What failed ntfs sys windows 10. What does NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM BSoD error mean? What you need to do to avoid BSoD in the future

Various errors and failures cannot be called a rare occurrence in Windows 7. Particularly unpleasant are those that are accompanied by a BSOD, after which it can be impossible to continue working without troubleshooting. In this article, we will analyze the causes of a blue screen with an ntfs.sys error in the "seven" and how to fix them.

The specified driver is a tool for interacting with volumes formatted in the NTFS file system. If it is damaged or does not work correctly, reading and writing data to such disks will be accompanied by errors. There are also factors that indirectly influence this behavior of the driver. Below we will talk about how to eliminate all possible causes of this BSOD.

Reason 1: Hard disk errors

Errors or so-called bad sectors on hard drives (we are talking about HDD now; if an SSD is used as a system medium, the recommendations described below will not work) are divided into software and physical ones. In the first case, we are dealing with data corruption due to system failures, virus attacks, sudden power outages or button shutdowns. "Reset". Physical "bads" appear due to damage to the surface of the "pancakes". Both of these types of problems can cause a driver crash and result in a blue screen.

In some situations, with software bad sectors, only formatting or using special software, for example, helps. With its help, you can fill the entire disk space with zeros, which is guaranteed to help get rid of all data. If physical "bads" became the cause, the only way out is to replace the "hard" and install a new "Windows" on it.

Most often, we need to save data and continue using the system, so you can use the built-in utility chkdsk.exe to correct errors. In the article below you will find instructions for its use (paragraph "Command line").

Next, we will talk about how to check and fix if Windows refuses to boot due to an ntfs.sys error. We will need an installation (bootable) media with the distribution kit of the "seven", preferably the version that is installed on the PC.

  1. We boot the computer from the created flash drive. Do not forget that before this you need to perform some BIOS settings.
  2. In the first installer window, call "Command line" keyboard shortcut SHIFT+F10.

  3. Since we need to fix errors on the system drive, we need to determine its letter. This is done using the command below.

    Here d: is the expected drive letter. The goal is to locate the folder Windows. If it is not in the list of directories, we check volumes with other letters.

  4. We have decided on the disk, now we can start checking and fixing it. The command is like this:

    Here chkdsk- launching the utility d:— the drive letter defined in point 3, /f- an attribute that allows you to correct the found errors, /r– parameter that gives the command to repair bad sectors.

  5. We are waiting for the utility to cope with the task, and reboot the machine. We do not pay attention to the error that occurs after the completion of the check.

Reason 2: RAM

The ntfs.sys driver is launched during system startup, having previously loaded into RAM. If everything is not in order in it, an error will inevitably appear. This happens for various reasons - due to overclocking, a physical malfunction of the trims, or a lack of volume.


If you have overclocked your RAM to improve overall system performance, it is likely that the settings you have chosen are preventing the modules from doing their job properly. In such a situation, you should reset the BIOS settings to their default values ​​\u200b\u200band set the automatic selection of frequencies and timings. After that, you need to check if the error appears.


Physical problems can be detected using special programs or the system's memory tester, and can only be fixed by replacing failed modules.

Lack of volume

Lack of "RAM" can also cause a driver error. There are two solutions here: refuse to use programs running in the background (those that "hang" in the notification area, and those whose activity can only be seen in the "Task Manager"), clean autoload or install additional RAM modules.

Reason 3: Drivers

The system has drivers that affect the operation of ntfs.sys. These are programs that control disk controllers. If you use additional expansion cards to connect "hards", you need to update their "firewood". In the event that such equipment is not used, the corresponding system files may be damaged and only their restoration will correct the situation.

Please note that this technique should be used with caution in cases where an unlicensed copy of Windows is installed on the PC or skin packages have been installed that change system icons, themes, the boot screen, and so on. There is a risk of completely depriving the OS of performance. Instructions are below.

There is a way to carry out this procedure in a situation where Windows refuses to boot. The ERD Commander emergency recovery disk will help us with this, the image of which must be placed on removable media.

  1. After downloading, select the system of your bit depth from the list.

  2. We do not connect to the network, since we do not need it.

  3. You can also do nothing with drive letters. It doesn't matter which button to press.

  4. Define the keyboard language (just leave the default value).

  5. We wait until the disk scan is completed to detect installed systems. We click on the found item and go further.

  6. At the next stage, a window with a list of available tools will appear. We are interested in the lowest point.

  7. Select a system file restore tool.

  8. Will open "Master", in the start window of which we press "Further".

  9. Leave the recovery options as they are, and then start the operation.

  10. We wait until the process is completed and reboot.


The ntfs.sys blue screen troubleshooting tips in this article will only help if the operating system hasn't crashed for some reason. In such a combination of circumstances, you will have to resort to reinstalling Windows. In order not to get into similar troubles in the future and not lose data, you should remember that the file system can be damaged, and avoid emergency reboots, as well as protect your computer from viruses.

Sometimes hardware-related NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM blue screen errors can be caused by memory (RAM) corruption. If you're experiencing random computer restarts, boot beeps, or other computer problems (in addition to BSOD 0x24 errors), it's highly likely that memory corruption is present. In fact, almost 10% of Windows application crashes are caused by memory corruption.

If you have recently added new memory to your computer, we recommend temporarily removing it to make sure it is not causing the NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM error. If this action fixed the BSOD, then that is the source of the problem, and therefore the new memory is either not compatible with some of your hardware or is corrupted. In this case, you will need to replace new memory modules.

If you haven't added any new memory, the next step is to run a diagnostic test on your computer's existing memory. A memory test allows you to scan for severe memory failures and intermittent errors that may be causing your blue screen of death 0x24.

While recent versions of Windows include a RAM test utility, I highly recommend using Memtest86 instead. Memtest86 is a BIOS-based test software, unlike other test programs that run in a Windows environment. The advantage of this approach is that the utility allows you to check ALL operating memory for NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM errors, while other programs cannot check memory areas occupied by the program itself, the operating system, and other running programs.

Your PC or laptop is sluggish, or slow to respond to keyboard input, and then gives an error on the blue screen NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM. There may also be error code 0x00000024, which indicates a problem with the ntfs.sys file. Usually this error is related when you installed new hardware (driver), hard disk corruption, missing or corrupted system file. Let's break down how to fix NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM Blue Screen Error (BSOD) in Windows 10.

How to fix NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM error

Method 1. Even if you can boot to your desktop, I recommend that you create a Windows 10 installation flash drive to use recovery and the command line. After booting from the Windows 10 installation disk, wait until you see the installation screen and click on the link below " System Restore".

Method 2. Run the command prompt as an administrator if you booted from the desktop, but it's better to run it through the installation flash drive. The picture above shows "Command line". In the CMD window, enter the following command, which will fix errors on the hard drive:

Method 3. Corrupted system files can produce all sorts of error messages, and NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM is no exception. Open a command prompt from the installation flash drive and enter the commands below to fix the system files:

  1. sfc /scannow

Enter one command at a time, waiting for the end of the process after each.

Method 4. If you recently installed a device, then you need to uninstall its driver. Usually the NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM error is due to the installation of a second HDD or SSD. Then in this case, you need uninstall and update the SATA/IDE driver. Click Win+R and type devmgmt.msc, or enter this command at the command prompt. In device manager, find " Controllers" and remove the driver, then restart the PC. When booting up, the system will automatically update them, but if you see an exclamation mark, then you need to download the driver from the manufacturer's official website.

In almost all Windows systems that use NTFS as the main file organization structure, it is quite common to encounter a failure in the ntfs.sys file. The blue screen (Windows XP or higher, doesn't matter) displays the full NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM, which often indicates hard drive problems and damages the file system itself. But this is only a general case, since there can be many more reasons for the appearance of the same stop code. Fixing the problem is easy. How to do it? Read the article.

File error: what is the reason?

The ntfs.sys system component is the most common driver file responsible for the ability to read data from NTFS partitions, as well as for writing information to such sectors. In other words, the driver provides a connection between the file organization of the hard disk, the operating system and the hard drive itself.

But why then does the ntfs.sys file fail? (in Windows 7, for example) contains a special stop code, and also issues a recommendation to check the hard drive. Here, as concomitant reasons for the appearance of such an error, you can also add the following:

  • random system crashes;
  • incorrectly set operating mode of the SATA hard drive;
  • disk damage or the presence of critical errors;
  • inconsistency, incorrect installation or outdated drivers;
  • errors in the system registry.

System rollback

So, if the user receives an error message about the ntfs.sys component (blue screen), the first thing to do is try to fix the problem with a regular system restore.

If it is not possible to perform such an operation in automatic mode, use the F8 key at startup and choose to load the last known good configuration.

When ntfs.sys fails (blue screen), Windows 10 cannot be restored using this technique. It will take quite a long time to move from one menu to another. But in all systems, for a clean solution, if the recovery does not work, it is better to use boot from removable media, followed by calling the command console. By the way, it is the command line that in most cases offers the most effective tools for troubleshooting problems in non-working systems.

Check disk and restore NTFS partition

If you look closely at the message on the screen, you will notice that there is a recommendation for an immediate check of the hard drive.

Thus, if an error occurs in the ntfs.sys file (a blue screen prevents normal boot), after starting from a disk or flash drive in the diagnostics section, call the command line (Shift + F10) and first of all write the hard drive check line chkdsk c: / f (if it appears message about the impossibility of executing the command, agree, and the check will be performed upon reloading).

At the end of the process, exit the console (exit command), restart the system. If the failure occurs again in the ntfs.sys component (the blue screen appears again), boot from the media, but write the chkdsk c: /p file system recovery line on the command line, then try to exit the console again and reboot.

SATA mode change

However, due to the incorrectly set operating mode of the SATA hard drive, the above methods may not give the desired result.

In this case, when you turn on your computer or laptop, use the BIOS settings entry, where you need to find the SATA mode among the hard drive parameters and switch it from AHCI to IDE. It is recommended to check the hard disk at the stage of booting from removable media in IDE mode.

Windows Crash: Update and Roll Back Drivers

Not the last role in the appearance of such failures is played by drivers. If the normal start of the system is impossible, you can try to boot it in Safe Mode (safe start). You may need to uninstall or reinstall some installed drivers. If the failure occurred after an incorrect update, it is better to use the rollback tool in the Device Manager.

The best option, if you have a permanent connection to the Internet, when you use a download that supports network drivers, is to use automated update programs (for example, Driver Booster). They are able to independently find updates for all drivers available in the system, install them from official resources without user intervention in the download and integration process.

Registry issues

If you can somehow boot the system, you should thoroughly clean the registry. It is recommended to do this manually only for specialists, and ordinary users can be advised to use simple portable utilities for automatic login.


If the system has been exposed to viruses, does not boot even after applying the above solutions, you will have to check it. But how to do it, because the start is impossible?

Here, disk programs with the general name Rescue Disk come to the rescue, with which you can boot like a recovery disk, use an in-depth scan of all available partitions. Perhaps this will help in solving the problem.


It remains to add that the considered methods help in almost all cases. When restoring NTFS partitions, you can also use the sfc /scannow command to check and repair system components. This is not always necessary, but as an additional tool, in general, it does not hurt.

Error code 0x00000024 can occur for a variety of reasons. She speaks of damage to the system file ntfs.sys, which is responsible for reading and writing data from NTFS drives.

The main causes of a blue screen are:

  1. System errors.
  2. Malfunction of the hard drive or cable through which it is connected.
  3. Oxidized contacts on the hard drive board.
  4. Problems with the compatibility of some programs with the installed operating system or the current configuration of the computer.
  5. Corrupted hard drive drivers.
  6. Computer viruses.
  7. Problems with RAM.

Let's talk about each type of problem and try to fix it ourselves.

To start working on restoring system health, boot into safe mode. However, if the same blue screen crashes in safe mode, then boot from any LiveCD and start working from under it.

Error checking

Rarely, but still there are violations in the work of the hard drive and the file system. Therefore, if you encounter stop errors 0x00000024, you should first of all conduct them.

Here programs such as Acronis, RS Partition Recovery and others come to the rescue.

However, standard recovery tools are no less effective. Those are the ones we use.

For this:

In this way, you need to check each section. The duration of the test depends on the volume of each section.

The method is universal, and is suitable for any version of Windows, including Windows 10.

If you managed to boot into safe mode and you started the scan from the system partition (on which Windows is installed), you will be prompted to schedule the scan. Agree, in this case, the check will be performed after the computer is restarted.

In most cases, this is enough and the blue screen with the ntfs file system error no longer appears. However, if this did not help fix the problem, then the matter is different, move on.

Performing a system file check

Such a check will help us to make sure that the ntfs sys file is correct and does not contain errors, and if it does, it will be automatically corrected.

For this:

Wait for the procedure to finish and restart your PC.

Damaged hard drive

Also, the problem may be on the side of the drive. Over time, the hard drive mechanism wears out, or as a result of physical damage (falls, bumps,) the internal mechanics may partially or completely fail. Which leads to a disruption in the performance of the hard drive and the appearance of so-called bad blocks.

And when booting the system from such a drive, as a rule, a BSOD occurs with the code 0x00000024.

Beds are divided into two types:

  • Physical.
  • Brain teaser.

Physical, it is extremely difficult to fix, this requires special sterile conditions, and the price for such a service is extremely high. Therefore, it is easier and more profitable to replace the hard drive with a new one. While logical, these are some kind of system errors that are corrected by overwriting the entire damaged block and, as a rule, the hard drive is restored to working order.

Fortunately, for a long time (since the time of Windows XP) such utilities as Victoria, HDAT and others have been created that allow you to test the hard drive. By the way, I talked about one of these programs.

Cable damage

If you are an active user, often climb inside the case and rearrange the cables in places, then they could well be damaged. As a result, the performance of the hard drive may be disrupted, and you will get a BSOD (blue screen).

There is only one solution to fix the Stop error 0x00000024, you need to replace the cable with a new one.

Oxidized contacts

As for oxidized contacts, you can of course try to clean them yourself with a special oxide cleaner or a school eraser.

But for this, most often you have to remove the hard drive board, which cannot be done without a special screwdriver.

Swipe the eraser only on the outside of the board, or entrust this work to specialists. If this was indeed the problem, then the ntfs file system error will no longer appear.

Program incompatibility

Often, the stop screen 0x00000024 may appear due to the incompatibility of some programs with the installed operating system.

The main such programs are:

  1. defragmenters.
  2. Antivirus scanners.
  3. Backup utilities.

You should not exclude various kinds of libraries Visual C ++, NetFramework and others.

HDD and SSD drivers

Very often, the NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM error occurs as a result of corrupt drivers or after installing a driver that is not compatible with your version of Windows. This applies to both SSD drives when AHCI drivers are used, as well as regular hard drives.

If BSOD 0x00000024 started appearing after updating any drivers, try rolling them back to a previous version.

You can do this in the following way:

After that, you will most likely need to restart your computer.

In case of damage, a reinstall or update can help.

For this:

Or you can use universal collections, such as SamDrivers. They include a set of drivers for all operating systems, including Windows 8 and 10, to simplify the process.

Computer viruses

I don't think it's worth talking about this type of threat. You all know that viruses do nothing good for ordinary users. They often encrypt or delete the necessary files, including system files, replace them with malicious ones, or even completely block the computer.

What entails the appearance of a blue screen with the error 0x00000024 already known to us.

Therefore, you should check your computer not only with the usual antivirus, which you should have installed, but also with the help of special ones.

If, according to the results of the scan, the NTFS.SYS file was marked as malicious, then most likely it was infected by a virus. In this case, remove it and carry out the recovery procedure from the first and second methods.

RAM problems

Also, a BSOD with the message NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM may indicate problems with RAM. In fact, this is a common practice when the installed memory bars are incompatible with the rest of the hardware or with each other.

Therefore, try to remove one bar or rearrange the bars in places. Most likely this will fix the problem.

You should also check the RAM using the utility.

Summing up

In the article, I analyzed the main causes of a blue screen with an error in the NTFS.SYS file, but that's not all.

In very rare cases, there are problems in the Windows assembly itself or with other hardware. Here you need to dig deeper.

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