How to reset smart tv supra. How to tune a supra tv to digital tv. Child lock installed but remote control missing

Today it is difficult to find a TV that does not have the ability to lock. Most often, it is put in order to prohibit anyone from watching it. This is mainly designed for children, but if a password is set on LG and you don’t know it, and even more so if you don’t have a remote control, then you won’t be able to unlock it, no matter how old you are.

But how to unlock the Hyundai TV if you did it by accident, lost or broke the remote control? In this case, there are several options for solving the problem.

How to understand that the TV is blocked?

It's easy enough to understand. Just look at his screen. This will display the following:

    The Supra TV glows blue, and a window hangs on its screen that requires you to enter a password;

    Instead of a window for a password, a “key” or “lock” can be displayed.

Sometimes the Akai TV can also lock up due to the fact that a large number of buttons were pressed on the remote control at the same time. This will happen if it was unsuccessfully sat on it or your child got to it. In this case, the TV can not only be blocked, but the channel setup will also fail.

How to unlock without remote?

EIf you do not have a remote control or it does not work, you need to try to do the following:

    Open and carefully look for a solution to the issue in the instructions. They will probably tell you where the button is located, which will help you reset all settings and at the same time remove the block;

    If there is nothing in the instructions about such a situation, then you need to try to remember why he started showing the corresponding icon;

    Try pressing several buttons on the Sokol TV itself at once. This will lead to the transition to the "Menu" mode and disable the lock;

    If none of your actions help to solve the trouble that has arisen, call a specialist and entrust it to him.

You can also try to unlock Smart TV using the remote remote control. If it is broken or missing, you need to buy a new one. Just keep in mind that universal device not suitable for changing channels. You need to find your own. To do this, take the technical data sheet with you to the store in order to accurately indicate the model.

After you purchase a native remote control from your Toshiba device, it will be easier to remove the unit. This can be done in the following ways:

    Using the instructions for your Smart TV, hold down a certain combination of buttons or one of them and wait. Thus, the blocking is removed;

    Enter your PIN. If you do not remember it, then using the remote control it can be reset to the original settings.

If this does not help, then the reason is something else.

What else could be causing the problem?

The Sanyo TV may also be blocked due to the fact that your settings have gone wrong or there have been problems with the device's memory. In this case, only flashing the device will solve such a nuisance. You can do this yourself, but if you do not have experience or you are afraid that you will not be able to cope with this task, then contact the service center specialists for help.

If only one channel works for you, then the point is not in blocking, but in the fact that a failure has occurred. For everything to work again, you need to configure the channels again.

Most often remove the block from modern devices from Philips that support the Smart TV function is not possible without a remote control. The methods described in the article can only help you if it is not blocked due to a technical breakdown.

If the TV device is unstable, often reboots, then you can fix the problem by setting up the software correctly. How to reset a Samsung TV to factory settings - later in the article.

Problems in the functioning of the TV appear due to violations in the embedded program, which is often updated in automatic mode.

Because of this, Samsung TV often starts to reboot right while watching a TV broadcast.
IN software failure also occurs due to incorrect user settings TV.
Therefore, it is not necessary to completely reboot and flash the program, but a TV set to factory settings.

Series D

Rollback on almost every Samsung model is carried out in the same way and according to a single scheme. The difference is only in the names of the items.


  1. First of all, you need to open the TV section, and click on the Exit button. You should hold it for 10 seconds.
  2. A new window will open.
  3. To reboot the system, you need to click the OK button.

The text on the screen will indicate that the program has returned to its initial stage. Then you can reconfigure the TV. This also applies to Smart TV.
Experts recommend that before starting the procedure, try to update the Smart TV program, and proceed to roll back the software if this operation did not bring the desired effect.



  1. Use the remote control to open the menu.
  2. Go to TV setup mode.
    Go to the "Support" item, and click on the self-diagnosis of the device.
  3. A list of possible actions will open, where the action to reset the characteristics will be indicated. To roll back to factory specifications, you need to click it.
  4. To confirm the operation, you will need to enter a special code - 0000.

If the steps are correct, the TV should reboot on its own.



  1. Using the remote control, click on the "Menu / 123" button.
  2. A new window will appear on the screen, where we select "Settings".
  3. Going to the next page, select self-diagnosis and "Reset".
  4. Enter the password - 0000, and confirm the operation with the "OK" button.

The TV will restart.


To roll back the program, use the same scheme that was on the J series - select self-diagnosis, reset, and enter pin code, if it did not change, then it is 4 zeros.



  1. There should be a "More" button on the left side of the screen.
  2. Select menu.
  3. Go to the support page and click on self-diagnosis.
  4. Click on the reset function.

Syria E

How to reset the settings on the TV:

  1. Using the remote control, enter the TV menu, click on "Settings" and select the "Support" tab.
  2. Click on self-diagnosis, and activate the reset function. After that, a new window will appear.
  3. Next, you will need to enter a standard pin code and confirm your action.

After turning on the TV, you may notice that all Smart TV settings have been reset to factory settings.

For TV brands series M,Q and LS, the actions are similar. After going to the "Settings" tab, you need to select the support menu and click on "Rollback".

Rollback via Smart Hub

You can use alternative way rollback.


  1. Press the Smart key on the remote control.
  2. In the menu that appears, select the section for canceling characteristics.
  3. To confirm your actions, if the code has not changed, dial "0000" and press OK.
  4. The TV will restart.

After resetting the TV, everything is the same installed applications will be removed and Account will be reset and you will have to create it again. It will also turn out to make the same rollback on other models - Supra, Philips, Sony Bravia, Toshiba.

Sometimes it happens that children or adult users inadvertently turn on the lock on the TV or parents block the TV from children, and then find it difficult to remove it. There are frequent situations when the owner simply forgot the password and now he himself cannot view the channels. Signs of blocking the TV are:

    Display blue screen, which shows the key;

    A field appeared on the screen where the device asks to enter a PIN code (password);

    Only one channel is available for viewing.

Answering the question of how to unlock the TV, it is necessary to highlight three main options for solving this problem, namely:

    Disable the lock using the remote control by typing a special combination of buttons;

    Tune channels again (sometimes they can be knocked down by accident or due to a software glitch);

    Flash TV memory.

Usually, the blocking is removed on its own, but if a flashing is required, it is better to resort to the help of a specialist. In general, for independent work, the owner needs to have only two things - instructions for his TV and a working remote control for it. If the instruction is lost, it will not be difficult to view or download it on the Internet. Regarding the TV model - this information is indicated on its rear panel.

What to do in a standard situation

Having on hand the instructions for the TV, you should carefully read those sections of it that relate to blocking. Your task is to find a special code, a combination of numbers, after typing which the lock is set and removed on the remote control. Also, the instructions contain actions and their sequence specifically for your model. If there is no instruction, and access to the network is also in this moment is not available, you will have to strain your memory and remember what exactly led to the device being blocked.

From the remote control, you need to press the P and + buttons, holding them down at the same time. Next, in the field you need to enter a password of three or four digits. The type of such combinations usually consists of the same values, for example, 1111, 4444, 333, coinciding with the number of the most frequently used channel. Quite often, standard codes in the form of 1234 and others are used. After entering, press + again.

If after these steps it was not possible to unlock the Akai TV (Akai), Samsung, LG, Thomson models and others, the password is not known for certain, you can try other combinations, they are set by the factory settings that are not too complicated.

There are TVs that support locking with only one button. Accordingly, to block or unblock channels, you need to hold this button and hold it for five to ten seconds.

Possible problems and what to do about them

Before unlocking the TV, you should first deal with the cause of the problem. Based on practice, the most common cases are presented below:

What could be

How to eliminate

The user set a password and forgot, does not know it (a blue screen with a key may indicate this)

Hold down the DISP button on the remote control for ten seconds. If it does not help, use the standard remote control in accordance with the instructions for the TV

Child lock installed but remote control missing

It is impossible to solve the problem without a remote control, you need to find it or buy a new one

The TV does not respond to pressing the buttons on the remote control

The remote may have failed or the batteries are dead. Buy new batteries or remote control. You can also use your smartphone as a remote control (if the TV supports this function). You can also check the performance of the old one using the phone, holding down any button and taking a picture of the remote control directed at the phone - if there is a micro-flash in the photo, the remote control is working. In this case, the TV port is probably out of order and you need to call the wizard.

Only one channel is available for viewing

It's possible that the channel settings are out of whack. A wizard is not needed, as you can configure them yourself

Sometimes it happens that after the lock is released, the TV channels are not tuned in or after that they get lost again, the TV menu hangs, and other strange failures are detected. This may indicate that the tuner is faulty and the TV needs to be re-flashed (updated). For inexperienced users, it would be better to contact a specialist.

Today in the Russian Federation, people are massively switching from analog television to digital. This is due primarily high quality signal, as well as the ability to view more channels. Owners of all modifications can complete the transition modern TVs as well as people with outdated TV. In such a situation, they need to purchase special receivers that will receive and decode signals. In the instructions, they will be able to learn how to set the Supra TV to digital television, in manual or automatic mode.

What will be required

If the owner of the Supra TV plans to watch digital channels, he must first find out if his TV supports this format. Information can be obtained by studying the instructions, in which the equipment manufacturer indicates all the technical and operational data. In the event that the TV does not support digital format, the user needs to purchase a set-top box. This device is designed to receive, decrypt and play signals received from regional or local providers. Each person can connect a digital TV set-top box on their own using the instructions.

Setting up the Supra TV for digital television must be done using the remote control. First, the owner should check its serviceability, the presence of working batteries.

How to set up a new TV

Regardless of which tuner the TV has, built-in or external, the channel tuning process must be carried out according to the plan:

  1. Initially, everything is connected optional equipment.
  2. The analog antenna is inserted into the TV, into the appropriate connector.
  3. Press the "DVD/TV" button on the remote control.
  4. After switching to the TV reception mode, you need to click on the “TV SETUP” button.
  5. The screen should display certain color data: background, saturation, contrast, brightness.
  6. The user must complete all functional settings: language, image width. Without fail, you will have to configure the main system options, in particular duplication, channel interchange, sound, TV standard (in this case, the SUPRA TV is tuned to digital broadcasting).
  7. Additional modes are selected: on / off time, clock, sleep mode, etc.

Important! As soon as in Smart TV TV will be configured with all the basic and additional options, you can start searching for digital TV channels.

Automatic channel tuning on the TV

To reduce the time to search for channels, the owner of the Supra TV can do everything automatically. To do this, press the "TV SETUP" key on the remote control. Next, you need to click on the "PRESET" button. Several buttons will appear in front of the user, from which “AUTO SEARH” should be selected. As soon as the command is given to the system, it will automatically start searching and storing digital TV channels.

Attention! The automatic search process starts from the lowest frequencies. It takes no more than 6-10 minutes. As soon as the process is completed, the equipment will start playing the first TV channel in the list.

Manual channel tuning

In some cases, owners of Supra brand TVs cannot automatic search channels. They should be used in the TV menu to select manual mode by pressing the appropriate key. To do this, you must log in desired section settings by clicking the "TV SETUP" button. Next, the manual mode is selected: in this case "SEARH". The user should press the 3/4 buttons. The system will start searching for channels, after which each will have to be saved to manual mode.

Important! If the owner of the Supra TV uses an external dvb t2 tuner, then he initially needs to click on the "MENU" button. After that, “AUTO SCAN PAH” will appear on the screen. Only in this case, the use of the receiver will bring the expected result.

Setting up satellite channels

To watch satellite television the owner of the Supra TV must first purchase all additional devices. You should not save on the cable, as its quality will affect the purity of the signal. At its ends, you need to install F-plugs, and then connect the antenna. The next step is to install and configure the CAM module.

To set up satellite channels, you need to act according to the plan:

  1. On the remote control, you need to press the “Settings” key.
  2. In the TV menu, select the "settings" section.
  3. Automatic or manual channel search is carried out. Only the user must indicate "satellite" in the "antenna" subsection.
  4. In the proposed list of operators, you must select the one whose CAM module is used.

Digital channel tuning

If the owner of Supra TV does not know how to set up digital channels on the TV, he must follow the instructions:

  1. The menu is entered.
  2. The "channel" section is selected.
  3. Click on the "ok" button.
  4. The arrow located on the remote control, the user must go down to the item "antenna".
  5. In the submenu, the "cable" section is selected.
  6. The item "country" is located, it indicates "RF".

Setting up cable TV

In the event that the owner of the TV is faced with the task of connecting cable television, he should act according to the standard scheme. Only in the “antenna” subsection it is necessary to specify the following broadcast format (depending on the type of set-top box): Air (DVB-T2) or Cable (DVB-C).

Setting up an old TV model

To ensure the old modification of TV reception of digital television channels, you must purchase a receiver. With it, it will be possible to watch terrestrial digital television, after all the settings have been made. The owner of TV Supra must search for TV channels using the remote control.

How to watch TV without an antenna

To look into good quality programs, without analog or satellite dish, the owner of Supra TV needs to purchase a special set-top box. Thanks to this device, he will be able to connect to interactive television. The connection process is quite simple, but it provides two options:

  • If the receiver supports Wi-Fi, then its Ethernet cable (where the amplifier is powered) is connected via the antenna connector
  • The user needs to purchase special wireless media bridges.

In order to set up your SUPRA TV you need to follow a few steps. In the new models of SUPRA TVs (SUPRA), it will not be difficult to set up a TV to watch free digital terrestrial TV channels or to watch cable digital TV. Also, the new line of Supra TVs has a Smart TV function.

How to set up your SUPRA TV

To set up a digital TVSupra needs to be connected antenna cable, it can be a simple street or indoor antenna. If you want to watch cable TV channels, then your TV must be connected to the cable operator's network in order to tune in to the channels on your TV.

Find and press the MENU button on your remote control so you enter the settings menu of your Supra TV .

In this menu, you will need to do several things.

In the Country section, select Russia.

In point Antenna you will need to select the desired broadcast format Cable or Ether.

Choose Cable if you have cable digital TV DVB-C. Ether you need to choose if you have an outdoor or indoor antenna for receiving DVB-T2 digital terrestrial television.

Click on the Autosearch item and enter the autotuning menu.

We select the item ALL if you need to configure all channels and DTV and ATV, if you want to configure only digital channels, then select only DTV.

Confirm in the window that appears by clicking OK.

Wait for the auto search to finish, because the setup can take minutes.

All your Supra TV is ready to watch your favorite TV shows and movies.

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