Do smart watches work without a phone? All about smart watches

Considering high level pre-orders for Apple Watch, it becomes clear to everyone that the market for the sale of smart watches is definitely not in danger of bankruptcy. And since the popularity of gadgets is quite high, they will gradually improve and, in the end, sooner or later they will become a separate technology area.

Smart watches - what is it?

Oddly enough, between ordinary and smart watch Only their initial functionality is common, i.e. ability to display time. And if a wristwatch performs only this function, then smart watch is a device that allows smartphone owners to “free their hands.” In fact, the dial of such a watch is another smartphone screen

Smart watches – all electronics or just separate models?

For a long time, inventors around the world were tormented, trying to figure out where to place future gadget, what functionality should he organize and, most importantly, what should he use it for next. Famous Google company, for example, has stepped on (and continues to step on) the rake with Google Glass over and over again. Every month, the masterminds of startups that produced such hybrids as headphones that measure heart rate, smart jewelry, GPS buttons, and so on in the same spirit were implemented and went bankrupt. And Pebble employees proposed creating smartwatches as we know them now, i.e. using a non-standard control system. And they were right!

Immediately after the idea was announced, it became a little clearer what a smart watch is. We can highlight the main features of such a device. This is the ability to identify and personalize, display and compatibility with any smartphone model. Therefore, we can say “goodbye” to various trackers and analyzers. Of course, exceptions remain, the same fitness bracelets or sports watch are still in demand. But this is everyone’s personal choice, depending on the requirements for gadgets.

Smartwatch functionality

They maintain communication with a smartphone at a distance of up to ten to fifteen meters via Wi-Fi\Bluetooth.
Easy to change appearance– both the dial and the strap.
Execute voice commands, respond to them. Support voice assistants(Siri\Google).
Display notifications and reminders on the display, if necessary with a sound notification.
Can send short messages or letters, incl. emoticons, make calls.
Touch or button control.
They perform the function of a fitness bracelet, tracker, analyzer - they count calories, monitor heart rate, count steps, and calculate the speed of movement.
With such a watch, you can say “no” to annoying alarm clocks, because the smart watch adapts to your sleep, and will not “pull you out” of your long-awaited rest with a shrill squeak.
Allows you to control your music player.
They work as a compass and guide.
Allows you to find a lost smartphone. This is especially helpful when your device is in your pocket or under your pillow.
Some models have a camera and built-in data storage.
And, of course, don’t forget that this is a watch, which means it shows time.

Which watch model should I choose for my smartphone?

It is still quite difficult to say anything definite here. A universal option is smartwatches from Pebble, which work with any operating system. And all other models must be coordinated with the OS.

What to do if you don't have a smartphone?

There are many models of smart watches that function without a smartphone. In essence, they are smartphones themselves. Of course, in terms of functionality they are inferior to “oversized” models, but still, this is a good replacement.

What about charging?

And again we will return to watches from Pebble - it is their products that have the most capacitive battery. Four days – and this is a record among many models. On average, smartwatches need to be charged every day, because... They only hold a charge for a day.

I went to the bathroom and forgot to take off my watch: what should I do?

99% of smartwatches have IP67 or IP68 protection against dust and water. The first number, respectively, is protection from dust, the second – from water. Six means that you are not afraid of dust. But the number seven means that a five-minute shower will do nothing to your equipment. But when swimming in the sea, the gadget must be left on the shore.

Cost of smart watches

Again, it is difficult to single out something specific. Eat budget models, about ten thousand, and there are also multifunctional ones - from thirty thousand and above. It all depends on the set of functions, design and other parameters.

Once upon a time, smart watches were only an attribute of heroes from science fiction stories and films. It is difficult to say whether the imagination of writers and directors became a prophecy or simply inspired inventors, but for several years attempts began to realize something similar. It’s just that the level of technological development did not allow turning the idea into reality at that time, and very recently devices reminiscent of superhero gadgets were created.

Today, the market for wearable devices, and smartwatches in particular, is developing at a rapid pace, and almost every six months manufacturers demonstrate something new. We have highlighted several reasons that make smartwatches an incredibly necessary and useful thing.

The first reason is quite simple and banal - futuristic gadgets now look much more appropriate than classic watches. Each manufacturer strives to emphasize the individuality of its product, thanks to which you can choose the ideal design - laconic, premium, sporty, universal, and so on.

Smart watches are worth purchasing because most modern smartphones They are quite large, and a five-inch gadget in your pocket does not add any comfort. By purchasing a smartwatch and syncing it with your mobile device, you can use most of the functions of your smartphone without even taking it out of your bag or pocket.

With a smart watch you can always stay in touch, because notifications about messages, calls and events in in social networks are instantly displayed on the watch screen, indicating themselves with a sound signal or soft vibration. In addition, you can switch audio files in the player using the watch and even control the smartphone’s camera.

Some smartwatch models can work without a smartphone, which means that their owner will be spared the need to carry a bulky device. mobile device. These devices usually have a speaker, headset, or headphone jack.

Smart watch latest models often know how to accept Wi-Fi signal, they can also be made an access point. The small size of the display is usually compensated by the presence of voice control.

Smart watches will be especially interesting for those who care about their own health and physical fitness. Typically such devices are equipped various sensors that allow you to monitor physical activity. If the device runs on the Android Wear operating system, then you can easily install a suitable training application, set goals and analyze the information received to achieve better results.

Losing or forgetting a smartwatch is quite problematic thanks to the reliable strap and built-in function designed to protect against loss. In addition, a smart watch will prevent you from losing your smartphone and will help you find it if you don’t remember where you left it.

Anna Sokolova 2016-04-03

In addition to the standard time display function, “smart watches” or “smart watches” (from the English. “ smart watch") are primarily positioned as an assistant or an additional screen/remote remote control smartphone.

“Smart watches can take on some of the functions of a smartphone, and advanced models can even completely replace it. Let us consider in detail the characteristics that should be taken into account when choosing a “smart watch” for purchase.

What can smart watches do?

The capabilities that smart watches offer us vary significantly depending on their equipment. Conventionally, we can distinguish three sets of smart watch configurations:

  1. Basic option offers display of current time/date ( main function), notification of incoming calls, SMS and e-mail messages via sound signal or vibration. There is no function for displaying message text on the screen in such models. Also in the basic version, the watch user will be able to control the smartphone, for example, put it into sleep mode.
  2. Middle option. Such modifications display information not only about received SMS and e-mail messages, but also the information that the smartphone received from installed programs. These watches provide installation of additional applications, and they are also equipped with monochrome or color screens that allow you to play audio and video content.
  3. Advanced option. This is a combined option that combines the previous two, plus the ability to search for information on the Internet and work with applications. Such models mainly have a color touch screen, and in terms of their versatility they are practically on the same level as smartphones.

Features supported by smartwatches

The variety of features in different smartwatch models is impressive. The most common of them:

  • Supports voice commands;
  • Stopwatch;
  • Timer;
  • Compass;
  • Smart alarm clock that goes off at certain moments sleep, making getting out of a sleepy state more comfortable;
  • Monitoring sleep, physical activity and calorie consumption;
  • Sensors: accelerometer, heart rate monitor, gyroscope, thermometer, altimeter, light level measurements;
  • Multimedia functions – video and photo camera, microphone, FM radio, speaker, headphone jacks.

Unique smartwatch features

Some smartwatch models support special features that other devices do not have.

For example, the LG Watch Urbane LTE gadget has a Push-to-talk (PTT) function, which allows you to communicate with other devices on the same mobile frequency, or, in other words, use them as walkie talkie, maintaining contact with several subscribers at the same time.

And the Haier Smartwatch model has a small SOS button on the right side, which sends a text notification to three recipients in case of problems.

Compatibility of smartwatches with other devices

Direct connection plays a huge role in smartwatches. In most cases, smartwatches work quite well with smartphones that support the operating system. Android system. These are devices such as Motorola Moto 360, Sony Smartwatch 3, ASUS ZenWatch, Pebble Time and others.

As for operating system iOS, then it can be supported by such family members as Apple Watch and Pebble Time. However, in the case of the latter, the functionality becomes a little limited.

Some smartwatches, such as the Samsung Gear S, operate on a specially designed operating system. Tizen system, which provides its own special capabilities for watches and their synchronization with smartphones.

Compatibility of smartwatches with mobile platforms

When buying a smart watch, you should pay attention to the possibility of its compatibility with the operating systems of the smartphone you already have - Android, iOS, Windows Phone. Basically, when manufacturers indicate a supported OS, they mean its oldest version, which will definitely be supported in this gadget. That is, it is assumed that these devices will be “friendly” with all newer versions of mobile platforms.

Recently, there has been a popular trend among smartwatch manufacturers to produce models that can support multi-platform functionality.

Smartwatch case material

The classic version of the material used is, of course, metal. Recently, stainless steel has been the most commonly used material in smartwatches. This material is quite durable and relatively inexpensive raw material. Although it is worth noting that over time, the stainless steel case begins to scratch, which leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the watch. But due to the optimal price/quality balance, this material is used for the manufacture of cases more often than others. Huawei Watch, Asus ZenWatch 2, LG Watch Urbane, LG G Watch R, New Moto 360 - all these models are based on stainless steel.

Quite often, plastic is used to make “smart watches” as a light and cheap raw material, which, of course, is an order of magnitude inferior to stainless steel in such important qualities as strength and durability.

The cases of expensive models are made of polycarbonate, a very durable plastic. This category includes Moto 360 Sport, Sony SmartWatch 3 (plastic version).

Straps for smart watches

The owner of a smartwatch has the opportunity to change straps to suit different styles and colors of clothing. A variety of modern materials are used to make straps.

  • Plastic strap- hypoallergenic, moisture resistant and pleasant to the touch. At the same time, the quality of service has a weak indicator.
  • Silicone strap in most cases it has the same set of pros and cons as plastic.
  • Metal strap durable and resistant to external irritants. Among the disadvantages is that the metal is heavy in weight and has high thermal conductivity, and therefore can cause unpleasant sensations in winter.
  • Rubber strap combines inexpensive and durable material that can be easily given the desired color. This strap fits the wrist well, is resistant to moisture and has low thermal conductivity. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that these straps can cause an allergic reaction such as redness and rash.
  • Leather belt- soft, elegant, but quite expensive material. Used in the manufacture of branded models.

Smart watches can be equipped with either replaceable or non-replaceable straps. For models that use replaceable straps, we can include the same Huawei Watch, LG Watch Urbane, LG G Watch R, New Moto 360, Asus ZenWatch 2. In turn, Moto 360 Sport, Samsung Gear Live do not provide replaceable straps.

Screen matrix for smart watches

LCD— the liquid crystal version of the screen matrix in “smart watches” is most often found due to its relatively low cost and acceptable color rendering quality. There are several modifications of LCD technology: IPS, TN+film, Super LCD. The disadvantage of such a screen is the requirement for internal backlighting and the inability to read in bright sunlight. LCD display is used in gadgets such as Moto 360 Sport, Sony SmartWatch 3 and others.

More and more modern gadgets are equipped with screens that are based on OLED- technologies based on organic light-emitting diodes, which effectively emit light when passing through it electric current. OLED technology combines greater brightness and color contrast than an LCD screen. Such a display does not need backlighting and consumes little energy. In addition, the OLED display is much thinner and weighs much lighter than an LCD screen. True, on the other hand, such a screen is more expensive, and at the same time less durable than a liquid crystal one.

AMOLED and SUPER AMOLED technologies offer simply fantastic colors and deep contrast conveyed by the gadget’s screen. These screens are perfect for reading in the sun. At the same time, the quality of color rendering of white and black colors in this technology is very far from ideal. Models with AMOLED screens are Huawei Watch, Asus ZenWatch 2, Haier Smartwatch.

P-OLED screens are new-fangled bendable screens that ergonomically follow the contours of the wrist, do not catch on clothes at the corners and do not get in the way. Curved screen allows for comfortable reading in any position. Representatives of smartwatches equipped with P-OLED screens include the LG Watch Urbane and LG G Watch models.

E-ink– an electronic paper screen, the characteristics of which allow you to display only text and graphic information exclusively in monochrome mode without the ability to play video. Yes, such screens cannot boast of being colorful, but the advantages of this technology are super-economical energy consumption and excellent readability in the sun.

Mirasol- displays have all the same advantages as E-ink, while being able to display images in color.

View of the smartwatch screen glass

The glass options used in smartwatch devices are different and depend on the cost of the watch. Ordinary plastic does not break, but quickly loses its decent appearance due to its susceptibility to scratches. Inexpensive, mostly sports, smartwatch models are equipped with plastic screens.

In branded modifications, the screen is equipped with mineral (Cristal Glass) or sapphire (Sapphire Class) coatings, which are not scratched, retain their appearance for a long time, but are not resistant to mechanical damage, that is, they often break.

The advantages of all types of glass are combined with combined glass, for example, with the Gorilla Glass marking, the glass characteristics of which include scratch resistance along with impact resistance.

Smartwatch interfaces

Common wireless interfaces in watches are Bluetooth(up to 10 m) and WiFi. The most popular are Bluetooth versions 4.0 and 4.1, which are capable of providing a reliable connection with a mobile phone, tablet and desktop with minimal energy consumption in both transmitting and receiving gadgets. Wi-Fi technology not so universal, since its coverage area is limited and “tied” to certain access points in public or private places.

A less common data transmission technology is NFC. To pair, you need to touch the two devices to each other. The maximum distance between devices should not exceed 10 cm. NFC is similar to Bluetooth, but requires a minimum amount of energy and provides almost instantaneous connection speed. The fly in the ointment is the transmission speed, since in this version it is lower, and the cost of a watch with such a port immediately changes towards becoming more expensive.

Another data transfer standard is ANT+, allowing you to connect smart watches and sports sensors with each other at a distance of up to 30 m. Widely used in sports trackers and medical gadgets. Plus, working via the ANT+ port requires 70% less energy than via Bluetooth. The disadvantage of this technology is that it shares the same frequency range with Bluetooth, so when two ports operate simultaneously, loss of information packets may occur.

TO wired interfaces, which are built into smart watches and used for charging and data transfer, include standard USB, mini-USB and micro-USB ports.

Smartwatch batteries

Smart watches mainly have two types of batteries – Li-Ion and Li-Pol. Li-Pol is a more advanced battery model, the distinctive feature of which is its compactness and lightness, which is especially important for devices that are small in size. The battery charge can vary from 300 to 420 mAh. For recharging, standard micro-USB, USB ports or the manufacturer’s original connector are used, which will require an additional proprietary cable or cradle (frame with connectors).

In most cases, the hours are presented non-removable batteries, which allows you to expand their capacity. To replace such a battery, you will have to contact a specialist. There are also removable batteries with low capacity, which are mainly used in watches without a screen or models with an E-ink display.

Smartwatch battery life

The amount of time a smartwatch can last on a single charge varies depending on its hardware, such as its screen features and how much built-in functionality you use.

Number of hours battery life should not be less than 24 hours. The optimal choice would be to choose a gadget that will need to be recharged once every 1-2 weeks.

"Smart watch" with a SIM card as a replacement for a smartphone

A revolutionary solution for many smartphone users is to replace a bulky “shovel-shaped” mobile gadget with a compact “smart watch” with a built-in SIM card. This is quite convenient, because now you can make calls or sending SMS no need to look for your phone in your bag or take it out of your pocket. A smart watch is always with you, always on your hand, so it is more difficult to lose it.

Smart watches can support three types of SIM cards:

  • mini SIM card– a regular SIM card measuring 25 by 15 mm;
  • microSIM card– compact SIM card measuring 15 by 12 mm;
  • nanoSIM card- the smallest SIM card measuring 12.3 by 8.8 mm, which is used in the most modern new devices.

Types and classes of protection for smart watches

An important characteristic is the degree of protection. There are 3 types of protection:

  • from dust/moisture;
  • from penetration of moisture into the body;
  • from blows.

Dust/moisture protection is marked as IPXX, where the first X is the level of protection against dust, the second X is against moisture.

  • IP55 class– a housing protected from dust, as well as from jets and splashes of water in any direction. Immersion in water is not provided;
  • IP57 class– a housing protected from dust, from jets and splashes of water in any direction, as well as from contact with sea waves. Diving to sea depths up to 1 m is possible;
  • IP67 class – completely dust-proof housing, protection from jets and splashes of water in any direction, protection from sea waves. Diving to sea depths up to 1 m is possible;
  • IP68 class– dust- and waterproof housing. Diving to sea depths of more than 1 m is possible.

Protection of the housing from moisture penetration into the body of a “smart watch” is measured in the number of atmospheres of pressure and also implies a division into several classes:

Class WR10-WR20 (1-2 atm.)– the weakest protection (protects from rain and when washing hands). This protection class is the most common;

Class WR30 (3 atm.)– protection when taking a shower and while washing the car;

Class WR50-WR60 (6 atm.)– direct work with watches in water conditions. Most optimal choice for the buyer;

Class WR100-WR150 (10-15 atm.)– for people who engage in swimming and diving;

Class WR200 (20 atm.) and higher – professional protection class, used when scuba diving.

Information about water resistance is usually written on the watch case.

Impact protection is ensured by equipping the smartwatch case with a special shockproof device. Such “smart watches” will be useful for athletes and amateurs active rest, however, they are much more expensive than ordinary models.

What to consider before buying a smartwatch

  • Watch screen diagonal can range from 0.5 to 2 inches and makes a big difference. A larger diagonal size provides greater ease of use of the watch, but it should be taken into account that its energy consumption increases along with the price.
  • Smartwatches should not be bought without trying them on. Comfort of “sitting” on the hand – important point, which should be considered when purchasing a smart watch. It will be better if the watch strap is adjustable. If the strap is not adjustable, then you should select a model with special attention and thoroughness.
  • Detachable strap– an undoubted advantage of the chosen smartwatch model. If the strap becomes worn or accidentally damaged, it can be easily replaced.
  • Smart watch brand. When choosing a smart watch, you should pay attention to well-known, trusted brands of manufacturers who have already proven the quality of their products. Such models guarantee wear resistance, long and trouble-free service.

Where can you buy smart watches?

The easiest way to buy a smartwatch is through the Internet, comparing prices, characteristics and choosing the best offer.

Now you know how to choose a smartwatch and what quality features they include. How did you choose a smart watch for yourself, based on what requirements and criteria you made the purchase - please share with us in the comments to this article.

In short, a smartwatch is a faithful companion to a smartphone. They allow you to see a notification with a simple wave of your hand. This is especially true for those people whose smartphone is very large - it is simply inconvenient to take it out of your pocket every time. In this material we will try to answer the most popular questions regarding this type electronic devices.

It's time to talk about what a smartwatch is for. It should be noted that the functions different devices may vary. Some gadgets may be able to do one thing, while others will not be capable of it. If you are interested in maximum functionality, then SetPhone has a selection especially for you. Choose one of the devices presented in it - you will definitely be pleased!

So, an approximate list of smartwatch skills is as follows:

  • Show notifications that come to your smartphone- this allows you to read any message without removing the device from your pocket, and in some cases also respond to it.
  • Simplified operation with alarm clock, stopwatch and timer- again, you don’t need to touch your smartphone.
  • Physical Activity Tracking- uses pedometer, heart rate check and other functions. Some models even monitor sleep quality.
  • Show your location- even if the watch does not have built-in GPS, the information will be taken from the smartphone.
  • Opportunity to talk to someone- Some smartwatches have both a speaker and a microphone built-in.
  • Creating shopping lists- in the store you don’t need to constantly stare at your smartphone screen, just glance at your watch.
  • Regular receipt of information about the dollar exchange rate or the cost of oil- To do this, you just need to download the appropriate application.
  • Showing results of football matches- There are also separate applications for this.
  • Play right on your wrist- games for smartwatches exist, even if they are not very sophisticated.
  • Time display- yes, smart watches can do this too! It is also possible to display the time of sunrise and sunset, current temperature, probability of precipitation and other information. And all on one dial!

And this is just the first thing that comes to mind for any smartwatch owner. The breadth of functionality depends on the cost of the device and the version of the operating system. For example, last hours They even help with swimming - they will show you the distance traveled, the number of heart beats per minute, and also give you some tips. In general, smart watches are primarily created for those people who monitor their health.

What smartphones can smartwatches work with?

The choice of a specific smartwatch largely depends on what kind of smartphone you have at your disposal. For example, a device on Windows based Phone can only interact with Pebble and a couple of other smart devices. Concerning Apple Watch, then this watch only works in tandem with . And this shouldn't be the most old smartphone, because the ancients iOS versions they just didn’t know that Apple would one day create its own smartwatch.

The rest of the wrist gadgets are mostly designed for Android 4.4 or higher latest versions"green robot" However, exceptions to this rule are possible. Some Chinese devices stubbornly refuse to “see” any specific smartphone models. Smart watches can also interact with iOS. But in some cases, the user is provided with reduced functionality.

Can smartwatches work without a smartphone?

Smart, but not a watch

Nowadays you can find many miniature electronic devices in stores. Theoretically, you could confuse a smartwatch with a fitness tracker, heart rate monitor, sports watch, or even a cycling computer.

Typical cycling computer

Smart watches must have a fairly large LCD display - its diagonal must be at least 1 inch (with the exception of children's models). Another distinctive feature of smartwatches is the presence of an operating system or fairly advanced proprietary firmware. For example, functionality Smartwatch 2 is provided by Japanese-developed firmware, but this does not negate the fact that additional applications can be installed. And the clock Moto 360 work at Android help Wear - a special version of the “green robot”. There are also a lot of Chinese smartwatches that have regular Android installed.

In short, any smartwatch supports installation third party applications. Although there are exceptions to this rule. There are mechanical watches that can only notify about incoming calls and received SMS. This notification is implemented through vibration and a flashing LED - there is no talk of any LCD display or operating system here. But such devices are more likely just watches with additional function, rather than some smart gadget.

How often should you charge your smartwatch?

Unfortunately, the small battery takes its toll. On average, smartwatches need to be charged once every two days. Expensive models can boast battery life for three to four days if you do not use GPS. Cheap Chinese products may require connection charger already in the evening. This is due to the fact that regular Android is not at all optimized for a small device with a tiny battery. Android Wear is better thought out in this regard. Just like the operating system created by Apple.

In many ways, the battery life depends on how exactly the watch is used. If you turn on the GPS and go for a bike ride, then any device you have will be discharged by the evening. On the contrary, if you only read notifications, then the charge lasts for a longer time.

Is it possible to connect a headset to a smartwatch?

It all depends on specific model hours. Many of them do not allow you to talk to your interlocutor or listen to music. It is basically impossible to connect a headset to them. Other watches are more functional - they often allow you to connect wireless headset via Bluetooth. And on some devices there was even room for a traditional 3.5 mm audio jack.

Can I use my smartwatch in the rain?

The vast majority of electronic devices that exist today are terribly afraid of water. But many smartwatches have one or the other. Be sure to check it out by reading the specifications! If a standard is specified IP68, then theoretically you can swim and dive in the pool in this watch. Other watches are not afraid only of splashes - that is, rain. There are also completely unprotected gadgets.

Note: touch screen After many hours, when raindrops hit, it begins to make false alarms. There's nothing to be done about it.

How much do smartwatches cost?

Like smartphones, these devices are completely different. In Chinese online stores you can easily find smart watches for 4 thousand rubles. But you shouldn't expect much from them. More functional options cost from 6 to 12 thousand rubles. For this money, theoretically, you can even find a device with Android Wear on board.

The most functional watches cost significantly more. For Samsung and Apple products you will have to pay more than two tens of thousands of rubles! There are also smartwatches from , Casio and all sorts of fashion companies - they can cost even more.

What does a typical smartwatch consist of?

Modern smartwatches are similar in design to traditional smartphones. If we leave mechanical watches out of the equation, the list of main components will be as follows:

  • Case and strap- can be made from the most different materials. Most often, the body is made of metal (at least partially), since its interaction with the skin will definitely not cause an allergic reaction.
  • CPU- a low-power chip is used, created according to ARM architecture, as in all smartphones.
  • LCD display- can be round or square, manufacturing technology can also be different.
  • Speaker- not present in all watches; some devices notify about any events only by vibration.
  • Microphone- if it exists, then you can use it to give commands to the voice assistant.
  • SIM card slot- allows you to access the Internet using mobile operator. The slot is not present in all smart watches, as it takes up a lot of space. There are also models with a virtual SIM card, but at the time of writing (summer 2017) Russian operators do not provide such a service. Sometimes the SIM card is used only for sending SMS.
  • Operational and permanent memory - in the first, those working in this moment applications, and in the second you can save music, photos and other files.
  • Camera- a rare guest in smartwatches, since it is impossible to place a decent module in such a miniature device. Yes, and using the camera on the watch is inconvenient. And in some countries, smart watches with a camera can be classified as prohibited spy devices.
  • Heart rate monitor- present in fairly expensive gadgets, it works using a green LED or some other technology.
  • Battery- usually its capacity does not exceed 300 mAh. The operating time of the device depends on the optimization of the operating system, the number of wireless sensors, the type of installed screen and many other factors.
  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules- with the help of the first, the smartwatch is synchronized with the smartphone, and the second plays an auxiliary role.
  • NFC module - speeds up the first connection to a smartphone. It can also be used to implement a wireless payment method.
  • Controls- watches almost always have at least one physical button. Samsung devices use a rotating bezel, which allows you to select menu items without your fingers blocking the screen.
  • Light sensor- present in many devices, with its help the system automatically adjusts the brightness of the screen backlight.
  • Accelerometer and other motion sensors- they can turn on the display backlight the moment you raise your hand with the watch on your wrist. The pedometer is implemented in a similar way.

Where can I buy them?

Buying a smartwatch is not as easy as it seems. They cannot be called very popular, which is why some stores refuse to sell them. But you can find them in “,” and other large retail chains - at least in big cities. They are also sold by many Russian online stores, including those owned by the manufacturers themselves. The easiest way to order cheap smartwatches is on Chinese online platforms.

Brief history of smart watches

Many large companies have long tried to provide electronic watches with additional functionality. Surely you remember that the clock Montana had a stopwatch, alarm clock and several melodies. But even before them there were clocks Pulsar, which had programmable memory. You should also be familiar with calculator watches, the miniature keyboard of which had to be pressed with a toothpick.

In 1984 the watch was born Seiko RC-1000. This device could be connected to a computer! We can say that it was from this moment that the history of smart watches began. Although the first gadgets could not be called smart. They only had apps for notes and scheduling, as well as a world clock and a calculator.

At the beginning of 2000, IBM showed a clock that operated using Linux. But then things didn’t go beyond the prototype. The smartwatch segment was supplanted in those days mobile phones, which became smaller and more convenient. Everything changed in 2013 or a little earlier. Technology has reached the point where watches can be constantly connected to a smartphone. This reduced the load on the processor, and therefore it does not have to be powerful. Everyone has started developing smart watches and their components - Qualcomm, Toshiba, Sony, Foxconn, LG, and other companies. Soon they were joined by Apple, whose product further increased the popularity of smart watches.

A smart watch is an additional screen for a smartphone that not only shows the time (like a classic watch), but also reports SMS, missed calls and emails.

Electronic watches are produced by both well-known electronics manufacturers and specialized companies (follow the links for current watch models):

What is a smartwatch and what are its functions?

For active people with a dynamic lifestyle, they produce devices with heart rate sensor and accelerometer to count the number of steps. Such devices calculate the distance traveled per day, calories burned and act as a personal trainer, motivating you to new achievements.

Complements the capabilities of the fitness tracker track sleep quality. Thanks to the accelerometer, the gadget determines the stages of sleep, helping you easily wake up during the fast phase.

If it is more important for you to have quick access to all data from your smartphone, you should choose models with maximum integration. They not only display notifications on the display, but also allow you to answer SMS and even calls if there is a built-in speaker and microphone.

The watch can also control the phone, for example, switch tunes in the music player or change the focus of the camera.

Absent-minded users will especially appreciate the functions aimed at finding a smartphone. For example, blocking the phone when the distance from it to the watch exceeds a specified mark (usually 10 m).

Which smartwatch should you choose?

Today there are dozens of smartwatch models on the market, we will look at the most popular and practical:

Model Mykronoz ZeWatch 3 attracts with its wide compatibility with smartphones on Android, iOS and even Windows Phone. On big screen Not only are notifications displayed, but you can immediately respond to SMS or calls. The three-axis accelerometer copes with the task of counting steps taken and distance traveled.

Model ZeClock Fans of classic design will love it. At the same time, smart watches easily connect to any smartphone via Bluetooth, understand voice commands and perform the function of a fitness tracker.

My Basis B1 Band- not quite a smart watch in the classical sense. Unlike other smartwatches, the model records your heart rate, which improves the analysis of your physical condition and sleep quality. The device connects to Android and iOS smartphones, but lacks most of the features of other smartwatches.

Stylish i'm Watch Color- one of the few models that have a headphone jack. So listening to music will now become much more convenient.

The long-awaited smartwatch from Apple amazes with its capabilities. Besides standard features, smart watch Apple Watch and Apple Watch Sport can transmit heartbeat or touch, they can send sounds that surround you, as well as drawings and sketches that can be drawn directly on the watch. Moreover, the Apple watch records your activity level and provides recommendations for optimizing your workouts.

The Apple Watch and Apple Watch Sport models have the same functionality and differ only in the design of the case and strap. The sports version uses a lightweight aluminum alloy and a fluoroplastic strap, while the classic version is made of a stainless steel case with a metal bracelet.

Characteristics Mykronoz ZEWATCH 3 Mykronoz ZeClock MY Basis B1 Band i'm Watch Color Apple Watch Apple Watch Sport
Voice control There is There is No No There is There is
Making calls There is There is No There is There is There is
Reading SMS There is There is No There is There is There is
Fitness tracker There is There is There is There is There is There is
Sleep monitoring There is No There is No There is There is
Audio player control There is No No There is There is There is
Battery capacity, mAh 200 200 - 450 - -
Operating time, h 72 72 96 24 24 24
OS Compatibility Android, iOS, Windows Phone Android, iOS Android, iOS Android, Blackberry, iOS iOS iOS

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