USB port does not work after reinstalling Windows. USB port does not work after reinstalling Windows USB 3.0 connector does not work

Not so long ago I encountered such a problem on an already installed Windows 8.1 operating system. The computer was handed to me so that I could reinstall the system from Windows 8.1 to Windows 7, and first of all I checked the USB input. I connected a flash drive and a computer mouse to it, but the laptop did not see any equipment. Then I noticed that the USB port itself is blue, which indicates that it is USB 3.0

It doesn't work for only one reason: drivers for USB 3.0 are not installed on the system.

To check the presence of drivers in the system, look in the device manager to see if there are any questions or other signs next to installed drivers. If there are no suspicious signs, then the driver is installed in the system, but it is either old or does not fit the operating system.

What are the options for solving the problem?

1. Alternatively, I uploaded USB 3.0 drivers for the motherboard to my server Intel boards, AMD and Asus. You need to download one of the presented drivers.

How to find out what motherboard you have?

Laptops usually have a sticker INTEL type or AMD.

In the device manager, in the USB controllers section, pay attention to the following:

As you can see in the photo above, I have a motherboard installed with Intel chipset, accordingly, the driver needs to be downloaded from this particular manufacturer.

2. Download the program DriverPack Solution, then install or update USB driver 3.0. The program is absolutely free and does not require installation, but this 1 version requires an Internet connection.

3. If the top two options did not help you, you must either install from the disks that were given when you purchased the computer, or use my article “Where to download drivers”. In this article, I showed how to download firewood from the official websites of such manufacturers as Acer, Samsung, Toshiba and Dell. A video is attached to the article.

But I think that the first option will definitely help in solving this problem.

On some computers, when you connect a USB 3.0 hard drive or flash drive, the error "The device is not recognized" (USB Device Not Recognized) or " Windows stopped this device because it reported a problem.(Code 43)" in Device Manager.

This article provides instructions on how to resolve the following issues:

  • USB device not recognized/detected
  • USB 3.0 flash drive not recognized/detected
  • USB 3.0 does not work on Windows 7/10

How to fix: USB 3.0 port on computer does not work

Before we move on to fixing this problem, you should try the following steps:

  1. Use another USB cable if you connect a hard drive to the port computer USB 3.0.
  2. Connect USB 3.0 to USB port 2.0.
  3. Remove the USB device, turn off the computer, and disconnect the power cord (or battery if using a laptop). Wait at least 2 minutes and then plug the power cord back in. Turn on your computer and reconnect the USB device.
  4. If you are using Windows 7, Vista or XP, download and run the Microsoft Troubleshooter utility.
  5. Reset BIOS to factory settings.

Solution 1: Disable Fast Startup feature in Windows 8 and 10

Note: If the Fast Startup option has already been cleared, check it and restart your computer. After restarting, uncheck the box and restart your computer again.

  1. Reboot computer.

Solution 2: Disable USB suspend settings.

Solution 3: Reboot your USB 3.0 device.

  1. Open device Manager. For this:
  • Press the " Windows» + « R" to open the window " Execute".
  • In the window " Execute» enter: devmgmt.msc.
  • Click Enter.

2. In Device Manager, expand "ControllersUSB» .

3. Click right click mouse on " RootUSB-hub (USB 3.0 ) " and select " Delete".

4. Windows will automatically find and install the latest drivers for your USB 3.0 port.

Solution 4: Install the latest USB 3.0 drivers.

  1. Download Intel Driver Update Utility or AMD drivers.
  2. Run driver update utility and press " Further" on the first screen.
  3. Accept the license terms and click " Install".
  4. Wait while the driver update utility is installed.
  5. Once installation is complete, click " Launch».
  6. Click " Start scanning".
  7. When the driver scan is complete, click " Download", to download latest versions drivers for your computer.
  8. Finally, click " Install".
  9. After installation is complete reboot computer.

Solution 5: Restore Windows to a previous working state

If the solutions above did not help with the problem of USB 3.0 not working on your computer, you should try restoring your computer to its previous working state. This can be done if you previously activated a Windows restore point.

Please write in the comments below if you managed to solve the problem with a faulty USB 3.0 port, and what solution helped in your situation.

In order for the user to quickly navigate USB controller malfunctions, I will give a short excursion into the terminology of this issue.

USB (USB, English Universal Serial Bus) is a universal serial bus for connecting peripheral devices to a computer via a four-core cable. Using this technology, it is possible to connect devices without their own (autonomous) power supply only due to the power supplied through this bus. Everyone is familiar with these devices - external hard disks, USB flash drives, adapters, etc.

Until recently, devices were predominantly equipped with USB 2.0. The less fast and powerful USB 2.0 is gradually being replaced by USB 3.0 with data transfer speeds of up to 5 Gb/s (up to 5 Gigabit/s) and power supply through the bus of up to 1 A (1 Ampere). Recently, the USB 3.1 standard began to be implemented - progress cannot be stopped.

USB 3.0 support is not supported by default on all operating systems

In new laptops, USB 3.0 connectors are painted blue, while USB 2.0 connectors remain black. An astute and savvy user could almost immediately assume that the problem lies precisely in the new USB 3.0 standard, which has not yet been fully implemented at the software level. Those. The USB 3.0 hardware is already installed in the laptop, but the software (driver) is not yet available.

Therefore, it is already possible to give an answer to main question of this article: “ Why don't USBs work in a laptop after rewiring? Windows installations? ". “Because there are no drivers for USB 3.0 ports in the Windows operating system!”

Which Windows OS will not work with USB 3.0?

This problem is typical for the operating systems Windows XP and Windows 7. But in Windows 8 and Windows 10 this problem practically never occurs. The reason is simple: USB 3.0 began to be implemented en masse after Windows release XP and Windows 7. But if in Windows XP the problem of non-working USB ports does not resolve itself, then in Windows 7 you can try to solve the problem by simply turning on automatic updates for Windows. The system itself, based on the device ID (USB 3.0 controller ID), will recognize and install the driver, provided that the controller brand and manufacturer are “known” to Windows 7.

What if these are not USB drivers?...

It happens that a problem with USB ports is a symptom of a more complex and unpleasant breakdown. For example, this can serve as a signal of chipset failure motherboard laptop. More specifically, the breakdown of the south bridge. After all, it is the south bridge (I/O Controller Hub) of the laptop motherboard that is responsible for the peripherals - USB, SATA (IDE), Audio, PCI, Ithernet. Occurs due to: overheating, short circuit on the board, power supply problems, mechanical impact.

A simple test will help you check your hypothesis about the failure of the chipset: you need to select USB ports on your laptop that are colored black, i.e. USB 2.0, and check their functionality. If USB 2.0 works, but USB 3.0 does not, then the only problem is with the drivers.

How to fix the problem with USB 3.0 drivers?

For example, you installed Windows 7, and USB 3.0 did not work even after installing all the updates (drivers) from the MicroSoft website. Then there are two options: either install Windows 8/10 and at least USB 3.0 will most likely work right away, or you will have to look for drivers for the USB controller that is installed in your laptop. This will have to be done on the Internet, so you will need high-speed Internet access.

Where to find drivers for USB 3.0 (3 sources for)

  • Go to the manufacturer's website and find required driver through a search on the site. Here you will need a little experience: you need to know, first of all, what to download (there is no point in installing every driver); you need to know the exact brand of the laptop (name and alphanumeric index); Windows operating system 32 or 64 bit;
  • Download any driver pack and install all the drivers using it. For example, from here -;
  • Go to this site (click the link below - I’m looking for a driver by hand) or this and use the device ID to find, download and install the required one yourself driver

The first method from the entire list is the most preferable and, perhaps, the easiest, if everything is clear on the laptop manufacturer’s website and you have fast Internet. But sometimes you can find a whole list of USB drivers for one device and no hint as to which of these files should be downloaded and installed. Therefore, the second point with a driver pack can sometimes help much faster - if the Internet is fast (you will have to download several gigabytes software). At the same time, you will have drivers for all occasions for your computer, laptop, netbook.

If fast internet no, then it is best to carry out a clean installation (with formatting of the C: drive) of Windows after some preparation, i.e. creating a backup ( backup copy) files and drivers. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation where it is not possible to download the driver, since the network interfaces in the laptop do not work, and copy the driver pack from the flash drive ( external storage) does not work, since the device is all USB 3.0 - and they do not work.

Hello friends! The other day one of my friends bought new laptop from before installed Windows 10 and asked me to install Windows 7 on it, butat the beginning of the system installation an error began to appear« The required driver for the optical drive was not found...". We all know that this happens due to the fact that the Windows 7 distribution does not contain drivers USB 3.0 and you just need to connect bootable USB flash drive to the portUSB 2.0, but there was no such port on the laptop, all ports were USB 3.0 . In such a case, I have prepared another flash drive with drivers that need to be slipped into the Win 7 installer during installation, but this number did not work either. Trying to use a portable USB drive and a Windows 7 DVD also ended with this error. As a result, I turned to my friend Vladimir for advice and he advised very interesting solution!

Hello friends! If you look at the comments on our site over the past year, you will notice one constant problem that arises for many readers, its essence is this. If you bought a new laptop (no matter what manufacturer), then on the manufacturer’s official website you can download drivers for your laptoponly for new operating systems: Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, and for Windows 7 there are no drivers and are not expected.To be honest, Windows 10, and even Win 8.1, work slowly on all laptops in the price range up to 30 thousand rubles (These are the kind of laptops that most Russian residents buy). The point here, of course, is low-power processors, tothese laptops are equipped with them andinsufficient volume random access memory- 4 GB, and of course adds brakes classical HDD (information storage device,based on the principle of magnetic recording, a development of the last century).

The first thing that comes to the mind of a person who buys such a laptop is to install the good old Windows 7 on it, with the hope that it will work faster (this is partly true), but In my personal opinion, installing Windows 7 on a new laptop is not the best option, since conflicts between the latest hardware and the old operating system are inevitable. It’s better, in this case you won’t have to convert the hard drive to GPT style, and you’ll always have a second working operating system at hand, pre-installed from the store - Win 10 or Win 8.1.

If both of the above options do not suit you and you decide to demolish everything hard drive laptop and install it on it Windows 7, then I warn you, onin fact, this will prove to be quite a difficult task even for experienced user, because to successfully install the seven, firstly, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7 in a special way so that the system sees USB 3.0 ports, thenyou need to disable the UEFI interface on the new laptop, then convert the hard drive from GPT style in the MBR and only after that Windows 7 will be installed, but that’s not all!Those users who can install on their Windows devices 7, after successful installation, the system is faced with the last and sometimes insurmountable task - finding drivers for the devices of your laptop running Win 7.

And in fact, what is the actual miraculous way to download drivers for a laptop on the Internet, if the drivers are on network adapter local Internet and Wi-Fi are not installed, and the driver assembly located on an external USB drive cannot be started, since the USB 3.0 ports do not work on the laptop (after all, drivers for the chipset and USB controller are not installed either). Of course, if your laptop has a disk drive, then the drivers can be downloaded on another computer and uploaded to a DVD, but not everyone has a second computer, and many new laptops and ultrabooks do not have a disk drive, and even assemblies with drivers on a DVD won't fit.

Friends, in fact, all these issues can be resolved! Let's go step by step through all the stages of installing Windows 7 on a new laptop and everything will become clear to you

Driver assemblies "Snappy Driver Installer" and "DriverPack Solution"

Firstly, Before installing Windows 7 on a new laptop, download the driver assembly« Snappy Driver Installer » to a portable USB disk or USB flash drive. Go to the official assembly site

and choose full package SDI Full(suitable for those who want to have a complete set of drivers with them and not depend on Internet access, size 12 GB) and click “Download”

The driver folder is downloaded to our computer, we will launch the driver installer SDI_x64_R496.exe directly from the folder.

Let’s also download the “DriverPack Solution” assembly", which contains a huge number of drivers for almost all known devices. Recently, many users have been criticizing this assembly, since in normal mode it installs various side software along with drivers, but this will not happen, eIf you install drivers in mode"Expert" , in this case, only the drivers you select will be installed on your laptop.

Select “DriverPack Offline” and click “Download”

The “DriverPack Offline” ISO image is downloaded to our computer.

After downloading, you can copy the contents of the image to a folder called “DriverPack”, we will launch the DriverPack.exe driver installer directly from the folder.

So, driver assemblies “Snappy Driver Installer” and "DriverPack Solution" downloaded by us to a portable USB drive or flash drive.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 7

After creating a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 8.1, download and connect it to the virtual drive, then go to the “sources” folder on the virtual drive and copy the install.wim file,

Then go to the bootable USB flash drive Windows 8.1 also to the “sources” folder and delete the install.esd file from it,

A file

install.wim (from Windows distribution 7) copy it in its place.

That is, we have replaced the file
install.esd on a bootable USB flash drive Win 8.1 fileinstall.wim from the Windows 7 distribution. As a result, we got a bootable Windows 8.1 USB flash drive with a Win 7 image file - install.wim.

What does this give us!

We all know that installing Windows 7, 8.1, 10 occurs in two stages. First of all, the Windows preinstallation environment is loaded from the file boot.wim, at this moment we accept license agreement, select the partition to install and click the “Next” button, then the second stage follows, The Windows installer unpacks the contents of the main operating system image file onto the partition we select - install.wim or install.esd. So, can be used beforeWindows 8.1 installation environment from the boot.wim file for installing Windows 7 ( file boot.wim in the Windows 8.1 distribution has USB 3.0 drivers), that's why we replaced the file install.esd on a bootable USB flash drive Windows 8.1 fileinstall.wim from the Windows 7 distribution and now our Windows 7, being on a bootable USB flash drive Windows 8.1, will calmly go through the first and second stages of installation on a new laptop with ports USB 3.0.

Also, be sure to copy it to a flash drive in a folder"sources" Windows edition configuration fileei.cfg with content

Installing Windows 7

Now everything is ready to install the system. Booting our new laptop from a bootable USB flash drive Windows 8.1 with the install.wim image file (Windows 7).


As you can see, we will install not Windows 8.1, but Windows 7, select the desired edition!

We accept the license agreement.

Custom installation...

You can delete all partitions on your hard drive and install Windows 7 directly into the unallocated space.

The usual Windows 7 installation process begins, familiar to you (I won’t repeat it).

Windows 7 is installed.

Installing drivers

Using a Windows 8.1 bootable USB flash drive with the install.wim image file (Windows 7), we easily went through all the steps of installing Windows 7 on a new laptop with USB 3.0 ports, but after installation, the installed Windows 7 will not see USB 3.0 ports, sinceimage file install.wim (Windows 7) does not contain driversUSB 3.0. Also, after installation, no other drivers will be installed in Windows 7, but the touchpad will work.

We go to Device Manager and see that the drivers for the video card, Ethernet controller, USB controller, network controller, etc. were not automatically installed.

We connect a USB disk or USB flash drive with the “Snappy Driver Installer” drivers and “DriverPack Solution” and nothing happens, the laptop does not see either the flash drive or the USB portable hard drive.

Let's do it this way. We boot the laptop from installation flash driveWindows 8.1 with the install.wim image file (Windows 7)into the preinstallation environment andusing a notepad as a guide tocopy the driver folders"Snappy Driver Installer" and "DriverPack Solution" With external USB drive or in our case with flash drives straight to work Windows table 7. In preinstallation Windows environment 8.1, all USB 3.0 ports on the laptop will work.

Go. We boot the laptop from the Windows 8.1 installation flash drive.

In the initial phase of installing Windows 8.1, press the keyboard shortcut Shift + F10 and the command line opens.

First we need to determine the drive letter with Windows 7 installed and the drive letter of our flash drive.To determine the correct letter system disk, in the command line, enter the notepad command and press Enter. Notepad will open. Next, select the menu"File" and "Open".

Click the “Computer” button and enter the “Computer” window.

Select “File type” and in the drop-down menu “All files”

We find the operating system files on disk (E:)

We find the folder with drivers “DriverPack Solution” on the flash drive, drive letter (D:).

Let's copy it.

Let's go to disk (E:) with Windows 7 installed, here we need a desktop.

In the “Users” folder, select our username.

In my case, the username is 1.

And go to the “Desktop”

Right-click on an empty space on your desktop and select “Paste”

Folder copying begins with DriverPack drivers to the desktop of the Windows 7 operating system.

The copying will take about 15 minutes. Log out of your desktop and log in again if you see the folder “DriverPack” on the desktop, which means the drivers have been copied.In exactly the same way, copy the folder to the Windows desktop"Snappy Driver Installer".

Closing the window command line and reboot, enter the operating room Windows system 7.

Open the “DriverPack” folder on the desktop and run installation file DriverPack.exe.

The laptop configuration is being checked.

Choose Expert mode!

Check the boxes for all drivers to be installed. The USB 3.0 driver for the Intel Extensible Host Controller will be installed first.

Uncheck all utilities and click on the “Install drivers” button

The driver installation process begins.

After installing the drivers, restart your laptop.

USB ports 3.0 should work.

Apart from drivers, nothing was installed on my laptop.

To install drivers in Windows 7, you can also use the “Snappy Driver Installer” driver assembly.

Open the folder on the desktop« Snappy Driver Installer "and run the installation file SDI_x64_R496.exe.

"Allow access"

Check the boxes necessary drivers and click on the “Install” button

After installing the drivers, a reboot will be required.

At the end of the article, I note that sometimes users go to great lengths to make Windows 7 see USB ports on a new laptop, although officially the USB 3.0 interface is backwards compatible with USB 2.0 and no problems when connecting flash drives to the connectors There should not be USB 3.0 on a laptop with Windows 7 installed (of course, in reality everything often happens differently).

1. Disable the interface in the BIOS USB 3.0 - as a result, everything becomes even worse, in this case even my method will not help.

2. Switch the USB operating mode from 3.0 to 2.0 in the BIOS; the USB 3.0 configuration option (located in the System Configuration tab) is responsible for the switching. It must be set to AUTO, but not all BIOSes have this option.

3. Connect a USB 2.0 hub/splitter to the USB 3.0 port to make a crutch - sometimes this method works, because this hub has its own controller.

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