What if the speed of the body is multiplied by time. Search for free fall acceleration. Why is the acceleration formula needed?

Let's install a dropper on the cart (Fig. 11). Drops of colored liquid fall from the dropper at regular intervals. If you attach a load to the cart (as shown in Figure 11), then at a certain size, the distances between the marks left by drops on the paper (as the cart moves) may turn out to be equal. This means that the cart travels equal distances in equal periods of time.

Imagine that suddenly, coming from his left side, there is a photon watch in front of him, moving from left to right. The photon no longer moves a vertical path from bottom to top and then from top to bottom, but an oblique path. In fact, when a photon starts from the bottom, it takes certain time, and as the clock moves, the observer measures a longer trajectory. The same is true when a photon moves up and down. The distance traveled by a moving photon is longer than the distance traveled by a stationary photon relative to the observer.

Turning the dropper tap so that the drops fall more often, we repeat the experiment. The traces of the drops in this case also turn out to be at equal distances from each other, although smaller than in the first experiment. This means that in smaller equal periods of time the cart covers the same paths.

If any body traverses identical paths in any equal intervals of time, then its motion is called uniform.

And since the photon maintains the same speed, this means that a longer duration is measured between two "ticks" relative to the moving photon and that the seconds pass more slowly. According to the observer, a moving clock will be delayed compared to a stationary one. Imagine that a moving watch is on the wrist of an observer named Hervé. For him the situation would be mutual. He will see the delay of Henri's watch in relation to him. For him, Henri and his watch are moving while he and his watch are motionless.

Unification of space and time

Please note that the faster the clock moves, the longer the path and the longer the time between two ticks. Everyone knows what movement is; it is a large part of our daily life. Aristotle proclaimed a law shared by ordinary mortals: motion is related to the force acting on an object. In everyday life, everyone can experience this. You have to push the cart to advance it, lift the stone so that it follows the path from bottom to top. Excited by such trivial examples, you will interrupt me and ask what all these analyzes can do.

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Should we really think about such everyday examples? Well, let's think: here's a cart. You put emphasis on it, with a certain force. After some time it will move and rest. During this time he will travel a certain distance. You press it with more force, again it will move, with more high speed, will move a greater distance and stop again. You want it to travel a greater distance with the same strength. You lubricate the wheels of the wheels, remove all the bumps that are in the way.

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The term “acceleration” is one of the few whose meaning is clear to those who speak Russian. It denotes the quantity by which the velocity vector of a point is measured by its direction and numerical value. Acceleration depends on the force applied to this point, it is directly proportional to it, but inversely proportional to the mass of this very point. Here are the basic criteria for how to find acceleration.

You push it again with the same force, and there it goes a greater distance. You conclude that the reason the race is stopped is because there is wheel friction on the road. You also conclude that in order to move a greater distance, you must eliminate as much friction as possible. Note that in all of these experiments the cart is pushed with the same force. Then you do what might be called a thought experiment. Einstein used it often. You imagine that you can eliminate friction completely.

Suddenly you eliminate the reason for the cart stopping. You understand that he will continue his race indefinitely at a constant speed and in a straight line. Of course, in reality you can never completely eliminate friction, that is, the force that opposes its movement and which causes it to slow down and then become motionless. But in thought, you can easily make an experience impossible to achieve a specific goal. What is the result of such an experience? First, force is not responsible for motion because with the same force you can lengthen the time an object moves by eliminating friction, which is force. opposite direction movement of the carriage and who is responsible for slowing it down and stopping it.

The starting point is where exactly the acceleration is applied. Let us remember that it is denoted as “a”. In the International System of Units, it is customary to consider a unit of acceleration to be a value that consists of the indicator 1 m/s 2 (meter per second squared): acceleration at which for every second the speed of a body changes by 1 m per second (1m/s). Let's say the acceleration of the body is 10 m/s 2. This means that during each second, its speed changes by 10 m/s. Which is 10 times faster if the acceleration were 1 m/s 2 . In other words, speed means physical quantity, characterizing the path traveled by the body in a certain time.

Force slows down or speeds up movement. Therefore, it is not responsible for the speed, but for the change in speed and direction of the body. By eliminating friction completely, you allowed the object to continue moving indefinitely, at a constant speed in a straight line. Until the force acting on it changes its speed and direction. Galileo saw that no force was required to produce linear motion at a constant speed, but it was Newton who formalized this principle. You can correctly state Newton's first law, the principle of inertia: "Every body continues at rest or uniform motion along the straight line in which it is located, if some force acts on it does not force it to change its state.”

When answering the question of how to find acceleration, you need to know the path of motion of the body, its trajectory - rectilinear or curvilinear, and the speed - uniform or uneven. Regarding the last characteristic. those. speed, it must be remembered that it can change vectorially or modulo, thereby imparting acceleration to the movement of the body.

What lessons can be learned from such an experience? First, don't trust the obvious. This one, like an unfaithful friend, betrays you at the first opportunity. Then, freed from the obvious, do not lock yourself in everyday experiences, do not hesitate to think about an experiment, and even if you cannot specifically come up with one, imagine it! This one never reveals himself naked, you need to go looking for him, and for this you need to think. Of course, you will eventually need to test your thinking results by confronting them with experience and experimentation.

But do not hesitate, theoretically, to think about the incredible, the unheard of. Of course, don't think that he needs a little effort, it requires an appetite for knowledge, a lot of work. Let's listen to Einstein, who draws the teachings of the law of inertia from a book of incredible wealth, he writes: This law cannot be obtained directly from experience, but only from speculative thought consistent with observation. Idealized experience can never be effectively realized, although it leads to a deep understanding of real experience.

Why is the acceleration formula needed?

Here is an example of how to find acceleration from speed if the body starts uniformly accelerated motion: it is necessary to divide the change in speed by the period of time during which the change in speed occurred. It will help to solve the problem of how to find acceleration, the acceleration formula a = (v -v0) / ?t = ?v / ?t, where the initial speed of the body is v0, the final speed is v, the time interval is ?t.

Before we begin space-time travel, we must say a word about Galileo's principle of relativity. It is mainly known as a single electrical and magnetic phenomenon. In particular, he showed that electric and magnetic fields propagate in space in the form of a wave and at the speed of light. Now the wave is propagating in the material medium, at least that's what classical mechanics speaks. If you throw a stone into water, you will see the formation of waves carried by the medium of the water.

Place the bell under the glass in which you were previously evacuated, you will not hear the sound of the bell. According to Maxwell's equations and various experiments to measure the speed of light, everything indicated that this speed was constant, regardless of the movement of the source. If both cars move at the same speed, they will both be mutually stationary. And Einstein, at the age of 16, wondered what he would feel if he followed a beam of light. He will see a wave that is not moving.

Using a specific example, it looks like this: let’s say a car starts moving, moving away, and in 7 seconds picks up a speed of 98 m/s. Using the above formula, the acceleration of the car is determined, i.e. taking the initial data v = 98 m/s, v0 = 0, ?t = 7s, we need to find what a is equal to. Here is the answer: a=(v-v0)/ ?t =(98m/s – 0m/s)/7s = 14 m/s 2 . We get 14 m/s 2.

Now, with Maxwell's equations, Einstein was reassured; he had never seen such a sight: a motionless wave of light. However, this constancy of the speed of light, as we have already said, contradicted the law of addition of velocities for two observers moving relative to each other. If light is a wave, what is the medium that allows it to propagate? Physicists invented a material medium through which light could travel: the ether. However, the speed of light is constant. This means that it does not move with the ether, but through the ether.

Immobile ether and through which light moves. According to the principle of relativity, the movement of constant speed is no different, we do not feel it. All laws of nature are equivalent to any relative motion. Remember Galileo's experience in his boat. Non-mobile ether means that not all observers are equally qualified to perform experiments. There will be a preferred system in which man is at rest relative to the motionless ether. This contradicted the principle of relativity.

Search for gravitational acceleration

How to find the acceleration of gravity? The search principle itself is clearly visible in this example. It is enough to take a metal body, i.e. an object made of metal, fix it at a height that can be measured in meters, and when choosing a height, air resistance must be taken into account, moreover, one that can be neglected. The optimal height is 2-4 m. A platform should be installed below, specifically for this item. Now you can detach the metal body from the bracket. Naturally, it will begin to free fall. The landing time of the body must be recorded in seconds. That's it, you can find the acceleration of an object in free fall. For this given height must be divided by the flight time of the body. Only this time must be taken to the second power. The result obtained should be multiplied by 2. This will be the acceleration, or more precisely, the value of the acceleration of the body in free fall, expressed in m/s 2 .

What do the laws of nature have to do with our relative motions? There is no more objectivity of the laws of nature, no more science, no more knowledge. No, this cannot be for Einstein. Nature would be incomprehensible, inaccessible. Einstein realized that the ether created more problems than he solved, and came to the only rational solution: eliminate the ether. Light does not propagate in any medium, but in a vacuum. The laws of nature do not depend on the movements of observers. All movement is relative; absolute rest does not exist as absolute movement.

If you are measuring speed, you must know who is measuring and in relation to who or what you are measuring. Yes, the principle of the constancy of the speed of light is correct. These two principles are opposite. But why is this so? Let's return to Einstein's method. Let's pose the problems without making them too complicated. So speed is distance divided by duration. You will tell me; It's okay, we understand! This is a measure of space that separates 2 points. It is a measure of time between two events. Thus, speed is related to space and time.

You can determine the acceleration due to gravity using gravity. Having measured the body mass in kg with a scale, maintaining extreme accuracy, then hang this body on a dynamometer. The resulting gravity result will be in Newtons. Dividing the force of gravity by the mass of the body that was just suspended from the dynamometer gives the acceleration due to gravity.

In the middle of the van we put the throwers. Both balls make their respective trips at the same speed. They are launched simultaneously. For me, who is on a train, this means that the train is stationary compared to me. Two balls with the same speed, moving at the same distance, it is easy to understand that the duration of their stroke is the same and that the two balls will reach their respective wall at the same time, therefore at the same time. What happens to someone who sees events from the pier? The train is moving in relation to it.

The subtraction must be done since the ball is pointing away from the direction of the train. In fact, for those on the platform, this ball will travel a shorter route, but at a lower speed. Let's say the length of the car is 120 kilometers. So, each ball, at the beginning, is located 60 kilometers from their respective wall. Thus, this ball will move 10 kilometers per hour. For one who is on the platform, like one on a train, the two balls will reach their respective walls within one hour, and the two events will be simultaneous for one observer and for the other.

Acceleration is determined by the pendulum

It will help to establish the acceleration of free fall and a mathematical pendulum. It is a body fixed and suspended on a thread of sufficient length, which has been measured in advance. Now we need to bring the pendulum into a state of oscillation. And use a stopwatch to count the number of vibrations in a certain time. Then divide this recorded number of oscillations by time (it is in seconds). The number obtained after division is raised to the second power, multiplied by the length of the pendulum thread and the number 39.48. Result: the acceleration of free fall was determined.

If speed is distance divided by duration, this means that both speeds and distances must be converted to find the same duration. In the example above, the speeds were not the same, neither were the distances, but the duration was the same for each observer.

In other words, time is universal and passes at the same rate for every observer. Time is separated from space; it exists independently of space. Time, that is, duration, measured in the Andromeda galaxy, two million and a half light years, remains the same in the galaxy that inhabits us, Milky Way. This is what was considered to be the theory of limited relativity. Because such measures taken in the above example are wrong. It was assumed that the distances and times measured in the carriage and on the pier should be the same.

Instruments for measuring acceleration

It is logical to complete this information block about acceleration with the fact that it is measured by special devices: accelerometers. They are mechanical, electromechanical, electrical and optical. The range they can handle is from 1 cm/s 2 to 30 km/s 2 , which means O,OOlg - 3000 g. If you use Newton’s second law, you can calculate the acceleration by finding the quotient of the force F acting on a point divided by its mass m: a=F/m.

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