What technologies are the future. Future technologies: gadgets for the brain and nanorobots according to Kurzweil. City under the dome

Forward to the future. What technologies await us in 2045?

As you know, in the movie "Back to the Future 2" Marty McFly moved from 1985 to 30 years ahead. Remarkably, most of the technologies from the film were invented in reality: drones, video chats, finger scanners, hoverboards and much more (read more about this in our material).

We asked IT experts to extrapolate the current level of technology and describe how Marty will find the future in another 30 years. In their opinion, in 2045, robots are waiting for us instead of wipers, new shoes from a 3D printer, the Internet of everything and cybernetic implants.

Today's smartphones are considered supercomputers. Crowds watch daddy in St. Now Masai warrior on mobile in the middle of Kenya has the best mobile communication than the president 25 years ago. President S. only 15 years ago. - Peter Diamandis. Protocols are internet plumbing. Most of the protocols we use today were developed decades ago by academics and government. Since then, protocol development has largely stopped as the energy has shifted to developing proprietary systems such as social media and messaging apps.

Alexander Gorny
CIO Mail.Ru Group

First, in a huge number of professions, people will be replaced by robots. Robot wipers and construction robots will be ubiquitous. I think that it will not come to robotic programmers in 30 years.

Secondly, I will assume that remote presence technologies will allow people to move less often in physical space. Remote work, remote visits to museums or concerts will become the norm.

It also seems to me that genetic research, and even interference with the human genome, will be greatly developed. For example, it is possible that undesirable combinations of genes will be known, which will at least be diagnosed in the early stages of pregnancy.

Another medical use of computers is in prosthetic limbs. Soon we will have the technology to control the simplest limbs with just our thoughts using brain-to-machine interfaces. Computers are also becoming more effective in diagnosing diseases. System artificial intelligence recently diagnosed a rare condition that human doctors were unable to diagnose, discovering hidden patterns in 20 million cancer records.

The good news is that private space companies have begun to fill the void. These companies provide a wide range of products and services, including rocket launches, Scientific research, communications and satellite imagery; and new speculative business models such as asteroid mining.

Alexander Chachava
Managing partner of a venture fundLETA Capital

I will not be original, I will answer realistically. Artificial intelligence in all its forms will become the most serious technology of the future. The electronic brain will surpass the human brain, thanks to which the people of the future will also grow wiser, because they will be able to use the services of such an assistant. Hence, as a result, all sorts of autopilots, smart things and everything else - this is not even discussed, and so everything is clear.

Nanorobots in medicine will be able to solve most of the complex problems of diagnostics and surgical intervention at the highest level; I suspect that each of us will constantly carry such a robot diagnostician in us.

The energy will be renewable and very clean. I think the main source will be solar energy; nature, the champion in efficiency, uses this very source, which means that imperfect humanity will someday come to use this resource on a global scale.

Perhaps the most intriguing private space company trying to create a new industry: mining minerals from asteroids. If successful, mining asteroids could lead to a new gold rush in outer space. Like previous golden aspirations, this could lead to speculative glut, but it could also significantly increase funding for new technology and infrastructure.

Eight technologies that are changing our future

As the futurist Kevin Kelly said. There has never been a better day in the history of the world to come up with something. This is the moment when people in the future will look back and say: “Oh, if only it were alive and well!”.

From unmanned robots to 3D printing, they must adapt to change

These developments indicate that technological change will change many industries around the world in the coming years. According to experts, eight specific technologies should have a particularly big effect.

Andrey Beshkov
Microsoft Information Security Program Manager

I believe that the main trend will be Software defined everything. Those. configuration APIs will be built into almost all devices, allowing them to quickly change their functions. This will allow you to create new IoT configurations on the fly.

PowerBI will be used to handle the huge data stream generated by these devices. It would be most logical to use clouds for this. Most likely, the most common model will be hybrid clouds, where the components of an application or service live in the clouds of different vendors.

As a result, the IT profession will change and become closer to service management - there will be less low-level "twisting the nuts" and more integration work.

Also pay attention to 3D printing. Already now you can print various items; Gradually, printing of large objects - for example, residential buildings - comes into use. All of this will greatly affect the physical goods industry - instead, companies will start selling modifiable models for a 3D printer, which will allow owners to independently print objects (for example, clothes) in the required quantities.

If we go further, we can imagine a hospital where they will accurately diagnose a damaged organ, quickly print a replacement on a 3D printer and perform a transplant. Well, with the help of bioinformatics, it will generally be possible to control the properties of the organism.

Shopping in virtual reality

Are you afraid that a robot will take over your job? An artificial intelligence computer may soon undertake tasks that only humans can do. Thus, they could penetrate areas such as banking and investment, medical diagnostics or logistics in large companies, - explained future researcher Gerd Leonard at the request of 20 minutes. "This means that computers are no longer programmed, but learn on their own, called language proficiency."

At the same time, the digital and real world merge, because players move through real maps thanks to tracking on mobile devices... Augmented reality is attributed to the great potential in many industries such as tourism. According to the plans of the post office, unmanned aerial vehicles with remote control can fly over our heads in just five years, loaded with parcels weighing up to one kilogram.

Sergey Toporov
Senior Investment Manager, LETA Capital

I do not like to make long-term predictions, especially now, when the speed of technology development is growing inexorably. Let me tell you what I would be happy about in 2045:

1. Ubiquitous high-speed Internet coverage, as well as the ability to produce electricity almost anywhere in the world. The ground must be covered with a net low-orbit satellites(or UAV), in addition to ground and underground infrastructure. Such a system should provide reliable and high-speed Internet access to all people and all devices on the planet.

Without this, all technological innovations will be practically useless. True, such an infrastructure should be built before 2045. In 30 years, people will only hear about life without the Internet from us, pensioners☺

2. Strong development of artificial intelligence. Machines will learn to do almost everything that a person does, and the line between them will gradually begin to blur. All repeatable and "pseudo-intelligent" professions can be performed by machines.

3. Strong development of the bionic direction - printing organs, exoskeletons, neuroimplants of the retina, ear, etc. Moreover, they will all be equipped with modifications that expand human capabilities. Who needs Google Glass if augmented reality can be displayed directly on the retina? Also, the problem with languages ​​will be solved due to the translator built into the ear.

It seems to me that by 2045 such technologies will not yet be widespread (expensive), but, I hope, they will already be available to people. In general, there can be a lot of such predictions - the most important thing is that in the future people are well fed and happy (even if augmented reality gives them this happiness).

All smaller embedded computers are designed to support humans without drawing any attention to themselves. An example would be a refrigerator that orders new food itself when they leave. The former are actually synonymous with the already mentioned artificial intelligence. “On the contrary, a heavy robot is nothing more than an automatic machine,” says Bendel.

Oxygen Particle Injection

With the help of artificial intelligence, this automatic movement mechanism can finally complete many tasks, for example in the fields of car manufacturing and patient care. A virtual reality Virtual reality is the presentation and simultaneous perception of reality in a fully virtual environment, generated in real time in a computer generated environment. Unlike augmented reality, there is no mixing with the real world.

Sergey Kornilov
PR Director of ABBYY LS

Business models where one of the key values ​​is reducing the chain of intermediaries (like Airbnb, Lyft, Uber, etc.) will soon successfully penetrate more service industries. Therefore, there is every chance that by 2045 we will become familiar with technologies that allow us to implement disintermediation - that is, work without intermediaries.

Service companies will learn to connect customers and contractors directly by automating this interaction using Internet technologies. “Operate with one button” is the motto of the future (remember at least “smart” buttons from Amazon).

The second important trend that we observe due to the specifics of our activity is the active development of "voice-language" interfaces (conversational interfaces). These technologies will change human interaction not only with software products(Siri, Cortana), but also with office and home appliances that speak the same language to us and be controlled via the Internet of Things.

All this contributes to the emergence of new and development of existing businesses towards deeper integration with traditionally "silent" objects in our everyday life. Consumers and developers of smart technologies will definitely benefit from such innovations.

Day work week

In the future, the technology may even be used in medicine, for example, to create replacement skin after burns. Because more and more external service providers are competing with the classic data center. But there are also grounds for optimism. Trends are emerging that will revolutionize data centers over the next five to ten years. Key technologies include new services as well. We explain how and what new technologies will change the data center in the future.

Virtualization improves data center efficiency

The technology does not stop for a second, and from year to year new products appear that go to a new level. This is why the world is no longer the same as it was 10 years ago and is sure to change a lot over the next decade. Of these new technologies, we will talk in a note where we select those that do not attract the most attention. A few are already starting out as drones, while others will come in the next decade. Remember when you thought a few years ago to see holograms in the air?

Ivan Mishanin
Founder of the companyBright box

As a representative of Connected Car technology, I can say for sure that self-driving cars will appear in 2045. The direction is already actively developing, so it's just a matter of time.

Thanks to self-driving cars, road traffic will become safer, cars will interact with each other and prevent accidents. As a result, people will no longer need insurance companies. Insurers will simply be left without income earned from car injuries.

The need for road inspections will be less as drunk driving or speeding fines disappear. In addition, the entire road infrastructure will change - self-driving cars will navigate in the dark, which means that the need for traffic lights and traffic signs will also decrease.

Roads will become part of the global Internet of Things - cars will instantly receive information about the condition of the roadway, possible traffic jams, rare accidents and adjust their movement.

Moreover, you could even pretend to be in other environments like Mars. And this is that holograms are no longer the future. And that's where its strength lies, because you can go wherever you want, because they are completely independent! Will they become reality? Already working on several technologies that allow cars to be "independent" from the driver.

Because this car has many sensors on the roof that allows you to identify the terrain and know where there are obstacles or objects to collide with, in the range of almost two streets. It also detects traffic lights and traffic signals. We will probably see this on the streets in a few years.

Dmitry Danilenko
Head of International Transfers Qiwi

In 2045 there will be:

1. Teleport.
2. A mental order to pay for goods through an embedded chip.
3. Replaceable body parts (such as plumbing hands, programming hands)

Yes, just remember where you parked it. This, however, is far from the case: it will arrive. So far, the most advanced we have to manage gadgets is the voice, but in the future. As you may have heard, our brain generates electrical impulses when it functions, which then become waves. These helmets can measure electrical waves and know, for example, your mood. While they may not know exactly what you are thinking, they can determine your intentions. For example, you can use it to control your reader e-books and automatic page rewinding.

For the mass of people who can easily buy the plane of their dreams and a car, in the future they will be able to afford to buy both - a car that can fly. To make that dream come true, the YEE car (if you can call it that) was designed with the ability to instantly transform into an aircraft and take off without the need for a runway. Concept “ aircraft»Provides help from hectic traffic in the big city, as well as provide fast communication anywhere with a pleasant flight time. This very cool car can quickly switch to flight mode ... then the front wheels are flipped to the side and the rear wheels back out. Thus, the rear wheels have been specially designed for the propeller entry positions. It is charged by solar panels located on the ceiling.

It looks like they used a photography helmet to control the game experimentally. However, in order for us to use this in practice, this is completely lacking. Something more relevant is eye control, or equivalently, to control devices with the eyes. Don't expect to see this in the next Galaxy, but it has already been done wherever possible.

But there are several accessories coming out to enhance immersion. For example, it records all your movements, or to simulate that you are walking or running in your room. Reality: The game of games will not be repeated again in the next decade. This technology is one of the most ambitious. It may seem impossible, but efforts are being made on this issue.

C.R.A.B. Robot police of the future

While the most beloved superhero today remains the good old RoboCop from Hollywood movies, uses a car to get to the scene of the crime, and this robot concept CRAB Robot has an all-in-one solution to ensure the safety of future civilization, thanks to an excellent combination of employee patrol police, armed guards and driverless police patrol car functions.

The first goal is to have a chip that helps people with brain damage better store their memories. The biggest challenges are better understanding how the brain and its nerve impulses work, and finding a less aggressive way to implant these chips. "This can lead to changes in cognitive and emotional function, including personality changes."

Oh, so you better be careful and proceed slowly so that no one wants to become someone else. Hopefully in the future this can be used from a mobile phone and the system emulates your tone of voice. Wouldn't that be great? It's not magic: objects are created by gradually solidifying layers of molten plastic on top of each other until a three-dimensional object is formed. But it doesn't stay in home printers. There are some giants that print buildings and other printers that power food.

The main goal of the development is the implementation of the concept to revolutionize the nature of the police system through artificial intelligence and advanced robotics. This spider robot is propelled by six fully functional mechanical legs, it can move over uneven terrain, and includes a new generation of armor and weapon protection to ensure the maximum effectiveness of future police forces. The hydraulic system under the body allows the robot to adjust its height. The Omni mega-corporation of consumer goods and weapons manufacturer Dalton / Stanley going through the development process over the past 12 years will be the first step of robotics in the field of future system missile defense.

The Internet will work even in the wild jungle

The good thing about these connections is that they will have a very low latency, around 1 millisecond. Thus, they would be ideal for online games where you have to react instantly. They work by capturing images with multiple lenses at the same time, from different angles, to achieve an image that can be rotated with pleasure. They are perfect for when you are at a party and you cannot get everyone in a photo, or put them on the ceiling, for example, to capture all the events.

Even athletes, especially those who engage in extreme activities, carry them into their heads, recording everything that happens around them. Graphene is the material that promises to change our gadgets. Some examples of them best use... Flexible devices. Using graphene, you can create flexible and transparent displays, or even make the internal circuitry of a device flexible. With graphene, these screens can be collapsed and only take up pen space. Key for the future mobile phones.

Mobile phones use batteries that charge in just one minute, but this moment generate a small voltage. However, graphene is now expensive to produce, and this is what limits its use in commercial devices... We'll have to wait a few years for this to change.

Honda Air: the aggressive car of the future

Honda Air - Gives us a vision for the future, lightweight and performance of alternative automotive fuels. Rather, the concept is designed for an aggressive lifestyle. Just like the name, the vehicle is powered by compressed air and pneumatic regulator systems. As you can see, the Air cabin is designed to provide passengers with the most open "access" to the air. In order to reduce weight and increase dynamic performance, the developers have eliminated the use of heavy components in the wheel hubs and traction drive. Reinforced with fiberglass seats and front panels, special tire compound and skeletal subframe components combine to dramatically reduce weight. The air uses turbo vacuums and external airflow to restore tank pressure for an extended range and speed up to 100 miles.
The Honda Air is a very lightweight concept, weighing just under 800 pounds. Powerful air motor and character unlike any zero-emission vehicle exemplifies the Honda concept; like driving pleasure.

Graphene isn't the only miracle material. A great novelty in the motor world. These cars use alternative sources energy to reduce or eliminate emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. The most popular are electric and hydrogen.

Electric cars completely eliminate the gasoline engine and replace it with one that runs on large electric batteries. Best of all, they are economical: charging them at home only costs € 5 per 100 km. Its autonomy is limited to several hundred kilometers. If you run out of battery charging, you need to be patient, it takes several hours to charge.

CAS air purification system keeps firefighters alive

SAC air purifying mask that has been specially designed for firefighters with the ability to filter particles less than 2.5 microns in size, which can be most common in places of fire and are the most hazardous to human health. In addition, this innovative mask allows the firefighter to communicate with others through a voice amplifier and transparent window. One of the features of the CAS is a pipe that automatically supplies compressed air as soon as a sharp rise in the level of carbon monoxide is detected using the carbon monoxide meter inside the mask and triggers a signal to notify the firefighter. If the level rises, clean air begins to be supplied to the firefighter from a tube that is placed in the back of the neck to ensure smooth breathing. In addition, the mask can be used in parallel without a helmet, it can be easily put on and removed with one fastener.

Kanibot spider robot concept

Kanibot is an innovative robot concept, the robot has been designed to work as an observation from a variety of comfortable positions. The modern design of the robot spider is complemented by six functional mechanical legs with the ability to perform all movements, giving the robot the ability to move on almost any surface. The main body is equipped with powerful camera for taking photos and videos, a motion sensor for detecting suspicious elements and a tiny antenna for transmitting and receiving data to the base station. Glossy black color combined with orange gives the robot the look of professional military equipment.

Futuristic Robot Firefighter - Jordan Guelde Concept

Modern technologies are constantly "throwing" us various super-constructions that make our life better. One of these important inventions is the firefighter robot. The principle of its work is that it cuts clear paths between trees in the forest, preventing the spread of fire and the loss of large forests in a short period of time. However, looking at this robot for the first time, which consists of about 600 individual parts, it becomes uncomfortable. But this does not in any way affect the quality of the robot, because it will save humanity from serious damage caused by fires. The futuristic concept of such a robot was developed as a result of independent research, and it took 6 months to implement it.

Bot Butl-R Kitchen Robot Assistant

Butl-R Bot is a futuristic robot kitchen assistant. It is designed with responsive artificial intelligence and innovative cutting-edge technology. The robot is equipped with almost human hands, cameras and advanced sensors, a system of movable ventilation elements, and many other functions. Applying all these useful utilities, the robot can prepare meals, take orders and collect used dishes. It can even interact with kitchen appliances thanks to its compact shape (only 35 cm arms span) and is capable of working in almost any conditions. This functional kitchen assistant will allow the business and stressful users of the future to spend more time playing or working.

Sony Nextep - 2020 wrist computer

Nowadays, the need to connect to the Internet has become so ingrained in our daily life that the designers from SONY decided to imagine what a computer would look like in 2020, and now it turned out. Sony Nextep futuristic device will be worn on the wrist like a bracelet, this unusual computer concept is built from flexible OLED touch screens... It is planned that such devices will be ubiquitous in 2020, with a large number of functions, such as a holographic projector (for the screen), a pull-out keyboard, additional panels and access to social networks... Ten years is not too long, as many of you think. Would you buy yourself such a gadget?

Physalia - an innovative amphibious vessel

Physalia is an innovative scientific architectural prototype of the vessel, the goal of which is to meet the needs of the new generation of floating treatment plants with the aim of making the population sensitive to ecological tools without sulfur and carbon. The amphibious vessel concept is a half land, half water floating agora that not only saves water while being environmentally friendly, but also develops strategically smart river network solutions. This vessel contributes to the environment not only by saving water, re-filling groundwater, controlling the recirculation of domestic, industrial and rainwater, cleaning agricultural pollution (nitrates and other fertilizers and substances for plants), desalinating sea water; but also by developing water-borne river tourism and commercial transport, water sports, agricultural irrigation systems, water-assisted electricity generation, flood protection and more.

E-Motorbike - the world's first electric motorcycle

Thanks to a German campaign, the world's first electric motorcycle was created, which may seem like a futuristic version of a regular motorcycle, but in fact this electric motorcycle can still be driven on the streets today. This bike is handcrafted using parts from Formula 1 and Euro Fighter, and has already been launched for testing purposes. The steering wheel contains all the elements inherent in a motorcycle, such as a control system, lights, signaling and other necessary parts, with which the ride has become much more comfortable than on any other ordinary motorcycles. The fixed frame gives the electric motorcycle enough strength to withstand all the bumps in the road and bad weather conditions.

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