How to fix ssl connection error. SSL connection error in Google Chrome. How to fix? Antivirus interferes with the correct operation of the network

Almost every user has encountered many problems in the browser. One of these problems is SSL connections, which prevents you from viewing desired pages. Let's look at all the ways to fix such a problem.

First stage

So, first you need to decide what kind of problem it is, where it comes from, and only then look for ways to fix it. If an SSL connection error appears on your computer when you try to connect to a page on the Internet through a browser, then this indicates that the problem is caused by a mismatch in the system. Therefore, this needs to be corrected, but, as practice shows, this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Often they refuse to work installed browsers. The only way out is to use standard IE, which in 90% of cases does not give such an error. This browser can be used until a solution to the problem is found. In simple words, An SSL error indicates that a connection to the server could not be established for some reason. Let's see what causes this kind of problem.

Causes of an SSL Error

So, often there are only a few ways to find out what exactly prevents you from entering the Internet normally. So, first of all, you need to check the settings of your antivirus, since it is he who can block connections, which is why all the problems arise. You may need to add browser exceptions and set less strict control of incoming and outgoing traffic. It is also recommended to check If necessary, lower the protection level.

Also in Google error SSL connections can occur when you do not have an antivirus program and the system is infected. In principle, this is solved either by reinstalling the OS, or by scanning the system for infected files. Also note that you may have lost the time settings. Therefore, a mismatch is found on the server and the connection is determined to be untrusted or unsecured. Another typical reason is an outdated browser.

SSL origin connection error

If you like to play good games on a computer and buy them via the Internet, then most often such a product requires activation. Although this is a minute process, it can be a real headache for you due to a failure. SSL protocol. In this case, the detailed error text may look different. For example: "client authentication certificate required" or "SSL_ERROR_PROTOCOL". Everything can be fixed as follows.

We go into the antivirus, if, of course, it is available. Next, we go to the settings, to be more precise, we need the line “https protocol filtering”. Here you need to uncheck the box, that is, turn it off. We restart the computer and try to install origin. If everything went well, then If not, it is advisable to install the game from the disk and try to simply update it. What else can help is using a different browser, for example, not Chrome, but Opera.

SSL connection error: fixing the problem

Let's figure out what to do if this kind of problem appears. First of all, there is no need to panic. Everything is not so scary and is solved in a few minutes. The main reason for the error is that, as noted above, this happens for several reasons. One of them is a dead battery in the BIOS. It can be changed, it costs 40-50 rubles.

We also pay attention to the antivirus and the list of programs that are on the black list. It will block the connection of these applications. It is worth noting that often a broken registry can be the cause of the problem. Most users puzzle over a solution to a problem, but sometimes it happens that this is not an error at all. The fact is that most browsers allow you to enable and disable support for SSL files. It is enough to find the desired parameter in the settings and check the box, after that the problem should be solved.

Enable SSL and Cookies in the browser

In some cases, the presence this protocol not required. But when you want to use Adsense pages, given parameter must be enabled. The same applies to cookies. In principle, for normal operation and display of information, incl. and ads, you need a working SSL. So, let's move on to setting up the browser. First of all, you need to go to the menu, and then select the settings.

There you should see the tab " Additional settings', that's what we need. The next step is to select the "Content settings" item, and then you need to go to "Personal data". Before us will be a menu called " Cookies". We go there and check the box next to the "Save local data" item. Close the tab and switch to HTTPS/SSL. Here you need to do the same work. Check the box next to the line "Check if the certificate from the server has been revoked." If the checkbox is not checked, then SSL will not work correctly. That's it, restart your browser and get to work.

A few more easy fixes

If you do not have time to deal with browser settings or scan the system, then you can try several times in a row on which you need to go. It is likely that after that the information will be partially displayed. However, in the future you will need to do everything according to the instructions. Another way out is to reset the browser settings to Default, that is, to the standard ones. This will enable/disable all necessary plugins and scripts. It is also recommended to clear the cache, which sometimes gives a positive result. You can also go to Windows folder, then system 32, then to drivers to find the "etc" file there. The last line should look like this: Everything below this inscription must be deleted. After that, the SSL connection error in Google will disappear.

A few important points

Please note that sometimes sites without reliable or expired certificates are a kind of virus carrier. In this case, it is normal to see a window that says "SSL connection error".

What to do if you still need to visit the resource, you ask. To do this, you must continue the connection, confirming your decision. In this case, you can get a virus on your computer, which is not good. Although if you have it installed, it will give you a corresponding message and automatically block work with a malicious site.

Now you know what an SSL connection error is. How to fix it, we also figured out. A few more words need to be said about the need to periodically clear Cookies in your browser. This will not only speed up the loading of pages, but also save you from the problem described above. It is advisable to at least occasionally conduct a full system scan for viruses and suspicious files.


You must understand that if you experience this kind of error, then something is wrong with the computer. First of all, check the time. If the year, month or time of day is not correct, you need to correct everything. To do this, in your desktop tray operating system click several times on the clock and set the real values. As a rule, this immediately solves the problem. If this does not happen, go to and see if SSL support is enabled. If everything is as it should be, then most likely it is an antivirus program or a malicious file that is blocking the connection. Removing or moving to quarantine should help.

If the site has SSL installed, the page opens using a secure https protocol:

Green in address bar signals to users: personal data will not be stolen here (number bank card, email account, password).

It's annoying when the green traffic light changes to red at the wrong time. It is doubly annoying if instead of a secure connection you suddenly see on the site - SSL protocol error. Why it happened and how to fix and remove the SSL connection error, read below:


Make sure you don't confuse the SSL connection error with other issues. If your site stops opening in the browser, first check:

    Is the http to https redirect configured for / ;

    Which domain is the SSL certificate installed on. An SSL certificate is registered for a specific domain. That is, if the certificate is installed on the domain, and you entered through the address shop., an SSL error will be shown.

If you have a free SSL certificate installed, it only applies to the domain itself and the "www" subdomain: and www.. It does not work for other subdomains. If you need an SSL certificate on a subdomain, order a separate certificate for the subdomain:

If there are no problems with this, continue reading the article.

Why an SSL Error Occurs

  • the settings of the system clock or calendar have gone astray;
  • your antivirus program scans data transmitted over the HTTPS protocol and may block some traffic;
  • browser settings have changed;
  • the malicious script is triggered.

SSL protocol error, what to do?

Below are 4 drop-down blocks. In each - the answer to the question of how to fix the error, depending on the cause.

Clock and calendar system settings

If the time settings on the computer have gone wrong, the browser will warn:

IN Google Chrome

In Mozilla Firefox

The solution is simple: set the correct date. To prevent the error from repeating, enable synchronization with the time server on the Internet ( system settings Dates and times).

Settings antivirus program

If everything is in order with the clock, and the SSL error is still there, check the settings of the antivirus program. Most likely included "https protocol check". Check if it is enabled, the program will not accept or the certificate is protected Let's Encrypt. Try to disable the feature and visit the site again.

If the SSL error persists, disable your antivirus program and open the site. Did this solve the problem? Changing the utility will help.

If that doesn't help, don't forget to turn on your antivirus program and look for a solution below.

Browser settings

  1. Open the site in another browser;
  2. Check if you are using latest version browser. If not, update it to the latest and open the site again;
  3. It's probably a browser glitch. In this case, restart your browser and try to visit the site again;
  4. If the problem persists, disable anti-virus web components in the section Extensions.

The radical way is to reset the settings to the original ones. Use it as a last resort.

You can also change your browser to Internet Explorer until the problem is resolved. There is no SSL error in this browser.

Sometimes an SSL error indicates a real threat: the browser is protecting you from Internet scammers. Probably, a clone site opens in the browser, to which you are redirected.

If you suspect hostile interference, scan your computer with an antivirus program and remove existing viruses.

If the problem remains after the above options, contact a specialist who will diagnose a specific case, identify what the ssl connection error means and fix it.

The ssl connection error is an achievement that the developers of the standard operating system can be proud of. Windows systems internet browser Internet Explorer. The thing is that those few users who use this particular browser in their lives will be spared from solving the problem with err ssl protocol error. But lovers of third-party products designed to visit Internet pages sometimes have to look for a way out of such an unpleasant situation.

An important nuance (which, again, Internet Explorer users will be happy about) is that the causes of the ssl err ssl protocol error connection error are difficult to determine. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach to treatment. Which we will try to talk about in today's material.

SSL connection error - what to do?

Still - what does an ssl connection error mean? Usually, a similar problem can occur when, when trying to access the Internet, a conflict arises due to incorrect settings of the operating system and the Internet browser used.

Let's start to consider the problem in turn, starting with the most widespread cases. The first option is how to fix in Google chrome bug ssl connections? Usually, in this situation, the problem lies in the antivirus hardware. What is most interesting is that trouble can occur both when the antivirus program is installed, and when such software is simply not available. In the first case, you will need to go to the settings of the anti-virus program and check the parameters of blocked connections. It should be excluded from it those that the user uses to access the network.

In the second case, you should install an antivirus program and check the system for malicious elements. How to do this if Google Chrome is blocked by an error? Very simple:

  1. We launch the unloved Internet Explorer.
  2. Find and download the desired antivirus program.
  3. We scan the system.

The second most popular case: Opera, ssl connection error - how to fix it?

In this situation, the reason usually lies in the banal failure of the date and time set on the user's PC. The solution is also quite simple:

  1. Exit browser.
  2. In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the Windows clock.
  3. Change the settings to the correct ones - restart the Internet browser.

Often such a nuisance can be found by people who prefer to purchase games on thematic resources. For example, what to do - ssl connection error when trying to log in to an Origin resource? You will need to visit the settings of the installed antivirus program again:

  • Go to the program options.
  • We find an item that allows you to filter https protocols.
  • We mark it, completely reboot the computer.

By the way, hardware troubles can also lead to a similar situation. Most often, this is a BIOS battery failure. How to fix ssl connection error in this case? You will need to purchase the desired component and replace the old one. Such a process will cost a maximum of 50-100 rubles.

The last option where such a nuisance can occur concerns the use of mobile devices to go online or visit adsence pages. If an ssl connection error occurred on the phone or when visiting similar resources, then you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the settings of the Internet browser you are using.
  2. Select "Advanced options".
  3. In the "Personal data" menu, find information about Cookies.
  4. Check the box next to the inscription "Saving personal data of the user."
  5. Find and go to the "HTTPS/SSL" menu.
  6. Check the box "Check if the certificate from the server has been revoked".
  7. Reboot the system and repeat the procedure for entering the desired page.

Basically, everything. The problem called Ssl protocol is solved and you can continue to use the Internet for your pleasure.

One of the solutions to this problem can be seen in the video:

First of all, you should use an alternative access point: connect to Wi-Fi if you have Mobile Internet, or vice versa - disconnect from a fixed access point and use a cellular operator.

Try loading another website. Perhaps the problem is not in your connection, but in problems on the side of the provider or the site itself. If this is the case, the problem is most likely already being solved, since in this case you will not have the same connection errors.

Sometimes after the next update, the application may experience crashes. In this case, you should try to completely reset the network settings.

  • Go to your smartphone settings.
  • Find the menu " reset and recovery"(in different smartphones, it can be either at the very bottom of the list of settings, or in one of the sub-items).
  • On the menu " reset and recovery» select « reset network settings».

Date and time as the culprits of all problems

IN modern gadgets many applications (especially network programs) are synchronized with the clock. Any manipulation with current date leads to application errors. The gadget itself can report an erroneous date: it will ask you to translate the clock in accordance with the current time.

In order not to set the time on the phone manually every time, check the box in the settings " date and time» opposite the point « network date and time” or “synchronize time over the network”

Always update outdated apps

An SSL connection error can also occur if there are no updates for a long time. This is due to an expired certificate of the current program, since the validity of certificates is limited for security purposes.

To update the current software on your smartphone, you must:

  • go to the Play Market menu;
  • select " my apps and games»;
  • press the button " update everything».

If you do not want to update some applications, you can always carry out the process in manual mode. For convenience, it is recommended to go directly to the application settings and check the box "automatic updates".

Clear your browser cache regularly

When updating software, cached data often remains, which interferes with the correct processing of the current pages of the site, which causes errors with the certificate.

To clear the cache, you can use the internal settings of the browser itself or the universal utility for cleaning the Android system.

To clear the cache you need:

  • go to phone settings;
  • select menu " applications»;
  • find a web browser and tap on it.

Depending on the operating system, it may be necessary to go to the " memory". In general, find the button " clear cache and feel free to click on it.

Antivirus interferes with the correct operation of the network

Although the antivirus is designed to find vulnerabilities in the system and prevent unauthorized access to the system, it can also block the current network connection, giving an SSL error. There is a possibility that at this very moment he reflects the attack, so the mistake should be given Special attention and disconnect from the current network, especially if you are using a public hotspot.

Full device restore from a backup

Know that sometimes restoring a smartphone to its original state is much easier than looking for the culprit of problems. If all else fails and you decide to take drastic measures, you must:

  • go to the smartphone settings;
  • find item " reset and recovery»;
  • in the subparagraph select " full reset to factory settings».

It is easy to guess that all your personal data will be lost forever. Therefore, it is recommended to use backup contact data and notes. If during the first setup you agreed to back up your data to the Google cloud, then after resetting to the factory state, use your account to restore data.

However, this does not apply to photo, video, and music files, so copy the media from the device's memory to your computer before formatting.

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