solar system

solar system- this is our home, a star system of eight planets with a star called the Sun.
Our planet, the Earth, is located in the solar system, the third from the sun. Age of Solar
systems - approximately 4.57 billion years. The solar system is part of the Milky galaxy
Path. Recall that in one galaxy there are about 200 billion stars, each of which is
planetary system (or a system in which there are no planets).

There are billions of worlds like ours in the galaxy. Do we need to send the embryos of life to them in order to spread it throughout space? Claudius Grosz of Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, thinks it should. To do this, he proposes using ships with laser propulsion systems, which are technically quite possible to assemble now. The same Breakthrough Starshot project has ambitious goals for using such systems to send tiny, lightweight probes to Alpha Centauri. The scientists behind it want to take pictures of the star closest to us, but, according to Gros, such systems could well put a much larger load into the orbit of that very star.

Last year, two astronomers were studying the most distant objects orbiting the Sun that we have ever found when they suddenly saw something interesting. These ultra-distant Kuiper belt objects, instead of having randomly oriented orbits, appear to be elongated and tilted in a certain direction. If one or two objects had done this, it could have been chalked up to chance. But there were six of them. The chances of it being a fluke were about 0.0001%. Instead, astronomers Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown proposed a radically new theory: somewhere out there there is a distant ninth planet, more massive than Earth, but less than Uranus and Neptune. It is she who moves all these objects. 16 months have passed since then, and this is what we have in fact.

The science

Relatively close to us is a star system that shelters about 7 planets, including three "super-earth", planets that may be similar to our planet and could harbor life, researchers say.

These planets orbit a star Gliese 667C, one of three stars that are located nearby in a triple star system only 22 light years away from the solar system to constellation Scorpio.

Astronomers believe that three planets from this system located in the habitable zone, where the temperature completely allows the water on the surface to remain in a liquid state. These planets are usually called “super-Earths”, since their mass is from 1 to 10 Earth masses. If these planets have a solid surface and atmosphere, as well as seas and oceans, they most likely have life.

Triple star system

Interestingly, the host star Gliese 667C is included in the triple star system, so if you, for example, find yourself on the surface of one of the planets, you will be able to see three suns in the sky at once: one bright and large and two smaller ones. If the two companion stars do not set at night, they will provide as much light as the full Moon.

The star Gliese 667C is cooler, not as bright as the Sun, and has a mass of only one third of the mass of our star. As a result, its habitable zone, where conditions are similar to those of Earth, is located much closer to the star. This allows astronomers to find such planets faster and easier. by using modern technologies than planets in more distant orbits.

Astronomers are confident that only three planets are in the habitable zone; there cannot be other planets there. The Earth, as we know, revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit, therefore, if its orbit were an even circle with the same distance to the Sun, planetary conditions would be too hot to maintain life.

Planets orbiting the cooler, dimmer star Gliese 667C should experience milder conditions.

Search for new exoplanets

In our galaxy Milky Way 80 percent stars have a relatively small mass, that is, this is a fairly large amount. Astronomers hope that they can find other stars with planets in the habitable zone that would be located even further closer to our system than the planets of the Gliese 667C system.

Comparison of sunset on Earth and planets of the Gliese 667C star system

Although these exoplanets are still impossible to see with telescopes, their locations are determined by observing them. gravity, which affects the star. Because of this gravity, the star seems to tremble and its light fluctuates. These tiny changes allow us to infer the planet's orbit and its mass.

How to find the Gliese 667 system in the night sky?

This map will help you find the Gliese 667 star system in the night sky. In the Northern Hemisphere, you first need to find the constellation Scorpio and the star Antares. The stars of Gliese 667 can be seen with binoculars.

Planets of the Gliese 667C system

This image shows 7 planets that orbit the star Gliese 667C. Three of them (c, f and e) are located in the habitable zone.

Comparison of planets from the habitable zone of the Gliese 667C star system with Earth:

The orbital system of planets of the red dwarf Gliese 667C. The habitable zone is marked in blue:

Unusual star systems and recently discovered exoplanets

In 2012 Astronomers have discovered many double star systems, but perhaps the most stunning system that was discovered was four star system. Gas giant PH1 orbits a pair of stars, which in turn are part of a four-star system.

Close double stars with masses 1.5 and 0.41 solar masses- twin stars in the center of the system, which revolve around each other approximately in 20 days. Two more stars orbit this pair at a distance a thousand times greater than the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

Gas giant PH1 orbits a central pair in 138 days. Its surface temperature is from 251 to 340 degrees Celsius. This planet is slightly larger than Neptune and potentially has moons with a rocky surface. However, the temperature of the satellites is too high for there to be liquid water on them.

The most unusual planet

Exoplanets that orbit distant stars are sometimes quite surprising. For example, planet Kappa Andromeda bmassive planet, which some researchers consider a star.

This gas giant 13 times more massive than Jupiter. This weight does not allow this object to be equated to the category of brown dwarfs, since this mass is not enough to support thermonuclear reactions in its core. On the other hand, such a mass also too big for the planet.

Astronomers managed to take a photograph of this planet using a Japanese telescope Subaru in Hawaii. She spins around Kappa Andromeda, a star 2.5 times more massive than the Sun, which is located at a distance from us 170 light years.

Its orbit is located at approximately the same distance from its host star as the planet Neptune is from the Sun. The temperature on its surface is about 1400 degrees Celsius, which makes it red-hot.

The newly discovered star system actually consists of five stars. Moreover, they have a very rare arrangement: four stars form two pairs that rotate around each other in the same plane and regularly cover their neighbors. If there are planets out there, then the sight of these five suns would surpass the shots of the skies in Star Wars.

Stars are not necessarily loners, like our Sun. Astronomers estimate that about a third of these shining objects orbit each other in binary or triple systems, many of which are known and well studied, such as the brightest double star in the night sky, Sirius. To the naked eye they appear to be separate stars. Very rarely, but still there are systems of five and six stars.

Some pairs can be visually separated using telescopes, while others require more sophisticated techniques. If the plane of the orbits of two stars orbiting each other is exactly in the observer's line of sight, then eclipsing binary stars regularly pass each other and alternately obscure each other. Therefore, the intensity of their light and the spectrum of the star system are also constantly changing.

Drawing of the five star system 1SWASP J093010.78 + 533859.5 compared to the orbit of Neptune Photo: © Marcus Lohr

Two of these eclipsing variable stars were discovered by astronomers working under the direction of Marcus Lohr - Open University, Milton Keynes, UK - as part of the SuperWASP project. Both pairs found revolve around each other and together form a multiple star system with the somewhat cumbersome number 1SWASP J093010.78 + 533859.5. She is in the constellation Ursa Major approximately 250 light years from Earth.

For the first time, astronomers have discovered two eclipsing variable pairs at once in a system with several. stars. But that is not all! In one of the pairs, the distance between the stars is so small that their atmospheres touch. Such contact binaries are not uncommon, but this system is unusual: both stars have an orbital period of only about six hours.

Eclipsing variable stars

Other regular dimmings also appeared in the light curve of this pair. The data showed a second binary system. And what’s surprising is in the same plane. The distance between them is approximately twice the size of the Sun. These stars are much more separated from each other than in the first binary system. Both pairs orbit each other at a distance of about 21 billion km - almost triple Pluto's greatest distance from the Sun.

When astronomers separated and more accurately examined the spectra of the light from these four stars, another surprise awaited them: a fifth star. It orbits the second pair at a distance of up to two billion km. and does not cover any of the other stars. That is why the fifth sun went unnoticed before. The sizes of all five are relatively small: each of the stars is slightly smaller than the Sun. However, the system as a whole is visible in small telescopes, and amateur astronomers can see fluctuations in its light curve.

"This is a truly exotic star system. In principle, there is no reason to believe that there are no planets in orbit around each star pair. There could sometimes be at least five suns of varying brightness lighting up the landscape there."
Markus Lohr

When stars block each other, the planets' lighting should change significantly within a single day, the researchers say.

According to scientists, there are no single star systems in the universe; all solar systems are double, including our solar system. Binary stars or double star systems are called star systems out of two stars. Such stars can move indefinitely in an elliptical orbit around the center of mass of the system.

As is known, the Laplace plane is perpendicular to the vector of the total orbital momentum of all planets and the rotational momentum of the Sun.

The orientation of the plane must remain unchanged due to the law of conservation of momentum of the solar system, due to its isolation from distant stars.

However, experience shows that the Laplace plane precesses with a period of about 36,000 years, which is only possible if the calculation of the total momentum of the Solar System does not take into account the contribution of the orbital momentum of some massive body with an orbital period of about 36,000 years! By the way, the Americans, analyzing disturbances in the movement of long-period comets, came to the conclusion that there was a massive body at a great distance from the Sun - a “brown dwarf”, which they called Lucifer.

We named this hypothetical second star of the solar system the name “Raja-Sun” in accordance with Tibetan legends, which call this body a metal planet, thereby emphasizing its enormous mass despite its insignificant size. According to legends, it is now approaching the Sun and will become visible at the turn of the year 2000.

If we accept this hypothesis as a working one, we can use it to explain a whole series of incomprehensible facts. As is known, the stars in dual systems evolve at different rates, while a more massive star, as a rule, evolves faster, ahead of its companion by 150...250 million years, goes through the red giant phase and explodes, shedding its shell and turning first into a white dwarf and then into a brown one. It can be assumed that the “Raja-Sun” (i.e., the King-Sun) was once the main star of the Solar system (in accordance with the name) and was ahead in its development of the second star - the modern Sun. Then, in its planetary system, which also included Jupiter, Neptune, Earth and Mercury, intelligent life appeared on some planets, 150...250 million years ahead of modern life. We believe that later the “Raja-Sun”, having lost a significant part of its mass, transferred its satellites to the “retinue” of the Sun, (“children” of which are Saturn, Uranus, Venus and Mars). Perhaps, near the “Raja-Sun,” some planets with a high civilization have survived, which, given the gigantic period of its existence, should represent to us a civilization of “gods” that controls the entire solar system.

This assumption is supported by the facts of finding human traces next to dinosaur traces in layers dating back to an era 175...225 million years distant from the modern one, as well as examples of the strange behavior of some comets that behaved like spaceships, moving along such trajectories that they passed, as if for inspection purposes, near all the planets! There were also comets that emitted radio signals (for example, comet Arend-Roland), as well as comets that set behind the Sun but did not emerge from behind it, although their trajectory could not lead to falling into the Sun!

The diagram of the Chinese Yin-Yang monad is extremely reminiscent of the zero-velocity cavity for binary stars, and in dynamics with a spiral twist. Sumerian clay tablets depict two Suns: one is white with a black dot in the center, and the other is black with a white dot. It can be assumed that the ancients knew the true history of the development of the solar system, and the idea of ​​the confrontation between good and evil, light and dark forces originates in the history of the solar system.

Considering that many double stars move in elliptical orbits with a large eccentricity (along comet-like trajectories), one can, indeed, in accordance with Tibetan legends, expect the appearance of the “Raja-Sun” at the turn of the year 2000. The gravitational field of this body can have a strong impact on the terrestrial planets, causing many catastrophic consequences.

By the way, you should pay attention to the fact that, precisely 36,000 years ago, Neanderthal man disappeared on Earth and Cro-Magnon man appeared, and also that, perhaps, at the same time the Moon appeared near the Earth, intercepted from Mars. As you know, many legends say that the Moon was not in the sky before. Most likely, the trajectory of the “Raja-Sun” will pass through the asteroid belt, which are numerous fragments formed as a result of collisions of various bodies that were subjected to gravitational disturbances from the “Raja-Sun”.

The presence of this body is also supported by the fact that all planets located between the Sun and Saturn (except Jupiter and Ceres) are in resonance with Saturn, and all planets from Ceres to Pluto (except Saturn) are in resonance with Jupiter, i.e. .e. there are two resonant regions: one is oriented towards the Sun, and the other is oriented towards the “Raja-Sun”.

Twin of the Earth.

If we continue to consider the similarity between the systems of the Sun and Saturn, we can notice another interesting feature. There are two satellites in the Saturn system - Epimetheus and Janus, which move in very close orbits, the distance between which is less than the sum of the radii of these bodies. Consequently, these bodies should collide when they meet. However, nothing like this happens, since when they approach, they exchange orbits with each other (!) and diverge again until the next meeting. This “counterdance” has a period of four years, although the satellites’ orbital period itself is only about 17 hours.

Interestingly, the place where these satellites are located in the Saturn system is projected in the solar system onto the place where our Earth is located! Is this a coincidence?

The symmetry of the orbits relative to the aphelion of Jupiter is more or less understandable, given that the mass of Jupiter exceeds the mass of Saturn by 3.33 times, as a result of which the position of a body equivalent in mass and energy to Jupiter and Saturn combined is close to the aphelion of Jupiter. However, a similar conclusion cannot be made regarding the Earth, since it is only 23% larger than Venus in mass. The position of a body equivalent in mass and energy to Earth and Venus taken together has an orbital radius of 0.85 AU, i.e. significantly different from the Earth's orbit.

To comply with the described pattern, there must be an additional significant “hidden mass” somewhere in the Earth’s orbit! The only place where it could fit is the collinear libration point of the Earth, located near the Earth's orbit behind the Sun. We assume that at this point there is another planet, similar in mass to Earth, which we called “Gloria”. The orbital period of this planet is equal to that of Earth, so it almost always remains invisible.

However, disturbances from other planets can cause it to wobble around the libration point, so that it can sometimes be observed. This situation apparently happened in 1666, when D. Cassini observed a certain crescent-shaped body near Venus (naturally in projection), suggesting that it was its satellite and estimating its diameter to be a quarter of the diameter of Venus. He observed this body again in 1672. In subsequent years, many astronomers saw this body: Short in 1740, Mayer in 1759, Montaigne in 1761, Rotkier in 1764. According to various estimates, the size of the body ranged from a quarter to a third of the size of Venus. Then the object went somewhere and disappeared.

The idea of ​​the existence of an Anti-Earth was expressed by the neo-Pythagorean Philolaus in his cosmogony. According to his ideas, all the planets, including the Earth, revolved around the central fire - Hestna, and the Sun also revolved around it, reflecting its light, and besides the Earth, in its orbit on the opposite side behind Hestna, the Anti-Earth moved with the same period.

Is there a large area in our orbit that the Sun blocks from us? Yes, very big. Taking into account the Solar corona, it is equal to ~10 times the diameter of the Lunar orbit. That's why American astronauts couldn't see Gloria. To do this, you need to move away from the Earth along its orbit to a distance of more than 10 diameters of the Lunar orbits, i.e. over a distance of more than 4 million km.

The assumption that Gloria would definitely be seen spacecraft flying to other planets is not convincing, since the optics of these devices have a limited field of view and are also focused on certain objects (for example, the Canopus star). In principle, Gloria, of course, could have been discovered a long time ago, but, as we think, no one has set such a task yet.

To the statement that the presence of Gloria would cause disturbances in the movements of the planets that would be noticed, one can object to the following. The theory of the motion of Venus and Mars could not be constructed for a very long time due to the presence of some disturbances that could not be taken into account. This was only possible after the Second World War (!), and then only thanks to the introduction of empirical corrections. At the same time, it was noticed that disturbances in the motion of Venus and Mars are of an opposite nature, and this is only possible if the disturbing body is located between their orbits!

So, if our assumption is correct, then on Gloria, which is in the same conditions as the Earth, it is quite possible for there to be a civilization, even higher than ours, and also associated with the “Raja-Sun”.

Considering that the position of Gloria and the Earth at mutual collinear libration points is unstable, one can understand the interest of the Glorians in testing nuclear weapons on Earth (after all, it is well known that all tests took place under the close attention of UFOs). Apparently, there is a danger that the resulting strong impacts could push the Earth out of Gloria’s libration point, which is fraught with dire consequences for both the Earth and Gloria.

True, the waltzing of Epimetheus and Janus does not lead to their death. But for Earth and Gloria, such a waltz is not at all safe, given the enormous tidal forces that would arise when they approach. We can only hope that the Glorians are at such high level developments that can prevent such a catastrophe.

Gloria is hiding behind the Sun

According to the latest information, there is still life on Mars. To be completely precise, it was approximately 12-13 thousand years ago. In any case, this is exactly the conclusion that scientists from the center came to. It is difficult to say how events would have developed further if one fine day or night, you can’t say for sure, the satellite of the red planet had not left its orbit. Whether he collided with a comet or was defeated during the Star Wars, we will only be able to know for sure after contact with an alien intelligence. It is only known that the Phaeton quickly retreated from its orbit and rushed to plow the expanses of the Galaxy along the way, exploding into thousands of small phaetons. It is impossible to describe what happened in the Universe after such an accident; all sorts of cataclysms haunted ordinary inhabitants from all the inhabited planets of the solar system. On Earth, all the continents began to crack, what could have become mixed up, and something else has swapped places. The planet moved away from the Sun, its period of revolution increased, and if earlier the earth’s calendar was 360 days, today it is five days more. And all this happened in a matter of minutes, a sharp instantaneous cooling led to a long ice age on Earth. According to one version, Yakutia, which was previously inhabited by mammoths and drifted in the equatorial part, is now where we are used to seeing it, and the poor animals froze with food not fully digested in their stomachs. Mars also moved away from the Sun, and life on the icy planet became impossible. People, or rather aliens, had a hard time for some time.

The disturbed balance made itself felt even in the most remote corners of the Galaxy. To save the Earth and stop further freezing; the aliens chose the only right solution. After all, so that our “ball” does not continue to roll into bottomless space, all we need is to increase its mass. Therefore, that part of the Phaeton that was preserved after the explosion was dragged towards our planet for balance; we have artificial satellite- Moon. And with it, people had a wonderful opportunity to sigh languidly and write down lyrical poems one after another.

Of course, the Martians themselves had to urgently move to another planet. Until recently, we did not have any reliable data indicating their location. There was, however, one planet that aroused suspicion, which either disappeared or reappeared in the field of view of terrestrial astronomers, and so, according to Valery Uvarov, it was there that the inhabitants from Mars moved. The first information about it dates back to the 17th century, it was observed by Giovanni Cassni, a professor at the Paris Observatory, in 1666. Then the planet, named by the scientist Gloria, disappeared until 1672.

And quite recently, at the end of the last century, our compatriot, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Kirill Butusov, was able to mathematically prove the presence of another planet in the solar system: it is located in the same orbit as the Earth, in the direct opposite direction from the Sun. But it can be observed once every thirteen years due to cyclical fluctuations. The nature of the vibrations is also unclear and suggests that Gloria, like the Moon, was created artificially and deliberately hidden from the prying eyes of humans. This is also evidenced by Gloria’s instability relative to the Earth and the Sun. If we collide with some cosmic body or a large meteorite crashes into the Earth, we will, of course, have a hard time, but the “anti-Earth” risks leaving orbit altogether. Therefore, it is not only beneficial, but also vitally important for the people of Gloria to keep our world completely safe.

How do they do it?

The clearest example of the care of our brothers in mind, according to Valery Uvarov, was demonstrated in 1908, when our planet was threatened by the Tunguska meteorite. For many years, there were fierce debates about this: one body was approaching the Earth, but, as eyewitnesses said, along different trajectories, and it is also unknown why there were several explosions, and the fragments could not be found. But, apparently, today humanity is closer to solving this mystery than ever.

Scientists explain the complexity of this phenomenon by the fact that “several objects participated in the event. In addition to the meteorite, there were also some energy balls” sent by some installation to intercept and destroy the Tunguska body. The installation itself is located in the north-west of Yakutia, in the Upper Vilyuy region, where for hundreds of kilometers around there is nothing but forest falls, stone debris and traces of some grandiose cataclysms.

The ancient name of this area is “Eluyu Cherkechekh”, or “Valley of Death”. It is now clear to us that the Tunguska body was blown up by aliens to maintain the immobility of the libration point of our planet, so that the Earth would remain in place and not roll towards Gloria. Previously, only local hunters knew about the existence of an extraterrestrial unit in the “Valley of Death”, making up legends about metal monsters lying deep underground, in the permafrost, so that only small metal hemispheres remained on the surface.

The Yakuts, although they did not know the fateful role of these “cauldrons” for civilization, but, don’t be fools, avoided this remote area. Here are lines from a letter from a person who visited the “Valley of Death”: “I visited there three times. I saw seven such “cauldrons”. They all seem completely mysterious to me: firstly, the size is from six to nine meters in diameter. They are made of an incomprehensible metal. It cannot be broken off or even scratched. The vegetation around the “cauldrons” is abnormal - it is not at all similar to what grows around. It is more lush, one and a half to two times taller than a person. In one such place, we spent the night in a group of six people. We didn’t feel anything bad, no one got seriously ill after, except that one of my friends lost all his hair completely, and three small sores appeared on the left side of my head (I slept on it), each about the size of a match head. I’ve had them all my life, but they still haven’t passed to this day.”

In our world, there are three such installations - one of them is underwater near the island of Crete (does not work), the second is also underwater

Between America and Easter Island (in full combat readiness). So, in a sense, we were lucky; ours, the third and final installation, not only works, but is also within reach.

The Vilyui complex does not work to destroy all cosmic bodies entering the Earth’s atmosphere, but only if the fall of foreign bodies flying to us from space threatens a widespread environmental disaster. This is both the effect of nuclear winter and changes in the trajectory of the planet. Even when the body can cause powerful earthquakes, floods associated with changes in the shape of the geoid, this is a threat to Gloria. If there is a suspicion that the falling body wants to re-infect everyone here with unknown bacteria or is aiming straight at the installation, you can be sure that in this case it will shy away - it won’t seem like much. That is why, when the Tunguska meteorite flew close enough, energy “balls” controlled by a force field fell one after another from the belly of the foreign monster. And that is why researchers of several generations cannot find the remains of the Tungussa. They simply don't exist. They were turned into dust, which was found in the form of magnetite and silicate balls scattered throughout the taiga.

Do they want to be friends with us?

Among other things, Uvarov notes that “energy installations have a so-called “energy source,” which is a system of energy information support for the activities of aliens. From these sources they draw any information both about us and about the Universe in which we all live. The frequent appearance of UFOs on Earth is connected with this, and “crop circles” are one of the confirmations of their presence.

Valery Uvarov also believes that the protective complex in the “Valley of Death” works in automatic mode. Most likely, the monitoring part of the installation is located on Mars, this makes it possible to monitor cosmic bodies at distant approaches to the Earth. They monitor not only natural objects, but also spaceships and satellites sent from Earth to Mars. Also, according to Uvarov, earthlings are still unwelcome guests in space. And you shouldn’t be surprised when satellites sent by people to roam endless spaces deviate from their intended orbit. This is not only a manifestation of the higher intelligence that aliens are endowed with, but also the only possible evidence of reluctance to make close acquaintances in outer space.

Then the disappearance of Phobos-1, a satellite launched in 1988, which could capture the planet behind the Sun, becomes understandable. The fate of Phobos-2, which witnessed activity on Mars, is similar. Is it true. "F-2" still managed to get pictures of the approaching object, after which it deviated from the specified trajectory. Another proof that there is life on Gloria can be comets that fly behind the Sun, but do not appear back, as if Gloritian spaceships are returning to base.

But the strangest event in recent memory is the 1956 comet Roland-Arend. This is the first comet whose radiation was received by radio astronomers. When comet Roland-Arend appeared from behind the Sun, a transmitter in its tail, at a wave of about 30 meters, began to work in an unimaginable way - strange, but true. Then he switched to a wave of half a meter, separated from the comet and moved back behind the Sun. It is still not clear what kind of transmitter it was and who flew with it beyond the Sun. The comets (maybe they weren’t comets at all, but UFOs), which flew around all the planets known to us as if on an inspection, did not go unnoticed by earthly astronomers. Earthly technologies do not yet allow us to accomplish anything that would even remotely resemble the flight of these “comets.”

And now that we have learned the truth about almost everything, circumstances are clearly playing into our hands. In the next 13 years, the stars will align so that Gloria will appear from behind the Sun. We will finally be able to recognize the benefactors who have been “blowing away specks of dust” from our Earth for a long time, whether they want it or not. But will the long-awaited contact take place? Now the future of the planet is in the hands of every person, everyone must prove themselves as Homo sapiens. While there are still a few years left, we need to be well prepared for this meeting. After all, it depends on how long earthlings will remain on the outskirts of space. A few years, so as not to be disgraced by ignorance in the face of friends and brothers in intellect, is not so much.

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