Health program with calorie counting. Calorie counting programs: application features and best variations for Android and iOS. My weight loss coach

The calorie counting application is a specialized calculator that automatically calculates the calorie content of consumed foods. Convenient to use for those who want to track not only what they eat during the day, but also the number of calories in their diet, control their diet and achieve their goal of improving their figure and improving their body condition.

Based on the information provided below, the user will select a personal best calorie counting app for android.

Key Features of the Best Calorie Counting Apps for Android

Applications have the following characteristics:

  • Calculation of the required daily calorie intake for the owner, according to individual characteristics.
  • Availability of a list of products with the specified calorie content, amount of fat, carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Tracking weight and other body parameters.
  • The apps take into account the amount of water you drink per day.
  • Ability to count calories in food consumed.

The programs have differences in design and design, the presence of additional functionality, and the products available in the application base.

Before you start using the calorie counter app for Android, which is best for the user based on individual needs, you should take into account the facts from the listed apps.

My FitnessPal

The best calorie counting app for Android. The leader of the list, based on its characteristics and ease of use, the My FitnessPal program has a huge list of product names with calculated calorie content, composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - about 6 million. The developers did not stop at this figure, constantly adding to the list. The application has many additional features:

  • the ability to create your own menu, including any number of dishes;
  • viewing statistics of changes in user parameters;
  • Barcode Scanner;
  • tracking physical activity used during exercise training, adding approaches and repetitions of each is acceptable;
  • maintaining statistics of both types of load - strength and cardio;
  • filling out a food diary not only from a smartphone, but also from the website.

Most of the features of the My FitnessPal app are available to all users free of charge. The additional part requires a paid subscription to use.

Interesting fact! For those tracking food calories, it is important to know the definition of calories. Calorie is a unit of measurement of energy produced by the body from incoming food.

Fat Secret

The advantage of this program for counting calories on Android is that it has free access to all its features and no advertising. Has a wide range of products indicating their nutritional value, use of product barcode. A standard workout list is used to track calories burned. The functionality of Fat Secret has the peculiarity of replenishing the food diary with personal photos of the diet.

Lifesum is one of the best calorie counting apps for Android

The undoubted advantage of the Lifesum application is its bright design. Available standard features for adding dishes from an individual diet, entering products using barcodes, using a list of food indicating nutritional value. Comfortable use of Lifesum is accompanied by daily reminders that you need to drink a certain amount of water, weigh yourself, and it’s time for your next meal. Access to the application is free. It is possible to purchase a premium account, which allows you to use all the functions available in the program.

Interesting fact! If we consider the technical side of the issue, it must be said that 1 calorie is required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. Accordingly, 1 kilocalorie contains 1 thousand calories, and weight changes from gram to kilogram.


All standard features are available. The disadvantage of the YAZIO application is the lack of a function for replenishing the database with personal recipes. With YAZIO you can also track all types of your own physical activity. It has restrictions on access to functionality - to acquire the ability to use everything you need to spend money on a premium account.

The Dine4Fit calorie counting app for Android, which is gaining popularity among users, in addition to classic functions, allows you to find out information about the presence of salts, cholesterol, fatty acids, the exact glycemic index, trans fats, vitamins, and microelements in most foods. Materials on food storage and selection are freely available. Significantly complicating the work of Dine4Fit is the inconvenience of using the list of products and the long time that the application spends on loading.

Calorie counter

The advantage of this program is that it can function freely without an Internet connection. The application is simple and easy to use, and is not overloaded with unnecessary functions. All standard features are included in the Calorie Counter functionality. Despite the minimalism of the application, user ratings are satisfactory.

Easy Fit

A wonderful program for calculating calories on Android for lovers of animations and colorful design. The user has a choice of 24 available colors. In addition to its bright design, Easy Fit pleases its owners with its stable operation. Despite the presence of all the basic capabilities, the program has a minor drawback - due to development by foreign programmers, the user may not have enough of the usual food products. Their absence is compensated by adding any products. Easy Fit works without the Internet.


The app for calorie analysis works by synchronizing with Google Fit, which allows you to avoid manually filling out data on daily running or walking physical activity - the function is performed automatically. The statistical graph informs the user about the progress or lack thereof according to the parameters being monitored.

Good day!

My opinion is that operating system Android there are two best programs by calorie counting.

The best I had on Windows system, when there were still such gadgets as PDAs (pocket Personal Computer). I've had Android smartphones for about 6 years now, but... better than that one I never found the program. Therefore, you involuntarily compare. Although, the programs that I want to talk about approximately meet the necessary requirements and have an optimal set of necessary functions. From what we have (I repeat) these are the best.

And today I will talk about a program that is simply called - " Calorie counter". Just like that, nothing extra.

My main requirements for such programs:

  • Smart interface(ease of use)
  • Should have the most basic functions: list of products, loads, the ability to supplement these lists, calculate products according to your own recipes, calculate the norm according to your parameters, goals, graphs, statistics...
  • Free
  • Does not require internet or creating your own online account.

According to the last point, a number of popular programs are immediately discarded. I don’t want to link my posts to some site, forum, or clog up some cloud.

"Calorie Counter" is relatively free. Like all, similar programs, it comes with advertising. If you want to turn off advertising, you will have to buy the program. I make it simpler - I just don’t go online while working with it.

The design is moderately restrained, with a minimal set of colors. But the view is not overloaded and nothing distracts.

First, enter your data and get a calculation of the norm for the day: calories, fats, proteins and carbohydrates ( all the data in the pictures is written from a bullshit).

The norm can be edited. For example, you are given a “bare” caloric intake for the day, and you can add a daily load to it (if available).

You can enter your body measurements.


The application has everything you need:

List of products, with the ability to enter your own.

Products can only be written in grams.

I froze for about 15 minutes while I read the list of loads. It was funny. I'm sharing some examples.

Calorie calculator for weight loss is an application that helps you track daily activity and calorie consumption on Android. The program is based on given parameters independently calculates the permissible number of kilocalories and the desired weight. The amount of water you drink per day is taken into account.

Benefits and getting started

For accurate operation of the counter, the initial values ​​are adjusted. The main indicators are:

  • height;
  • age;
  • activity level;
  • diet.

The data is adjusted at any time when using the application.

  • lack of registration;
  • database of products and sports;
  • widget for Android;
  • Availability of user chat.
  • it is impossible to describe proteins, fats, carbohydrates of foods and dishes;
  • lack of a pedometer and other functions for automatically tracking mobility.

Program functionality

The main functions are diet and recording the user’s daily mobility.

The calorie calculator allows you to indicate on a daily basis what food and how much is eaten per day. The counter has a database with popular dishes and products. The search is carried out using the following tools:

  • search line where the name is entered;
  • barcode scanner from product packaging;
  • voice search.

It is allowed to add new products and dishes to the database, knowing their calorie content per 100 g.

The calculator calculates the number of calories burned per day. Available exercises:

  • walking;
  • energetic sports: badminton, basketball, football, etc.;
  • yoga;
  • mountain climbing, etc.

The amount of calories burned is calculated based on the number of hours spent on vigorous activities.

Other options

For ease of use, the counter is equipped with a nutrition and training calendar, a chat, and a statistics section. The calendar allows you to track your results, and with the help of statistical data, you enter the results into charts and share your achievements with friends in in social networks or in chat.

The calorie calculator is available on Android as a widget. The kilocalorie counter allows you to monitor your weight and the food you eat. The program will appeal to users who live according to a strict schedule: a nutrition and training plan is drawn up several days in advance.

An unexpected desire to lose weight usually appears in early spring, when there are only a few months left before the beach season. Thoughts about a figure brought to perfection are already appearing in my head - toned buttocks and six-packs for girls and broad shoulders and biceps for guys - the desire to surprise and conquer subscribers on social networks is in the air, and on the scales is still the same acquaintance from the winter " advantage."

This means you need to act quickly - any hitch will lead to extra grams on your sides and a disgusting mood. The only problem here is to choose the right route to work on the ideal figure.

Firstly, it’s worth remembering that without training (at least 15 minutes a day), it’s much more difficult to fight excess calories and get back into shape. It’s worth at least walking more often and looking into the hall occasionally.

And secondly, you can’t eat haphazardly - it’s important to follow a diet with the help of apps that count calories and tell you about the right diet.


Extremely diverse in terms of available functions assistant on the iPhone, capable of, like a true guide, leading everyone to the right way of life. Moreover, the developers suggest taking the route that is needed at the current moment. No one here suggests losing weight before your eyes, achieving some kind of prohibitive calorie deficit and approaching real starvation.

Quite the opposite - at the start you will have to carefully describe the current characteristics of your body (weight, height, age), and then determine your immediate goal by choosing the appropriate option from the available settings. As an option, you can lose weight, gain weight, become more active, or experiment with your figure by changing your general priorities in food (why not give up meat for a while and cultivate a love for fish, vegetables and fruits?).

After preparation, a new stage begins - familiarization with the proposed recipes for dishes that fit the chosen nutritional principle. There are dozens and even hundreds of different dishes to choose from, both European and Asian.

If you don’t like eating according to other people’s recipes, no one forbids you to choose your own culinary masterpieces, but with the same message. Namely, you will have to add the products you use to the application and count calories, the amount of which should not exceed the level indicated in the main menu.


An intuitive, visual, and even unusually accurate calorie counter for iPhone, which allows you to enter information about breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, and learn about achievements, results and prospects in just five to ten minutes.

Among the advantages over competitors is synchronization with computer version resource (access via a browser), a minimum of advertising and notifications, the presence of an extensive library of products and ingredients (each community member can add their own dishes, calculating the approximate number of calories).

Not without dishes, tips and tricks. And most importantly, there is even a fitness companion on site, counting your activity and reminding you to exercise or jog.


A compact nutritionist on an iPhone, sternly examining those who have not yet rushed to change their diet, throw out harmful foods from the refrigerator and actively engage in sports.

One of the advantages is the presence of a barcode scanner (about manual entry products can be forgotten), thoughtful integration with third-party services like Apple’s Health, special statistics displaying the results of weight loss and the struggle for an ideal figure, and competent reporting that allows you to find out in percentage terms how many steps, weeks and months are left before achieving the goal.

Calorie Counter– calorie calculator created for lovers of a sports lifestyle. Every self-respecting athlete counts calories every day. To build muscle mass and burn fat, you simply need to keep a food diary. The counter is also suitable for people mastering sports training.

The free app is a true dedicated weight loss assistant. If you set a goal to lose a couple of extra pounds, then launch the application and go ahead. No wonder there is a saying: “we are what we eat.” You can often notice the similarity between cakes and the girl who often eats them. Keeping a daily food diary will give you a detailed idea of ​​what kind of food you consist of.

When the full picture of food circulation is before your eyes, you can easily evaluate your diet. You can make changes to better side. Eliminate harmful foods and dangerous semi-finished products. Add as many healthy fruits and vegetables as possible. It is not a nutritionist or an endocrinologist who will help you exclude and add foods, but a calorie table built into the utility.

In the first week of light eating, you will notice how excess weight begins to disappear and how lightness fills your body. The calorie counter will build a diagram of your results, which will help you navigate your current state. Count the number of physical activities and, if necessary, gradually increase the training time. Check out all of the app's tools today.

Features of Calorie Counter on Android:

  • comprehensive application with many useful options;
  • track your calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • individual plan for weight loss, muscle gain, etc.;
  • maintaining your own statistics, both physical and food;
  • clear large calorie table;
  • built-in barcode scanner to quickly find a product;
  • food tracker and food diary for meals;
  • simple interface and beautiful design;
  • The free functionality of the utility is as wide as possible.

Download Calorie Counter for Android free from our website without registration and without SMS using the direct link below.

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