Regulations on the city scientific and practical conference of junior schoolchildren "primrose". Regulations on the school scientific and practical conference

Ministry of Education and Science

Russian Federation

federal state budget

educational institution of higher education

vocational education

“Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov"

(REU named after G.V. Plekhanov)


Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"REU im. G.V. Plekhanov"


"___" __________ 2015


about the scientific and practical laboratory

at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law

“Monitoring of economic legislation of the Russian Federation and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)”

Moscow – 2015

I. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the legal status of the scientific and practical laboratory at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law “Monitoring of Economic Legislation of the Russian Federation and the EAEU Countries” (hereinafter referred to as the Laboratory), its main goals, objectives and functions, the procedure for financing, organization of work, procedure for reorganization and liquidation.

The Regulations use terms and definitions in accordance with GOST R 51141-98.

1.2. Full name of the Laboratory: Scientific and practical laboratory at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law “Monitoring of Economic Legislation of the Russian Federation and the EAEU Countries”

Abbreviated name of the Laboratory: Scientific and Practical Laboratory “Monitoring of Economic Legislation of the Russian Federation and the EAEU Countries” REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

1.3. Laboratory status: comprehensive - research, scientific-practical, scientific-methodological.

1.4. The laboratory is a structural subdivision of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov. The activities of the Laboratory are coordinated by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities.

1.5. In its activities, the Laboratory is guided by the Federal Law of August 23, 1996. No. 127-FZ “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy”, Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, other federal laws, legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry education and science of the Russian Federation, the Charter of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov, decisions of the Academic Council, orders of the rector and these Regulations.

1.6. The laboratory has its own Internet page (website) on the official website of REU. G.V. Plekhanov, created and maintained in accordance with the current local acts of the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

II. Main goals, objectives and functions of the Laboratory

2.1. The laboratory is created for the purposes of:

2.1.1. implementation of scientific (research, scientific-methodological, educational and scientific) activities, taking into account educational programs and topics scientific research REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

2.1.2. staffing for scientific research;

2.1.3. attracting undergraduate and graduate students to conduct scientific research under the guidance of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.

2.2. The main tasks of the Laboratory: conducting operational monitoring on problems of public legal regulation of economic relations in the regions of the Russian Federation and in the countries of the EAEU.

Monitoring of regional legislation on problems of public legal regulation of economic relations in the regions of the Russian Federation and the countries of the EAEU was carried out by assessment according to established indicators.

2.3. In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the Laboratory carries out the following functions.

2.3.1. In the field of scientific activities of the Laboratory: carries out scientific research, including commissioned by enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, international organizations, foreign partners; attracts teachers and researchers of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov, as well as external specialists and experts to conduct research at the Laboratory; carries out scientific and expert work, including ensuring the participation of Laboratory employees in the work of relevant working groups and commissions with the participation of REU. G.V. Plekhanov, both governmental, non-governmental and foreign, in the areas of activity of the Laboratory; participates in the preparation and conduct of scientific conferences, seminars and other scientific events at the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov, and also maintains and expands scientific relations, including international ones; carries out preparation for publication of scientific materials: monographs, articles, reports, speeches, reports, etc. in the area of ​​specialization of the Laboratory, paying Special attention publications of articles in peer-reviewed Russian and foreign publications; disseminates scientific and educational information about the results of the Laboratory’s research via the Internet and the media.

2.3.2. In the field of expert and educational activities of the Laboratory: organizes and conducts expert work in the area of ​​activity of the Laboratory; organizes educational seminars and master classes on the topics of the Laboratory for employees, doctoral students, graduate students and students of structural divisions of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov; attracts graduate and undergraduate students of REU. G.V. Plekhanov to participate in research projects at the Laboratory; participates in organizing internships, and also provides assistance in finding jobs for REU students. G.V. Plekhanov; provides methodological support to graduate students, candidates for the academic degree of candidate and doctor of science; carries out preparation for publication of educational and methodological materials: textbooks, educational and methodological aids, etc. in the area of ​​specialization of the Laboratory; develops programs of academic disciplines, educational and methodological complexes and curricula in the area of ​​specialization of the Laboratory, as a rule, based on the Laboratory’s own developments; promotes the establishment of sustainable connections between REU. G.V. Plekhanov with labor market participants in the area of ​​specialization of the Laboratory in order to improve the employment opportunities for REU graduates. G.V. Plekhanov.

III. Financing procedure and property

ensuring the work of the Laboratory

3.1. Funding for the Laboratory’s activities comes from the following sources:

3.1.1. subsidies from the federal budget for the implementation of projects within the framework of federal target programs, state assignments or orders (in the case where the topics carried out by the Laboratory are provided);

3.1.2. grants from Russian scientific foundations (RFBR, RGNF, etc.);

3.1.3. funds from the Moscow city budget (city research competition, etc.) and local budgets;

3.1.4. funds of Russian business entities allocated for the implementation of economic contractual topics;

3.1.5. extra-budgetary funds of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov, allocated to support the Laboratory;

3.1.6. income received from income-generating activities of the Laboratory;

3.1.7. voluntary property targeted contributions and donations from legal and individuals, including foreign ones;

3.1.8. other sources provided for by the charter of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

3.2. From the funds received in the form of payment for work performed by employees of the Laboratory (services provided), deductions are made to the centralized budget of the REU. G.V. Plekhanov to cover the costs of material, technical and organizational support for the activities of the Laboratory as established at the Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov is fine.

3.3. To ensure the activities of the Laboratory of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov provides her with premises, as well as property (furniture, computer equipment, communications, necessary office equipment), equipment and devices in volumes, quantity and quality, ensuring that the Laboratory performs the tasks and functions assigned to it. The specified property, as well as property acquired from funds accounted for on a separate balance sheet of the Laboratory, is used only for the implementation of the Laboratory’s activities.

3.4. Responsibility for the safety and proper use of the material and technical base of the Laboratory (premises, property, equipment and instruments) lies with the Head of the Laboratory.

The working conditions of the Laboratory employees are determined by employment contracts concluded with each employee, as well as by the Internal Regulations and other local acts of the REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

IV. Organization of the Laboratory's work

4.1. The structure and staffing of the Laboratory are approved by the rector of REU. G.V. Plekhanov on the recommendation of the Head of the Laboratory, agreed with the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities. Departments, scientific groups and other structural units can be created in the Laboratory.

4.2. The Laboratory is headed by the Head of the Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as the Head), appointed and dismissed by order of the Rector of REU. G.V. Plekhanov. Other employees of the Laboratory are appointed and dismissed by the rector in agreement with the Head of the Laboratory and the vice-rector for scientific activities.

4.3. The head is accountable in his activities to the vice-rector for scientific activities. The duties, rights and responsibilities of the Manager are determined by the job description approved by the Rector of REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

Monitoring and evaluation of the Laboratory’s activities is carried out by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities.

4.4. Rights and responsibilities of the Laboratory Manager:

4.4.1. carries out direct management of the activities of the Laboratory and is responsible for the implementation of the main tasks and functions assigned to it;

4.4.2. ensures compliance in the activities of the Laboratory with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local acts of the REU. G.V. Plekhanov, implementation of decisions of the governing bodies of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov, orders, instructions and instructions from the management of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.4.3. makes proposals for improving the activities of the Laboratory, increasing the efficiency of its work;

4.4.4. makes proposals to change the staffing table, hire, transfer, dismissal, encouragement of Laboratory employees, and impose penalties on them;

4.4.5. determines, in agreement with the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities, the directions of scientific activity of the Laboratory, draws up work plans for the Laboratory, organizes their implementation;

4.4.6. resolves issues of financial and logistical support of the Laboratory;

4.4.7. ensures that Laboratory employees fulfill their obligations under civil contracts (state and municipal contracts);

4.4.8. determines the job responsibilities of the Laboratory staff and submits them for approval to the Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.4.9. ensures record keeping in the manner established in the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov is fine;

4.4.10. controls the posting and updating of information about the Laboratory on the Internet page (website) of the Laboratory on the website of REU. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.4.11. exercises other powers in accordance with local acts of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov and these Regulations.

4.5. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Head of the Laboratory is responsible for:

4.5.1. failure to perform or improper performance of one’s labor duties;

4.5.2. causing REU them. G.V. Plekhanov material damage;

4.5.3. violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.5.4. disclosure of confidential information, trade secrets;

4.5.5. violation of fire safety rules, labor protection and safety regulations, Internal Regulations of the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.5.6. unreliability, untimely preparation and failure to submit to the governing bodies of the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov information and documents relating to the activities of the Laboratory;

4.5.7. poor-quality and untimely execution of the main tasks and functions assigned to the Laboratory by these Regulations, failure to implement in full and on time the decisions of the governing bodies of the REU. G.V. Plekhanov, orders, instructions and instructions from the management of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.5.8. and in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or local acts of the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

4.6. Head quarterly, no later than the deadlines approved by local acts of REU. G.V. Plekhanov, is obliged to represent the vice-rector for scientific activities in in the prescribed manner report on the Laboratory’s performance for the quarter.

4.7. The working conditions of the Laboratory employees are determined by employment contracts, as well as the Internal Regulations and other local acts of the REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

V. Final provisions

5.1. These Regulations, amendments and additions to it are valid from the moment of their approval by the rector of REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

5.2. Reorganization and liquidation of the Laboratory are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.


about the scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren “________________________”

The scientific and practical conference for schoolchildren “_____________________” (Conference) is held annually in January – February. The Conference will be held on _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This Conference is a competition of design and research works for students in grades 1–11. The conference is an open scientific and educational event: participants can be school graduates, teachers, parents (legal representatives) of students.

The conference is being held with the assistance of _____________________________________________.


    develop students’ knowledge and skills to competently carry out project and research activities;

    support and develop students’ creativity;

    develop students' competence in information and communication technologies;

    improve speech culture and experience in public speaking;

    to form an understanding of the social significance of project and research activities;

    increase the competitiveness of conference participants among their peers;

    increase motivation for scientific activity;

    create and develop a collection of design and research works.


The conference is held in three stages:

    1st stage – qualifying; held in December;

    Stage 2 – holding a conference; held in January – February;

    Stage 3 – delegation of reading winners to participate in inter-district and city competitions of students’ design and research works, release of a collection of design and research works in March.

For the qualifying stage, you must submit an application and job description. The description of the work includes the purpose of the work, the stages of the research and the results obtained.

The description volume is up to 1 page of printed text.

Based on the results of studying applications, a list of Conference participants is formed.

At the first stage, the application and description of the work are considered by the commissions of the relevant subject department, and the best works that meet the requirements of the conference are admitted to the second stage - public defense of the project. After successful defense, the work along with the presentation must be submitted to in electronic format for inclusion in a collection of design and research works.


    “First Steps” (section includes all the substantive diversity of works by elementary school students);

    scientific and technical direction (engineering and technological);

    socio-humanitarian direction;

    socio-economic direction;

    natural science direction;

    ecology of our time (2017 is the Year of Ecology in Russia).

The Organizing Committee of the Conference reserves the right to open new sections in connection with the content of participants' applications.


4.1. The competition accepts design and research works that include analysis and interpretation of the collected and presented material, with references to the literature and sources used.

4.2. The project should trace the practical results of the work, technologies for implementation in education, industry, medicine and other areas of human activity. Students' inventions, models, robots, etc. are welcome.

4.3. Projects must be completed by students independently. The work must clearly indicate the theoretical and practical achievements of the authors.

The project manager can be a pedagogical worker of an educational organization, parents (legal representatives) of the author, or invited specialists.

4.4. The work must contain:

    title page (indicate the subject of the Russian Federation, city, village, school; title of the topic; last name, first name, patronymic of the author(s), class of study; last name, first name, patronymic of the scientific supervisor and his position, consultant(s), position(s)) ;


    the name of the main part, revealing the essence of the work and (or) describing its process;


    list of used literature.

4.5. Introduction (1–2 pages) includes:

    description of the relevance of this research topic, its problem;

    purpose of the study (in one sentence, what results were planned to be achieved);

    hypothesis (assumption about achieving the goal);

    the objectives of this study (with the help of which the goal is achieved and the hypothesis is tested);

    research methods ( comparative analysis, sociological survey, biological, chemical experiment, lexical, grammatical, chronological analysis of primary sources, etc.);

    the research work or educational project is presented consistently in accordance with the goals and objectives;

    the experimental part must be confirmed with photographs, video clips, models, etc.

4.7. Conclusion (1–2 pages):

    what has been done (those tasks that were defined in the introduction must be completed, the goal has been achieved, the hypothesis has been confirmed or refuted);

    note what was new (non-standard and useful) was done;

    present proposals for the practical use of the results of the work.


5.1. The text for public defense of the project contains:

    introduction (2 minutes);

    job description (5 minutes);

    conclusion (2 minutes).

Particular attention in the speech should be paid to the practical results of the work, and not to its theoretical and descriptive part.

5.2. Multimedia presentation should include no more than 10–12 slides:

    1st slide – title page;

    2nd slide – introduction;

    Slides 3–9 – progress of work;

    Slide 10 – conclusion.

In the presentation on the first slide you must indicate the following items:

    general educational organization on the basis of which the work was carried out;

    research or project topic;

    last name, first name, patronymic and position of the scientific supervisor, consultant.

In the presentation, it is necessary to pay attention to visual material: photos, diagrams, models, etc.

5.3. As a result, the participants of the “___________________________” Conference must provide the jury members with the following materials, formatted in accordance with the requirements:

    research paper or study project;

    multimedia presentation in Power Point;

    abstracts of the work.


6.1. The conference takes place in January – February.

6.2. To participate, you must prepare a speech lasting 7–10 minutes and a folder with your work to provide to the conference jury.

6.3. Both individual and group works are heard at the Conference. During the defense of the project, it is allowed to demonstrate it on the authors’ equipment. The defense of the project is carried out by its author (if the project is individual) or the team captain (if the project is group).


7.1. For remote participants, the Conference is held via videoconference or video recording of the speech. This mode must be determined in advance by the organizing committee and the participant.

7.2. A trial video communication session is conducted in advance. Email address for contact ____________________________ .

7.3. In the Conference Program, the videoconference mode is indicated for specific participants. The date, time, and location of the videoconference are indicated for the jury and those participating in person.


The project is assessed using a point system: for each indicator of text evaluation and work defense, from 1 to 10 points are assigned. Maximum amount: 90 points.

Evaluation indicators

Approximate content of the evaluation criterion

(number of assessment points from 1 to 10)

Number of points

Section I Evaluation of the work text

Work theme

The formulation of the topic accurately and completely reflects the content of the work

Relevance of the topic

The relevance of this work from the point of view of science, social life, and the personality of the author(s)

Studying information sources

Correct use of publications of scientists and researchers involved in this topic.

A complete and in-depth understanding of the topic under consideration

Practical significance of the work

The presence of the author’s practical achievements in the work.

Possibility of using the obtained data in various types activities


Conclusions reveal the degree of achievement of the goal, demonstrate the creative independence of the author(s), contain confirmation or refutation of the hypothesis, prove the practical significance of the results achieved


The list of references is designed according to the standard for bibliographic description of sources

Section II. Job security assessment

The main content of the work is correctly, fully and convincingly revealed. The report is not a reading of the text of the presentation slides

Electronic presentation

The presentation does not duplicate an oral report, but illustrates and helps to reveal the main content of the work; meets requirements

Answers on questions

The answers demonstrate the depth and completeness of the presentation of the topic under consideration.


9.1. All Conference participants who presented their design and research work at the section meeting receive a conference participant certificate “______________________________”.

9.2. In accordance with the decision of the jury, participants are awarded the titles “Laureate” and “Winner”.

9.3. Based on the jury's recommendation, abstracts best works are submitted for publication in a collection of abstracts of project and research works of schoolchildren - participants of “___________________________”. The collection “__________________________” also publishes articles by academic supervisors and consultants on students’ project and research activities.

9.4. The best project and research works of students can be recommended by jury members for participation in external intellectual events at the city, all-Russian and international levels.


on holding the regional scientific and practical conference "TIMOSH"

(“We create. We explore. We think” - junior) grades 1-6

The organizer of the conference is the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 72" in Saratov together with the Education Department of the Administration of the Leninsky District of the Municipal Formation "City of Saratov", the Saratov Institute of the Russian State Trade and Economic University


1. Involving students of various age categories in scientific work.

2. Identification of talented children prone to in-depth study of school
disciplines and obtaining additional education.

  1. Creative comprehension of knowledge and skills by students, formation of interest in research work.

  2. Formation of skills in competent presentation of work and public speaking in front of a large audience, justification, defense and proof of one’s point of view.

  3. Involving teachers of secondary schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums in scientific and methodological work.

  4. Development of cooperation, exchange of experience in scientific work between educational institutions on the basis of goodwill and mutual understanding.

Student works are accepted for participation in the conference 1-6 classes who have not previously participated in other conferences.

The CONFERENCE is held in two rounds:

Correspondence tour.

Works and applications for participation must be submitted in paper form and electronically (presentation for work) until March 28, 2015 The works of conference participants are reviewed, the results of the review are posted on the website three days before the start of the conference.

In-person tour - will take place 04/11/2015

The author of the work and the scientific supervisor are present at the defense of the work. After summing up the results of the conference, it is possible to file an appeal, which is considered by a conflict commission created from representatives of the co-founders within 3 days. The results of the conference are documented in the protocols of the jury of the subject sections and are announced on the day of the conference.

The conference program includes sections:

  1. Mathematics and computer science (grades 5-6);

  2. Natural Sciences (grades 5-6);

  3. Primary classes (First steps):
- War through the eyes of my family;

- Oh sport - you are life! (famous athletes, favorite sport);

- World of culture: theater, music, cinema;

- Through the pages of Russian folk tales;

- Russian folk traditions;

- Culture and traditions of the peoples of the Volga region.

  1. Social project: presentation competition “I have the right to a family.”
- “Me and my sports family”
- "Family holidays"
- "Family traditions"
- “Family through the eyes of children”
- “There are no other people’s children”

- “Hobbies of my family”

Any participant in the Competition has the right to submit 1 project in the nomination;
Requirements for the work of the sections “Mathematics and Computer Science”, “Natural Sciences”, “Elementary Grades (First Steps)”:

  1. The work must have a correctly formatted title page (a) Initial data of the OU; b) Section; c) title of the topic; d) data of the author and supervisor).

  1. Table of contents.

  2. Introduction.

  3. Main part.

  4. Conclusion.

  5. List of sources and literature used (in alphabetical order).

  6. Applications.

  7. Footnotes can be continuous or page-by-page.

  8. + Blank slate for review.

  9. The volume of work is 10-15 pages of printed text (for elementary school 5-8 pages of printed text), not counting applications.

  10. A4 format, font 12, 1.5 spacing.

  11. Electronic presentations may be attached to the work.

During the defense process, the student presents a summary of the work using additional materials (posters, tables, videos, multimedia presentations, etc.). Oral presentation - no more than 5-7 minutes. The overall grade is based on oral presentation, correctness and independence of written work and the ability to answer questions asked.

When evaluating and defending works, the following are taken into account:

Requirements for the work of the sectionSocial project: presentation competition “I have the right to a family”

Goal: popularization of family values, connection and continuity of generations. Students in three age groups can take part in the competition:
1-2 grades

3-4 grades

5-6 grades
Materials must be presented in folder form. The title page indicates the surname, name of the author, school, class, full name of the leader, nomination. The folder should include 2 files:
1) Disc with PowerPoint presentation (no more than 10-12 slides) on the stated topic.

2) Text Document in Word format (TimesNewRoman 14, volume - no more than 2 pages), with a description of the submitted work.

Works submitted to the competition will not be returned or reviewed.
Only work completed by participants is allowed to participate in the Projectpersonally.

The section jury evaluates each competitive entry using a 5-point system (5 is the highest score) according to the following criteria:

  • compliance of the work with the stated topic, completeness;

  • reasoning and depth of content disclosure;

  • social significance, positivity and creativity;

  • accuracy and clarity of language and style of presentation;

  • originality, colorfulness;

Participants of the competition independently present their work. Time for presentation is 2-3 minutes.
By e-mail works are not accepted.
The section jury has the right to reject works if they do not comply with the terms of these Regulations.
Applications for participation in the conference can be sent by email [email protected] or at the address: address: 410033, Saratov, st. Berezhnaya 1,

Name of the OS

Contact phone: 63-76-20 deputy. Director for SD Tokmina Tatyana Nikolaevna (grades 5-6); deputy Director for SD Kiseleva Tatyana Ivanovna (grades 1-4), mobile phone 8-908-552-40-62;

Directions: tram No. 3, minibus No. 46, trolleybus No. 11 (to the stop “4 Dachnaya”).

Ministry of Education and Science of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Federal State Autonomous Educational

institution of higher education



Bakhchisarai College of Construction,

architecture and design (branch)

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after. IN AND. Vernadsky"



about the scientific and practical conference

“Creating an effective educational environment within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education”

This provision determines the status, goals, objectives
scientific-practical conference, the procedure for its holding.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A scientific and practical conference for teachers (hereinafter referred to as the Conference) is held by the organizing committee of the college.

1.2. A scientific and practical conference is a form of educational and extracurricular activities, a presentation of the results of educational and research work of teachers.

1.3. Purpose of the Conference:

consideration of innovative pedagogical technologies of education, their specifics; discussion of practical developments based on information technologies, increasing the effectiveness of their use in working with students; generalization of the experience of teachers and managers on this issue.

1.4. Objectives of the Conference:

stimulating interest in scientific activity, theoretical research and practical use of knowledge in various fields;

identification of talented, gifted teachers;

development of abilities for experimental research;

improving skills in organizing and conducting pedagogical experiments;

identifying skills for presenting the results of educational and research activities.

1.5. The participants of the Conference are teachers of all specialties of secondary vocational education.

1.6. Teachers prepare materials that they present at the Conference. The materials can be research or the results of experimental work carried out during students’ internships, writing coursework or graduation papers. qualifying work, or any other scientific and practical materials.

1.7. Materials must be presented in printed and electronic form. The volume of material is from 3 to 7 pages.

2. Requirements for the design of materials:

2.1. Requirements for the design of materials:

paper sheet format: A4, orientation – portrait,

in the editor Microsoft Word,

margins: left – 3 cm, top, bottom – 2 cm, right – 1 cm,

font: Times New Roman,

font size for the entire article, except tables – 14 pt,

font size for tables – 12 pt,

line spacing – 1.5,

alignment to page width,

indentation of the first line (paragraph) is 1.25 cm.

2.2. Links to sources in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 in alphabetical order. Links to the corresponding source of the bibliography should be provided in the text in square brackets(For example: ).

A list of sources (up to 7-8) is given at the end of the text and is called “Literature”.

2.3. Layout of the text: surname and initials of the author (authors) in bold on the right side; 2 spaced – article title in capital letters in bold font symmetrically to the text; at 2 intervals – text.

3. Organization and leadership

3.1. The conference is held within the college as a college-wide event included in the plan of socially significant events.

3.2. To organize and conduct the Conference, a creative group is created that determines the specific dates, the number and composition of participants, the procedure for conducting it, formulates the topic and informs teachers about it.


"First steps in science

I. General provisions

Scientific and practical conference of students (hereinafter referred to as the Conference)

carried out in order to develop the abilities of gifted students, activate

research activities of schoolchildren.

Goal: identifying gifted students, developing their intellectual,

creative abilities, support for students' research activities.

- improving the culture of scientific research;

- creating conditions for the inclusion of capable (gifted) children in intellectual and creative activities;

- formation of a culture of scientific discussion;

II. Conference participants Gymnasium students engaged in research activities and members of the NOU "UNICUM" are invited to participate in the conference.

Works that have been examined at meetings of methodological associations of subject teachers and have received a written review and (or) recommendations for participation in the conference are allowed to participate in the conference.

III. Management of the conference General management of the preparation and conduct of the conference is carried out by the Organizing Committee, approved by order of the school director.

Organizing Committee of the Conference:

- determines the timing of the Conference;

- develops and proposes for approval the program of the Conference;

- forms the Conference jury and proposes its composition for approval;

- ensures the maintenance of a computer data bank of Conference participants;

- resolves issues of encouraging the winners of the Conference;

- helps to attract public attention;

- together with the jury, sums up the results of the Conference, participates in awarding the winners of the Conference;

- resolves controversial issues regarding the organization and holding of the Conference.

IV. Deadlines for submitting materials To participate in the conference, you must submit to the school’s methodological council 5 days before the start of the conference:

Abstracts of the speech (section X this provision“Requirements for the preparation of abstracts of research work”);

- application for participation in the conference in the following form:


to participate in a scientific-practical conference of students of the Municipal budgetary educational institution - gymnasium No. Note (indicate the full name of the author necessary Full name of the author Class of the head software Title (in full) support Work No. Direction for work demonstration of electronic applications) for example , Power Point Head of the Moscow Region Signature No later than 3 days before the start of the conference, participants submit to the jury texts of research papers and electronic applications (presentations, videos, etc.) for advance installation and testing of the functionality of the software.

V. Conduct

The conference is carried out in sections formed on the basis of submitted applications.

The form for presenting work at section meetings is oral communications.

It is possible to use manuals, posters, tables, video presentations.

Speech time limit is 5-7 minutes. During this time, the participant demonstrates the ability to concisely and clearly present the essence of his research work. Members of the jury, as well as all interested section participants, participate in the discussion of the report (up to 5 minutes).

VI. Evaluation of research work Evaluation of the results of the work of conference participants is based on an analysis of materials from research works and student presentations.

When assessing, attention is paid to the degree of independence of the work, its socially useful orientation and practical significance, creative character, depth of study of literature and factual material, validity, clarity, conciseness and logic of presentation, compliance with the requirements for the design of materials, regulations, ability to convey the content to the listener material.

Evaluation of submitted works is carried out according to the “Criteria for the evaluation of scientific research works”.

Criteria for evaluating works Criteria Number of points I. Analysis of research works 1 Specificity of the formulation 0- themes, goals and objectives of the research 2 Degree of novelty, relevance 0- research presence of a reasoned point of the practical part of the research design of the work (including the structure of the work and volume – no more than 20 pages) II. Evaluation of student performance Structure of the report Clarity and consistency Degree of mastery of the material Reasoned answers to questions on the content of the work using terminology for the subject being studied Accompanying the report with illustrative and demonstration materials (technical and content aspects of electronic applications) Compliance with the regulations (not the Jury: _ _ The Conference Jury evaluates the submitted works and determines winners.

The decision of the jury is documented in a protocol signed by the chairman of the section jury.

The winners of the Conference are awarded Certificates of 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree.

Abstracts of the best reports for each section may be published in the collection of abstracts of the Conference.

Based on the results of the conference, an order is issued by the director of the gymnasium.

Teachers who successfully organize students' research work are encouraged by educational institutions from the financial incentive fund.

VIII. Requirements for the design of the text of a research paper The text of the research paper must be printed on one side of a sheet of white A4 paper in Times New Roman font, font size 14, single line spacing. Margins: left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, top and bottom – 15 mm. Field outlines are not drawn.

The pages are numbered. The work is bound and placed in a folder.

At the beginning of the sheet you must indicate the last and first name of the author or authors, class, full name of the institution, and title of the work.

The same distance is maintained between chapter and paragraph headings. There is no period at the end of the heading located in the middle of the line. Underlining headings and hyphenating words in headings is not allowed.

Phrases starting with a new (red) line are printed with paragraph indentation from the beginning of the line, equal to 1.25 cm.

It is allowed to enter formulas into the text of the work by hand using black ink or a black gel pen.

The volume of submitted work, completed in accordance with the above requirements, is up to 20 printed pages.

The text of the research work is presented on paper and electronic media.

IX. Structure of a research work The work must be built according to a certain structure, which is generally accepted for scientific works, the main elements of which are the title page, table of contents, introduction, main part, conclusion, list of references, appendices.

The title page of the research work indicates the title of the topic, surname, first name, patronymic of the author (or authors), class, school; name of the manager, his position, academic degree (if any), year the work was performed.

After the title page there is a table of contents, which lists the work items with page numbers.

Introduction. Here, the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks are usually justified in a brief form, the object and subject of the research are formulated, the chosen research method (or methods) is indicated, and the theoretical significance and applied value of the results obtained are reported.

The chapters of the main part of the research work discuss in detail the research methodology and technique and summarize the results.

All materials that are not vital for understanding the scientific solution tasks, are included in applications. The content of the chapters of the main part must correspond to the topic of the research work and fully disclose it. These chapters should demonstrate the researcher’s ability to present the material concisely, logically and reasonably.

Conclusion. This part of the work plays the role of an ending, determined by the logic of the research. The final part assumes a final assessment of the work done. At the same time, it is important to indicate what its main meaning is, what important by-product scientific results have been obtained.

List of used literature (must be attached indicating the year and place of publication of the original source).


X. Requirements for the presentation of abstracts of research work 1. The abstract must state in an extremely brief form the main provisions of the research work (without detailed comments) without indicating a list of references used. Abstracts must contain the following information:

- goals and objectives of the work;

- description of the results obtained and their relevance;

2. Abstracts of the work must be carefully edited and free of errors.

3. The volume of the abstract text is no more than 2 pages.

4. The text of the abstract must be typed on a computer and printed on one side of white A4 paper (standard typewritten sheet).

Registration is done in text editor Microsoft Word is spaced, in 12 point font, indented from the top and bottom edges by 2 cm (mm), on the left - 2 cm (20 mm), on the right - 2 cm (20 mm) and formatted to fit the width of the entire sheet. Field outlines are not drawn.

An electronic medium with the text of the abstract is attached to the printed abstract material.

Electronic media must be carefully signed in legible handwriting (last name, first name, school). The texts of the abstracts on the floppy disk are formatted in the Microsoft Word text editor. The name of the abstract file must correspond to the student’s last name, section, and the name of the educational institution.

Abstracts of only one work should be recorded in one file. One electronic medium can contain several files. The title in the application, in the abstract, in the research paper and on electronic media must be the same.

5. The title of the abstract text is printed in bold capital 12-point Times New Roman font and formatted in the center of the page. There is no period at the end of the heading located in the middle of the line.

7. Phrases starting on a new line are printed with a paragraph indentation from the beginning of the line equal to 1.25 mm (red line).

8. The distance between the title of the abstract, the names of the authors, the educational institution and the class, the supervisor and the subsequent text should be equal to one space. The school, class and supervisor are indicated on the lines without skipping a line between them.

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