What is option zero on MTS. Option “Zero on MTS” - connect free minutes on old tariffs

So, today we are presented with the option “Zero on MTS”. We have to find out what it is. In addition, it is worth seeing in what ways you can connect yourself this opportunity. After all, it is the process of starting to use a function that usually brings a lot of problems. If you solve them, then every client will be satisfied with the result. Let's quickly get down to our topic today.

What is this?

The “Zero on MTS” option, reviews of which we will learn a little later, is something that attracts many modern clients. Why? Let's look into this issue.

The thing is that now many people prefer to communicate. A lot and regardless of the client’s location. That is, when roaming, you also want to communicate on favorable conditions. And all MTS clients have this opportunity. After all, “Zero Without Borders” is exactly what we need. For just 60 rubles per month you can talk within roaming for 10 minutes for free, and then 25 rubles per minute. This is a very profitable offer.

The “Zero on MTS” option receives mostly positive reviews. After all, 6 rubles of a subscription fee is not so much. Especially if you consider how much benefit you get. The quality of communication with this option is also pleasing. There are practically no glitches. Therefore, let's try to figure out how to activate the "Zero on MTS" option.

Personal visit

The first scenario is, of course, familiar to everyone. After all, we are talking about the use of offices mobile operator. They are available in every city. Take your mobile phone with you, as well as your passport (just in case), and then go to the nearest branch cellular communications MTS.

There, tell the employee about your intentions to connect additional option. They should ask you for a passport (without an ID card, few people will agree to connect something to the number), and then verify your rights to the number. If the owner is not you, then you will have to invite the person to whom the SIM card is registered to come with you. In cases where the number is registered in your name, you can give your mobile phone to an office employee. He will quickly get everything done necessary manipulations. That's all. The option "Zero on MTS" is enabled.

True, it is worth noting one important fact - you should have enough Money to complete the connection. As already mentioned, it is 60 rubles. The advantage of a personal visit is that you can always quickly top up your mobile phone balance without commission. But in general, as a rule, clients try to look for other options that help disable the “Zero on MTS” option and enable any other functions. What else can you do? Let's try to figure this out.


The "Zero on MTS" option can be activated using special requests dialed on your mobile phone. They are called USSD commands. And every mobile operator has them.

In order to add to your number additional function, just dial the combination and then press the call button. Next, you will send a request with subsequent processing. Now you just need to wait for an SMS notification that the option has been successfully connected. And that's it, problems are solved.

But what kind of team do we need? Just dial *111*4444#. That's all. No problem. The main thing is to have at least 60 rubles on your mobile phone balance. Otherwise, you will receive a notification stating that there is not enough money in your account to enable the new function. But this is not all the approaches that can be implemented. What else suits us? Let's try to answer this question.

Messages to help

Well, if you don't particularly like the prospect of using USSD commands to connect, you can always use a thing called messages. They can help not only contact the client, but also realize some opportunities. And now we will understand this approach with you.

Simply compose a message with the text "33" and then send it to short number MTS. In our case, this is 111. After this, you just need to wait for a notification about the successful start of using the service. Typically the process takes about 10 minutes. Otherwise, you will have to check your mobile phone balance (there should be enough money to connect), and also call the operator and find out about the status of your request.

U this method there is one significant drawback - long command processing. Plus, the slightest network failure can leave you without an option. Not the best prospect, right? And for this reason, we will try to figure out other methods suitable for connecting new features. After all, they still exist. And some of them will greatly delight modern customers. They won’t have to leave home again and think about the long processing of the request. Let's get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible.

Call to operator

The MTS "Super Zero" option, like many others, can be activated using operator calls. As a rule, this scenario helps many clients. And for this reason it is worth understanding this method.

Simply dial 0890 and then wait for the operator to answer. Now let him know your intentions to connect new feature. Next, you will be asked for your passport information - this is how your identity and rights to the SIM card you are using are established. After this point has been passed, you can wait for the results. Name the desired option and wait for the result. As a rule, after a conversation for 5 minutes you will receive a notification about the successful processing of the operation and activation of the option. As you can see, nothing difficult.

Only this method has one drawback - a huge probability of getting into an answering machine. Then you will have to wait about 15-20 minutes before you connect the feature you need. And therefore we move on to another scenario.

The World Wide Web

So, the last method, which pleases many clients, is to use the Internet and the official website in order to connect the desired options. To do this, you will have to go to the official MTS website and go through authorization.

Now you will find yourself in your personal account, where you have to select “Services”, and then find the “Option “Zero on MTS”. If you click on this line, you will see a list of possible actions. Click on “Connect”. That’s it - you can wait results. The main thing is that you have enough money. Otherwise, you will receive an SMS asking you to top up your balance first, and then try to connect again.

If you have an old tariff plan in which billing occurs per minute and you are not satisfied with the cost of a minute of conversation within the operator’s network, then you should familiarize yourself with this option.

It will allow you to save on calls made to MTS numbers in your home region. Quite an interesting option, which is included in all new starter packages starting in 2014

For those who have not yet used the option zero on MTS, you should familiarize yourself with this offer.

It is worth noting that this service allows subscribers to call MTS numbers in their home region for 9 rubles per minute of conversation. It makes sense to connect the service to subscribers who have old tariff plans:

On newer tariffs, for example the MTS Smart line, this option has long been installed. After you activate this service, you will be provided with a package of 100 minutes for calls to MTS numbers in your home region.

For example, if you are a resident of Moscow or the Moscow region, then you can talk for 100 minutes every day with MTS subscribers in Moscow and the region for 0 rubles per minute.

The cost of the Zero option on MTS

This option is provided on a paid basis, the cost of its use is 3.5 rubles per day.

Every day, the subscriber will be charged 3.5 rubles and will be credited with 100 minutes for calls within the home region network. This fee is charged whether you call or not.

The unused balance of minutes is not carried over to the next day and does not accumulate - it is reset to zero every day.

If you have used the entire package of allocated minutes during the day, then further calls will be charged according to the terms of your tariff plan (At the established cost of calls to MTS numbers).

As soon as the next accrual of minutes occurs, you will automatically talk in minutes.

A situation may arise when there is not enough funds in your account to withdraw the subscription fee.

In this case, the service is suspended until you have sufficient funds to withdraw the subscription fee.

In this case, the standard tariff will apply until there is a sufficient amount of funds in your account to withdraw the subscription fee, after which a package of minutes per day will be credited.

Connecting the service

How activate the Zero service on MTS Not everyone knows. And there are several options for connecting it. To do this, the user can use one of the following available methods:

  1. You can use USSD combination *899# and press the call button
  2. There is also an MTS Menu that can be used to activate the service on your phone. In this case, you should dial *111*899#
  3. You can also send an SMS message to a short number 111 , indicate in the text of the message 899
  4. And another method is to use your personal account

If necessary, you can contact the nearest MTS branded store for help. The cost of connecting to the service is 3.5 rubles.

How to check the remaining minutes and disable the service

To keep your expenses under control and understand as well as check the remaining minutes Zero on MTS you need to dial a combination *100*1# and press the call button.

This information is provided free of charge and you can use this combination as much as you like. It's another matter if you need to disable the option.

In this case, you can send to a short number 111 SMS message with text 8990 . In response, you should receive an information message with the text that the service is disabled.

The mobile operator MTS regularly introduces new tariff plans, thanks to which you can use communication services on favorable terms. This is due to the fact that, within the framework of some tariffs, subscribers are provided with free minutes calls or packages of minutes for a small fee. From this we can conclude that over time, mobile communications are becoming more and more accessible. Meanwhile, people who have been connected to MTS for a long time, for some reason, do not want to change the selected tariff plan or do not know how to do this, so they continue to use what they have, although their tariff can long ago be considered archival. In this situation, the company met them halfway, offering to communicate more and cheaper thanks to an option called “Zero on MTS.” It should be noted right away that it is applicable only to a limited range of tariff plans that are in the archive.

Option “Zero on MTS”: detailed description

To begin with, it is worth saying that this service is provided exclusively to subscribers of only two tariffs: “Super MTS” and “Super Zero”. Currently, the last one has been archived, so connecting to it is impossible.

If you use one of the tariff plans mentioned above, you have the opportunity to activate the “Zero on MTS” option. If you do this you will get:

  • Package including 100 min. outgoing calls in a region such as Moscow and Moscow Region;
  • Package including 100 min. outgoing calls within the network to all other regions.

It should be noted that the minutes from the first point also apply to Moscow landline phones. This means that the described service will be beneficial to those subscribers who often call MTS numbers in other regions. If we talk about the cost of minutes to other networks, then it is specified in the terms of the tariff you choose and cannot be changed by anyone except your mobile operator. As for the minutes that are included in your tariff plan, they are counted separately and not summed up with those that you received after the “Zero on MTS” option was activated.

Taking into account everything written above, it is easy to conclude that the presented service allows you to communicate more within the selected network for little money. In particular, if you decide to connect it, you will spend less than a minute of conversation per day on it within the current tariff. Indeed, the daily subscription fee required by the connected “Zero on MTS” option can be called ridiculous, because it is only 3 rubles and 50 kopecks. The first debit will be made immediately after the service is activated. In the future, funds will be debited regularly at the stroke of midnight.

Attention! USSD command *100*1# – the simplest way checking the balance of minutes accrued under the “Zero on MTS” option.

Option “0 on MTS”: about connection in detail

If you liked the service presented and you have the opportunity to connect it, then this will not cause any difficulties. There are three ways. First, you can use the USSD service by dialing *899#. Secondly, the “Zero on MTS” option is activated via SMS. To do this, send a message to 111
. The text should be as follows: 899. Sometimes it happens that subscribers who require this service find it difficult to activate it via SMS due to the fact that the message is simply not sent. If you encounter this problem, check that the SMS center settings are correct, or contact a call center employee. Thus, the problem will be resolved and the option you are interested in will be added. Thirdly, you can connect “0 to MTS” through the “Mobile Assistant” service by logging in to your personal account.

Attention! The presented option is available exclusively to users of the Super Zero and Super MTS tariffs. Before connecting it, make sure that you have exactly one of them. Verification is possible through a mobile assistant or via USSD request *111*59#.

Service “0 on MTS”: more details on how to disable it

There are three ways in which this option can be disabled. The first one is SMS to number 111
(text – 8990), second – USSD command *111*899#
, third - disconnection through your personal account.

IN current time There are many providers in the cellular market, which causes serious competition. To stay afloat and enjoy the approval of consumers, they create more profitable and simplified tariff conditions. MTS constantly releases services that allow you to save on calls, correspondence and mobile internet. Today we will look at one of them and find out how to connect Zero to MTS in all available ways.

Description of service

The “Zero from MTS” option has moved to the archived list and is closed for activation, but the operator has released a new option that is not inferior in its characteristics to the previous one. It’s called “Call for free to MTS Russia 100.” Therefore, in the review we will consider and describe the effect on this moment service. The function has a number of unique features, characteristics and conditions:

  1. Upon activation, the consumer receives 100 free minutes per day for calls over the internal network within the home region of registration, if it is the Moscow region, then the discount also applies to some city numbers in Moscow. You can check the list with a representative of the provider or on the company’s official website on the Internet.
  2. Each daily period, the subscriber is given 100 minutes to communicate with MTS clients throughout Russia.
  3. The offer is compatible only with the line of Super MTS tariff plans, even for archived versions. This is due to the fact that these contracts do not have standard packages for calls, and they are billed per minute.
  4. The option is provided for a daily subscription fee of 3.50 rubles. The amount is debited from the mobile balance of the user’s personal account every night at 00.00 the next day.
  5. If the consumer exceeds the established quota, then payment will occur according to the standard tariff schedule, which corresponds to the current contract.

Connection in your personal account and application

For all consumers of the provider, a personal account service has been implemented on the official resource. With its help, the user can control and change the characteristics of his tariff plan without the help of specialists. To activate the service, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the company’s website and find the “My MTS” link.
  2. After this, you will need to go through the authorization procedure. If you don't have it yet account, you need to create it. To do this, you just need to provide your phone number and create a password.
  3. The self-service menu will open, which displays all the basic information about the personal account - the current balance, the balances of packages in the current billing period.
  4. Open the service management tab and click on the “Connect new” link.
  5. In the list that appears, select the appropriate one and run it.
  6. If you did everything correctly and there are enough funds in your account, you will receive a notification on your phone confirming the installation.

Attention! To use your personal account, you must have free access to the Internet.

A similar algorithm can be performed in mobile application My MTS. To do this, you will need to install it on your mobile device. The utility is available to all subscribers and is completely free. It is compatible with all modern operating systems and smartphones. After successful installation, the main menu of the program will open in front of you. Find the “Services” section and select the desired option from the list.

Attention! Download the application only from trusted sources.
Using these two services, the consumer will be able to cancel the option at any time with the click of a button.


If you are unable to go to the official website, then simply send a text message. Dial the digital attachment “868” and send it to the service number “111”. To disable “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” on your mobile device It is enough to send a letter with the content “8680” to the same short number.

Using USSD code

Another simple way to activate the option is to dial the USSD code combination. Enter it using virtual keyboard devices on the call screen. The telephone command consists of only three numbers - *868#. After this, you will receive an SMS notification confirming your registration.

Address to employees

If you are unable to activate service 0 on MTS on your own, you can always seek advice from qualified specialists from the provider. There are three ways to contact:

  1. Remember the simple number 0890. This is the contact hotline contact center operator who works around the clock. Call and listen to the voice of the informant, if necessary, follow the actions that are suggested to you. To contact an operator, wait on the line or enter the number 0. Explain in detail the purpose of your call. Upon request, the manager will install or disable the function on the SIM card.
  2. Write a letter to the provider using the form feedback. It can be found on the company's official page. The answer to any question will come in a short time.
  3. Find any telecom operator service branch in your locality. Visit it in person and ask a consultant to help you connect or cancel.

Features of minute calculation

Free Mobile TeleSystem minutes within the option do not carry over to the next day and expire automatically. If the user started communication on one day and ended it on another, then only the old package will be spent, the new one will not be used. For example, you called at 23.50 and hung up at 00.10.

In order to interest their existing subscribers and attract many others, mobile operators are creating more and more new tariffs every day, which give the user the opportunity to receive profitable services for an affordable monthly subscription fee. It is worth noting that mobile communications are becoming more accessible and profitable every day. And this fact does not depend on a specific operator mobile communications. Absolutely all operators strive to be competitive and look decent to all subscribers. New tariff plans provide users with packages of minutes and SMS for free communication both within the network and outside it, unlimited access to the Internet and many other interesting offers. Mobile operators are trying to connect all their subscribers to these tariffs, but there is a category of people who already use archived tariff plans and do not want to change them. It has long been impossible to connect to such archived tariff plans, but subscribers are quite satisfied with them. The mobile operator MTS does not forget about such subscribers and decided to make their communication even more profitable and accessible. Thus, a new option has appeared for everyone, “Zero on MTS,” which allows you to talk more within the network and pay less.

Zero on MTS is a service for those subscribers who use tariff plans such as “Super MTS” and “Super Zero”. The latter is considered archived, so new subscribers will not be able to connect to it. There is one additional condition: if you are a user of another tariff plan, you will not be able to switch to this service. Of course, there are many people who have long forgotten how tariff plan they use it. But in this case there is a way out - you need to dial the combination * 111 * 59 #. You can also find out this information through your Personal Account.

So, after checking your MTS tariff and making sure that you will not be denied connection to the option, you can connect it. Of course, many will be interested in the question: what will they get in return? After activating the “Zero on MTS” service, each subscriber is given 100 minutes to make free calls within their Moscow region, as well as an additional 100 minutes for calls within the MTS network, but outside their home region. It is worth noting that the first 100 minutes include calls to landline numbers in Moscow.

This offer is very profitable for those who often call subscribers who are located absolutely throughout Russia. After all, now you don’t need to think about how high the cost of a call outside your home region will be. Regarding making calls to other people's numbers mobile operators, then they will be charged according to the terms of your tariff plan.

Zero on MTS is a very profitable service. This has been repeatedly proven by the fact that even with minimal calls made at the tariffs of the existing plan, subscribers will pay more than it costs subscription fee for using the option in question. Please note that the subscription fee is only 3.5 rubles per day. When connecting to the service, the same 3.5 rubles will be immediately withdrawn. This will be considered as a connection fee, but at the same time, a fee for the current day.

In order to check the balance of free minutes, you need to press the combination * 100 * 1 # on your mobile phone.

Connecting the option “Zero on MTS”

There are several options for connecting the option:

  • Send with mobile phone request * 899 # ;
  • Send a short SMS message toll free number 111 with text 899;
  • Log in to your Personal Account and activate the option through it. In fairness, it is worth noting that in the recent past the LC was completely updated, as a result of which it became completely understandable even for a novice user. So, figuring out how to activate the service will not be difficult for you.

How can I disable the service?

There have been numerous cases when subscribers, using some services, wanted to turn them off as unnecessary. This can be done in our case as well. To do this, you can use your Personal Account or send a message to the same number 111, just specify the text - 8990.

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