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Residents of Baden-Baden call these picturesque ruins Altes Schloss - Old Castle. Hohenbaden is a truly ancient, medieval building. After a terrible fire in the 16th century, the former powerful castle remained in gloomy ruins. Hohenbaden was never rebuilt.

Hohenbaden Castle (Schloss Hohenbaden), photo Heidrun

These picturesque ruins are inhabited by Baden-Baden are called Altes Schloss – Old Castle. Hohenbaden (or Hohenbaden) (Schloss Hohenbaden)– this is a truly ancient, medieval building. After a terrible fire in the 16th century, the former powerful castle remained in gloomy ruins. Hohenbaden was never rebuilt.

The majestic silhouette of these ancient walls is visible from afar. Entrance to the ruins of Hohenbaden is free, free of charge. You can admire the panorama of Baden-Baden and its romantic surroundings from a high observation deck.

Hohenbaden Castle (Schloss Hohenbaden), photo by Marlize Kleynhans

Tourists examine the picturesque remains of stone walls, terraces and intricate passages, dilapidated towers; They descend along jagged ancient stairs into the dungeons. The building was equipped with sewerage. Today, in the ruins of the building one can find the remains of an ancient engineering system.

Hohenbaden Castle (Schloss Hohenbaden), photo by Dimitar Denev

In 1102, by order of the Margrave Hermann II from the dynasty Zeringen A defensive fortress was erected on Buttert Rock. Hohenbaden served as the residence of the Margraves of Baden until the 15th century. But after the Zähringens built the New Castle, Schloss Hohenbaden was deserted. In 1599 it was destroyed by fire. The wooden parts of the building were completely burned out, but the stone skeleton remained.

Aeolian harp (Äolsharfe), photo by Dimitar Denev

An interesting landmark of Hohenbaden is considered to be built into the doorway. Knight's Hall. A strange large instrument, consisting of a resonator frame with stretched strings, produces unusual sounds under the influence of the wind. In 1999, the Aeolian harp was installed here on the initiative of the musician Rüdiger Oppermann.

Hohenbaden Castle (Schloss Hohenbaden), photo LiFE on Manual

Hohenbaden Castle (Schloss Hohenbaden), photo Floramon

Alter Schloßweg 10 76530 Baden-Baden, Germany‎

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Hohentübingen Castle is the cultural center of the city of Tübingen, located in Germany. It is located on a hill, which allows you to view almost all the surroundings from its courtyard. The first mention of the building dates back to 1078, when it still served as a military fortress, of which only the corner tower remains today. At the beginning of the 16th century, a reconstruction was carried out, as a result of which the castle, originally made in the style of the Middle Ages, began to acquire the features of the Renaissance. Now the castle houses a city university museum dedicated to the ancient cultures of the world.

If we look at Hohentübingen Castle from the inside, there is little left of the previous decoration. The museum located in the building occupied most of the territory to house its exhibits, slightly adjusting the interior to suit itself. If you look closely, you can see the features of the Renaissance. In the prince's two chambers, pompous doors, magnificent Württemberg weapons with fine carvings, and wooden coffered ceilings are noticeable.

Coordinates: 48.51930100,9.05070100

old lock

The old castle is one of the main attractions in Baden-Baden, Germany. Currently, only ruins remain of Hohenbaden Castle, built in 1102. From the 11th to the 15th centuries, the castle, built on the Buttert cliffs at an altitude of 410 meters above sea level, was the residence of the Margraves of Baden-Baden. After the construction of the new castle, the residence was moved there, and Hohenbaden was destroyed by fire at the end of the 16th century.

During its heyday in 1431-1453, the castle had at least a hundred rooms. Hohenbaden represents one of the earliest examples of medieval buildings with a sewer system.

In 1999, a so-called Aeolian harp was installed in one of the wide window openings of the castle, which sounds due to air vibrations caused by the wind. The harp is a large wooden frame with 120 strings. You can enjoy the amazing sound of this instrument every day in the summer from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Coordinates: 48.77637800,8.24420100

Castle "Favorite"

The Favorite Castle in Rastatt was built in 1710-1730 by Johann Michael Ludwig Rohrer. The owner of the luxurious building was Margravine Sibylla Augusta of Baden. This masterpiece of the Baroque era with a richly decorative interior was supposed to serve as a country residence for princely entertainment, communication and games, hunting, and masquerades.

“Favorite” is surrounded by a Baroque garden. The palace building has three floors, two wings and a small courtyard. The interiors are decorated with marble, ceramics, and decorative plaster. The premises are decorated with ceiling frescoes, skillful embroidery, and magnificent furniture. Here you can see a unique “Florentine cabinet”, made using ancient techniques with wall panels inlaid with semi-precious stones. Of interest is the collection of valuable paintings, works of Asian, European porcelain and glass from the early 18th century.

The Favorite Castle is open for tours. It is considered one of the monuments of the country and Baden-Württemberg, and is under state protection. The park is accessible for walking. Since 1957, the annual series of concerts “Castle Festive Serenade” has been held here.

Coordinates: 48.82191900,8.23742300

Glatt Castle

Situated in the northern part of the Black Forest, Glatt Castle is one of the few water castles that have survived to this day. Of course, the castle was not built in the middle of a reservoir, but was surrounded by long ditches filled with water - for security reasons, as you might guess.

The history of Glatt Castle dates back to the 13th century, when Heinrich von Neuneck, who came from a respected knightly family, began construction of this structure in the small German settlement of Glatt. Until the middle of the 17th century, the castle was the patrimony of Henry’s descendants, but when there were no full-fledged heirs left in their family, Glatt was first converted into a monastery, and then early XIX century passed into the possession of the wealthy Hohenzollern family.

At the corners of the castle there are four towers connected by three-story galleries. The architectural style of the castle is dominated by Renaissance features. IN currently On the territory of Glatt Castle there is a museum, and in the church that belongs to it, ceremonies and weddings are still held to this day.

Coordinates: 48.38682800,8.62517300

Sigmaringen Castle

Sigmarengen Castle is the former castle of Prince Hohenzollern, whose family name is considered one of the oldest in Germany. The structure was first mentioned in 1077, when it was described as a majestic and powerful building. The castle acquired its present appearance in XIX-XX centuries due to major restoration after the fire. The interior of the building is rich in luxurious chambers, cozy halls and spacious refectories. Within its walls is the Princely Museum, the Hohenzollern Library and a unique Collection of weapons, including about 3 thousand exhibits.

The collection of weapons at Sigmarengen Castle has unique exhibits, some of which date back to the Middle Ages. It was created by Prince Karl Anton and is considered one of the largest arms exhibitions in Europe. In addition to the weapons themselves, all kinds of armor of knights and warriors are placed on shelves and pedestals.

Also worthy of attention is the Hohenzollern Library, on the shelves of which about 200 thousand books are stored, including manuscripts from the 12th century.

Coordinates: 48.08755400,9.21625800

Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg Castle is one of the main architectural attractions of Germany. Situated in the Neckar river valley, it is one of the oldest castles in the country and attracts thousands of tourists with its ruins and magnificent architecture. There is more than one style in the decor of the castle - there is Baroque, Gothic, and Renaissance, the contrast between which literally amazes the imagination of visitors.

The history of Heidelberg Castle dates back to the end of the 12th and beginning of the 13th century; the first mentions of the castle date back to this time. For many centuries the castle was used as the residence of the elector, and was besieged and ravaged by invaders more than once. The castle suffered the most severe destruction in the 17th century, when from 1633 to 1635 it was besieged by French and Swedish troops, and 60 years later the troops of Louis XIV almost completely destroyed the castle.

Since the 18th century, attempts have been made repeatedly to restore the castle in Heidelberg, but each time due to financial difficulties reconstruction was delayed until in 1890 the decision was made to leave most of the castle as ruins and restore only Friedrichsbau Palace. But despite this, Heidelberg Castle still amazes with its splendor and grandeur, being the pride of Germany, a witness to many pages of its history.

Coordinates: 49.41057200,8.71584300

Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg Castle, a symbol of German romance, sits majestically above the city on the 80-meter-high Königstuhl mountain.

Famous residents of the castle were Frederick V and Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate. Martin Luther, Victor Hugo and Mark Twain shared their impressions of the castle.

Now all that remains of the castle are ruins. It was brought to this state by regular raids by the French army in the 17th century. Despite attempts to restore the castle, it still remained dilapidated. The authorities did not have enough money for full recovery architectural monument. It stood in this form until the 19th century. The French Count Charles de Gremberg visited this castle and was impressed by the scale and its condition. He looked after it throughout his life and also produced the first illustrated guide to the castle ruins, which attracted tourists.

Most tourists come from the USA and Japan: they are impressed by the view of the city and part of the Upper Rhine Lowland, which opens from the castle terrace.

Coordinates: 49.41047100,8.71499100

Weikersheim Castle

Weikersheim Castle is considered a historical and archaeological monument of the city of the same name in Germany. Built in the 12th century in Baroque style on the site of a military fortress with dungeons. Until 1967 it was privately owned, passing from the princely Hohenlohe family to other important people. Today it is under the leadership of Baden-Württemberg and is open to the public. The building is surrounded by beautiful greenhouses, the Hercules fountain and various galleries.

After multiple changes of ownership, the castle underwent several reconstructions, but did not change radically. It received its modern appearance in the 17th century under the leadership of Count Wolfgang II von Hohenlohe. A few years later, the building was looted during the Thirty Years' War. Wolfgang's grandson carried out the restoration and decorated the park residence with hundreds of statues, and the castle itself with luxurious furniture and other decorations. After some time, it came into the possession of local authorities.

The highlight of the building is the Knights' Hall, which is decorated with hunting scenes, hunting accessories, figures of various animals and paintings of relevant themes.

Coordinates: 49.48079100,9.89612800

Hohenzollern Castle

The halls and rooms of the castle contain the richest collections of paintings, dishes made of gold, silver and porcelain from the personal archives of German princes and emperors. Today it is not so much a museum as a large cultural and historical center, in which, together with a traditional museum, cultural events of various types and at various levels regularly take place throughout the year.

Numerous concerts and exhibitions are held here almost all year round. In summer there is an open-air cinema. At Christmas, this castle turns into a real fairy-tale palace, where fairy tales literally come to life and magic happens. Christmas week is one of the most vibrant cultural events of the year.

To get to the castle you need to overcome a rather steep climb up the stairs. The journey to the castle will take approximately 20 minutes, but during this time you will be able to see the beautiful alpine forest and breathe the air that the most famous German aristocrats and emperors once breathed.

Coordinates: 48.32333300,8.96777800

Sights of Baden-Württemberg

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There are two castles in Baden-Baden, colloquially called simply “Old” and “New”. Both are close to the city, but only the Old one works as an attraction that can be seen by tourists. The new castle was turned into a hotel, and from now on you can only look at it from the outside.

The real name of the Old Castle (or, more precisely, what remains of it) is Hohenbaden Castle (Schloss Hohenbaden). The funny thing is that it is also actually quite simple - Upper Baden, but in the Middle Ages this was common. In addition, it reflects the essence quite accurately: firstly, the castle is located on a mountain above the city of Baden-Baden, and secondly, the castle for several centuries was the residence of the supreme ruler of the region - the Margrave of Baden. The castle is very, very old, it is more than 900 years old, and it was built by the same margraves of Baden.

The interior decoration of the castle has not been preserved, but the walls have survived well.

Construction of Hohenbaden Castle began in 1100, following administrative changes that created the Margrave of Baden and its ruler, the Margrave of Baden. The first holder of this title began construction of the residence. The margrave was subordinate only to the king, so in his region he was almost a monarch - the king was far away, and even his ability to demand something here was limited in that era. So the castle was large - about 100 rooms, designed for both defense and court life. Early buildings were built in the Gothic style, the castle was surrounded by a wall, a moat and other defensive structures. In the middle of the 15th century, another margrave built another castle - the New one - and moved the courtyard there, but the Old one burned down at the end of the 16th century, and after that it was never rebuilt.

Now parts of the buildings have been preserved here: walls, buildings, towers, etc. The interior decoration has not been preserved, there is no roof, there are no floors in many buildings, but the walls have survived well. In some parts several floors have been preserved. You can see the courtyards, defense structures and something else. There are a lot of walking routes around.

You can also climb the tower and walls, and, in fact, this is what most tourists come here for: this is the best observation deck in the area, you can see the surrounding area from above, the Rhine and even the Vosges in the distance. The view is absolutely stunning - at any time of the year.

Practical information

Address: Baden-Baden, Alter Schlossweg, 10.

Visiting the castle is free for everyone, but they ask for a donation (whoever gives how much).

Opening hours are from 10:00 to 22:00 (it is open for so long in the evening because there is a restaurant on the castle grounds, and a very good one at that).

A VM correspondent met with the performer of the main role of the play “Baden-Baden” Evgenia Kryukova. The bright and winning roles that Evgenia Kryukova plays on the theater stage can be the envy of any actress.

True, all of your current heroines are united by tragedy and spiritual breakdown. Why does your repertoire develop this way?

I can't agree with you. For example, in the play “The Sea Voyage of 1933” (a dramatization of the novel “Ship of Fools” by Katherine Anne Porter. - “VM”), my Countess is the only character who moves from complete destruction to absolute integrity.

This is a man who finds love and leaves the ship in joy. Blanche DuBois in the play “In the Space of Tennessee W.” is, of course, a tragic character. But in the madness that overtakes her, she finds a peculiar state of peace. This helps her distance herself from everything that happened before. In short, for me the life of none of my current heroines in the theater is tragic. With the exception of Irina’s role in this season’s premiere, “Baden.”

Can such fatal beauties of the mid-19th century exist in our time?

I think there are any number of such women today. This character is quite modern, as, in fact, is the entire work of Ivan Turgenev “Smoke”, which formed the basis for the premiere. You can look at Irina superficially, or you can look deeply. We can say that she simply loves money and is not ready to exchange high society for a real feeling. Or you can compare her with Anna Karenina: she is looking for confirmation of love, she has too high demands on her partner, but she does not throw herself under a train, but simply breaks off the relationship.

It’s not for nothing that at the end she asks Litvinov if he could live by love alone... That is, this is important for her, and to some extent he did not live up to her hopes...

Is Turgenev’s Irina closest to you?

This is, of course, not me. Although, when you play a role, you try to pass it through yourself, find an explanation and justify the actions of your heroine. Thus, something from the actor himself is introduced into the image. In this sense, there is enough of me in the characters. I cannot go on stage unless I answer the question for myself: why does my hero behave this way.

Is it important for you to diversify your personal life experiences in order to gain a wealth of experiences and impressions for future roles?

There is a profession, and there is a personal life. Of course, any experience is useful for our profession. But I think it’s wrong to specifically look at a dying person and watch how he does it. This is already something paranoid. In general, good actors are able to imagine a particular situation and their behavior in it, since they have a flexible nervous system. The main thing is to learn how to use it.

A serious vacuum has been created. Pavel Osipovich carefully preserved the traditions once set by Yuri Zavadsky. For now, a decision has been made not to appoint anyone to this position. Of course, one day someone must come, but it must be the right person who will not destroy, but will increase what was created before him.

The New Castle stands majestically on top of the Florentinerberg hill. Many centuries ago it served as the residence of the Margraves of Baden, and at the current moment in history this historical monument has turned into an exclusive hotel complex.

Only a terrace with a breathtaking panorama of the resort and the intoxicating aroma of citrus fruits hovering over the square and castle is available to the general public, which gives the majestic complex a certain aura of fabulousness and even mystery.

The location for the construction of the residence was not accidental, since the famous thermal springs are located not far from it. It was at the foot of the mountain that the ancient Romans built baths, where they could relax and gain strength for hours, forgetting about their problems.

In a relatively short period of time, Baden grew from a small settlement into a European city with a system of government that required a representative and well-defended structure. The castle, built in 1479 at an altitude of 212 m, was later used as the residence of the Grand Dukes, who decorated the interior with valuable objects. Most of them were exhibited in 1995 at a sensational sale at Sotheby's, and in 2003 the former residence of the princes was acquired by a Kuwaiti company, which rebuilt it into an exclusive hotel complex.

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