Ok main page with login details. Odnoklassniki: registering a new user is the fastest way. How to correctly fill out the registration form on Odnoklassniki

After confirming your number by entering the code, you need to create a password. It must be no shorter than 6 characters and consist of Latin letters and at least one number. The more complex the password, the more difficult it will be to crack (and this happens).

It’s best to immediately write it down in your diary or create a folder with passwords on your desktop, on your computer, so the passwords for all sites will be in one place, this will be useful in the future, when it will be difficult to remember the next password - you won’t need to recover it, just look in this folder. The phone number will be the login to enter the site. If desired, the login can be changed in the settings.

After entering your password, a new page opens, fill out the form by entering your personal data:

It is very convenient to access the site using a mobile phone. This way you can always stay in touch, listen to your favorite music, watch movies and scroll through friends’ news from anywhere. Create new page in classmates with the help mobile phone, it won’t be difficult either.

Registering with Odnoklassniki using a mobile phone is similar to registering from a computer. For those who decided to register with Odnoklassniki using a smartphone for the first time, you need to open mobile version site. You can do this by typing the combination m.ok.ru into a search engine, or you can use Russian letters, then go to desired page and click the “Registration” button.

The program will ask you to indicate the country and enter the phone number, which must be entered without the “eight”. Next, you need to enter your personal data - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, gender. After entering all the data, a new page is created. You can download a mobile application optimized specifically for mobile device, this will make it even more convenient to use the social network.

Registration using the mobile application

To register on the site using mobile application it needs to be installed. For this in the store Play Market or AppStore, depending on operating system smartphone, in the search bar you need to enter the word “Odnoklassniki” and download official application, to do this you need to click the “Install” button opposite the application itself. After which a window will appear with permissions that must be accepted. After downloading the application, you need to open it.

After logging into the application, two buttons “Login” and “Quick registration” will appear; you must click the last button.

Then the same actions occur as in the mobile version of the site. On the registration page you must enter a phone number that is available right now. After which, you will receive a confirmation code, which you must enter in the “Enter code” line.

Registration without phone number

It is now impossible to register with Odnoklassniki without a phone number; a new user must have a phone number to which an activation code is sent upon registration. This is due to the fact that recently cases of hacking of pages have become more frequent; therefore, in order to protect users and avoid the creation of fake pages and fraudulent activities, the site administration decided to request a new one each time they register. mobile number to link the page. This will make it more difficult for scammers to hack someone else’s page and commit fraudulent actions.

To enter the Odnoklassniki website, you must first register. If you are already registered with Odnoklassniki, then you can log into your profile or “my page” from the main page of Odnoklassniki by email address odnoklassniki.ru or ok.ru.

Login to the page is carried out by entering data in the login field - login and password that were specified during registration. Then click the “Login” button.

At the bottom of the page you can select your preferred language; by default, the language is determined by your location (by IP address), but if you wish, you can choose any of the ones presented.

If there is an error, a notification will be displayed - “The login and/or password is incorrect.” In this case, make sure that the login is entered correctly and the password is entered in English letters (the password can only be entered in English letters, numbers and punctuation marks). You can usually switch the keyboard layout to English using the Shift+Ctrl or Shift+Alt keys.

To check that the password is entered correctly, enter it in the login line, then select it with the mouse (hold down the left mouse button and drag from the beginning of the word to the end), cut or copy (cut Ctrl+X, copy Ctrl+C), and then paste it into the field for entering the password. When a word is selected, the background turns blue. After this, do not forget to enter your login.

If you are still prohibited from accessing your Odnoklassniki page, try restoring access. To do this, click the line “Forgot your password” at the bottom of the login form.

Next, enter your login (the login can also be an email) or the phone number specified during registration. Whatever you enter, in any case a message will be sent to the mobile phone specified during registration. In the second field, enter the captcha - the code from the picture. If the code is hard to see, you can replace the picture with another one by clicking “Show another picture”; you don’t have to enter the captcha in capital letters, can also be lowercase. After entering the data, click the continue button.

Within a few seconds, a message with a six-digit code arrives from number 7761. The code is only valid for 5 minutes; if you enter it later than 5 minutes, it will not be valid. In this case, we make another code request. Enter the code in the “Code from message” field and click the “Confirm” button.

We will help you register with Odnoklassniki. Registration in this social network completely free. Having successfully completed it, you receive your new page.

We will open Odnoklassniki in a separate window, and this article will remain in the previous tab (or in a separate window), and you can switch to it at any time to get help. First, let's check if everything is ready!

What do you need to prepare for registration?

You need to have:

  • A mobile phone whose number you know and which you are not going to part with. You may need it in the future to restore access.
  • Preferably, but not required - address Email, where you have access.

In addition, you need:

  • Create a password (code word from 6 to 12 characters, you can use large and small letters, numbers and any of the symbols: .!#$%^&*()_-+ ). The most important thing is that you must always remember the password, but no one but you should know it! In other words, the password must be complex enough that it cannot be guessed, but at the same time it can be remembered. The password has a distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, if your password starts with a small letter, then comes with a capital letter, and then again with small letters, then this is how you should always enter it. And it’s also important what language you enter it in. If you initially set a password in the English layout, and then enter it in Russian, the site will not understand you.

Let's start registering!

So, let’s open the Odnoklassniki website. Press on this link, and Odnoklassniki will open in a new tab or window. Then switch here (back).

Attention: if, after opening Odnoklassniki, you see another person’s page or your old page that is no longer needed, click "Exit" in the upper right corner. Only then will you be able to register a new page.

The very first thing you will see is an invitation to log into the site or register. We can’t log in yet, since we don’t have a login or password yet. But we see the link “Register.” Just click on it in the window that opens:

Or this picture could be:

Filling out personal data

Now you need to provide basic information about yourself. This is necessary, firstly, in order to register your page, and then, when you go to it, you will be able to see your name and confidently say that this is your page. And secondly, so that your friends and classmates can find you on the site:

Let's get started. You must specify:

  • Name. What is your name?
  • Last name(the fairer sex who has a maiden name can indicate it in parentheses, that is, first write the current surname, then a space and the maiden name in parentheses).
  • Date of birth- day, month and year. Each day or month must be selected from the list: for example, click on "year", Find your year of birth in the list, then click on it.
  • Country of residence— most likely, your country has already been selected there, for example, Russia. But if you need to specify another one, you can do it right away. Selected from the list - the same as the year of birth.
  • City— here enter the city or town where you live. When you type the first letters, Odnoklassniki suggests cities so as not to type until the end. You can simply choose from options that begin with these letters.
  • Email or login: here you need to indicate one of two things - your email address (for example, [email protected] ) or a login you created (for example, petr.ivanov). Please note once again that if you indicate your email address, this is done for a reason! You must have access to this mail. If you do not want to contact the mail and indicate your login, then it must be no shorter than 6 characters. And if someone has already taken such a login, then you will have to invent another one. Finally, you need to remember your login. Same as the password.
  • Password: everything is clear here, enter the password you came up with. You need to remember the password, because knowing the password allows you to enter the site.

When everything is entered, press the button “Register.” If something is wrong, the Odnoklassniki website will indicate the error (highlight it in red and write the reason). If everything is in order, you will immediately go to your new page. Hooray!

Page activation

Now it is important to take one more step: provide your mobile phone number. This is necessary to activate the page and receive full access to the site. Activation is free, after which your page is, as it were, linked to your phone. If you need to restore access and you order a recovery code via SMS, it will be sent to your number.

Now an SMS will be sent to your number with a code that you need to enter on the website. That's it, your Odnoklassniki page is now activated. You can use all the functions of the site. We advise you to do the following:

  • Upload your photo from your computer.
  • Indicate the educational institution (or several institutions) where you studied.
  • Look for friends and classmates.

If you need to change any information about yourself, you can do this on your page at any time - just click on your name, which is written in large font. There you can indicate your interests, and follow the link "Edit personal data"— change first name, last name, gender, date of birth, city of residence. In addition, you will be able to indicate your hometown.

Is it possible to register on Odnoklassniki without a phone number?

Unfortunately no. To register, you need to provide a valid phone number, which you always have at hand. This number may be required in the future to restore access. Some people use "virtual" telephone numbers who buy on sites, but in reality, if you don’t want to show your personal number, it’s much easier to buy an additional SIM card. But keep in mind that if you do not use this SIM card, the operator will disconnect you, and it will be difficult for you to restore access (and anything can happen in life). Therefore, it is better to register with your main phone number.

If I deleted my page, can I register again with the same phone number?

If you turn to the help of Odnoklassniki, you can find the following information there:

A mobile phone number can only be registered on one page. It won't work on the other one. If the page is deleted, you will not be able to register a new page with this phone number immediately, but after some time.

Since “some time” can mean several months, in such a situation we advise you to buy a cheap SIM card, activate a page with it, and then, after “some time,” try to change the number to the old one. This is done like this:

  1. Under your main photo, click "more".
  2. Choose "change settings" and onwards "Phone number".
  3. Click "Change number."
  4. Enter the number to which you want to link the page.
  5. Confirm your choice.
  6. You will receive a code via SMS, which you will need to enter to confirm the number.

Email address confirmation

Don’t forget one more thing: if you indicated your email address when registering, now is the time to go to your mail and look at new letters. You should receive a letter like this:

Quick login to Odnoklassniki

Good luck! To quickly enter Odnoklassniki, use home page“Login”, on it you will always see if anyone has written to you or come to visit you to look at your page. Or maybe I rated your photo! You will see this before entering the site.

If there are any other incomprehensible moments during registration, look help section on Odnoklassniki- most likely, there will be an answer to your question.

Do you want to register with Odnoklassniki for free? Anyone can create a page on a social network. This article discusses registration in Odnoklassniki and provides answers to frequently asked questions.

Before continuing, let's say a few words about this project. Odnoklassniki is one of the largest social networks on the Russian-language Internet. With its help, classmates, work colleagues, friends and acquaintances are searched for to maintain contact. Now let's look at registering a new user.

Odnoklassniki: new user registration

To register with Odnoklassniki, go to the website ok.ru . Click the “Register” button of the same name. Next, a registration form will open, fill it in with your details.

  1. In the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields, enter your first and last name, respectively.
  2. Date of birth – select a date from the drop-down lists.
  3. Gender is indicated by switching buttons.
  4. Country of residence – select from the list.
  5. The city is your place of residence.
  6. needed for notifications about ongoing events on the website odnoklassniki.ru, be it: a new message, rating photos and invitations to friends. Instead of email, you can specify a login. If he is busy, the social network will offer its options based on the first and last name - you can agree, or you can come up with another.
  7. Create a password – enter your password here. It must consist of at least 6 characters, it is highly desirable that it includes large and small letters, numbers and special characters. The more complex the password, the less likely it is that your account will be taken over by scammers. Do not use your first name, last name, or date of birth in your password.

Write down your username and password somewhere, just in case you forget them. Then click "Register".

A message will be sent to the specified email. To confirm your registration on Odnoklassniki, follow the link in the letter.

If the letter has not arrived in your email, check your spam folder, it may have ended up there. Also, make sure that the email you specified when registering with Odnoklassniki is correct. There is no message - try sending it again.

If the confirmation code is invalid, the link provided in the email has most likely expired. In this case, request it again.

How to enter your Odnoklassniki page

Having correctly filled in the data and clicked “Register” in the previous step, your profile will open in front of you, also referred to as “My page on Odnoklassniki”.

If, for any reason, you are away from your computer, but have successfully completed registration, you will be able to return to your account at any time. To do this, go to the main page of Odnoklassniki.ru and log into the social network by entering your username and password.

Instead of a login, you can enter an email or phone number, which we will talk about a little later. You can check the box next to “Remember” and you won’t have to re-enter your account login information.

After clicking the “Login” button, you will be logged into the Odnoklassniki website.

So, you have logged into your Odnoklassniki page, what to do next?

You can continue setting up your profile or start searching for friends by clicking on the green button in the center of the page.

Over time, the functionality of the social network may change and the “Find Friends” button will move to another location. Any possible changes in Odnoklassniki will not change general principle work on a social network and, most likely, the interface will be as clear as it is now.

Let's continue to look at setting up an account on the Odnoklassniki social network.

On the left is the “Add personal photo” button - by clicking on it you can upload your photo. It will be displayed in a separate field, where it is now standard icon person (picture above).

When you first fill out most of the settings in Odnoklassniki, you will be asked to enter your mobile phone number to receive an SMS code - this is free.

A phone number is needed to activate your account. By specifying it, you will get access to all the features of the Odnoklassniki social network. Don't worry, this is a normal procedure that increases the security of your account.

Your mobile phone number may be needed to recover your Odnoklassniki password. The user's phone number is requested by many social networks.

What else can be configured in Odnoklassniki? In addition to information about yourself, you can configure notifications sent by the social network to your mobile phone or email, these include:

  1. Photo ratings
  2. Messages
  3. Invitations to groups
  4. Friendship confirmations
  5. Comments on photos
  6. Comments on statuses
  7. Friends' birthdays and holidays

Also, in this menu you can configure the time of SMS notifications, for example, so that they do not bother you at night.

On the “Publicity Settings” tab (located in the same menu section as “Notification Settings”), you can allow or disable the visibility of information about yourself to everyone, only friends, or only you.

We will not consider in detail the remaining settings of the Odnoklassniki social network. You can easily figure them out yourself. Your direct participation in studying your account will have a better impact on your understanding of all the capabilities of the social network than just reading any instructions.

How to register another page in Odnoklassniki from the same computer

Odnoklassniki - registering a new profile for free on the same computer is possible after logging out of your active account. To register again with Odnoklassniki, start filling out your data again. If you don’t want to log out of your account, register from another browser.

You can register a new user on the Odnoklassniki social network on one computer as many times as you like. Email and phone number cannot be reused. They are assigned to each user on Odnoklassniki individually - this is one of the fundamental principles of account security.

We hope your registration on Odnoklassniki will go smoothly. If something is not clear, go back to the beginning of the article and read the information about registering with Odnoklassniki again or study the FAQ below.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Let's consider frequently asked questions from users related to registration with Odnoklassniki and problems accessing the site.


What information about yourself do you need to provide when registering?

When registering with Odnoklassniki, you need to provide your first and last name, date of birth, gender, country and city. This information is used to search for users on the social network.

All personal information can be changed by you at any time. To do this, click on the “More” link under your first and last name, and then select “About Me”. Correct your personal data and confirm the changes. You can also open the settings window on the main profile page by clicking on your first and last name.

Is it necessary to fill out the form completely?

Personal data, including information about universities, can be added at any time, i.e. It is not necessary to enter it all at the registration stage.

Why provide email and mobile phone?

Email is used to send personal messages about current events on a social network. You will need your mobile phone if you lose access to your profile. If you forget your password, a code will be sent to your mobile phone to restore it.

Is it possible to specify the same phone number for different Odnoklassniki profiles?

No, a mobile phone can only be assigned to one user, and it is prohibited to use it to register another account. Moreover, if Account will be deleted, you will be able to use the same phone only after some time.

Can I use the same Email for different profiles?

Just like with a mobile phone, email can only be used on one profile. But if this Email is confirmed in the new profile, the old user profile will appear unconfirmed. This change of profiles for email addresses is provided in case the user loses access to his profile so that he can restore it. That is, the email being reused is unattached from the old one and assigned to the new profile.

When was my profile registered?

To find out the date when the profile was registered, you need to:

  1. Go to the mobile version of Odnoklassniki - m.odnoklassniki.ru.
  2. Open the “Questionnaire”.
  3. Pay attention to the entry “Profile created.”

Why activate your profile?

After free activation profile, the user gets full access to the capabilities of the Odnoklassniki social network:

  1. Communication with friends and in groups of similar interests becomes available.
  2. Publishing photos.
  3. Games, etc.

How to activate my profile?

  1. Go to the website.
  2. Find and open the activation notification.
  3. Enter your mobile phone number following the instructions and confirm it.
  4. In a special form, enter the code sent to you as an SMS message.

What to do: you haven’t received an SMS to confirm your registration in Odnoklassniki?

Messages with an activation code may take a few minutes to arrive. No SMS after 10-15 minutes - check the correct mobile phone number on the Odnoklassniki website and request confirmation again.

Invalid code sent via SMS.

Most likely, the activation code has expired. Request another code.

I haven't received my confirmation email, what should I do?

Check your spam folder, the activation email may have ended up in it. Then check your email on the Odnoklassniki website for errors. After that, send the activation request again. If the answer does not come again, please indicate another email address.

Message: Verification code is invalid - what should I do?

If the verification code is not valid, it is likely that the link sent via email has expired. Request a confirmation email again.

Problems accessing the site

I forgot my login, what should I do?

Try to remember your login. Try entering the email address listed in your profile instead. Neither the login nor the password are communicated, and there is no way to change them at the user’s request.

I forgot my password, how can I recover it?

You can recover your Odnoklassniki password using your mobile phone number.

How to recover your password using your phone?

If you provided your phone number, then you can use the form to recover it - “Forgot your password”, located on the main page of Odnoklassniki.

Select the recovery method - using your phone and you will be sent a code to recover your password. Remember that the SMS may not be delivered immediately, but after 5-10 minutes. After going through a simple recovery procedure, you can create New Password.

I'm trying to recover my password, but I'm not receiving SMS, what should I do?

Please check that the phone number you entered is correct. A message with a code is sent to the number specified when registering with Odnoklassniki. If you use a different mobile phone number to make payments for individual services, the recovery code will still be sent to the number specified during registration.

If the phone number is correct, but the message with the code has not been received, request it again.

The code sent to restore access is invalid.

The code has most likely expired, please request it again.

My friend registered with my email, now I can’t log into Odnoklassniki, what should I do?

Email can only be used in one user profile. If you specify it again, it goes to the second profile and is taken away from the first.

When the login matches the email, the @ symbol changes to a dot, for example, your Email and login were like this [email protected], now the login is antonov.gmail.com.

If your login and email address do not match, then you can use your login to log into Odnoklassniki.

What is ID?

Knowing your ID, you can speed up the process of restoring access to your profile by the support service. You can find out your ID in your profile by clicking on the “More” link under your photo - then “change settings”. At the end of the list of settings there is information about your ID on Odnoklassniki.

Remember, or better yet, write down your ID somewhere, it may be useful to you in the future to restore access to your profile.

Why was I blocked?

If your profile has been hacked, access to it will be restored after some time. When this happens, change your email password. Tip: When using the Internet, make sure that you have installed antivirus program with current databases.

If a profile is blocked for violating system rules, it will not be possible to restore it.

How to restore your profile after it has been hacked?

You can restore access using your mobile phone, if you specified and confirmed it during registration.

How to restore access using a mobile phone?

When a profile is locked, when you try to log in, you will be prompted to restore it. Select a recovery method by phone number. Then an SMS with a recovery code will be sent to your phone. The opportunity to change the password appears some time after the profile is locked.

What does it mean: a profile is blocked for violating the rules?

If you see a message like this, it means that your actions violated the rules of the system. Registration on Odnoklassniki implies familiarization with and acceptance of the rules of the social network.

My profile has been deleted, how can I restore it?

Unfortunately, deleted profiles cannot be restored.

If you remember, not so long ago registration on the social network to which our site is dedicated was paid. As it turned out, this experience was not the most successful (the share of new project participants decreased significantly), and therefore now you can create a page for yourself without any investment!

New User Registration

In fact, everything is very simple. First of all, we go to the address odnoklassniki.ru or ok.ru and see the following picture:

Here we click on the “Registration” button, after which we get to a page where you need to enter your data:

Date of Birth
Country of Residence
E-Mail or Login

Another very important detail. The login can be any word that you can come up with yourself (read more about this in the final part of the article), or the email address to which the account will be registered, or your mobile phone number. We recommend using an email address at this stage; the phone number can be attached to the page a little later.

Of course, you can use your login instead of your email address, but if something happens to your account, you can only restore it using your mobile phone. What if it’s not at hand? This is why it is highly advisable to use an email account.

So, you have filled out all the required fields. After you click on the “Register” button, you will immediately be taken to the page you just created.

All? Oh, if only it were that simple... Now there's something else you need to do.

Profile activation

Now you need to go to the email address you specified earlier and confirm your registration. On Mailbox You should receive a letter something like this:

Immediately after this you will be taken to your page. True, the functionality will be incomplete. For example, you simply won’t be able to go to a friend’s page. Why? It’s simple - the system requires linking a mobile phone, so we recommend linking yours as quickly as possible cellular telephone to the page. It's free, don't worry. After linking, you will be able to fully use Odnoklassniki.

Filling in data

After you provide your cell phone number and confirm it, you can begin filling out your information. For example, you can add a photo - this can be done by directly clicking on the avatar:

You can easily change data such as first name, last name, city of residence, or, say, gender in your account settings. Click "Change settings", then click on the name and replace the necessary data.

To add a school, university, college, military unit or organization, click “Tell me where you studied” in the same settings menu.

As you can see, Odnoklassniki is simple and convenient.

Registering a second account

So you have created your own page on the Odnoklassniki social network. Now you can search for your comrades, add them as friends and communicate as much as your heart desires. But what if your husband or sister also wanted to create an account on the project? Start another page!

Registering another one profile is very easy - to do this, you just need to follow all the instructions that we have already provided to you. However, to do this, you will need to be from your main (your) account - there is a small “Logout” button in the upper right corner, you need to click on it.

If you don't want to do this, then you can do it differently. Open another Internet browser and start registering directly in it. And remember that using the same email address or mobile phone number for different accounts is PROHIBITED! Otherwise, you will no longer be able to access the first page.

Login and password

And now - several important points, which you need to know when registering with Odnoklassniki.

Firstly, now you can also use your mailbox address as a login, which in any case will need to be specified during registration. In fact, it is very convenient when you can access the site with two logins at once, for example, when you accidentally forget one of them.

Secondly, the password needs to be made as complex as possible. For what? And then so that it cannot be picked up by attackers who will probably try to steal your account. Many experts do not recommend using simple passwords, such as 123456 or qwerty. It is necessary that the word consist of at least 10-12 characters, which should contain not only letters of different registers, but also numbers, as well as various signs. You can, say, take a Russian word and write it on an English layout, for example, k.,jdybwf(this is a mistress) plus you can add several numbers or signs to it. However, it is advisable that you yourself be able to remember this set of characters, since otherwise you will have to recover the password every time... By the way, do not forget to write it on a piece of paper and put it away where no one will find it, except you, of course.

Thirdly, be sure to indicate your mobile phone number when registering. Many people don’t do this, fearing that they will take pictures from their mobile phone. cash. This is a completely wrong opinion - nothing will be written off. Entering your number is necessary, firstly, so that you can fully use the site (which we wrote about just above), and secondly, this will protect you from account theft. That is, if this does happen, you can easily return it after a new password arrives on your phone. In this case, you don't even need a mailbox. Very comfortably. The main thing is to be sure to enter only the phone number that is officially registered in your name, so that you always have access to it.

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