Microsoft account example. Mobile version of Microsoft account registration. Which applications are covered by settings synchronization?

Microsoft is known not only for its operating systems. It provides a huge number of other useful services, such as stores, cloud data storage, instant messengers (the famous Skype), an indispensable set Office programs and even your own search engine. For the convenience of users, it is possible to create one multifunctional account for all Microsoft products. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

Creating an account via browser

In order to create a Microsoft account, you need to go to the official website of the developer. The process is very simple, because it is designed for the most untrained users. Registration is completely free and available at any time. Follow the instructions provided:

Now you have a ready-to-use account for Microsoft products.

Creating an account in Windows 8

Windows 8 (as well as Windows X) has an integrated tool with which you can create a Microsoft account. To do this, follow a few steps: simple actions according to the instructions:

Accounts of other services

If you already have an account with any Microsoft products (Skype, OneDrive, etc.), you can use that. To do this, go to and click on the “Login” button. Enter the email address specified during registration and password.

Similar actions must be completed after registration in order to log into the system. The following guide describes why you need an account. Microsoft entry.

Windows 8 and Windows 10

Starting with Windows 8, developers have included the ability to combine many of your devices under one account. Let's assume you have Personal Computer and a laptop. You install operating systems on them, and then you need to configure each of them individually. On each device you will have to configure all programs and appearance systems.

However, you can use the Microsoft account you created. Log in using it and save your settings. And then, if you want, sync other devices.

This feature is implemented especially impressively in Windows 10. Users get access to cloud storage where they can store all their settings. You can get completely identical interfaces on several of your computers using a single account and Internet connection.

Create a note or reminder on one PC. When the time comes, you will be reminded of the exact device you are using in this moment. This is similar to synchronization in browsers, only implemented on a Windows OS scale.

One login for all programs

If you use several services of this developer, it will simply be convenient for you to make just one login name. There is no need to remember and write down a huge number of passwords - use a single account to log in to Windows, Skype, cloud storage, Office and the app store.

In today's instructions, we'll look at how to create a new user on Windows 10 using all the methods available in the operating system. We will also look at ways to give it administrator privileges or do the opposite - turn the account into an account with limited rights.

Most likely everything Windows users 10 are familiar with both types of accounts, from which you can work in the “ten” environment. The first are local user accounts, which are no different from the accounts of previous editions of the operating system. The second are Microsoft accounts that require registration on the operating system developer's website. Having such an account, all parameters will be regularly synchronized with those stored on the software giant’s server.

If you don’t want Microsoft to store all your account data, or vice versa, you want to take advantage of the privileges of a Microsoft account, in Windows 10 it is possible to convert one type of account into another in any direction.

Creating an account using the Options menu

Unlike previous editions of the OS, where accounts were created and edited through a special Control Panel applet, in the “ten” its functionality actually replaces the “Settings” menu section, called “Accounts”.

1. To access the “Options” menu, use the hotkey combination “Win ​​+ I”.

2. Go to the “Accounts” section.

3. Activate the “Family and other users” tab located in the vertical menu.

The first section, “Your Family,” if you have a Microsoft account, will allow you to create accounts with limited rights for other family members, for example, for children.

The next section provides options for creating a local account with administrative or regular privileges. We will consider this option below.

4. Scroll down the right frame and click on the icon for adding a new user to of this computer, located in the "Other Users" section.

5. If you do not intend to create a Microsoft account (or want to get one, but do not yet have an email for it), click on the link at the bottom of the window “I do not have this user’s login information.”

A new window will then open asking you to create a Microsoft account.

6. If you want to create it, fill out all the forms and click “Next”, otherwise follow the “Add a user without a Microsoft account” link, which is located at the bottom of the window.

On Windows 10, any New user has normal (limited) privileges. To obtain computer administrator rights, you must complete several steps.

  1. Go to the “Family and other users” subsection, located in the “Accounts” section of the “Options” menu.
  2. At the bottom of the right frame of the window we find the desired user and click on its icon or name.
  3. Click on the “Change account type” button.
  4. In the drop-down list with account types, select “Administrator” and click “OK” to save the new settings.

Creating a new account via the command line

There is an easier way to get an account in Windows 10. To do this, we will use text commands executed using command line.

Note that all actions will be similar to the first option, with the only difference being that the commands will be executed in text mode.

You will need administrator privileges to be able to create and edit existing accounts.

1. Launch the command line with extended privileges, for example, through the search line.

2. Enter a command like “net user UserName Pass /add” and run it by clicking “Enter”.

Here UserName is the name of the new account, Pass is the password for authorization in the system.

After completing all the steps in Windows environment 10 will appear new account with limited privileges. To give it administrative rights, run the following command in the command line window: “net localgroup Administrators UserName /add”.

For people using an unactivated or unlicensed copy of Windows 10, it is recommended to replace the word “administrators” with its English equivalent “administrators” if an error occurs.

Creating a new account through the MMC snap-in

Even in XP, a system console appeared with many snap-ins for creating system management consoles. One of them is the "Local Users and Groups" element.

1. Launch the tool using the “lusrmgr.msc” command, executed in the search bar or the “Run” window (launched using “Win ​​+ R”).

2. Open the “Users” directory.

3. Call context menu free area of ​​the right frame and select the “New user” command.

4. Fill out all the forms and click “Create”.

5. Call “Properties” of the newly created account through the context menu of its icon/name.

6. Go to the “Group Membership” tab and click “Add”.

7. In the object name input field, enter “Administrators” and save the settings.

The selected User now has administrator privileges.

Command "control userpasswords2"

The last method to get an account in Windows 10 is to run the “control userpasswords2” command in the Run window.

Click “Add”.

All further operations will be similar to the first of the considered methods for adding an account in Windows 10.

You can use your Microsoft account with almost all services or devices by using the same set of credentials provided email address, selected profile information, and billing information for which payments can be made.

In addition, any account is supported by privacy settings, which are represented by a unique password that can only be used by the author.

The account will allow its owner to use various programs (for example, Skype), subscriptions (Office 365).

You can also buy interesting games, download your favorite music, edit selected photos and video recordings, as well as take advantage of online storage OneDrive .

The main advantage of such an application is that you can edit individual settings, as well as view address book and documents from any device, since it is unified for any gadget.

This is what a Microsoft account looks like.

Create a Microsoft account

In order to create a microsoft account Just use the step-by-step illustrated instructions.

Microsoft account registration windows 8 is represented by an algorithm of sequential actions of a PC user and a global network.

  • Initially, you need to activate the panel for changing computer settings. The following window will appear in front of you:

  • After clicking on the selected area, you will see the following image where you need to select the top row.

  • During account creation, the user will also be offered a local account, although the first option is more acceptable for most consumers.
    It allows you to work normally with the updated operating system, synchronize Windows settings 8 and use a set of web applications " Windows Live", originally envisaged software from the creators of the product.
    Unfortunately, a local account does not support such options. An account is your profile in the system, thanks to which you can operate any interconnected applications.

Application for free and free communication with family and friends

One of the most acceptable ways to store files in cloud service SkyDrive:

Receive or send messages using the Hotmail mail system:

Take advantage of the largest information portal MSN, an online gaming service for Xbox Live, a store of various applications for Windows Phone:

The benefits of the account are obvious.

So, we selected the line “ADD USER”.

  • After this, the user must enter his name, his email address or the address of an additional mailbox, which was previously created specifically for these purposes.
    After these simple manipulations, a captcha is entered, which confirms that the actions are performed by a person and not a robot, and the “APPLY” key is pressed. Visually the process itself looks like this.

  • Next, a window pops up with the following message, in which you need to confirm that the selected email address belongs to you. To do this, go to your mailbox, to the “INCOMING MESSAGES” folder.

  • In this folder you will see a letter confirming your account, in which you must enter a code sent via SMS to your phone number.

After clicking on the “CONFIRM” button, you will be informed that the first stage of the Microsoft account registration operation has been successfully completed, after which you can proceed to configure the account and computer interface settings.

Note! On your PC, the user should go to the “SETTINGS” tab and select the “CHANGE COMPUTER SETTINGS” option to customize the interface of their account, use special features, sync settings, create a home group, upload a pre-selected profile photo and activate the center for available updates, which subsequently optimize the application.

So, we have read step-by-step instructions on how to create a Microsoft account.

Every user should take certain security measures that will protect you from fraudulent activities of home-grown hackers.

You need to fill in the fields with confidential data on the electronic form, with which you confirm yourself as the copyright holder.

As a rule, a password is used for this, represented by an eight-digit set of letters and numbers.

In addition, the system will analyze the complexity level of the password and offer you to change it to a more complex one. The user also needs to answer a security question.

As a rule, the questions in this case are the same as in various accounts social networks(mother's maiden name, pet's name, etc.).

After this, the user enters his current phone number and the address of a functioning mailbox, which is used most often.

These precautions will not only protect you from illegal actions of attackers, but will also help you recover your password if it is lost. For example, you have forgotten your password and you urgently need to log into a system to which access is restricted.

The program will prompt you to enter your phone number or mailbox address, to which in a few seconds you will receive a code to unlock your account.

Security and privacy settings look like this:

To create a Microsoft account on your Nokia Lumia, simply use your existing ID or follow online pop-up prompts.

You can use step-by-step illustrated instructions that will simplify your work with the gadget system and you will be able to activate any application with minimal time.

How to create a Microsoft account

How to create a Microsoft account (Microsoft) - detailed instructions

If you're using Windows 8 or 8.1, you're probably already quite familiar with the new user authentication mechanism. That is, in addition to the local account, these versions of the operating system support authorization through a Microsoft account. And although the use of the latter can be avoided, some functions and modern applications still require you to log in using it - otherwise you simply won’t be able to use them. This not only created a divide between the two types of accounts, but also led to dissatisfaction among users. Fortunately, sometimes Microsoft listens to the requests and expectations of its customers, and therefore in version 10 the company has relaxed its policies regarding user profiles.

Let's try to understand what are the differences between these two types of accounts in new version operating system and what has changed compared to Windows 8.1.

What is a local account?

Speaking to the maximum in simple words, these are system resources with settings and programs for a specific user, to access which a combination of username and password is used (although it is not necessary to use password protection). If your OS version was released before Windows 8, then you are definitely a local profile user.

As the name suggests, a local account is created for only one system, so if you have more than one computer, then you use different accounts on each of them, note that you can always

In Windows 10, a local account allows you to install desktop apps, configure settings, and use operating system the old fashioned way. You can even browse the Windows Store, but you cannot download and install applications - for this, as well as for enabling synchronization of settings between user devices, a second type of account is required.

What is a Microsoft account?

This is a series of online accounts for the company's products that have simply been combined under one name. So, if you've ever used Hotmail, Windows Live and Outlook, or devices like Xbox or Windows Phone, then you already have such an account. By rebranding and merging these profiles, the company ensured that all of its services were fully integrated into one account. This means you can use it to access everything related to the Microsoft ecosystem.

Unlike local, you use your email address to sign in to the operating system with a Microsoft account, not your username. In this case, this could be an email from a software giant (, or, Yahoo!, Gmail, or even an address that was provided by an Internet provider.

This type of login does not allow you to disable password protection, but you can configure the system to enter it automatically each time you log in (see ). In addition, the Microsoft account has a two-step user identification system, which requires you to enter a security code when logging into your account from a device that is not on the trusted list.

Why should you use a Microsoft account?

Using such an account allows you to partially avoid the hassle of configuring all your computers “for yourself,” since some of the system settings can be synchronized between them automatically. In other words, certain changes made on one computer running Ten will be automatically reproduced on other computers with the same Microsoft profile.

The system allows you to synchronize the theme, web browser settings (in 10 standard browser is Microsoft Edge, therefore synchronization of bookmarks, logins, etc. is applicable specifically to it), passwords for sites, applications and networks.

Another benefit of using a Microsoft account is the ability to download, install, and restore apps from the Windows Store. With a local profile, the app store will only be available in browse mode.

As the owner of a Windows 10 Mobile smartphone or other device with Windows based 10, an online account will provide you with access to universal applications and games. This concept, which was originally introduced for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1, means that once purchased, an application becomes available on all devices running the Microsoft platform. That is, by purchasing an application from any device running Window 10, it will become available on your other devices. This eliminates the need to buy the same application for each computer, smartphone or tablet and thus helps save a lot of money.

A Microsoft account will also help you with using OneDrive, because with it you can conveniently sync any type of file - again, between all devices.

Another feature of Windows 10 that is only available with a Microsoft account, but still does not support the Russian language, is called Cortana. This is an application that acts as a digital assistant. The function is closely related to Microsoft account and requires access to the calendar, e-mail, contacts and even web surfing history to be able to respond to the user's needs. So if you want Cortana to be able to schedule your meetings, remind you of something important, or even find good restaurants, you'll have to sign in to your Microsoft profile.

Finally, using a Microsoft account in Windows 10, you can connect with your family. This is an expanded version of Family Safety, containing all the options that will help you manage everything related to your children's online lives. The function allows you to manage settings separately for each device, block sites for adults, control activities, time spent by the child on the computer and allow him to download only those applications and games that are suitable for his age category.

Why should you use a local account?

In Windows 8.x, the local account has extremely limited capabilities and does not provide access to many functions of the operating system. In 10, these restrictions were relaxed, and the status of the local account was raised almost to the level of Windows 7.

For example, in previous version operating system, using the Calendar, Mail, and People applications is not possible without an MS account. In Windows 10, you can work with any of these tools without any restrictions, using a regular, local account. Even native mail client will allow you to choose any account (Outlook, Gmail, etc.) and will not force you to use a Microsoft account just to run the application. This change will probably appeal to those who only have one computer, for whom the settings sync feature is completely useless, and also to those who are not interested in apps from the Store.

In general, the company's policy regarding local accounts has changed in a fairly positive way; With Windows 10, the corporation tried to find a balance between the two types of accounts, and at the same time made another attempt to present the new operating system in a more favorable light.

If you made a mistake when creating a Microsoft account, it !

Have a great day!

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