Was there a landing on Mars? Earth's microbes will interfere with flights to Mars. Human factors in missions to Mars

The dream of a human flight to another planet, and in particular Mars, has always been in the minds of many, but now we have come to the opportunity to make this dream come true. Mars attracted people as a planet on which life is possible and a planet on which people hoped to find brothers in mind. But today we know that there are no intelligent creatures on Mars and that life there is subject to frequent tests because the living conditions on Mars are much different from the long-familiar living conditions on Earth. So, are people still capable of a successful flight to Mars?

There are no ships to Mars or lunar bases. After this disaster, a mission trip to Mars became taboo within the agency, a truly impossible mission within any minimally realistic budget. A giant figure, but only 50% taller than the Apollo program, and would have been around for two decades, twice as long as Apollo.

It would be very difficult, but not impossible. If the Soviets had put man around the moon first, history might have been different, but it wasn't. Finally, images of Mars transmitted to Earth by Mariner 4, 6 and 7 in the late 1960s showed that the sterile crater planet looked more like the Moon than Earth.

Will man fly to Mars?

The Red Planet is also interesting because it is the most favorable in terms of colonization. But to colonize a planet, it’s not enough to just land on it. A huge amount of work will be required so that we can say with certainty that Mars is our second home. The surface of the planet Mars is not similar to Earth, so exploring Mars will be a difficult task. How should Mars be populated? Here the points of view of scientists differ.

Never before has humanity been so close to traveling to another planet. And this can take a long time.

  • Portree.
  • Heppenheimer.
Neither radiation, nor the danger of life on another planet, nor lack of resources. The greatest danger to a person is the person himself. Ashley Dove-Jay, an aerospace engineering graduate student at the University of Bristol who led a seven-person team on the Mars Desert Station in the Utah Desert last January, "is the closest place to the red planet that exists on Earth."

The purpose of the two weeks of isolation, as in other similar studies that have been conducted in recent years, is to test the conditions that will find the first astronauts to travel to the red planet. The idea is to replicate the same conditions that will be found to better prepare for the challenges that space agencies will face within a short period of time.

The first believe that in modern world there is no need to risk people and the work of populating Mars can be done by high-tech robots. This makes sense from a scientific and economic point of view. A human flight to the red planet is quite long and is exposed to radiation, and therefore there is no point in sending a person. They also believe that it is necessary to land a group of robots who will begin to take the first steps in the colonization of Mars. And a person in this program will be needed only to “leave a mark on the planet” and to carry out work that a robot cannot handle.

Managing egos, interests and crew conflicts were the mission's greatest challenges, said Commander Dov-Jay. Dov-Jay is clear that the psychological aspect is one of the biggest enemies of astronauts. Managing egos, interests and conflicts between the crew was the biggest challenge of the mission.

This is a cylinder of two floors and a diameter of about ten meters. The lower floor contains an exit bay, excursion preparation room, work area and laboratory shared by the mission's geologist and biologist. On the top floor, six rooms with corresponding beds, as well as a common area and a small kitchen are responsible for occupying the entire space.

Other scientists have a completely opposite point of view. Robots are needed only at the initial stage of settling the planet, to install the necessary structures that will support human life, since on Mars there is no air, no atmosphere, no water, no magnetic field. After the robots do this job, it is necessary to send a group of astronauts who will begin the colonization of Mars. This means studying the soil and growing plants on the surface of Mars, to provide yourself with air, then you need to learn to live with the Martian pressure and gravity of the planet. A person will have to go through a number of tests to achieve success.

Externally, in addition to some "quads" that facilitate movement in the reconnaissance area, there is also a small greenhouse. A year later, he returned to fulfill his “simple” mission: to provide food and other things to his residents. He can't go outside, recalls Dov-Jay, who emphasizes the fact that privacy is almost non-existent: "If you don't have someone in sight, you can at least hear your partner." intimacy is enhanced by small daily activities. Each crew is only entitled to a shower every minute every three or four days for water.

Human flight to Mars under the “Mars One” program

Who will fly to Mars for such a crazy mission? The flight to Mars is very important for us and the selection of people who can be in the first group of astronauts who will land on the planet is already beginning. This project is called “Mars One”. The official website of the project reports that this moment 165,000 people applied to participate in this project. By the way, I’ll tell you the main condition of this flight - A person who flew to Mars under the “Mars One” program will NEVER be able to return to Earth. By July 2015, 24 people will be selected from all candidates for the flight, who will then spend 7 years preparing for this one-way flight in groups of 4 people. The human flight to Mars is planned for April 2024 and the exploration of Mars will begin. will also be intensively studied, but after a certain period of time necessary to get comfortable in this world that is alien to us.

From 6 am to 11 am

Not everyone swore during the fourteen days of the expedition under Dov-Jay's command, which also underscored the fact of the great bonds that were forged between some of the crews, who lived as a kind of special Big Brother. At 7 o'clock, the entire crew had breakfast, reviewing the previous day's activities and planning those that were to be accomplished over the next few hours.

One around 9am and another after the meal, which took place at 12am, in which the team took the opportunity to review the roadmap for the second day and change the experiments according to the results they had obtained during the day. After lunch, the team reported with mission control for "about 75 minutes" to send out all sorts of reports that provided information for both the crew and the various activities that took place during the day. In an effort to achieve realism, these transmissions were set aside to simulate the one that would be suffered by the pioneers who would travel to Mars.

Why go to Mars?

This question is very relevant. Is it worth spending so much money on this? There are already many problems on Earth that require significant funds to solve them. The conquest of Mars will not give people on Earth any benefits and will not help in any way. But in terms of the development of our civilization, the study of outer space, and in particular, neighboring planets, also has its place in our world, so human flight to the planet Mars is important. So what were the challenges facing the first settlers?

The day ended between 22 and 23 hours. At some point did the crew think they were living on another planet? We were completely isolated. We never saw another person who was not one of us. We once saw a plane in the distance. But if you let your imagination fly, when the sun hit your face in the morning and looked out towards this inhospitable landscape, it was relatively easy to think that you were in a strange world, reports Dov-Jay. Conducting experiments similar to those that also helped immersion: It was common to test machines that extract hydrogen and water from the soil to produce fuel and other materials or to test vehicles in the Martian environment. suits when traveling abroad.

The first and main task is to study our neighboring planet; let me remind you that a very long time ago Mars was indistinguishable from the Earth, there were rivers and reservoirs, an atmosphere and air, but for some reasons that are still unclear, Mars lost it all. And the task of this group of people is to study our neighboring planet to predict the development of the Earth and, if necessary, to intervene in the development of our planet so as not to get the same disastrous results.

There are currently two stations that have teams similar to Dov-Jay's. In the case of Utah Station, operations cease during the summer months due to the high temperatures recorded in the desert. A test that will require volunteers with good psychological preparation. This is the biggest risk factor when you send people on long-term missions or to Mars. You cannot predict human behavior in such an intense environment, living knowing that you are isolated and much of the technology that surrounds you is mission critical is a challenge for even the most stable of people.

The human flight to Mars has a second reason - to have a spare home. We all live on the same planet and there are natural and cosmic forces that we cannot control and that are destructive. For example, the fall of some large asteroid is unlikely, but it is still possible and this will mean the decline of our species and the end of life on the planet as a whole. And people themselves are a danger to themselves. But if we had a colony on Mars, this would be a way out of this situation. Of course, we will have to start life “from scratch” and this process will take a very long time, but still this will not be the decline of our species and, over time, a person will be able to restore everything. We should not be skeptical about this, any global catastrophe may happen, and Mars will be a second home for us, this is another reason why this flight is necessary.

The astronauts spent a week on the International space station a few weeks ago to study the effects of weightlessness over a period of time similar to what would take humans to Mars. All of these small aspects, according to Dov-Jay, are more or less solved, with two big stones missing: “Radiation, microgravity or power generation are relatively easy to manage. psychological section or create a system that will allow us to survive.”

For the first time, a device created by a man's hand has successfully stepped on the soil of the red planet. Since then, much has changed about what we know about Mars, an alien world so near and far. The images both probes sent back to Earth are considered historic. There were rocks and dunes and distant elevations, as natural and spontaneous as any landscape on Earth. Viking 1 remained in operation on the plain of Chris until November Viking 2, which landed on Mars and arrived two months later on the plain of utopia, worked a little less until April of the same time, the two probe devices remaining in orbit of the planet took more than 52 thousand images, covering 97 percent of the surface of Mars. We didn't know very well what Mars was.

The third reason is prestige. There are many ways to raise the prestige of a country so that this country begins to be respected. Just remember how the authority of the United States increased after the completion of a number of Apollo programs, even if the last Apollo programs were no longer so interesting and people no longer watched them so en masse, this program still gave a considerable increase in authority in the United States. Many people dreamed of landing a man on the moon, and the United States went and did it and immediately rose in the eyes of many, but this is not what we are talking about now. Contrary to all the talk of skeptics on this matter, a flight to Mars will always be a prestigious dream and the realization of this dream will be prestigious for many generations.

It exploded as he accelerated to get the speed he needed. But it was the Russians who were the first to explore Martian soil: Mars 3 landed on Mars on December 2. It was not good there, and within seconds of landing all contact was lost. The Vikings are also remembered for their search for life on Mars. They were equipped with chemical laboratories to try to find microscopic life in the Martian soil. The inconclusive results were disappointing: Ground-based chemical tests did not detect the presence of organic compounds at any landing site, but scientists did not rule out that life existed or existed in other inhospitable places on Mars.

Russia on its flight to Mars

If we are talking about such a large project, then we should not write off our country. Russia only developing country and, of course, we have many problems, but we have always taken a leading position in space exploration. It was the Russian man who was the first to be sent into space, and now Russia can be on par with other developed countries in space exploration. Now Russia has everything to carry out the first flight to Mars: intellectual potential, experience in building manned vehicles, high-quality materials and labor. Large investments are needed in this considerable work, and perhaps in ten years it will be a Russian who will be the first to realize the dream of a human flight to Mars and leave the first mark there.

Our long-term plans include missions to detect liquid water at or below the surface, which are the best places to search for signs of life. The world is surprised by the adventure from April and Odysseus goes from Mars to Mars. It will enter the planet's orbit in October to search for water, obtain data on the geological composition of the surface and the radiation that is destroying Mars, harmful to any visitor. What might happen to the astronauts during this period is a mystery. To this day, the record of permanence in space belongs to Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev, who was “only” 748 days in orbit.

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It seems that past weekdays have become the most informative for the presence of canard news published by foreign and domestic media. Us "dark December", about the tragic death of the ancient Martian civilization.

The trip is expected to consume $120 billion, more than double the Apollo project that put man on the moon. Enthusiasts have no doubts. Robots only repeat familiar experiences. Slowly, slowly returning to Earth, it will take about two years.

To get back to Earth, the first problem is getting fuel to get back - for space and weight reasons, you can't attach a "supertank" to a vessel. There are two solutions: send fuel to Mars on a previous trip, or produce fuel with the red planet's resources, using carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in reaction with hydrogen taken from Earth to create oxygen and methanol.

Finally, a former employee of the American space agency NASA, who was a member of the group working with the American Viking spacecraft, came out. To begin with, as usual, the editors of the site will briefly tell the “news” itself, and then explain why the information about the first manned mission to Mars is false.

People on the surface of Mars. Fragment of the film "Mission to Mars".

With fuel space module, which descended onto Martian soil, should connect with a spacecraft that will orbit Mars. The challenge here is to make the maneuver without causing damage to the ship. The remedy is very simple: only the module pilot has experience. This is considered the least of the problems.

The third hurdle is getting the spacecraft enough momentum to return. Since most space travel is carried out by inertia, the speed spaceship comes from the gravity of Mars - returning to the planet's orbit will speed up the ship. Here's the problem: Since Mars only has 38% of Earth's gravity, the speed will be much slower. Therefore, the return will take approximately twice as long.

An amazing story about the landing of people on the surface of Mars was told by an American woman on the air of one of the radio stations. She introduced herself as a former employee of the American space agency NASA and a member of the group working with the Viking spacecraft (the first or second is not specified). In particular, Jackie (as she introduced herself by name) was responsible for the telemetric communication of the device with the Earth.

The return of Mars will take about two years. This long season in space requires a lot of supplies and also creates high level stressful and unpredictable physical problems. One of possible ways is to improve the psychological and physical training of astronauts, as well as reuse everything that is possible inside the ship. Water, for example, can be recycled: to the extreme, even urine can be purified and turned into drinking water.

Upon arrival on Earth there is new task: re-entry. The solution is to create better metal alloys that can withstand higher temperatures. When the restart is complete, the ground is still missing. The idea is for the module to separate from the spacecraft and fall somewhere in the ocean, just like the astronauts who went to the Moon.

The action took place in 1979. According to Jackie, her group received pictures and videos transmitted by the device. In one of the videos (photo) she found two people in spacesuits. Moreover, the spacesuits were not the same as those used at that time. Suddenly, the connection with the device was lost. Jackie decided to report what had happened, but when she returned, the door to the device control room was locked.

As a result, Jackie came to the conclusion that she had witnessed a secret landing of people on the surface of Mars. She also assured that besides her, at least 6 other people saw the recording. It is unknown which country the eyewitnesses saw. Perhaps they were Americans.

In general terms, the material is presented as follows. Not surprisingly, it was quickly picked up by the media and spread throughout the Internet. Now is the time to upset the conspiracy theorists.

Viking lander. Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona

So why is this information false? It’s worth starting with the most obvious fact that immediately caught my eye. Almost every agency wrote that Viking is a Mars rover. This is wrong! The Viking mission involved sending two spacecraft to Mars: "Viking-1" and "Viking-2". Both consisted of orbital And descent vehicle (note, no rovers).

Second fact. They wrote that Jackie saw people in spacesuits during a broadcast from the device’s camera. The Vikings were not equipped with video cameras. It no longer makes sense to present further facts about the impossibility of broadcasting from Mars in real time.

Photograph of the surface of Mars taken by the Viking 1 spacecraft. Photo: NASA/JPL

Third fact. Have you been to Mars and didn't tell me? In astronautics, everyone wants to “be first” in something. When a country made a breakthrough in one area or another, it automatically increased its prestige. The first satellite, the first cosmonaut, the first exit into open space, the first woman astronaut, American landing on the moon, etc.

The fact that (according to Jackie) people in spacesuits walked on Mars suggests that the first manned mission was successful. At least the astronauts survived the space flight and made a successful landing. So why did the country that sent people to the surface of another planet remain silent?

Because there have been no manned missions to the surface of Mars. Unfortunately, the list of cosmic bodies visited by man consists of one item - the Moon. Thus, the media made a real sensation out of false information, and many believed it.

Of course, we are planning to visit Mars in the near future. For several years now, projects for manned missions have been developed: mission details are being developed, people are placed in mock-up spacecraft modules to determine the effect of closed space on the psyche, experiments are being conducted in conditions close to those on Mars, etc.

There are also private projects. For example Mars One. The American company SpaceX is gradually striving towards its goal, the founder of which wants to “die on Mars, but not from hitting the surface.”

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