Software for DJs. The free Virtual DJ program turns your computer into a DJ mixing console. Which version to download

Virtual DJ Home Free is an excellent program for creating music on your computer. The program is completely free and can be successfully used both on a home computer and in a small studio. Distinctive Features programs Virtual DJ Home Free can be considered availability large set functions. For example, the program has a built-in converter that allows you to mix your favorite song recorded on a CD with another song in mp3 format. In addition, the program can independently equalize the tempo in both compositions, add additional effects (for example, the sound of a record), adjust purity and much more. Despite its name, the program can also work with video, although in a limited range. The program interface is quite simple. In addition, Virtual DJ Home Free is multilingual and supports Russian. Also, Virtual DJ Home Free allows you to use additional sound effects, a huge number of which can be found on the Internet and on the website of the program developer.

- There is a 3-band equalizer.
- The program automatically aligns and synchronizes BPM indicators.
- Built-in sampler and support for various effects.
- Has a convenient library where it’s easy to find the track you need, and, if necessary, sort all the data in the right order.
- The program can be expanded with various plugins and modules.
- Virtual DJ Home Free allows you to work with multiple sound cards simultaneously.
- Allows you to broadcast your own mix on the Internet, for example, to an Internet radio station.
-Has an auto information function.
- There is support for the Russian language.

Disadvantages of the program

- Has closed source code.
- There is no portable version.
- Poor quality Russian localization.

- Processor with clock frequency 2200 MHz or higher.
- RAM 1024 MB or more.
- Free hard disk space from 41 MB.
- Any sound card compatible with the system.
- 32-bit or 64-bit architecture (x86 or x64).
- Operating system Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

DJ Studios: Comparison Tables

The name of the program In Russian Distributions Installer Popularity Size Index
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 37.4 MB 92

Technologies are developing so rapidly that every day new developments appear that make the life of modern DJs much easier. Now the barrier to entry into this area has been lowered, and the opportunities have become much greater. While old-school fans stick to their ways, many digital DJing fans are taking great pleasure in exploring what's new on the market. This material will present the most interesting programs for DJs.

Not by leaders alone

Despite the fact that the market for digital DJ software has been occupied by such big names as Ableton or Serato, their developments are still not the only ones for DJing on personal computers.

In addition to the presence of well-known names, there are also a large number of programs that are less known and are just trying to rise to their position. Some of them have undeniable advantages. This includes affordable cost, flexible functionality, and unique operating principles.

To understand all this, you need to look at what programs for music exist on the digital DJing market. The DJ needs to know what the advantages and disadvantages of each are. The choice will be up to the user, since everyone has their own preferences.

PCDJ program

This software, in addition to all the standard features, has a mixer, equalizers, and various effects. The developer has added two of his own unique features here that make the application incredibly flexible. This includes karaoke support and a built-in video mixer.

If we take into account ordinary DJ functions, then this program for DJs provides the user with four virtual decks. They are synchronized in rhythm and adjusted to each other's tonality. There is also a player for samples, as well as tools for loops.

The application supports a fairly wide range of midi controllers. It can be used in conjunction with digital vinyls. The program is paid. It costs about $180, but the trial version is available on the official website absolutely free.

Digital DJ software from Magix

It's not the most powerful app on the market, but it has everything you need for mixing. The price is quite affordable - fifty dollars. There are only two decks, looping facilities, a lot of midi controllers. All this is packaged into a beautiful user interface.

The DJ-ing program from the French developers “Cross” has undergone a large number of changes in recent years. And this was beneficial, as many opportunities appeared.

The interface here is customizable for each DJ. There are four decks, an eight-slot sampler, and 14 effects. The program supports big number controllers, vinyl systems. In addition, there are applications available for mobile devices for remote control, working as a second screen on which you can view tracks and remotely control virtual decks. Price: $118.99.

Algoriddim's Djay program

There are programs for DJs on mobile platforms. So, Algoriddim's Djay is the best application for iOS. There is also a version for MacBooks. This program for DJing is great for beginners or for those who do not practice professionally, but for the hobby. Cost - 20 dollars. That's not a lot. The program is integrated with the iTunes service, which is very convenient. It contains many effects, a sampler and a large number of key points. There is also an application for remote control With mobile device. The appearance is exactly the same as a vinyl player

IK Multimedia DJ app

The interface here is similar to appearance previous program. All attention is focused on two vinyl turntables and a mixer in the middle. The main functions and effects are more suitable for amateurs, but there are also interesting features: visual switching between decks, sampler. Overall, an interesting app that allows you to practice DJing while sitting on your couch.

Virtual DJ program

This app also has all the basic tools, features and effects you need for live performances. And besides this, it allows you to record new ones from existing compositions. One of the features is the ability to mix videos using various techniques.

Mixx program

There are also free DJ programs. Among such applications, it is worth noting Mixx. This program for DJs has an open source code, and therefore a huge community that creates new features on a regular basis. The program has four decks, loops and key points. Many track formats are supported. It should be noted that this development suitable for beginners, as its advantage is accessibility. The purpose of the program is to create mixes. You won't be able to record your own compositions. There is an interesting ability to imitate the sound of vinyl.

Traktor Pro program

Despite the fact that there are a variety of DJ programs, many people think best app for digital DJing Traktor Pro. If we take overall flexibility and reliability, then no one can compete with this application. It is very convenient, as it makes it possible to use one or another effect with just one keystroke. This is convenient, since, for example, at a party you need to carry out all the manipulations very quickly. In addition to standard features, there is generally everything that a modern DJ needs. The application supports a large number of formats. This program will maintain its leadership in the market for a long time. It costs 79 dollars.


It should be noted once again that each DJ will select the best remedy for yourself, since everyone has different tastes, and what one likes is completely unsuitable for another. In addition to the DJ programs described above, there are many others. Most of them are similar to each other.

We're used to thinking that good creative software comes at a cost, but that's not true at all. In this material we will suggest several free programs for those who are interested in DJing, but cannot afford a real mixing console.

Tip #1: Virtual DJ

Free program Virtual DJ 8 in its modern version is an almost full-fledged virtual mixing console. It includes all the features you might need to enter the world of remixing—including the professional ones.

Free DJ utility Virtual DJ for PC

With Virtual DJ, you can not only mix songs using the built-in crossfader, but also level their sound based on BPM (bits per minute).

The program offers a lot of samples and sound effects to really get people going at a party. For real pros, loop functions are available to give transitions between tracks an original sound.

A special feature of Virtual DJ is the ability to transfer audio files using timecode to virtual turntables and mix them on a real console connected to a PC, and vice versa. This functionality is called "scratch". In order to truly “feel vinyl” in this way, you will need special equipment, but as a bonus, you will have the opportunity to digitize your vinyl record collection.

Tip #2: Audacity

Audacity is a great virtual recording studio for Windows. The program has been improved for many years, which could not but affect the result: it is hardly possible to find a more sophisticated audio editor now, and absolutely free of charge.

Audacity for Windows

Audacity works with all known audio formats (MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, WAV, MIDI, AIFF). It allows you to mix musical compositions, add sound effects, convert audio files, change playback speed. Delay and compression effects are already built into the program, and with VST support you can add many new ones.

The audio recording function allows you to record sound signal from the microphone and save audio files to disk. In addition, using the noise filter included in the program, you can quickly remove any interference from the recorded track.

Tip #3: CrossDJ Free

CrossDJ is designed for professional DJs, but has a free basic version that can be used without restrictions.

CrossDj Free for PC

The program makes it possible to play a digital collection of records on two decks, providing smooth transitions between songs using the equalizer and crossfader. “On board” the program has almost all modern functions for superimposing one composition on another: automatic synchronization via BMP, control points, filters and loop functions.

Free basic version CrossDJ software comes with some limitations: for example, the mixer supports only two channels and offers only three effects. In addition, audio recording and sampling functions, as well as control via a MIDI controller, are not available.

CrossDJ Free, in general, does not reinvent the wheel, but it should be noted that it is no less suitable for advanced users than for beginners.

Tip #4: Zulu DJ

Zulu DJ - free software for creating remixes, aimed primarily at beginners or very budget-conscious DJs.

Zulu DJ program

The program provides all the necessary tools to extract beats from speakers. You can add variety to your sound by changing the sound of your songs using preset filters. There's a built-in crossfader that lets you create cool transitions from one song to another, and it also supports a BPM counter.

In addition, if after a long DJ set you want to sit back and just enjoy the music, Zulu DJ can be used as a regular media player that will automatically “glue” tracks together.

The program has one serious drawback: during installation, it adds a lot of extraneous junk to the Start menu, which then has to be removed manually. If you do not want to receive unnecessary browser extensions during installation, be careful and do not agree to dubious offers from the installer.

Tip #5: Schatti's AudioMixer

Schatti's AudioMixer is a free virtual console with 10 channels for mixing. For novice users trying their hand at controlling a mixing console, this program will be quite suitable.

Schatti's Audio Mixer

The program allows you to download up to 10 tracks and play them simultaneously or separately, as well as mix them together. In addition to the 10-channel mixer, AudioMixer has a CD channel, an audio recorder for cutting tracks and a tracklist.

AudioMixer's weak point is its increased sensitivity to control. If your hands shake, you may have some difficulty adjusting the settings. But in general, the program has all the basic functions to feel like a remix master.

I have several friends who love to brag about what serious DJs they are. Since I have a “you” attitude with music, I firmly believed them, until at one point I got tired of it all, and decided not to try for myself how difficult it all is. I was too lazy to look for someone who had the necessary equipment, so I decided to make do with a program that would help me mix sound files. A short search revealed that the best free program for beginners and advanced DJs is, or as it is officially called Virtual DJ Home.

Standard installation license agreement and a proposal to leave everything by default or select which components should be installed where. Setting up these items is quite inconvenient; it takes about 30 seconds to figure it out and find where to press. Together with Virtual DJ they offer two additional utilities for copying tracks from vinyl to MP3 files and clips from DVD discs, it’s up to you to decide whether to bet or not. For dessert, they will offer to install the Ask toolbar, which we refuse. We wait a few seconds and you can begin your first musical experiments.

The most important thing in Virtual DJ is to upload the necessary tracks that you are going to mix, and then it’s a matter of technique and imagination. Required files drag the mouse to the right and left sides where it says “Drag the track to this player”, wait a few seconds until the track is processed and you can start creating.

The user has at his disposal two turntables with the same set of buttons, under which there are panels like a regular player, between which there is a place for a mixer. You can use individual samples and effects for each track. Then everything is in your hands, feel free to tug and move everything, finding your own unique style. There is no point in explaining what to do; you need to try and figure it out yourself.

The lower part is given over to the switching panel, where you can access the conductor, configure the operation of samples and effects for the entire mix, plus additional programs, with which you can record sound from the line input, video, CD and broadcast your work in real time via streaming audio. Most of these programs are not particularly valuable, have too limited capabilities, and you have to use workarounds until you get them to work.

The strong point of Virtual DJ is its support external extensions, which allow almost indefinitely. This includes skins, support for the program to work with external MIDI controllers, installation of additional samples, sound and graphic effects. But there is a problem, they cannot be downloaded for free version from the official website, you have to go the wrong way and search on alternative channels.

If you are going to use video files as source material, be careful. Your humble servant, out of Slavic generosity of soul, added a full-length film to see what happened, after a couple of minutes the computer began to slow down terribly. A short investigation showed that the program simply ate away all RAM, and had to nail it through the “Task Manager”.

Another annoying thing is that every time you start a window pops up asking you to enter your username and password to register on the Virtual DJ website.

In the settings, one half is reserved for purely sound settings, the purpose of which is unclear, the second is a standard set that is found in every program.

Virtual DJ turned out to be a fantastic thing for beginners, a few minutes of experimentation and you get a quite digestible cacophony of sounds. Everything is done as intuitively as possible, so to begin with you can even do without studying the instructions, poking at different buttons, pulling sliders and turning knobs, rejoicing at the result like a child. I recommend it to anyone who wants to try themselves as a DJ.

The program works great in 32 and 64 bit operating systems. The interface has been translated into several dozen languages, including Russian, although only a few points have been translated, the rest is good old English.

Page for free download Virtual DJ

Latest version at the time of writing Virtual DJ

Program size: installation file 34.9 MB

Compatibility: Windows Vista and 7, Windows Xp

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