Communication networks. Communication networks and their varieties What is the advantage of the type of communication networks chain

Examples of the presence of noise can be the following: sound errors in pronunciation; the presence of a stronger parallel signal; language errors; distortion in communication lines; adding to the message at various levels, etc.

The last, important element of the communication process is the feedback that appears as a result of the exchange of roles among the participants in the process. The recipient becomes the sender, and vice versa, the sender becomes the recipient. Thus, the whole cycle is repeated again, but in a different direction. Feedback is the recipient's response to a message. It enables the sender to find out whether the message has reached and in what sense.

Communication with the help of feedback turns into a two-way road, and the process itself acquires momentum. In this case, the feedback may not necessarily be expressed in the same code system as the received message. The main thing is that the code system is known to the new recipient. For the leader, as well as for another person, feedback can be both direct (directly observed change in behavior) and indirect (decrease in productivity, turnover, absenteeism, conflicts, etc.). Both can indicate both the success of communication and its failures.

4. Communication networks and styles

4.1 Communication networks

A communication network is a connection in a certain way of individuals participating in the communication process with the help of information flows. A communication network includes the flow of messages or signals between two or more individuals. The communication network focuses on the organization's patterns of these flows, not on whether the meaning or meaning of the message was conveyed.

The network created by the manager consists of vertical, horizontal and diagonal links. Vertical connections are built on the line of leadership from the boss to the subordinates. Horizontal communications are carried out between equal levels of individuals or parts of the organization: between deputies, between heads of departments, between subordinates. Diagonal connections are connections with other superiors and subordinates. The network of these connections creates the real structure of the organization. The task of a formal organizational structure is to give the communication flows the right direction. The size of departments in an organization limits the possibilities of developing a communication network. If the group size increases exponentially, then the number of possible communication relationships increases exponentially. Hence, the communication network in a group of 12 people is more diverse than in a group of three people.

There are well-established patterns of communication networks in organizations (groups), for the same or different numbers:

Groups of three

"Wheel" "All-channel" "Turntable"

Group of four

"Wheel" "Chain" "All Channel"

Group of five or more

"Wheel" "Y" "Circle" "Chain"

"All-channel" "Chain "X" "Alpha"

In circle networks (Figure 4), group members can communicate only with those who are located next to them. Wheel-type networks (Figures 2,3,4) present a formal, centralized hierarchy of power, in which subordinates communicate with each other through their boss. The objective basis of such a situation is that the person in the center of the "wheel" has more communication connections than other members of the group. He receives more messages, is more often recognized by other members of the group as a leader, has more social influence on other members of the group, usually bears more responsibility for conveying information, he is more than others expected to finally solve the problem.

A similar picture is observed in networks of type "Y" (Figure 4). Such networks are called centralized and can be effective if simple problems. Another type of power hierarchy is represented by networks of the "chain" type, in which horizontal connections appear - elements of decentralization. "Omnichannel" (Figure 2,3,5) networks represent completely decentralized groups. This is usually required when everyone needs to be involved in solving a complex problem. This approach is also called open communications.

The nature of the interdependence of jobs and people in a group or organization will determine the type of more efficient communication network. Simple interconnection allows the use of centralized networks. Complex interdependence requires a "team" approach to building communication networks. However complex network may not solve a simple problem.

4.2 Structure of the “information sector”

The sector where information is processed, encoded, produced, transformed into an information flow or information communication, transmitted, stored or transformed in any other way, is a complex structure with different classes of elements and a multi-level hierarchy.

In the space of the "information sector", in addition to the production of information products and the provision of information services, there are other processes related to communication.

The typology of the classification will be determined by the attitude of the subjects and elements of the information infrastructure of the sector to participation in the exchange of information:

Informational resources(banks and databases, archives, printed and electronic publications, etc.);

High-tech communication networks and information transmission channels (mail, radio, TV, Internet, etc.);

Traditional methods of dissemination and storage of information in society (rumors, gossip, word of mouth, discussion of news, etc.);

Communication market operators (media agencies, consulting and analytical structures, mass media, etc.).

Practical part

We examined an organization referred to as JSC "ZET" (Plant of Experimental Equipment) located at Lenin Avenue 2. This plant is engaged in the production of stainless steel sinks. It is located on the territory of the former NATI Institute, namely, it rents production buildings from them. Recently JSC "ZET" opened an additional line in the city of Korkino.

The organizational structure of JSC "ZET" is a linear staff.

The advantages of this structure:

The CEO makes decisions with the help of headquarters services, this allows for clearer and more correct solution in various areas, because one person cannot be competent in all areas.

Current management, namely, when something happens, the managerial decision will be made by the general director, because the headquarters services reduce his workload.

Cons of this system:

The CEO has a lot of power in his hands, so many of the decisions he makes are not true.

Since everyone is advised and considered by certain specialists, they cannot follow the implementation of their proposals and decisions.

The headquarters service can make a decision, but only the general director can assure it, as a result of which problems may arise.

Conclusion: In general, the organizational structure is suitable for ZET OJSC, because the organization is not very large, and each area does its own business, and does not have to worry about operational management.

Mission of JSC "ZET"

1) Pointing to customers - provide your product to as many people as possible;

2) Reference to products - high-quality stainless steel sinks;

3) Pointing to the market - a wide market of "consumers" of the goods, supplies are being made to all regions of the country and to neighboring countries;

4) Indication of the organization's policy in the field of new technologies - new technologies for the manufacture of products, new models are used;

5) An indication of the organization's value system - stability, reliability;

6) Indications of the advantages of the organization - good and high-quality car washes, constantly updated the lineup;

7) Indication of obligations to society - if the product does not suit, exchange is guaranteed, legality in actions;

8) Indication of obligations to employees - social package.

Following from this list, the mission of JSC "ZET" is: "To offer the highest quality car washes to a large number of people."

Conclusion: From this it follows that OJSC "ZET" formulated its mission very well, because it contains all eight points.

Table 1 - External factors affecting the organization

Conclusion: JSC "ZET" is influenced by all environmental factors, each factor gives a certain imprint on the organization.

Table 2 - Analysis of competitors

Plant "STAMOR" Firm "Franco" Firm "TMM" JSC "ZET"
1. Location Saint Petersburg Germany Türkiye Chelyabinsk
2. Market All over the country, but mostly in the surrounding areas. It delivers to Russia and Europe, as well as in its own country. It delivers in its own country, in Russia, and others. Throughout the country, neighboring countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine)
3. What is produced? We manufacture high quality stainless steel sinks. Manufactured from high quality stainless steel. They produce a large number of medium-quality sinks. Manufactured from high quality stainless steel.

Table 3 - Supplier analysis

An organization is managed through people. One of the most important management tools for a manager is to direct them signals or messages to their subordinates about their behavior necessary to achieve organizational goals. Using this and receiving feedback from subordinates, the manager organizes, motivates and leads subordinates. Much depends on the manager's ability to effectively transmit and receive such signals and messages in order to achieve their most adequate perception by those to whom they are intended. Many managers understand the importance of this problem and pay great attention to it.

In the process of communication, signals or messages about behavior are transmitted from one subject to another and vice versa. Individuals, groups and organizations as a whole can act as subjects.

In the first case, communication is interpersonal character. It is carried out by the transmission of ideas, facts, opinions, hints, sensations or perceptions, feelings and attitudes from one person to another in verbal(oral or written) and in non-verbal(poses, gestures, tone of voice, transmission time, etc.) form in order to obtain the desired response.

In the second and third cases, it is organizational communications, i.e. about how, by whom and when signals are sent in the context of groups and organizations (meetings, presentations, instructions and procedures, business documents, orders and instructions, plans, etc.) and how feedback is organized (observations, reports, evaluation and etc.). The communication links that exist in the organization reflect its actual structure, and the task of top management in this case is to bring both into conformity.

The discrepancy between the approved structure and the communication process existing in the organization significantly reduces the effectiveness of its activities.

It should be noted that communication information -- these are different (two concepts that are very often confused), but related concepts. Information is a natural and meaningful part of a signal or message sent or received, which makes it possible to give them a certain significance. Simply put, information is an internal interpretation of external events. For example, a cry of fear is an interpretation of information that can even be measured in decibels.

Communication also includes What is transmitted, and How this "what" is conveyed. In order for communication to take place in an interpersonal variant, at least the presence of two people is necessary.

Communication imposes requirements on each of the participants in managerial interaction. So, each of the participants must have all or some of the abilities: to see, hear, touch, smell, taste, etc. Effective communication requires each of the parties to have certain skills and abilities, as well as a certain degree of mutual understanding.

The term "communication" comes from the Latin "communis", meaning "general": the sender of signals or messages tries to establish "community" with the receiver.

From here, communication can be defined as the transfer of not just information, but meaning or meaning through symbols. Effective interpersonal communication is very important for success in management for a number of reasons. Firstly, the solution of many managerial tasks is based on the direct interaction of people (boss with subordinates, subordinates with each other) within the framework of various events.

Secondly, interpersonal communication may be the best way discussing and resolving issues characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity.

A communication network is a connection of individuals participating in the communication process in a certain way with the help of information flows (Figure 5). In this case, not individuals as such are considered, but communication relations between individuals. A communication network includes the flow of messages or signals between two or more individuals. The communication network focuses on the organization's patterns of these flows, not on whether the meaning or meaning of the message was conveyed. However, the communication network may have the effect of narrowing or widening the gap between the value sent and received.

The network created by the manager consists of vertical, horizontal and diagonal links. Vertical links are built along the line of leadership from the boss to the subordinates. Horizontal connections are carried out between equal levels of individuals or parts of the organization: between deputies, between heads of departments, between subordinates. Diagonal ties These are connections with other superiors and with other subordinates. The network of these connections creates the real structure of the organization. The task of a formal organizational structure is to give the communication flows the right direction. The size of departments in an organization limits the possibilities of developing a communication network. If the group size increases exponentially, then the number of possible communication relationships increases exponentially. Hence the communication network in a group of 12 is more varied and complex than in a group of three.

Depending on how the communication networks are built, the activities of the group may be more or less effective.


Figure 5 - Interpersonal communication network of a team leader in an organization

There are well-established patterns of communication networks for groups of the same or different sizes (Figure 6). In circle networks, group members can communicate only with those who are located next to them. In wheel networks, there is a formal, centralized hierarchy of power in which subordinates communicate with each other through their boss. The objective basis of such a situation is that the person in the center of the "wheel" has more communication connections than other members of the group. He receives more messages, is more often recognized by other members of the group as a person performing leadership functions, has more social influence on other members of the group, usually has more responsibility for conveying information, he is more than others expected to finally solve the problem.

A similar picture is observed in networks of type "Y". Such networks are called centralized and can be effective if simple problems are solved. Another type of power hierarchy is represented by "chain" networks, in which horizontal connections appear - an element of decentralization. "Omnichannel" networks represent completely decentralized groups. This is usually required when it is necessary to involve everyone in solving complex problems. This approach is also called open communications.

Knowing the types of communication networks is especially important for understanding the relationships of power and control in an organization. Hiding or centralizing information is known to support power relations. The nature of the interdependence of jobs and people in a group or organization will determine the type of more efficient communication network. Simple interdependence allows the use of centralized networks. Complex interdependence requires a "team" approach to building communication networks. However, a complex network may not solve a simple problem.

Figure 6 - Samples of communication networks in groups

The line of communication between two entities (individuals or institutions) is called communication channel. Yes, record A-B means that between L and IN there is communication. Since such an image does not show the direction of communication, an arrow is used to indicate the direction. So, A IN would mean that communication is in both directions, while AIN will show that communication is carried out only from A To IN.

Communication network is formed when several objects are linked together also by several channels.

The communication network of the firm establishes a connection between individuals, as well as between top management and each production unit. Here you can see an analogy with the activity of the human nervous system. Brain cells communicate with every organ, with all tissues human body with the help of nerves. Each nerve (or canal) is designed to do a specific job. Some transmit messages to the brain, others - from the brain. The brain receives and evaluates information, and then sends out responses, although much of the routine decisions are made in other parts of the nervous system, such as ganglions.

On fig. 4.9 depicts communication networks for a group of five people. The question arises: which of the networks is better? Laboratory experiments conducted by psychologists show that the "wheel" is more reliable if the problem to be solved is simple. The one-to-one network, on the other hand, stimulates the creation of a good moral climate and adaptability, the exchange of views in working group. Such a network is commonly used in various types of committees, unless the chairman insists that all communications go through him.

Rice. 4.9.

1 - "wheel"; 2 - "circle"; 3 - "each with each"

Element A in the "wheel" is in the best position in terms of coordinating the activities of the group. The work of the group depends on formal powers A, which may hinder or facilitate the activities of the group. Acting as some kind of filter, A can also influence the distribution of group members' positions. If on A too many channels are closed, this may mean that A overloaded. The "wheel" is not suitable when the solution to a problem depends on the mutual exchange of ideas and constant feedback.

Suppose a marketing vice president (Figure 4.10) needs to develop a marketing strategy: what communication network should be adopted? "Everyone with everyone" would be the most appropriate, as the participants would discuss their ideas as a group when the need arises. This would ensure comprehensive validation of ideas and elimination of conflicts. In contrast, if the firm's VP of marketing is only making decisions about the timing of the annual sales meetings, the wheel would be a better network, since the CEO simply solicits information from subordinates for such a decision.

Rice. 4.10.

The network can be tested against various performance criteria.

  • 1. The network may be inadequate. Someone may be unconnected to the network. For example, salespeople may not be informed about the objectives of an advertising campaign, although they need such information to plan their work.
  • 2. The channels themselves may be overloaded. As with the telephone service, it may become necessary, first, to increase the number of channels, and second, to establish a priority order. For example, if the decision maker is viewed as a processing center, the amount of incoming data and the time it takes to make a decision will determine the average delay. By assigning appropriate priorities to the decisions made, this will both increase the efficiency of the network and reduce the delay time. Another way to reduce delays is to use spare channels. Filtering or selecting solutions is another way to reduce the time it takes to get through a communication system.

It is also likely that a higher degree of errors will be allowed: redundancy of information as a means of eliminating errors is not always possible. The exception is messages that need to be transmitted accurately and first.

  • 3. The network can be checked for economy:
    • a) lists of recipients of information may be too extensive;
    • b) it is possible that the source of information and the destination may be close;
    • c) it happens that not the most efficient channel is selected.
  • 4. Sending messages over the network may be too slow. The transmission time can be calculated for each channel, and the total time can be compared with the desired one, and this ratio can be used as a base when considering other networks.

Wheel Chain Circle Complex circle

The dots ( ) are members of the group. Lines (-) are communication channels.

Chain type network. It is characterized by the fact that the subjects at the ends of the chain, which it unites, are at dead ends, and the subjects in the middle not only play the role of an intermediary of communications, but can also control them. In practice, such a structure rarely exists as an independent structure; more often it is an element of more complex formations, in which it serves as an instrument of informal communications of subjects of the same level.

Circle network. The network of communications in the form of a circle is active, without a leader, unorganized, unstable. The advantages of the “circle” are that it: forms a more favorable moral and psychological climate in the group and provides higher motivation and activity of its members; educates leaders, since the abilities of each person are in sight, and he is interested in showing himself from the best side; limits the "sifting" of information; favors creative work. Disadvantages of the "circle": the phenomenon of "groupthink" may occur; a possible gain in flexibility could threaten stability and order.

Wheel network. In wheel networks, subordinates interact with each other through their boss. The objective basis of such a situation is that the person in the center of the wheel has more communication connections than other members of the group. The wheel is the most centralized type of communication network, with a leader and coordinator at the center of the relationship. Information always comes from the center. In this case, high speed and accuracy of information transfer is easily achieved, but the initiative of the performers is often suppressed. Abuses and manipulations are possible on the part of an unscrupulous leader, who has the ability to sift through information in his own interests. Such a network is effective in a small group (up to 10 people), if the number of employees increases, the manager begins to suffer from information overload and is not able to process all the information with high quality.

An example of a fully decentralized group is complex circle network, which is used, as a rule, when the participation of all members in solving complex problems is necessary. This approach is also called open communications.

The nature of the interdependence of jobs and people in a group or organization will determine the type of more efficient communication network. Simple interdependence allows the use of centralized networks. Complex interdependence requires a "team" approach to building communication networks. However, a complex network may not solve a simple problem.

The main types of interpersonal relationships. Relationships (synonym: interpersonal relationships) in a small group are subjective connections that arise as a result of the interaction of its members and are accompanied by various emotional experiences of the individuals participating in them. The system of interpersonal relations in a small group, due to its internal psychological conditioning and complexity, sometimes develops spontaneously. In the structure of human relationships, three interrelated components are usually distinguished: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. cognitive component interpersonal relations in a small group includes all mental processes: sensations, perception, representation, memory, thinking, imagination. A person interacting with other people with the help of these processes learns the individual psychological characteristics of partners in joint activities. Mutual understanding and relationships are formed under the influence of the peculiarities of mutual perceptions. Emotional Component - expresses positive or negative experiences that arise in a person under the influence of the individual psychological characteristics of other people. These can be likes or dislikes, satisfaction with oneself, partner, work, etc. The emotional component performs the main regulatory function in informal relationships. Plays a leading role in regulating relationships behavioral component. It includes facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, speech and actions that express the relationship of a given person to other people, to the group as a whole. The main criterion for assessing interpersonal relationships is the state of satisfaction / dissatisfaction of the group and its members. The most important role in this is played by likes/dislikes, attractiveness/unattractiveness.

Relationships in a small group are of different types. Socio-political relations - these are relationships that arise and function in the process of preparing and holding public and other events in a group. Service Relations is a relationship that develops in the process of joint professional activity members of a small group in solving various kinds of problems, achieving important goals for its members. Off-duty relationships - relations that develop between members of a small group outside their official (professional) activities: during leisure hours, in the process of joint recreation, etc.

Relationships in a small group must meet the requirements of certain principles. Principle of respect and subordination involves the creation of such relationships in a small group that correspond to: the norms of public morality and morality, traditions established in the interests of communication and interaction between people; provide for taking into account the individual and socio-psychological characteristics of all its members, an attentive attitude to their interests, inclinations and needs. The same principle requires subordination in relations between all members of the group, the preservation of personal dignity, professional and social status of each person. The principle of cohesion members of the group involves the formation of all its members of mutual assistance, support, interaction and understanding. Members of a small group are obliged to highly value belonging to it, to help and support each other, to keep their comrades from unworthy acts. The principle of humanism implies sensitivity, responsiveness, justice and humanity in relationships in a small group, which should be characterized by trust, sincerity, accessibility.

Communication strategygeneral scheme actions of participants in the communicative process, a general plan for achieving the goal that the interlocutors are striving for. The American psychologist V. Satir offers his own classification of communication strategies (they are also called categories or models).

1. Prosecutor. Such a person behaves as if he is the most important and everything depends on him. This is a dictator, the master of the situation, who is constantly looking for those who are to blame. His internal state: loneliness, uncertainty, the need for self-affirmation at the expense of others.

2. The one who pleases. A person always seeks to please others in a conversation, apologizes, does not enter into disputes. Demonstrates his helplessness and dependence on others, a sense of guilt for everything that happens.

3. "Computer" - this is a person who is always correct, too calm, collected.

4. Destroyer. He never says or does anything concrete, answers questions inappropriately, out of time and without aim.

5. Type as « alignment» , which is characterized by freedom, harmony and consistency. Such a person never humiliates human dignity, openly expresses his opinion. This is a balanced, whole person, in contrast to the first four categories, which indicate a person's low self-esteem, a sense of his own inferiority.

Communication style significantly affects the behavior of a person in his interaction with other people. The specific choice of communication style is determined by such factors: personal qualities of a person, his worldview and social status in a certain society, the characteristics of this society, etc. We can talk about three main styles: ritual, manipulative and humanistic. ritual communication. The main task partners in this style is to maintain contact with society, reinforcing the idea of ​​​​oneself as a member of society. In real life, there are many rituals, sometimes very different situations, in which everyone participates as a "mask" with predetermined qualities. These rituals require only one thing from the participants - knowledge of the rules of the game. For example, we greet familiar and unfamiliar people, talk about the weather, laugh, complain about everyday difficulties - these are all elements of ritual communication. manipulative communication. This is communication in which the partner is treated as a means of achieving goals external to him. In manipulative communication, your interlocutor is shown only what will help achieve the goal. The winner will be the one who turns out to be the most resourceful manipulator, that is, the one who knows the partner better, understands the goals better, and has a better command of the technique of communication. A large number of professional tasks involve precisely manipulative communication. In fact, any training, persuasion, management always includes manipulative communication. humanistic communication. This is the most personal communication, which allows you to satisfy such human needs as understanding, sympathy, empathy. Neither ritual nor manipulative communication can deal with this problem. A specific feature of humanistic communication is that its expected result is not the support of social ties, as in ritual communication, not a change in the partner’s point of view, as in manipulative communication, but a general change in the ideas of both partners, which is determined by the depth of communication. An example of humanistic communication: intimate, pedagogical, communication between a doctor and a patient, psychotherapeutic, etc.

Essence psychological correction of unproductive style communication consists in harmonizing the sphere of intrapersonal reactions and interpersonal relationships. The harmonious communication of a person with the world is due to his positive attitude towards himself and the world - faith in himself, in social values, in the positive essence of another person. The harmony of the inner world of a person and his external partners develops in favorable relationships that contribute to the experience of a sense of trust and personal worth, strengthening faith in the positive nature of other people. In unfavorable relations of hostility, coercion, submission to strong authority, saturated with negative emotions, the “I can” attitude is blocked. The feeling of helplessness, “not in control of the situation”, experienced at the same time, actualizes the “I can’t” attitude, which increases anxiety and self-doubt. The social “you can’t” (“we can’t”), which arises in relations of hostility, coercion, submission to strong authority, saturated with negative experiences, gives rise to intense emotions of fear, shame, guilt, anger and becomes a source of conflict of attitudes inherent in every person “I want and I can” and limiting attitudes “I want to, but I can’t”. The conflict of attitudes “I can - I can’t” and the negative emotions experienced at the same time become the cause of disharmony in communication and emotional-reflexive enslavement of the personality.

· Communication- is the process of communication and transmission of information between people or their groups in the form of oral and written messages, body language and speech parameters.

· Concerning the organization of communication can be external and internal.

· External Communication It is the communication between the organization and the external environment. The task of external communications is to satisfy the information needs of the organization, to establish relations with government agencies, the public, suppliers, and customers.

· Internal communications are part of the production and economic activities: communication between departments, reports of the sales department or inventory records, etc. Communication within the organization includes instruction, information, training, management by the method of conversation. The most important goal of internal communication in an organization is to create support among employees for the goals and policies pursued by the management of the organization. Through communication, employees receive necessary knowledge and motivation, become the best advocates and promoters of the company's plans.

· Communication network- this is a connection of individuals participating in the communication process in a certain way with the help of information flows. Networks do not consider individuals as such, but the communication relationships between them. A communication network includes the flow of messages or signals between two or more individuals. It focuses on the organization's patterns of these flows. However, the communication network may have the effect of narrowing or widening the gap between the sent and received values.

· The network created by the manager consists of vertical, horizontal and diagonal links. The network of these connections creates the real structure of the organization. The task of a formal organizational structure is to give the communication flows the right direction. The size of departments in an organization limits the possibilities of developing a communication network. If the group size increases exponentially, then the number of possible communication relationships increases exponentially. Depending on how the communication networks are built, the activities of the group may be more or less effective.

The total number of communication channels in communication networks can be determined using the following formulas: for serial and fan communication networks:

· L min \u003d P - 1;

for circular:

· L max \u003d P * (P - 1) / 2,

where L is the number of channels in the communication network,

P is the number of employees (divisions).

· There are three types of communication networks: open, closed and combined.
Open are characterized by two features:
- firstly, the presence of "dead ends", i.e. subjects on which the chain of communications is terminated, since they have no one to interact with further;
- secondly, "controllers" have the ability, due to their position, to impede communications (stop, distort content, change direction).
In closed networks, dead ends and controllers are either absent or can be bypassed.
Combined networks combine elements of the previous ones in various versions.
Communication networks can be single-level, providing horizontal interaction, and multi-level, through which vertical contacts are made.

· Primary communication networks.

· Network type "snake" (chain).
It is characterized by the fact that the subjects at the ends of the chain, which it unites, are at dead ends, and the subjects in the middle not only play the role of an intermediary of communications, but can also control them.
In practice, such a structure rarely exists as an independent structure; more often it is an element of more complex formations, in which it serves as an instrument of informal communications of subjects of the same level.
Star network.
Such a network allows, for example, subject A to promptly send necessary orders to subjects B, C, D that are not related to each other, to regulate, coordinate and control their actions. It is easy to maintain order here, since there are no intermediaries and informal channels in communications, which often create various kinds of “disturbances”.
The advantages of the "star" are as follows:
1) there is a recognized leader who is responsible for the operation of the network. Here, the bonds between superior and subordinate are strong;
2) the "star" is more stable than other networks, all official information comes from the center and goes to the center;
3) allows you to quickly start completing tasks, since information and instructions from the center can be sent simultaneously to all members of the group;
4) there is more order and accuracy in the execution of tasks, since the center controls the entire network. But if there is an incompetent person in the center, the "star" becomes ineffective. Therefore, the choice of the leader is of primary importance in the "star". The main disadvantage of the "star" is its rigidity, the impossibility of showing the initiative of subordinates. In no other network is the chain of command so clearly expressed, and for the work here to go smoothly, it must be strictly observed. Therefore, the quality of such a network is determined in the center. It cannot be higher than the level of work of the head.
Zvezda is a centralized network and is most effective for solving simple, current tasks. However, for larger organizations, such a communication network is unsuitable. Here the central link A is no longer able to single-handedly develop and communicate to subjects C, D, E all decisions. He is assisted by an intermediary B who specifies them. Such a network is called a "spur".
Spur network.
Playing secondary roles, the subject (intermediary) actually has enormous power, since it controls the interaction of all subjects and can imperceptibly impose its will on the center.
In "star" and "spur" networks, the number of communication channels converging to it, in practice, cannot exceed the controllability norms. This puts a natural limit to the development of management structures, and, consequently, the organizations themselves, the growth of the scale of their activities.
Therefore, large multidisciplinary organizations need communication structures with horizontal channels at one or more levels (the so-called secondary communication networks).

· Rice. 1. Types of communication networks: circle; chain; "V" (multichannel network); wheel.

· Circle network.

· The network of communications in the form of a circle is active, without a leader, unorganized, unstable.

The advantages of the "circle" is that it:

1) forms a more favorable moral and psychological climate in the group and provides higher motivation and activity of its members;

2) educates leaders, since the abilities of each person are in sight, and he is interested in showing himself from the best side;

3) limits the "sifting" of information;

4) favors creative work;

· 5) has more control points, since information comes from all network participants.

Disadvantages of the "circle":

1) the phenomenon of “groupthink” may arise;

· 2) a possible gain in flexibility may threaten stability and order;

· 3) the possible gain from incomplete sifting of information and a larger number of control points can be achieved by reducing the control functions of the channels.

· "Circle" is most effective for solving complex creative problems.

· Wheel network.

· In large organizations, creative groups can be connected to each other, and then the communication network takes the form of "honeycombs", representing the unity of an open "snake" and closed "wheels" and "circles".

· Cell network.

Such a structure assumes that one subject simultaneously participates in two groups, therefore, it performs the functions of a “connecting link” in relation to them. The communication process can have its dead ends here, and liaisons can easily turn into controllers.

· Secondary communication networks.

· Rice. 2. Secondary communication networks: "tent", "tent" and "house".

· Tent network.

· "Tent" is a very common, strong and stable, like a "star" communication network. Has a minimum number of informal employee interactions.

· Tent network.

The “tent” emerges from the “tent” when channel B-C is established. The “tent” is formed when manager A decides that his senior subordinates need to coordinate their actions and matters of mutual interest before passing them up to him. Such a network can be a very efficient and effective structure if the rights and obligations of B and C are clearly defined.

· home network.

· When a new official channel b - c appears in the "tent", a "house" is obtained. This is a completely closed system, where anyone can communicate with any other point through several channels, without having to follow the usual established chain of command. There are three circles of communications here: a large one, uniting all members of the network, and two small ones.

From an organizational point of view, "home" can be the most dangerous of all information networks because of the many official channels through which information is transmitted from one to another. Information overload can occur. Difficulties are generated by the false idea that the greater the amount of information transmitted and the easier it is to directly process it, the better.

· Knowing the types of communication networks is especially important for understanding the relationships of power and control in organizations. Hiding or centralizing information is known to support power relations.

· The nature of the interdependence of jobs and people in a group or organization determines the type of more effective communication network. Simple interdependence allows the use of centralized networks. Complex interdependence requires a "team" approach to building communication networks. However, a complex network may not solve a simple problem.

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