Morrigan: Past and present. Dragon Age: Origins - Morrigan full description About the creation of Morrigan

Developers game world thought through in Dragon Age Origins everything to the smallest detail, from the exciting adventures of the magical world to relationships with companions. The main character of the game can not only talk with the rest of the participants in the great battle, but also build loving and friendly relationships with the key characters of his squad.

Who is Morrigan?

Morrigan- a witch from the Wild Lands. Daughter of the legendary Flemeth. She has a rather harmful character and is endowed with a specific black humor. With sufficiently friendly relations with the main characters, she can teach the specialization of a werewolf, which she herself is. Being a magician, Morrigan does not study like everyone else in the Circle Tower, and therefore is a renegade.

On the night before the main battle, he invites the main character to undergo a blood ritual, which will help save the character’s life after the battle with the main enemy. If the main character is female, Morrigan suggests performing the ritual with Alistair. After the main battle he disappears. If you refuse the witch's offer, she will immediately leave the party. Interestingly, in addition "Witch-hunt" the protagonist can find Morrigan and either leave with her, say goodbye or kill her.

Should I kill Flemeth?

Morrigan has her own quest, namely, she asks the main character to kill Flemeth, his adoptive mother. Having taken the quest and getting to the location “Flemeth’s Hut”, the main character has two options: you can kill the old witch, which is quite difficult to do, since Flemeth turns into a rather strong dragon, or you can succumb to the witch’s persuasion, disappear and never bother her, get book "Grimoire of Flemeth" and return to camp.

The book should be given to Morrigan, and as a result you will receive a big bonus as approval, since this gift is quite important for the witch from the Wild Lands. Morrigan will also be happy to receive gifts in the form of gold and silver jewelry: various medallions, brooches that can be bought from merchants or found in chests during the game, as well as a golden mirror, which Morrigan has dreamed of since childhood. The mirror can be found in Orzammar. The black grimoire from the room of the chief magician Irving will be quite interesting for Morrigan.

The main competitor of the third "The Witcher"

Edmonton, Canada

In recent years, the Canadian studio BioWare and its games have been at the center of dozens of scandals. There was everything in the news: stories about same-sex sex with aliens, mass dissatisfaction with the ending of the Mass Effect trilogy, the mocking use of the same locations for side quests in Dragon Age 2, the high-profile departure of its founders Ray Muzika and Greg Zeschuk from the studio, and ninety-nine other problems. Therefore, the audience received the announcement of Dragon Age: Inquisition rather coolly. No joy from the news feed in the press, no approval among the players... But in vain, the series about dragons is one of the last strongholds of D&D-style party role-playing games.

It will not be simplified, as it was with Mass Effect - this time BioWare decided to move away from the usual development of its series. Let us recall that the global conflicts in Mass Effect and Dragon Age in the sequels were compressed into solving the everyday problems of partners, while Inquisition promises only to become even grander.

We sat down with the game's creative director, Mike Ladlow, and asked him a lot of tricky questions about the game's story, characters, and why an RPG would be developed using the Battlefield 4 engine.

Elven Inquisition

Inquisition begins some time after the events of the previous parts. The fictional world is under constant threat of destruction. Mages and templars have separated from the Church and are killing each other in endless skirmishes, not particularly caring about civilian casualties.

The Kingdom of Orlais - the land of aristocrats - is torn apart by civil war, and Ferelden cannot recover from the Blight. The situation could not be worse, and a huge gap appears in the sky, through which the most terrible devils penetrate into the world. Previously, such disorder was only possible due to careless handling of magic: sorcerers went into a veil, through which demons could move into the would-be sorcerer and break out in the real world. Now, magical intervention is not required at all, monsters are coming from everywhere - cracks appear in different places, from which quite large squads of demons emerge.

In most cases, opponents will attack the weakest target first.

It would seem that the warring parties should distract themselves and join forces in the face of a serious threat, but the Church is more busy destroying apostates than fighting evil. Everyone is dealing with their own problems, and therefore the main character, through an effort of will, decides to create an Inquisition, which should restore order, find out who is behind all these misadventures, and, incidentally, save the world.

The protagonist, following the tradition of the series, is usually called the Inquisitor (in previous parts, Guardian and Defender, respectively). As you might have guessed, he will lead a powerful organization. At the same time, the new government was created contrary to the wishes of the church, which, apparently, no one listens to anymore. The servants have lost their influence over the Circle of Mages, and there is no need to even talk about the punitive order of the templars - the knights have separated and live on their own.

Slime-covered vessels suggest xenomorphs and facehuggers. We wouldn't approach it just in case.

The Inquisitor will represent his own interests and will not become a puppet in the hands of kings and intriguers. In this regard, the most interesting thing is to find out who is behind the main character. Still, such a powerful side cannot suddenly appear in the world, capable of joining forces in the fight against evil. Remember how long Hawk had to try to restore order in at least one city.

Moreover, not only a person can become the Supreme Inquisitor. Mike Ladlow says that the writers listened to fan feedback, and you will be able to play as an elven and dwarven inquisitor. The differences won't just be cosmetic: the choice of race will undoubtedly affect the game's plot and the attitude of other factions towards your organization. Let us recall that it was previously reported that, as in Dragon Age 2, it will be possible to choose only short biography a character whose episodes are rarely mentioned in dialogue.

Everyone's favorite dwarf, Varric, and his trusty crossbow, Bianca, return to Inquisition.

Despite the fact that the main character is already a fairly authoritative figure (otherwise he would hardly have been able to found an entire order), he will still have to earn a reputation. Although BioWare is focusing on the fact that Inquisition will have an unimaginable scale, the development of the storyline will be relatively linear. The tasks from the characters in your team will not disappear anywhere. In practice, this may mean that we first complete many different side quests (the world is big, there will always be work), earn a reputation, and when we reach a certain level, we move on to another story arc.

No biggie

According to Mike, the studio is trying to bring back the spirit of adventure and exploration to Dragon Age. The game will feature a spacious pseudo-open world, like in “ The Witcher 2", where you will have almost complete freedom of movement. Maps will become so large that mounts will be needed to navigate effectively. The system of fast travel between regions has been retained.

“In Inquisition, you can visit long-abandoned places without anyone standing behind you as you explore ancient ruins and caves,” says Ladlow. - Frostbite 3 engine with new system lighting allows us to create truly dark dungeons with interesting puzzles based on light.”

Arrow to the knee

In any organization, human resources play a critical role. First of all, these are your comrades, the Inquisitor’s party members, whose importance and influence on the course of battles will noticeably increase compared to the previous parts.

At the same time, the battles themselves will become much more difficult: BioWare decided to take the injury and wound system from the first part and improve it slightly. Characters will not be able to fully restore health after battle; full treatment will require the use of some special items. Because of this, you will have to pay close attention to each battle, and not expose the Inquisitor and his partners to enemy attacks. In the new Dragon Age, like in an MMORPG, you need to competently control your opponents’ aggression and distribute it between strong tank knights and fragile but deadly damage-dealing sorcerers.

The developers are happy to talk about the interactivity of the game world, but do not mention the most important thing: is it possible to set fire to the scary green gas under the scary green undead?

Opponents, in turn, will learn to act coherently. The number of opponents will decrease, but “it will be difficult to win, especially without well-coordinated teamwork.” In addition, the enemies will often not correspond to the level of the party - there is a chance to stumble upon a particularly evil creature that will easily scatter your entire Inquisition.

Let us remember that in the previous game on high level the difficulty was impossible to survive without combining the abilities of different classes. However, the battle was useless to plan, and the random appearance of enemies in droves out of nowhere caused righteous anger and gameover.

The detail on the characters is amazing. You probably can’t see it, but sweat is flowing down the heroine’s face.

The Canadians promise that we won’t see such bedlam in Inquisition: every battle will be justified by the plot and thought out by the designers. Imagine that the squad finds itself in an open area, accessible to attacks from several sides. In this case, abilities like placing traps or spells that hit a group of enemies at once will come in handy.

Your location is equally important. The arrows of a conventional archer standing on the top of a hill will hit more painfully. Accordingly, all the usual tactical elements such as attacking from behind or verticality of cards are in place. They mined one approach, forced the enemy to attack from only one side - and then your shooter can provide support, and it is more convenient for the thief to quietly sneak behind the enemy’s back in order to sneak a critical blow.

In Inquisition, covering your own and monitoring the health of your characters is critical - between battles it is restored with difficulty, or even not restored at all.

By the way, with the same archer, a “convenient” location can play a cruel joke. The game uses the Frostbite 3 physics engine, which means partial destructibility and sane physics of bodies, and the sorcerer will probably have a spell that can throw off an insolent shooter with a gust of wind.


Many controversial situations can be resolved without unnecessary bloodshed - through negotiations. The developers decided to change the dialogue system a little, and now, while communicating with an NPC, the main character can turn away and leave at any time. The idea is interesting, and they promised to implement it in the Mass Effect series. The practical benefit of suddenly stopping a conversation is not yet entirely clear. It is clear that being rude to the faces of kings and magicians is a thankless task, so you will only be able to throw out some dialogues, as well as conversations with all sorts of merchants, beggars and onlookers. They, of course, may well harbor a grudge against the hero, but the inquisitor is a busy man, you can’t chat with everyone.

Behind the veil, as you can see, it is dark and scary, which is why demons strive to enter the ordinary world.

But he will always have time to talk and hang out with his colleagues. Apparently, the vow of celibacy does not apply to the order, so you should prepare for office romances and intrigues. Mike explains: “Our position has not changed since Baldur's Gate 2. We believe that romance is an important part of the plot, and many fans agree with us. However, it is not necessary to have affairs; the player is free to decide for himself whether to enter into a relationship or not.”

Heavy Volcanic Gold Armor

The second part of the personnel issue for such a large organization is recruiting an army. A small detachment is unlikely to be able to successfully resist evil, so the Inquisition will have to unite the dissenting parties and expand its sphere of influence. We have already seen something similar in Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age: Origins: we travel the world and by hook or by crook we recruit soldiers under our banners.

Such a sketch can only mean one thing: that castle on the mountain over there will soon be covered in blood right down to the foundation.

However, Inquisition goes further. Ladlow draws attention to the fact that the order does not have a strictly defined charter and the player’s actions will gradually change the image and order of the powerful force. For example, if you take defeated enemies into your army, their opponents will be angry with you. In addition, the main character has the power to change the heraldry and colors of the banners of the Inquisition.

But repainting the flag pink still pales in comparison to its production unique items. For the first time in the series, you will be allowed to forge your own weapons, armor and other equipment, which, with the right approach, can be only slightly inferior to the best specimens, but at the same time be of an exotic shape and yellow with a green speck.

Inquisition, fortunately, did not go the way of Mass Effect 3. We are waiting for a harsh game where you need to manage a large party, spend hours collecting unique sets of armor in caves and use the talents of each team member to survive in protracted battles with cunning opponents. In recent years role-playing games They are increasingly shifting towards action, and there is nothing wrong with that - different times, different morals. But how great it is that someone else makes expensive, beautiful and at the same time extremely hardcore role-playing games.

Will wait?

Dragon Age returns to its role-playing roots, taking the most successful and progressive innovations of the second part, while simultaneously picking up something from its competitors.

Ready percentage: 60%

Morrigan- one of the main characters of the first part of Dragon Age: Origins who follows the Gray Guardian everywhere and helps prevent the Pestilence. The witch joins us at the very beginning of the game, when you are given the task of collecting the ingredients needed for initiation.
In Dragon Age: Origins, Morrigan can become a romantic interest for a male Guardian character. Also, a witch can teach you the “Werewolf” specialization almost from the very moment of meeting you.

You will also most likely be interested in learning about the rest of the Gray Guard.

Character history

Since childhood, Morrigan grew up “under the wing” of Flemeth, a mysterious person who has lived for many centuries in the wild lands of Korcari. Despite the true nature of the trustee, the girl stayed with her and grew up a little timid towards people, because she didn’t really need to contact them. Nevertheless, she did not lose interest in ordinary people. The character still sympathizes with animals.

Romance with a character

In Dragon Age: Origins, Morrigan is one of those characters who is extremely difficult to please, but you can sleep with her already with a small trust indicator - only 51. Almost all random gifts that can be found at the beginning of the game will suit her, but don’t wait that you will be applauded for your good deeds.
It is worth remembering that it will be easiest to do good deeds without taking Morrigan into the group. As for conversations with the character, it is also worth considering that she loves strength and is of the opinion that the strongest survive and does not respect love and pity.

If you started an affair with someone else, then she can give you an ultimatum and force you to choose now - with such a choice, the approval of the person you refused will decrease slightly. Provided that you reach the end of your romance with her, Morrigan will give you a unique ring.
After the quest “Grimoire of Flemeth”, with sufficient approval, a dialogue about love may appear on which subsequent relationships depend.

Bug with approval
You can get 100 approvals almost immediately. You need a mage, one Influence point and a basic strength indicator.
Arriving in Lothering, we remove the bandits, talk to Stan in the cage about the reverend mother, then exclude everyone from the squad except Morrigan. We go to the church and find the reverend - we talk about the Qunari and use intimidation. They won’t give you the key, but you will get +4 to approval and you can continue like this until you get 100 units.

Character in the add-on - search for an old friend
Morrigan became the central character in an entire separate expansion. Be that as it may, the witch herself will only be seen at the end of the expansion. Events will unfold a few years after the final battle - someone has noticed a witch in Ferelden and you go in search of her. The purpose of the search depends on how you behaved with the character during the main game, as well as the gender of your character. The outcome of the addition also depends on this.

Without exaggeration, we can say that Morrigan is one of the most striking characters in the world of Dragon Age. This seductive renegade sorceress not only manages to hide her true intentions, but is also the daughter of the legendary Flemeth. Morrigan knows much more than she seems, often leaving her narrow-minded party members bewildered. Those who caught this beauty in the first part of the game will no doubt be waiting for her... And umphal return in the Inquisition.She left too many questions.

Image of Morrigan

Initially, the image of Morrigan was very different from the daring and cunning girl who appears before us in the first part of the game. Initially, she borrowed many features from Flemeth. Morrigan was supposed to communicate in blank verse, but the developers later abandoned this method of communication, in my opinion, in vain. As a result, the image of the heroine was significantly redesigned, she began to look less like her mother, instead, she turned into a kind of teenage girl who is irritated by all these speeches in blank verse, which her mother loves to abuse, however, she herself pronounces them every now and then .

Now a new problem has arisen - voice. The casting took a very long time, but in the end, a certain Claudia Black came under the watchful eye of the screenwriters, who starred in the role of some Irene Song from some series at the End of the Universe. Initially, she didn't even audition, Claudia simply sent in a voice recording, hoping that she would be offered work on some project in the future. The writers listened to the recording and immediately realized that they had found the right Morrigan.

N and on the occasion of the release of the third part of the game and the return of everyone’s favorite, Black again tried on the role of a wayward witch and coped with the task perfectly, not surprising, because Morrigan can no longer be imagined without her voice. Yes, sometimes it happens that an actor makes a character even brighter with his voice acting. It’s impossible not to mention the simply amazing voice acting of the Russian Morrigan. Olga Pletneva’s voice is also perfect, and in some ways even better than the original.

Morrigan's story

Why is this character so popular? In the game, Morrigan is primarily a universal character, a magician who can solve problems in different ways. In addition, constant skirmishes with Alistair and other comrades cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Its history is no less interesting. The thing is that magic in Thedas is an ambiguous matter. All those who have magical abilities are required to be under the control of the templars in the Circle of Mages, while those who avoid this are called apostates and are persecuted. It is clear that Morrigan does not agree with this order. And in general, she is completely different from other characters found in the game, she is not easy to find mutual language with others also thanks to his character.

The relationship between Morrigan and Flemeth is also interesting. The question of their relationship is not clarified and it is not clear whether she is Flemeth’s own daughter. It is clear that when you are raised by a powerful werewolf witch who instills fear in people with just her name, it is better not to contradict her. All these riddles fit perfectly with the plot of the game. Only in the end can one realize what the sorceress is capable of, but this knowledge will come too late.

Before the final battle of the first part with the Archdemon, Morrigan offers to make a choice. According to her assurances, a Dark ritual can be performed, as a result of which she will be able to conceive a child from the Gray Guardian. In this case, the Guardian will not have to make sacrifices for the sake of victory (if he refuses, someone will have to die). The spirit of the Archdemon will thus inhabit the unborn child. As a result, such a child will have a soul Ancient God. After the final battle, Morrigan leaves the hero, and the fate of the child remains unknown.

As a result, an image of a strong and even powerful woman is created, because Morrigan leaves the main character, even if she fell in love with him during the game and everything was fine. Her goals seem much more important than everything that happened. Morrigan decides her own destiny, so it has been and so it will remain.

Morrigan in the Inquisition

Morrigan's fate will become clear in Dragon Age: Inquisition, or maybe not, I haven't finished it yet. But the fact remains that just one appearance of her in the video and millions of fans clung to their monitor screens. Morrigan is not among our comrades, but she will appear as a kind of adviser in our fortress and will play a fairly significant role in the plot of the game. Will we get answers to at least some of the questions or will everything remain a secret?

As a result, I consider Morrigan a real symbol of the Dragon Age game, just like Qunari, the Circle of Mages and so on. It’s simply impossible to imagine Dragon Age without her!

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Morrigan was last modified: January 9, 2015 by admin

The Witch of the Wild, Morrigan, is one of the most charismatic and mysterious characters in the Dragon Age universe. Her appearance in the Dragon Age: Inquisition trailer excited fans and gave hope that new game At least some related questions will be answered. The portal conducted an analysis of the past and present of Morrigan: what could be her motives, and what can we expect from Morrigan in Inquisition - David Gaider answered this and other questions, also talking about how Morrigan was created, about his vision of her as a character and about whether players should expect any response from Morrigan if they had a relationship with her in Dragon Age: Origins.

Morrigan is one of the most mysterious characters to grace the Dragon Age universe with her presence. The enchanting witch keeps everyone guessing about her true intentions, and she knows more than she seems. If the excitement that followed her appearance in the Dragon Age: Inquisition E3 trailer is any indication, fans are glad she's back. With so many questions hanging in the air, including Morrigan's whereabouts after performing a dark ritual to conceive a child, Inquisition is her chance to reclaim her glory. We spoke with BioWare about the creation of one of Dragon Age's most talked about characters and her role in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

How did Morrigan appear?

Lead writer David Gaider's original vision for Morrigan was very different from the feisty, boisterous woman he introduced us to in Dragon Age: Origins. Oddly enough, Geider initially wrote Morrigan to be much like Flemeth, the woman who raised her. “Remember how we met Flemeth, and how she walked around and seemed like she was not of this world? My Morrigan was about the same,” says lead writer David Gaider. “She would never tell you anything directly.”

Gaider wanted players to wonder what she was talking about every time she opened her mouth, but he and his team soon decided that the quirky Morrigan image just wasn't working. Gaider had to completely rewrite it, and he liked the idea of ​​a straight-talking character, so he came to a compromise. “I decided that instead of making her like Flemeth, I would make her a teenage girl who just resents her mother. She's completely outspoken because she doesn't like the way her mother talks around the bush,” Gaider says.

Having overcome one obstacle with Morrigan, the team faced the next: finding the perfect voice. BioWare considers this one of the most essential elements of the character. “It took forever to cast Morrigan,” says Gaider. At one point, BioWare settled on one actress, but as with the original concept for Morrigan, they decided that the actress simply didn't fit what they had in mind. But then unexpectedly Claudia Black turned up (she played Irene Song in “The Edge of the Universe”). "She didn't actually audition for the role of Morrigan," Gaider says. Instead, Black sent them a recording she made to let BioWare know that she was interested in their future projects. "We listened to her and said something like, 'That would be perfect.' And, of course, I saw At the End of the Universe, so that was just great,” Gaider recalls.

Even after time had passed, Black returned for the Inquisition trailer and delivered exactly what BioWare needed. “She hits the nail on the head again, and she has this velvety voice that fits so well,” Gaider says. “Every once in a while you come across an actor who is just perfect from the start and makes what you've written better,” Gaider adds.

The Morrigan we know

Fans were quickly captivated by Morrigan's mysterious and sharp language, especially in her altercations with her party companion Alistair. Part of what makes Morrigan interesting is her backstory and place in the world of Dragon Age. Magic is feared in Thedas, and as a way to keep the power of mages under control, they must all be part of the Circle of Mages. Unsurprisingly, Morrigan refuses to obey, making her a renegade - an uncontrollable mage isolated from civilization. Morrigan's upbringing is very different from most of the characters we meet in Dragon Age, and she obviously didn't have much communication or interaction with others because of it.

Most notably, Morrigan has a strained relationship with Flemeth, but Morrigan is unsure if the witch is actually her mother. When your mentor is a legendary werewolf witch who is rumored to have killed people with sheer fear, it's hard not to adopt her tactics and reject her power. Can Morrigan or Flement be trusted remains open question because they always seem to have ulterior motives.

Morrigan's mysterious personality served the story well, and was something Gaider intentionally wanted. “I made Morrigan talk about herself a lot in Dragon Age: Origins, and the way Origins ended, players were left thinking, 'How much of this is true?'” Gaider says. “You’d have to be a fool not to recognize her mysterious qualities and then have her take advantage of them, right?” She knows what power she has."

Morrigan places in front of the player big choice before the final battle with the Archdemon in Origins. She declares that a certain dark ritual will allow her to conceive a child and save the Gray Warden from making a mortal sacrifice. She explains that the essence of the Archdemon, after killing him, will pass into her unborn child. Morrigan believes that the child will then have the soul of the Old God. Players playing as a male character are given the opportunity to conceive a child with Morrigan on their own, but even if they refuse, other Gray Wardens in the world may decide differently. After the final battle, Morrigan leaves and the child's fate remains unknown.

Morrigan's departure to continue her mission was something Gaider took to heart. "The way I see it, creating a strong female character is about giving her her own secret agenda," Gaider says. - The most important thing for me when I wrote Origins was that at the end, even if Morrigan loved the player, she had something she believed in, and it was so important that she would do it regardless player. And I think a lot of players expected her to submit to whatever they wanted, due to the fact that they fulfilled the love line, raised her approval and, of course, because she just has to kind of follow their fate. But Morrigan had her own destiny."

Role in Dragon Age: Inquisition

We've been teased about Morrigan's fate in Dragon Age: Inquisition, and the anticipation of her role in the game has fans jumping on their seats. Her absence from one of the roles has already been confirmed. "I think it's probably just fair to people to say that Morrigan won't join the party," says creative director Mike Laidlaw. "It will disappoint some people, but I think it's important for us to be open about it." Despite the fact that she will not be among the party members, her role will be important. “This is not a cameo. She plays a significant role,” Gaider teases.

Gaider and Laidlaw's excitement for her return to Inquisition is palpable. They had been planning her return for quite some time. “We knew about the core plot of Inquisition about halfway through Dragon Age: Origins. The story has been in production for a very long time, says Laidlaw. - The Inquisition story is Morrigan's moment, which is good option Think about it". Fans were hoping for her to appear in Dragon Age II, but only heard a few mentions of her. The anticipation to see what Morrigan was up to was unbearable; fans have been waiting for a reunion with her since the Witch Hunt DLC released in 2010. "I guess you could say that in Dragon Age II we didn't deal with that story, but it was always there, waiting for us," Gaider says.

When asked if there will be any references to your past relationship with Morrigan, such as your Gray Warden romancing her, Gaider says, “Yes. The different states Morrigan could be in - of which there could be quite a few, because we never know when to stop when it comes to decisions - will all be taken into account. Whether or not they have the ultimate effect of the reactions one imagines depends on the individual. But we do take them into account, and it does play a role to varying degrees depending on the environment.”

Does this mean Inquisition will tighten up its story's dangling tails? The dark ritual has been in the minds of fans since Origins, but there's more depth to Morrigan than that one scene. "Morrigan plays a human role in this intrigue, which I think might surprise some people because they may see her solely as a tool of intrigue," Gaider says. “She is involved in this great intrigue, and although this is true to a certain extent, I give her a human place. It will make sense when it's all over."

Dragon Age: Inquisition continues the story established in 2009. With such a bright and unpredictable character as Morrigan, her role should be anything but ordinary. Either way, Morrigan wants change in the world, and this could be her chance to see her dreams come true.

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