What to do if you install. What to do after installing Windows. The load on system resources is too high

In the process you will format local disk, which contains the current version of Windows. Simply put, before installing there new system, you will have to erase all old data from it. The contents of the remaining disks should remain unchanged. But it’s better to play it safe and first copy absolutely all data from your computer that you are afraid of losing to the cloud or to physical media.

If you have installed on your computer paid programs, do not forget to read in their documentation the rules for working with licenses when reinstalling Windows, otherwise you may lose them.

2. Create a boot disk or flash drive

If you want to install/reinstall a licensed version of Windows, make sure you have the appropriate activation key. Even if you are already using an activated system and just want to install the same version again, old key activation may come in handy again.

  • If you already have a bootable USB flash drive or disk with that Windows version that you are going to install, you can proceed to step 3. Otherwise, you need to download a Windows image from the Internet and burn it to any of the listed media according to the instructions given below.
  • Decide on the version of Windows you will be installing and check that your computer meets its system requirements. This information can be found on the official Microsoft website or on the disk with your purchased Windows. Don't forget to also check that your computer supports the new version's bit depth: 32 or 64 bits. To be on the safe side, you can install a version with the same bit depth as your current version of Windows.
  • To create bootable USB flash drive with anyone Windows image found on the Internet, you can use the program (c UEFI support) and go to point 3.

And below I will tell you how to create boot disk or a flash drive with the official system image on Windows example 10.

3. Boot the system from a disk or flash drive

Now that you have physical media with in the right way Windows, you need to go into the special BIOS software environment and select a disk or flash drive here as the boot source.

Perhaps instead of the classic BIOS you will see a more modern one GUI. Moreover, even in various older versions BIOS settings may vary. But in any case, the procedure will be approximately the same: go to the boot menu, select the desired media as the source and save the changes.

After this, the computer should boot from the selected disk or flash drive.

4. Run the installation wizard

If you did everything correctly, a wizard will appear on the screen Windows installations. Further actions are no more complex than installing an ordinary office program. All you have to do is follow the system prompts and wait for the files to be unpacked. Unless you have to select a local disk for installation operating system and format it.

Also, be prepared to enter your activation key during the process. But if you reinstall an already activated one on your Windows computer 10, then the step with the key can be skipped.

Once the installation is complete, your computer should boot into normal operating mode.

5. Install drivers

Modern versions of Windows load drivers themselves. But if, after reinstalling the system, you notice that the video card, speakers, or anything else is not working correctly, you can use the driver autoload utility. For example, the free Driver Booster is suitable.

Having completed all of the above, you can get to work. The computer must be ready.

Very often, many users who for some reason had to reinstall the “seven” complain that afterward the computer slows down so much that it is simply impossible to work. Let's see what this might be connected with and discuss how to get out of this situation.

Why does my computer slow down after reinstalling Windows 7?

We will not dwell now on the reasons that prompted the user to install the “seven” again. Let's look at the problems that arise after this. Sometimes there is a very strong slowdown, the Internet does not work after Windows reinstallation 7, there is an increased load on system resources or too frequent access to the hard drive, etc. What could cause this?

The very first thing users of desktop computer terminals need to do is check the strips random access memory and connection density of loops on motherboard. You never know, maybe in system unit A lot of dust has collected, which leads to braking and freezing of the system.

On the other hand, it may very well be that the user mistakenly installed the 64-bit version of the “seven” instead of the 32-bit one (alas, this also happens), and the computer or laptop itself uses outdated hardware, which hardly meets the minimum system requirements. So it turns out that after reinstalling Windows 7, the computer slows down only for the reason that 64-bit Windows is much more power-hungry than the 32-bit version. But this is, so to speak, a general case. Now let's move on to finding out the specific reasons.

What drivers are needed after reinstalling Windows 7?

The presence of outdated drivers in the system can be called a fairly common phenomenon, because pure “seven” is also not the latest product. In addition, if the user does not have the original disk with drivers, which must be supplied when purchasing a computer or laptop, the system installs the most suitable ones from its own database, which, to put it mildly, is completely irrelevant.

In this case, there is no need to rush after completing the OS installation process (sometimes some drivers may not work). It is better to use special releases or update programs. For example, a very good option could be a driver database that it is advisable to always have on hand.

On the other hand, it “weighs” quite a lot. Perfect for this situation free utility for search and under title Driver Booster. It works just fine, and it updates the drivers of absolutely all devices only when you contact the official resources of the manufacturers, where, as a rule, the most current versions of such devices are constantly posted. software.

But there is one catch: if 7, install this utility It’s simply pointless, since no update will occur if there is no connection (more on that later).

The load on system resources is too high

Now we need to pay attention to one more point. Quite often there is an increased load on the processor and RAM, which is the cause of slowdown or freezing. What to do? See what process is causing the maximum resource consumption (as you know, any version of Windows runs a huge number of unnecessary services by default, which can and should be stopped).

First, call the standard “Task Manager”. This is done with the help of a friend combinations Ctrl+ Alt + Del or by entering the taskmgr command in the special “Run” menu bar (Win + R). Here you need to sort the contents in the processes and services sections by maximum load, and then see which component is loading the system.

Next you need to configure autoload. To do this, we use the msconfig command in the same “Run” menu and on the corresponding tab we disable everything unnecessary. You can only leave the antivirus, if one is already installed, and the keyboard indicator (ctfmon process). We uncheck all other services without a twinge of conscience (most users don’t need them at all anyway).

Internet problems

Now let's see why problems with Internet access are sometimes observed. First of all, if you are using, say, Wi-Fi, you should make sure that the corresponding module is enabled on your computer or laptop (the latter have a special key combination (most often it is Fn + some kind of function button, say, F5 - it all depends on the model ).

If everything is fine here, you need to look into the settings of the TCP/IP protocol, which can be accessed through the Internet properties menu. In most cases, it helps to set the IP address to be obtained in auto mode and disabling the use of proxies for local addresses, unless otherwise provided by the provider. If all parameters are entered manually, you just need to check that they are correct.

Finally, it is very possible that the network card has an outdated driver. Therefore, it needs to be updated. To begin with, you can use the system’s own tools located in the “Device Manager”, or, which is much better, install the driver from the package described above. As a last resort, you can copy the DEV and VEN values ​​in the list of equipment IDs on the description tab, and then use special sites to search for a driver using these values, and then download it from another terminal that has access to the Internet.

What's the result?

Here, in fact, we have looked at the main reasons why the computer slows down after reinstalling Windows 7. Of course, not all situations that may arise are given here. However, these are the most common. As for what programs are needed after reinstalling Windows 7, this issue has already been partially addressed. However, here you can add an antivirus, an archiver, an office suite, video and audio codecs and decoders, etc. But here the choice is up to the user himself. By the way, as an option, you can install some kind of automatic optimizer that will monitor the state of the system in real time and promptly unload unused or unnecessary processes from memory.

Hi all! Often, after installing an operating system, new users have questions: what to install next and in what order? What should you configure first? Since over the past 20 years I have installed a huge number of operating systems, I have long matured a cunning plan of action in this regard, which I will share with you. I should immediately note that my plan is suitable for absolutely any Windows.

What to do after installing Windows

So, you have installed a completely bare system and the first thing you need to do isit is necessary to activate it (newcomers often forget about this and have to go to the client again), but there are nuances here and these are what they are. Firstly, if you were asked to reinstall the operating system on your laptop, then you can installon it the same OS that was on itpreinstalledfrom the store, for example:Windows 8.1 for one language or Windows 10 Home, in this case you don’t need to activate anything, the OS activates itself after you connect to the Internet, since the system key is embedded in the laptop’s BIOS.

You can ask me:“How can you find out the version of the factory Windows that was pre-installed on the laptop if you cannot enter Windows itself?” Friends, find out the version of Windows installed on a computer device from the store, as well as built into the BIOS license key system is possible even if the laptop does not have hard drive, it can be done by using .

If automatic activation does not occur, then activate Windows manually - go to system properties ( right-click on the icon"This computer"), then click“Activation” →“ Change product key», after that, enter the key (I told you how to find it out) in the field and click"Further" , Windows will be activated.

In order to check the activation status of the system, again go to the system propertiesand at the bottom of the window you will see the necessary information.

Installing drivers

The golden rule that should not be neglected is before installing drivers and any program operating system.

Next, you need to install all the missing drivers. Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 have a huge number of drivers built into them; the update center also works great, with the help of which, which cannot be said about previous versions. In total, I highlight 3 ways to install drivers.

From disks included with certain equipment.

Which one to use is up to you; each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Since I am a very busy person and I don’t always have free time, I use additional software - Snappy Driver Installer, although I understand that downloading and installing drivers from off-site manufacturers is more correct. Whatever method you choose, just remember that the “firewood” must be installed in a certain order, namely: Chipset → Management Engine Interface → Video driver → Sound → everything else.

For those who decided to install everything manually, I will show you where to look for the drivers missing from the system. To do this, click again right click mouse on the “This PC” icon and in the window that appears, select “Device Manager” on the left.

That's all necessary drivers stand and the window looks like this.

If the system is missing a driver, you will see a characteristic yellow exclamation mark next to the device name.

Browser installation

The next step on my list is to install the most important programs, which will be useful to you in any case.

Chrome - https://www.google.ru/chrome/browser/desktop

Mozilla - https://www.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/new

Yandex - https://browser.yandex.ru/desktop/main

Opera - http://www.opera.com/ru/computer/windows

Installing programs

You can download installers (installers) of all programs to your USB flash drive or portable HDD USB and install software for clients from a portable device.

Microsoft Office or Open Office

Next I install the set office programs(Excel, Word, Power Point). If you do not have a license, then it is not at all necessary to use the pirated version, you can use free analogue– Open Office



The next necessary program is WinRar or any other similar archiver (7-Zip, WinZip).

Winrar - http://www.win-rar.ru/download

Winzip - https://winzip.ru.softonic.com

7-zip - http://www.7-zip.org/download.html



Torrent client

Next in line is a torrent client. Personally, I use it, but I’ll leave links to Download Master and Zona, in case they come in handy for someone.

Torrent - https://utorrent.info/skachat-utorrent

DM - https://westbyte.com/dm/index.phtml?page=download

Zone - http://zona.ru/download.html

PDF Readers

After that, I install a program that can open .pdf files, because this format is the most common for e-books, instruction logs

Acrobat Reader - https://get.adobe.com/ru/reader

Foxit Reader - https://www.foxitsoftware.com/ru/products/pdf-reader

Next – communication programs.

Discord - https://discordapp.com

Monitoring technical condition computer

This is where the list of programs for everyday needs ends, but we should not forget about the health of our computer. You go to see a doctor periodically, and your electronic friend also needs to be examined from time to time. Therefore, you should definitely install programs to monitor the condition of your PC and sometimes access them in order to identify problems in a timely manner.

First in line is the famous AIDA64, previously known as Everest Ultimate, which displays detailed information about your system and all components. Download link


After Aida we install programs for separate detailed monitoring of the central and GPU(CPU-Z and GPU-Z)



PC optimizers, defragmenters and tweakers

You will also need a program to update and optimize the logical structure of the disk partition. Some people use the built-in one, but if for some reason you don’t want to use it, I can offer you a good alternative in the form of Auslogics Disk Defrag. Whether to use third-party software is entirely up to you, I just remind you that this kind of program should be on any computer.


Various optimizers and tweakers such as, , in my opinion, are completely optional for the operating system, because with the right skill you can configure most of the tweaks they offer yourself, but if you need them vitally, or are simply too lazy to configure everything manually, then do not forget to install them too.

Windows 10 users are faced with various problems that can lead to difficulties when working with the system. One of these problems can be considered the occurrence of an error in the browser with the message “Unable to establish a connection to the site. The connection has been reset."

Why does the error “Cannot establish a connection to the site” occur?

The cause of this error is considered to be a disconnection with the Internet at the time of establishing a connection to the site. Most often, this is a temporary phenomenon, and you can get rid of the problem by simply reloading the page. However, when the problem occurs regularly several times during the day, you need to find a way to eliminate it.

What to do if you can't connect to the site

This problem can occur for various reasons, so to resolve it, it is recommended that you follow the recommendations below one by one.

Windows Update

The Windows 10 operating system is constantly evolving and needs to be kept up to date by downloading and installing updates regularly. Most often, updates are installed automatically, but if this does not happen, various problems may arise during the operation of the system. We recommend checking for yourself whether it is available Windows update 10, and if it is available, then update the system:

If installing an operating system update did not help resolve the error, proceed to the next step in the instructions.

Problems with network hardware drivers

Another possible cause of the error in question is incompatible network hardware drivers with the new version of Windows. For example, if the connection occurs through Wi-Fi adapter, and its drivers are not compatible with current version operating system, such problems may occur.

You can check whether the problem is related to drivers by connecting your computer to the Internet in another way. For example, connecting a computer to the Internet without participation network card via a USB modem (which can be a smartphone). If there are no breaks in such a connection, then you need to update the drivers of the network card and the device through which the connection occurs, for example, a Wi-Fi adapter.

There are two options for updating drivers to the latest version. The first method is to download drivers for specific equipment from the official website of hardware developers. And the second method is to automatically search for drivers for the device by selecting the appropriate item in the hardware properties, which can be accessed through the “Device Manager”.

Problems with network equipment settings

If updating network hardware drivers does not help get rid of the problem, you can reset the settings of devices responsible for accessing the Internet. To do this you need to run command line as administrator, then run the following commands in sequence:

Netsh winsock reset netsh int ip reset ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /flushdns

After running all the commands, restart your computer and check if the problem is still there.

Change user

If none of the above tips help you resolve the issue where you can't connect to a site, we recommend checking to see if the error persists when you change users. To do this, start a local account like this:

If none of the above methods help to get rid of the problem, and you are sure that it is not due to drivers or hardware problems, the correct solution is to reinstall Windows.

Surely almost every computer user, even those who mainly work on it, at least sometimes plays games as a form of relaxation. computer games. From time to time you just want to unwind, take your mind off work and change your type of activity. Other users specifically purchase a computer with regular entertainment in mind. And even the most powerful and advanced computer or laptop is by no means immune from a situation where the game does not start. Various errors may appear, black or blue screen or the launch shortcut simply does not respond to mouse clicks. There are many possible symptoms. What to do? Why is this happening? What points should you pay attention to first in order to solve the difficulties that have arisen? This is what our material today will be about.

Inconsistency with system requirements

For any game, the developer must indicate the necessary system requirements. They can be found on the disc box or on the official website of the game, if you prefer digital copy instead of a disk. After reading them, you will be able to understand what parameters your computer or laptop must have so that you can run the game. There are two types of requirements:

  • Recommended, that is, those with which you can play normally on normal settings.
  • Minimum, at which you can play at the lowest game settings.

Your computer or laptop must meet at least the minimum recommendations, otherwise you will encounter a situation where games do not start. Practice shows that if your computer has a dual-core processor and less than 4 gigabytes of RAM, most modern games will be inaccessible to you. Therefore, if you expect to be entertained regularly, take care of the power reserve by installing an advanced graphics card, powerful quad-core processor and at least 8 gigabytes of RAM.

Your computer must have: a powerful quad-core processor and at least 8 gigabytes of RAM

REMEMBER! If you have weak hardware, then no programs or drivers will improve its performance! Be prepared to pay either in money or in limited performance!

Outdated drivers

Drivers are special system programs, which control the operation of all installed equipment. For correct operation computer, it is advisable that they are all regularly updated. In principle, the system will work even if this is not done, and quite normally, but a feature of almost all modern games is sensitivity to the latest driver versions. Their developers regularly release updates in which a wide variety of innovations can be implemented. Game developers, in turn, can release games taking into account latest updates drivers. If they are outdated or, by coincidence, missing at all, the games will not launch.

It is most important to have driver updates for your video card, although in some cases you may also need to update other components, e.g. sound card(when using special sound effects) or chipset (when using processor acceleration technologies). How can you be sure which ones you have? installed versions software, and if necessary, update them? To get started, go to Device Manager, select the equipment you need, for example, video card, chipset, speakers, double-click, and then a window with details will open. In the “General” tab you will see the device model. Also look at the “Driver” tab, where you need to pay attention to the lines “Development date” and “Driver version”. Remember this information or write it down. If the driver is not installed, then go to the “Information” tab to find out the digital identifier of the equipment. To see it, click on the pop-up line and select "Value". An alphanumeric code will be displayed which you will need to copy.

Now let's move on to updating the drivers. In what ways can this be done?

  • Download from the manufacturer's official website. If you know the model of your laptop or computer, video card, go to the website, open the page with drivers, select the model or series of devices, as well as the operating system version. Download necessary files and install like regular programs.
  • If only the ID is known, open the website http://devid.info, paste the copied ID into the search bar, select the required version file, and after downloading, install it in the usual way.
  • Install special utilities to search and update drivers. The principle of their operation is to scan the system and download the required driver versions. You can find a large number of them on the Internet. However, you should use them carefully. Why? It is important to consider that such utilities often contain a lot of advertising and install a bunch of different third-party software.

  • Take advantage of the driver package with the ability automatic installation. You will need to download a file weighing approximately 10–12 gigabytes, which contains almost all possible drivers for any computer component and any operating version Windows systems. In our opinion, the best such package is SamDrivers. Among its advantages are the latest versions of software for any component of the computer, as well as the ability to use one of four automatic installers that will scan your system and make the update as painless as possible. In addition, it is possible automatic creation restore points so that you can restore Windows 10 to error-free operation in the event of an incorrect installation. By the way, we recommend using Snappy Driver Installer, since it has the fewest errors and works most correctly. To use it, you need to download the archive in ISO format. This is a disk image format. To start installing drivers, mount the virtual disk on the system. If you use Windows 10 or 8, this can be done through standard Explorer. If the version of Windows is older, use the application to work with virtual disks or unpack it like a regular archive using WinRAR. After that, run the automatic installer exe file, wait until it scans the system, mark the drivers you need to update and wait a few minutes until they are installed.

Lack of required software components

Usually, along with the game, third-party software components necessary for its normal launch are installed. If they are missing or their version does not correspond to the one for which the game is designed, it may not start or display various errors. What software components are needed to run the game normally?


One of the most important software components, much like the drivers for a video card. Used to develop various applications for the Windows operating system. Most often used in games. The developers are developing the game for use with a specific version of DirectX, so for it to work fully it must be installed on your computer. In the vast majority of cases, DirectX is included in the game's installation package, but in some cases you will still have to install it manually. Why? The package may not be installed for various reasons, for example, the developer forgot to include it in installation file.

Luckily, you don't have to keep everything on your computer. existing versions, because the files of the previous ones are included in the new ones. This means that you just need to download and install the most latest version DirectX from the official website. Follow this link https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/Download/confirmation.aspx?id=35, and in just a few seconds the file will start downloading automatically, and it will immediately be suitable for your version of Windows. Run the downloaded exe file and follow the installer's instructions.

An equally important software component used by game developers. Responsible for the compatibility of programs written in different programming languages. If a component is missing, there may be problems launching the game. True, it is included by default in the Windows system, and the newer the version, the newer the version Net Framework. However, in some cases you may need to install or update the utility manually. To do this, just go to the official website, download the file with the exe extension and then install it as a regular program.

A fairly popular software environment used for developing software for Windows. Very often it is automatically installed along with the toy, but in some cases you will have to do it manually. To do this, go to the official website, download the installation file, first selecting the language, and then install it as usual.

Windows version too old or too new

One of the possible options why the game does not start is that it is too old or too a new version Windows. If the game was recently released, it may not be compatible with older versions of Windows such as Vista, XP or older. And vice versa, if the game is old, released at the time of maximum XP, then it is unlikely to work on the new 8 or 10. How to get out of this situation? What should you do for this?

Almost all versions of Windows have great opportunity launch the application in compatibility mode. For example, you have a modern Windows 10 installed, but you want to remember the past years and play a game from 15 years ago. With a high degree of probability it will not start just like that.

  • After installing the game, display the launch shortcut on your desktop.
  • Right-click on it, select Properties - Compatibility.
  • Find the line “Run a program in compatibility mode" and select the desired version of Windows from the drop-down list.

  • Click OK and try to launch the game again.

Incorrectly installed game

It is unlikely that the game will launch correctly if you installed it incorrectly. What is meant? It is possible that the installation sequence was broken or that not all necessary files and update patches were installed. This problem especially often occurs when using a hacked version, when for full functionality it is extremely important to do everything as indicated in the installation instructions.

You should also remember that the folder in which you install the game should under no circumstances contain Russian letters. In some cases there will be no problems, but in most cases you will not be able to play. Where should I install the game so that it works correctly? Typically the default path looks like C:\Program Files\game folder. Some, in order to save space on drive C, transfer the game to drive D, and mistakenly name the folder in Russian letters. This is why games won't launch. Make sure that the installation path contains only English letters. The best option will leave the installation path as suggested by the installer.

Bad Windows build

Considering that many users simply do not use licensed version Windows 10 due to the high cost of the license, problem incorrect operation not least due to the assembly curve of the operating system. If you use pirated builds, make sure that the version you want to use has positive feedback from other users and works flawlessly.

Virus infection

Virus infection

Quite often, when using unverified sites and assemblies, various viral advertising files can penetrate your system. They can damage game files and disrupt the stable operation of the Windows 10 operating system as a whole. Therefore, check from time to time to see if you have contracted any virus on your computer or laptop. To do this, use your built-in antivirus or any free antivirus scanner to scan the system for malware and, if found, remove it.

System contamination and computer overheating

Everything can be much more trivial: RAM overflow, clogging file system or the computer overheats due to dust contamination of its components. If your computer is not super powerful enough to run several resource-intensive applications on it simultaneously, make sure that all other software windows are closed before turning on the game. Also regularly clean the file system of accumulated garbage that is formed as a result of running various programs. The largest generators of software garbage are browsers and instant messengers. For convenience, use one of the automatic cleaning applications, such as CCleaner.

Security settings are too strict

It is quite rare to encounter a problem caused by too strict security settings in the Windows operating system. The following settings can be made:

  1. Go to Start - Control Panel - User Accounts - Change Control Settings accounts(UAC).
  2. Move the slider to the very bottom and restart your computer.


Despite the large number possible reasons Why the game may not start is not difficult to solve. Tell us in the comments why the game did not work on your computer.

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