ESET NOD32 LiveCD (bootable disk). Bootable USB flash drive with antiviruses to scan your computer - COMSS Boot USB What is a boot disk from ESET

Has your computer crashed due to viruses? The situation is not pleasant, but not critical, because you can download LiveCD ESET NOD32 for Windows 10, and with this utility you don’t even have to reinstall the OS itself. You can clean your PC, laptop or tablet in safe mode, and return the OS to a fully working state. This LiveCD is considered one of best solutions. And not only among free ones, but also among paid ones, while the software is completely free and constantly updated. Latest version, as a rule, is the most powerful, so we post a link to it.

Download LiveCD ESET NOD32 to fight viruses

LiveCD ESET NOD32 is a tool that should be in the arsenal of any Windows 10 device owner. If you don’t already have this utility, then you need to not only download it, but also burn it onto media. The advantage of this solution over most others is that you can record the program on all popular types of media at once, for example:
  • CD/DVD;
  • USB flash drive;
Don't be confused by the term "LiveCD" in the program's name. This version is fully compatible with USB devices, including small flash drives. Pay attention to the size of the program, it takes up minimal space, which means you can use even a very modest-sized flash drive. But don’t underestimate the program’s capabilities; they are truly impressive. The latest version of LiveCD ESET NOD32 in Russian includes the following modes:
  • ESET live-CD Text mode – launches the OS with the ability to work via the command line;
  • ESET live-CD Graphics mode – launch a safe environment with graphical interface+ access to the Internet;
  • Run Memtest utility – device diagnostics;
An interesting mode has also become available - ESET live-CD Copy to RAM. Its advantage is that it allows you to transfer the program to RAM and remove the flash drive. This is especially important if you are trying to restore operation on a tablet that only has one port and you need to return the charger. Since LiveCD ESET NOD32 is still a program that is responsible for your security, we decided to post a direct link so that you can download LiveCD ESET NOD32 from the official website. Since on any file-sharing services you could encounter viruses. But having a tool like this that can solve virus problems does not change the fact that you need to have it on your computer good antivirus, For example,

Hi all! In today's article we will talk about such a useful household item as from ESET. We will take a detailed look at the most common problems that such a drive can handle, and will also make a small comparison with products from other companies.

What is livecd eset nod32?

I think, first of all, it’s worth telling more about this tool. ESET primarily specializes in providing information security its users. Therefore, I think it’s not difficult to guess that the main purpose of the disk is to fight viruses.

The disk image can be downloaded from the official website and burned to media. After which, it can be used as needed, in case of any dangerous situations. This tool not only allows you to get rid of malicious software that can even block your computer, but also has many useful tools in its arsenal. Additional utilities can help you gain access to the system, save important files, or eliminate the consequences of viruses. In general, everything that can be useful at a critical moment, right down to the browser. Well, now you have a little idea what it is. Now let's see how this disk works in practice.

Load and burn a disc from ESET

You can download the disk image itself absolutely free of charge on the developer’s official website. To do this, follow this link:

Next to the inscription “LiveCD ESET NOD32” click on the download button of this file and save it to your HDD.

And so, you downloaded the image to your computer boot disk. Now all that remains is to write it onto a removable storage medium: a disk or flash drive. For these purposes, you can use various disk burning utilities, it doesn’t really matter. For example, you can use UltraISO, which will do the job perfectly. If you don't want to bet additional programs to your computer, you can use the standard Windows utility, for recording discs. To do this, click right click mouse over the downloaded file. IN context menu, in the “Open with” section, select the item called “Disc Burner”.

After that, insert a blank disc into the drive and click on the “Burn” button.

If you have an unnecessary flash drive of suitable size, you can use it instead of a disk. This will be a more convenient and compact carrier. To create a bootable USB flash drive, you can use the Flashboot program. But this will be discussed in more detail in one of the following articles.

Booting from eset livecd disk

It’s not for nothing that this disk is called a boot disk; you need to do the same things with it as with Windows installation. Only in this case we will not install anything. To begin, insert the disk itself into the drive and restart the computer. If after this, instead of the usual Windows boot, you will see the ESET boot screen, you can go straight to choosing a boot option.

Well, if nothing happened, and your operating system boots in normal mode, then you need to make some settings. All these settings will concern the section responsible for loading from a specific media into . To do this, before Windows starts loading (when the numbers flash on the screen), press the Del button. In some Bios versions this button may differ, you can find out more in the documentation for motherboard. Then, when the settings open, go to the “ ” tab and set the optical drive to boot first. You can read more about this procedure and how it is done in one of the previous articles on our website.

There are several possible options for downloading.

  • “ESET live-CD Graphics mode” is the main mode, it has a graphical shell, so it’s easiest to choose this option.
  • “ESET live-CD Copy to RAM” - this mode allows you to free up the drive by completely loading the system onto the computer into RAM.
  • “ESET live-CD Text mode” - launch without a graphical shell, all operations are carried out manually by entering commands in the terminal.
  • “Run Memtest utility” - by selecting this item, we will launch a program to search for errors in RAM.

We are interested in the first point, as the simplest and most understandable. Select it and press “Enter” on the keyboard. After this, for some time, the system will boot, at the end of which you can see the desktop.

As we can see, this is a typical operating system distribution Linux systems, adapted by Eset to restore the main system.

Boot Disk Tools

Let's meet a few useful utilities that are in this system. Shortcuts to these programs are located right on the desktop, so you don’t need to look hard for them.

ESET SysRescue

This program allows you to perform a full scan of your computer for various malware. Since Windows is not running, the utility is able to fight viruses much more effectively and remove unwanted software that sits in startup.


A utility that can remove various types of Winlockers (i.e., ransomware viruses that block the system). If you have suffered from just such a virus, then you just need to run this program and follow the further instructions that will appear there.


A simple browser through which you can easily visit any Internet resource without starting Windows. It can really help out in difficult times, allowing you to find the right solution to your problem on the Internet. Indeed, in some cases, it is not always possible to access the Internet through the browser of the main operating system.


Well, this file manager. It will allow you to work with files on your hard drive, move and delete them. For example, if you need to install new Windows, then you can use the “Computer” window to write all important files to your flash drive.

If you compare this element with a similar one from the Dr.Web boot disk, you will notice that it is much more convenient and more intuitive.

These are just the most basic programs that you can resort to in most cases. But there are many other useful tools on the disk. All of them can be found in something like the Start menu, which is located at the bottom of the screen. You can study them all yourself.

The system itself can also be very easily customized. To familiarize yourself with the basic parameters, simply go to the control center through the main menu.


So we got acquainted with the boot disk from ESET. As you can see, working with it is not particularly difficult and any user can do it. Comparing with a similar product from Dr.Web, you will notice that ESET's user interface is more customizable. Although this does not matter to many. Overall, both products do their job well.

I recommend that you burn such a disc. After all, if there is a virus on your computer that blocks the system, you will not be taken by surprise and will easily deal with the unwanted “guest” using such a powerful tool. Bye everyone, see you in the next article. Good luck!

And today I want to write about boot disk from ESET. I'll try to write detailed guide with this disk, I’ll tell you where to download it, how to run it on your computer and what problems it can handle. I think it's okay if I compare the ESET disk with the Dr.Web disk a little.

What is an ESET boot disk?

Honestly, I'm a fan (loudly said :)) of antiviruses from ESET. I have this antivirus on my computer and I recommend it to everyone, as I am completely satisfied with it.

And when I saw somewhere on the Internet that ESET had created a boot disk, I became very interested in trying it out; before that, I had used a disk from Dr.Web.

Oh yes, something took me in the wrong direction. So what is an ESET boot disk? Essentially, this is a disk image that you can download for free from the ESET website, burn this image to a disk or flash drive, and use it to solve many problems.

What kind of problems can be solved with such a disk? Well, since it was released by an antivirus company, it was primarily created to fight viruses, and most importantly, ransomware viruses. The ESET disk even has a special utility for destroying ransomware viruses, I’ll tell you more about it later.

But this disk contains not only an antivirus, there is also an equally useful explorer that can be used to save files during a system crash, there is a browser and a couple of other useful features, but first things first.

How to download and burn a Live CD from ESET?

You can download the .iso disk image, as I already said, from the official website of ESET at the link When you follow the link, you will see this picture:

Next, just click on the “Download” button and a window will immediately appear asking you to save. iso image to your computer, keep it, it weighs a little more than 200 MB. You can also download the manual below, by the way, I really liked the manual, everything is very cool and clearly laid out.

After the disk image is completely downloaded to the computer, we need to burn it to a disk or flash drive.

I recommend burning to disk using my favorite program UltraISO. Download it, install it, and the .iso image will immediately launch in this program. You just need to click on the record button and wait for the recording to finish.

You can also write standard means Windows.

Right-click on the downloaded image.

Select "To open with" And “Windows Disc Image Burner”

All that remains is to click on the “Record” button and wait for the recording process to complete.

A bootable USB flash drive with this image can be created using the Flashboot program, as promised, there will be a separate article about this.

This means insert the finished disk into the drive and restart the computer. If you boot from the drive and you see a window for loading a LiveCD from ESET on the screen, then you can skip the paragraph below and go straight to the description of choosing a boot mode.

After ESET starts loading the disk, you will see the following picture on the screen:

On loading screen, 4 download options will appear.

  1. "ESET live-CD Graphics mode"– this mode will allow you to launch a disk with a graphical shell and conveniently work with the system. It is recommended to choose this one.
  2. “ESET live-CD Copy to RAM” – in this boot mode, all files will be copied to RAM and the system will work without a disk or flash drive.
  3. “ESET live-CD Text mode” – from the name it is clear that this is a text mode, that is, you can work with the disk through the command line.
  4. “Run Memtest utility” is a utility that can be used to check RAM for errors.

Select the first option and press “Enter”.

We wait a little, and we see the desktop of the LiveCD system from ESET.

Basic utilities in ESET LiveCD

I will do small review There are only four, in my opinion, basic utilities whose shortcuts are located on the desktop.

This is an antivirus scanner. With its help, you can scan your entire computer for viruses and possibly destroy those viruses that prevent your computer from starting. Since the operating system is not running when scanning, it will be easier for the antivirus to find and clean most viruses.


This utility was created by ESET specifically to combat ransomware viruses. So, if your computer has been affected by a ransomware virus, then you simply need to try using this utility. Launch it and follow the instructions.


Built-in browser allows you to visit any site without even starting it operating system. This can be useful, for example, when the computer gives an error and through the built-in browser it is possible to search for a solution to the problem on the Internet.


This name hides a file manager that will help you transfer files from one partition to another (convenient when reinstalling Windows), or perform other operations with files.

I liked the file manager in the ESET boot disk much more than in the LiveCD from Dr.Web. It is more functional and understandable.

These four utilities are the most basic and most useful. But there are other programs on the disk. They are hidden in the start menu (blue icon in the lower left corner). I won’t list them; you can figure them out yourself.

I was also pleased with the large number of system settings.


A boot disk from ESET is another useful tool for restoring your computer in the event of a virus or other attack. system errors. If we compare this disk with the disk from Dr.Web, then both of them deserve attention. The only thing is that the system from ESET seems to me to have a better interface and more settings, but this is not for everybody.

I advise you to create such a boot disk for yourself just in case. It would be better if you didn’t need it, but let it be for yourself. Good luck.

On currently There are several antiviruses that distribute LiveCDs with antivirus to check the system for viruses in a completely clean system. Some viruses can be protected from removal if you run an antivirus on an infected system. When booting from a LiveCD, a known clean system is loaded (something from the Unix or Linux family) and the antivirus will be able to avoid the effects of already picked up viruses.

One of these antiviruses is ESET sysrescue:

The original image is functional, but is designed to be written either to a CD/DVD or to be given the entire flash drive for his use. In this post I will tell you how you can use ESET sysrescue on a multi-boot flash drive (creating such a flash drive is not considered).

As already mentioned, the original image can be burned either to a CD/DVD or to a separate flash drive following the instructions from ESET. True, if we use a CD/DVD, our antivirus databases become outdated very quickly, and we can only update them by burning them new disk. And giving away an entire flash drive (currently less than 1GB and cannot be found everywhere) under one antivirus of 190 MB is stifling to the toad. And then there is a desire to add an antivirus to a multi-boot flash drive, which already has several useful images and still has some free space left.

When using a multi-boot flash drive, you just want to write the original ISO onto the flash drive and write down the rules for booting from it. But we will encounter the fact that after starting the system, the search for the “sysrescue” directory in the root of the available disks will fail, and the download will be interrupted with an error.

Here's why this happens:

  1. The loader of a multi-boot flash drive (for example Grub4DOS) maps the eset_sysrescue.iso image into memory and starts booting from it.
  2. When the system boots from ISO, external devices are initialized
  3. Now the loaded system sees the disks of the target computer and our flash drive, and the sysrescue directory is really nowhere to be found

You can simply add the sysrescue directory from the image to the flash drive and everything will work well, but the toad begins to choke again - 190 MB of files from the sysrescue folder are on the flash drive twice, and once completely empty (in the image file).

Here we can say a special thank you to ESET, since the image file contains everything that is necessary to create a new image with the files we need. True, for this you will need to unpack the image, throw out the files unnecessary for the image and assemble the image. Doing this manually (especially several times) is not very convenient, so I wrote a small script that will simplify the creation of a reduced image for recording on a CD/DVD disk or flash drive, and will also extract files from the image that need to be copied to the flash drive.

The script needs to be placed in the directory with the original image, as well as two files (7z.dll, 7z.exe) from the 7-Zip project. After running the script it will appear new file eset_sysrescue_min.iso, as well as the flash folder, the contents of which need to be copied to the root of the flash drive.

To boot from the original and reduced images, the following Grub4DOS configuration is suitable:

title ESET sysrescue
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /eset_sysrescue_min.iso
map —heads=0 —sectors-per-track=0 /eset_sysrescue_min.iso (hd32)
map --hook
chainloader (hd32)

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