Learning to program from scratch - a step-by-step guide for beginners. Ten steps from a teapot to a professional programmer. Self-paced programming: games and programs Applications for beginner programmers

Today, many people are interested in whether it is possible to learn to program from scratch.

We have all heard stories that people who do this business have huge incomes, go to Bali every weekend and in the first months of their work were able to buy apartments for all their relatives.

In principle, this is not far from the truth, but Such results require experience and reputation. And you need to start with the simplest. We will look at what steps a person who knows nothing about writing programs needs to follow in order to travel to Bali and buy real estate in the future.


Step one. Preparation

Often, beginning programmers cannot achieve success for the simple reason that they initially failed to set priorities correctly.

They present this craft as something romantic, dynamic - just some kind of constant action.

In films, this process is shown completely different from what it really is.

Moreover, there is generally The writing of codes is not displayed, we are only shown events that revolve around it.

The films also show that anyone can become a programmer without knowledge, experience, or even gray matter in the brain. In this case, we can recall the film “Frames”.

So if you are simply saturated with the spirit of all kinds of films and want to start “coding” yourself, programming is clearly not for you.

Here's the truth about the craft in question - programming is:

  • hours and sometimes days of monotonous work, during which you cannot relax, you must always be focused;
  • endless learning in pursuit of the latest trends in this area;
  • similar projects with customers who don’t know what they want and what it should look like.

As for the latter, you must It’s worth watching a video about seven red lines of different colors, one of which is in the form of a kitten. In principle, this is close to the truth, since customers often demand the impossible. It also happens that they order something, but they are always not satisfied with the result.


If you understand all this and are ready to plunge into the wonderful world of programming, then proceed to the next step.

Step two. Selecting your first language

There are a huge number of programming languages. According to some estimates, their number has already reached several thousand.

In general, C is one of the most simple languages, which provides the basis for everything else. Moreover, its elements are used in many other systems and programs.

But it is interesting that in good educational institutions, as well as During the courses, students study languages ​​in the following order:

1 Pascal.

2 C++.

3 PHP and everything related to web programming, as well as SQL(this is a system designed to work with databases through queries).

  1. Web(website development, online systems and everything connected with it) - html(although it cannot be called a full-fledged programming language), PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, Groovy, as well as ASP.NET technology.
  2. Custom software(all kinds of programs like reference books, browsers, instant messengers, etc.) – Delphi, C, C++, C#.
  3. Custom software for mobile devices– Java, Objective-C.
  4. Machine developments(working with microprocessors and other devices, robotics design) – Assembler, modifications C.

Someone can also add so-called 1C programming to this list. Don't trust laymen and people who don't know anything! This is not programming at all.

Once you become familiar with the basics of the work in question, you will understand why this can be said.

Choose what you like best.

Advice: Make your choice right away! You must know exactly in which direction you will develop and what to study in the future.

Most specialists also It is recommended to start your learning with Pascal. This option will allow

You need to write the simplest programs and have a general idea of ​​the craft in question as a whole.

We can say that Pascal is a kind of bridge. A person who simply knows mathematics well can move through it into the world of programming.

Attention! Whatever company you choose to work for after training, you will be retrained for yourself. Therefore, you just have to understand the very principle of writing programs. And for this there's nothing better than Pascal.

Step three. Studying Compilers

For reference: Compiler is a technical solution designed to translate input commands into machine instructions, roughly speaking, into ones and zeros, that is, into an interpretation in which the machine will understand what to do.

Actually, you will write and execute all your programs in compilers.

If you decide to follow our advice and start with Pascal, then you should download Free Pascal. This compiler is absolutely free and is distributed on the official website.

As you can see, it looks quite “old-fashioned”, but programming begins exactly with this. By the way, the C++ compiler looks almost the same.

It's called Turbo C++ (you can download it).

As for Pascal, there is also GNU Pascal, Turbo/Borland Pascal, TMT Pascal and Virtual Pascal. And for C++ you can use Borland C++, +, Dev C++, GCC and Eclipse.

But this, as we said above, is just the beginning. You can't stop there. Once you've made a choice about your direction, you can move on to more complex compilers.

Here is a list of the most popular compilers today depending on the areas of activity:

    ConcerningDelphi, then that’s what the compiler is called there. There is also Embarcadero Delphi and some other modifications. Delphi 7 can be downloaded from many sites, for example. If you chose C, C++ or C#, then you need Microsoft Visual Studio. You can download it directly from the manufacturer's official website.

    If we talk aboutAssembler and other languages ​​used in robotics, then you need to immediately download MASM if you are working on Windows. In general, depending on the field of activity you choose and the company for which you get a job, compilers can be very different. Some firms write their own code processing solutions. Therefore, if you have chosen robotics, it is better to study the relevant books and do everything as they say. We'll talk about this later.

There are also many online compilers. They are useful because they support many programming languages ​​and do not require installation - very convenient!

Here are the most popular ones:

This is a unique service that allows you to create several virtual computers and do whatever you want on them, including compiling ciphers.

Virtual machines will run under . On them you can at least delete the system folder, install absolutely any program, and so on.

Now let's start writing your first cipher (code). This can be done even without books and long instructions.

Step four. First code

For the first code, we will use the first language and the first compiler, which we advised to choose above. These are Pascal and Free Pascal.

One of the most simple programs is written as follows:

1 Download Free Pascal follow the link above and run it on your computer.

2 Enter the following: “program [name];”. That is, if you want the program to be called “hello”, you must enter “program hello;”.

3 Enter the "begin" statement. This means that the code that will need to be executed later has begun.

4 We use one of the most common constructions in Pascal “writeln(‘[some text]’);”. It simply displays text on the screen. Which is contained in parentheses and quotation marks. We will introduce the combination "Hello, world!". Usually your way to Big world Software development starts with this. So the next line would look like “writeln(‘Hello, world!’);”.

5 To complete the cipher being executed, enter "end."(necessarily with a period at the end).

6 Now press the button "F9" to run what you wrote. You will see the words appear on the screen "Hello, world!". This is what was required!

To get you started with other languages, books usually also provide instructions on how to write “Hello, world!” , that is, instructions that simply display such simple text on the screen.

So, you have mastered your first cipher! A start. Now move on to intensive training.

Step five. Take online training

The advantage of online lessons is that you see everything clearly, from start to finish.

Therefore, it is better for beginners to start their journey with online trainings. Here best courses in Russian:

If you choose Python, check out McGrath's Python Programming for Beginners.

Step seven. Stay up to date

When you have sufficiently studied the material in your chosen area and already have some experience, you need to constantly monitor market trends software.

Here's what we're talking about here:

All this is necessary so that you can rebuild in time.

Let's say you decide to do a certain type of programming, have studied the technology and are ready to go to work to submit your resume.

They look at your data, but they say that the company needs a specialist of a different profile.

So that you have as few such situations as possible, you should always know which areas of development are currently the most popular.

Important! Study both global trends and the situation in your city where you are going to work. If you want to be a freelancer, study orders on various exchanges and forums.

All this will allow you to develop and work in the right direction without wasting precious time.

This is very important in our time, since programming trends change not just in a few months, but in a few days!

If you studied certain methods of writing programs two or three years ago, Now all this is definitely irrelevant.

Step eight. Find a teacher

It is best to find a personal mentor who will tell you what and how best to do in a given case.

This option has many positive aspects, the main one of which is the presence of a personal approach to you personally.

Also, if problems arise, the teacher will help you solve them. A You can find a mentor in the following ways:

1 Go to university. Yes, training programs in post-Soviet countries may be quite outdated, but you can definitely grasp the basics, the very principle of programming, some basis for everything

2 Various courses. There are a huge number of courses where people gather in some office and the teacher, just like in a university, explains this or that concept. Typically, such courses are very intensive, and students quickly master the necessary information.

Of course, the services of a teacher will cost money, but your studies will be very productive and you will be able to learn a lot necessary information.

Step nine. Analyze other people's work

This is a very interesting method that allows you to develop very quickly. The fact is that understanding someone else's code is very difficult; only a few even professional programmers are capable of this.

If you do this at the very beginning of your business, you are sure to be able to reap great benefits in the future.

Moreover, this will allow you to become a project manager in the future, as you will have the ability to correct the work of other people.

More specifically, you need to do the following:

  • think about how you could optimize the cipher, that is, reduce the listing;
  • look for errors and shortcomings without and with a compiler;
  • Work and, accordingly, earnings are in your pocket! And if this is not the case, train further. At least you learned what tasks you need to complete to get hired.

    In any case, devote enough time to this and then you will succeed!

Agree, not a single sphere of our society can do without this type of intellectual activity such as programming. Progress in developing the capacities of modern computers is gaining more and more momentum, requiring a huge amount of software. Millions of IT specialists work tirelessly every day, an incredible amount of software is created, and there is no limit to this. Therefore, to help the development of new generations of coders, we decided to prepare a selection of relevant applications!

Programming environments:

Ask anyone experienced Android user: “Which program is best suited for programming directly on mobile device? - they will most likely answer you: “AIDE” - and they will be right. AIDE provides ample opportunities for writing code in Java (including for Android OS) and C++ (for C++ you will have to download additional package weighing 200 MB for native support). Everything you want: from simple console applications to large projects, which, by the way, can be imported from GitHub.

In addition, the developer provides a wide range of interactive lessons on learning Java development for Android. After completing such courses, you will be able to create good applications and even games for the Android OS. Of course, it’s still worth stocking up on full-fledged textbooks (for example, “The Philosophy of Java” by Bruce Eckel), since little attention is paid to theory, and you can’t even dream about practice without theoretical knowledge.

AIDE Web, along with AIDE, is an excellent application, but for Web programming, which is so rapidly gaining popularity these days. Edit HTML documents, work with CSS and JavaScript - all in one application with a great code editor. You can freely import your projects from the cloud Dropbox service.

As with AIDE, there are excellent tutorials on the Web in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS that you can use to hone your skills. But I would like to remind you that they do not provide enough theory; use textbooks on the areas of web programming that interest you.

Tutorials and tests:

C++ remains one of the most popular and studied programming languages ​​in the world, and it is also native Windows language, the most popular OS for PCs. Learning C++ becomes possible thanks to many useful books on language problems, as well as a considerable number of reference books, one of which is the following appendix. C++ Programming is an excellent collection of tutorials, programs, FAQs and exam questions. The application is designed in a bright Material Design, which makes it more comfortable to receive information.

The developer also has two more similar reference books: on C and Java, which are also worth looking through. There you can also find interesting lessons, sample programs, tricky questions and much more.

And this is a broader application in every sense, which copies the idea of ​​the previous one - to store basic information about the programming languages ​​you are interested in: from Assembly 8086 to Java - there are really a lot of languages, there is even help on creating scripts for the Linux Terminal. Each language comes with a short help sheet, as well as a large number of sample programs.

If you really like the program, then you can buy the premium version, which includes faster update deployment, full-screen mode and no advertising, but all useful material comes completely free. You can treat the developer with a “cup of coffee” for such generosity.

Earlier we told you about this program. Java is one of the most popular this moment languages, the fact that Android is based on Java speaks volumes. Javvy is an excellent service for learning Java, containing a wide variety of programming lessons.

Good design I didn't miss Javvy, the “textbook” is very pleasant to read. The first lesson is available absolutely free, but, unfortunately, for subsequent lessons you will have to pay money, although if you really want to be well versed in Java, then you will not mind your money.

Do you think that your Java knowledge is not sufficiently strengthened by practice? Do you doubt your abilities? Well, here's your chance to review what you've learned and learn something new with the Learning Java app. The main advantages of the program are the availability of a wide variety of tests and support for the Russian language.

P.S.: the application is not only a good collection of tests, but also an excellent generator of flattering expressions :)

The following applications are the best reference books of their kind with tests on programming languages. What you won’t find here: from C++ to PHP - everything is available absolutely free. The lessons are delivered in video format, after which you will be offered interesting tests.

We live in the 21st century, and for many of us the typical format for acquiring knowledge is quite outdated. You can sit through lectures and cram textbooks for hours, but nowadays knowledge can be obtained in an easy-to-read video format. The Udacity app is a library of video tutorials on programming on almost anything: from pseudocode to trendy programming languages.


This program is not like the others presented in the article. F-Droid is an open repository that includes a wide variety of projects: from little-known ones to “giants” like AdBlock. But this is not another one Play Market- here each application has open source code, which you can study in free time.

The program itself does not have access to the code editor, but you can follow the link highlighted in each section and download the sources by opening them using the same AIDE.

Have you always dreamed of having a device with a full-fledged OS Linux in your pocket? Your dreams can be made possible thanks to the Linux Deploy program, which will create a disk image, install a full-fledged Linux distribution there and then launch the VNC service to access the desktop from any device: your smartphone, tablet or PC.

What did this application forget in this collection? Well, first of all, it will give you the opportunity to use full-fledged development environments and compilers. Secondly, you will be able to debug your finished projects. But the ARM chip remains in place, so keep in mind that not all applications run correctly under this architecture.

With this, guys, we will finish our article. If you have any interesting information on the topic, share it with us in the comments. Good luck in your studies!

Modern Computer World in its development, it has already reached the point that in the operating systems themselves under which computers operate, you can use specialized programming programs, which can be downloaded for free from our website, to create additional controls or advanced capabilities. For the most part, programming programs that can be downloaded are cross-platform environments that use a language. Programming is becoming commonplace. Even without knowing the basics, you can create some pretty interesting things.

If we consider programming programs from the point of view of their capabilities, especially those that can be downloaded for free, then it is necessary to highlight several aspects. Programming has several areas. Here it is worth noting the most popular ones. Among them, the most widespread are platforms for creating educational materials (Lazaurus), demon paid programs for programming in the field of working with databases (Database Browser), free programming programs related to the development and testing of new software (Free Pascal, Python), as well as modern utilities for those who use programming in the field of web design. As is already clear, they can be downloaded for free even on the official websites of the developers. You can also download them in this section. Of course, this is not all, since programming now affects almost all areas. For example, programming can be used in modern factories with their most powerful equipment. But for now we are talking specifically about home or office conditions. It goes without saying that software developers know that many applications that can be downloaded for free are fundamentally little different from their paid counterparts. The fact is that even the developers of such software themselves are simply interested in making programming widely available. That is why many applications can be downloaded for free, in some cases such products are even open source, which allows any user to change or modify the program they downloaded at their own discretion. And the developers themselves quite often pay attention to the opinions of users or changes made to the main product.

There is also the simplest programming solution. For example, programs like Notepads can be downloaded for free. Despite their simplicity, they support many languages ​​and syntaxes. You can download the programming program in the form of Notepad anywhere. Even in operating rooms Windows systems there is such a tool. Beginner users are very untrustworthy of this application. But in vain. Many programmers and developers prefer to work with Notepad because it offers a very wide range of functionality. Today, you can find as many free downloads of a programming program as Notepad with support for programming languages ​​on the Internet. The basic operating principles of all programming software are almost the same. The only differences may be in additional development tools.

In general, if we talk about programming applications, then you should not get hung up on professional utilities that cannot be downloaded for free. Even though free programming software can be downloaded for free from world wide web, their functionality is no worse, and in some cases even better, since, slightly open source code, such applications are modified or made better and more functional by the users themselves, while the content of paid analogues is monitored by the developers themselves and often do not keep up with the introduction of innovations or additions from the rapidly developing field of programming.

So, in order to download programming applications for free, just enter in the field search query“programming software free download.” All available content will appear in the search results. You can additionally enter the scope of the application. It's up to you.

In this section of our website you can find the best free programming programs that you can download for free. Each file has been thoroughly checked and is completely safe. With our software, even the most complex programming process will be a pleasure for you!

Programming is a creative and interesting process. In order to create programs you do not always need to know languages. What tool is needed to create programs? You need a programming environment. With its help, your commands are translated into computer-readable binary code. But there are a lot of languages, and even more programming environments. We will look at a list of programs for creating programs.

PascalABC.NET is a simple, free development environment for the Pascal language. It is most often used in schools and universities for teaching. This program in Russian will allow you to create projects of any complexity. The code editor will prompt and help you, and the compiler will point out errors. Possesses high speed yu program execution.

The advantage of using Pascal is that it is object-oriented programming. OOP is much more convenient than procedural programming, although it is more voluminous.

Unfortunately, PascalABC.NET is a bit demanding on computer resources and may freeze on older machines.

Free Pascal

Free Pascal is a cross-platform compiler, not a programming environment. With its help, you can check the program for correct spelling, as well as run it. But you won't be able to compile it in .exe. Free Pascal has high execution speed and a simple and intuitive interface.

Just like in many similar programs, the code editor in Free Pascal can help the programmer by completing the writing of commands for him.

Its disadvantage is that the compiler can only determine whether there are errors or not. It does not highlight the line where the error was made, so the user has to look for it himself.

Turbo Pascal

Almost the first tool for creating programs on a computer is Turbo Pascal. This programming environment is designed for the operating room DOS systems and to run it on Windows you need to install additional software. The Russian language is supported and has high execution and compilation speed.

Turbo Pascal has such interesting function, like tracing. In trace mode, you can watch the program work step by step and monitor data changes. This will help you find the hardest errors to find—logical errors.

Although Turbo Pascal is easy and reliable to use, it is still slightly outdated: created in 1996, Turbo Pascal is only relevant for one OS - DOS.

This is a visual programming environment in Pascal. Its user-friendly, intuitive interface makes it easy to create programs with minimal language knowledge. Lazarus is almost completely compatible with the Delphi programming language.

Unlike Algorithm and HiAsm, Lazarus still requires knowledge of the language, in our case Pascal. Here you not only assemble the program piece by piece with the mouse, but also write code for each element. This allows you to better understand the processes occurring in the program.

Lazarus allows you to use a graphics module with which you can work with images and also create games.

Unfortunately, if you have questions, you will have to look for answers on the Internet, since Lazarus does not have documentation.


HiAsm is a free constructor that is available in Russian. You don't need to know a language to create programs - here you simply assemble it piece by piece, like a designer. There are many components available here, but you can expand their range by installing add-ons.

Unlike the Algorithm, this graphical environment programming. Everything you create will be displayed on the screen in the form of a drawing and diagram, not code. This is quite convenient, although some people like the text entry more.

HiAsm is quite powerful and it has high program execution speed. This is especially important when creating games that use a graphics module, which significantly slows down the work. But for HiAsm this is not a problem.

Algorithm is an environment for creating programs in Russian, one of the few. Its peculiarity is that it uses text-based visual programming. This means that you can create a program without knowing the language. An algorithm is a constructor that has large set components. Information about each component can be found in the program documentation.

The Algorithm also allows you to work with the graphics module, but applications using graphics will take quite a long time to run.

IN free version You can compile a project from .alg to .exe only on the developer’s website and only 3 times a day. This is one of the main disadvantages. You can purchase licensed version and compile projects directly in the program.

IntelliJ IDEA is one of the most popular cross-platform IDEs. This environment has a free, slightly limited and paid version. For most programmers, the free version is sufficient. It has a powerful code editor that will fix errors and complete code for you. If you make a mistake, the environment tells you about it and offers possible solutions. It's an intelligent development environment that predicts your actions.

Another handy feature in InteliiJ IDEA is automatic control memory. The so-called “garbage collector” constantly monitors the memory that is allocated for the program, and, in the case when the memory is no longer needed, the collector frees it.

But everything has its downsides. A slightly confusing interface is one of the problems that new programmers face. It is also obvious that such a powerful environment has quite high system requirements for correct operation.

Most often Eclipse is used to work with the language Java programming, but it also supports other languages. It is one of the main competitors of IntelliJ IDEA. The difference between Eclipse and him similar programs The fact is that you can install various add-ons to it and it can be completely customized.

Eclipse also has high compilation and execution speeds. You can run every program created in this environment on any operating system, since Java is a cross-platform language.

The difference between Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA is the interface. In Eclipse it is much simpler and clearer, which makes it more beginner-friendly.

But just like all IDEs for Java, Eclipse still has its own system requirements, so it will not work on every computer. Although these requirements are not so high.

It is impossible to say with certainty which software for creating programs is the best. You need to select a language and then try each environment for it. After all, each IDE is different and has its own characteristics. Who knows which one you'll like best.

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, Node.js, React.js and others.
  • English language.

The freeCodeCamp program consistently teaches the user all the basic aspects of web programming from basic concepts to complex techniques development. At the beginning of each lesson, you read the theory, then apply it in practice: write code in a special editor, and the system tests you. If difficulties arise, you can discuss them with other students on the forum.

At the end of the theoretical modules, you are shown projects from which you must create your own web applications. The development results must be published on the resource, after which they can be evaluated by other users.

In addition, freeCodeCamp helps students form teams and work together on real-life non-profit projects. This is a good chance to gain valuable development experience and a portfolio needed for employment.

2. Codecademy

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, React.js, Python, Ruby and others.
  • Cost: free or from $20 per month for additional content.
  • English language.
  • Difficulty level: easy-medium levels.

Like the previous resource, Codecademy focuses on teaching web programming. You read the theory, and then complete tasks in the interactive code editor. The user has access to separate courses dedicated to different technologies. The bulk of each of them is available for free, but verification tests and project development tasks are unlocked after you subscribe.

Codecademy also has comprehensive paid programs that organize and combine materials from different courses. For example, Build Websites from Scratch teaches you step-by-step how to develop a simple website from scratch using a variety of technologies.

3. Coursera

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, Java, Python, Ruby, Swift and others.
  • Cost: free or from $49 per month for additional content.
  • Language: English, Russian and others.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

On Coursera you will find many courses on different languages programming from the world's leading universities. Here you can learn not only web development, but also the creation of mobile and desktop programs. Some courses are self-contained, but most are combined into specializations - sets of related courses.

You can view theoretical material presented in texts and videos for free. But most test and practical tasks, which require verification by a teacher or other users, are available only with a paid subscription.


  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, Ruby and others.
  • Cost: free or from $49 per month for a certificate.
  • Language: English and others.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

On edX you can access courses from famous companies and universities. Among them there is, for example, the famous introductory course for beginning programmers, Introduction to Computer Science, from Harvard University. Educational content is represented mainly by video lectures and texts. Some courses contain tests and other interactive activities.

The platform does not ask for money for completing most materials. But you can only get a certificate confirming the successful completion of a particular course for money.


  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, algorithms and databases, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, and others.
  • Cost: free or from 500 rubles per month for tutor services.
  • Russian language.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

The catalog of the INTUIT educational platform contains text and video courses from Russian educational institutions and international IT companies. The site's content covers all major areas of programming from website development to the creation of desktop programs. Self-study is free, but there is payable service, in which the user is assisted by a personal tutor.

6. Stepic

  • Technologies: JavaScript, C#, neural networks, C++ and others.
  • Cost: completely free.
  • Language: Russian, English.
  • Difficulty level: easy-medium.

Another non-profit platform, courses for which are created by Russian companies and universities. Although Stepic doesn't have a lot of material about specific programming languages, it does provide fundamental knowledge of mathematics and algorithm theory that will be useful to every developer.

7. Modern Javascript Tutorial

  • Technologies: JavaScript and others.
  • Cost: free or from 6,500 rubles for an additional course.
  • Russian language.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

This resource is dedicated to JavaScript language and related web technologies. Here you will find a very detailed, well-structured and easy-to-understand text course on JS. Assignments after each topic will help you consolidate your knowledge. At the same time, the material is purely theoretical and does not teach how to create projects in practice.

You can study the textbook on your own for free, or pay for advanced courses that include learning JavaScript itself or related technologies with a teacher.

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