Google plus - registration, login to your Google plus account and all the features of this social network. Social network Google Plus – registration, login. What are circles, ribbons, how to create a brand page How to create a google business page

Greetings friends! Today I will touch upon the topic of the Google+ social network for the first time!
Judging by the results this social network is achieving, it can become better than Facebook itself! Just think about a short time existence, Google's network has achieved what Facebook has been trying to achieve for 3 years! If this social network is so promising, why don’t you take a place in it so as not to regret it in the future? Today I will tell you how to make a Google+ page for your website!

Until today, I had not worked with this social network, I didn’t even really know anything about it, but the innovation pushed me to register! Now I have my own my blog page on Google+!

You may have a question - “Why should I create such a page?”.
The answer is obvious! If the social network from Google+ achieved the results it achieved in a short time Facebook network in 3 years, this project has a future! Before this network grows into a mega network, you should hurry to take your place in order to grow and develop with it. In addition, creating a page for your website is not at all difficult!

Before we start, I want to remind you that you can get additional traffic, take advantage of it!

Create a page for your website on Google+

Go to the social network address -
If you are not registered, please do so. Registration does not cause any complications and you should not have any questions about this.

After registration has been successfully completed, go to your account and at the very bottom of the right column click on “ Create a Google Page+”, as in the picture.

After that, you will be asked to select a category, select “ Product or brand

After filling out the basic information, you need to fill out your page profile. Enter a description and upload an image. Naturally, the image should be such that your site is immediately recognizable just by looking at the image!

After you click the “Continue” button, you are asked to tell us that you have created a page for your site, which you should do! Although, if you have just registered in the system, there is no one to read you.

After everything is done, you will be taken to a page asking you to create your own news feed and we, of course, agree!

Publish the post and you're done! Now you have your own blog page on Google+! But that's not all! Since you have your own page, you need to tell your friends about it, right? Of course, you can send invitations by email or via Twitter, but then the newcomers will not know about it. Google+ has taken care of this, you can immediately place a button from this social network right on your website and you don’t have to worry!

Google+ icon on your site

On the page where we were asked to create a feed, below we can get an icon.

Click on “Get an icon” and select the type of icon on the proposed page.
In the following stages, I am not your advisor, everyone has their own taste, choose according to your taste and place the icon where you like!

I placed this icon, without any inscriptions, like this:

This is the code I posted:

114666421707859023529/posts" style="text-decoration: none;">

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Creating a Google account makes it possible to use all the numerous features of this search giant in full. This is very convenient for ordinary users, many of whom use, for example, . I'm not even talking about webmasters or Internet entrepreneurs, for whom the availability account in Google is vital.

The Google account system is built in such a way that once you register, you get access to all services at once, while simultaneously purchasing a mailbox on GMail, which I use myself and which I consider the most optimal and reliable in every sense. Moreover, Google does not regulate the number of accounts you can create.

That is, if you have one account, you can add several more to it at any time, registering a new email each time. By the way, exactly the same mechanism applies when registering in Yandex. Below we will analyze all the necessary details of obtaining a Google profile in detail, so that if possible there are no dark spots left.

How to create a Google account for your needs

So, we begin the operation to get an account on Google. Registration is carried out on a special page, where you need to fill out the form provided there, in the first part of which you need to enter your first name, last name and login as part of your email:

Naturally, your mailbox will be located on the Gmail server; this service is part of Google applications. However, of course, there must always be an alternative, since users will not understand the lack of choice. In this case, if you do not want to create your own mail on GMail, then you need to click on the link “Use current email address.” mail." Then the form will take a slightly different form and you can enter your email, which will further serve as your login when logging in:

Please keep in mind that in this case, when registering, you will have to confirm the address of such an email. An email will be sent to the specified mailbox containing a link that you must follow to confirm. But, I repeat, such additional steps need to be made only if you do not want to register your mail with GMail.

However, in my opinion, the Google account you create requires the presence of a Gmail email account, if only because it is much more convenient when using various Google applications and services. In addition, the interface and settings here are constantly being modernized and, most importantly, Google Post service very reliable in terms of security, which I will talk about in more detail.

So, if, after switching to entering your current email, you suddenly change your mind and decide to use Google mail after all, nothing prevents you from simply clicking on the “Create a new GMail address” link. We go further and in the next block of the registration form we enter the password twice, as well as our date of birth and gender:

Please note that your date of birth will not be publicly available without your consent. Of particular note is the need to make the password as complex as possible, since this directly affects the security of the future account. For my part, I would dare to recommend Kipas in this regard, which I have been successfully using for quite some time. But let’s continue filling out the Google registration form:

First you need to enter your mobile phone number and, preferably, an additional email. This information will not be superfluous in terms of increasing the level of security. For example, if you forget your password or somehow it is lost, you will receive the data necessary to restore access to your account via SMS Google posts. A backup email address also contributes to increasing the level of account security and can also be used to receive notifications.

Next, enter the captcha in the appropriate line “Enter text” and proceed to the final part of the registration form, where you need to select the country (the one in which you live will be automatically indicated), and also tick your agreement with the terms of use of Google services and the privacy policy:

However, you can easily ignore this suggestion at this stage and upload the photo later. This can be done at any time using the appropriate options on your profile. Therefore, you can immediately click on the “Next” button. The result of this action will be the realization that you have managed to create a Google account:

After clicking “Forward” you will find yourself on a web page from where you can access all applications, services, settings and other necessary services:

Perhaps for some it will be easier to absorb the information from the video. Therefore, I provide a video on the topic of creating an account in Google:

Well, considering the level modern technologies It wouldn’t be amiss, I think there would be a video about creating a Google account for mobile devices Android based:

Login to Google account and basic settings

So, in the example above, we have determined how to register a Google account. You can log into your UZ right away by clicking on the silhouette in the upper right corner and then clicking on the corresponding link (in the future you can log in from the authorization page):

As you know, Google allows you to create as many profiles as you like, corresponding to different mailboxes GMail. If you receive several accounts, then it is possible to make multiple logins by logging into them simultaneously and switching between different accounts, which is very convenient when working:

After logging into your account, you can go to settings, thereby defining your preferences. By the way, I really like the interface, both in terms of ease of perception and in terms of the breadth of possibilities that are provided. Therefore, I, perhaps, will not describe in detail all the possible options, everything is intuitive here, I will tell you in general terms and will only dwell in more detail on those points that seem to me the most important.

IN section "Personal data" First of all, you can add a photo if you did not do this during the registration process:

All possible editing on the left side of this section is connected in one way or another with the settings of the profile options automatically created for you in, which is gaining wild popularity, which is not surprising, considering under whose powerful wing it is located. But we will talk about this in more detail in a separate article, since there are many nuances there.

On the right side Basic data, which were specified during the registration process (e-mail address and telephone number). To change this information, you just need to click the “Change” button and edit what you need on the newly opened page.

In the "Language" tab select the main interface language, as well as languages ​​that should be excluded from translation when working with text. Here you can also define the keyboard input method. You press the appropriate buttons and you immediately get the result, nothing complicated.

How to ensure maximum Google account security

I think everyone will agree with me if I say that the most important aspect of any closed systems is their reliable protection from outside attacks. Therefore, now I’ll tell you in more detail about the measures that can be taken to improve the security of your account and preserve confidential data.

First of all, go to the “Security” section of your account settings. In the first block, one of the options allows you to change your account login password at any time. To do this, just click the “Change Password” button:

A major step towards enhancing security is to enable two-step authentication, which is disabled by default. Click “Settings” and go to the web page for starting to activate this option, where its advantages are presented in pictures:

As you probably understood, in brief the essence this method is that when you log into your Google account, in addition to the password itself, you will also have to enter a code that will be sent to your mobile phone. So, click on the “Start setting up” button and, as a first step, indicate your cell phone number:

You can also choose the method of receiving the code (voice or SMS). Then ask to send a verification code. Once received, enter it in the appropriate line:

Next, make a “Confirm” request. In the third step you will be asked to count this computer reliable. This is necessary so that the next time you log into your account from this computer, Google no longer sends a confirmation code each time:

The last step is devoted to the final activation of protection in the form of two-step authentication:

After this action, a page will open where further suggestions for optimizing the security system will be given. I advise you to study them carefully, since these settings not only allow you to increase the level of protection, but also make it possible to always have a backup option if unforeseen difficulties arise.

Let's see what else can be done to obtain optimal security and prevent unwanted situations from occurring:

  • Create codes in the application - when you try to log into your Google account from another computer, phone or tablet, you will be asked for a confirmation code, which can be obtained using the program Google Authenticator. If any difficulties arise, there is still an alternative to order the code via SMS or voice message. This application can be downloaded from the official Google Play page;
  • Add a phone number - if the main phone is unavailable for some reason (breakdown, theft, etc.), then you can use a backup option in the form of another mobile phone, to which a code will be sent. The more additional numbers you add, the more you will insure yourself against force majeure. For each phone number, a confirmation operation similar to that described above will be performed as part of two-step authentication;
  • Print or download backup codes - This option is intended for those who are away for a long time and cannot use the Google Authenticator app or phone at some point. To begin with, 10 codes are given; the used codes cannot be used further; in the future, it is possible to generate additional code numbers. All this is on the page that you will be taken to if you follow the “Show backup codes” link.

In the same “Security” section there is a settings block "Account access". If you click on the “Entire list” link, you will be taken to a page where a list of all web resources and applications that in one way or another have access to the account will be given:

If you have bad suspicions about them, then you can easily and simply block their ability to use your UZ data by selecting an object on the left side and clicking on the “Deny access” button on the right.

Further. If in the section "Recent Activity" follow the “Entire list” link, you will receive all the necessary information about all actions related to the security of your account (attempting to log in or changing your password). If some action seems suspicious, for example, logging in from a browser that you have never used or a time when you could not perform such an operation in any way, you can draw the appropriate conclusions and take the necessary steps to correct the situation. Let's say, in this case, it is advisable to immediately change the password.

In another subsection "Recovery and Alerts" You can configure to receive messages about suspicious activity. Click on the “Change” link opposite the inscription “Send reminders to phone”:

We check the boxes next to the alert types, as a result of which you will receive SMS from Google on your mobile phone if suspicious actions are detected on the part of third parties in relation to your UZ.

How to manage data, delete and restore your Google account

Tab "Data management" allows you to make a wide variety of settings that you need. For example, the "Storage Space" subsection gives comprehensive information about the volume of files stored (on Google Disc, on GMail and on Google+ Photos).

The free plan allows you to use up to 15 GB of disk space. Agree, for regular user that's a lot. Well, if you want to add free space for a specific purpose, you will have to switch to a paid option by clicking on the “Change tariff” link.

In the same tab there is such an interesting option as “Google just in case”. In fact, this is a will in the most literal sense of the concept. After all, anything can happen in our lives, so you can make a list of people to whom all your “property” in the form of photos, files and other data will be transferred if the account is inactive for a certain period of time, which should be set in the settings.

So, first, we set up a period of inactivity, then add trustees who will receive all account information in your will. Click on the appropriate link and follow all the steps according to the instructions, which are very easy to understand.

I note that it is possible to set up an autoresponder for this GMail mail, which will send a specified message to all recipients who will write to you after the inactivity period has expired. If, after a specified period, the account should be liquidated, left-click the empty cell opposite the “Delete account” option, and then click “Enable”.

In the subsection of the same name in the “Data Management” tab there is a link “Delete account and data”. After clicking on it, carefully read the warning, since deleting an account is a responsible decision.

So, we looked at how to delete a Google account, now it’s time to understand what steps need to be taken to restore it. I mentioned this possibility above in the text during the description of registration. This may be necessary if suddenly an unpleasant situation arises associated with the loss of a password or, even worse, with the seizure of an account and loss of access to it.

Google cares about the safety and security of its users’ data, so you can restore your account only when it is one hundred percent sure that you are the owner. That’s why during registration we indicate the recovery parameters, which in this case are an additional e-mail and phone number.

You can restore access to your Google account. If you can’t figure something out, you will get answers to your questions and options for action in a given situation at this And this help pages.

All Google apps and services

Google has a whole bunch of a wide variety of services and services, as they say, for all occasions. Almost every user will find in this list the necessary application to solve a particular problem. Therefore, when talking about creating an account, I cannot ignore this aspect. I suspect that this moment, the most complete list of services is located on one of the Wikipedia pages.

Now let's go to our account and click on the icon, which will call up the default set of icons, each of which represents a specific Google service or application:

By clicking on the selected icon, you will be taken to the page of the service indicated by this picture. If you click on the “More” link, you will get a couple of additional icons:

A new link “Other offers from Google” will also appear here, by clicking on which you can go to a new web page, where there is an expanded list, which, however, is also far from complete (you will get a more voluminous one if you visit the Wikipedia page using the link provided above):

To add a particular application to the initial registry for convenience, which appears when you click on the icon in your account, you need to go to the page of this service after logging into your account:

Now in your UZ you should click on the inscription “Add a shortcut”, as a result of which the icon of this Google service will be present in the collection along with other pictures.

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Google+ from A to Z. Usage Guide


New Google Plus allows you to unite people not only in common circles, as it was before, but also based on common hobbies and interests.

This guide covers All What you need to know about using the new version of Google+.

How to check out the new version of Google+

During the week, an invitation to try the new version pops up on Google+. A pop-up window appears in the lower left corner home page"Try updated version Google Plus".


If you're excited to try out the updated version, then head over to your Google+ page, click on the search field and, voila!, the page will refresh and reveal the new version of Google+.

If you are using the Google Plus app on mobile phone, new interface will appear after updating the application.

If you tried the new version of Google+ on the website and want to return to the classic version, click the "Return to standard experience" link in the lower left corner.

IMPORTANT NOTE regarding this Google+ guide:

According to Google, you can only see and change settings on certain platforms. If you can't find what you're looking for, try using a different device.

How to use the new version of Google+

New Google version Plus aims to share links, videos, images and other materials with people who share your interests.

  • Use your feed to see the posts you are interested in and the posts of those you follow.
  • Take advantage Collections to see and categorize messages by topics that interest you.
  • Take advantage Communities to communicate with other people who share your interests.

A small educational program on how to use Google+

    Click on the button 'Ribbon' to view the posts you are interested in and the posts of those you are interested in signed.

    Click on the button "Selections" to see and categorize posts by topics that interest you.

    Press "Communities" to connect with other people who share your interests.

    Press "Profile" to see only your own posts.

    Press "People" to find people, follow them, see who you're currently following (that's where you can now manage your circles), or who's following you.

    Press ‘Circles’ to see the circles (lists) of specific people you've created. (NOTE: if you don't see this option, go to "Settings", scroll down to « Additional settings» and press "Show circles in navigation menu" ).

    IN ‘Settings’ you can adjust some profile features as well as your notifications.

  • Click on the button "Return to standard interface" to return to old version Google+. I don't know how long this feature will be available.

Getting started with Google+: Feed

You can see your Google+ news feed by selecting "Ribbon" in the Google+ menu.

This is where you see posts that other people are sharing.

To fill your feed with content that's most interesting to you, follow other people in Collections or join Communities that interest you.

When you see a post in your Google+ feed, you can:

You can use the +1 button to show that you like a post that someone else has shared.

To add +1 to a post:

  • Find the post you want to +1.
  • Click on the +1 icon.

To cancel +1, click on the +1 icon again. You can also remove +1 in "Activity Log".

NOTE:To access your Activity Log, go to Settings => Apps & Entertainment => Manage Google+ Activity

To see this page now, just click on this link(This will take you directly to your Activity Log. You must be logged into Google+.)

Who can see your +1:

  • People in your circles can see posts that you have +1ed in their feed and may receive a notification that you +1ed their post.
  • Anyone who can view the post can see who +1ed this post.
  • Your settings Social Recommendation affect how your name and photo may be used when you +1 a post.

Once again, you can go back and look at posts and comments that you have +1ed, as well as remove your +1, by checking your Activity Log.

Here's what the Google Plus Activity Log looks like:

How do +1s make your posts more visible?

People who see your posts and comments can +1 them.

Their subscribers can see that they +1 your post or comment, and you may receive an additional +1 on your post or comment.

How to comment on Google+ posts?

You can leave a comment under posts that other people post.

Anyone who can see a post you commented on can see your comment, reply to it, and give it a +1 unless you blocked it or they blocked you.

To comment on a post:

Once you leave a comment, you can edit or delete it:

NOTE:If you don't see a comment icon on a Google+ post, it means you don't have permission to comment on that post.

People can turn off comments on their posts after other people have left them, so you'll be able to see comments left on a post, but you won't be able to comment yourself.

How to publish a post on Google Plus?

How to ignore a post on Google+?

Sometimes a post you've shown interest in (commented or +1ed) becomes very popular.

This way, you'll see the post appear at the top of your Google+ feed and/or you'll receive notifications about that post—over and over and over again.

If you no longer want to see or receive notifications about specific Google+ posts in your feed, you can ignore this post.

To ignore an entry:

What's the difference between the two?

If you ignore a post on Google+, you will no longer see the post in your feed or receive notifications about it.

When you Ignore person...

How (and why) to ignore someone on Google+?

If you don't want to see messages or notifications from someone on Google+, you can ignore that person.

To ignore:

How to report to Google+?

If you see that someone is violating “Rules of publications and user conduct”, you can complain.

To report Google+ posts, comments, people, Collections, or Communities:

How to report a photo:

You can also block someone who posts something you don't want to see.

How to block a user on Google+?

If you don't want someone to be able to contact you on Google+, you can block them.

If you block a user:

  • He will not be able to see your messages after blocking, or the comments that you left under other people's posts.
  • He won't be able to tag you in posts or comments on Google+, or comment when you post something on Google+.
  • You will be removed from friend of friend circles. He will also not be able to add you to circles.
  • If the person you blocked is the owner or moderator of the community you joined, they will still be able to see and edit your comments and posts.
  • He will not be able to write or call you Google Hangouts. Google+ blocks affecting Hangouts may also affect Google Voice.
  • You can see the people you have blocked and unblock them using Activity Log.

IMPORTANT: Blocking only works if the blocked user is signed into their Google account. For example, if a blocked user is not registered, he will be able to see your public posts. Likewise, if the user is not logged in, they will be able to see public posts.

To block a user:

ADVICE: If you don't want to see someone's posts in your Google+ feed, but you don't want to block them, you can simply unfollow them.

How to Connect with People on Google+

When you follow someone:

  • They will be added to the “Subscriptions” circle. ( we'll talk more about Google+ circles below)
  • They will be able to receive a notification that you have subscribed to it.
  • They will be able to see that you follow them.
  • They will be able to choose what you see from them.
  • They will be able to see what you share and have previously shared with your “Following” circle.
  • Open the profile of the person you want to follow. You can find them by name, or by clicking on their photo next to a comment or post they made.
  • Click Subscribe.

To unfollow someone:

  • Open the profile of the person you want to unfollow. You can find them by name, or by clicking on their photo next to a comment or post they made.
  • Click on the icon Subscribe(or the name of the Circle in which he is a member).
  • Deselect “Subscribe”.
  • Click Ready or OK.

Other great ways to connect with people on Google+:

  • Comment on posts;
  • Rate posts and comments +1.

How to use circles on Google+?

You can use Google Plus Circles to control who you share posts with.

A few quick notes about Google+ Circles:

  • You can add someone to your circle even if they don't follow you.
  • People in your Google+ Circles can see posts you share with that circle, including posts you posted in the circle before you added them.
  • This does not mean that these people will necessarily see these posts in their feed ( so don't spam by adding them to your circle using @!)
  • They might receive a notification that you've added them to one of your Google+ circles.
  • People you add to your circles will be able to communicate with you using Hangouts.

You can change settings, choosing whether or not to show people in your circles on your Google+ profile.

You can see the people who are in your circles by selecting People in your navigation menu.

You can add or remove someone from your circles at any time.

How to create a circle in Google Plus?

  • In the navigation menu, click on the icon People.
  • Click Subscriptions.
  • Click Create a circle.
  • Enter your circle's name, then click Create.

How to add or remove someone from a circle on Google Plus?

When you follow someone, they are placed in your “Following” circle by default.

To add someone to your “Following” circle, follow them.

To add someone to another Google+ circle:

  • Open the profile of the person you want to add to another circle.
  • Click the name of the circle he is in or the checkbox next to his name.
  • Use the menu to add it to another circle.
  • Click Ready.

To remove someone from your Google Plus circle:

  • Open the profile of the person you want to remove from your circle.
  • Click on the name of the circle it belongs to.
  • In the menu that appears, uncheck the circle to remove them from it.
  • Click Ready.

How to see your circles on Google Plus:

you can use Circles to see posts from certain circles.

Your Google+ Circles are disabled by default. They can be included in the menu Settings: go to Settings => Additional settings => Show circles in navigation menu.

Once you enable Circles, you can see them in the navigation menu.

Share with all your circles or with specific circles:

On the computer:

In the Android application:

How do I get started with Google+ Collections?

With Google Plus Collections, you can create posts around a specific topic and let your followers choose what types of posts they want to see from you.

For example:

  • Create separate collections for photography, recipes, sports, or other interests. Your followers can choose the collections they want to see.
  • You can create a Featured List for personal photos and updates that only certain people will see.

When creating a Collection, you can:

  • Select those who can see and subscribe to your Collections.
  • Choose whether people who follow you will automatically subscribe to the Collection.
  • See who subscribed to your Collection.
  • Post in this Collection.
  • Change how your Collection appears on the page.
  • Delete your Collection.

When someone follows your Collections, they can:

  • See your posts in this collection in your feed.
  • Rate +1, comment, and share posts in your Collection.
  • Unsubscribe from your Collection at any time.

When you subscribe to Collections, you can:

  • View posts from this Collection in your feed.
  • Choose whether to receive notifications about this Collection.
  • Unsubscribe from the Collection at any time.

Google+ Collections or Communities

On Google Plus, you can subscribe to collections or join a community.

Once you create a Collection, you can change or delete it at any time.

How to see who is following your Collection?

Once you create a Google+ Collection, you can see who has followed it at any time:

How to move a post to Collection?

If you have already posted a post, you can move it to Featured.

You can only move one post at a time. Also, you can only move public posts.

How to edit or delete a Collection?

After creating a Collection, you will be able to:

  • Change the name of the Collection.
  • Add description.
  • Select background color.
  • Change cover.

You can also change the “Following” settings for your Collection, which will allow you to choose whether people who follow you automatically subscribe to that Collection.

However, you cannot change the visibility settings of your Collection after it has been created. If you share your Collection in a Circle, new people you add to that circle will also be able to see the Collection.

Editing a Collection

To change the cover or background color Collections:

On the computer:

On a mobile device:

To change the name and description for your Collection:

Pinning a post to the Collection

You can pin a post to your Collection by placing it at the top of the Collection page.

Removing a Collection

You can delete a Collection at any time, but you cannot undo the deletion. When deleting a Collection, all posts in this Collection will be deleted.

To delete a Collection:

How do I find and follow Google+ Collections?

When you follow someone's Collection on Google Plus, the posts they post in that Collection may appear in your feed.

Advice:You can follow Collections without following the person who created it.

To find Google+ Collections:

View Other Users' Collections

You can see other users' Collections by visiting their profile.

Some of these Collections will appear at the top of their profile. You can click More details to see all the Collections you have access to.

How do I unsubscribe from Google+ Collections?

When you unfollow a Collection, you will no longer see posts from that Collection in your feed.

To unsubscribe from Collections:

  • Open the Collection you want to unfollow
  • Click the icon Unsubscribe.

Getting started with Google+ Communities

In Google+ Communities, you can share information and connect with people who share your interests.

You can see posts from Communities in your feed.

By joining the community, you will be able to:

  • See what other people are posting in this Community on their feed.
  • Share posts in this Community with other members.
  • Comment on posts in this Community.
  • Unsubscribe from the Community at any time.

Once you create a Community, you can:

  • Choose who can see and join your Community.
  • Add other people as moderators and owners.
  • Remove people from your Community.
  • Edit posts and comments in your Community.
  • Edit the style of your Community page.
  • Delete your Community.

How to find and join a Community on Google+?

When you join a Community, you begin to see posts from that Community in your feed and you can share posts in that Community.

You can view posts on a community page even if you are not a member.

To find a Community on Google+ and join:

NOTE: If you join a “private” Community, only members will be able to see your posts in that Community. Members and people who have been invited to join a private Community can see who is currently in the Community.

If you join a public Community, anyone can see your posts in that Community and the list of members of that Community.

Unsubscribe from Google+ Community

When you leave the Community:

  • You will not see regular updates from the Community in your feed.
  • You will not be able to post to this Community.
  • You will not be able to see the Community page

To unfollow a Community on Google+:

View Other People's Communities

Some of their Communities may appear at the top of their profile. Click More details to see all their Communities that are available for you to view.

NOTE:You may not see the Communities you choose to post on your profile on all platforms.

How many posts to show from the Community?

You can choose how many posts from the Community will appear in your feed.

To change this setting:

Receive notifications from the Google+ community

You can choose whether to receive notifications from the community you joined.

NOTE:For some large communities, you may not be able to enable the notifications feature.

How to create and edit a Community on Google+?

You can create your own Community on Google Plus based on your interests.

Other people can join and post to this Community, depending on the permissions you set.

When creating a Community, you are its owner and moderator.

To create a Community:

  • In the navigation menu, click Communities.
  • Click on the tab My.
  • Click Create a community.
  • Select a name and visibility options for your community. Click the button Ready.

After creating a Community, you will be able to:

  • Change the cover photo.
  • Change the name of the Community.
  • Make it private.
  • Add categories, links, description and location.

To edit a Community:

To delete your community:

Pinning posts in your community

You can pin a post to your community so that the post appears at the top of the community page:

Privacy Settings for Communities

When you create a community, you can set your privacy settings, but you cannot change those settings once it's created.

  • Public Communities open to everyone. They appear in searches. Anyone can watch and Join (or leave a request to join) them. Anyone can see public records and a list of participants.
  • Private communities allows you to share posts only with its members. Only members can see community posts and the list of members. Communities may be displayed when searching, depending on their parameters.

If you make a community private, you can choose whether it appears in search.

If you make the community private but searchable, people can request to join it.

People who are not members of a closed community can only see its name and picture.

NOTE for private Communities that are not searchable and that people cannot ask to join: if someone has a link to your community, they will still see the name and photo.

Other pages and content (including websites, blogs, and Google products such as Picasa) that contain a link to your community will still appear in results Google search and other search engines.

How to moderate a Google+ Community?

When you create a new community on Google+, you become the owner and can make other people owners or moderators.

The community owner can:

  • Remove people from the community.
  • Edit community information.
  • Delete community.
  • Make other people community members, owners, or moderators.
  • Demote owners and moderators.
  • Post and comment in the community

You can also become the owner of a Community that you did not create.

A Community Moderator can:

  • Invite people to join the community.
  • Approve requests to join the community.
  • Ban or remove people from the community.
  • Post posts and comments in the community.
  • Downgrade and become just a member of the community.

Removing or BANing someone in the community

Deleting someone, you force them to leave the community, but they can join it again if they want.

Banning someone, you prohibit them from joining the community until you unban them.

When you delete or ban someone, the posts and comments they made in that community will not be deleted.

To remove or ban someone from a community, you must be an owner or moderator.

How to make someone a moderator or owner of a Google+ community

You can make someone a moderator or owner of your Google+ community.

Someone must be a moderator before you make them an owner:

If you no longer want to be a community owner or moderator, follow the steps above and select: Become a moderator, or Become a member.

Invite someone to join your Google Plus community

You can invite people to join the Google+ community.

Inviting someone to your community allows you to create and share posts from your community with that person:

In “private” communities or “request to join” communities, you can cancel existing invitations:

  • Open the community where you want to uninvite.
  • Click or tap a photo of your Community members
  • Filter the list by the “Invited” parameter.
  • Click the menu icon next to your username.
  • Click Cancel invitation.

Removing posts and comments from your Community

You can moderate posts and comments made by members in your Google+ community.

When deleting a post or comment from the Community:

To moderate a post or comment in your community:

Some messages may be automatically classified as potential spam.

These messages will only appear in the community of owners and moderators, who must decide whether to accept or reject the messages.

Publishing posts on Google+

When you post on Google+, people who follow you and have the ability to view your posts will see them in their feed. The posts you share also appear on your profile.

You can choose who will see what you shared - Communities, Collections, page visitors.

Public posting on Google Plus

When you publish a post publicly on Google+, everyone can see it, even if they are not registered on the network.

Repost a post on Google Plus

To repost someone's post:

Repost a post to other social networks

Editing a post in Google Plus

You edit a post after you've already published it.

To edit:

You can also delete the post.

Google+ allows you to share geolocation information along with your photos. By default, this setting is disabled.

If you turn it on, people will be able to see where the photo was taken when viewing or downloading it.

To enable geolocation:

  • Open the main menu and go to Settings.
  • Scroll to location Add information about the shooting location when publishing new albums
  • Enable or disable this option as you wish.

Prohibition on comments and reposts of your posts

You can set restrictions on these actions.

In order to prohibit commenting and reposting of a post:

You can delete comments left under a post by clicking on the menu button next to the comment, Delete comment.

You can also choose who can leave comments on your posts using Settings menu.

Google+ and Search

Content you post publicly is searchable, even if your profile is private.

Content you share with certain people will be searchable only by them.

How to Manage Your Google+ Activity

When you post, leave a comment, or +1 something, you can delete your actions later.

You can also edit your post or delete your Google+ profile.

Delete a post or comment:

To delete a post or comment you created:

Cancel rating +1

To cancel a +1 rating on a post or comment, press the +1 button again.

Delete a post, comment, poll, vote, or +1 using the Activity Log.

If you can't find a post you posted, comments you left, or a +1, but still want to delete your activity, you can use the Activity Log.

To delete activities via Activity log:

  • Select from the navigation menu Settings.
  • Press Activity log.
  • To see different kinds activities like posts and ratings+1, click on the pop-up menu at the top of the screen.
  • To delete an action, click X next to the event to delete.

Viewing and editing your profile

Your Google+ profile includes posts you've created, Collections you've created or joined, and Communities you've joined.

A few notes to know about your Google+ profile:

You can also add a profile photo, profile photo, and description that will be publicly visible.

To see your Google+ profile, select Profile in the navigation menu.

On your profile, people can also see more detailed information about you by clicking on the icon.

You can also edit the information About Me.

When you change your name, description, profile photo, or cover photo on Google+, those changes are reflected in your self information.

How to edit your Google+ profile?

You can edit your Google+ profile to:

  • Change Collections on your profile.
  • Choose whether to show Collections you follow.
  • Add or change description.
  • Change background and profile photo.

Please note that your own Collections will appear on your profile automatically to the people you share it with.

For example, public Collections you create will be visible to those who visit your profile.

NOTE:Profiles look different on the new Google+ and different information may appear on your old Google+ profile.

You can return to the standard interface to see and edit your old Google+ profile.

Profiles may also look different on other platforms.

To edit your profile:

  • Open the navigation menu, then tap Profile.
  • Click the button Edit profile.
  • Make your changes, then click the button Save.

Changing Your Information on Google Plus

Because people can view information about you from using Google+, you can edit information about yourself, including your name and nickname.

NOTE:When you make changes to your information on Google+, those changes are reflected in others. Google apps, where people can view information about you.

To edit information about yourself:

About Google Plus pages

You can use Google Plus Pages to create business pages, groups, or communities.

You can create and edit Google+ pages, add and remove managers by visiting the page My business on Google.

You can use the tool Google My Business to manage your +Pages.

How to change Google+ settings?

You can change your Google+ settings by opening the navigation menu and selecting Settings.

Google+ Profile Settings

You can choose what information appears on your Google Plus profile. You can also edit your Google+ profile by going to Profile.

Some parts of your profile are only visible to people who view your profile in the classic Google+ experience.

You can also choose whether your profile will appear in search results.

Notification settings

You can turn notifications on or off based on specific actions, such as when someone tags you in a post or invites you to a Community.

NOTE:Not all devices allow you to set notifications.

Ribbon Settings

You can choose whether your news feed will be shown in a single column or multi-column when your screen size is large enough.

Some special abilities things like header navigation look best as a single column.

You can view and change these settings only using a computer.

Photo and video settings

You can choose whether or not to include the location in the photo.

You can choose whether a person can download and share photos and videos.

You can also choose whether the photos you post on Google+ will be used as background images by Google.

If you change this setting, photos you post may be posted on Google services such as in Google Chromecast and Google Fiber. You will receive a message on email Google, if your photo will be displayed somewhere...

Sharing options

You can change the visibility settings for your+1 activity.

Location Settings

You can use Location in Settings in Google Plus. To change go to location settings in your Google account.

Contact settings

You can choose whether the person will be added to your contacts on Android.

You can also turn on the Hints & Suggestions feature, which allows Google to use data from your device to make Google+ content recommendations for you.

You can change these settings using the Android app only.

Login to Google+ apps

You can manage applications that you have connected to your Google+ account in Page Settings.

Settings can be made using only the Android application.

General settings

You can choose who can comment on your public posts.

Activity log

Once again, you can use Page Settings to see and make changes to the Activity Log.

The Activity Log allows you to manage and delete your activities on Google+, such as comments, +1 ratings, or posts.

You can enable Social recommendations.

Circle settings

You can choose whether to show circles in your navigation menu.

Keyboard shortcuts in Google+

Another tip from Anna Hoffman(an adaptation of the article you see here):

To save time when working on Google+, you can use keyboard shortcuts. ( +CircleCountwill allow you to get to know Google Plus even better)

New version of Google+ or classic?

...Deep breath... This huge but extremely useful guide has almost come to an end. You have walked this path to the end!

It's time to mention a few differences between the old and new version Google+.

What happened to Google+ events?

In the new Google Plus interface, you can only create new events in the Android app.

To create an event on your computer, you'll need to switch back to classic Google+.

Google+ Polls

If you are using new iOS app or the new Google+ on your computer, you can vote in a poll, but you won't be able to create your own poll.

You'll need to return to the standard Google+ interface, or use the Android apps, to create a new poll.


WITH new Google Plus, you can:

  • See the places where people took posted photos.
  • See everyone who shares their location with you on the Map in the Android app.

Google+ Hangouts

Google+ Hangouts has been moved to its own page

Also, for users Chrome browser was created special extension.


Some people say: Google Plus is useless. Some people use it very actively.

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Are you already using Facebook advertising? Most likely they even launched it and spent a substantial budget on it. But for some reason you are not entirely satisfied with the statistics that Facebook shows. It is simply WRONG... My advice to you: if you already have Google Analytics code installed on your site, then just set up goals in analytics and track...

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    Google Adwords remarketing is something without which it is difficult to imagine modern marketing... Do you agree? For some reason, it’s not easy for many people with Google AdWords. “It doesn’t work”, “it’s too complicated” and so on... Have you heard? Remarketing or retargeting is a necessary “digital evil” in the modern Internet space. If people don’t make a purchase, don’t leave contacts in…

  • Show that you are a real person!! Leave a comment and tell me what you think.

    When creating a page for a website, for a company it is, first of all, a link from Google itself, and secondly, additional visitors to the site.

    In this article we will look step by step, how to create a Google Plus page for a website, what needs to be done for this, and what points to consider.

    If you already have a Google account, then the image shown above opens. If this is not the case, you need to first register your account.

    And let's move on to page design.

    After your Google Plus page has been created, you need to upgrade it a little, and at least ask your friends and acquaintances to add your page to their circles.

    Important points

    — updating the news page

    If you run a blog or have articles, you need to frequently update your company's or brand's Google Plus page

    When you add information, you put a link to your site there, thus getting a good link from Google, but at first, and not only, you need to upgrade the page itself.

    - bringing up Google Places

    We can connect the location map that we create through Google Local, read the article about.
    There will be many more articles about how to promote a page on Google, so subscribe to blog updates.

    — fill the page with information as much as possible

    If you have photos related to the company, for example certificates, reviews, recommendations, or just photos from life, then do not forget to fill out the company page in Google Plus. The more informative the page becomes, the better.

    Moving into search engine Google should not forget that it is Google that is primarily interested in developing its own social network, and not third-party ones. Therefore, the first step is to create a company page in Google Plus.

    Social factors influence website promotion, and the more your website pages and the company page itself on Google + are plused, the better it will be for promotion in general.

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