.
  2. Damage to the system bootloader. In this case, you will also need an installation disk or a Windows 10 emergency recovery disk. After booting from it, in the recovery environment you need to select Startup Recovery and let the bootloader files be overwritten.

The problem may also be hardware damage to the hard drive from which the boot is made.

Boot Error Failure

4. Windows 10 won't start: black screen

A common error when starting Windows 10 is a black screen with no signs of loading the desktop, with or without the cursor frozen on the screen. This often happens as a result of incorrect installation of any drivers: after rebooting, the computer works, but the OS does not load.

In most cases, the solution to the problem lies in a system rollback. This will also require an installation disk or disk disaster recovery Windows 10. After booting from it, in the recovery environment you can try selecting System Restore.

This will roll back the system to the state before the problem occurred. The system will prompt you to select a restore point to which to rollback, and after confirmation it will perform it. As a rule, after a reboot the black screen disappears.

5. Windows 10 takes a long time to load when turned on

There is a situation when Windows 10 does not load, the waiting icon is spinning, and that’s it. In fact, most likely, nothing bad is happening - the system is simply installing the updates that it downloaded the last time you used the computer.

In this situation, the best thing to do is just wait. This condition may last for several hours depending on the number and volume of downloaded updates. It is recommended not to turn off the computer, but to leave it in the boot state for 1-2 hours.

To prevent this error from happening again when starting Windows 10, you can set your computer to update on a schedule, and the system will not download updates without your knowledge. Read about how to edit update policies in our.

Every user of the Windows 10 operating system has different problems. No developer can guarantee the absence of errors. IN previous versions system, if any problems occurred, the only way to correct them was reinstalling Windows. Currently, there are many ways to restore system functionality without completely reinstalling it.

Incorrect system startup

If, after turning on the computer, you see an automatic recovery notification with the words “The computer did not start correctly,” then it means that there is a problem with the system. They could appear for the following reasons:

  • damage to the system files - system files could be damaged due to incorrect termination of the device, actions malware(viruses) or simply due to careless handling of them;
  • Damage to the system registry - registry entries can also be corrupted by viruses or programs to clean up its damage. Therefore, it is always worth making copies of the registry before changing it;
  • wrong installed update- if the update files were not downloaded completely or were installed with an error, then you may get this problem the next time you start the operating system;
  • one-time system boot errors - due to problems hard drive The operating system may not load correctly.

However, directly restarting the computer does not always help. If corruption of system files has indeed occurred, then after a reboot you will see the same window again.

If after restarting the computer you get a black screen, it means that the system was unable to load the initial Windows shell again.

Ways to fix errors when starting the system

The easiest way is to restart the computer. If this does not help or the error returns from time to time, you should try disabling fast boot of the operating system. At fast loading Windows skips a number of steps that may resolve this issue. To disable it, do the following:

  1. Press Win + X and open Control Panel through the quick access menu. Open Control Panel through the Quick Access menu
  2. Select the "Power Options" section. If you do not see it, then change the “Control Panel” display mode to “Large icons”.
    Select the "Power Options" section in the "Control Panel"
  3. Select “Power Button Actions” to fine-tune this section.
    Select "Power Button Actions" on the left side of the window
  4. Open Change settings that are currently unavailable.
    Select the "Change settings that are currently unavailable" section
  5. Uncheck the box next to “Enable Fast Startup”. Done, fast startup of the operating system is disabled.
    Uncheck "Enable Fast Startup" and confirm the changes
  6. Click "Save Changes".

This method will not help if you are unable to get into the system. But if the error is irregular, he will correct it. In addition, you can start the system in safe mode, and only then perform all the necessary actions. This is done as follows:

  1. Click on the "Advanced options" button in the window with automatic recovery.
    Click the "Advanced Options" button in the Automatic Repair window
  2. Select the Troubleshooting menu and then go to Advanced Options.
    Select the Troubleshooting menu
  3. Click on "Download Options".
    Click on "Download Options"
  4. Review the list of possible options.
    Select the action you need in the “Boot Options” using the F1-F9 keys
  5. Press F4 to restart your computer in Safe Mode.

Video: How to boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode

Disable automatic recovery

You can also solve the problem by disabling the automatic recovery procedure itself. But keep in mind that this will not correct the situation due to which the message appears, and may even complicate its solution in the future, since Without access to the window, it will be more difficult to get to the system recovery options. Therefore, you should only do this if you are sure that the appearance of the automatic recovery notification is your only problem. To disable this window, do the following:

  1. Click on the "Advanced Options" button.
    Open the "Advanced options" window in the "Automatic recovery" menu
  2. Open the Troubleshooting section and select Advanced Options.
  3. Choose to open Command Prompt.
    Open " Command line" V " Additional options» recovery
  4. Enter the bcdedit command. She will show important information about loading the operating system.
  5. Find the resumeobject item among this information and save the data opposite this item.
    Copy information from Command Line
  6. Enter the command bcdedit /set (object), where instead of the word object you will need to insert the data you saved. Confirm this command.
    Enter new team with information that you copied earlier
  7. The automatic recovery window will no longer bother you, even if the problem with the operating system has not yet been resolved.

Performing an operating system rollback

If nothing helps, then you need to proceed directly to restoring the operating system files. And this action can also be performed in different ways.

Return to the point of retracement

A rollback (restore) point is the state of the computer’s system files on certain moment time. To create it, you need to do the following:

Now, if problems arise, you can return to the rollback point. This can be done in one of two ways:

Regardless of the method you chose, you just need to follow a few steps:

Video: How to restore Windows 10 using a restore point

Resetting the system to its original state

If it is not possible to return to the restore point, then resetting the operating system to its original state will help you. This action is intended to replace reinstalling the operating system. Reset Windows 10 as follows:

  1. Click on Windows icon in the left corner of the desktop.
  2. Select the “Settings” section, it is marked with a gear icon.
    Select Settings from the Start menu
  3. Open Update & Security.
    Open the "Update & Security" section to access "Windows Update"
  4. In the “Recovery” tab, study the item about returning the computer to its original state. After that, click on the “Start” button.
    Click the "Start" button under the option to reset your computer
  5. Select required action in the next window. Please note that clicking “Delete all” will delete all data from the hard drive, except the operating system.
    Specify what the system should do with files on your device
  6. If you decide to get rid of the data, it will take some time to analyze it. Wait for this process to complete.
    Wait while the system checks the files on your computer
  7. Study the information about which programs and applications will be removed from your computer. Please review this list before proceeding.
  8. Review the information about your choice and confirm it by clicking on the appropriate button.

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