Open Yandex schedule. Yandex. Schedule: how to find out the exact schedule of trains, trains and buses. Low price for electronic tickets

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"Yandex.Bus" is a service that allows you to track the estimated location of any bus in real time. Part of the Yandex service. Schedules.

  • Buses travel along roads at a certain average speed corresponding to the distance and travel time between the two nearest points where the bus stops. This does not take into account the travel time of individual “stops on demand”, road congestion, possible traffic jams on the route and the bus traveling along the route ahead of schedule, which in reality entails increased parking at the nearest stop.

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An excerpt characterizing Yandex.Schedules

“Get to hell,” said Anatole and, holding his hair, he went into another room and immediately returned and sat down with his feet on a chair close in front of Dolokhov. - The devil knows what it is! A? Look how it beats! “He took Dolokhov’s hand and put it to his heart. - Ah! quel pied, mon cher, quel regard! Undeesse!! [ABOUT! What a leg, my friend, what a look! Goddess!!] Huh?
Dolokhov, smiling coldly and shining with his beautiful, insolent eyes, looked at him, apparently wanting to have more fun with him.
- Well, the money will come out, then what?
- What then? A? – Anatole repeated with sincere bewilderment at the thought of the future. - What then? I don’t know what’s there... Well, what nonsense to talk about! – He looked at his watch. - It's time!
Anatole went into the back room.
- Well, will you be there soon? Digging around here! - he shouted at the servants.
Dolokhov removed the money and, shouting to the man to order food and drink for the road, he entered the room where Khvostikov and Makarin were sitting.
Anatole was lying in the office, leaning on his arm, on the sofa, smiling thoughtfully and gently whispering something to himself with his beautiful mouth.
- Go, eat something. Well, have a drink! – Dolokhov shouted to him from another room.
- Don't want! – Anatole answered, still continuing to smile.
- Go, Balaga has arrived.
Anatole stood up and entered the dining room. Balaga was a well-known troika driver, who had known Dolokhov and Anatoly for six years and served them with his troikas. More than once, when Anatole’s regiment was stationed in Tver, he took him out of Tver in the evening, delivered him to Moscow by dawn, and took him away the next day at night. More than once he took Dolokhov away from pursuit, more than once he took them around the city with gypsies and ladies, as Balaga called them. More than once he crushed people and cab drivers around Moscow with their work, and his gentlemen, as he called them, always rescued him. He drove more than one horse under them. More than once he was beaten by them, more than once they plied him with champagne and Madeira, which he loved, and he knew more than one thing behind each of them that an ordinary person would have deserved Siberia long ago. In their revelry, they often invited Balaga, forced him to drink and dance with the gypsies, and more than one thousand of their money passed through his hands. Serving them, he risked both his life and his skin twenty times a year, and at their work he killed more horses than they overpaid him in money. But he loved them, loved this crazy ride, eighteen miles an hour, loved to overturn a cab driver and crush a pedestrian in Moscow, and fly at full gallop through the Moscow streets. He loved to hear this wild cry of drunken voices behind him: “Go! let's go! whereas it was already impossible to drive faster; He loved to pull the man's neck painfully, who was already neither alive nor dead, avoiding him. "Real gentlemen!" he thought.
Anatole and Dolokhov also loved Balaga for his riding skill and because he loved the same things as they did. Balaga dressed up with others, charged twenty-five rubles for a two-hour ride, and only occasionally went with others himself, but more often he sent his fellows. But with his masters, as he called them, he always traveled himself and never demanded anything for his work. Only having learned through the valets the time when there was money, he came every few months in the morning, sober and, bowing low, asked to help him out. The gentlemen always imprisoned him.
“Release me, Father Fyodor Ivanovich or your Excellency,” he said. - He’s completely lost his mind, go to the fair, lend what you can.
Both Anatol and Dolokhov, when they had money, gave him a thousand and two rubles.
Balaga was fair-haired, with a red face and especially a red, thick neck, a squat, snub-nosed man, about twenty-seven, with sparkling small eyes and a small beard. He was dressed in a thin blue caftan lined with silk, over a sheepskin coat.
He crossed himself at the front corner and approached Dolokhov, extending his black, small hand.
- Fyodor Ivanovich! - he said, bowing.
- Great, brother. - Well, here he is.
“Hello, your Excellency,” he said to Anatoly as he entered and also extended his hand.

Recently, the famous Russian developer introduced the Yandex.Schedules service to users. It is designed to replace aggregator sites, which often do the same thing, only they charge a large percentage for their services and are not responsible for anything. The user will be able to find on this site any known route, and will also be able to find out the approximate price of tickets for him. Moreover, there is not just one type of transport presented here, but many at once, so it will be possible to create a schedule and lay out the entire route using planes, trains and buses in one place. Such a system will allow you to customize your route much better, reducing as much as possible waiting times between flights.

You can find the service at

Service interface overview

Typically, when visiting the Yandex.Schedules page, the user will be able to see an interface familiar to all users of aggregator sites for purchasing tickets.

To login you should use your account Yandex.Mail. If it is not there, then you can register or use the login through one of social networks. At the top you can see several links. The first of them, air tickets, will be transferred to the section dedicated to purchasing plane tickets online.

Train tickets will be transferred to a similar section related to trains.

The tours section will provide the user with the opportunity to choose a trip to anywhere in the world, with prices and amenities indicated.

The hotels section will become available after selecting a tour. Available offers from different sites for booking hotels for a given time will be displayed here.

The buses will not surprise you in any way; here you will find their schedule, ticket prices and several interesting routes. If geolocation is not disabled, then all routes will be shown from the city in which the user is located. this moment.

In addition, it is possible to use mobile version service. It is available at The interface is slightly different.

Everything is intuitive. Select the point of departure and arrival. In the “How” field, set the desired transport, click find and get the required routes.

This section will provide instructions on how to use this service. Of course, most people are quite familiar with such sites and it won’t be difficult to figure them out on their own, however, there are also those who have just started working and find them this information may come in handy.

Search for transport

On home page switching between five options.

The interface for them is practically no different, you just need to enter the point of departure and the place of arrival, after which select date. However, in the first case, Yandex will try to create the fastest route with the least wait, using all modes of transport for this. It may turn out that it is impossible to get to the final destination with one type of transport, in this case the others will be connected, and the system can also offer Several variants.

If not any option is selected, then the search will be performed only by the type of transport that is currently active on the switch; in this case, there may be no available directions.

After entering the route, just click on search and wait for verification Yandex of all available directions. After this, an online scoreboard will be displayed with the results; if there are direct directions, then they will go first; in cases where a transfer is expected, this will be indicated. In some cases, you can immediately buy a ticket; the price will be next to it and the button will be active.

All you have to do is click on it, enter your contact information, then pay and book your ticket. In some cases, the purchase may not be available However, the carrier is listed under each route, so you can go to their website and check all the important information there.

Other options

In the case of air tickets, the user will also need to enter data and select a date, then the system will display possible departure options and prices, all that remains is to select the best one and click on it. After this it will happen transition to resource Yandex partner, where you will need to enter all your data and pay for the ticket.

In the case of Russian Railways trips, the search will be no different, however, it is possible to pay for the trip directly on this site, which will help avoid unnecessary registrations and page transitions. Will remain just choose place and pay for train tickets.

When traveling, you can click on one of the proposed tours or find the right place. After choosing a date and place, Yandex surveys several tour operators and will provide the user a large number of offers.

The user will only have to choose, go to the operator’s website and pay for the trip. You can get to the hotels section from tours; information about the hotel and rooms will be provided there, as well as the price of accommodation.

Yandex trains for smartphones

You can view the schedule of interest directly from your smartphone in the Yandex.Electrics application. Just go to the website and then select your operating system And download the app. You can also search for it yourself in the standard store (

Here you need to indicate your destinations, and then all that remains is to find the route and departure point. The service, like the main site, works in all directions, be it St. Petersburg, Moscow or another city.

June 26: Platform 75 km of the Savelovsky direction was renamed into a stopping point named after Barsuchenko

During the Great Patriotic War Maria Barsuchenko worked for railway in Dmitrov, where she worked as a switchwoman. In November 1941, when German troops captured Yakhroma and broke through to the eastern bank of the Moscow-Volga canal, Barsuchenko, under fierce enemy fire, alone moved the switches, ensuring the maneuverability and advancement of armored trains protecting the approaches to Dmitrov. For this feat in 1942, Maria Barsuchenko was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Based on Order No. 266 of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport (ROSZHELDOR) dated June 25, 2019, the stop point “75 km” is renamed the stop point “named after. Barsuchenko." The order comes into force fourteen days from the date of its signing.

March 29: From April 13, the platform of the Fryazino-Tovarnaya station will be temporarily closed

From April 13, 2019, the passenger platform of the Fryazino-Tovarnaya station will be closed for reconstruction; all electric trains will operate without stopping. After the reconstruction is completed (approximately at the end of the year), the stop will be resumed.

Let us remind you that the platforms of the Moscow-Tovarnaya station in the Paveletsky direction and the Pobeda stop in the Kyiv direction are also closed for reconstruction.

July 30: About free travel for pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow region from August 1, 2018

From August 1, 2018, pensioners, as well as a number of other residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, will receive the right to free travel on commuter trains.

Pensioners Moscow will be able to travel for free on all commuter trains - including fast and high-speed commuter trains: Sputniks, REXs, suburban Lastochkas (highlighted on the website in blue, not to be confused with long-distance Lastochkas, highlighted in red - they do not provide benefits) and other express trains.

Pensioners Moscow region will be able to travel only on suburban trains numbered 6000. These include regular electric trains, the Standard Plus trains of the TsPPK and the Comfort trains of the Moscow-Tver PPK.

The benefit will apply to routes within the territory of Moscow, the Moscow region and adjacent regions, where direct trains run from Moscow (Moscow region). For example, on the Leningrad direction, free tickets can be issued no further than the Tver and Konakovo stations.

To be able to issue a cash-free ticket, you need to do it once (before the first use on suburban railway transport) activate social card. According to preliminary information, this will be possible to do this at ticket offices from August 1 at all main stations and some transfer stations in Moscow, as well as at a number large stations Moscow region - Mytishchi, Sergiev Posad, Zheleznodorozhnaya, Domodedovo, Lyubertsy, Podolsk, Nara, Odintsovo, Pavshino, Lobnya. In addition, it will be possible to activate (recode) the card at all stations and stopping points on the Moscow-Tver, Konakovo section (where there is a ticket office), as well as at ticket printing machines (BPA) of the Moscow-Tver PPK. There is no need to reissue the card.

If you don’t have a social card, you need to contact the MFC - they will issue you a certificate and a temporary card, upon presentation of which and your passport you can also issue a cash-free ticket. At the TsPPK training ground until August 9, it is possible to issue a ticket without a certificate (providing only a temporary card and passport are presented).

From mid-August it will be possible to activate the card at other stations.

After the card is activated, it will be possible to issue one-time non-cash tickets in the “there” or “round-trip” direction using the social card at the ticket office or bank account.

Please note that the right of free travel does not give the right to travel without a ticket. Before each trip, you must obtain a cash-free ticket from the ticket office or BPA. taking into account the category of the train in which you plan to travel (a ticket on a regular train does not give the right to travel on a fast train, but a ticket on a fast train also gives the right to travel on a regular train).

Beneficiaries in Moscow can usually do this on the day of the trip or in advance (up to 10 days), and beneficiaries in the Moscow region can do this only on the day of the trip.

If the ticket office is closed (at the time of departure of the train) or is absent, or there is no PPA, then you must obtain a coupon from the coupon-printing terminal confirming the fact of boarding at this stopping point (only at the Central PPK training ground). And only if there is no such terminal at the station, you can board without a ticket and issue a free ride directly on the train or at the destination station.

In other cases, if there is no ticket when checking on the train or at the destination station, a service fee of 100 to 200 rubles may be charged to the passenger.

Today, users are offered a large number various applications, helping to always find out the necessary information about traffic.

One of the most popular is the Yandex. Schedule", which has a number of positive characteristics:

  • simple and accessible interface;
  • the most complete information base;
  • constant updates;
  • always accurate and truthful information.

We invite you to take a closer look at the desired application.

Yandex. Train schedule

The most common mode of transport today is commuter trains or electric trains.

The fare for them is usually more than affordable, they run frequently and, what is very important, they do not get stuck in traffic jams.

To quickly find the nearest commuter train to your desired arrival point, it is recommended to install the Yandex. Train schedule."

At a further stage, when you launch the application, three windows will open - “Search”, “Schedule” and “Favorites”.

Search. In this section you can search for the routes you need.

Using the search is quite simple - you just need to enter the departure station and the arrival station and the application will quickly open you the trains corresponding to the chosen route.

Another advantage of the search is that the station name can be entered manually or selected from a drop-down list offered by the developers programs.

In the “nearest stations” menu you will see the names of the stations and the distance to them. It is very convenient that the application immediately opens all possible trains following a given route.

The departure time of the commuter train appears on the left side of the screen, and the arrival time on the right. This allows you to choose the most convenient travel time for you.

Also, you can independently indicate the date of travel you are interested in - today, tomorrow or any other day of the month.

For the convenience of choosing a date, the application has a calendar.

To find out more detailed information about the train you are interested in, you need to click on the desired route - an alert window will instantly open, which will indicate the travel time and full list stops

Favorites. You can add to this menu section routes, along which you most often drive, this will allow you not to search for the right time every time.

Schedule. In this menu you can see a complete list of trains heading to the station you need. To open the necessary information, it is enough to correctly set the search criteria.

General information about the Yandex. Schedule"

Yandex applications have a similar principle of operation. Train schedule" and "Yandex. Bus schedule".

To use these programs, just install the application on phone and tablet, immediately after which you can quickly and easily select the ones you need routes.

For those who do not want to download and install the application, there is an online service “Yandex. Schedule”, which is also very convenient to use.

In order to choose the desired route, you just need to have access to the Internet.

  1. In order to start using the service, just type “Yandex. Schedules" or follow the link Yandex.Schedules.
  2. A window will open in front of you in which you need to enter the departure station and arrival station. To ensure that the system's response is as satisfactory as possible, enter the names of the points of departure and arrival accurately and correctly.
  3. Now you need to choose the transport on which you are going to travel. Just choose one of the options offered by the service.
  4. Once you have completed filling out all the required fields, click on the “Search” button.

In order for the service response to contain all necessary information, do not forget to indicate the date of travel.

If you just want to see all the routes going to the city you need, select all days instead of a specific date.

In order to get detailed information about the flight you are interested in, simply click on it.

After clicking, a window will open with exact time traffic and all stations on the route.

An important advantage of the service is constant update data. That is, if changes occur in traffic flow, the service begins to provide information taking them into account.

The service is already actively used by a large number of people who personal experience were able to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the program.

One of the undoubted advantages of the application is that it is absolutely free.

I am also pleased with its simplicity and accessibility - the service is easy to understand even for a person who is not an active Internet user.

As for the disadvantages, many users are not satisfied with the need to connect to Internet.

That is, you can view your favorite routes without a connection - but when displaying information, in this case, possible changes in traffic movement will not be taken into account.

In other cases, you can use the application only if you have a stable network connection.

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