Move data from phone to CD. How to easily copy files from Android to a memory card. What applications can be transferred to a memory card

One of the most exciting questions when using modern devices is to transfer applications to external storage. Usually the phone resource is 4-8 GB, but over time it becomes insufficient to actively use and save necessary information. The solution is to transfer applications to the Android SD card, and our article will tell you how to do this.

The standard internal memory capacity of most modern Android phones is about four gigabytes. Of these, 1 GB is occupied by the operating system itself, another 2 GB is accounted for by media files. To install additional software There is only 1 GB left, which is very little by modern standards. To expand the capabilities of your phone, it is advisable to transfer applications to your Android memory card. This way, you can save RAM and use the necessary programs without the risk of overloading the device.

How to transfer applications to a memory card using standard means

For such manipulations they are used standard firmware phone. The method is very simple, but does not always work, because some downloads and programs are not initially intended to be saved anywhere other than the internal storage of the device. At the same time, you can first try exactly this algorithm of actions and reset everything installed programs to the internal memory of the device.

How it's done:

  1. In your phone settings, find the “Applications” section.
  2. Open the desired tab and click settings.
  3. In the settings, select the “move to SD card” function.

Many files do not support this option and may subsequently work incorrectly. It all depends on how the developer originally planned to use his project. It may also happen that your version of android is not supported this function. She appeared in early version 2.2, but by the fourth it disappeared from the phones. Now in some Android firmware the ability to transfer applications to the storage card has been restored, but it is better to determine this experimentally, based on the capabilities of your smartphone.

What applications can be transferred to a memory card

In order for downloads to be saved to the internal storage, instead of the phone’s RAM, this item must be specified in the settings of the program itself. If the developer has disabled this option, it is unlikely that you will be able to transfer the file. To narrow your search, you should immediately exclude many widgets, “live” wallpapers and downloaded alarm clocks from the list of possible options. By default, they will be saved exclusively in RAM, and when transferred to an SD drive they will not work correctly.

What applications are available for transfer:

  • Games and entertainment resources.
  • Directories, dictionaries.
  • Animation gadget settings.
  • Additional programs downloaded yourself.

A radical way to solve the problem with overloaded memory would be full reset settings to factory settings. You can do this according to the instructions on the Internet for your model. This will improve the performance of the phone, but will also bring inconvenience, because the necessary files will need to be found and downloaded again.

How to transfer applications to a memory card using software

If the question of how to transfer applications to an SD card in Android is still relevant for you, the best option would be to use superuser rights (root rights) and gain access to change the basic settings of the phone’s firmware. This option is not always acceptable (certain skills are required, the warranty on the phone is removed), so installation would be preferable special programs for this.

What applications will help save memory:

  • "Move to SD card." Free version will allow you to evaluate the compatibility of the device. In addition to the redistribution function, the program does a good job of “cleaning” the phone of unnecessary files.
  • AppMgrIII. One of best options this segment. Allows you to forcefully move the selected file, but this can be done after gaining access and root rights. However, this will void the manufacturer's warranty (not recommended for new devices) and may also interfere with the operation of the downloaded file.
  • FolderMount. In the usual sense, the program does not free up space on random access memory, but has an important function for saving resources. With its help, you can transfer the game cache from internal storage to the drive.
  • Link2SD. The simple interface and high efficiency of this program have already been appreciated by many users. It allows you to place downloads in a separate section file system cards.
  • Cleaner Master. Loved by many universal program for cleaning up software “garbage” has another important advantage. Paid version The program allows you to mount selected downloads to the drive.

An effective solution would be to configure the SD card as internal storage. This feature is already available in devices based on Android 7 and higher. You must first delete all information from the card (it will be formatted upon startup), and then in the settings section select the “Customize” option. By following the program's prompts, you can expand the resource of your phone without additional software.

Many users will be interested in learning how to transfer applications to a memory card on Android 7. This will help save device RAM and also provide better download productivity. This can be done different ways, which are presented in our article.

ATTENTION: starting with Android version 4.4 and higher, Google has disabled the built-in function to transfer data to a memory card, and only some manufacturers integrate it on their own and not all applications can be transferred - so if you don’t have a transfer button, you can go straight to the third section.

All applications that we install on our smartphone (Samsung Galaxy, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Alcatel, Meizu, Asus Zenfon, Nokia, Huawei, Sony Xperia, Prestige, Irbis tablet and so on) go to non-removable internal memory.

Unfortunately, with the increase in the number installed applications, photos, music, videos, and programs, our device begins to suffer from a lack of free space for additional files - especially cheap models.

For this purpose, Android has very useful feature transfer data individual applications to external storage - micro card SD.

If your smartphone or tablet has a memory card slot, then you can easily transfer most of your applications, photos, music, videos to a memory card and in this way free up space in the phone’s memory.

To do this, you can use one of the three methods provided below: built-in tools, through a computer (laptop) or using a third-party program not included in the built-in set.

The method using the program is the most effective, since the built-in function is increasingly being removed by equipment manufacturers xiaomi, redmi, lg, zte, redmi 4x, htc, asus, huawei, samsung, meizu, lenovo, lg, samsung, fly, alcatel, redmi, sony xperia, prestigio and you won’t find it on most of even the best modern smartphones.

NOTE: depending on the version of Android, for example, Android 6.0, Android 7, Android 5.1, Android 4.4 and so on, there are also some nuances when moving files from the phone to the SD memory card.

By the way, there is another way. It is even more effective, since the tricks described below do not always work

The first way to transfer data from the internal memory of an Android phone to an SD card is the built-in tools

Android has a feature that allows you to move an application to a map. Just go to Settings > Application Manager.

Here it should immediately be noted that, for example, in my Samsung Galaxy with Android 6 there was an “Application Manager” function, but when it was updated to Android 7.0, it disappeared. Instead, a good optimization appeared.

If you have an application manager, you can see the games and programs installed on the SD memory card, as well as those that can be transferred.

Therefore, then tap the application that interests you, and then in the new window, find the item “Move to SD card” - click on the button.

After some time the application will be moved.

The second way to transfer data from the internal memory of an Android phone to an SD card is through a computer

This method works well for moving multimedia files such as photos, movies, songs, images (and more).

Using a computer, you have the ability to quickly transfer music, videos and other data to an SD card using a USB cable (set it as a USB drive).

When viewing the contents of your smartphone, you can see two separate media: internal memory and external memory card.

For convenience, you can use the Apowersoft Phone Manager program. If you don't have a computer, you can use the program File Manager, which you need to first install yourself on your Android phone.

The third way to transfer data from the internal memory of an Android phone to an SD card is using applications

If you want to transfer applications and games to a memory card, in the store Google Play You can find programs that will quickly do this process. I recommend using AppMgr III (known as App 2 SD).

Download it. But not all applications installed in the smartphone’s memory can be transferred to a memory card. Those preinstalled in the system usually cannot be moved.

After launching AppMgr III you will see which can be transferred. With AppMgr III you can quickly transfer everything to a memory card at once, rather than one at a time.

To do this, press and hold your finger a little so that it appears in a red wrapper, and then select “Move All”. You can also check the list of installed applications and files that you want to transfer to the memory card.

Which applications can be transferred to a memory card and which cannot or are not recommended

Is it possible to transfer all applications to a memory card? No, everything is impossible. Why can't everything be transferred? Because this is not provided by the Android system, the phone manufacturer or the author of the application.

You cannot transfer whatsapp (whatsapp), facebook - if it was built-in initially, updates, play market, youtube, firmware and others that were originally built-in to an SD memory card.

Some smartphone owners want to transfer cache, especially from games - this is available using the program - “FolderMount”.

You can also easily transfer maps: from Yandex navigator, Navitel (from navitel is even recommended), garmin, cityguide, Google maps.

Sometimes people ask me how to transfer viber and the VK application to a flash SD card. It depends on the smartphone and the Android version. Sometimes the system allows it, sometimes it doesn't.

Much information that cannot be transferred through programs and the built-in tools of a smartphone can be moved using a computer, for example, a folder, a song, pictures, downloads, arch, various audio, SMS messages, a gallery - or rather its contents, Viber photos, and so on. Good luck.

When installing and copying new files to a smartphone, situations sometimes arise when there is not enough space in the internal storage. In such cases, you need to know how to properly move files and programs to an SD card in Android (android). There are several ways, but the simplest is to use the system capabilities of the device.

Let's look at how to swap the internal and external memory and make sure that games are installed directly on the microSD card. In different modern models, the size of the internal storage of the device varies within very wide ranges. You can easily check its total volume and balance in the device settings.

When downloading and installing programs on Android, the storage capacity of the smartphone decreases. This, in turn, leads to slower operation of the device. To solve the problem described above, external media are often used (microSD memory cards, flash drives), which are present in almost all modern gadgets. How to install the program so that it does not lead to “braking” of the phone will be described below.

How to transfer applications from phone internal memory to SD card

You can move files from the internal storage of your smartphone to a microSD drive in a standard way. To do this, go to Settings, select the Application Manager section, then Manage. A list of available installation packages will appear on android smartphone. Select the one you need from the list, go to its properties and click the Move to SD card button.

If necessary, you can carry out the reverse procedure by tapping on the Transfer to phone button. The standard method is the most convenient, but it is not always possible to do so in a simple way transfer files to microSD drive. It happens that the Move to SD card button is not active and the user cannot transfer games and cache to external storage. This happens when developers block such a function when creating the installation distribution.

Internal memory provides more fast work applications than a microSD drive or, for example, a flash drive. If it is not possible to transfer the application to an SD card using the standard method, it is recommended to use third-party special software. Such utilities are easy to manage and move games to a microSD drive in Android. Let's look at the most interesting of these programs.

  1. Link2SD. The utility allows you to quickly and efficiently transfer any files to a memory card. In the interface, you can see which mobile programs have the function of moving to a memory card and which do not. The user does not have to scroll through the entire list of installed applications and games, selecting one at a time and checking for the presence of such a function.
  2. AppMgrProIII. One of best utilities, which can be downloaded for free from Google Play Store. It allows you not only to transfer all files, but also to clear the cache on your phone. The program interface is intuitive and easy to use, and has a sorting function. The user immediately sees programs that are already on the microSD drive or those that cannot be transferred from the built-in storage. The described actions can be implemented with android version not 2.2-4.3. For newer and older OS versions, AppMgrProIII will not work.
  3. FolderMount. The utility allows you to install not only the applications themselves, but also their cache, which usually takes up most of the space, on a microSD card. Moreover, you can transfer it to any other external drive, for example usb flash drive . Not entirely convenient is the fact that to use this utility you need rights for android. But given the wide range of features of FolderMount, this will not be a problem for the user. The advantage of this utility is that it works with latest versions Android OS, which other programs cannot provide.

In general, to save phone memory, it is recommended to immediately move the application to the SD card after installation. However, it is possible to install them on external media by default, but only if you swap the internal and external memory of the gadget. To carry out such an operation, you must have Root rights and have a good knowledge of the file system structure. Additionally, you will need to install the Root Explorer utility. Thus, many problems that arise for those who actively use their devices will be solved.

Articles and Lifehacks

The information contained in the removable module can actually be transferred to a mobile device very easily.

Despite this, the question of how to move a file from a memory card to a phone continues to remain open for many users.

Almost all modern cellular devices support the function of copying and moving data. How can I do that? Let's try to answer the question posed.

Instructions for Android

  • If a person is used to using the device’s built-in memory, he should be prepared for the fact that it will quickly run out over time.
  • This means that the subscriber will no longer be able to install games and programs, save music and photos.
    In this case, the solution is obvious: you should place the files on a micro-SD memory card.
  • To do this we need the App2SD program, which is easy to find and download in Android Market. It is completely free, and is specially designed for transferring games and other applications to a memory card mobile device.
  • Install the program, launch it and go to the “To SD card” tab. Those applications that can be moved, as a rule, notify about this themselves. Near them there is a green arrow.
  • In the window that appears, select “Move to SD memory card.”

Instructions for any phones

  • As a rule, a mobile device from any manufacturer provides the ability to move files, provided pre-installation drivers.
  • First, let’s make sure that copy protection is not activated on the flash card. If this mode is set, this operation cannot be performed.
  • It should also be taken into account that the memory capacity of a mobile device is usually much less than the capacity of a microSD card. Before moving data, you need to make sure that you actually have enough space on your phone.
  • We mark the applications that interest us. Depending on which function is available, information can be copied or moved immediately. Select the appropriate item.

    These manipulations are performed by users of Samsung devices.

  • But how to move a file from a memory card to Nokia phone? To do this, go through the main menu to micro SD card and mark the applications you are interested in. We move the above in the same way as described above.
  • If the subscriber owns a smartphone, it is recommended that he launch the file manager. This can be done, for example, through the control panel.
  • Moving applications is done in this way. You can mark one or several files at the same time.
  • A mobile device is sometimes equipped with certain software, which can also be used to perform the described operation.
  • Such programs are pre-installed, launched and configured on the computer, after which the phone is connected. At this stage, it is important to select the appropriate connection mode - for example, “PC Suite”.
  • We mark the applications we are interested in and select the option to move to the device memory. Before this, it is recommended to connect the device as a drive to the computer and check everything with an antivirus so as not to damage the phone itself.

Sooner or later, every user of Android devices is faced with a situation where the internal memory of the device is about to run out. When you try to update existing or install new applications, in the store Play Market A notification pops up stating that there is not enough free space, to complete the operation you need to delete media files or some applications.

Most applications are installed in internal memory by default. But it all depends on what installation location the program developer specified. It also determines whether it will be possible to transfer application data to an external memory card in the future or not.

Not all applications can be transferred to a memory card. Those that were preinstalled and are system applications, you can’t move it, at least if you don’t have root rights. But most downloaded applications tolerate the “move” well.

Before you start transferring, make sure there is enough free space on your memory card. If you remove the memory card, the applications that were transferred to it will not work. Also, you should not expect that applications will work in another device, even if you insert the same memory card into it.

It is worth remembering that programs are not completely transferred to the memory card; some of them remain in the internal memory. But the bulk is moved, freeing up the necessary megabytes. The size of the portable part of the application is different in each case.

Method 1: AppMgr III

The free AppMgr III (App 2 SD) application has proven itself as best tool to move and delete programs. The application itself can also be moved to the card. It's very easy to master. There are only three tabs displayed on the screen: "Moveable", "On the SD card", "In phone".

After downloading, do the following:

Another useful feature is automatic application cache clearing. This technique also helps free up space.

Method 2: FolderMount

FolderMount is a program designed to completely transfer applications along with the cache. To work with it you will need ROOT rights. If you have them, you can even work with system applications, so you need to select folders very carefully.

To use the application, follow these instructions:

Method 3: Move to SDCard

The easiest way is to use the Move to SDCard program. It is very easy to use and takes up only 2.68 MB. The app icon on your phone may be called "Delete".

Using the program looks like this:

Method 4: Standard means

In addition to all of the above, try to transfer using built-in tools operating system. This feature is only available for devices with Android version 2.2 and higher installed. In this case, you need to do the following:

But what to do if the Android version is lower than 2.2 or the developer did not provide the ability to move? In such cases, third-party software, which we talked about earlier, can help.

Using the instructions in this article, you can easily move apps to and from your storage card. And having ROOT rights provides even more opportunities.

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