Setting the air conditioner for warm air. Step-by-step instructions for turning on the air conditioner for heat Air conditioner mdv instructions for use

Climate systems help create any optimal temperature in a room, but not all users know the basic rules of how to use an air conditioner so as not to harm the health of themselves and everyone living in the house. Let's consider how and what mode to turn on the air conditioner so that the room temperature is optimal.

All air conditioners are divided into the following main types:

  • window models - installed in a window opening;
  • wall-mounted version - consists of two blocks, the evaporator is located indoors, and the remote one is located outside;
  • floor-mounted models - installation on the floor, with hot air exhausted through a window;
  • combined class.

In addition, experts divide split systems according to functional features:

  • cooling only;
  • cold/warm;
  • work at low and fairly high temperatures;
  • various additional features.

The latter option may include functions such as ionization, humidification, aromatization and air purification.

There are special rules on the basis of which the air conditioner is operated at home.

How to turn on the air conditioner

Using the air conditioner cooling the air inside your home is considered the main task for this household appliance, but there are split products that can work in two forms: cold and heat.

There is no difference in their installation, except for small nuances: air conditioners are installed only on the walls of the house, and modern models of split systems can also be installed in ceilings. Many users ask the age-old question: how to set up the air conditioner yourself? The instructions explain the basic principles of how to properly operate an air conditioner of a certain model after installation. Customize your product using the remote control remote control

We will tell you in detail how to handle it correctly a little later.

Cooling mode

We use this function all the time at home when it’s hot, so let’s look at this process in more detail. To turn on the air conditioner when cold, just press, then select the optimal temperature to which you want to cool the air in the room. When the desired microclimate is achieved, the remote unit turns off automatically, and the evaporator unit continues its work - maintaining the parameters set by the user.

A cold air stream leaves the evaporator and fills the entire space, displacing warmer air, which is sucked into the system and cooled. As soon as the temperature rises a couple of degrees, the outdoor unit starts working again to lower it to the optimal option, which you set using the remote control on the air conditioner.

  1. Not in an apartment cool the air below 16 degrees. It should be remembered that when the device is operating at full power, there is a risk of catching a cold.
  2. The difference between the temperature of the external and internal air should not exceed 5 degrees.
  3. Do not turn on the product in the cold when the outside temperature is less than 12 degrees.
  4. All models of modern climate control devices are configured to save energy, converter products are especially distinguished by this - they automatically select the operating mode.
  5. All air conditioners should not be turned on at all when the outside temperature is below 0 degrees.

Many models of split units, according to manufacturers, can operate at 20 degrees below zero, heating the room, but they must be turned off in severe frosts so as not to break the fan. This equipment must be used especially carefully during sudden thaws.

Heating mode

Modern climate systems can supply not only cooled air, but also heat to the apartment. To do this, take the PU and follow the prompts.

  1. Press the Start or On/Off key, then button labeled Heat.
  2. If there is no such thing, then it is present Mode key or another, above which there are symbols: a snowflake, a sun, a raindrop and a fan. Switch modes until the desired symbol appears on the display.
  3. By clicking on + or – or the up/down arrows, you need to set the required temperature. Its value should be 5 degrees higher than what is currently in the room.

Initially the fan turns on, and then the heating mode. After a maximum of 10 minutes, the product will begin to pump warm air into the room. If the control unit does not have the buttons described above, you are out of luck; this air conditioner model cannot operate in warm mode.

There are split systems where you first need to make all the settings, and then press the start button.

During settings, any model must respond to your actions: emit sound signals, blink LEDs. When purchasing a product, you need to familiarize yourself with all its characteristics so as not to rack your brains later.

Correct use of PU

These remote devices are included with each model. Today, many different variations have been released, but the inscriptions and functions on the buttons are similar. Most users do not read the instructions, but only use the start button and temperature settings. But there are many other keys on the remote control. Let's talk about them names and main functions.

  1. Power, in some control units on/off - turns the product on/off.
  2. Mode: pressing it once puts the device into auto mode air supply twice - the product will operate in cool mode.
  3. Swing: Turns on the oscillating movement of the blinds to disperse the air flow throughout the space.
  4. Dry, which means dry - the device operates at medium speed.
  5. Fan (fan, fan) - the air conditioner works slower or faster.
  6. Turbo: maximum speed and performance.
  7. Temp: cold/heat temperature adjustment key.
  8. Smart Saver (smart saving) - when the optimal temperature is reached, the product turns off and operates in fan mode.
  9. Auto Clean: all parts of the device are disinfected and dried. By pressing this button once every three days (the product operates for no more than half an hour), you allow it to independently get rid of excess moisture.
  10. Sleep: switches the air conditioner to semi-sleep mode, cold air spreads across the ceiling, use it at night.
  11. On Timer: Turn on the timer.
  12. Off Timer: turn off the time.
  13. Clean Air: process of ionization of air flow.
  14. Ok: key to confirm the selected parameters.
  15. Cancel: Cancels the selected command.
  16. Reset: Reset all settings.
  17. Lock: lock the buttons (child lock).

Nuances of operation

Modern air conditioner models are quite complex Appliances, the configuration of which requires compliance with basic rules.

  1. It must be clearly select the power of the product depending on the volume of the room: in regions with very hot climates it is necessary to install systems with greater power and improved cooling characteristics.
  2. Always correlate the operating mode of the product with the weather conditions outside.
  3. In order to prevent the occurrence of any colds, it is necessary to fine-tune the equipment in cold mode.
  4. Carry out regular maintenance - these measures will allow you to ensure normal operation of the product and a safe and comfortable microclimate for the whole family.
  5. Installation, maintenance and repair of equipment should only be done by professionals.

Climate systems can be installed in any premises, regardless of their configuration and dimensions, because modern technology copes with the task without any problems. The user must only follow all the rules and recommendations stated in this article.

The best air conditioners of 2018

Split system Haier AS12NS4ERA / 1U12BS3ERA

Split system Haier AS09NS4ERA / 1U09BS3ERA

Split system Mitsubishi Electric MSZ-LN25VG / MUZ-LN25VG

Split system Electrolux EACS/I-09HSL/N3

Split system Electrolux EACS-07HAT/N3

Split system Electrolux EACS-12HSL/N3

Air conditioning has long become an integral device for creating comfortable indoor conditions. It is with its help that people are saved on the hottest summer days. But a very small number of users know that this device can be used effectively in winter. How to set your air conditioner to heat up if it gets too cold in winter?

Turning on the heating

Before setting the air conditioner to heating mode, you need to make sure that its operating temperature is within operating limits, otherwise the system may fail. Undoubtedly, different manufacturing companies (for example, LG, Samsung or General) produce largely different models, but there is still a certain universal model for turning on the heating:

  • It is necessary to turn on the device (the power button is labeled “On”).
  • Next, press the “Heat” key, which means “warmth”.
  • If this button is not present, other options may be present: “Mode”, or any other buttons with icons such as “sun”, “drop”, “fan”, “snow” drawn under/above them. If none of these buttons are present, this means that the system is not capable of heating.
  • If there is a “Mode” button, you need to press it several times until the “sun” or the signature “Heat” is displayed.
  • Using the switching arrows or “+/-” buttons, you need to set a comfortable temperature.

After completing this entire procedure, the fan will turn on, and after five (maximum ten) minutes warm air will be generated, heated to the temperature previously set by the user. Some remote control models may be configured differently - it is recommended to read the instructions before setting up.

To turn on the air conditioner in heating mode, it is not always necessary to use the remote control. Any split system has an external panel (sometimes hidden protective screen), the buttons of which duplicate the remote control keys. This is for situations where the remote control is lost, broken, or located far away. Using the panel, you can set the system to heating mode in the same way.

What to do if the heating does not turn on?

There are two main options: either the setup was done incorrectly, or there is a breakdown in the device itself. It is recommended to turn off the air conditioner and repeat all steps again. If after ten minutes there is no heat from the device, there is a breakdown. The most common malfunction is a lack of freon, necessary for the functioning of the heating system. In this situation, it is necessary to take the air conditioner for repair, or call qualified specialists at home, especially if the device is under warranty.

In addition, it is possible that the air conditioner is turned on at temperatures incompatible with its normal operation. It should be noted that some manufacturing companies produce additional modifications that expand the operating temperature range from -30 to +30 degrees Celsius.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating mode

Modern air conditioners perfectly heat any room. An air conditioner with heating has a high efficiency (stands for “efficiency factor,” which allows you to create comfortable conditions in an apartment or house. However, it is not recommended to neglect the services of central heating.

The constant operation of the relative system is harmful to the body, since heated air masses with prolonged circulation in a closed room harm the natural processes of thermoregulation, which can affect the immune system.

Video instructions for turning on the air conditioner in heating mode

Let us remind you that the air conditioner has a lot of modes (not only heating).

The presented video describes in detail and shows the method by which you can turn on the heating function on the air conditioner. Using his own example, the user describes in detail all actions using the remote control, as well as the reaction of the system itself to turning on and changing certain parameters related to the heating mode (sound signals, visual signals - turning on the lights).

In contact with

Turning on the air conditioner

Using this manual, you will learn how to turn on and properly configure a household air conditioner. Any home air conditioner remote control has 5 main buttons. Let's arrange them in order of decreasing importance in use:

  • “on/off” button—turns the air conditioner on and off;
  • “temp” buttons (“up”, “down” or “+”, “-”) - increase and decrease the required temperature;
  • “fan” button (“fan speed”) – adjusting the air supply speed (shaft rotation speed);
  • “swing” button—changes the position of the blinds (direction of air supply);
  • “mode” button – switching modes: cold, heat, dehumidification, ventilation, auto;

Let's say we have never used an air conditioner, or have just installed it, or do not know what mode it is set in (heat, cold, etc.) In order to check the functionality of the device, you can follow the following instructions.

Turn on the air conditioner for cooling:

  1. Turn on “power” air conditioner (turn on the machine or “plug” the plug into the socket). In this case it should sound sound signal from indoor unit. We are waiting for the blinds to close.
  2. Press the “on/off” button. The indoor unit's shutters should open.
  3. Click on the “mode” button so many times until we switch to cooling mode (look at the remote control display). A “snowflake” or an indicator opposite the inscription “cool” should light up on it.
  4. Using the “up”, “down” or “+”, “-” buttons set the temperature(look at the numbers on the remote control). We set the temperature that we want to maintain in the room (than higher figure, the warmer the room). Read more. For example, we set it to 25. This means that the air conditioner itself will continue to maintain the temperature in the room +25˚C.

When setting up some air conditioners, this figure may change after a couple of seconds (showing current temperature in the room);

  1. Next, if necessary, change the shaft rotation speed with the “fan” button;
  2. We can adjust the direction of air flow using the “swing” button.

You should know it:

  • The air conditioner will not cool if the room temperature has reached the set temperature;
  • When using the remote control, always point it at the air conditioner.

Free tip: If you use your air conditioner, don't turn it off at night or when you get cold. It is better to set the optimal temperature. So you will be comfortable, and the air conditioner will work in its normal mode. For example, at night you can increase the set temperature by 1-2 degrees.

Read the next article.

Greetings to all visitors to our portal! Today I will tell you how to turn on the air conditioner on heat and at the same time be 100% sure that you have configured everything correctly! Very often, switching the “heating” mode causes a lot of problems for the user (I admit that I myself was once very worried during this process). Of course! After all, when you “restructure” the mode, the air conditioner really begins to give out surprises. Therefore, many users begin to doubt that they clicked something wrong.

But today I will give the most simple and understandable instructions so that any user can do everything on their own, and most importantly, correctly. Next, we will analyze in detail how an air conditioner, in particular a split system, can behave in this case. I’ll tell you right away that the sequence is not at all difficult, but just requires a little patience. And before you start setting up heating, read the article to the end - there are important operating conditions there!

So, the summer heat has passed, and at the beginning of autumn the temperature in the apartment is optimally maintained. But every day it gets cooler, the central heating will be turned on unknown when, and the heater can’t cope. And then you remember that you have another device that can also operate on heat! Let's say we have an air conditioner that cooled perfectly in the summer, but now it is turned off. We begin to remember how to set it to heat.

Buttons on the air conditioner remote control

Any split system remote control has five main buttons:

  1. Power button;
  2. Mode switch button;
  3. Double temperature adjustment button;
  4. Shaft rotation speed adjustment button;
  5. Blind direction adjustment button.

But before we pick up the remote control, we first turn on the air conditioner (like any electrical appliance). Most often it is just a plug that needs to be plugged into an outlet. The air conditioner can also be powered through. In general, depending on the method of connecting the air conditioner, we turn on the machine or plug the plug into the socket. In this case, you should hear a beep from the indoor unit. If the block does not react at all, then read the article. After successful power supply, pick up the remote control and proceed!

How to turn the air conditioner on warm

I want to say right away that if you make a mistake somewhere, nothing bad will happen! You'll just have to wait and do it all over again.

  1. Turn on the air conditioner pressing the "power" button once(on/off).

We wait a few seconds until the blinds open and the fan of the indoor unit begins to rotate;

  1. Then press the mode switch button so many times until we switch to the sun icon or the inscription “heat”(meaning "warmth")

The air conditioner may then stop the fan or close the blinds (this will happen if the air conditioner was not already set to warm). I’ll write below what else will happen with the air conditioner, but now it doesn’t matter. But at this moment we are already moving on to next setting(to the third point)!

  1. While the air conditioner is being “reconfigured” using the temperature control buttons set degrees to 30. Let it be like this for now, and after 20 minutes adjust it to suit you (I recommend 25-30 degrees).
  1. Next, the shaft rotation adjustment button set any speed convenient for you;

  1. Blind adjustment button also We put the most comfortable position for you. Next, the most difficult thing is to WAIT until the long-awaited warmth blows from the air conditioner. Then we set up the air conditioner comfortably for ourselves. For more information about choosing the temperature, as well as about the last two points, read the article;

Now let's return to the second point. I want to explain it in simple user language so that you don’t get scared that something strange is happening to the air conditioner. There is nothing strange in his behavior! Simply after switching the mode, the algorithm of the air conditioner changes, and it redirects the movement of the refrigerant (you don’t have to delve into this now!). The temperature of the radiators and other processes that are not important for our article are monitored. The most important thing for this article is that need to wait 10 minutes and don’t press anything extra.

But there are several features that should not be forgotten when turning on the heating:

If you were freezing during the cold period when you did not yet have an air conditioner, then with its purchase you will immediately feel the difference. The heat that an air conditioner provides you is cheaper than any heater. And it is also important that the temperature is very accurately maintained.

Finally, I’ll leave a link to another useful article.

I look forward to your comments and additions!

Appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already gained good popularity trademark MDV offers a wide range of climate control equipment. For a large segment of users, the most interesting are cassette and classic wall split systems. And thanks to the combination of price and offered characteristics, MDV duct systems enjoy a good reputation among shop and office owners.

A little about the company

President – ​​Peter Guan.

Air conditioners of the MDV brand are climate systems produced by the Chinese company Midea. Despite the country of origin and some concerns of Russian consumers, it is worth noting that this is a truly serious company that values ​​​​its reputation and has the quality of its products confirmed throughout the world.

To make it clear what MDV climate systems and cassette, duct and floor air conditioners are, it is worth noting: the company owns a 20% stake in the corporation, uses their technology in its compressors, and solutions from MDV are installed in systems from other manufacturers as reliable and efficient. MDV air conditioning units, in addition to parts produced in-house (80%), use spare parts from leading brands: Danfoss, Copeland, . Air conditioners and duct, cassette systems MDV are in demand all over the world.

MDV production facilities are located all over the world, including in Belarus, Egypt, and Brazil. 150 thousand people work here, producing high-quality spare parts and classic, cassette, duct climate systems. The research base is provided by 3 thousand scientists, and MDV products are based on the application of 370 of its own technological patents for climate control equipment systems and parts of their engineering solutions described in certificates.

Cassette air conditioners

Belonging to the class of semi-industrial systems, cassette air conditioners MDVs are designed for installation in a suspended ceiling. For this purpose, they have specially made ceiling-type cassette blocks, the dimensions corresponding to a standard panel - 60x60 centimeters. According to reviews, all models in the line are easy to install and do not create problems when constructing a suspended ceiling.

However, cassette air conditioners due to their characteristics are very attractive for ordinary consumers. They are quite light, as customer reviews indicate, are perfectly installed in a plasterboard false ceiling system, make very little noise and are simply ideal for large rooms in modern apartments. There are reviews that the direction of air from the ceiling is several times more effective in maintaining the climate in the room than the flow from classic, wall-mounted split systems. The manufacturer's instructions do not limit installation in any way, so MDV cassette air conditioners are increasingly appearing in apartments.

The advantages of MDV cassette air conditioners include:

  • completely modular construction scheme, when to external module Both cassette and console modules can be connected, which is very convenient for building air conditioning in an apartment;
  • compact dimensions - only 260 mm in height and 570 mm on each side;
  • excellent performance;
  • there are no strict installation instructions;
  • low noise level, about 40 dB in different modes.
  • The interesting functions that MDV cassette air conditioners have include:
  • a separate dehumidification mode that operates without lowering the air temperature;
  • the ability to equip the device with an additional wired remote control for the MDV air conditioner;
  • mode of automatic control of parameters and restart in case of failures;
  • a special sleep mode, the instructions for use of which state that it not only reduces noise, but also works in a special time rhythm to maintain air temperature.

Some characteristics of MDV cassette blocks that will make selection easier.

Duct air conditioners MDV

Duct air conditioning (multi-zone system) is designed to provide the desired climate inside a large office consisting of several rooms. Fixed above the suspended ceiling, the duct unit is hidden from view, and the air is distributed through air ducts installed at the desired points. Devices of this class have high performance.

When it comes to products from MDV, customer reviews indicate that ducted air conditioners can maintain the climate inside a small house. They are quiet and the operating instructions ensure excellent working conditions inside the house. Also, the presence of both cooling and heating modes makes MDV duct air conditioners an excellent solution for private housing.

The undoubted advantages of duct air conditioners include low noise, as well as small dimensions (only 210 mm in height), which improves the conditions of use and placement inside the apartment. In addition, the operating instructions for the device declare quite a lot of freedom for users - the air conditioner does not require special installation or maintenance.

The list of features that MDV duct air conditioners have is as follows:

  • There is no guidance on special installation conditions;
  • when turned on, the system smoothly raises the speed of the turbines depending on the change in the temperature of the coolers, which leads to a smooth exit of cool air without causing any unpleasant sensations to people in the room;
  • low noise level;
  • automatic restart and control;
  • separate special mode of operation at night.

As evidenced by reviews, the reliability of MDV equipment fully complies with the characteristics declared by the manufacturer, the air conditioners are quiet, efficient, and there are operating and installation instructions.

Mobile and wall-mounted split systems MDV

Despite the fact that the company is the most common on the market industrial air conditioners MDV, they also produce household inverter models: mobile and wall systems. The differences between the models are quite varied, so it would be more correct to compare them specifications and additional functionality in the table.

Mobile air conditioners MDV

Wall-mounted air conditioners

Air flow, m³/min 5,83 8 9,67 13,33
Cooling power, W 2100 2600 3370 5274
Heating power, W 2100 2600 3520 5570
Power consumption during cooling, W 640 820 1050 1640
Heating power consumption, W 609 770 975 1540
Noise level, dB 32 34 30 33

Instructions for the control panel and MDV air conditioners

Instructions for wired remote control

Instructions for the remote control

Error codes for MDV air conditioners

As you know, things do not last forever and a situation may arise when the MDV air conditioner simply does not turn on. Before you worry about expensive repairs, you should call a technician or determine the nature of the problem yourself using the error codes given in electrical diagram or instructions for the device.

Most faults and errors are identified by the device's internal monitoring system, and the corresponding codes, separate for the internal and external units, are displayed using LEDs on panels and control boards. The LED can light up, blink, and a specific combination indicates the nature of the error. These may be prerequisites for cleaning, adjusting or even repairing the device when it does not respond to control programs at all.

There are 4 signal lamps. These are Run, Timer, Defrost, Alarm. The Run lamp, when blinking, most often indicates a failure various sensors. Error codes are determined by the number and frequency with which the indicator blinks. As an example, we can give a group of errors: E2 - E4 - “Run flashing” - malfunction of the air temperature sensor in the room, evaporator control sensor, error in determining the temperature of the outlet flow. Also, when the Run lamp flashes, this may indicate a failure internal memory or errors E7 reading data from it.

The Timer LED displays communication error codes. For example, when it blinks at a frequency of 5 Hz, this means communication errors between the external and internal units. The batteries may even just run out.

Sometimes unit error codes directly indicate a malfunction of the associated equipment. For example, when the Alarm indicator of the indoor unit blinks slowly, this means that the air conditioner does not turn on due to a malfunction of the external unit. Conversely, a similar lit LED in the outer part is an error code indicating problems with the indoor unit. You may even have to change some parts.

Detailed error codes for each model are provided in the user manual. There is also information on how to troubleshoot some malfunctions and problems yourself. Full list codes can be found in the Midea air conditioner reference materials - most LED signal combinations are the same as MDV products.

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