Automatic switch with independent release. Automatic circuit breaker with independent release - what are its advantages? Release diagram connection diagram

Every modern unit, which is used as a reliable protective mechanism for electrical networks in the household industry, must have a circuit breaker with an independent release. The design principle of such an element implies the presence of a mechanical connection with the switch. Its main task is to timely disconnect electrical networks when exposed to one or another negative factor.

a brief description of

Universal independent releases are multifunctional units that are always mounted with automatic circuit breakers. Most often, such devices are used in the process of designing a high-quality ventilation system. A huge advantage is that the releases can be freely operated with different load switches. Modern manufacturers specialize in the industrial production of those models that are designed for 20, 24 and even 30 A. The design of each unit may differ.

In order for the purchased independent release to perform all the assigned tasks and not break, you need to understand the diagram of its operation. The thing is that such a unit, which is designed for an automated circuit breaker, always equipped with a diode rectifier. Manufacturers are accustomed to using powerful dinistors of different capacities. The efficiency of their operation depends on the built-in modulators.

Standard models for phase switches are necessarily equipped with special transceivers. The controlled relay is mounted in the lowest compartment of the structure, which greatly simplifies the operation of the unit.

To protect consumers from electric shock, experts have provided the availability of high-quality insulators. Reliable contacts are located above the main modulator. But the transistors are installed parallel to each other. With a standard external winding, kenotrons are often used, which are fixed behind the modulator.

General device

Each model of independent release is presented in the form of a high-quality unit used for remote shutdown of protective equipment. Such a unit is operated together with modern circuit breakers that have one, two, three or even four poles. Most often, craftsmen connect the release to the input circuit breaker, and in the event of any emergency, the electrical panel is completely de-energized.

The design of the unit is more like a magnet. When it is affected by a short-term impulse, the device uses a special lever to act on the operating mechanism, which disables the automated protective device. Besides, The design includes an electromagnetic coil, which may have different power indicators. The product can be designed for direct or alternating current with voltages of 110-415 V and 12-60 V. It all depends solely on the chosen model. The method of attachment to the machine also depends on the modification.

It is worth noting that it is precisely from the correct connection of the release with protective device depends on the timely operation of the entire system. The master must comply with all the requirements of the connection diagram. For example, phase conductors must extend from the lower phase terminals of the machine.

If this rule is not followed, this can lead to premature failure of the installation. When everything works correctly, the independent trip circuit breaker turns off in a timely manner, and the voltage from the device coil completely disappears.

Principle of operation

To protect your household electrical circuit from adverse effects, craftsmen use high-quality automated switches of a modular design. The great demand for such units has arisen due to the fact that they are compact in size, and are also easy to install and repair.

Externally, such devices are presented in the form of a conventional case made of heat-resistant plastic. The main on and off button is located on the front surface. On the rear panel there is a latch for installation on a DIN rail, and on the bottom and top there are screw terminals.

During normal operation, the unit carries a current less than or equal to the rated value. The top terminal receives power from the external network (this node is securely connected to the fixed contact). Next, electricity is supplied to the main thermal release, and after it - to the lower terminal and the load network connected to it. In emergency situations, the circuit breaker disconnects the protected circuit. An independent device is responsible for performing this function. The reason for this operation may be any emergency situation:

  • Overvoltage - short circuit in the chain.
  • The occurrence of overcurrents is an increase in the current strength in the electrical network that exceeds the rated value of the switch.
  • Voltage fluctuations.

Varieties of the model range

Many home craftsmen prefer to use time-tested independent releases. Such units operate solely under the influence of voltage, which gradually passes through the main circuit of the circuit breaker. The great popularity of such installations arose against the background of the fact that each master can control the system remotely, which is not provided for in other categories of releases.

An automated switch helps to timely disconnect from the power supply absolutely all devices and other sources that operate using electricity. This function is especially important in situations where there is a noticeable voltage deviation in the network from the norm specified by the consumer. But it is important to take into account the disadvantages that are associated with the conversion of energy into heat release. The presence of such a factor may result in the switch being disconnected improperly.

Modern Z-ASA/230

Manufacturers note the fact that turning off ventilation in the event of a fire through an independent switch of this series occurs extremely quickly. This model comes with high quality moving modules and six pairs of contacts. This device is especially relevant for impulse switches. The unit works great in extreme conditions where there is high humidity. The device is often used by specialists for remote control. The level of current conductivity is equal to 4.5 microns.

The unit supplies a voltage of 30 V to the relay. A powerful stabilizer is mounted without any adapter. The long service life is due to the presence of dual-type transistors. It is worth noting that a kenotron is not provided in this model.

Improved modifications for 30A

This type of release for a circuit breaker is manufactured with a special code expander. The final output voltage is equal to 35 V. The smooth operation of the unit is associated with diode rectifiers. All contacts are mounted on movable plates.

Experts have provided for the presence of transceivers with trimming resistors. Many models in this category are connected to electrical panels via high-quality capacitor units. To prevent the negative impact of unscheduled overloads on the network, expansion dinistors are used.

Unit IEK PH47

Experts confidently claim that this release is one of the most popular. The compactness of this model is of great importance. Reliable fixation with the shield is ensured thanks to small capacitor units. In addition, the model has only two rectifiers, and all contacts are movable.

The expander itself is located in the lower compartment of the structure along with the relay. The presence of a transceiver is not provided.

Increased attention should be paid to the operating parameters of the independent release - the output voltage is within 40 V. The maximum network load should not exceed 30 A. In addition, manufacturers have conducted numerous studies that have shown that the minimum release temperature is within -10˚C . The unit is not at all afraid of exposure to high humidity. All wiring is specially insulated for safe operation of the device.

Household SHUNT 250 VAC

This model of independent release is produced on the basis of a diode rectifier, which is located above the relay. Attention should also be paid to the operating parameters of the system, which are 44 ohms. The standard threshold overload is equal to 24 A. A miniature capacitor unit is used to connect the modification.

All conductors are equipped with powerful insulators. The unit is equipped with three pairs of resistors, securely fixed above the rectifier. Manufacturers did not provide for the presence of a stabilizer. This makes this model ideal for low-power drives.

Sudden shutdown of the mechanism

Experts have recorded a lot of cases when the circuit breaker tripped. This situation requires a quick response from the master. To prevent negative consequences, experts have identified a basic list of reasons that provoke the mechanism to turn off:

Since there are so many negative factors in the household industry, everyone modern devices began to be equipped with several working mechanisms at once, which allow you to quickly disconnect the network. They are produced from mechanical, electromagnetic or electronic particles. Rational use of such a release helps keep all home appliances safe and sound.

Functionality check

Every master sooner or later encounters situations when he needs to make sure the integrity of the releases. This question is of particular interest to amateur installers and novice craftsmen. You can verify that the unit is working in this way:

It is worth noting that any checks of the operation of independent releases for operation should be carried out exclusively in specialized clothing and under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Finally found a minute to write a new article. An independent release is an additional device to circuit breakers. Now we will talk about the use of an independent release in our projects and how to correctly connect an independent release.

An independent release allows you to remotely open a circuit breaker or load switch. Most often, independent releases are used when designing ventilation. According to regulatory documents, ventilation must be turned off in case of fire, therefore, in addition to the input device of the ventilation panel, an independent release is installed. Switchboards up to 100A are equipped with modular circuit breakers. A load switch can be installed at the input to the switchboard. It is the input device that we turn off using an independent release. With a current of more than 100A, a BA88 series circuit breaker can be installed at the input to the switchboard. An independent release can also be installed on this device. In my projects it has not yet been necessary to remotely turn off the BA88 =)

Now let's move on to the connection diagram for the independent release.

An independent release can disconnect both single-phase and three-phase devices. To activate the independent release, it is enough to apply a voltage pulse to the release coil. To build a machine gun in the initial state You must manually press the “return” button. This allows you to signal why the circuit breaker tripped: either from an overload (short circuit) or from a remote shutdown.

The independent release control circuit is presented below.

It is very important here that the phase conductor is connected from one of the phases from under the lower terminals of the circuit breaker. If connected incorrectly, the independent release will be damaged. After the machine is turned off, the voltage from the release coil disappears.

The control signal for triggering the independent release can be a closing contact from a fire alarm device or a regular button with a closing contact.

Sometimes a situation may arise when you need to turn off several independent releases at once with one signal. For example, you have 2-3 fans, which make no sense to separate them into a separate cabinet. Therefore, we install our own independent release for each group. This topic was raised on the forum...

The control diagram for several independent releases from one signal is presented below.

The main thing here is that the same phase is used.

It is worth noting that an independent release is not a cheap pleasure. Its size is the same as that of a single-pole circuit breaker (1 module), but costs an order of magnitude more.

Hello, dear readers and guests of the Electrician's Notes website.

In this article I will continue the conversation about modular releases and today the independent release RN47 is next.

And according to tradition, I’ll do it first short review independent release RN47, I’ll tell you about its scope, specifications and the connection diagram, and at the end I will check its performance in conjunction with the machine.

The article will focus exclusively on the PH47 release from the IEK company (article MVA01D-RN), although similar releases are available in the catalogs of other manufacturers.

So, let's go.

An independent voltage release RN47 is required for remote shutdown of a modular circuit breaker.

Why might this be needed?!

Yes, for various reasons! But most often, RN47 releases are used in the event of a fire to turn off the corresponding circuit breakers that supply the ventilation system (SNiP 41-01-2003, clause 12.4), for example, in schools, offices, production workshops, etc.

True, in many projects the independent release is usually replaced by a ventilation power supply circuit through a contactor, and an output contact from the fire alarm post is inserted into the contactor coil switching circuit.

I don’t argue that both options have a right to life, but with the use of an independent release it is much easier, more compact and even cheaper.

The circuit with an independent release RN47 has a minimum of switching (I will return to it a little later in the text), the device itself occupies only one module in the panel, and its cost at the time of writing is about 1,100 rubles.

Recently, PH47 releases have increasingly begun to be used in many residential buildings. In the event of a fire, an impulse from the fire alarm panel comes to an independent release, which in turn turns off the power supply for the electromagnetic lock of the entrance doors.

I just gave a couple of examples. In fact, you can come up with as many uses for an independent release as you like, to suit your needs and requirements.

Brief technical characteristics of RN47:

  • rated supply voltage 230 (V)
  • operating voltage range 161 - 253 (V)
  • number of “on-off” (ON) cycles - at least 10,000

The RN47 release is compatible with single-pole, double-pole, three-pole and even four-pole circuit breakers BA47-29 and BA47-100, and as you can see, it even has a similar design to them. By the way, the PH47 release in question is an example of a new series.

Like the maximum and minimum voltage release RMM47, the RN47 release is connected to the machine on its right side. In this case, the machine must be in the off position, and the “Reset” button of the release is pressed.

There are 3 guide rods on the release body, which are tightly inserted into the corresponding holes on the circuit breaker body.

In addition to the rods, the release has a moving rod, which, when docked, is placed in the side hole of the machine.

If PH47 is triggered, the rod acts on the disconnecting mechanism of the machine, thereby turning it off.

The release is inserted into the circuit breaker until it stops - there are no latches.

This is what a single-pole circuit breaker BA47-29 looks like assembled with an independent release RN47.

A three-pole circuit breaker is connected in a similar way.

Attention! The spatial arrangement of the circuit breaker with the release can be either vertical or horizontal - this does not affect the performance at all.

Connection diagram for release RN47

The PH47 release has two terminals, designated C1 and C2.

In total, there are two connection schemes for PH47.

1. Scheme No. 1 (power supply from the terminals of the machine)

Let's connect the release as per the diagram above and check its functionality. Instead of the SB1 button contact, we connect the control key using its normally open contact.

The supply phase comes to the upper terminal of the machine, and from the lower terminal it goes to the load. From the same lower terminal of the machine we make a jumper (phase) to terminal C2 of the RN47 release. From terminal C1 we make a jumper to the terminal of the normally open contact of the control key or button. From the other terminal of this contact we make a jumper to the zero bus N.

When the control key is turned (its contact is closed), the independent release is activated and turns off the circuit breaker. The “Reset” button has popped up on the front side of the release, which symbolizes that the machine has turned off due to the influence of the independent release on it.

To turn on the machine, you must first press the “Return” button, and only then cock its power handle, otherwise the machine simply will not turn on.

It is very convenient that there is no need to guess the reason for turning off the machine. If the machine has switched off due to the influence of the independent release on it, this will be immediately visible by the “Return” button. If the machine has disconnected from its protections (), then, accordingly, the “Return” button on the release will remain in its original pressed state.

For clarity, I will give an example of a switchboard diagram with the connection of a PH47 release on one outgoing line.

Unlike the maximum and minimum voltage release RMM47, the independent release RN47 can be connected both before and after the circuit breaker.

The fact is that inside its body there is a microswitch that breaks the power circuit of the electromagnet coil.

When the release coil is triggered, the “Return” button bounces and its rod opens the contact of the built-in microswitch installed inside the release body.

This is confirmed by the fact that when the “Return” button is pressed, we can measure the coil resistance, which is 88.6 (Ohms).

But when the button is pressed, it is no longer possible to measure the coil resistance, because its circuit is opened by the microswitch contact.

All in all, electrical diagram The independent release is very simple - it is a coil connected through a microswitch contact, and two terminals for connecting the release to an alternating voltage source.

Therefore, there will be no errors in how exactly the release will be connected - it can be safely connected both before and after the machine! In any case, the coil opens itself after activation and provides protection against prolonged exposure to voltage.

The independent release PH47 can be connected vice versa, i.e. Connect a phase to terminal C1, and zero N to C2 through a normally open contact of a control key or button. The device will not burn out because The release coil is designed to operate in an alternating voltage network and has no polarity.

There are situations when it is necessary to disconnect several lines at once with one signal. In this case, a separate independent release is installed on each line (automatic machine), and they are controlled by one signal. The diagram in this case will look like this: Here, be careful that the phase on all releases is the same!

2. Scheme No. 2 (independent power supply)

Scheme No. 2 differs from the previous one in that the power for the release is taken not from the same phase from which the load is connected, but from a separate source of alternating voltage, for example, from the same assembly, but only from a different phase or even from a third-party source 220 (V ).

We connect the phase to terminal C2 of the PH47 release, and from terminal C1 we make a jumper to the terminal of the normally open contact of the control key or button. From the other terminal of this contact we make a jumper to the zero bus N.

An example of a switchboard diagram with power supply for the PH47 release from a third-party source of 220 (V).

For fun, let’s check the operation of the RN47 release paired with a three-pole circuit breaker.

And here everything is similar. When the control key is turned (the contact is closed), the independent release is activated, thereby turning off the circuit breaker.


The advantage of the PH47 independent release is certainly the simplicity of its connection diagram and compactness.

As I already said at the beginning of the article, the release occupies only one module in the panel. This advantage mainly applies to those who have limited free space in their panel for additional devices.

Also, the PH47 release has a simple connection diagram, and, as has already turned out, with protection from prolonged exposure to voltage on the electromagnet coil.

Well, we have smoothly moved on to the shortcomings, about which I have nothing special to say, only if we mention its cost, which at the time of publication of the article is about 1,100 rubles.

Again, how can you look at this situation?! For example, I purchased one whole PH47 device with the size of one module, connected the simplest scheme and it is ready for use.

In the case of the contactor circuit, which I mentioned at the beginning of the article, it is somewhat more complicated, because first you need to, then insert the contact from the fire alarm panel into the power circuit of the contactor coil. In addition, it is necessary to connect the power contacts of the contactor to the circuit breaker and the load cable, and this is again additional unnecessary connections in the circuit.

The contactor itself has dimensions incommensurate with the independent release RN47, even if we take into account the dimensions. And in general, the contactor at the time of operation has an inherent property like “humming”, naturally, within reason.

And then how much will it cost us to assemble a circuit on a contactor with control buttons?!

I can’t say for sure, because... this will all depend on the chosen manufacturer, as well as the power of the contactor itself. After all, it doesn’t matter to the PH47 release - it can turn off the circuit breaker with rated current, at least 2 (A), at least 100 (A). And in the case of a contactor, it will need to be selected according to the load power, and the more powerful the load, the more the contactor will cost you in terms of size and cost.

If you have been using such independent releases for a long time and some shortcomings have emerged in the process, you can tell us about them in the comments. Thank you in advance.

Video based on the article:

P.S. And when will modular machines come out that can not only be turned off remotely, but also turned on. As far as I know, IEK is already developing developments in this direction. So we'll wait. And with this I conclude my article. Thank you all for your attention, see you again!

I never wrote about releases, because I thought that everything was clear and understandable with them. But my beloved synchronicities told me that the world wants this post because three different people have asked me about these releases so far this week. As usual, I'm tired of writing the same thing to everyone - so I'm making a post! =)

What is this release? This is the thing that is needed to make the machine work and turn off. What is this for? Initially, this is a problem for firefighters: when the “Fire” signal comes to the panel, then all ventilation must be turned off so that it does not fan the fire (if this is not the case, please correct me in the comments). In order not to install contactors for this (which is more expensive and heats up), we found a simple solution in the form of a release.

Basically, these releases are used in this way: irreversibly (until you come and turn them on with your hands) to disconnect some circuit. One of the customers asked me to install a release directly on the input switch so that it would external team I cut off the input to his shield. Yes! Switch! Since ABB's modular circuit breakers were updated to the SD200 series (), they began to come with the same accessories that come with the S200 series circuit breakers.

Be careful! The releases are suitable ONLY for automatic circuit breakers and circuit breakers of full-fledged series - S200, SD200. Household series SH200(L), SHD200 are not suitable!

And these same ABB releases are on the simulator of the OKA car in the UOC Metro at the Vystavochnaya station. There they are used to simulate the operation of automatic machines in the carriage - this is how various emergency situations are practiced (in the metro they are called “cases”) when drivers are trained.

Here are the order codes for them:

  • 2CDS200909R0001 ABB S2C-A1 Remote release for S200 AC/DC 12..60V (right connection)
  • 2CDS200909R0002 ABB S2C-A2 Remote release for S200 AC 110..415V (right connection)

Inside the release there is a weak electromagnet that pulls the lever inside the machine and thereby makes it work and turn off. It's simple! Here is the connection diagram ( It would be very good to protect the release circuit with a fuse):

Look how cleverly the release is connected here: it turns itself off. Why is this done? Here's why: the first models of releases (and especially Chinese ones) had only an electromagnet inside. It is clear that if in this case you constantly supply power to the electromagnet, then it will continue to work and will overheat and die. Then the releases were modified so that it can turn itself off, but the historical circuit remained.

If the external signal that must be used to turn off the release is an ordinary dry contact, then take a 230V release and do it as shown in my diagram. If you want to reset the machine with a low-voltage signal, then take the release to low voltage, but it’s better to make the control signal pulsed. Just in case.

Well, the third option is to untie everything we want, using intermediate relays, of course. And signal inversion, if necessary, and control voltages.

The release must be connected to the circuit breaker or switch before we install them on the DIN rail in the panel. The release kit comes with a small lever and instructions. At a machine or switch, you need to peel off the plug near the handle and insert this lever there. The instructions were very unclear, and I succeeded on the fourth try. Therefore, I tried to take a photo of how this lever is positioned in the machine drive:

And after the lever is inserted, it should look like this:

You can even check its operation: cock the machine or switch, press the lever, and the machine will immediately turn off.

After this, in the off position, we snap the release to the machine or, in our case, the switch:

And this is what it all looks like, where this release should turn off a dozen lines of small single-phase fan coils. In the photo, test power is connected to the switch above - I was just checking whether I had placed the control lever in the switch correctly.

It was originally intended that the fan coil units would be powered from three phases - so I ordered a switch for three poles. Then the customer insisted that all fan coil units must be hung on one phase, and the switch began to tear L-N. That's the whole trick with releases!

Shunt releases are devices that are installed with circuit breakers. The models are most often used when it is also important to note that the releases can be used with load switches.

Manufacturers make models for 20, 24 and 30 A. The design of the devices may differ. In order to understand this issue in more detail, you should consider the standard release circuit.

Diagram of a regular model

The independent release has a diode rectifier. Dinistors are used with different conductivities. In this case, expanders are installed with modulators. If we consider modifications for phase switches, they include a transceiver. The relay is most often installed at the bottom of the structure.

For safe operation of the release, insulators are used. The contacts are located above the modulator. Transistors are installed opposite each other. Kenotrons are often used with an external winding and are attached behind the modulator.

Principle of operation

How does an independent release work? This question worries many, but the answer is extremely simple. In fact, the operating principle of the independent release is based on changing the position of the contacts. This happens due to the supply of a short pulse from the diode rectifier. In this case, the transistor plays the role of a conductor. Thanks to the modulator, the frequency of the release can be adjusted. A kenotron is used to combat electromagnetic interference.

Connecting the device

How to connect an independent release? If we consider ventilation systems, the device is connected through dinistors. In this case, the output contacts are connected through insulators. The negative resistance parameter itself must fluctuate around 25 Ohms. The connection to the relay is provided through an expander. When connecting, you should check the threshold resistance. The specified parameter should not exceed 30 Ohms. The release is fixed in the power panel. To check the voltage you need to use a tester.

20 A models

20 A releases are often used for phase switches. The threshold voltage parameter for models is in the region. Some modifications are made with stabilizers. It is also important to note that there are releases on the market with an IP20 protection system. The transistors in them are of the broadband type. All this suggests that they can withstand large overloads in the circuit.

Many models are connected to the panel via kenotrons. They are most often produced as a two-pin type. The current conductivity of many models does not exceed 5 microns. It is also important to note that models for ventilation systems are produced with capacitor modulators. In some cases they are mounted with expanders. They are excellent for remote control of switches.

24 A devices

24 A devices consist of diode rectifiers. They are installed with different conductivities. As a rule, the protection system is used in the IP21 series. However, in this case, much depends on the manufacturer. Modulators are used only of the orthogonal type. Models based on semiconductor thyristors are suitable for pulse switches.

Stabilizers in devices are used with low sensitivity. Output voltage of releases of this type does not exceed 20 V. On average, the current conductivity is 3 microns. Insulators are used to secure the device to the panel. If we consider modifications without transceivers, then they use a capacitor unit. Many modifications are suitable for low voltage circuit breakers.

30 A modifications

30 A releases are manufactured with code extenders. The output voltage of the models is 35 V. As a rule, rectifiers are used of the diode type. In this case, the contacts are installed on movable plates. Transceivers are used with Many models are connected to panels via capacitor blocks. In order to avoid large circuit overloads, expansion dinistors are used.

Some releases are made on the basis of a two-pole transceiver. Their distinctive feature is their high current conductivity. This parameter fluctuates around 6 microns. However, the disadvantage of such systems is the rapid wear of the capacitors. It is also important to note that the models are not suitable for impulse switches.

Model Z-ASA/230

Ventilation is switched off in case of fire via the independent release Z-ASA/230 very quickly. This model is produced with movable plates. There are a total of six pairs of contacts. For impulse switches this device fits perfectly. It is also important to note that the model is capable of operating in conditions of high humidity. Direct opening of contacts is carried out very quickly. This installation is well suited for remote control of the ventilation system. The current conductivity of the presented release is 4.5 microns.

In this case, the output voltage on the relay is 30 V. The stabilizer in the device is installed without an adapter. Transistors are of the dual type. The model does not have a kenotron. The independent release is connected to the panel via a dinistor. It is installed with one panel, which is located at the bottom of the case. Before connecting the device, the negative resistance of each phase is first checked. It is also important to note that it is important to carefully insulate the wiring.

Model Z-ASA/250

Why is the independent release Z-ASA/250 needed? This model is used exclusively for phase switches. Its current conductivity is 4.5 microns. The threshold overload of the device is no more than 24 A. The output voltage on the relay does not exceed 33 V. The rectifier is installed as a diode type. In total, the device has five pairs of contacts. The modulator for this release is of an orthogonal type. To connect the model, a capacitor unit is used, which is included in the standard modification kit.

If we talk about design features, it is important to note that the transceiver is used of a single-pole type. The manufacturer's protection system is marked IP30. The minimum permissible temperature of the release is no more than -15 degrees. The stabilizer is not provided in this configuration.

Model IEK PH47

This independent release (photo shown below) is quite in demand. First of all, it is important to mention its compactness. A small capacitor unit is used to connect to the shield. In total, the model uses two rectifiers. The contacts in this case are of the movable type. The expander itself is located in the lower part of the structure along with the relay. There is no transceiver in this case.

If we talk about the parameters of the release, it is important to note that it maintains the output voltage at 40 V. The threshold overload of the model is 30 A. The minimum permissible temperature of the release does not exceed -10 degrees. The model is not afraid of high humidity. The protection system is standardly used with the IP30 marking. The wiring in this case is used with insulators for safe operation.

Model IEK PH48

This independent release (connection diagram shown below) is manufactured with two diode-type rectifiers. The relay in the device uses high voltage. The current conductivity parameter is at the level of 4 microns. There are a total of two resistors in the device. Contacts are installed on special plates. The opening itself is quite quick. It is also important to note that the device can be connected via a capacitor unit. The output relay is located at the bottom of the structure.

The modulator is of orthogonal type. The model is suitable for phase switches. If we talk about the parameters, it is important to note that the threshold overload is at the level of 24 V. The output voltage on the relay reaches a maximum of 30 V. The minimum permissible modification temperature is -15 degrees. The protection system in the release is used with IP30 marking.

Model IEK PH50

This independent release is produced for pulse and phase switches. It is well suited for ventilation systems and drives. The current conductivity indicator is about 3 microns. The negative resistance parameter on the relay reaches a maximum of 46 Ohms. The transceivers in the release are of the two-pole type. In total, the model has three pairs of contacts.

They are mounted on special plates that are located above the relay. The modulator is provided by the manufacturer as an orthogonal type. It is prohibited to connect the model through a capacitor unit. Only a kenotron is suitable for this. The minimum permissible temperature of the release is -10 degrees. The output voltage on the relay reaches a maximum of 40 V.

Model SHUNT 230 VAC

This independent release can only be used in conjunction with a phase switch. The model is ideal for remote control of the drive. The expander here is of the code type. Another feature worth noting is the presence of tuning resistors. Direct signal transmission is carried out thanks to a diode rectifier. The modulator is used in an orthogonal type circuit. The threshold overload of the system does not exceed 30 A. The minimum permissible temperature of the release is at -20 degrees.

Model SHUNT 250 VAC

This independent release (the connection diagram is shown below) is made on the basis of a diode rectifier. It is located above the relay. If we talk about the device parameters, the negative resistance of the system is 44 Ohms. In this case, the threshold overload is no more than 24 A. To connect the modification, there is a compact capacitor unit. In this case, conductors are used with insulators. In total, the model has three pairs of resistors. They are located above the rectifier. In this case, the manufacturer does not provide a stabilizer. For low power drives this model fits perfectly.

Model S2C-A

This shunt release can only be used with impulse switches. The rectifier in the device is of diode type. The relay is used with an expander. The current conductivity indicator is no more than 4.5 microns. The transceivers are installed above the relays.

The stabilizer is not installed in the presented release. The model's contacts are located on plates. Signal transmission is carried out thanks to an orthogonal type modulator. The release is connected through a kenotron. Capacitor units are not suitable for this purpose. The minimum permissible temperature of the release is -10 degrees.

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