What is the password in the BIOS. How to remove bios password on PC or laptop. Sometimes the device may turn out to be energy independent and cannot be reset in a simple way

Setting a password on the BIOS can be both an effective solution to unauthorized access to a computer, and a problem that will force not very experienced user get nervous. This article covers more than just installing protection on system program, but also how to remove the password from the BIOS if the user has forgotten it or it was installed without his knowledge.

Password effectiveness

Windows system protection is far from the most advanced and reliable. It can be easily hacked by using special software or simply reinstalling the operating system.

With a BIOS password, everything is much more complicated. By setting a password for the system program, the user will definitely not be able to gain access to Windows or access to the BIOS itself, which will significantly complicate the use of the computer without knowing the security key.

However, this does not mean that the PC is firmly protected. Yes, this protection is more reliable than the operating system, but it can also be hacked through certain manipulations. How to remove the password from the BIOS will be discussed below, but first you need to set it.

Installing protection on BIOS

First, we restart the computer, and as soon as the PC starts to start, go into the BIOS by pressing the Delete button (F1, F2, F9 - depending on the version of the system program).

The following image will appear on the screen (in different versions It is also different in BIOS):

There are two points here that install protection on the system:

  • set supervisor password;
  • set user password.

The first one sets the password for the administrator, and the second one for the user. User access is different in that it allows you to view BIOS values ​​(but not change them) and use Windows. Administrator password issues full access for the owner. If you set only the supervisor password, it will be requested only when entering the BIOS. Setting a user password will restrict loading of the operating system. To fully protect your computer, it is better to install two security codes at once.

On other computers, the password setting process may be slightly different. The security tab (located at the top, you can get to it using the arrows at the bottom of the keyboard) and the bios setting password may be responsible for this. The procedure for installing protection is almost identical - only the terms differ.

How to remove the password via BIOS

Removing protection can happen for various reasons, but the easiest way to do this is through the BIOS itself.

Go to the security/bios password tab and look for the clear password parameter. To confirm the action, you will need to enter your password and then exit, saving the original data.

How to remove the BIOS password for those for whom it looks like in the first image. You must click set password, and after confirming the current password, when asked to set a new security code, click the delete button. The password has been reset - you can exit, remembering to save all changed parameters via F10.

This method only works if the user remembers their password. But how can you remove the password from the BIOS on a computer if you don’t remember it? It's a little more complicated here.

Resetting BIOS memory

This is the most convenient way to reset your password if the method described above is not suitable. Users often forget security keys, and resetting the BIOS memory is the only way out in this case.

To clear the BIOS, you need to short-circuit certain wires to motherboard. It is not recommended to do this without involving a specialist - there is a much simpler way.

To safely reset the BIOS memory, you will need to remove the CMOS battery for a while and then insert it back.

This is what she looks like.

Remove carefully so as not to damage anything.

How to remove the BIOS password on a laptop

Removing the battery from a laptop or tablet running Windows is much more difficult. The whole process is complicated by disassembling the laptop. Not every user can do this on their own.

But there is a way out. To do this you will need:

A BIOS password generator can be found through a search engine - there are a large number of them on the Internet, or as an application for Android or IOS.

A user who knows how to remove a BIOS password will not find himself in a difficult situation if someone mistakenly or intentionally sets a password for a system program.

You can remove the password directly through the BIOS by logging into it and setting the clear password parameter. But this is only possible if the user remembers the security code. In cases where the password is lost, you will have to reset the memory physically or generate a standard password through the appropriate program.

Today we'll talk about how to reset BIOS password on the motherboard of a laptop or computer. If you suddenly forget your password, logging in will be problematic.

In this case, you might think that the motherboard needs to be replaced, but this is not the case. Developers have long deliberately introduced ways to quickly and easily disable the password in the BIOS. Absolutely anyone can find themselves in this situation, for example, if you set the password yourself, there is a backup code, or the protection was already turned on when you bought the computer second-hand.

A command prompt will open, where you can see what commands are available in this utility. To do this, we introduce the following - cmospwd_win.exe /?.

To reset the BIOS password, you must enter the following command:

cmospwd_win.exe /k

To confirm the clear CMOS action enter number 1 and press Enter.

The program can be easily used not only in Windows, but also with bootable flash drive DOS. Initially, it needs to be placed in the image.

Using the debug.exe tool on Windows

At using Windows XP you can use a special utility. This debugger can be found in the following path − WINDOWS\system32\debug.exe. You can copy this address and launch the debugger using the Run window, which is opened by pressing Win+R.

The Run window is also located along the path: Start -> Run.

To reset the BIOS password, you must enter commands for different versions of I/O systems:


  • -o 70 10
  • -o 71 0
  • -o 70 11
  • -o 71 0


  • -o 70 17
  • -o 71 17

Phoenix BIOS:

  • -o 70 ff
  • -o 71 17

After each line entered, press Enter. Also, the designation of these codes is as follows:

  1. q – output;
  2. the first number is the port;
  3. the second number is the number of bytes.

There is more than one utility to remove the Bios password. Now I will explain how to use PC CMOS Cleaner tool, which can easily reset CMOS BIOS password, restore settings to factory state.

The brand of motherboard or laptop is not at all important, since the program supports almost everything BIOS version. There is also support for 32x and 64x processors.

This method works well on modern motherboards oh and laptops. To implement this method, you will need a smartphone or other computer with Internet access.

So, all you have to do is enter the password incorrectly three times. After this, a message will appear on the screen that the system is disabled, as well as a special code.

If you have Acer laptop, as well as access to the operating system, then you can easily remove the BIOS password using the built-in utility Acer eSettings Management. If you have it, great, but if not, then download from the official site + Acer Empowering.

  • Launch the Acer eSettings Management tool from the Start menu or desktop. The program is usually located in the path “Start - All Programs - Empowerment Technology - Manage Acer eSettings”.
  • Find the “BIOS Passwords” item.
  • Click on the “Remove password” item to restore access to the BIOS. You can also create one.

Contact the motherboard or laptop manufacturer

If the above methods did not help you remove the password from the BIOS, then the only option left is to write a request to the device manufacturer. After all, only they know how to properly clear CMOS memory and return the BIOS to its default state.

In addition, you can also contact service center, but you will have to pay for the services. The service has special tools to reset the BIOS password. It is possible not only to clear the password, but also to replace the BIOS chip with a similar one.

I hope these methods helped you and you reset your BIOS password on your computer or laptop. Be careful the next time you set a new password.

Any master knows that sometimes some of the problems of incorrect loading or operation of the computer, as well as its devices, can be solved simple reset BIOS. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this, but it happens that you encounter a situation when a password is set on the BIOS. You say “ask the owner for the password,” but the owner of a laptop or computer sometimes forgets the password. It happens that not only does he not remember the password, but he also didn’t set it and doesn’t even remember where the password came from.
There are different situations, sometimes you can solve the problem yourself without resorting to the services of “specialists”.

Let's analyze the situations by degree of complexity, starting with the simplest situation.

You need to reset your BIOS settings. When you start your computer (laptop), press the BIOS entry key, usually this Del or F2(there are also). Finding the option Load setup defaults, in newer models Optimized Defaults or Setup Defaults Depending on the manufacturer, the spelling may be different, the meaning when translating this inscription is always the same - reset the default settings to factory settings, which is what the word says Defaults.

After the reset, you need to set the time and date, and if other settings are required.

And now it’s more complicated and interesting: if there is a password on the BIOS (the password is not known), you must first reset the password.

Resetting the BIOS password on the system unit.

If you have a system unit, then you can reset the bios password in several ways, without resorting to the services of “specialists”.

The most common method that most users resort to is turning off the autonomous power supply of your motherboard system unit. Many motherboards store settings and time in memory, which is saved using a regular CR2032 battery.

Simply remove the battery for a few minutes.

There is a reset method by switching the cleaning jumper, it is usually located next to the battery. It is usually labeled CLR CMOS or CCMOS. It is necessary to move the jumper one step, as shown in the picture.

Having moved the jumper (the power supply must first be turned off), press the power button and hold it for several seconds, up to about 10 seconds. Naturally, the computer will not turn on, but the reset signal will be transmitted.

On newer models, they began to use no jumpers, but simply a button, which is accordingly labeled CCMOS or something like that. The same actions are performed with the button as with the jumper.

Sometimes the device may turn out to be energy independent and cannot be reset in a simple way.

Basically, these methods of resetting the BIOS password are mainly used in laptops.

Some laptops also have a battery on the board, but it is not so easy to get to it; you will need to disassemble your laptop. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact the service center.

You can use the DEBUG utility.

Boot from installation media and launch the command line. ().

At the command line, type debug.exe.

Then enter three values ​​one by one


After entering each value, press Enter.

Then we reboot and the system will tell you that you need to set the settings, or it will give you an error that says it is not correct settings BIOS settings have been reset to default (factory settings).

Some laptops have a hole on the bottom cover labeled as such for reset BIOS settings. You need to insert a thin wire or paper clip into this hole and press the button.

Keep in mind that it is not possible to reset the BIOS in all laptops using the methods listed above; sometimes a master key from the manufacturer is required to reset, or a special code. Don’t rush to purchase such a code on the Internet, it may not work or they will simply charge you for air.

Contact a specialized service - where the reset procedure will not take much time, and you will get a guaranteed result.

Please be aware that some of the steps described above may void your computer warranty. If the warranty has not yet expired, it is better to contact the service center.

Good luck to all!

Hello everyone, today I’ll tell you how I reset the bios password if such a need arises. I'll tell you how physical methods and software, they all have their advantages. Who could find themselves in such a situation, in theory, anyone, since recently vendors producing equipment are increasingly taking advantage of this opportunity, so that by new technology, to you when purchasing a used one. computer or laptop, you may also be lucky enough to get acquainted with this situation, maybe you will even buy a bios code decoder program.

There are times when people try to achieve maximum security or, on the contrary, do a dirty trick by setting a password to enter the BIOS. Let me remind you that BIOS is a microprogram that helps your hardware interact with each other, if only superficially. Having access to the BIOS, you essentially get access to the brains of your laptop or computer; it is there that hardware settings are made or boot priorities are set for installing the system from a flash drive or booting from a PXE server. Naturally, if this is an organization’s computer, then the security service may require that System Administrator I set a password there, for those who are especially curious, or the situation may be that hardware manufacturers can block access there, and you need to reflash the bios, situations can be different. The main thing is that the task is to produce and you, as an engineer, must be able to do this.

BIOS reset methods

There are two ways to reset the CMOS memory. Let me remind you that CMOS memory (Complimentary Matal-Oxide-Semiconductor) is needed by the BIOS to store data in it, which requires constant recharge from a battery installed on the motherboard:

  • this is a physical effect on iron
  • using utilities

And so, when you try to enter the BIOS, you see these pictures

Software reset bios password

Will help me free utility command line called cmospwd-5.0. You can download cmospwd-5.0 from the link.

Choose windows folder in it, hold down the Shift button and right-click on it, then select the menu item Open command window

Let's see the syntax of the utility using the /?

cmospwd_win.exe /?

Now let's reset the CMOS bios

cmospwd_win.exe /k

Let's enter the number 1.

This utility You can also download it from DOS, you can put it in an ISO with DOS, how to do this, read the link on the left.

The utility is suitable for these bios versions

  • AMI WinBIOS 2.5
  • Award 4.5x/4.6x/6.0
  • Compaq (1992)
  • Compaq (New version)
  • IBM (PS/2, Activa, Thinkpad)
  • Packard Bell
  • Phoenix 1.00.09.AC0 (1994), a486 1.03, 1.04, 1.10 A03, 4.05 rev 1.02.943, 4.06 rev 1.13.1107
  • Phoenix 4 release 6 (User)
  • Gateway Solo - Phoenix 4.0 release 6
  • Toshiba
  • Zenith AMI

Using the debug.exe utility

There is a utility called debug.exe in Windows XP and it is located in \WINDOWS\system32\debug.exe. You can also use it, but only in the DOS version; how to launch it from there, read the link above about ISO DOS. Download debug windows 7 from the link, it weighs only 20 kb.

We launch debug.exe and enter our codes for each BIOS version.

  • q – quit
  • the first number in each line is the port
  • the second is the number of bytes (in hexadecimal)
  • In the command prompt window, enter exit (or just close the window);

Physical password reset

How to reset a bios password if you were unable to reset the password using the above utilities, then try the following methods

  • Remove the battery from the motherboard and wait a couple of minutes. Once pulled out, be sure to remove the power cord from your system unit or the battery on the laptop, then press the power button, the fans will spin a little and the residual energy will go away.

On laptops you can also try to close the contacts where the battery is, just be sure to remove the battery before doing this

  • On most motherboards you can find a reset button CMOS It is most often located next to the battery. To clear memory CMOS you need to close these connectors, then turn on the PC and reset the BIOS settings.

or something like this CMOS.

how to reset bios password with master codes

I already described the principle in the article How to reset the BIOS password on ASUS. This method suitable for aser or e-machine laptops, and others. What we do is turn on your laptop and try to enter the BIOS. We see the password being entered.

We enter the wrong password several times, any password will be wrong, the chance of guessing is negligible.

A menu appears in which you select Enter Unlock Password.

Here you are required to enter a certain master code, below I will teach you how to receive it. We write down the code 54697781, it will help us crack the bios password

Now we need to use decryptors, I will show you two online.


Below in the field Enter the code here we paste the copy copied above 54697781, you will have your own code.

We see everything, we have received two master passwords, the lower one will suit us, and we can now hack the bios password

Good afternoon, dear blog readers! Today we’ll talk about something less common, but important. More than once I have encountered such a problem as setting a password on HDD or BIOS. Probably many people don’t quite understand, and perhaps they don’t understand at all what I mean. Now I will explain in more detail.

BIOS password

Bios is software, located in a read-only memory device (ROM), engaged in self-testing of devices and searching for the bootloader. Naturally, the functionality of the BIOS is much broader than described above, but we won’t dig deep, but will look directly at the topic of our article. The BIOS password is set to avoid manipulation by third parties.

How to remove the BIOS password

The set bios password does not make it possible to get into it, and in this case there are three options for solving this situation: by removing the CMOS battery on the motherboard, move the CMOS jumper on the motherboard to opposite direction(not provided in laptops) or simply close the jumper contacts.

And the last way to remove the BIOS password is using the online service BIOS Password Removal for Laptops. If you know the password and you just don’t feel comfortable entering it all the time, you can disable it by going into the settings.

HDD password

Here the purpose and function of the password is slightly different. If in the first case you simply cannot get into the BIOS, then set password you will not be able to download to the HDD operating system. And this is the inability to use a computer or laptop for its intended purpose.

How to remove password from HDD

If we looked at three options to solve problems with the BIOS, then in order to remove the password from the hdd I have only one for you, the same bourgeois online service. I didn’t describe above how to use this site. To unlock a password you don't remember, you need to enter it incorrectly three times (for example, 1234 or whatever you want). After the attempts have been made, a code will appear in the window, enter it on the website http://bios-pw.org/ and in response you will receive a code to reset the password from the hard drive.

How to put a password on your hard drive or BIOS

These passwords are set to protect data and from various manipulations. Every BIOS has this feature. On current computers and laptops there is Security tab, where you can set passwords. More details about this in the pictures.

Setting passwords on BIOS and hard drive

Set Supervisor Password– set the Administrator password
Set User Password– set the User password
HDD Password– hard drive password
Password on boot Used to enable or disable the boot password.

Well that's it, my little article has come to an end. See you soon!

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