How fast are we moving in space? Determining the speed of movement using GPS The speed of the Sun in the Galaxy relative to the nearest stars

Using the navigator we can also determine the speed of the car. However, this may cause misunderstanding. So, you are driving a car, the speedometer shows a speed of 100 km/h, and the navigator shows 95 km/h. How can you determine which of these readings are correct? The answer to this phenomenon is that, for safety reasons, it is customary all over the world to slow down the actual speed of the car a little. Therefore, the navigator, as a rule, shows 3-5% lower speed than the car’s speedometer.

Each navigator has a speed function, i.e. it shows the average speed at which we move. This function is needed in order to determine how much time is left for us to reach the intended point.

For example, according to the navigator, the distance to a car or to some river is 3 km, and our average speed is 3 km/h. Therefore, we will get there in an hour. And this way you can plan the distance. So, if we know that the car is 3 km away, and we need to return by a certain time, we can plan this time, adjusting our speed of movement on the go.

When fishing, it is advisable to always keep the navigator on. The navigator enters the real operating mode after it contacts at least three satellites, establishes communication with them and determines its coordinates. Therefore, it takes time for the navigator to return to its operating mode.

Different models of navigators require different times to communicate with satellites. In addition, the same navigator can communicate with satellites in different ways. You can turn it on, and it will instantly contact the satellites, and other times it will “think” for 7-8 minutes before establishing a connection.

One of the reasons for this is changing weather conditions. So, if we use the navigator on a sunny, cloudless day in an open area, it very quickly communicates with satellites and finds the maximum number of them. And if we are in some enclosed space, the walls are reinforced concrete slabs, there is reinforcement inside (and the reinforcement acts as a kind of screen), and it is very difficult for the signal to get through to the navigator. Therefore, it takes much longer to connect, and sometimes we even have to go outside so that the navigator can communicate with the satellites and so that we can determine our location.

The same thing happens in mountainous areas. For example, we stand in the middle of two hills that are blocked from us by satellites, and at best we manage to contact only two or three satellites, and the rest are inaccessible. In this case, we need to reach some maximum high point. Or, if we are in a forest, among tall trees, we have to look for a clearing, since tall trees also slightly distort the signal, and it is more difficult for the navigator to contact satellites.

In heavy clouds or rainy weather, the navigator also takes longer to communicate with satellites and, therefore, takes longer to reach operating mode. Therefore, we advise you to immediately turn it on when you come fishing and arrive at the place. Found a good place, the fish pecked - immediately enter this point into the navigator’s memory. If the navigator is turned off at this time, you will lose time; in addition, while it establishes communication with satellites, you may be blown somewhere by the current or wind, and you will not have time to mark exactly the place you need.

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This article examines the speed of movement of the Sun and the Galaxy relative to different systems countdown:

The speed of movement of the Sun in the Galaxy relative to the nearest stars, visible stars and the center of the Milky Way;

The speed of motion of the Galaxy relative to the local group of galaxies, distant star clusters and cosmic microwave background radiation.

Brief description of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Description of the Galaxy.

Before we begin to study the speed of movement of the Sun and the Galaxy in the Universe, let’s take a closer look at our Galaxy.

We live, as it were, in a gigantic “star city”. Or rather, our Sun “lives” in it. The population of this “city” is a variety of stars, and more than two hundred billion of them “live” in it. A myriad of suns are born in it, experience their youth, middle age and old age - they go through a long and difficult life path, lasting billions of years.

The size of this “star city” - the Galaxy - is enormous. The distances between neighboring stars are on average thousands of billions of kilometers (6*1013 km). And there are over 200 billion such neighbors.

If we were to rush from one end of the Galaxy to the other at the speed of light (300,000 km/sec), it would take about 100 thousand years.

All ours star system spins slowly like a giant wheel made up of billions of suns.

Orbit of the Sun

In the center of the Galaxy, apparently, there is a supermassive black hole(Sagittarius A*) (about 4.3 million solar masses) around which, presumably, revolves a black hole of average mass from 1000 to 10,000 solar masses and an orbital period of about 100 years and several thousand relatively small ones. Their joint gravitational effect on neighboring stars forces the latter to move along unusual trajectories. There is an assumption that most galaxies have supermassive black holes in their core.

The central regions of the Galaxy are characterized by a strong concentration of stars: each cubic parsec near the center contains many thousands of them. The distances between stars are tens and hundreds of times smaller than in the vicinity of the Sun.

The core of the Galaxy attracts all other stars with enormous force. But a huge number of stars are scattered throughout the “star city”. And they also attract each other in different directions, and this has a complex effect on the movement of each star. Therefore, the Sun and billions of other stars generally move in circular paths, or ellipses, around the center of the Galaxy. But this is only “mostly” - if we looked closely, we would see that they move along more complex curves, meandering paths among the surrounding stars.

Characteristics of the Milky Way Galaxy:

The location of the Sun in the Galaxy.

Where is the Sun in the Galaxy and is it moving (and with it the Earth, and you and me)? Are we in the “city center” or at least somewhere close to it? Studies have shown that the Sun and the solar system are located at an enormous distance from the center of the Galaxy, closer to the “urban outskirts” (26,000 ± 1,400 light years).

The Sun is located in the plane of our Galaxy and is removed from its center by 8 kpc and from the plane of the Galaxy by approximately 25 pc (1 pc (parsec) = 3.2616 light years). In the region of the Galaxy where the Sun is located, the stellar density is 0.12 stars per pc3.

Model of our Galaxy

The speed of the Sun's movement in the Galaxy.

The speed of movement of the Sun in the Galaxy is usually considered relative to different reference systems:

Relative to nearby stars.

Regarding everyone bright stars visible to the naked eye.

Regarding interstellar gas.

Relative to the center of the Galaxy.

1. The speed of movement of the Sun in the Galaxy relative to the nearest stars.

Just as the speed of a flying airplane is considered in relation to the Earth, without taking into account the flight of the Earth itself, so the speed of the Sun can be determined relative to the stars closest to it. Such as the stars of the Sirius system, Alpha Centauri, etc.

This speed of the Sun's movement in the Galaxy is relatively small: only 20 km/sec or 4 AU. (1 astronomical unit is equal to the average distance from the Earth to the Sun - 149.6 million km.)

The Sun, relative to the nearest stars, moves towards a point (apex) lying on the border of the constellations Hercules and Lyra, at approximately an angle of 25° to the plane of the Galaxy. Equatorial coordinates of the apex = 270°, = 30°.

2. The speed of movement of the Sun in the Galaxy relative to visible stars.

If we consider the movement of the Sun in the Galaxy Milky Way relative to all the stars visible without a telescope, its speed is even less.

The speed of the Sun's movement in the Galaxy relative to visible stars is 15 km/sec or 3 AU.

The apex of the Sun's movement in this case also lies in the constellation Hercules and has the following equatorial coordinates: = 265°, = 21°.

The speed of the Sun relative to nearby stars and interstellar gas

3. The speed of movement of the Sun in the Galaxy relative to the interstellar gas.

The next object in the Galaxy, relative to which we will consider the speed of the Sun, is interstellar gas.

The vastness of the universe is not nearly as deserted as it was thought for a long time. Although in small quantities, interstellar gas is present everywhere, filling all corners of the universe. Interstellar gas, despite the apparent emptiness of the unfilled space of the Universe, accounts for almost 99% of the total mass of all cosmic objects. Dense and cold forms of interstellar gas, containing hydrogen, helium and minimal amounts of heavy elements (iron, aluminum, nickel, titanium, calcium), are in a molecular state, combining into vast cloud fields. Typically, elements in interstellar gas are distributed as follows: hydrogen - 89%, helium - 9%, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen - about 0.2-0.3%.

Gas and dust cloud IRAS 20324+4057 of interstellar gas and dust is 1 light year long, similar to a tadpole, in which a growing star is hidden

Clouds of interstellar gas can not only rotate orderly around galactic centers, but also have unstable acceleration. Over the course of several tens of millions of years, they catch up with each other and collide, forming complexes of dust and gas.

In our Galaxy, the bulk of interstellar gas is concentrated in spiral arms, one of the corridors of which is located near the Solar System.

The speed of the Sun in the Galaxy relative to the interstellar gas: 22-25 km/sec.

Interstellar gas in the immediate vicinity of the Sun has a significant intrinsic speed (20-25 km/s) relative to the nearest stars. Under its influence, the apex of the Sun's movement shifts towards the constellation Ophiuchus (= 258°, = -17°). The difference in the direction of movement is about 45°.

4. The speed of movement of the Sun in the Galaxy relative to the center of the Galaxy.

In the three points discussed above we are talking about the so-called peculiar, relative speed of the Sun. In other words, peculiar speed is speed relative to space system countdown.

But the Sun, the stars closest to it, and the local interstellar cloud all together participate in a larger movement - movement around the center of the Galaxy.

And here we are talking about completely different speeds.

The speed of the Sun around the center of the Galaxy is enormous by earthly standards - 200-220 km/sec (about 850,000 km/h) or more than 40 AU. / year.

It is impossible to determine the exact speed of the Sun around the center of the Galaxy, because the center of the Galaxy is hidden from us behind dense clouds of interstellar dust. However, more and more new discoveries in this area are reducing the estimated speed of our sun. Just recently they were talking about 230-240 km/sec.

solar system in the Galaxy moves towards the constellation Cygnus.

The movement of the Sun in the Galaxy occurs perpendicular to the direction towards the center of the Galaxy. Hence the galactic coordinates of the apex: l = 90°, b = 0° or in more familiar equatorial coordinates - = 318°, = 48°. Because this is a movement of reversal, the apex moves and completes a full circle in a "galactic year", approximately 250 million years; its angular velocity is ~5"/1000 years, i.e. the coordinates of the apex shift by one and a half degrees per million years.

Our Earth is about 30 such “galactic years” old.

Speed ​​of movement of the Sun in the Galaxy relative to the center of the Galaxy

By the way, an interesting fact about the speed of the Sun in the Galaxy:

The speed of the Sun's rotation around the center of the Galaxy almost coincides with the speed of the compaction wave that forms the spiral arm. This situation is atypical for the Galaxy as a whole: the spiral arms rotate with a constant angular velocity, like spokes in wheels, and the movement of stars occurs with a different pattern, so almost the entire stellar population of the disk either falls inside the spiral arms or falls out of them. The only place where the velocities of stars and spiral arms coincide is the so-called corotation circle, and it is on it that the Sun is located.

For the Earth, this circumstance is extremely important, since violent processes occur in the spiral arms, generating powerful radiation that is destructive for all living things. And no atmosphere could protect from it. But our planet exists in a relatively calm place in the Galaxy and has not been affected by these cosmic cataclysms for hundreds of millions (or even billions) of years. Perhaps this is why life was able to originate and survive on Earth.

The speed of movement of the Galaxy in the Universe.

The speed of movement of the Galaxy in the Universe is usually considered relative to different reference systems:

Relative to the Local Group of galaxies (approach speed with the Andromeda Galaxy).

Relative to distant galaxies and clusters of galaxies (the speed of movement of the Galaxy as part of the local group of galaxies towards the constellation Virgo).

Regarding the cosmic microwave background radiation (the speed of movement of all galaxies in the part of the Universe closest to us towards the Great Attractor - a cluster of huge supergalaxies).

Let's take a closer look at each of the points.

1. The speed of movement of the Milky Way Galaxy towards Andromeda.

Our Milky Way Galaxy also does not stand still, but is gravitationally attracted and approaches the Andromeda Galaxy at a speed of 100-150 km/s. The main component of the speed of approach of galaxies belongs to the Milky Way.

The lateral component of the motion is not precisely known, and concerns about a collision are premature. An additional contribution to this movement is made by the massive galaxy M33, located in approximately the same direction as the Andromeda galaxy. In general, the speed of motion of our Galaxy relative to the barycenter of the Local Group of galaxies is about 100 km/sec approximately in the Andromeda/Lizard direction (l = 100, b = -4, = 333, = 52), but these data are still very approximate. This is a very modest relative speed: the Galaxy shifts to its own diameter in two to three hundred million years, or, very roughly, in a galactic year.

2. The speed of movement of the Milky Way Galaxy towards the Virgo cluster.

In turn, the group of galaxies, which includes our Milky Way, as a single whole, is moving towards the large Virgo cluster at a speed of 400 km/s. This movement is also caused by gravitational forces and occurs relative to distant galaxy clusters.

Velocity of the Milky Way Galaxy towards the Virgo Cluster

3. The speed of movement of the Galaxy in the Universe. To the Great Attractor!

CMB radiation.

According to the Big Bang theory, the early Universe was a hot plasma consisting of electrons, baryons, and photons constantly emitted, absorbed, and re-emitted.

As the Universe expanded, the plasma cooled and at a certain stage, the slowed-down electrons were able to combine with slowed-down protons (hydrogen nuclei) and alpha particles (helium nuclei), forming atoms (this process is called recombination).

This happened at a plasma temperature of about 3000 K and an approximate age of the Universe of 400,000 years. There was more free space between particles, there were fewer charged particles, photons stopped scattering so often and could now move freely in space, practically without interacting with matter.

Those photons that were at that time emitted by the plasma towards the future location of the Earth still reach our planet through the space of the universe that continues to expand. These photons make up the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is thermal radiation uniformly filling the Universe.

The existence of cosmic microwave background radiation was predicted theoretically by G. Gamow within the framework of the Big Bang theory. Its existence was experimentally confirmed in 1965.

The speed of movement of the Galaxy relative to the cosmic microwave background radiation.

Later, the study of the speed of movement of galaxies relative to the cosmic microwave background radiation began. This movement is determined by measuring the unevenness of the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation in different directions.

The radiation temperature has a maximum in the direction of movement and a minimum in opposite direction. The degree of deviation of the temperature distribution from isotropic (2.7 K) depends on the velocity. From the analysis of observational data it follows that the Sun moves relative to the CMB at a speed of 400 km/s in the direction =11.6, =-12.

Such measurements also showed another important thing: all galaxies in the part of the Universe closest to us, including not only ours Local group, but also the Virgo Cluster and other clusters are moving relative to the background CMB at unexpectedly high speeds.

For the Local Group of galaxies it is 600-650 km/sec with its apex in the constellation Hydra (=166, =-27). It looks like somewhere in the depths of the Universe there is a huge cluster of many superclusters, attracting matter from our part of the Universe. This cluster was named The Great Attractor- from the English word “attract” - to attract.

Because the galaxies that make up the Great Attractor are hidden by the interstellar dust that makes up the Milky Way, mapping of the Attractor has only been possible in recent years using radio telescopes.

The Great Attractor is located at the intersection of several superclusters of galaxies. The average density of matter in this region is not much greater than the average density of the Universe. But due to its gigantic size, its mass turns out to be so great and the force of attraction is so enormous that not only our star system, but also other galaxies and their clusters nearby move in the direction of the Great Attractor, forming a huge stream of galaxies.

The speed of movement of the Galaxy in the Universe. To the Great Attractor!

So, let's summarize.

The speed of movement of the Sun in the Galaxy and Galaxies in the Universe. Pivot table.

Hierarchy of movements in which our planet takes part:

The rotation of the Earth around the Sun;

Rotation with the Sun around the center of our Galaxy;

Movement relative to the center of the Local Group of galaxies along with the entire Galaxy under the influence of the gravitational attraction of the constellation Andromeda (galaxy M31);

Movement towards a cluster of galaxies in the constellation Virgo;

Movement towards the Great Attractor.

The speed of movement of the Sun in the Galaxy and the speed of movement of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Universe. Pivot table.

It is difficult to imagine, and even more difficult to calculate, how far we travel every second. These distances are enormous, and the errors in such calculations are still quite large. This is the data science has today.

You sit, stand or lie reading this article and do not feel that the Earth is spinning on its axis at a breakneck speed - approximately 1,700 km/h at the equator. However, the rotation speed does not seem that fast when converted to km/s. The result is 0.5 km/s - a barely noticeable blip on the radar, in comparison with other speeds around us.

Just like other planets in the solar system, the Earth revolves around the Sun. And in order to stay in its orbit, it moves at a speed of 30 km/s. Venus and Mercury, which are closer to the Sun, move faster, Mars, whose orbit passes behind the Earth’s orbit, moves much slower.

But even the Sun does not stand in one place. Our Milky Way galaxy is huge, massive and also mobile! All stars, planets, gas clouds, dust particles, black holes, dark matter - all of this moves relative to general center wt.

According to scientists, the Sun is located at a distance of 25,000 light years from the center of our galaxy and moves in an elliptical orbit, making a full revolution every 220–250 million years. It turns out that the speed of the Sun is about 200–220 km/s, which is hundreds of times higher than the speed of the Earth around its axis and tens of times higher than the speed of its movement around the Sun. This is what the movement of our solar system looks like.

Is the galaxy stationary? Not again. Giant space objects have a large mass, and therefore create strong gravitational fields. Give the Universe a little time (and we've had it - about 13.8 billion years), and everything will begin to move in the direction of greatest gravity. That is why the Universe is not homogeneous, but consists of galaxies and groups of galaxies.

What does this mean for us?

This means that the Milky Way is being pulled toward itself by other galaxies and groups of galaxies located nearby. This means that massive objects dominate the process. And this means that not only our galaxy, but also everyone around us is influenced by these “tractors”. We are getting closer to understanding what happens to us in outer space, but we still lack facts, for example:

  • what were the initial conditions under which the Universe began;
  • how the different masses in the galaxy move and change over time;
  • how the Milky Way and surrounding galaxies and clusters were formed;
  • and how it is happening now.

However, there is a trick that will help us figure it out.

The Universe is filled with relict radiation with a temperature of 2.725 K, which has been preserved since the Big Bang. Here and there there are tiny deviations - about 100 μK, but the overall temperature background is constant.

This is because the Universe was formed by the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago and is still expanding and cooling.

380,000 years after the Big Bang, the Universe cooled to such a temperature that the formation of hydrogen atoms became possible. Before this, photons constantly interacted with other plasma particles: they collided with them and exchanged energy. As the Universe cooled, there were fewer charged particles and more space between them. Photons were able to move freely in space. CMB radiation is photons that were emitted by the plasma towards the future location of the Earth, but escaped scattering because recombination had already begun. They reach the Earth through the space of the Universe, which continues to expand.

You can “see” this radiation yourself. The noise that occurs on a blank TV channel if you use simple antenna, similar to hare's ears, are 1% caused by cosmic microwave background radiation.

Still, the temperature of the relict background is not the same in all directions. According to the results of research by the Planck mission, temperatures differ slightly in opposite hemispheres celestial sphere: it is slightly higher in parts of the sky south of the ecliptic - about 2.728 K, and lower in the other half - about 2.722 K.

Map of the microwave background made with the Planck telescope.

This difference is almost 100 times larger than other observed temperature variations in the CMB, and is misleading. Why is this happening? The answer is obvious - this difference is not due to fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation, it appears because there is movement!

When you approach a light source or it approaches you, the spectral lines in the source's spectrum shift towards short waves (violet shift), when you move away from it or it moves away from you, the spectral lines shift towards long waves (red shift).

CMB radiation cannot be more or less energetic, which means we are moving through space. The Doppler effect helps determine that our Solar System is moving relative to the CMB at a speed of 368 ± 2 km/s, and the local group of galaxies, including the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy, is moving at a speed of 627 ± 22 km/s relative to the CMB. These are the so-called peculiar velocities of galaxies, which amount to several hundred km/s. In addition to them, there are also cosmological velocities due to the expansion of the Universe and calculated according to Hubble’s law.

Thanks to residual radiation from the Big Bang, we can observe that everything in the Universe is constantly moving and changing. And our galaxy is only part of this process.

Being motionless relative to the surface of the Earth, we rotate around its axis and together with it we move relative to the Sun at a speed of approximately 30 km/s. The Solar System itself moves relative to the center of the Galaxy at a speed of 250 km/s.

The most distant galaxies move relative to us (moving away from us) at enormous speeds, greater than 250,000 km/s (i.e. 900,000 km/h). The further away the galaxies are, the greater the speed at which they are moving away. Observing increasingly distant objects, scientists come to new discoveries about the structure of objects in the Universe, about the properties, connections between space and time, forces and velocities, masses and energy.

Based on new facts obtained using more and more accurate instruments, more and more powerful telescopes, new hypotheses are put forward, theories are built about the origin and development of celestial bodies individually and the entire Universe as a whole.

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You sit, stand or lie reading this article and do not feel that the Earth is spinning on its axis at a breakneck speed - approximately 1,700 km/h at the equator. However, the rotation speed does not seem that fast when converted to km/s. The result is 0.5 km/s - a barely noticeable blip on the radar, in comparison with other speeds around us.

Just like other planets in the solar system, the Earth revolves around the Sun. And in order to stay in its orbit, it moves at a speed of 30 km/s. Venus and Mercury, which are closer to the Sun, move faster, Mars, whose orbit passes behind the Earth’s orbit, moves much slower.

But even the Sun does not stand in one place. Our Milky Way galaxy is huge, massive and also mobile! All stars, planets, gas clouds, dust particles, black holes, dark matter - all of this moves relative to a common center of mass.

According to scientists, the Sun is located at a distance of 25,000 light years from the center of our galaxy and moves in an elliptical orbit, making a full revolution every 220–250 million years. It turns out that the speed of the Sun is about 200–220 km/s, which is hundreds of times higher than the speed of the Earth around its axis and tens of times higher than the speed of its movement around the Sun. This is what the movement of our solar system looks like.

Is the galaxy stationary? Not again. Giant space objects have a large mass, and therefore create strong gravitational fields. Give the Universe a little time (and we've had it - about 13.8 billion years), and everything will begin to move in the direction of greatest gravity. That is why the Universe is not homogeneous, but consists of galaxies and groups of galaxies.

What does this mean for us?

This means that the Milky Way is being pulled toward itself by other galaxies and groups of galaxies located nearby. This means that massive objects dominate the process. And this means that not only our galaxy, but also everyone around us is influenced by these “tractors”. We are getting closer to understanding what happens to us in outer space, but we still lack facts, for example:

  • what were the initial conditions under which the Universe began;
  • how the different masses in the galaxy move and change over time;
  • how the Milky Way and surrounding galaxies and clusters were formed;
  • and how it is happening now.

However, there is a trick that will help us figure it out.

The Universe is filled with relict radiation with a temperature of 2.725 K, which has been preserved since the Big Bang. Here and there there are tiny deviations - about 100 μK, but the overall temperature background is constant.

This is because the Universe was formed by the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago and is still expanding and cooling.

380,000 years after the Big Bang, the Universe cooled to such a temperature that the formation of hydrogen atoms became possible. Before this, photons constantly interacted with other plasma particles: they collided with them and exchanged energy. As the Universe cooled, there were fewer charged particles and more space between them. Photons were able to move freely in space. CMB radiation is photons that were emitted by the plasma towards the future location of the Earth, but escaped scattering because recombination had already begun. They reach the Earth through the space of the Universe, which continues to expand.

You can “see” this radiation yourself. The interference that occurs on a blank TV channel if you use a simple antenna that looks like a rabbit's ears is 1% caused by the CMB.

Still, the temperature of the relict background is not the same in all directions. According to the results of research by the Planck mission, the temperature differs slightly in the opposite hemispheres of the celestial sphere: it is slightly higher in parts of the sky south of the ecliptic - about 2.728 K, and lower in the other half - about 2.722 K.

Map of the microwave background made with the Planck telescope.

This difference is almost 100 times larger than other observed temperature variations in the CMB, and is misleading. Why is this happening? The answer is obvious - this difference is not due to fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation, it appears because there is movement!

When you approach a light source or it approaches you, the spectral lines in the source's spectrum shift towards short waves (violet shift), when you move away from it or it moves away from you, the spectral lines shift towards long waves (red shift).

CMB radiation cannot be more or less energetic, which means we are moving through space. The Doppler effect helps determine that our Solar System is moving relative to the CMB at a speed of 368 ± 2 km/s, and the local group of galaxies, including the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy, is moving at a speed of 627 ± 22 km/s relative to the CMB. These are the so-called peculiar velocities of galaxies, which amount to several hundred km/s. In addition to them, there are also cosmological velocities due to the expansion of the Universe and calculated according to Hubble’s law.

Thanks to residual radiation from the Big Bang, we can observe that everything in the Universe is constantly moving and changing. And our galaxy is only part of this process.

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