3D house modeling program. Modeling a house in free applications yourself. Things to consider

You need to open the 3D module and on the architectural tab click the “Edit Floor” button.

A new “Floor Edit Dialog” window will appear in the upper left corner. In this window, click on the New Wall button. The cursor changes to a cross and the program is ready to draw walls. You can turn on the grid to help. The program may prompt you to change the grid spacing. The units of measurement in the program are millimeters. Let's make a house measuring 6x8 meters. Please note that this is the size along the axis of the wall. The external size of the house will be 6.4 x 8.4 in our case.
All Wall parameters can be changed at any time. The construction of the walls of the house must begin with the outer contour.

It is better to do the contour direction clockwise to make it easier with the orientation of windows and doors.

By building the 4th wall and thereby closing the outer contour. Now it’s time for the internal partition walls. In the “Floor Edit Dialog” window, change
wall thickness by 200 mm. Click on the New Wall button again. And we make several walls. Pay attention to the behavior of the cursor. It changes its appearance in order to prompt the user that snapping to nodes or lines is taking place. If you place a second or larger point of a wall next to another wall, then the walls are automatically joined and the program is ready to make the next wall. If you need to delete a wall, then simply use the Delete button.
Press the OK button and exit the floor editing mode. Rotating the scene, we see that we already have walls, floor and ceiling.

Currently, automatic generation of floors for each room only works correctly for simple cases. And if the program incorrectly generated the floor for your room, then you don’t need to be upset, but make the floor manually. For this you can use universal means modeling. We build the contour of the floor,
using the Flat Sketch function. Based on the sketch, we build a body using the Profile from sketch function.

Windows and doors.

Set the top view to XY.
Click the button on the “Make a window in the wall” panel.

The program will prompt you to indicate the wall in the approximate location where the window should be. Until you let go left button mouse, the window can be moved along the wall.

After you release the left mouse button, a Dialog for entering Window parameters will appear on the screen. To begin with, you can not change the parameter values ​​and
press the OK button. An opening will be built in the wall, to which a window will be attached along with a window sill and a slope. Make several windows in different walls.

The Cancel command is not available in the Architecture module. All size parameters can be edited. The position of windows can also be changed in floor editing mode.

A window with an opening can be deleted using the body editing dialog. To open it, you need to double-click on the wall. The body operations editing window will open.

In this window we see a list of operations that can be edited or deleted. To remove a window, you need to select the “Window in Wall” operation, the corresponding opening will change its color. What is shown in the picture. If you double-click on an element in the list of operations, a window for editing the corresponding operation will appear. Dimensions-parameters can also be edited directly on the screen by double-clicking on the size. A window for editing the size parameter will appear.
To simulate doors you need to press a button. The remaining actions are similar to those when working with a window.

After we have installed the windows and doors, we can quickly clarify (correct) their position. To do this, enter the floor editing mode by clicking the “Edit Floor” button on the architectural tab.

In the floor editing mode, active points are activated near the walls - green handles, and red handles near windows and doors. When the cursor is in the grip area of ​​the handle, it changes its appearance to a cross, which means that you can move this node with the mouse. And thus edit
position of walls, windows and doors. After editing is complete, press the OK button and exit the editing mode


Click the Create a two-pitch roof button.

In the window that opens, change Dimensions Width and Length for the external dimensions of the house. In our case:
Length =8400.
By default, the line of the roof slope is along the Y axis. If we need it along the X axis, then turn on the Main Line Along axis X checkbox. Press the OK button, we get the finished roof
in the form of an assembly. The roof needs to be put back in place. Congratulations! We can assume that you have mastered 3D house modeling. Now we need to do some finishing work, but I'll talk about that in the next design tutorial.

A little hint.
To cover a roof with tiles, you need to apply a texture to the surface of the roof. A texture is a raster image stretched onto a volumetric surface. Click
button, point to the desired surface and select an image in the dialog that appears.

Construction and interior creation begins with a project. House design programs in Russian will help you design a cottage of any number of floors, make an unusual layout, and think about what the garden or yard will be like.

Today, an amateur developer does not need to draw primitive diagrams of his future home with a pencil on paper.

On the Internet you can download the simplest programs for designing buildings and structures that do not require experience or special knowledge. They are usually offered to users free of charge. More complex software for the work of experienced professionals, designers and architects it costs a lot of money, and for a beginner it is quite difficult to understand all the intricacies of their use.

The choice of software for developing a design project depends on the goal that the user sets for himself.

Selection options:

  1. When designing a bathhouse or cottage, you need to determine whether it is enough to create a three-dimensional image of it. Or you need to see it in a real area, surrounded by existing objects.
  2. Do you need a project estimate?
  3. Would it be useful to use materials from real companies?
  4. Do I need to put dimensions, names and other notes on the layout?
  5. How accurate should the transfer of dimensions be?
  6. Do I need to save the project in the cloud to ensure that other people can access it at any time?
  7. Do you plan to work with ready-made libraries or will you create objects yourself? Do we need separate topics on landscape design?

One tool is better suited for interior design, and another for architectural structure.


Any person who is not involved in architecture and design can understand the free Dom-3D program. It is Russified, easy to use, has a clear interface, and does not require special knowledge and experience. Works on the latest Windows versions and doesn't need powerful computer. A large selection of functions allows you to perform tasks of any complexity.

The main function of the program is the design of houses and buildings, as well as three-dimensional visualization of objects designed with its help.

Dom-3D software interface

Features of this editor:

  1. Comprehensive, detailed modeling of residential buildings. Graphics editor has a built-in architectural module for designing walls, roofs, window openings, door structures and others. It allows you to edit them, change the size at the user’s request, and then view them in 3D format, which is very convenient for preliminary assessment future home.
  2. and interior furnishings. Using a software editor, you can come up with a room layout and furnish it with furniture. At the same time, you can experiment with color schemes and furnishings to achieve the greatest coziness and comfort. Each housewife is given the opportunity to walk through a virtual house to see the advantages and disadvantages of the project.
  3. Designing the most diverse. Viewing it on a flat drawing and in 3D format allows you to identify design flaws in order to eliminate them in a timely manner.
  4. View the varieties of ceilings, laying floor and wall tiles.
    This is necessary to assess the overall color scheme, texture, toilet, kitchen in order to choose the most suitable option.
  5. Selecting products from the existing catalog. you can add ready-made designs of upholstered or cabinet furniture, as well as various additional accessories that the program has. Selected objects can be arranged, rotated, moved in rectangular or perspective projection.
  6. Design of auxiliary structures: fences, handrails, railings. Not a single mansion, especially a country cottage or villa, can do without them.

Software developers are constantly working to improve it. Users are advised to download latest version, which is more functional in operation.

Watch the video: design lesson in House 3D software.

Read also

Programs for designing landscape design in Russian

It is supplemented convenient manager facades, new materials for finishing floors and ceilings, additional lighting sources.

Versions Dom-3D 3.1 and 3.2 are suitable for designing stairs, railings, fences. They include new materials for floors and ceilings, original lighting sources.

The main drawback is that the tool does not work on older versions of Windows.

The program in Russian is designed to work on Windows and works for free. In it, a person who does not have an education as an architect or designer can create a project for a house, apartment, office, or plan a renovation.

To create an interior, a catalog of more than 120 finishing materials has been developed

Over 50 furniture options will allow you to come up with a unique design for your kitchen, living room, office, or bathroom. Various decor options and accessories will complete your dream home.

To work, download a plan of an apartment or cottage. If there is no plan, you can create one using the built-in editor. After design, you can start choosing doors, wallpaper and flooring.

Advantages of Interior Design 3D:

  • ease of use;
  • big choice materials;
  • various furniture;
  • choice of size, color of parts;
  • You can print a finished project for use by builders or furniture makers.

Among the shortcomings are noted:

  • not entirely accurate transfer of dimensions;
  • restrictions in the free version;
  • takes up a lot of RAM.

You can change the decor and add additional accessories by simply selecting the desired item with the mouse.

Watch the overview video tutorial Interior Design 3D.


The 3D modeling program SketchUp has functions for creating interiors and landscape design. In it you can make a model of a mansion, sauna, utility rooms, steam room. It was developed as a tool for rapid sketch modeling.

The main task of SketchUp is to create accurate and correct geometric shapes.

New project created in SkatchUp

Software features:

  1. Control over project parameters, for which instead of many windows there is a frame at the bottom right.
  2. Scaling and dividing created projects into sections for convenient adjustment.
  3. Creation of three-dimensional models of houses based on one or several photographs.
  4. Access to various graphic effects that significantly improve the quality of project presentation: the use of watermarks, volumetric text, integration of two-dimensional photographs, texts with three-dimensional models.
  5. Imitation of landscape, ground surface, graphically accurate shadows.
  6. Providing a library of styles, materials, components that you can add yourself, and then load them into the project you are developing.

Thanks to such wide capabilities, the program is used in various fields. It is convenient for developing solutions in architecture, modeling buildings, and interior design. Stove makers use it when constructing stoves and fireplaces, so that they can later view their models in 3D format.

The program of Russian developers is effective for other architectural elements, creating the interior of office, retail premises, apartments. There are basic and professional versions, differing in price and capabilities.

Elements of a design project can be created or selected from a thematic library. The basic package includes more than 100 themes, the professional package includes more than 700.

The objects included in the library are taken from real-life catalogs of Russian companies.

This allows you to record the data of the element used when developing a layout:

  • vendor code;
  • Name;
  • dimensions;
  • quantity per box;
  • unit of measurement;
  • price.

You can change this information and export it to files HTML format or DOC for preparing estimates and calculations.

Main themes:

  1. Building construction. The section includes architectural elements, for example, balconies, stairs, windows, columns.
  2. Office. Contains everything needed to furnish workspaces.
  3. Kitchen. The library includes all the necessary elements for designing a kitchen.
  4. Living spaces. We offer a large selection of mirrors, shelves, chairs, and beds.
  5. Retail store equipment. The library has display cases, slides, counters, and cash desks.
  6. Textures. Allows you to change color, transparency and even the reflection of light. This is convenient for creating, for example, glass. By changing its properties you can create real stained glass windows.

Libraries are replenished with independently created objects.

The finished project can be seen on a plane and in a three-dimensional model from different points of view, at different distances

The result is saved to a file or printed on a printer.

There are several free programs for designing houses. But most of all, expensive and complex analogues are known. Have you ever tried to work in? The description of the capabilities of this program alone takes up more than 1000 sheets of printed text. Master such a program without special courses very hard. You will have to learn a number of specialized terms. It is advisable to use such programs only in design institutes.

But still, every person who begins construction or redevelopment of their own home has to face the problem of visualizing existing ideas. If you have the zeal and at least some computer skills, then you can easily solve this problem using special more simple programs for designing houses (many of which are free or shareware).

Google SketchUp is software designed for modeling simple three-dimensional objects (furniture, buildings, interiors). It has a huge number of advantages that make working with it simpler and more convenient.

Working window of one of the most popular programs for designing houses Google SketchUp

The main feature of the program can be considered the almost complete absence of windows with preliminary settings. That is, each geometric characteristic is set using the keyboard in the Value Control Box (parameter control field), located in the lower right corner of the work area, next to the Measurements inscription.

Another important feature is the presence of the Push/Pull tool, thanks to which any plane can be “pushed” to the side, thereby creating additional side walls as it moves. Using the special Follow Me tool, the plane can be moved along a previously defined curve.

You can watch the basics of designing and planning a house in Google SketchUp in this video

In addition, such programs for designing houses have a number of the following functions:

  1. The ability to prepare macros in Ruby and then display them from the menu. Macros allow you to automate actions that have to be repeated. The function of using many other macros developed by other users of the program is also available here.
  2. Support for various plugins for visualization, export and creation of physical objects (movement, rotation, interaction of created objects with each other, etc.)
  3. Tools that let you view cross-sectional models and add callouts to models that contain drawing-style visible dimension symbols.
  4. Support for creating model elements that can be used and edited an unlimited number of times (changes created in the element used will be reflected in all places where it is used).
  5. Ability to work with layers.
  6. Possibility of preparing sections of objects.
  7. Library of models, styles work area and materials that can later be uploaded to the Internet or supplemented with your own elements.
  8. The ability to use scenes that include camera position and rendering mode, as well as the ability to animate transitions from one scene to another.
  9. The ability to create various dynamic objects (for example, opening a cabinet door by clicking a pointer).
  10. The ability to create models of real existing buildings or objects:
  11. Indication of available physical dimensions (in inches or meters),
  12. The ability to set geographically correct shadows in full accordance with the specified longitude, latitude, time of year and day,
  13. Possibility of viewing the model from the “first person”,
  14. Possibility of integration with Google Earth,
  15. The ability to add the earth's surface to the model being used and adjust its shape.

Read also

Programs for designing houses in 3D

SketchUp projects are saved in *.skp files. In addition, there is support for importing and exporting some 3D and 2D formats. raster graphics(*.ddf; *.bmp, *.3ds, *.psd, *.jpg, *.dwg, *.obj, *.png).

Import raster images has a number of possibilities, for example, inserting a particular image as a texture or a specific object, as well as as a basis for recreating a three-dimensional object from a photograph. Export in *.jpg format can be performed as a snapshot from the working area of ​​the application window.

Additionally, many plugins can be installed in house modeling programs, thanks to which it will be possible to export in *.dae, *.mxs, *.b3d, *.atl, etc. formats. Further editing of exported files in existing applications can be done without any restrictions.

Envisioneer Express

Envisioneer Express is software designed for developing three-dimensional models of houses and apartments. With this application, you can first prepare a 2D building plan, including walls, windows, doors, roof and stairs, and then convert it into a high-quality 3D model. Then, once the 3D rendering is complete, the house can be viewed from different heights and angles, and the viewing mode can be changed from a transparent frame to a photorealistic view. In addition to the “construction” of walls, it is possible to arrange various elements of the interior design of the room.

Envisioneer Express work window

It is also possible to change the appearance of the building materials used. If desired, the finished house project can be saved in the program’s “native” format, which can later be opened with some other 3D design applications.

Home Plan Pro

Home program Plan Pro is another great tool to help with questions. Its base includes a very impressive number of windows, doors, various accessories, etc. If necessary, the finished project can be printed and sent by fax or e-mail(for which they use the built-in functions of the program). The program supports multi-layering, various metric systems, and a huge number of standard figures. The finished plan can be saved in various formats.

Home Plan Pro has enough big set working windows and functions

CyberMotion 3D-Designer 13.0

CyberMotion 3D-Designer 13.0 is a program designed for professional modeling, rendering 3D models and creating animation. The peculiarity of this program lies in the huge number of various tips and templates, with the help of which even a beginner can model a room and arrange furniture in it. Preparation 3D images performed using drawings. After creating three drawings (top, front and side views), you can get a finished three-dimensional object.

Cyber ​​Motion 3D Designer has a lot of tips and templates, which will especially help beginners

The user-friendly user interface of the CyberMotion 3D-Designer program and a huge number of tools help you work not only with modeling apartments, but also with modeling any other objects and high-quality animation.


House-3D is one of the free programs for designing houses, apartments and interiors. This program is used to create three-dimensional visualizations of interiors and houses, furniture design, house modeling, interior design, as well as three-dimensional design of all kinds of details. The scope of the program and its functionality is constantly expanding.

FloorPlan 3D

FloorPlan 3D is one of the most reliable and convenient tools for home redevelopment, apartment design, and office renovation. Excellent graphics and easy-to-use tools provide great design opportunities in an interactive 3D environment.

The 21st century with its developed technologies greatly simplifies life, both in everyday affairs and in professional activity. Architects have long stopped using paper, pencil or ruler to create plans. Moreover, this process itself has become much simpler, more productive and more interesting, reminiscent of a game rather than painstaking work. Now everyone can design their dream home using free interior design and apartment planning programs. Don't know where to start? We'll tell you!

1. Astron Design

You can start with the Astron program, which allows you to arrange objects in a room with the desired parameters. This is not a multidisciplinary design tool, but the installed functionality is quite enough to think through projects.

You can choose your own finishing option for key partitions by first specifying their dimensions. Having imagined a little or calculated everything down to the smallest detail, you can place furniture, decor, and also decide on the location of doors and windows in the created space. A relatively large catalog is quite enough for this.

2. SketchUp

There are two versions of the program: paid, with extended functionality for professionals, and free. But this does not mean that the second option provides limited opportunities for creating renders.

With its help, you will be able to design high-quality three-dimensional design models, “playing” with the layout, colors, and furniture. The only negative is the small variety of objects, but they are easy to find on the Internet.

After downloading SketchUp, you can immediately start working, since the interface is very simple and intuitive. An important tool is the ability to sign the dimensions of individual elements.

The finished render is posted on the Internet, or vice versa - they look for inspiration there, studying other people's works.

Interestingly, this program is suitable not only for designing houses and apartments - it can be used to create three-dimensional models of a site, road, car or other objects.

3. Sweet Home 3D

This program may not satisfy serious designers, but regular users may find it very useful and, most importantly, simple. Sweet Home 3D will not help you create complex projects, but small experiments with this application are easy to carry out. For example, if you want to see what the closet next to the sofa will look like, and whether it is worth placing the TV against this wall. In just five minutes you can easily sketch out a floor plan.

Unfortunately, the established catalog of objects is not large enough, offering no variation in shapes, sizes or fittings. This could be a significant drawback if the missing items could not be downloaded from the official website, but this issue is easily resolved. Sweet Home 3D is a foreign program, but for users who do not understand English well, there is good news: there is a Russian version.

4. IKEA Home Planner

If you are thinking about buying Ikea furniture, then this free program will definitely come in handy. It is very simple and clear, it allows you to think through the interior of rooms using furniture from a Dutch manufacturer. You can pick up necessary item from the catalog, choosing the size, style, fittings or color scheme.

The Ikea catalog is quite extensive - from large sets to various small items, which allows you to create a complete interior by calculating its cost. IKEA Home Planner provides the ability to save your work and complete the purchase of all selected items. A high-quality picture in 3D format will help you evaluate the selected design in detail.

Ikea also has separate program for designing a kitchen, which is called IKEA Kitchen Planner. The principle of operation is the same, but the choice of furniture specifically for these spaces is much wider, so we recommend downloading this application separately.


An excellent program for interior design and apartment planning from the creators of 3ds Max and AutoCAD.

Having launched Homestyler, you need to choose one of three proposed functions: interior from scratch, use of a ready-made scheme or a ready-made project from an extensive gallery. At the same time, you will have at your disposal many options for finishing, color schemes and real pieces of furniture that are included in the catalogs of famous brands.

6. Planoplan

Another tool for creating interiors with real furniture from stores, instead of fictitious models. There are three ways to work with the program: an online service, a free demo version or a paid version for professionals. At the same time, Planoplan continues to be constantly developed and updated. Another advantage is the presence of a Russian interface.

When working on the interior of an apartment, you can come up with a layout yourself or choose standard options. There is a function of a virtual tour of the finished project with the ability to view it on a smartphone.

Planoplan is suitable not only for thinking through the general layout, but also more detailed aspects. For example, to see how the shadow moves throughout the day, you can set sunlight depending on the time of day. Many of the materials you use for your interiors have specifications. To understand all the functions, the site has video instructions that will clearly demonstrate the program management system.

7. PRO100

Unlike other online services and programs with a simple interface, you will have to spend a little time learning PRO100. It's more professional application, which allows you to transform every detail of the selected element: from texture to transparency. The demo version has limited functionality, but it is enough for planning or sketching.

A curious property that is rarely found in free programs for interior design and apartment planning: the ability to independently draw any object, adjusting its shape, size or texture, especially if you have goods from the store in mind. Before starting work, you need to specify the parameters of the premises, after which you can design the house of your dreams.

8. Interior design 3D

This program offers a comprehensive catalog of furniture, finishes and colors. Certainly, trial version limits the actual properties, but they are quite sufficient to create a high-quality render.

Create your own layout by specifying exact parameters or choosing standard ones that are constantly added to the program database.

A simple interface in Russian, which is important. You can “walk through” the finished apartment project using the function virtual tour. The 3D planner offers you to save the finished plan, edit it or print it.

In general, the product is not much different from similar ones, but it is suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot of time mastering a new planner.

Official site:

With independent design you can carry out everything free time without restrictions until you get a decent result.

To create a building and interior design yourself, just get acquainted with general principles program operation.

This is not difficult, since the menu and basic actions are obtained on an intuitive level.

It's enough to try once simple steps, and then you can improve your skills and expand the range of options from simple to complex.

Free project creation

Home design online

Construction begins with a project.

Take advantage of free DIY design tools.

In this section you will learn the basics of working in the planner, video instructions, and useful tips.

Examples of finished works.

Apartment design online

Start by creating a layout of your future apartment. Create a layout to your liking.

Add the required number of rooms. Position doors and windows to suit your needs.

Possibility to design according to your dimensions or existing apartment plan.

Roof design online

Not one, believe me, not one house will be a house without a roof. It’s up to you to decide what the roof of your home will look like.

Roof design in visual editor will allow you to sort everything down to the smallest detail. Calculate the rafter system, select the material.

Modeling in a 3D editor will be clear even to a beginner.

Bathhouse design online

Have you decided to build a sauna, but don’t know where to start?

Start with design! The bathhouse on the site can be either Russian or Finnish. The sauna is not only a newfangled hobby, but also a completely practical structure.

Ideas for the design of your future bath. Saunas in classic style.

Online garage design

Design your own garage under the same roof as the house or separately from it. A garage is a permanent residence for your car, as well as a place to store various things.

Creating a garage project online will allow you to take into account all the little details. Set the required dimensions, position the entrance gate, place the necessary niches, cabinets and shelves in the room.

Staircase design online

Develop your staircase project online. Let this staircase be vintage, ordinary, classic, the main thing is that it fulfills its purpose, is beautiful, practical and clearly fits into the overall picture.

Design programs

Design programs combine convenient tools for independent design, visualization of the process, and creation of three-dimensional 3D models.

Get to know the best products domestic and foreign developers.

Video tutorials and design instructions!

Free design

Standard procedure using the example of an online designer Planner 5DPlanner 5D

Design programs are designed with the international consumer in mind, so manufacturers initially prepare designs in several languages.

Most pointers are presented in the form of pictures and icons or are accompanied by tooltips.

To do this, pay attention to the checkbox located in the upper right corner of the screen. When you click on it, a list of possible language options appears.

The next step in online design is to indicate your determination and click on the checkbox with the words “Create a project” and select the appropriate option from the options offered. The creators offer three options:

  • Start from scratch
  • Continue a started project
  • Select already ready-made template as a basis and make your own adjustments to it

Before starting work, the user is shown the capabilities of the program, which can be viewed once, and then refuse to be shown by clicking the “Do not show another time” button.

You can go directly to modeling by simply clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.

To draw a project, use a four-item menu:

  • Rooms
  • Constructor
  • Interior
  • Exterior

On your first visit, a room plan is presented on the screen, which you can use for further construction, or you can delete it and start your own design from scratch. To do this, click on the image, wait for 3 pop-up images to appear and select the trash can icon.

Be careful with this icon in the future, as it removes the image immediately without specifying whether you really want to delete everything, as is common in many office programs. If you press it carelessly, you will have to start all over again. If you like what you've already done, you can save the image by clicking the corresponding button in the vertical right menu.

To draw a design for a room with a non-standard shape and size, use the mouse, with which you can quickly change the outline of the room and give it the most non-standard look.

Such an individual project will allow you to plan in detail a loggia, balcony, storage room or other room with non-standard outlines.

3D Online constructor home, design and interior from our catalog online services will be useful for those who are planning to build themselves a cozy home in the near future, but do not yet know what it will look like, how many rooms it will have, how to arrange furniture in the house, what the view will be from the windows of the future home. And in order to help decide on all these issues, it was created online program design and interior design called Planner 5D.

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