What does jailbreaking iPhone 4 give? What is jailbreaking iOS, what does it mean and what opportunities does it provide? Which tweaks work?

iOS is a fairly well protected system. This is partly due to the limited capabilities of ordinary users. For example, on Android it is allowed to install applications not from the official store, but on iOS it is not. However, the ban can be circumvented if you use Jailbreak. We will tell you in this article what advantages it provides and what consequences this may result in.

Jailbreak is a hack file system iOS devices. The irony here is that the title stands for "Prison Break". You're stuck within the boundaries set by Apple, and jailbreaking your device gives you some freedom of action. It's no secret that on an iPhone or iPad you can't just take and view all the files on the device, including system ones. Jailbreak provides this opportunity. You install it and gain access to the entire file system of the device. However, this is not the main advantage.

There are several types of jailbreak:

  • Untied– works even after rebooting the device.
  • Attached– works until the device is rebooted. However, the device also works only until rebooted. Then the device will freeze during the boot process, and the problem can only be corrected with a special program.

Fortunately for lovers of pirated software (although jailbreak is officially allowed in the USA), recently only untethered jailbreaks have been released.

What does jailbreak give?

In addition to access to the system, Cydia appears on your device - a store of applications and tweaks. Tweaks are additional improvements to the system, with the help of which you can basically customize the interface a little.

When it comes to apps, this is what Jailbreak has always been loved for. If you don't have money for expensive applications in App Store, you can download them for free in Cydia. That is, Cydia is a store of applications that were not included in the App Store for various reasons, or are hacked free versions paid applications.

By the way, if you think that after installing Jailbreak, you will no longer be able to use iTunes or the App Store, then you are very mistaken. Hacking the system will not affect the operation of these services in any way; you simply gain access to the file system and the Cydia application store. However, there are a number of significant disadvantages.

iOS versions for which there is a jailbreak

On this moment Almost all versions of iOS have been hacked. Below is a table that lists the hacked versions, devices and utilities for hacking.

iOS operating system version Devices that can be hacked iOS hacking utility
iPhone OS 1
  • iPhone 2G
  • INdependence
iPhone OS 2
  • iPhone 2G, 3G
  • PwnageTool
iPhone OS 3
  • iPhone 2G, 3G, 3GS,
  • iPod touch 1G, 2G, 3G
  • iPad 1G
  • PwnageTool
iOS 4
  • iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4
  • iPod touch 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G
  • iPad 2, 3,
  • PwnageTool
iOS 5
  • iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S
  • iPod touch 3G, 4G
  • iPad 2, 3
  • redsn0w
iOS 6
  • iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5
  • iPod touch 4G, 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4
  • redsn0w
iOS 7
  • iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5s, 5C
  • iPod touch 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4, Air 1
  • evasi0n7
  • Pangu (iOS 7.1 - 7.1.2)
iOS 8
  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5C
  • iPod touch 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4, mini (1st generation) - iOS 8.0 - 8.4.1
  • iPhone 5s, 6, 6 Plus iPod touch 6G
  • iPad Air 1, Air 2 - iOS 8.0 - 8.4
  • Pangu8 (8.0 - 8.1)
  • TaiG (iOS 8.0 - 8.4)
  • EtasonJB (iOS 8.4.1 x86)
iOS 10.0.1-10.3.3
  • iPhone 5.5C, 5S, SE, 6, 6S
  • H3lix (32-bit) Saigon
  • Meridian (64-bit)
  • DoubleH3lix (64-bit)
  • Goblin (64-bit)
iOS 11.0 - 11.3.1
  • iPhone 5S, SE, 6, 6S, 7, 8, X
  • iPod touch 6
  • Apple TV
  • Electra
  • unc0ver

Pros and cons of jailbreaking

In principle, we have already talked about the advantages, but we will summarize them into a single list:

  • Full access to the file system;
  • Installing paid applications is free;
  • Installing tweaks to customize the system.

And now about the cons. Unfortunately, they are no less significant than the advantages:

  • If you installed Jailbreak, then update your device to a new one IOS version you won't be able to do it anymore.
  • A jailbroken device is not covered by warranty. In case of any troubles, even not related to pirated software, the device will not be repaired for free.
  • Often, the system starts to work slower, and even glitch in places.

However, if something goes wrong, you can remove the jailbreak from your iPhone or iPad. For this it is enough with using iTunes return the device to factory settings. After this, all pirated software will completely disappear from the gadget, and you will again be able to contact the service center under warranty. There will be no traces of jailbreak.

Is jailbreak necessary?

And now let's talk, probably, about the important issue, is Jailbreak necessary now, in 2018. Even the developers themselves answered this question. Jailbreak - died because it is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Yes, hacking of the system is still ongoing, and just the other day a message appeared on the Internet about a jailbreak for iOS 12.1. However, this is interesting not so much to ordinary users as to hackers or the Apple(to close new security holes).

Why doesn't it make sense for users? Firstly, many applications are now released under the free to play system. That is, you can download it completely free of charge, and make purchases in the game itself, or for a small fee you can turn off advertising, which brings the developers most of their income. Such a system is much more profitable, because several thousand people are ready to pay for the application, and several million are ready to download it for free.

Secondly, iOS has already implemented a lot of things that users would like to see (talking about customization, etc.). Now the system works quite stably, especially on iOS 12, and people are simply too lazy to install anything additional on the device. The era of interface customization is long gone; most people like the modern look of iOS and Android, so there is no point in changing anything.

All, or almost all, owners of Apple devices know such a procedure as jailbreaking. They treat it differently: some approve and easily carry out this operation on their phone, while others, on the contrary, criticize and are an ardent opponent of such “bullying” of their equipment. If you don’t yet know what jailbreaking is and whether your device needs it, then this article may be useful to you.

Ethics question

Let's start with the fact that this operation is unofficial and not supported by Apple, which means that after it is carried out, the user is excluded from warranty service as a result of the violation. Already at this stage it is worth considering whether you are ready for such a turn. An informed decision can only be made if you have a good understanding of what jailbreaking is and what opportunities it opens up.

What does jailbreak give to users?

This is an operation carried out on devices with operating system IOS and allowing access to their file system. As a result, the owners Apple technology the possibilities of its use are significantly expanded, since tweaks, themes, applications can be recorded into the system, including from third-party sources (this is impossible without jailbreak). Thus, the advantages of this modification are as follows:

  • the ability to use applications from a PC;
  • the ability to install software not only from the AppStore, but also from other sources (for example, using Cydia);
  • the ability to SSH access to an Apple device (including allowing you to unlink from the operator).

Types of jailbreak

Tempting prospects, isn't it? Before we talk about how to jailbreak a device, it should be noted that there are two types of such operations:

  1. Untethered jailbreak. The changes made are saved after a reboot, and the device reboots normally without additional help.
  2. Tethered jailbreak requires regular repetition of the procedure after each reboot of the device (without this the device is unable to work). Since it is necessary to connect the phone to the PC every time, this type of operation is called “tethered”.

There is also an intermediate option - semi-tethered, when the device functions after a reboot, but all jailbreak functions disappear.

Of course, the first option is the most preferable, because it eliminates the need to constantly carry out a tedious procedure after each reboot of the phone. Therefore, if possible, this method should be preferred.

Jailbreak for iOS 7: instructions

Next we will look at latest version iOS 7, which was made available by the Evad3rs team. We must give her credit, because the proposed procedure for hacking an Apple device is so simple that even the most inexperienced users can do it.

So, set aside 10 minutes of your free time to implement the following five steps:

  1. Back up your device. Backup copy done via iTunes or iCloud.
  2. Disable your digital passcode as well as Touch ID.
  3. Download the appropriate utility (official website of the developer Evad3rs).
  4. Launch the jailbreak wizard by first connecting your iPhone/iPad/iPod to your computer. To start, open the archive and click on the button (there is only one).
  5. Please wait while the jailbreak is installed on your device.
  6. At the final stage of installation, an icon will appear on your device that you should click on. After rebooting, you will see the Cydia icon appear on your desktop. The process is over.

Here is such a simple jailbreak procedure. It is available to everyone Apple devices, starting from version 7.0.0 and ending with 7.0.4. However, for all its simplicity and attractiveness, there is no need to rush. If only because Cydia is not yet ready to offer users tweaks optimized for iOS 7.

Why you shouldn't jailbreak

What is jailbreak for your device: friend or foe? There are many opponents of this procedure, including Apple itself (which is not surprising). What arguments can force one to abandon this type of modification? Here is their list:

  • the level of security is reduced, which can lead to theft of personal information and the penetration of viruses and spyware;
  • Possible freezes third party programs, failures in the device OS;
  • reducing the operating time of the device on one battery charge;
  • errors or failure of Apple branded services;
  • interruptions in data transmission (time delay or information distortion);
  • device failure when installing updates for IOS;
  • deprivation of the possibility of technical and warranty service of devices after their unauthorized modification.

Such an impressive list of various dangers makes you think about whether jailbreaking is really necessary or whether it’s better to do without it. Now that you know what jailbreaking is, you can decide for yourself. In any case, you should not carry out the operation thoughtlessly, so as not to regret the consequences later. Evaluate the pros and cons and make an informed decision.

We talk about iPhone Jailbreak throughout our work, because without it you can install our programs for wiretapping iPhone- impossible! Most jailbreak instructions are written in technical language and confuse people who want to do everything quickly and easily. Today I will try to tell you as briefly and simply as possible about this “scary” Jayle, what it is and how to make it.

What is jailbreak?

The iPhone, like other products, is designed to work only with Apple software. Therefore, there are a number of companies that are interested in increasing their profits and also managing the sales market for iOS programs. After the iPhone was released, hackers from these same companies came up with ways to change software phone so that third-party programs have access to system processes apparatus. This is a jailbreak - it allows the owner of an iPhone to download any third party application from other companies.

There are 2 various types jailbreak – tethered (i.e., after rebooting the phone, the “jail will disappear”) and untethered (permanent).

How to tell if an iPhone is jailbroken?

Go to the applications menu and look for the Cydia icon. If you see this application, then the jail has already been created on your phone.

How to hide Cydia, because a person will be able to understand that there is spyware on his iPhone?

All of ours have the function of hiding the Cydia icon. You will only need to check a box in the program settings and Cydia will disappear from your desktop.

Is Jailbreaking legal and what to do with the iPhone warranty?

Yes, all this is legal! The only thing you have to worry about is that your Apple warranty will be void if your iPhone is jailbroken. If you want to take advantage of the warranty, you will just need to reflash the phone via iTunes!

How to jailbreak?

Firstly, the jail process is different for each firmware version! To find out what firmware version you have on your iPhone, go to Settings – General – About device, here in the Version section the firmware version of your iPhone is indicated.

So, you have found out the version, how can you now make a jail? My advice, use the website ijailbreakguide.com or www.ukrainianiphone.com - they always keep their finger on the pulse and describe in detail how to make a jail for each of the firmwares. I have selected links for you detailed instructions from their website.

Jailbreaking iOS means opening access to everyone hidden files and iPhone folders. Some time later, after using iPhone, you are starting to get bored with its monotonous interface and slightly limited functionality. You begin to find small nuances that irritate you in operating the device. It is in this case that iOS jailbreak will save you.

Truth and myths

Nowadays there are many myths and legends regarding jailbreak. We will present the most striking of them below and tell you why they are incorrect:

  • iOS jailbreak breaks iPhone. In fact, he hacks it, and it’s the users who break it. Jailbreaking just gives users full and unlimited access to absolutely all files on the device and nothing more. But the gadget begins to slow down after unprepared users begin to change or delete certain files that they have accessed.
  • After jailbreaking iOS, your iPhone will lose its warranty. Nothing like this. This method of hacking the device's file system is completely legal and does not invalidate warranty service gadget. And in service centers They can tell you big lies just to quickly get rid of the warranty claim.

And now a few facts that will be useful to know for all beginners planning to jailbreak their iOS device:

  • After the hack has been carried out, a new icon called Cydia will appear on your iGadget. This is a kind of another AppStore, but it contains those programs that, for one reason or another, could not get into official store from Apple. Here you can buy tweaks that will decorate or expand the functionality of the gadget. They cost money, but often these are ridiculous amounts that you don’t mind paying for what you get in return.
  • By purchasing such a tweak, you can expand the functionality of the keyboard or completely replace it, expand the functionality of the taskbar, or change the design theme. There are also frankly hacker tweaks that make it possible to download paid applications from the AppStore completely free of charge.
  • The latter is a very controversial issue. And the majority of apple lovers in the world openly oppose such boorish attitude towards application developers who spent their time creating this or that application and bringing it to perfection.
  • Over time and the growing number of installed tweaks, the iPhone begins to slow down, freeze and reboot spontaneously. Don't be fooled by jailbreaking iOS; as mentioned above, it hacks, not breaks. The culprit is, in fact, the users themselves, who download unreliable tweaks that adversely affect the operation of the iPhone, and in some cases, conflict with each other, causing the device to reboot.
  • If you suddenly suddenly realized that you miss the good old original interface and functionality of the original iOS, then you can always remove the iOS jailbreak by updating the firmware in iTunes.

There are two types of jailbreak:

  • Attached– with this type of jailbreak, Apple phone users may experience certain difficulties. After the iPhone turns off or reboots, when it turns on, it simply freezes on the screensaver with an apple. It will be possible to enable it completely only using a special computer program.
  • Unattached iOS jailbreaking does not carry such dire consequences, so it is preferable. But in some cases it is impossible to complete it, so you have to be content with the tethered type of jailbreak.

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