Skyrim remove fine cheat. TES V: Skyrim - Console commands and cheats. List of console commands

Justice system in The Elder Scrolls 5, unlike its predecessors, has ceased to be centralized. Now your offenses in one city will not be a reason for prosecution in others. This theoretically allows you to remain a respectable citizen of Skyrim in some settlements and be a desperate thug in others. In practice, this approach is not so practical, as it is associated with a number of difficulties, including time. After all, the pursuit of guards is regarded as a battle, with all the ensuing consequences. For example, it is more difficult to use the very convenient fast travel function.

It is only natural that the role-playing game Skyrim provides a wide field for crime. The most common of them will be theft, which in any case entails criminal prosecution. I'm not talking about those players who decided to clear any area of ​​the world of Skyrim from intelligent life. When passing tes 5 to the site, I try not to cause damage to civilians, since otherwise the meaning of the game changes somewhat, and the passage itself is delayed. Such fans of the Elder Scrolls series are unlikely to be interested in the process of surrendering to the authorities. But no one is safe from an accidental blow, especially from magic to city residents, so it’s easier to repent and pay a fine. Fortunately, the amount for such offenses is simply ridiculous, as well as for attempted theft.

So, after committing any offense, our character is immediately assigned a reward by the city in whose area of ​​responsibility the crime was committed. That is, the law also applies in villages, although it is not always easy to clearly determine whether a settlement belongs to any TES 5 city. In any case, from this moment we become a real criminal, and sometimes the victim begins to attack us. In this case, you just need to remove the weapon (magic is also considered a weapon) with the “R” key, after which they stop attacking us. And we see a guard running up who doesn’t mind talking to us. This is where we have the opportunity to choose from three points. By the way, if you continue to behave aggressively, waving weapons, then there will be no negotiations. So it is necessary to remove the weapon so that there is an opportunity to surrender to the authorities. And now, in the menu of conversation with a local law enforcement representative, we have a choice.

You can calmly pay the fine; fortunately, for theft and other minor crimes it is not high, as a rule, it does not even exceed one hundred gold coins. Bloodshed, especially fatal ones, will cost you significantly more in Skyrim. After paying the fine, all charges against the character are dropped, so this is the most convenient option conflict resolution. True, there is one thing, all stolen items will be confiscated from the inventory. Such items are marked stolen (stolen). You can get around this trouble in the following way: before the security guard arrives, throw all the stolen items directly onto the floor. After paying the fine and the search, you can take away the valuables again. What is interesting is how guards and merchants accurately determine the status of stolen items. Let me remind you that it is impossible to sell stolen goods from many honest traders.

The third option for the outcome of the conversation with the guards is to continue the battle, that is, refuse to surrender. You can try to simply avoid the conversation using the usual Tab key, but the consequences will be similar. So the battle will continue - you will finally take the criminal path.

You can directly surrender to Skyrim authorities without paying a fine. Likewise, all stolen items will be confiscated from you and placed in prison. In this unpleasant establishment, your skills will deteriorate, but you can escape. However, this will again require additional game time, which can be spent in The Elder Scrolls 5 with more benefits.

We can definitely say that paying a fine is the most convenient means of resolving conflicts with the authorities of the province of the Nords of Tamriel. The inconvenience of retrieving items obtained by theft can easily be overcome by dumping these items before the authorities arrive. You may quickly get bored of running away from pursuit, as this imposes some restrictions on the freedom of rapid movement. However, if you do not increase the amount of the fine to sky-high heights, you can try to evade the law. If you get tired of it, you can pay a fine.

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The console is the best reminder that you play on PC. It opens up new possibilities. Except when you activate it by accident and type something like wwwwdwwwwddwdwdwdwwwdwwwwdws. Below is a list console commands For Skyrim, from invulnerability to an endless supply of septims.

However we warn you: console activation blocks achievements on Steam. To continue receiving them, the game will need to be restarted each time. If this is important to you, it’s better not to read further. Or read after you open them all.

To enter a console command, you must first open the console. To do this, in the game, press the tilde (“~” key) and type the command text. It is quite possible to use several at a time, and be invulnerable, fly and teleport at the same time.

Some commands may cause problems and/or you will be dropped from the game world. So it's worth making a pre-save (not an automatic one) so as not to get stuck somewhere in the subspace of Windhelm.

And finally, the commands:

Good old god mode. Complete invulnerability.

The absence of boundaries will allow you to go literally anywhere in the game world, even to the edge of the sky.

Can't find the key? Hacking not upgraded? Go to a locked door or chest, open the console, point the mouse at the locked object and enter the command.

Gives the player all spells Skyrim.

Automatic level up. In case you hate computer games.

Automatic completion of the entire main quest line. In case you hate computer games.

fov X
Sets the field of view. “X” is the required value. Values ​​of 95–100 are comfortable; the default is about 70.

Don't like the way your character looks? You can change his appearance just like you did at the very beginning Skyrim– however, the procedure will equally distribute health, mana and stamina, regardless of how you did it when you leveled up. You must be in 3rd person mode before entering the code, otherwise you will not see what you are changing. In addition, if you change race, gender, etc., your leveling will be reset - all skills, abilities, points, and so on. Purely cosmetic changes such as skin color do not have such consequences. Clue: if the character brings his hands in front of him as if they were tied, the pumping will be reset. If your arms remain parallel to your body, this will not happen.

player.modav skill X

In this code, "skill" is the skill whose value you want to change, and "X" is the value you want to change it to. You can enter negative values. For example, if your Blocking is 30, and you want 40, you need to type in the console player.modav block 10(in this case, in the character menu, the value will be displayed in green, as if some kind of enhancement is active). If you need to lower Blocking to 20, then player.modav block -10(the value in the menu will be red). This is convenient for achieving high skill levels while maintaining the ability to gain further levels, since the game perceives it as a magical strengthening/weakening, and not a level increase.
The name of the skill, substituted in the code instead of “skill,” as you probably guessed, coincides with the English name of the skill in the game, except in the cases of shooting (you need to use the word markman) and eloquence (speechcraft).

player.additem ITEM ###

Each item in Skyrim has its own code. You can find them all on this page. In the command, replace the word “ITEM” with the name of the item, and “###” with the code, respectively.

player.additem 0000000f ###
Easy money. Enter any value from 001 to 999.

player.additem 0000000a ###
Running out of master keys? Substitute the required quantity for "###".

addshout ###
By adding the code from this page you learn the required dragon scream. But keep in mind: you will still need a dragon soul to activate it.

Hides the display of all menus - ideal for taking screenshots.

Combined with 0 or 1, turns markers on the map off or on.

Enables free flight camera mode. You won't be able to interact with anything.

Disables AI, meaning NPCs will not respond to you or do anything at all.


Turns AI on and off in battle: turns dragons into peace-loving creatures that don’t notice you.

Disables the registration of crimes: you can kill, steal, and so on with impunity, but for some reason it does not apply to pickpocketing.

player.setcrimegold ###

Sets a fine for your crimes. Accordingly, the value “0” removes all penalties.

player.setlevel ##
Raise and lower the hero's level as you please. In case you hate computer games.

player.setav speedmult ###
Accelerating character movement. Value 100 – 100%, normal speed. Any value greater than 100 will speed up the movement. For the effect to take effect, you need to go into stealth mode/remove/take out your weapon. Please note that if you run into a new location too quickly, the game will be thrown onto the desktop.

movetoqt xxx
Teleports to the quest goal, you need to replace “xxx” with the quest ID.


With the console open, point the mouse at the victim and type the command. The target will die.

Kills all hostile creatures nearby.

Displays a list of all console commands. We report this towards the end so that you at least read something here ^_^

Resurrection. With the console open, select the person you want to revive and enter the command.

player.modav carryweight #
Tired of character overload? This command adds the required value to the load capacity. In addition, instead of carryweight, you can enter the parameters health, magicka or stamina to change them.

setpcfame #
Set the character's fame level.

setpcinfamy #
Set the character's infamy level.

player.setav fatigue #
Set the endurance value.

player.setav health #

Set health value.

coc qasmoke
Bethesda created a special test room, which contains all the items that are in the game. This command will teleport just there. Loading may take some time, and due to particularly powerful artifacts taken, the game may crash to the desktop. Once you've got your clothes on, type the command “ coc Riverwood" to return to the game.

Quit the game without having to open different menu tabs.

With the console open, point the mouse at the victim and type the command. The target will have nothing left with him, not even his clothes.

Changes your character's gender. Helps get rid of stuck arrows that won't disappear.

set timescale to #
Sets the speed at which time passes in the game. The default value is 16. 1 – real time. reminds that the use of cheats can significantly reduce interest in the game, and recommends playing honestly. Author of the Sub-Zero guide.

What are cheat codes and why are they needed?

Cheat code (eng. cheat code, cheat - “scam”, “deception”)? used as a rule to simplify the passage of the game or to change gameplay. To use “cheats” in Skyrim you need to open the console (key “

"? tilde) and enter the code you need, the most common of them are immortality, also known as god mode, as well as walking through walls, receiving any item, and player invisibility.

Attention: After using cheats, you will not be able to receive Steam achievements in this session. To restore the ability to receive achievements, restart Skyrim.

Before using cheats, save in a separate save (not quick). In case of failure, you can return everything as it was. Do not delete or overwrite this save until you are far enough away.

  • tgm? God 'mode. Complete invulnerability. To turn it off, dial again.
  • tcl? Free flight mode and walking through walls. To turn it off, dial again.
  • unlock ? Open the door. Open the console, click on the door with the cursor and enter the code. After which the door will be open.
  • psb? Get all the spells from the game. Not recommended, may break the current game (you will have to load the save earlier)
  • player.advlevel ? To increase level.
  • caqs? Complete the main quest line. Not recommended, may break the current game (you will have to load the save earlier)
  • fov # ? Sets the field of view. Where # is the value you want to set. 100-96 is the most convenient value, the default is about 70.
  • showracemenu? If you want to change the appearance of your character, then enter this cheat, but before that, do not forget to go into 3rd person mode to see what you are changing. Attention: after changing gender, race, etc., all your skill points will be reset.
  • player.modav skill # ? This code allows you to increase the skill level of any skill. For example, if your skill level is 10 and you want it to be 40, then you need to write this: player.modav skill 30 (Where “skill” is the name of your skill whose level you want to increase) You can also lower its level by writing a negative value, for example from 40 up to 15, then you need to enter: player.modav skill -25 (Where “skill” is the name of the skill you want to lower. Instead of “skill” you need to write the name of the skill in English, only in the case of pumping up shooting and eloquence you need to write marksman (skill: shooting ) and speechcraft (skill: eloquence).
  • player.additem ###### x? Get any item, where ###### is the item ID, x is the quantity.
  • player.additem 0000000f ### ? Get ### amount of gold. For example, “player.additem 0000000f 500” will give 500 gold.
  • player.additem 0000000a ### ? Get ### number of master keys. For example, “player.additem 0000000a 500” will give 500 master keys.
  • addshout ### ? Add a scream, remember after the appearance of the scream you will still need the dragon soul.
  • tm? Removes the display of the interface, indispensable for taking screenshots. To turn it off, dial again.
  • tmm 0/1 ? Disable or enable markers on the map.
  • tfc? Mode free camera. To turn it off, dial again.
  • tfc 1 ? Free camera mode + “freeze” everything that happens. To turn it off, dial again.
  • tai? Completely disables Artificial Intelligence. To turn it off, dial again.
  • tcai? Turns Artificial Intelligence on and off in battle. You now have no enemies.
  • tdetect? Impunity mode disables all penalties for murder and theft, not counting pickpocketing.
  • player.setlevel ## ? Change character level.
  • player.setav speedmult ### ? Change the movement speed by default 100%. Attention, if you run into another location too quickly, you risk crashing onto your desktop.
  • movetoqt xxx ? Teleports you to the quest point where xxx is the quest ID.
  • kill? Open the console and click on any character and then enter the code. The target will die.
  • killall? Kills all enemies in a circle.
  • help? Show all cheat codes.
  • resurrect? Resurrection. Open the console and click on the dead character and then enter the code.
  • player.modav carryweight # ? A command that allows you to set the maximum transportable amount of cargo. You can also change carryweight to health, magicka and stamina to change them.
  • player.setav health # ? Set health value.
  • player.setav fatigue # ? Set the endurance value.
  • coc qasmoke? Enter this code to move to a special room with all the things in the game. A kind of Skyrim museum. After you've seen enough enter the command “coc Riverwood” to go back.
  • qqq? Quick exit from the game.
  • removeallitems? Remove all items. Open the console and click on any character with the cursor, then enter the command and all the character’s things will disappear.
  • sexchange? Change your character's gender.
  • set timescale to # ? Allows you to set your time in the game by default? 16. Real time? 1.
  • player.placeatme ###### ? Summon a creature, where ###### is the ID of the creature.

For those who see squares instead of letters in the console, do the following:

Opening text file from the game folder “Skyrim/Data/Interface/fontconfig.txt”. Find and change the line map “$ConsoleFont” = “Arial” Normal to map “$ConsoleFont” = “FuturaTCYLigCon” Normal.

If after this fontconfig.txt does not want to be saved or suggests saving a copy of this file, then do the following: in the properties of this file, look to see if the “Read Only” checkbox is checked; if it is, remove it, change the file, save it and put this checkbox back.

You can't translate the language in the game using standard methods To change the language from Russian to English and vice versa, you need to change the default system language.

For Windows XP this is done like this: Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options. There, in the “Languages” tab, click the “More details...” button and in the window that appears, select the desired default input language.

For Windows 7: Start (round button with a checkbox in the corner) -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options. On the “Languages ​​and keyboards” tab, click the “Change keyboard” button and in the window that appears, select the desired default input language.

For Windows 8: before starting the game, switch the language to ENG, during the game - ALT+TAB (minimize the game), switch the language, ALT+TAB twice (expand the game).

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim
Stealth, Crimes and Punishments

The following actions are considered crimes:

  • Stealing objects or horses;
  • Stealing items from someone else's pocket;
  • Opening locks;
  • Entering someone else's home;
  • Attacking another character (if you are attacked, self-defense is not considered a crime) or killing a non-aggressive character.

If you are caught doing any of these things, you will be reported.

Having received a denunciation of a crime, the authorities of the city in which you are located assign you a fine. The amount of the fine depends on the severity of the act committed.

Any character who catches you committing a crime becomes a witness. If you are able to quickly “remove” all witnesses, the fine is canceled (the message “you killed all witnesses” appears).

If you are given a fine, the guards will try to arrest you. If you run, she will chase you. If you run away to another city where you are not given a fine, the guards will not be interested in you.

If a guard catches you, you usually have the following options:

  • Pay a fine and avoid jail. At the same time, all stolen items will be confiscated from your equipment, including those that no one saw stolen.
  • Resist arrest. In this case, the guards will attack you. If you manage to escape, your fine in this city will not go anywhere, and upon your return the guard will try to arrest you again. If you surrender (putting your weapons away), guards? depending on your reputation? They may stop the fight, but they will still arrest you.
  • Go to jail and not pay a fine. In this case, you can try to pick the lock of your camera and escape undetected. If you want to serve your time, do you lie down on a cot in your cell? and the next moment you will be free. You may lose the skills you have accumulated by the time you are taken into custody; your losses depend on the term of imprisonment.

The following crimes and penalties are categorized as simple violations that you may commit while playing the game:

The following list includes more "weird" ways of committing crimes and receiving fines for them:

Attention: A crime committed by your partner is automatically counted as your own, so leaving the “dirty work” to your partner will not save you from responsibility!

2. Agree to go to prison and serve the sentence there ( detailed information see below).

3. Resist arrest: select the appropriate item in the dialogue or simply exit the dialogue window. This action will provoke a battle with the guard.

4. Bribery of the guards. This selection is only available if you are in currently do not violate the border, and fulfill one of the following conditions:

  • You have committed only minor crimes, and have the bribery ability of your speech skill.
  • You are a member of the Thieves Guild.
  • You have not bribed or cajoled another guard during the previous 24 hours.

It's also worth knowing that if you pay a bribe, it stops the current pursuit and you keep all the stolen items. But your fine will still be valid, and if you contact the same (or any other) guard again, they will try to arrest you again.

5. Persuade the guards. If your Speech skill is 75 or higher, and you are not currently trespassing, have committed only minor crimes, and have not bribed or cajoled another guard in 24 hours, then you can persuade the guards to reconsider your crimes. This choice appears only if all these conditions have been met.

    Persuasion works similar to Bribery: it stops the current pursuit and you can keep any stolen items. However, your fine will still be valid, and if you contact the same (or any other) guard again, they will try to arrest you again.

You don't have to pay for persuasion, so it's a cheaper option, provided your Speech skill is up to par.

6. Pay the guard. This option is available if you are a member of the Thieves Guild and have completed the City Influence quest for one of the holdings in which you committed a crime: Solitude (Haafingar), Markarth (The Reach), Whiterun (Whiterun Hold) and Windhelm (Eastmarch).

    Since the Thieves Guild is located in Riften, in order to pay the guards in this possession, it is enough to be a member of the guild. For four other possessions of their cities - Falkreath, Dawnstar, Winterhold and Morthal (Hjaalmarch) this option is not available.

    The amount you pay the guard is half your fine. In this case, you keep all the stolen items, and the fine is removed completely. Therefore this option is in the best possible way payment of fines.

7. Use of thane privilege. This dialogue option is only available if you are the thane of this domain. If your fine is less than 2,000, then you can remind the guards of your rank. Attention: this opportunity is available only once in each of the possessions, so it is better to save it for a special occasion!

8. Civil war. As soon as a civil war begins, the possessions will join one of the sides.

    If your faction takes control of a holding, then any amount of fines you have accumulated in that holding is destroyed due to the change in power.

Using this opportunity, you can commit any crimes and escape from the domain before your faction begins to capture the capital of the domain. This way, if you return to the property at the end of the change of power, all your crimes will be forgotten.

For example, if you attack a citizen in Riften (+40 penalty) and then kill him before he can report the attack (+1,000 penalty), and no one saw you commit the murder, then all your fine will be removed.

Naturally, an attempt to kill a witness may fail, and your fine will only increase. For example, if three guards catch you killing their colleague, you can expect them to violently attack you!

If too much time passes for witnesses to report the crime, killing them will not reduce your fine. Therefore, if you decide to remove witnesses to your crimes from the road, act quickly!

With all this in mind, consider how many people are around you when you are about to break the law. For example, it is much easier to commit a crime indoors when you can definitely see all the potential witnesses. Non-violent crimes, such as theft, are best committed at night when everyone is asleep.

For minor crimes such as pickpocketing, theft, or trespassing, they will try to arrest you.
- For major crimes, such as assault or murder, they attack you. If you stop resisting (sheath your weapon) they will try to arrest you.
- For other serious crimes, such as prison break, vampirism, or lycanthropy, they simply attack.

If the guards are trying to arrest you and you successfully avoid the initial arrest (by running a short distance, such as going through a gate or hiding in a building), you can try the following:

With a small fine (less than 3,000 gold), you can wait a day for the situation to calm down, then return to the scene of the crime and allow yourself to be arrested.

The companions of Whiterun, the Mages of the College of Winterhold, the Thieves Guild of Riften, and the Dark Brotherhood have developed their own very specific ways of combating crime among their own members.

Also, during the passage of tasks, guilds actually encourage the commission of various crimes or even explicitly ask the character to do so. Therefore, any player should remember the tactics listed in this section before attempting to commit various criminal antisocial actions.

For example, a minor crime like theft will reduce the progress of only one skill, but killing one or two people will reset the progress of absolutely all your skills!

After serving your sentence, you move to the prison entrance and all the contents of your inventory are returned. Any stolen items remain in the Confiscated Items chest, and you can get them back by sneaking into the prison and stealing them again.

2. The second option is that you can try to escape. The chance of success depends on the prison you are in.

    Solitude, Whiterun And Riften have large prisons with several guards. You can simply pick the lock on your cell and sneak to the exit. These prisons also have secret escape routes that you can use to carefully and quietly sneak to freedom. This only works once per prison (the next time you enter a prison in that property, the guards will seal the secret passage). Don't forget to pick up your inventory items on the way out of the confiscation chest, which is usually located near the hole in the wall near the secret passage.

    IN Morphale, Dawnstar And Falkreath simpler prisons. To make a successful escape, you need to pick the lock and fight off the only jailer, not forgetting to pick up your things afterwards. However, this must be done quickly, before help arrives.

    Winterhold maintains a prison called Cold, located far north of the city among the icebergs of the Sea of ​​Ghosts. Since the city also owns the College of Wizards of Winterhold, ice atronachs are used as “jailers” in this prison. In this prison, your inventory is not confiscated, so to escape you just need to pick the lock and, after destroying the ice atronachs, break out.

    Windhelm Prison also standard, but it is guarded by two vigilant jailers, and the chest with confiscated items is located in the corner of the city guard barracks. If you are going to escape from this prison, get ready for a serious fight.

    Markarth Prison- this is a mine. No one has ever been able to escape from the Markarth mine.

Farkas is already tired of starting a dialogue with me, please tell me how to clear ALL penalties in the game, otherwise this is already infuriating!

Or what else can I do to make the farkas fall away from me?

  • paycrimegold 0 0 00028170
  • paycrimegold 0 0 000267E3
  • paycrimegold 0 0 00029DB0
  • paycrimegold 0 0 0002816D
  • paycrimegold 0 0 0002816e
  • paycrimegold 0 0 0002816C
  • paycrimegold 0 0 0002816B
  • paycrimegold 0 0 000267EA
  • paycrimegold 0 0 0002816F
  • paycrimegold 0 0 xx018279

The last command is needed if you have the legendary edition (or the Dragonborn add-on installed separately). Don't forget to read Article XX to understand exactly which numbers should be substituted for the X's.

I entered bat to remove the fine, that is:

The question is, do I need to enter all the commands or what?

I need to remove a fine in Markarth

in markarth, the fine can be obtained from the quest “rogue conspiracy” (which begins immediately upon entering markarth for the first time)

In order for the fines to be removed, you just need to agree with the guards’ offer to proceed to the prison, where the next quest “no one can escape from Sidna” will begin, after which all sins will be removed

otherwise, you can have fun for a long time shooting crowds of Markarth guards, for example, to improve your shooting and stealth skills)

The guards do not take a bribe, they do not convince, the perks are pumped up for persuasion, there is a lot of money. I don’t want to sit, how can I get rid of it?

specifically in Markarth, it started after the quest with the theft of some kind of nonsense from the museum, I don’t remember it a long time ago, but now they won’t give me an answer, I killed all the guards for this, but they don’t calm down

Please advise the code, or how through whom I can pay the fine, so as not to contact the guards

Since the guards were slaughtered, they will not charge a fine. For this they only kill. All police officers do this.

The commands are supposed to be here somewhere:

Try to select the guard who is chasing you and enter the code paycrimegold. The fine will be paid and the stolen items will be lost. Maybe it will help.

paycrimegold came across such a command, but I can’t figure out how to do it, the description given doesn’t work, as soon as he sees it he starts chatting, if you can explain what to do

and also, I remember I came across NPCs who solve problems with turnips in cities, like you give money and everything is peaceful, I can’t remember where he is and find him, who knows, tell me

It seems that there is such a person in the Riften Thieves Guild.

try to kill them. Most likely this is a glitch. should take it.

the fact of the matter is that all the quests that had to be completed in the markar were carried out by the massacre of the guards, and the civilians were treated normally, including the river management, in total more than 200+ guards were slaughtered)

but during a conversation he offers a bribe only for 700, which is strange, I don’t even doubt that this is a bug

if you're a werewolf, take out the whole city and that's it

You need to take the guards out of the city gates, kill most of them if possible (leave 2-3), select a position so that the guards are in your field of view, open the console, highlighting each one in turn (a number will appear), enter stopcombat (important - all must be checked forwards), After that QUICKLY. close and open the console again (the red marks of the attackers should disappear), enter paycrimegold 0 (if everything is done correctly, you will be transferred to the guardhouse and you will get rid of the enemies).

and still I would like to find an NPC, I remember that he is an Argonian and hangs out in some city, definitely not in a guild

There is one Argonian in the Solitude tavern.

I found some mysterious advice:

With a high penalty (over 3,000 gold), you must avoid civilization altogether. Wait in the wilderness for a few days and a fine collector will come to you and offer to pay your debt to society. You shouldn’t wait for him in one place, but rather move around different locations.

I just remember that such an orc came to me a couple of times, but to be honest, I don’t remember that I had such a high fine.

This page presents full list the most useful codes and cheats in Skyrim, which may be needed to fix bugs or if you really want to ruin the game for yourself.

Basic information

1. Calling the console.

2. The console for entering codes opens by clicking on the “~” key (also known as “tilde”), located next to the “ESC” and “1” keys.

3. Scroll.

4. The console scrolls up and down using "Page Up"/"Page Down".

5. Register. All code in the console is case insensitive.

Goals. Many commands must be used by first clicking on the target. For example, if you want to open a door, go to the console, click on the door and write “Unlock”.

Incorrect use of console commands

Please note that reckless use of the console may cause the game to crash. Before you use the code, make sure you save and know what you're doing.

List of console commands

If a command requires an argument, then the parentheses indicate that the contents should be replaced with the value of the corresponding destination.

  • Abbreviations used
  • Quantity - quantity;

Identifier - ID.

NoteanimcamEnable animation camera
Includes a third-person camera that can be rotated and brought closer to the character without changing the character's position.psbIssue a spell book to the player
Gives the player a complete spellbook, including dragon screams and beast abilities. Souls will still be needed for screams. May cause game crashes.s1stShow first person camera in third person game mode
Works only in third person mode. Shows hands behind character's back. That is, you control a character in third person, but the hands simulate first-person play, as if you were controlling a character who was controlling another character.<число> sucsmChange camera speed in free mode
For example, you can type “tfc” into the console and then “sucsm 50”, thereby increasing the speed by five timestaiEnable/Disable AI Turns off and on artificial intelligence
from the selected character or creature. If no target is selected, the AI ​​will shut down globally.tcGive control of the creature to the player
Gives you the ability to control the selected creature. The player character also responds to keyboard commands, unless disabled first.tcaiToggle combat AI
Turns on and off the artificial intelligence responsible for combat.tclToggle collisions
Disables the player's interaction with objects in the environment when he moves. Basically, you can fly.tdetectToggle detection
Enables or disables detection of the player character by other characters, even if he attacks them.teofisDisables blur, contrast adjustments and more. Gives a big performance bonus for weak video cards by reducing the graphics level.
tfc<1> Enable free camera modeAllows the player to hover over the character using the keyboard in third person mode. Addition<1>to the tfc code "freezes" the surrounding world, but still allows the camera to move.
tfowToggle fog of warShows unexplored places on the local map. Does not affect the global map. If you use this cheat while cutting down wood or mining ore, you run the risk of encountering a bug where your character disappears. Don't forget to save before using.
tgSwitch grassShows and removes the grass.
tgmEnable god modeWhen using this cheat, the player character does not receive any damage, does not waste magic or stamina, does not need to recharge dragon cries, and does not waste arrows. However, God Mode does not protect against diseases and scripted damage.
timEnable immortality modeThe player character does not die when their health reaches zero.
tllSwitch LODSignificantly reduces draw distance, helping to resolve certain performance issues.
tmSwitch menu (interface)Turns user interface elements off and on, including the console itself. To turn the interface back on, press “~” and, despite the fact that you won’t see the console itself, type “tm” and press “Enter”.
tmm<кол-во>(,<кол-во>,<кол-во>) Hide/show all markers on the mapAt<кол-ве>equal to 1 shows all markers, when<кол-ве>equal to 0 hides all markers. The second parameter determines whether fast travel will be available to the marker. The third parameter shows hidden markers. For example, to open all locations without fast travel to them, enter tmm 1,0,0.
tsSwitch skyToggles the sky display on or off.
tscrToggle script executionEnables or disables global script execution.
ttSwitch treesToggles the display of trees.
twfSwitch gridToggles grid display on or off.
twsSwitch waterTurns the display of the water surface on or off. The underwater world remains unchanged.

Commands with target selection

additem <кол-во> <доп. опция> Add a certain number of items to the character.Adds the specified number of items to the selected character or player's inventory. For example, the command player.additem 000669A5 5 will add 5 onions to the player. With the same command you can remove items from your inventory by specifying a negative number in the field<кол-во>. Additional field<доп. опция >, most likely, is responsible for the item belonging to a specific character.
addperk Add perkAdds a certain perk to the character. For example, player.addperk 000c44c0 will add the “adept of destruction” perk.
addspell Add the specified spell to the player's spell listWorks with special abilities, spells, blessings, diseases, but not with dragon screams. Example: player.addspell 00092c48.
addfac/addtofaction <ранг> Add a character to a specific organizationWhen used, assigns the character to an organization with the specified rank
advlevelIncrease levelIncreases the character's level, at the same time increasing the strength of opponents due to auto-leveling.
AdvSkill<навык> <количество> Increase experience points of the specified skillThe skill itself does not increase, the number of experience points increases.
completequest Complete the quest immediatelySets the current job status to completed. Be especially careful when using this command, since it only completes the quest in the quest log; it has no effect on scripts and many other data.
DamageActorValue<атрибут> <кол-во> Damage the attribute to the specified<кол-во>pointsFor example, player.damageactorvalue health 50 will take away 50 health units from your character as if he had been attacked.
disableDo not render the specified objectThe selected object disappears from the game world. Also affects characters.
dispelallspellsDispel all temporary effects on the targetFor example, player.dispelallspells will remove from your character all possible effects from potions, spells, and special abilities.
dropForcefully drop items from a character's inventoryUse code Drop <кол-во>to discard certain (including quest) items from the inventory.
duplicate allitems<контейнер/ID персонажа> Copy all items from the selected container to the specified containerFor example, duplicateallitems 89c79 will copy all the items in the container you selected into container 89c79.
enableRender the specified objectThe selected object appears in the game world. Also affects characters.
equipitem Equip the specified item on the selected characterThe selected character puts on and begins to use the specified item.
forceAV<атрибут> <кол-во> Change attribute valueForces an attribute to a specific value. Similar commands: setAV, modAV.
getAV<атрибут> Get attribute valueReturns the value of the specified attribute for the selected character.
getAVinfo<атрибут> Get numerical information about an attributeTo get information about light armor, enter the cheat code player.getavinfo lightarmor.
getlevel<цель> Show target levelShows the current level of the selected character or creature.
GetLocationCleared Show location status0 - location not cleared, 1 - cleared.
getrelationshiprank<цель> Show the level of relationship between two charactersThe value can range from -3 to +4.
getstage Show the current active stage of the quest.Returns the highest quest stage completed for the specified quest.
hasperk Check if the selected character has the specified perkExample: Hasperk 3af84.
incPCS<название скилла> Increase the specified skill by one levelExample: incpcs lightarmor.
kill<опционально: ID персонажа> Kill the specified characterSelect the desired character and enter “kill” in the console to kill him. Resurrection is performed with the “resurrect” command.
lock<уровень> Close the selected container with a lock of the specified level0 - 25: student, 26 - 50: specialist, 51 - 75: expert, 76 - 100: master, 101+: locked.
MarkForDeleteDelete objectCompletely deletes the selected object.
modAV<атрибут> <кол-во> Change attribute to specified quantityAdds the specified amount to the attribute value.
moveto Move selected character to specified characterplayer.placeatme creates a clone of the character.
movetoqt Move character to quest goalExample: movetoqtda01.
openactorcontainer 1Open character inventoryThis cheat code in Skyrim allows you to view and use the inventories of other characters.
paycrimegold<0-1> <0-1> Pay a fine at the selected propertyFirst argument: 1 - you will move to the prison after entering the code, 0 - you will not move. Second argument: 1 - you stole items, 0 - you did not steal items. Stolen items will be lost.

Faction codes:
00028170 - Falkreath
000267E3 - Eastmarch (Windhelm)
00029DB0 - Haaingar (Solitude)
0002816D - Hjaalmarch (Morthal)
0002816e - White Beach (Donstar)
0002816C - Limit (Markarth)
0002816B - Rift (Riften)
000267EA - Whiterun
0002816F - Winterhold
xx018279 - Raven Rock (Solstheim)

placeatme Place an actor or object at the current locationExample: player.placeatme 000fea9b.
playidle Play the specified animation on the selected characterExample: playidle IdleOffsetArmsCrossedStart.
pushactoraway <направление> Move the character to a given pointExample: pushactoraway 14 1337. Entering a negative value in the direction field will move the specified character to your location.
recycle actor<ссылка на пункт назначения (опционально)> Reset character/itemUsed to "revive" dead characters and deleted items.
removeallitems Remove all items from a character's inventoryUse player.removeallitems to remove all items from your inventory.
removeitem <кол-во> Remove a specific item in a specified quantityTeam player.removeitem 000669A5 5 will remove 5 leeks from your inventory.
removeperk Remove a specific perk from the specified characterExample: player.removeperk 000babe8 will remove the first level Barbarian perk.
removespell Remove a spell, effect, ability (but not dragon scream) from the selected characterExample: player.removespell 00092c48 will remove the Beast Form ability from the player character.
resetAITurn off character AIForcefully turns off the character's artificial intelligence. The enemy, "switched off" in this way, will then unsheath the weapon again and select a priority target.
resethealthFully restore your character's healthTeam player.resethealth will fully restore your character's health.
resetinventoryReload container contentsSequential execution of commands removeallitems And resetinventory will return the contents of the character's inventory to its original state.
RestoreActorValue<атрибут> <кол-во> Restore the value of an attribute by the specified number of pointsExample: if your health is damaged by 50 units, then the command player.restoreactorvalue health 100 will completely restore the character's health.
resurrect<1> Resurrect the selected actorRaises the selected character from the dead. If he was killed while completing a quest, then the game may still consider him dead. Adding one allows you to save your character's equipment.
setactoralpha<0-100> Change the transparency of the selected characterHelps with graphical bugs related to character transparency.
setAV<атрибут> <кол-во> Set the attribute to the specified valueHard-codes the specified value to the specified attribute (tautology-s).
setessential <1/0> Make a character immortal/mortalBy specifying the immortality parameter “1”, you will prevent the possibility of the character’s death. After receiving maximum damage, he will continue to live.
setgs<настройка> <значение> Install game parameter in SkyrimNot saved. For example, to set the jump height for the player character, you will have to enter the command into the console each time setgs fJumpHeightMin<высота> .
setlevel A B C DSet NPC levelEnter into the console SetLevel 1000,0,1,81, so that the character develops along with the player’s character from level 1 to 81.
— percentage of level to the main character (1000 = 100.0%)
- shows how much higher or lower the character is than your character's level.
a basic level of non-player character.
— the maximum level of a non-player character to which he can develop.
SetLocationCleared 1 Clear the weather in the specified areaAll you need is to know the location ID.
Set new character weightAffects the character model according to the specified weight. Range from 0 to 100.
setownership Assign an owner to the selected itemThe command can be used to fix problems with stolen items.
setrace<раса> Change character raceRaces available in Skyrim: (normal/vampire)
ArgonianRace - ArgonianRaceVampire
BretonRace - BretonRaceVampire
DarkElfRace - DarkElfRaceVampire
HighElfRace - HighElfRaceVampire
ImperialRace - ImperialRaceVampire
KhajiitRace - KhajiitRaceVampire
NordRace - NordRaceVampire
OrcRace - OrcRaceVampire
RedguardRace - RedguardRaceVampire
WoodElfRace - WoodElfRaceVampire
setrelationshiprank<цель><#> Establish a relationship between two charactersMinimum value: -4, maximum: +3.
setscale<#> Change target sizeYou cannot change the size of an item. Small size: 0.1, regular: 1, large: 10.
setstage <стадия #> Set current job stageExample command: setstage ms01 100.
setunconscious<целое число> Render the target unconsciousTo "knock out" a character, enter setunconscious 1.
inv/showinventoryShow item IDs in inventoryShows item IDs in the character's inventory.
shp<параметр #1-параметр #9> Change image rendering optionsExample command: shp 1.00 0 0.50 0.01 9.00 .1 .99 100 1.0000.
sifh<#> Set friendly-fire for the characterSelecting a value of "1" will allow the selected character to avoid an ally's attacks.
sqs Show quest stageShows the stage of the specified quest.
str<0-1.000000> Set reflection option for selected target0.000001 is the minimum, 1.000000 is the maximum.
teachword<слово> Learn the word of powerAllows you to learn the specified word of power.
unequipitem Remove the specified item from the selected characterThe selected character removes the specified item.
unlockOpen selected objectIt also works on containers and doors locked with special keys.
unlockword<слово> Unlock Dragon ScreamUnlocks a new level of dragon scream.

Commands without target selection

batOpen the file in the game installation folder.
caqsComplete all quest stages
coc<название ячейки> Move to specified cell
cow<локация> Move to specified coordinate
csbClear Screen Blood
fov<угол> Set the camera angle in first person
fw Change the weather
GetGlobalValue<переменная> Get the value of a global variable
GetInCellParam Check the location of an object in a specific location
GetPCMiscStat<статистика> Return the value of a specific statistic
help<текст> Return IDs for skills, spells, etc.
killallactorsKill all characters
load<имя> Load the specified Skyrim save
ModPCMiscStat<статистика> <кол-во> Set the value of a specific statistic
pcbClear memory buffer for current cell
playercreatepotion Create a potion with the three specified effects
playerenchantoobject Create an item with three specified enchantments
Prid Show object ID for subsequent operations
qqqQuick exit from Skyrim
resetinterior Reload the specified interior
refiniReset all settings
resetquest Reset quest
saqStart all quests
save<имя> Save the game under the specified name
saveiniSave settings to file
set<глобальная переменная>to<значение> Set the value of a global variable in Skyrim
setplayerrace Set playable race
set playeranimalcount to<кол-во> Set the number of creature companions for the player
set playerfollowercount to<кол-во> Set the number of companions for the player
set timescale to<кол-во> Set the speed of time
SexChangeChange the gender of the player character
SGTMSet duration of special effects
ShowGlobalVarsShow current global variables
ShowMessage Show message ID
showracemenuOpen character creation menu
showracemenu<раса> Change player character race
sqoShow a list of active and completed quests
sqtShow quest and objective IDs

P crime and punishment

While traveling through nine different areas of Skyrim, you can commit illegal actions and thereby incur the wrath of local authorities (there will be a bounty on your head). Whether it is a petty theft from one of the citizens of Markarth or an attack on the city guards in Riften, in any of these cases it would be useful to study the system of crimes and punishments and use the laws to your advantage.

P criminal acts and possessions

The most important rule to remember is that each property has its own system for tracking crimes and fines. For example, you will be hunted in Haafingar, but in neighboring Hjaalmarch you will be considered an ordinary law-abiding citizen.

    In addition, your actions will be considered criminal only if you attack a civilian or encroach on his property. Self-defense is not a crime. For example, you can freely defend yourself without breaking the law if:

  • You were attacked first, and the attack was not provoked by your illegal actions.
  • You agreed to a duel or duel during a conversation with a character.
  • You attack an aggressive enemy, and it doesn’t matter who attacked first.

WITH crime witnesses and retribution

A crime is only a problem if someone catches you committing it. You will only receive a fine if there are witnesses to the crime, so you may want to “remove” a witness who saw you doing something illegal.

For example, if you attack a citizen in Riften (+40 penalty) and then kill him before he can report the attack (+1,000 penalty), and no one saw you commit the murder, then all your fine will be removed.

Naturally, an attempt to kill a witness may fail, and your fine will only increase. For example, if three guards catch you killing their colleague, you can expect them to violently attack you!

If too much time passes for witnesses to report the crime, killing them will not reduce your fine. Therefore, if you decide to remove witnesses to your crimes from the road, act quickly!

With all this in mind, consider how many people are around you when you are about to break the law. For example, it is much easier to commit a crime indoors when you can definitely see all the potential witnesses. Non-violent crimes, such as theft, are best committed at night when everyone is asleep.

D actions of the guards

Whenever the guards see you commit a crime or hear the screams of the victim, they can perform the following actions:

For minor crimes such as pickpocketing, theft, or trespassing, they will try to arrest you.
- For major crimes, such as assault or murder, they attack you. If you stop resisting (sheath your weapon) they will try to arrest you.
- For other serious crimes, such as prison break, vampirism, or lycanthropy, they simply attack.

If the guards are trying to arrest you and you successfully avoid the initial arrest (by running a short distance, such as going through a gate or hiding in a building), you can try the following:

With a small fine (less than 3,000 gold), you can wait a day for the situation to calm down, then return to the scene of the crime and allow yourself to be arrested.
- With a high penalty (over 3,000 gold), you must avoid civilization as a whole. Wait in the wilderness for a few days and a fine collector will come to you and offer to pay your debt to society. You shouldn’t wait for him in one place, but rather move around different locations.

P Crime and Guilds

All of the above rules apply to every possession of Skyrim, with the exception of territories governed by full-fledged Guilds.

The companions of Whiterun, the Mages of the College of Winterhold, the Thieves Guild of Riften, and the Dark Brotherhood have developed their own very specific ways of combating crime among their own members.

Also, during the passage of tasks, guilds actually encourage the commission of various crimes or even explicitly ask the character to do so. Therefore, any player should remember the tactics listed in this section before attempting to commit various criminal antisocial actions.

ABOUT serving a prison sentence

If you are imprisoned, your full inventory and stolen items are confiscated and moved to the temporarily confiscated and stolen items chests, respectively. You then find yourself in a cell with the only lockpick in your inventory. At this point, you can:

1. Use the prison bed and serve your prison sentence. In Markarth, instead of the traditional rest, you should take a pickaxe and start mining ore.

    Serving your sentence destroys any progress you have made in your skills. The number of random skills that are penalized depends on your penalty level. You only lose the opportunity to develop a skill, and this does not in any way affect the already developed skill level and the leveling of your character. That's why this method quite harmless, especially at low levels of your character.

    For example, a minor crime like theft will reduce the progress of only one skill, but killing one or two people will reset the progress of absolutely all your skills!

    After serving your sentence, you move to the prison entrance and all the contents of your inventory are returned. Any stolen items remain in the Confiscated Items chest, and you can get them back by sneaking into the prison and stealing them again.

2. The second option is that you can try to escape. The chance of success depends on the prison you are in.
    Solitude, Whiterun And Riften have large prisons with several guards. You can simply pick the lock on your cell and sneak to the exit. These prisons also have secret escape routes that you can use to carefully and quietly sneak to freedom. This only works once per prison (the next time you enter a prison in that property, the guards will seal the secret passage). Don't forget to pick up your inventory items on the way out of the confiscation chest, which is usually located near the hole in the wall near the secret passage.

    IN Morphale, Dawnstar And Falkreath simpler prisons. To make a successful escape, you need to pick the lock and fight off the only jailer, not forgetting to pick up your things afterwards. However, this must be done quickly, before help arrives.

    Winterhold maintains a prison called Cold, located far north of the city among the icebergs of the Sea of ​​Ghosts. Since the city also owns the College of Wizards of Winterhold, ice atronachs are used as “jailers” in this prison. In this prison, your inventory is not confiscated, so to escape you just need to pick the lock and, after destroying the ice atronachs, break out.

    Windhelm Prison also standard, but it is guarded by two vigilant jailers, and the chest with confiscated items is located in the corner of the city guard barracks. If you are going to escape from this prison, get ready for a serious fight.

    Markarth Prison- this is a mine. No one has ever been able to escape from the Markarth mine...

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