Restore chrome tabs keyboard shortcut. How to recover closed tabs in Google Chrome. When methods don't work

Using Google Chrome, it is very difficult to lose access to your favorite bookmarks, because, thanks to the connection of our account Google, we can synchronize all data with Google servers, and always have access to our passwords, usage history, bookmarks on website pages...

However, sometimes we lose loved ones...usually because we forgot to log out of Chrome when we were using someone else's computer, or formatted the computer's drive, or uninstalled Chrome, or something else...

Today we will talk about how to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome. Restoring bookmarks is not easy, so you should always pay attention to where you are doing it when logging in. And, if possible, export all bookmarks to a separate disk. If trouble happens and you have lost your favorite browser bookmarks, then our tips will help you restore everything!

Check Chrome Bar

By using Chrome dashboards we can see which of our data is associated with Google account, are currently stored on Google servers, and is it possible to recover lost ones.

Use the Bookmarks and Bookmarks.bak file

You should know that Chrome saves bookmarks in a file called bookmarks, without the json extension, that is, it can be read with a regular notepad.

The browser periodically creates backup copy this is a file with the extension .bak. Usually this copy is created when Google Chrome is completely closed...

Recovering Chrome Bookmarks

We assume that our file bookmark.bak contains favorite bookmarks that are no longer available in Chrome.

Depending on the operating system we are using, we need to find the file bookmarks.bak in the folders listed below:

  • Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/
  • Linux:~/.config/google-chrome/

In this folder you should find a subfolder Default and all folders ProfilN, Where N- an integer. Try to understand which of these folders is associated with your Google Chrome profile. If you are the only browser user, then open the Default folder.

Typically in this folder you will find a file called Google Profile Picture.png, which will help you identify the profile associated with that folder.

Here you will find the file bookmarks and file bookmarks.bak:

  • Copy both files to your desktop
  • Open both files in standard notepad and check the contents. This way you can check how many and what bookmarks are contained in the file...
  • If you think that in bookmarks.bak Many of your deleted bookmarks are present, then use it to recover.

If the file bookmarks.bak contains all or some of the deleted bookmarks, follow these steps to restore:

  • Delete the file bookmarks from the desktop. We only needed it to check its contents.
  • Rename the file bookmarks.bak, copied to the desktop, deleting .bak.
  • Copy the received file bookmarks from your desktop to the Chrome profile folder you opened earlier.

Hello, friends! If you are reading this article, then one of the following situations happened to you: you were mistakenly closed in Chrome desired page; a few days ago we looked at an interesting site and didn’t add it to our bookmarks; closed many documents on the desktop and mistakenly closed the browser without finishing work in it; or it simply froze and stopped responding to any mouse clicks.

In general, whatever the reason, in this article we will look at how you can restore it by accident closed tabs or those that you viewed several days, months ago in the Google Chrome browser.

How to recover an accidentally closed tab

If, while working in Chrome, you mistakenly clicked on the cross, thereby closing the desired page, it doesn’t matter. The following methods will help you quickly restore it.

Using a keyboard shortcut

In the Internet browser, as in many other programs, you can use various key combinations to perform certain actions.

To restore a closed website in Google Chrome, just press the combination Ctrl+Shift+T.

Thus, you can open up to the last 10 closed ones. They open in the reverse order of closing. That is, the one that was closed last will be restored first.

Via context menu

Another way to quickly restore a closed tab in Chrome. To do this you need to click right click mouse over the panel with open tabs.

Select "Open Closed Tab" from the context menu. Using this method, you can return all those that were opened during the current browser session.

They will open in the opposite order to their closing: the last closed one will open first (as in the previous method).

Recover closed browser tabs using history

If work with the browser was completed incorrectly, and you had a lot of pages open there, then you can restore them in Google Chrome as follows. Launch the browser, click on the button at the top right side in the form of three horizontal lines and select “History” from the list.

Will open extra menu, it will not display a list of recently closed tabs, but a line like “6 tabs” will appear, where instead of 6 there can be any number, it depends on the number of open sites at the time Chrome shuts down.

Click on the line “6 tabs”, a new browser window will open and all sites that were interrupted will be restored.

You can read more about this and that in the articles by following the links.

If you want to restore a site you viewed a week ago in a new tab or earlier, again click on the three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner of the browser and go to “History - History”.

The history of all visited sites will open. In order to restore the desired site in a new tab, right-click on it and select the appropriate item from the menu.

All viewed pages in the browser are sorted by date and time. But sometimes, finding the right one is not easy. Therefore, you can use the search bar. Enter either the name of the site or its address into it, click “Search”.

The period for which the history will be shown will depend on how long ago you deleted it. If you cleaned it a month ago, then sites that you opened after cleaning will be shown.

Changing Chrome settings

In order not to open the necessary sites each time, for example, from bookmarks, when opening the browser, let's change the settings a little.

Click on the button in the form of three horizontal lines and select “Settings” from the list.

We look for the “Open at startup” section and put a marker in the “Previously opened tabs” field. After this, you can close the browser, while leaving the pages you need open. The next time you launch Google Chrome, they will all be launched.

In this case, even if the Internet browser is closed unplanned, you can restart it and continue working with all previously opened tabs.

I hope you were able to restore closed tabs using either a key combination or context menu, or browser history.

By accidentally closing the Google Chrome browser or a separate tab, you can spend a lot of time trying to get the sites you need back if you don’t know simple ways to solve this problem, which is quite common among novice users. Modern browsers offer various, and very simple ways open both recently closed windows and those that were viewed several days, even weeks ago.

Select the desired tab from the list

To be able to restore a specific window in Chrome that was minimized during the current session, do the following:

  1. Click on the browser settings and controls button located in the right corner at the very top of the browser window;
  2. A list of available ones will appear Google tools Chrome, in which you need to find the “History” line of recently opened tabs and simply hover over it;
  3. You will immediately see a list of Internet sites visited during this session, from which you can open any and restore it by clicking on the name with the mouse.

If the processes of closing not individual windows, but the entire browser, were completed, then the scheme of actions will be quite slightly different. In this way, you can completely restore the state of the browser at the time the session ended, i.e., open all sites at once. For this:

  1. Completely repeat the above steps until you hover your cursor over the line of recently opened sites in the main browser menu;
  2. In the new window, after completing the described steps, unlike the previous case, you will not see a list of lost sites - it will not be saved when the browser ends;
  3. Click on the top line of the list of the “Tabs: N” view, where N is the number of windows at the time the browser was closed.

After this, all sites that were stopped working in Chrome when the browser shut down will be restored.

The easiest way to open lost addresses in the browser

Google Chrome, like all other Chromium-based browsers, allows you to return a window that was accidentally lost in the browser using hotkeys. At the same time you need to press Shift, Ctrl and T on the keyboard. The layout will not affect the process in any way, just remember that the letter T here is Latin.

This way you can open not just one, but all the windows minimized in the current session at once. To do this, you just need to press the hotkey combination several times - the sites will open one after the other. This method is incredibly simple, but it has a drawback - the user cannot select the individual site he needs - they will all open in the reverse order of the completion of these processes.

Discovering lost sites through history

You can get to the History section of Chrome through the same main settings and controls menu. The line with the corresponding name is located in the list just below. After clicking on it, a window opens in which previously opened sites are sorted not only by completion time, but also by date, which makes it possible to open a resource visited several days earlier.

Depending on how long ago the history was cleared in Chrome, a huge number of visits may be displayed in this window. Although they are sorted by date, it can be difficult to find the right site. To make your work easier, the history window has a search function.

Changing web browser settings

To avoid future troubles associated with accidentally losing open tabs when closing the browser, it can be useful to slightly change its settings. For this:

  1. Click the main Chrome settings and controls button to open the main menu;
  2. Find the “Settings” line and go to the section of the same name;
  3. In the window that opens, find the initial group section, where in the selection menu, check the box next to the line instructing the browser to continue working from the point of disconnection.

In the settings of any browser, you can specify that each time you open it again, all the tabs that were opened last time will appear. In the end, you won’t even remember what you had there and why, but it was definitely incredibly important.

A few years ago we had to suffer and restore sessions manually. Browser developers have heeded the voices of dejected users; now, in most cases, browsers themselves cope with the problem and restore tabs. Where to look for them?


In Chrome, closed tabs can be restored one at a time using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T.

A list of tabs that you have closed recently is in the settings menu. Select “History” → “Recently Closed”. The browser will offer to open several tabs at once that were closed.

It was possible to restore the session by using the Last Session file and renaming it to Current Session. Unfortunately, this method no longer works, so you’ll have to say goodbye to tabs that are closed and not tracked by the Chrome browser.

You can, of course, open the history file in Notepad and sort all the links. But this is shamanism, subject to specialists, not ordinary users. The solution is extensions. At the end of the article there is an example for each browser.


The browser home page itself, by default, offers to restore the previous session. The corresponding button is located in the lower right corner, you only need to click it.

If as home page If you don't have Firefox installed by default, you can restore closed tabs in the "Journal" → "Restore previous session" menu.

The browser also has a session recovery page that appears in the window after the program crashes. The page can be called manually by typing in the browser line about:sessionrestore. Firefox will offer to restore the tabs from the previous session or start a new one.

Alas, if these measures did not help, then most likely it will not be possible to restore the tabs: they were not recorded in the history.

There are still chances, but for this you will have to arm yourself with patience, knowledge, or even a tambourine. That is, try to recover data from files with information about the current session. To do this you need:

The trouble is that this may not work either. Just bad luck. For insurance, it is better to use the already mentioned extensions.


Working with runaway tabs in Opera is similar to working in Chrome. This is a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T that saves tabs and works with recently closed tabs in a special menu.

If the menu of recently closed tabs does not help, you will have to rummage through the history and install extensions for the future.

Extensions to help

To insure users against troubles, special add-ons have been invented for working with tabs that solve most problems with losses and sudden closings of browser windows.

Your Google browser For some reason Chrome stopped working correctly or won't start at all? You can restore your browser different ways. But for each it is necessary to find out the cause of the failure.

Of course, there is a universal way to solve all problems at once - a complete reinstallation of the program. However, it may not be useful to everyone and not always.

Restoring the browser after deletion

This is the most common and simplest reason why the question arises of how to restore Google Chrome. Naturally, her solution is simple:

Open any other browser installed on the device and go to home page Chroma. This can be done either through a search engine or via a direct link (

Usually the site automatically detects your operating system and offers to download the required distribution for installation. If you want to download the installer for another platform, there is a link below the Download button to install packages for other platforms.

Attention! Do not download programs from third-party or dubious services. Installation packages may contain virus programs that will cause the entire system to malfunction!

If suddenly there is no other browser on your computer, download the installation package from another device and transfer it to yours.

The installation of the program is progressing in a standard way:

  • double click the mouse to launch the installer,
  • we confirm the agreement,
  • We are waiting for the installation of the program to complete.

After completion, a shortcut to launch the Internet browser will be placed on the desktop.

The browser is installed, but does not start

As mentioned above, a complete reinstallation (instructions above) will help solve this problem. But what should you do if your browser has a lot of saved bookmarks, passwords and other personal information that you don’t want to lose after deleting a broken program? Of course, it would be worth taking care of this in advance: enable browser synchronization or save a link file on your computer.

Option 1 (recovering the startup shortcut)

Sometimes viruses get onto your computer, which change the working paths of the shortcuts and when you click on one, nothing happens, or you are automatically redirected to virus or advertising sites.

In order to find a missing shortcut, you must first clean your computer of viruses, and then create a new one to replace the one that disappeared. For this:

  1. We follow the chain C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application (you can copy and paste it into the folder address window).
  2. In the Application folder you need to find system file with the extension chrome.exe.
  3. By right-clicking the menu, select “Create shortcut”.
  4. The system will prompt you to place it on your desktop.
  5. We agree and try to launch the browser.

Option 2 (software update)

If that didn't help. Without removing the program from the computer, we try to update it using the installer file downloaded from the official Google website. The process is exactly the same as with new installation Chrome browser: run the installer and wait for the installation process to complete.

This procedure will replace damaged program files without affecting settings and personal data.

Option 3 (reinstallation with transfer of personal data)

Complete reinstallation of the program while preserving personal data.

To do this, we will need to completely remove the web browser from our device. But first we save the data.

As you know, Chrome saves the user history, bookmarks, passwords and other information during its operation (unless this option is disabled). And almost all of this data can be extracted from the program manually, in order to restore the browser to its previous convenient and familiar form after reinstallation.

This data is located in the Default system folder, which is located in different places in different OSes:

  • OS XP - C:\Documents And Settings\ \Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\ User Data\Default
  • OS Vista, 7, 8, 10 - C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
  • Mac OS X - ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default
  • Linux - ~/.config/google-chrome/Default

Note! The Local Settings folder is a hidden system folder. To see it, you need to enable display in the system hidden files and folders.

1. Go to the address of this folder and copy it to any convenient place with all the contents. You can make an archive to save space.

2.Now you can start reinstalling the program:

We delete the old non-working version. Through the Start menu - Control Panel - Programs and Features:

3. Find it in the Google Chrome list.


5.After the removal is complete. Download new version installer from the official Google Chrome website.

6. Install.

Now we need to restore our data; to do this, go again to the Default browser system folder and replace its contents with previously saved data.

Attention! To avoid losing your data in the future, take care to set up synchronization in your browser. This will allow you to avoid such lengthy procedures when restoring a broken browser!

Resuming previously closed tabs

There are two options on how to do this:

Option 1 (using keyboard shortcut)

This option is suitable if the tab was closed in the current working session.

With a simple keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T you can open the last few closed tabs in the reverse order of closing them.

Option 2 (using browser history)

Using browser history in Google Chrome, you can view and open any tab at any time (provided that the history was not deleted or disabled)

To do this, you can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H, a direct link to the section - chrome://history/, or, if any error occurs, follow the long path:

  • Open the browser menu;
  • Select “History”;
  • Select the desired tab in the pop-up window or click on this item to go to the full list.

If the program is completely disabled for some reason, then new versions of Chrome allow you to resume the entire working session automatically.

Restoring browser settings to default

When incorrect operation browser, if you change any settings, you can return everything to its original state.

  • Open a browser window;
  • Go to the menu;
  • Select the “Settings” item;
  • Find the “Advanced” section.

In the “Reset settings and remove malware” subsection, select “Reset” and confirm your actions in the pop-up window.

As you can see from the article, restoring the browser is not difficult. It is more difficult to determine the cause of failures. In addition, difficulties may arise with the transfer or restoration of personal data; take care of their safety in advance.

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