What is popular in freelance programming. Choice of programming language. Where and how to learn English as a freelancer

The programming profession is becoming more and more popular. This is not only a chance to get a high-paying job, earn decent money on freelancing, but also an interesting, exciting activity.

As a rule, a person who has decided to learn programming "from scratch" is faced with the choice "What programming language to learn?"

If you clearly know in what area you want to apply your knowledge in the future (Web, game creation, Android programming, etc.), then you can use the infographics, which, I am sure, many are already familiar with.

As you can see, the most frequently mentioned language in this infographic is Python. And this is quite justified, since Python is, indeed, simple language, and programming on it is a sheer pleasure. You will write your first program during the first hours of studying this language.

I will not list all the advantages of this language, since this has already been done by many authors more than once. I will name just a few, in my opinion, the most valuable features of Python for a beginner programmer.

Simplicity. This virtue of Python is most important for beginner programmers.

Development speed. You can easily solve everyday tasks without spending a lot of time. It is important for a beginner programmer to see the results of their learning in the form of a ready-to-use program. This motivates further study. For example, the classic "Hello world" in Python looks like this:

print ("Hello world")

For comparison, let's see what the same "Hello world" looks like in the super popular Java language:

class HelloWorld (
public static void main (String args) (
System.out.println ("Hello World!");

Wide possibilities of using the Python language. Thanks to the huge number of libraries, modules and frameworks, Python can be used to solve almost any problem.

Programs for daily use that use Python: graphics editor GIMP, a program for working with 3D graphics Blender, BitTorrent. The popular game World of Tanks is written using Python. Companies like Yandex, Google, Instagram, Dropbox and others use Python.

According to the software company tiobe.com, Python ranks fifth in the October 2015 programming language popularity ranking.

The demand for the language and the level of salaries can be assessed, for example, with the help of the largest job site and resume HeadHunter http://hh.ua/. Enter in the search on the site queries like "Python developer", "python junior", "python django", and make sure that Python is in demand and highly paid.

In the next posts, we will look at Python tutorials, as well as useful resources to consolidate your programming skills.

The world of freelancing is changing rapidly, new trends appear every year, which, in turn, generate a demand for certain specialists. This applies to all areas of freelancing, but tectonic shifts are most clearly visible in such a relatively conservative form of remote work as programming.

For many years, those freelancers who wrote in PHP or any language from the C family did not have to worry about work - the demand for such programmers was consistently high. However, from the mid-2000s, things began to change. The arrival of the iPhone has revolutionized our understanding of how it should look. mobile phone... The ecosystem created by Apple has generated a lot of demand for programmers writing in ObjectiveC / iOS - far from the most popular programming languages. Apple's competitors overwhelmingly use Android, and today employers are looking for freelancers who write in Java.

Golden mean

Which programming language should you choose? This question is asked by all programmers, both beginners and experienced professionals. Numerous ratings and polls show that the most popular languages ​​are C ++, Java, PHP and Javascript. However, for a freelancer, the demand for the language is also of great importance. In 2013-14, programmers who write in Ruby, Erlang and ObjectiveC were most valued - the demand for their services was very high, which was reflected in the size of wages. Thus, a freelancer needs to find a middle ground: the language should be not only popular, but also in demand among employers.

Of course, when choosing a language, one should take into account what, as they say, "the soul lies". There is a huge number of directions in programming and you should not try to grasp the immensity - you still cannot keep track of all the changes in the freelance market. Of course, I want to be among the most in demand (and, therefore, the most highly paid specialists), but learning a new language takes a lot of time and effort. In addition, a situation may arise when a freelancer, having finally figured out Ruby or Python, may find that the explosive demand for the services of such programmers was temporary and the market has become quiet.

Current demand or outlook?

Freelance programmers tend to focus on current demand. This, of course, is correct, but one should not forget about promising directions, because in this case there are very high chances of getting into the "phase of greatest demand", which is what any freelancer dreams of. If you look at the offers of employers, it is obvious that at this time, programmers writing in C ++, PHP, Java, Javasript, ObjectiveC are mainly required. The demand for the services of programmers writing in these languages ​​will be stable over the next few years.

But if you look into the future, it is best to bet on learning Python, Scala and Ruby - many projects that will certainly "shoot" in the near future will most likely be written in these languages. Also, do not discount the good old Microsoft - the exit of the operating room Windows systems 10, coming in 2015, is sure to generate a lot of demand for C # programmers.

How can a beginner choose a programming language for a future job? Estimate the level of salaries? Demand? Which is easier to learn? Or take a close look at the popularity trend lines?

In fact, you can spend a lot of time choosing the best programming language. But as soon as it comes to personal acquaintance, it becomes necessary to change the favorite. Today, your attention will be offered a choice that should appeal to the absolute majority of novice geeks - a combination of ease of learning and being in demand in the labor market. These two arguments are relatively easy to reliably verify, so the result will be close to objectivity.


We will arrange in places based on the demand rating. We will take a number of foreign articles (,,) as a base, while we will confirm the Russian reality with the help of the aggregators hh.ru and trud.com. The statistics, of course, are up-to-date on the day the text was written, and are unlikely to change much before publication.

What we will not take into account is the level of salaries and the self-sufficiency of the language, simply because of the relativity of these criteria.


Formally, Swift, of course, is not yet as in demand among employers as Objective-C, and it owes a lot to the common platform for getting into this rating. But it is absolutely impossible to ignore the perspective in this rating. Therefore, we recommend starting the study now. We invite you for a free two-hour session.

Let's take a look at the numbers of Russian HR agencies - 471 vacancies in Russia and the near abroad on hh.ru and 410 on trud.com. Very good for a three-year language. If you add Objective-C, you can safely multiply numbers by 3.

C / C ++

Calling C or C ++ easy to learn is not entirely correct, especially when compared to Python or Ruby. But in this case, it is worth talking about the huge amount of educational high-quality literature, about the fundamental nature and that useful remnant that will remain in your head, even if you don’t associate your future life with them.

But if you still like the languages, then as many as 2,325 vacancies only in Russia on hh.ru and 12,543 on trud.com. At the same time, it is important for you to understand that if, in the case of the Swift language, these were vacancies exclusively for developers, then with C ++ you may need the language not only in the usual IT sphere, but also as a CNC operator and an auto electrician.


Not only is JavaScript in high demand in modern world thanks to the crazy development of Internet technologies, also thanks to modules and libraries, its zone of influence began to spread to all other IT-spheres.

Add to that the fact that JavaScript is relatively easy to learn. Borrowing basic things from C and gradually evolving from a bonus element for HTML and CSS to an independent power, he got a digestible syntax and logic of work that is very clear for a beginner.

And now to the demand: 6 365 vacancies only within Russia on hh.ru and 5 565 on trud.com. These are pretty good numbers for those who are determined to find a job after graduation.


When it comes to the combination of lightness and relevance arguments (in that order), most developers think of Python first. This is a time-tested language and millions of learners, it saves valuable time both at the stage of learning and application. At the same time, the number of IT areas where you could need Python is not limited by anything at all. Many thanks to the fans, enthusiasts and the Python Software Foundation.

It is important to note that the demand for Python specialists is much higher abroad than in Russia. However, finding a job with us will not be difficult: 2,325 vacancies in the open access according to hh.ru and 2,537 - trud.com.


Java is a great language in every way. This is confirmed by the statistics of TIOBE, the most popular OS in the world, and simply by the fact that it is a fairly simple language with a very powerful ecosystem.

In terms of Russian reality, the relevance of Java is 4,628 points according to hh.ru and 4,490 - trud.com. Yes, these are not impressive results against the background of some previous contenders, but, firstly, this is due to the specifics of our IT market, secondly, the upward trend is strictly positive, thirdly Java will still be simpler than C / C ++.


Surely not such a leader you wanted to see, but formally there is nothing to complain about here. It is very difficult for you to avoid using a database in modern realities, and no one has yet invented a tool that is more universal than SQL. It is this fact that allows this language to firmly sit in the first place in almost all such ratings.

The language of domestic numbers here does not reflect real demand too vividly, but it will not cause doubts about the leadership of SQL in this rating. In fact, he scored 8,303 internal vacancies on hh.ru, and 8,933 on trud.com.


Looking at the rating published at the very beginning, you probably have a reasonable question: "Where are Perl and C #?" It's all about the very projection onto Russian reality. For example, Perl has 581 job results for hh.ru and 577 for trud.com. This, of course, is better than Swift, but the apple language has an obvious perspective, and the demand for Perl in Russia is likely to only decline.

Regarding C #, the situation is better here: 906 vacancies on hh.ru and over 16 thousand on trud.com. However, the second number should not mislead you: among the vacancies, almost half of C / C ++ are developers with knowledge of C #, therefore, in terms of aggregate and fundamental importance, it was the first group of languages ​​that was included in the title, and the second is modestly mentioned at the end.

Many people think that freelancing is a huge opportunity and incredible income. But to achieve such results, it takes time and a clear plan of action.

Let's say you've already learned to program, built a portfolio, and opted for freelancing instead of working in an office.

Where can a freelancer look for a job?

Experienced freelancers hardly ever look for orders, because they have already developed a client base. Newcomers do not have this luxury, so they either have to look for work in forums, with friends or in in social networks, or go to the exchange. The first three options are more difficult and less secure, because no one guarantees that the customer will not hide with your code without paying. The exchange takes this responsibility upon itself.

Exchanges are special platforms where customers and performers gather. The former lay out tasks and promise money for their completion, while the latter offer their services.

For example, a client needs a website plugin:

Andrey Platov


- You need to create an online chat for a website on wordpress, budget 500 rubles, deadline - yesterday.

And freelancers who want to complete this task leave applications:

Ivan Ivanov


- Hi, I will do the job quickly, I have experience in similar projects.

Peter Petrov


- I can do it for 350 ...



- I'll do it, but the budget needs to be raised to 1,000 - otherwise it won't be enough even fuel for the time machine.

The customer looks at the applications, goes to the profiles, evaluates the portfolio and chooses the one he likes best. If you are chosen, the client will write to discuss the details of the work and the way of cooperation. In total, there are 3 main options:

  1. Work through the exchange. This is the safest way, because the money is frozen in the customer's account, and then transferred to the contractor if the task is completed successfully. In addition, there is a rating that rises after each project. The higher it is, the more willing new customers will be to trust. The customer can also leave positive feedback- this will increase the chances of finding interesting offers faster.
    If something goes wrong, you can go to arbitration - then the administration of the exchange will consider your application and protect your interests. Unless, of course, you are trying to deceive anyone.
    The main disadvantage of this method is that you have to give part of the money as a commission for the services of the exchange.
  2. Work directly. You exchange contacts with the client and discuss all issues directly. This way you can negotiate faster, and you don't have to share money. However, there will be no protection either. Of course, you can take an advance payment or conclude a contract, but this does not always save you from fraud (more on that below).
  3. Open an individual entrepreneur or get a job in the state. You can register as a sole trader and cooperate with customers as entity... Or you can get a job with a customer as a full-time remote employee and work until you finish the project.

When you have decided on the working conditions and other formalities, you can proceed to the assignment. Follow the TOR to avoid controversy. And if difficulties arise, ask the customer's opinion - most often they will meet you halfway.

Try to take a responsible approach to work and deliver projects on time - not only your wallet depends on this, but also your business reputation.

Basically, you will have to work with these exchanges:

  • Fl.ru is the largest platform for freelancers in the Russian-speaking Internet.
  • Freelancehunt.com is a relatively young but popular exchange.
  • Weblancer.net is a slightly less popular, but also well-known site.
  • Upwork.com is the world's largest exchange, but you need to know English to work on it.

There are many other places where you can make money. For example, kwork - all services there cost from 500 rubles:

Once I tried to dump because I wasn't sure of myself yet. But it took all the time to complete the orders, and I realized that it was worthwhile to evaluate my work much higher. I received many orders, but it only worsened my self-esteem and killed my love of programming.

It is up to you to decide what price to charge for your work, but I would not advise anyone to work for a pittance.

How to fill out a profile

Let's say you have already selected an exchange. Now you need to fill out the profile correctly - here will be general tips that are suitable for most sites.

First of all, look at how experienced developers with a high rating do it: find out what unites them, what are the differences, what they write about themselves, what kind of photo they put in their profile. Level up with the best.


Choose an avatar good quality... It is advisable that you were on it, but not at a party with friends, but in some more business setting. Don't add too formal a photo, but don't try to stand out too much - it's better to strike a balance here.

key skills

If there is such a field, do not hesitate to fill it out completely. Choose your most important skills - it can be working with databases, creating high-load applications, and so on. Don't waste this space on describing skills like creating variables.

Profile description

Describe your positives, but don't get carried away - no one wants to read your odes to themselves. Try to write briefly and accurately so that the client can quickly find out what you can do:

Experienced PHP developer. In my work I use Laravel and straight hands. I can write:

  • online store;
  • blog engine;
  • plugins for WordPress;
  • etc.

If necessary, I can write an interface in Angular.JS or React.JS.

No need to use florid constructions or add lyrical digressions:

Hey! My name is Alex Petrov. A year ago I decided to switch from Windows to Mac and fell in love, so now I am writing interface code, thinking about my favorite mac ...

Think about the comfort of your potential customers. They read dozens, if not hundreds, of profile descriptions a day. With such a volume, non-informative texts are simply closed.


Pick up high-quality screenshots of your work and write a short but useful description - what the program does, what technologies you used, and so on. If possible, upload multiple files. Be sure to add a link to your GitHub repository.

How to search for orders

Tasks can be searched both in the general feed and by keywords... For example, by keywords you will find orders for the development of plugins or online calculators. Most exchanges allow you to specify your services and prices for them so that customers can find you themselves.

Having chosen a project, read the description and TOR, if any. Read all attachments carefully, and then leave a response. Try not to use templates - it's better to write the most personalized messages:

Hello Maxim!

I read your TK, I just have experience with the X library that you need. You can see an example of implementation in my project U. As far as I understand, you you need something like this: * a description of how you would solve the problem, preferably with code snippets *?

This will show that you are really familiar with the task and can handle it - it will add a few points to you compared to other performers.

If you don't have experience yet, you can write about it - some customers will agree to take a newbie who will drop the price a little. But do not get carried away, because you are unlikely to enjoy working for a pittance. And the longer you do this, the more difficult it is psychologically to ask for more money later.

How to freelance

At first, you can take cheap orders - the main thing is that you are interested in fulfilling them and so that you can develop. Always try to write the best code, even if you feel like you have to pay more for it - this way you gain experience and gain a reputation as a good specialist.

And don't think that you have a lot of time for the project - better remember the 90-90 rule:

The first 90% of the code takes 90% of the time. The remaining 10% of the code takes another 90% of the time. Total - 180%.

Hofstadter's law also plays an important role:

Any business always takes longer than expected, even with Hofstadter's Law.

Armed with this knowledge, you will most likely still successfully hit a few deadlines, but this happens in all areas.

After completing the assignment, you can ask for feedback or permission to add the project to the portfolio.

How to protect a freelancer from scammers

Sometimes you can come across scammers, so you need to be able to distinguish them from normal customers. You need to know how to get the job done and get paid for it, or at least prevent the customer from using your project for free.

First of all, remember that you can work without prepayment only under a contract or with an old client with whom you have known for a long time. Although he can deceive. Many freelancers divide their work into 3-4 parts. For example, they get a third of the amount and do a third of the project and then do the rest. This way you can minimize the risk of fraud: even if you are deceived, you will only lose part of the money.

To show the code in action, upload it to your hosting and provide a link to the site to the client - it will cost only 300 rubles (200 per domain for a year + 100 per hosting per month, but you can find an option for 5 rubles), so the investment will pay off from the very first order.

If the client wants to check how this code will work on his site, and you are afraid of losing it, add a backdoor - a special piece of code that will break the program under certain conditions:

If (date ("Y-m-d")> = "2019-04-04") ( // 3 days after transferring the sources exit ( "Pay for the developer's work to continue using the site!"); }

If you add this code at the beginning of the page, the site will no longer be displayed after April 4, 2019, and only the request to pay for the work will be visible in the browser. But such a backdoor in the code is easy to notice, so it is better to sew it up so that the program does not work after removing it, and also obfuscate the code - that is, make it unreadable: = _1913039849 (1)) (exit (_1913039849 (2));)?>

This code will work, but it will not be readable. This can be done using special online services.

Do not be afraid if, after blocking the site, a client threatens you with legal proceedings. First, you, as a contractor, have the right not to give up the result of the work until payment is received. Secondly, if the opposite was not spelled out in the contract, the code is your intellectual property, and the customer uses it at his own peril and risk.

Although this, of course, depends on the legislation of your country. It is better to immediately warn the customer that the code will work for several days, and you will send the version for production only after payment.


Freelancing can really be a joy if you get the right approach to promotion and self-organization. Try to comply with the terms of reference and deadlines, otherwise you will feel disgusting. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

And do not forget that on freelancing you cannot establish yourself once and then rest on your laurels all your life. You will have to invest all the time in promotion and self-development in order to be in demand.

You will also find that self-organization, budgeting, and time management are just as important as your professional skills.

If you have not yet acquired the required skill set and have not collected a portfolio, sign up. So you will not only learn everything a novice web developer needs to know, but also get one of the most demanded professions, because about 80% of all sites on the Internet are written in PHP.

You will get acquainted with the basic paradigms of object-oriented programming (OOP), learn to work with XML, JSON, REST, SOAP. And then master the design of software architecture, learn how to optimize the developed system and ensure the safety of the code.

If you know any foreign language, then you can easily make money from home by translations. But first, you need to learn how to become a freelance translator and reach your first customers.

If you start your journey wrong, then there is a high probability that you will soon give up this business. No orders - no money. I will show you the shortest and most profitable way from my personal experience.

And let's start with this question - what knowledge and skills should a person have in order to work as a freelance translator?

Who can become a freelance translator

What I am going to tell you here is in many ways at odds with the "generally accepted opinion." But I have experience working as a translator and managing my own translation agency. That is, I studied this issue from both sides. Therefore, you can trust me =)

And here's the first interesting thought. Often people think that to work as a translator you just need to know a foreign language very well. That is, this requirement is always "by default". But actually it is not.

The fact is that language is a very multifaceted thing. If you know how, for example, to speak English well - does this mean that you will a good translator? Not at all. We are often approached for work by so-called "bilinguals" (these are people who have two native languages, for example English and Russian) - but they are completely unable to translate.

Translation and knowledge of the language are two completely different things. If you, a Russian person, are now given a description of some industrial chemical processes, you will not understand a word there. Although everything will be written in Russian.

On the other hand, if you give the same document to a specialist in industrial chemical processes, he will understand everything that is described there without words, using only pictures and formulas.

Therefore, I have always argued and continue to argue that in order to be a good translator, you do not need to know a foreign language very well. But it is imperative that you have a good understanding of the topic to which you are translating.

Do I need to have a higher education in translation?

And here's a second "interesting thought" in pursuit of you. In fact, higher education in translation only hinders the ability to translate. Yes, that's exactly how it is. If you are a philologist or a linguist by education, or generally a technician, you are much more likely to become a highly paid translator than a graduate of the translation department.

Do you know why this happens? This is pure psychology. Imagine a person who has been learning to translate for five years. And he thinks that he has already something, but he has learned to translate. With his diploma, he comes to a potential customer - and there he is told that all his knowledge is worthless.

And that they won't pay him a lot of money. And they will pay the smallest penny so that he does not starve to death until he learns to translate for real.

Imagine the frustration and anger of such a person. Naturally, he decides that no one needs translators today. And he goes off to teach foreign languages or tutoring.

But another person - a philology graduate - also wants to translate. And they also tell him that he cannot do anything, and that they will not pay him much. And the man ... agrees. Because he himself knows that he is not really good at anything yet. And he begins to study, and over time he becomes a very good translator with excellent earnings.

Therefore, if you do not have a translation education, rejoice. You are more likely to be successful in this field.

What if there is no niche knowledge?

At the beginning of the article, I said that knowing the language very well is not necessary, but it is necessary to understand the topic. So what if you don't know much about any topic? You are not a medic, not a chemist, not an engineer. Maybe you need to go to get additional higher education?

In fact, you need to learn. But I strongly recommend that you conduct training "in combat". That is, start translating on some topic, and after 2-10 orders, you will begin to understand it very well.

Yes, first sit with dictionaries and the Internet, but then you will see that the terms are the same everywhere, and the constructions and sentences are the same. And you will start translating literally "with your eyes closed."

Agree, this is more fun than sitting at a desk for another three years and taking some exams.

Moreover, you do not fully know which topic you will like - medicine or technology, or jurisprudence? Getting all higher education is too time consuming. Therefore, use the initial period of your work as a freelance translator in order to determine your niche.

And by the way, let's take a look at the steps - how to get your first order and become a freelance translator.

Where to find the first customers?

A translator has three main types of clients. The first is customers from various translation exchanges. The second is a translation agency. And the third one is direct customers (firms, companies).

Most translators prefer to work through exchanges. This is the simplest, but least profitable option. Customers come to exchanges to find the cheapest translators.

Of course, there are different exchanges. For example, the international exchange ProZ will allow you to reach foreign translation customers. But by this point, you should already have a very good track record.

Russian translation exchanges are basically a haven for yesterday's students who have absolutely nowhere to go with their English.

I highly recommend that you start working with a translation agency. There you will be paid more, and there you will receive a steady stream of orders. The customer came to the exchange once and left. And translation agencies will send you new texts every day.

You probably won't be able to start working with direct customers right away. Because there you need to register a legal entity, engage in marketing, sales, and much more. You will have to spend all your time only on this. So there will be absolutely no time to translate and earn money.

Therefore, the "editor's choice" is a translation agency. But there is another difficulty with them.

How to get a job in a translation agency

Translation agencies are very suspicious of new translators. In order to somehow protect themselves from newbies, they put on their websites the requirements "from 1-3 years of experience as a translator."

If you just send them your resume and test translations, they probably won't even answer you. First, your resume must be written correctly. Download our.

Secondly, you do not have to believe everything that is written on the websites of the translation agency. In fact, they will agree to work with you, even if you have no experience at all. You just need to approach this matter correctly.

I wrote more about this in the article (opens in a new tab).

In short, translation agencies may risk contacting you with an order if they have absolutely no other options. All in-house and verified freelance translators are busy, but a new order has arrived, and there is no one to translate.

And that's when they start trying new translators. If you have, then there is a high probability that they will turn to you.

And this will be your first step towards wealth and fame.

By the way, what kind of “wealth” can a novice freelance translator expect?

How much can you earn from translations?

Here I have two news for you - one bad and the other good. The bad thing is that no one will pay you much. When novice translators find out the rates at which they are offered to work, their eyes often bulge in amazement.

How so ?! Only 120 - 150 rubles per page of translation? Yes, this is hellish work - sitting and poking around in dictionaries, studying new topic looking for materials. Why are they paying so little for this?

In fact, not every translation agency will pay you 120 - 150 rubles yet. Somewhere they will pay much lower. In addition, the "severity" of work is most often explained by the fact that the translator simply does not know how to work.

If this is his first page of translation in life, it will seem to him that it is simply incredibly difficult. He will translate 2-3 pages per day and will collapse unconscious from exhaustion. But with experience it turns out that everything is not so bad. An experienced translator can easily translate 10 - 20 pages a day (especially if this is an order on "his" topic).

As a result, the income of such a translator will be up to six characters per month. Considering that he will work from home, in comfortable conditions, without bosses and waking up at 7 o'clock in the morning - very good.

To roughly estimate what you can count on in terms of money - use ours (opens in a new tab). It will show you quite accurately how much you can earn and under what circumstances.

Yes, I forgot to say about the good news. If a translation agency likes you, they will be willing to pay you much more than their other translators. Sometimes even much more. But how to evoke this very love?

For what will they be willing to pay you 2 times more than the others?

What do you think the customer is willing to pay for? Incidentally, this is the third and final paradoxical thought in this article.

Most translators will say that the customer is willing to pay “for quality”. And of course they will be wrong. The point is that the “quality” of translation is an even more multifaceted concept than “the level of knowledge of a foreign language”.

I often cite this example. Company X needs to get the cargo through customs. And for this they need to provide a translation of the packing list for this shipment by 12 o'clock. The most important thing to be translated is all the numbers and dates. If there is no agreement in the perfect pastes, it’s not scary. No one will even notice it. But if only one number is missed, the cargo is wrapped.

Therefore, from the point of view of the customer, a high-quality translation in this case is a translation that is done quickly, and all the numbers are in place. For such a translation (even with grammatical errors) - he will kiss you, quickly transfer the payment, and then he will only contact you.

But if everything is perfect from the point of view of translation, but the translation itself was ready only by 13 o'clock, and the cargo went back to mysterious China ... Then you are in big trouble. And no paste perfect will help you.

So that's it. The most important thing that customers are willing to pay for is responsibility. I will never tire of repeating this. If you take a translation and complete it by the specified deadline, you are loved. If you don’t give up your job and don’t disappear from the field of vision of a translation agency for weeks, you are loved.

It is very difficult to find such a translator. And they will be afraid of losing you. And therefore, when you ask to "slightly" increase your bid per page, they will agree. And on such "a little" you will very soon earn much more than other translators. Therefore, develop responsibility in yourself. They pay for it.


I hope now it has become clearer for you how to become a freelance translator, and how to approach this business in general in order to start making money quickly and a lot.

If you want to quickly improve all the skills that are needed for a real translator (including the very responsibility and discipline) - sign up for our course.

There you will learn all the secrets and tricks that will allow you to quickly enter the ranks of elite translators. And this is a completely different standard of living.

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novosyolov

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