Where to find imei on your phone. How to check Samsung Galaxy imei, all possible ways. Determining IMEI on iPhone, iPod touch or iPad

Today is Thursday, which means it’s time for another “Inquiry”. Let's clarify the situation with IMEI. And not so much with the identifier itself, but with the issue of creating a “white IMEI” database in Russia. Information about officials’ intention to create such a database appeared not so long ago, and this issue raises certain concerns among many of us.

What is IMEI?

Most Habr readers know perfectly well what it is, what it is for and why. But just in case, let’s briefly go over what IMEI is.

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is an international identifier for mobile equipment. This is a number consisting of 15 digits in decimal notation. There is an IMEI option with 17 digits. The identifier is assigned to devices in the GSM, WCDMA and IDEN cellular networks. In some cases, IMEI is also assigned to satellite phones.

The IMEI contains information about the origin, model and serial number of the device. The first 8 digits of the IMEI identify both the model and the place of origin of the device. The rest is the serial number of the device, which is determined by the manufacturer itself.

Who controls all this?

Several organizations are responsible for the “distribution”, including the GSM Association, BABT (British Approvals Board for Telecommunications) and others. The GSM Association released a new document on IMEI distribution rules in March 2018.

Why is IMEI needed?

IMEI is required for:
  • Identification in the telecom operator’s network;
  • Identification of the phone itself (for example, in case of theft).
When connecting to the network, the mobile device reports its IMEI to the operator’s network. If necessary, the telecom operator can determine the location of the device with an accuracy of up to several hundred meters.

If the device is stolen, the user can report the theft to the telecom operator. It blocks the phone, and it can no longer work on the network of the company that blocked it. However, in the networks of other companies it can work without problems. In the US, for example, stolen phones whose IMEI is blocked are often sold to other countries where they can work (provided the phone is not tied to a specific US carrier).

In the case of some devices, for example, iPhone, the phone may be included in the Global black list, and it will not be able to work in the networks of most operators. However, most telecom operators block the IMEI of specific devices only when contacted by law enforcement agencies or the user who previously owned the device. Lost devices can also be added to the “black list” - simply so that the finder cannot use the gadget.

What about “gray” and “white” phones?

“White” phones are usually called phones that are officially supplied to any country. That is, their seller prepares all the necessary documents, pays import taxes and generally complies with legal regulations in every possible way.

“Gray” phones are those that are imported into the country without completing the necessary documents; they are not registered. The media write that now almost every third smartphone is imported into Russia without certification and payment of customs duties.

Why do officials need an IMEI database?

The fact is that with such a volume of imports of “gray” phones, the state loses a lot of money due to unpaid taxes, registration fees and all other payments to the budget.

Officials have long been discussing the possibility of creating a kind of “white IMEI database” that would make it possible to automatically block stolen phones in the networks of telecom operators, as well as devices imported into Russia (for example, purchased in foreign online stores). Distributors believe that the share of gray smartphones in the sector of Chinese brands is now about 10%, but the total volume of “gray” imports may not even be 30%, but half of the total import volume.

When can we expect the base to appear?

It is still in the discussion stage, but the project itself is becoming more and more clear - it is no longer just an abstract idea. The Association of Internet Trade Companies (AKIT) has even developed a concept for regulating mobile devices based on IMEI numbers.

AKIT has already sent a document describing the project proposal to the chairman of the temporary commission of the Federation Council for the development of the information society, Lyudmila Bokova, and the Minister of Open Government, Mikhail Abyzov. After reviewing the document, Rossvyaz representatives stated that AKIT’s proposal was correct and justified.

This concept includes not one list, but three at once: white, gray and black.

White - these are officially imported devices permitted for import and use;

Gray - IMEIs that are not temporarily prohibited for use. If the user of a “gray” device wants to transfer its IMEI to the white list, the telecom operator must provide evidence of the legal purchase of the device.

Black - IMEI of stolen devices, or devices that are imported illegally.

The register is planned to be created on the basis of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Communications under Rossvyaz (TsNIIS). TsNIIS by the operator of the database transferred when subscribers change operator numbers.

The likelihood that the base will be created is very high. Legislative action in this regard should be expected in the near future.

Are we talking only about phones?

No, it is planned to add any devices that work with SIM cards to the IMEI registry. And these are tablets, phones, routers, smart watches, various types of security systems and even smart gates.

Will it be possible to import phones from abroad?

If they accept the concept proposed by AKIT, then yes. According to it, no more than 1 smartphone can be transported per year. You won't have to pay for your first device. But for the second you will need to pay $20. For the third and all subsequent devices you will need to pay $30.

The interesting thing is that it will be possible to import even devices whose legal import is not documented. In this case, you will have to throw in another $10 and pay about $40 for such a gadget (or rather, for the right to import it).

And yes, if the phone is imported from abroad, the user will have to register it in the white registry.

Okay, can I change the IMEI?

Yes. But just doing this can be quite difficult. This is especially true for Apple devices. Changing IMEI can be official or illegal. In the second case, it is a criminal offense.

For iPhone, the legal way is to contact the Apple service center in your country. You must indicate the reasons for the change and attach the required documents (the list may vary from company to company). One of the reasons is the discovery of the phone after it has been stolen.

Easier - for Android gadgets. For a number of phones (not all devices), specialized software and a data cable are enough. But again, it's worth remembering that changing IMEI is a criminal offense, so before you do anything, think about whether it's worth it.

What to do with foreign tourists?

So far, the concept proposed by AKIT says nothing about this. However, it may well be that officials will use the Turkish model for processing the IMEI of visitors to the country. Local laws allow both foreigners and citizens to use smartphones purchased outside of Turkey, but only for a limited time. If the period stipulated by law expires, the IMEI of the device must be registered. For now, this is just a guess, but it could very well become a reality.

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If we lose our mobile device or have it stolen, the security of our information is at risk.

However, knowing what a phone's imei is and where to find it can increase your chances of keeping your data secure.

For many users this information will certainly be useful.

IMEI: what is it and where to find it

Back in the 80s, a serial electronic number was created - a unique identifier, today assigned to each mobile device.

Currently it is called IMEI. This identifier is an international design number. An electronic code such as MEID is also known.

The legislation of many countries provides that if a mobile device is lost or stolen, it can be blocked using the above identifiers.

This is possible even if the SIM card has already been removed and a new one is installed instead.

So, it is recommended to know your IMEI number and keep it just in case. By blocking a mobile device, the information contained in it will not fall into the hands of intruders. But how to find out this email id?

  • The most well-known way is to enter a specific combination. The specific request depends on the model and brand of the mobile device.

    The combination *#06# is quite common (it is suitable for Android devices). You can also try turning off the device and removing the battery. Usually IMEI is written in yellow on an empty slot. This number contains 15-17 digits. We are only interested in 15 numbers.

  • If we use a smartphone from, we can look at the MEID.

    Open general settings and look for the “About” option. You can also find our 14-digit identifier there (closer to the end of the list).

    You can also launch iTunes by connecting your iPhone to your PC and click on your phone number in your library. There we will find MEID.

  • If we are the owner of a device running another platform (not iOS), we can find the IMEI through the settings, “About phone” - “Status”.

    However, you should be careful, because instead of IMEI, the IMSI code may be displayed, which also consists of 15 digits (but can be shorter). The IMSI number is used instead of IMEI and is stored on the SIM card.

    In contrast, IMEI is not tied to the subscriber and is used only to identify our phone.

So we found out what a have-number is and where it is located. However, what if the mobile device has already been lost or stolen, and we still haven’t found out the identifier? There are options!

How to find your phone by IMEI

If we still have the packaging of the device, we can look for the barcode of the label that is pasted on it (that is, on the box itself).

Often it is located where there was a seal before opening the package. Usually the IMEI is marked quite clearly and is located next to the serial number and barcode. Now, having the identifier in hand, you can contact the service center with a request to block the mobile device.

If we file a report with law enforcement about the theft of a phone, the IMEI should also be included among other details.

Conscientious employees have the ability to track a device in GSM networks. A mobile operator can also block a phone, but it rarely does this, since it is not profitable for them.

Flashing the device or installing applications from unverified sources may cause the IMEI to be reset. The abbreviation means International Mobile Equipment Identity - an international unique identifier for mobile equipment. This code is written at the software level of communication modules. If the code is erased, it is impossible to make calls through the smartphone. To restore functionality, you need to change the IMEI on Android.

What is it used for?

The IMEI code is a unique identifier for smartphones working with GSM and UMTS modules. Consists of 15 digits. The first 8 digits mean TAC/Type Allocation Code, the rest are the serial number with a check number at the end.

The code is set at the factory during manufacture, is used to identify the device on the network, and acts as the serial number of the device. With each authorization in the network, it is transmitted over the air of mobile radio communications.

Advice! IMEI can be used by mobile radio operators and law enforcement agencies and can be blocked at the cellular operator level.

How to find out the IMEI of a phone?

First, let’s find out whether the smartphone detects the identifier. Go to phone mode and enter the code *#06#. The IMEI code or codes will be displayed if the device supports 2 SIM cards.

If the text “IMEI is not defined” appears in the field, it means it has been reset.

Advice! You can view the IMEI in the settings, in the “About phone” section; it is written in the warranty card, on the packaging, and also on the smartphone itself, under the battery.

Changing ID

I would like to warn you that in some countries changing IMEI is prohibited by law. Therefore, traveling abroad with such a gadget can cause some difficulties. Also, if you are a novice user, it is better to leave the idea of ​​changing the IMEI, as there is a chance of inadvertently damaging the device, or turning your gadget into a brick.

Technically, you can change the ID. However, the complexity of the change depends on the device itself:

  • on older devices you can change it using simple programs and manipulations;
  • on new devices (from most well-known manufacturers), to change the IMEI you need to replace the smartphone chips (processor, controllers, flash memory, etc.), which is not possible in software.

Let's look at two ways to change the Android ID.

Engineering menu

Calling the engineering menu is different for each gadget manufacturer. You can view yours online, on the Internet, or in the documentation for your device.

After entering the menu, go through the branch:

Connectivity - CDS Information - Radio Information Phone 1

If the smartphone is designed for 2 SIM cards, then the Phone 2 section will be displayed.

In Phone 1, after the letters AT+, enter EGMR = 1.7,"your_IMEI".

In Phone 2 (if it exists) we write EGMR = 1.10,"your_IMEI".

Click SEND AT and reboot your device. If it doesn't work, put a space after AT+.

Using Root rights

To get started you will need . Then you need to install the Mobile Uncle program (Works only with MediaTek processors). You can see your processor in the “About phone” settings. Now:

IMEI (short for International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a number unique to each phone. Used in mobile phones and some satellite phones.

In simpler terms, IMEI is a unique identification number for each phone or smartphone. It consists of 14 decimal digits and one check digit. The code contains information about the device's serial number, its model and origin. So, the first 8 digits are called TAC (Type Approval Code) and indicate the device model and its place of origin. The remaining part of the IMEI is the serial number of the device, which is determined by the manufacturer using the so-called Luna algorithm, with a check digit assigned at the end.

There is IMEISV (from English International Mobile Terminal Identity and Software Version number), which already consists of 16 digits. In addition to ensuring that each phone is uniquely identified, it can match the software version authorized by the operator. In turn, the services available directly to a given device depend on the software.

In 2002, information was prepared by representatives of large foreign cellular operators, which stated that IMEI could be changed using simple software. Today, changing IMEI is much more difficult, as mobile equipment manufacturers are improving their security systems. Some companies claim that it is simply impossible to change the IMEI on their devices. It is noteworthy that in some countries changing IMEI is a criminal offense.

IMEI is indicated in several places. The easiest way to find it is to dial the number *#06# on the keyboard (supported by most manufacturers):

We have hidden the main digits of the number.

Why is IMEI needed?

  • IMEI is used to identify a device on the network.
  • IMEI is the serial number of the phone.
  • IMEI can be used to track your phone and block stolen devices at the cellular operator level. However, in the latter case, you cannot use the device only within one operator.
  • Using IMEI you can find out if a device is stolen.

International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is an international identification code for a mobile device, which is assigned at the manufacturer, flashed into a one-time use chip, without the possibility of flashing. Does not depend on the inserted SIM card and identifies only the device itself.

As mobile device manufacturers and mobile network providers explain, this code allows them to track, find and return stolen phones to the true owners, and, if necessary, block their operation.

According to the second, more romantic spy version, the code allows intelligence agencies to control the movements of citizens, listen to them and, if necessary, selectively turn off their mobile communications.

But practice has shown that not everything is as we are told. When in New York they pulled out a brand new Nokia for $800, when I approached the police, they patted me on the shoulder in a friendly manner and said: “Welcome to New-York.” And when I called MTC and asked to turn off the phone, for reasons of “don’t let anyone get you,” they kindly informed me that, unfortunately, despite the fact that I have a contract and know the IMEI, they cannot turn off the phone, because that their equipment does not allow this.

In addition, skilled hackers, using special software, can change IMEI. Manufacturers are fighting hackers by modernizing the protective properties of devices, and hackers are improving their methods. But I must note that in many countries changing the code on a phone is a criminal offense. For this you can sit on a bunk in Belarus, Great Britain, Latvia.

Universal method

The easiest and most universal way is to type on the keyboard *#06#

However, how can an IMEI code be useful for the average mobile device user?

  • Allows you to find out the country of manufacture;
  • Software version;
  • Device serial number;
  • Check the originality of the phone (if the number on the small sticker does not match the number specified in the firmware, then this is not your option).

The old system, the so-called FAC, had a 15-digit code structure. For example, if the seventh and eighth digits were 80, then you came across a Chinese-made device, but if 70, then it was Finnish. In the modern system, the code has changed slightly, IMEISV, and the country of manufacture is indicated by the first two digits, for example, 49 is Germany, and 04 is Vietnam.

And how to find out the IMEI of a phone? As simple as that, remove the back cover, disconnect the battery and read this number on the small sticker.

IMEI on Apple mobile devices

The IMEI code is defined slightly differently in mobile devices with the iOS operating system. The code is always indicated on the package, but if you have lost it, there are two options:

On your iPad, iPod or iPhone you need to go to settings.

Go to “Settings”, select “General” and then click “About this device”. You will see the IMEI code.

On some Internet services, for example, SNDeepInfo, you can check the IMEI of your iPhone and find out a lot of details about it. For example, find out the expiration date of the contract if the phone is not unlocked. Or find out which operator the phone is locked to, and whether it is on the blacklist.

This will be important information if you decide to purchase a used phone.

There is also a method that you can use if you are left without a phone, without a box, or without anything at all, but have at least once used iTunes services. To do this, download and install the iBackupBot program. Using this application, run any of your iPhone backups and get the IMEI code. By the way, you don’t have to pay $35 for the program. In limited mode, she will cope with this problem.

Assigning or changing IMEI for Android phones

How to find out the IMEI of a phone for devices with the Android operating system? This is a separate song. Many devices don't have it at all. To do this you need to get it. For example, for phones running on Mediatek chipsets, you need to enter a simple code *#*#3646633#*#*.

We go to the engineering menu and find the “Connectivity” tab there. Select the item “CDS information” and click. In the list we find “Radio Information”. There select Phone and after the inscription AT+ and enter EGMR=1.7,”IMEI”.

Can be made more difficult, but suitable for almost all models

First you need to get root rights. Then we find it on the Internet and download the restore_imei archive. We find the file run. It must be opened with a text editor. Instead of numbers after the abbreviation “exe” we write your IMEI. The file needs to be saved. We run run.but and get the file MP0B_001. We copy it to the mobile device along the path /data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/MP0B_001.

We reboot and get a fresh and brand new IMEI.

In some cases, it is more convenient to use the Rockchip Repair Tool application.

If your phone is stolen or lost, its IMEI can be found out remotely. To do this, just use the Google service at https://www.google.com/settings/dashboard.

There is also a database of stolen and lost phones. A similar database is located on the service http://trackerplus.ru/imei.

Well, if you know the IMEI of the phone and are an MTC subscriber, then send this 14-digit number to the toll-free number 307. If the answer indicates that the code is not registered in the database, then it is better to refuse this purchase.

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