Popular celebrities. Which stars are the most famous?

If you still think that only the beautiful are worthy of fame, we are ready to prove the opposite! It turns out that in order to become famous, you don’t even have to be a pretty person.
And some stars are theirs appearance can be terrifying. In a word, it doesn’t matter what they say about you, the main thing is that they talk about you.
Donatella Versace

It's strange why anyone still wears Versace clothes when Donatella Versace (60) is at the head of this brand.
Michael Berryman

Actor Michael Berryman (67) was born with a condition that prevents hair, teeth and nails from growing. At the same time, Michael became a very popular and highly paid actor, because no make-up artist could replicate his devilish appearance. This is how the curse brought fame and money to a man.
Marilyn Manson

Brian Warner (46) was not the most likable guy before he became famous, but he decided to make himself a real monster, and the public loved him even more. As they say, do what you do best.
Sarah Jessica Parker

Even the mother of Sarah Jessica Parker (50) told her daughter that she was far from beautiful and that she would not become an actress. As a result, Sarah became the embodiment of female sexuality, playing the main role in the TV series Sex and the City. But her colleague, Dirty Dancing actress Jennifer Gray (55), fixed her prominent nose, and the producers immediately lost all interest in her.
Mick Jagger

Today, groups are recruiting cute guys and girls for whom the whole country is pining. But their popularity will never compare with how they loved the lead singer of The Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger (72), even though he was quite ugly. Models and actresses fell in love with him, and, quite surprisingly, he had beautiful daughters who became models themselves.
Pete Burns

British singer and composer Pete Burns (56) is not just scary, he looks like a very ugly woman. But at the same time, Burns recorded the single You Spin Me Round, which received gold status and provided its creator with many years of carefree life.
Courtney Love

Even in her youth, Courtney Love (51) could not be called a beauty, but every year she became worse. However, the tabloids still write about her, she is invited to appear in films, and this woman is not in poverty at all.
Rowan Atkinson

Perhaps one of the most unattractive men in Britain, actor Rowan Atkinson (60), is part of its cultural heritage. His comedy show has become a cult all over the world. At the same time, the actor is very smart, and his wife is a real beauty!

In ancient times, people did not understand the nature of the Sun, but today most schoolchildren know that it is a star, and not the largest and brightest, but simply located very close to the Earth compared to other stars. Otherwise, it has no significant differences from them: it is a huge and heavy ball of gas in which thermonuclear reactions occur. As a result, it heats up to enormous temperatures and has strong radiation, which is responsible for life on Earth. The sun consists of hydrogen, helium and several other elements; it contains calcium, iron, neon, silicon, and nitrogen in relatively small quantities.

The Sun, together with its planetary system, is located at the edge of our Galaxy, making a revolution around its center every 200 million years. This is a relatively young star - its age is about 4.5 billion years. The same amount of time must pass for it to turn into a red giant.


Sirius is one of the most famous stars in the sky due to the fact that it has the greatest brightness (after the Sun). It is not a record holder for brightness, it is only 22 times brighter than the Sun (there are much more powerful stars), but since it is located relatively close, it is the most noticeable in the night sky. Sirius is visible from almost anywhere on Earth, except for the northernmost regions.

In fact, Sirius is a double star: the older of the pair is a white dwarf and is smaller in size than the Sun, and the younger, Sirius A, is just visible from Earth. The age of this space object is about 230 million years.

polar Star

The North Star is famous because it can be used to navigate the terrain. It is always above the northern horizon and is visible only in the Northern Hemisphere. It is located in the constellation Ursa Minor, at the very end of the “bucket”.

Polaris is the brightest among the pulsating stars variable stars. It is a supergiant and has two much smaller companions. It is located 323 light years from Earth. Its official name is Alpha Ursa Minor.

Proxima Centauri

Proxima Centauri is not as famous as Polaris or Sirius, but it can also be called famous, since it is closest to the Earth after the Sun. Proxima is small in size and is a red dwarf. It is located just 4.2 light years from our planet. Despite this proximity, it cannot be seen with the naked eye due to the dim light.

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