Message people ideas technology. place. Digital notes for notes. You can go to a Nirvana or Kino concert

Photo: Columbia Pictures

Self-driving cars should solve several problems at once: reduce the accident rate, give humanity back the time it takes to drive, and allow motorists to drink on Fridays. The development of such machines in this moment are engaged in Google - they have even been tested in real street traffic. The path to progress is hampered by both technological obstacles (Google test cars feel great on the freeway, but city streets are more difficult for them) and the law: the authorities are not yet eager to put such cars on public roads.

Sergey Maltsev

CEO of RoboCV
“Currently there are two directions of development that could eventually lead to driverless cars on our roads. The first is a driver assistant, which automates some operations such as driving in traffic jams and parking. Over time, this technology may evolve to full control by car. The second direction is technologies for movement in closed areas such as industrial facilities. There people are instructed, processes are clearly set up and movement is much easier to organize. These technologies can also later move out of closed spaces onto public roads. We are now working on the second direction, because there is already a market for it and the product can be sold.”

The Internet will work even in the wild jungle


Photo: Microsoft

Kinect and Leap Motion technologies can already recognize gestures using cameras. And the yet-to-be-released MYO bracelet offers to read the electrical activity of the arm muscles. Meanwhile, smartphones are acquiring special processors that monitor their own location in space (Moto X, iPhone 5S). Technology, which once replaced the real world with a virtual one for people, is now actively studying the physical properties of the bodies around it.

Konstantin Zhukov

IT Director at Oriense
“I believe that gesture control will not become ubiquitous and will continue to be used primarily for games. But the technology behind gesture control is promising and could find many applications in other areas. The advent of Kinect was a real revolution in computer vision. Kinect has become actively used in robotics, augmented reality, and also to help people with disabilities. For example, we use a sensor similar to it in a device to help the blind, and colleagues from the company IS2you use it in an intelligent cart that accompanies a person in a wheelchair.”

Sex will be had at a distance


Devices that allow you to deliver pleasure remotely are already on sale: Realtouch and Fundawear transmit hand touches. And this is just the beginning - it is likely that in the future these same technologies will make it possible to transmit tactile sensations (and then, for example, smells) throughout the body. But it will be really interesting if virtual reality is connected to this matter: thanks to the ongoing development of the Oculus Rift helmet, it ceases to be “that useless thing from the 90s.”

Olga Miloradova

"Already in modern society It is increasingly difficult for teenagers, and many adults, to establish contacts in the real world, and more and more often acquaintances and romantic relationships are established on social networks, on dating sites - in general, on the Internet. If we are talking about healthy people, then most often these acquaintances still carry over into real life. Because a person still needs real tactile contact, smells, tastes of another person and, undoubtedly, sex. Imagine that the nascent gadgets that simulate sex will reach much greater heights. Combined with the growing autism of children and the fact that people are finding it increasingly difficult to casually touch each other or make eye contact, all this leads to the fact that real-life relationships will suffer the same fate that will soon await physical books. People tend to avoid complications, so it’s much simpler: perfect sex without leaving home. Already, many people have much more tumultuous relationships through online correspondence; all that remains is to solve the problem of conception. However, is this a problem? Robot courier delivering sperm to your home?

Lunch will be printed on a 3D printer


With the sensational nutritional mixture Soylent, which supposedly replaces all the food a person needs, everything is unclear: no serious studies have yet appeared to confirm or refute its effectiveness. However, experiments with food are not limited to this: for example, they are trying to produce food using 3D printers - Choc Edge printers that print chocolate can already be bought on the Internet. If we imagine that a universal nutrient mixture does exist, then it can be refilled in such printers - in combination with the necessary flavors and dyes, the result can be even salmon-flavored strawberries. And recently the first hamburger made from artificial meat grown from stem cells was eaten (though this one is still more expensive than an apartment in Moscow).

Nikolay Kukushkin

“I am confident that Soylent or other meal replacement products will become much more widespread and popular - but only as an alternative to sandwiches and candy bars. We are still very far from being able to completely replace our diet without harming our health. “Proper food” is too complex a concept. It may seem that we know almost everything about it, but such an impression is deceptive - humanity has already fallen for this bait, more than once. The scientific community has high hopes for artificial meat - primarily as an alternative to modern industrialized animal husbandry, which creates a huge number of real and potential problems for the environment. It is quite possible that this technology will develop very strongly in the next ten years - but in order to contribute to the food market, there are few worthy taste and low prices. A major change in consumer mentality is needed, and this may take decades.”

You no longer have to charge your gadgets from a power outlet.

Photo: Nokia

Formally, wireless charging still exists: you place the phone on a charging surface. But on trips you need to take this entire surface with you. But there are other solutions - for example, a women's handbag has already been invented in which the phone is always automatically charged using a recently invented fabric battery powered by solar energy. Over time, the range wireless charging will increase, they will begin to be installed in cafes and public spaces, and the battery life itself will become longer - and the problem of an ever-dead battery can be forgotten.

Dmitry Lopatin

co-founder of Wira Energy
“The convenience of wireless charging is not only about eliminating wires. It is also important that it can be easily made vandal-proof and installed in public places (sockets are covered with chewing gum, and placing them outdoors is not always safe). However, wireless charging of the leading Qi standard has a range of 2 cm - the phone must lie on the mat, while when charging using a wire, we can use the phone. Therefore, although Qi will become widespread in the next 2-3 years, longer-range systems may enter the market in the future. Our company has focused on two directions: in one, the range is up to 2 meters, and the transmission is a low-power directed beam at Wi-Fi frequencies, in the other, the range is up to 30 cm and NFC frequencies are used. In addition to gadgets, there are two more areas where this technology is relevant: electric vehicles and medicine. Implants are becoming more common, and they also require secure wireless charging to power them.”

You can go to a Nirvana or Kino concert

Photo: Fotobank/Getty Images

In 2005, Gorillaz made a splash with their holographic performance at the MTV Europe Music Awards; in 2010, the Japanese virtual singer Hatsune Miku appeared on stage in the form of a hologram (another concert incarnation for her, in general, is impossible). But the real sensation was the performance at the Coachella festival in 2012 by rapper Tupac, who was killed in 1996. The technology is already there, all you have to do is sort out the rights and you can collect Woodstock 1969.


Already today, Advanced Arm Dynamics is installing functional bionic arms for patients instead of conventional prosthetics, which can, for example, be used to type on a keyboard. There are similar developments in the eye area: theoretically, even after complete loss of vision, it will be possible to see a digital image. Bionic arms and legs still lack two-way communication - to not only receive commands from the brain, but also send it tactile, pain, temperature and muscle responses. However, this barrier has almost been overcome by scientists from the University of Chicago. If artificial bodies will become more perfect than organic ones, this will make healthy people think about an upgrade.

Nikolay Kukushkin

“Sending commands to muscles is, in principle, quite simple: we are talking about a small number of muscles and a few bits of information per second. Much more difficult with feedback, without which it is extremely difficult to control a bionic limb. Understanding exactly how sensory signals are distributed in the brain and how we can artificially induce them is much more difficult. But neuroscience today is developing explosively, both from a fundamental and practical point of view. It is quite possible that in ten years we will be able to decipher, if not all, then the main connections between neurons - for something similar this year the European Community has allocated as much as two billion euros. If we manage to do this, then the fundamental barriers to turning people into cyborgs will be removed.”

Technology is developing at a breakneck pace. Things that amazed us 20 years ago seem banal by today's standards. Thus, people in 2034 (unless, of course, the Zombie Apocalypse in 2017 destroys human civilization) will seem to take for granted things that seem magical to us today.

Over the next two decades, many of the technologies on this list will shape the world in ways that we cannot fully comprehend today. Most of the following technologies already exist in some form; they are simply waiting for the right scientist or entrepreneur to change the world.

20. Graphene.

Graphene has become something of a buzzword in the tech community over the past few years. It's essentially a one-atom-thick layer of carbon atoms, a super strong, conductive and flexible material that has a bright future in fields ranging from biomedical desalination devices to vastly improved battery technology. Speaking of batteries...

19. New battery technology.

In addition to the graphene we already know, researchers have experimented with countless other materials, chemical formulas and compositions to improve electric battery technology. From tiny flexible batteries that are constantly recharged by kinetic and solar energy to sugar-powered ones that last up to 15 times longer than today's lithium-ion ones. The promising future of battery technology virtually guarantees that we will never find ourselves stuck in a bad situation because the battery died. But so far scientists cannot offer anything concrete. As they say, they are one step away.

18. Google Glass.

While the product will never be as popular as smartphones or tablets today, Google Glass has actually shown some real promise in the medical industry, allowing doctors to quickly access needed information, confirm diagnoses, and even assist in complex surgeries.

17. Energy.

As the world's population rapidly grows and oil reserves dwindle, cheap, efficient and renewable energy sources are more important than ever before. Scientists are constantly making progress in this area. Over the next 20 years, buildings will be able to power themselves 100% with solar and wind energy, coastal communities will be able to draw their energy from water, and nuclear fusion will be able to power our largest cities safer and more efficiently than today.

16. Large Hadron Collider.

The LHC is a giant particle accelerator built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) underground on the Swiss-French border. Its goal is to perform large-scale experiments to test various particle theories and high-energy physics. In 2013, an experiment was conducted that proved the existence of the Higgs boson (the so-called “God Particle”). With more experiments planned, it is possible that in the coming years the LHC will play a key role in our understanding fundamentals the entire universe.

15. 3D printing.

3D printing is no longer new. In fact, it has been around since the 1980s. But it is only in the last few years that the technology has finally gained acceptance. Over the next 20 years, 3D printers will become as common as inkjet printers are today. Think about the possibilities: Have you returned from Ikea and realized you forgot the bolt for that beautiful new Fjorkltünde bookcase you spent $300 on? There's no need to curse our Swedish furniture overlords. Just go to their website, download the file, and print your own bolt!

14. Genetically modified food.

Genetically modified foods (GMOs) have become a pressing issue in recent years. People hear the words “genetic modification” and their brains process it as “mutant danger Godzilla.” You may be for or against, but it is already a fact that genetic modification has rid crops such as corn and wheat of disease, drought and pests, allowing them to feed hundreds of millions of people around the world. You can't ignore these results, and that's why GMO foods will play a big role in the next few decades as we become more numerous and consume more.

13. Exoskeleton.

DARPA is a decidedly boring acronym for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a division of the US Department of Defense tasked with creating incredible technologies for the US military. They created the earliest predecessor of the Internet in the late 1960s. Today, the agency is preoccupied with developing advanced military technologies, including Iron Man-style military exoskeleton technology.

12. Biometrics.

Biometrics are the next wave of mobile security. In fact, nothing new, but its implementation at Apple made all manufacturers think about this security system mobile devices. After Apple released the iPhone 5S in September 2013, other manufacturers picked up the idea. Soon people will demand that everything consumer electronics was equipped with some form biometric security, be it fingerprint scanning, retinal identification, or voice identification (and possibly all three).

11. Apple iWatch.

As for Apple, insiders have been hinting for a couple of years that the Cupertino company would one day release a smartwatch, the iWatch. Their competitor has overtaken them, but Apple is still waiting for their iWatch. MP3 players and watch-shaped phones are already being made by the Chinese, but this is not a trend yet. If Apple decides to enter the market smart watch, then most likely they will create a device that will give impetus to a new era.

10. Neurocomputer interface.

Imagine being able to control your computer with your brain. For most of us, a brain computer interface would only serve to increase our dependence on computers and further isolate us from the outside world. But for disabled people and patients with paralysis, together with biomechanical prostheses, a brain-computer interface can provide a return to normal life. This technology is in its infancy, but it has enormous potential.

9. Holographic interface.

As can be seen in any film that wants to make basic computer interactions seem high-tech, a holographic interface is shown to be a very intuitive way to interact with a computer, and a great way to justify the film's special effects budget. Unfortunately for all the dreamers, this technology is still in its infancy.

8. Cloud technologies.

Cloud technologies are already widespread. Services like Dropbox, G.Drive, iCloud have been around for years and have tens of millions of users. But in the future, everything, absolutely everything, will be in the cloud. Hard disks and flash cards will become a thing of the past. All your documents, music and photos will be stored in the cloud and available on all your devices any time you want. But don’t be fooled, even though it’s popular, it’s still the same flash drive or HDD, which is not located at your home, but in a server megacorporation.

7. Nanorobots.

Nanobots or nanobots are still in the research phase. Primarily developed in the medical field, nanorobots are essentially microscopic machines capable of detecting and destroying pathogens and operating at the cellular level. But in the future they will be used in all industries. Although, given the complex manufacturing process and the actual scale required for efficiency, anything concrete is still a long way off.

6. Desalination and water purification.

Water shortage is becoming a real problem. But we know that seawater can be desalinated. So far this is costly. Desalination also uses substances that are ultimately discharged into the ocean. This waste is harmful to the environment. New methods of treating wastewater and converting seawater into drinking water are already producing good results. There is very little left, as scientists say.

5. Virtual reality.

We waited computer system virtual reality since the 1980s. With the Oculus Rift, it looks like the wait is finally over. Oculus Rift, which was recently acquired by Facebook, offers a stunningly realistic experience that will soon be every gamer's dream.

4. Advanced robotics.

We were promised robots, both useful and simply deadly. For the most part, progress has been slow, but that's mainly because the technology needed to build these engineering marvels falls a little short of our imaginations. Over the next two decades the region artificial intelligence and mechanical engineering will accelerate significantly and, slowly but surely, our robot servants will finally become a reality.

3. Aerogels.

This is really cool. Aerogels are gels that have had their liquid portion removed and replaced with air through a process known as supercritical drying, leaving only the solid portion. The resulting product, known colloquially as “frozen smoke,” has remarkable insulating properties. Quartz aerogels have even been proposed for use in future deep space exploration.

2. Galactic colonization.

Dutch non-profit organization Mars One recently announced its plans to colonize Mars by 2025. They are currently in the early stages of determining who will be the first humans to colonize the red planet. There are many other obstacles that stand in the way of success, the biggest of which is funding for this project. Answer: reality television. The minds behind this idea plan to follow the astronauts every second and make a reality show out of it. But they will never experience what it's really like to be stars, because they will never return to Earth. It's a one way trip!

1. Self-driving cars.

This is what we are all really waiting for. And our beloved Google is the closest to fulfilling our dream. Many automakers, from Audi to Nissan, have also thought about this idea. Government transportation safety agencies in several countries are now supporting the concept of self-driving cars and are considering how best to prepare people who have spent their entire lives driving independently.

What will the everyday things that surround us be like in a couple of years? Some conceptual technologies that are already being developed allow us to look into the future and imagine what we can expect from it.

10 Conceptual Technologies of the Future

The Electrolux guys are apparently tired of hearing complaints that the grass was greener, the sun was brighter, and the coffee was stronger. And if the sun and grass are no good, then a smart coffee maker should solve the problem with coffee. Just place your palm on a special panel and the device will adapt to you. If you wish, you can even set yourself an individual avatar - who would have thought that in order to do so, you need to create an account? But don't be afraid, the process is fast, free and without SMS.

The coffee maker will remember the coffee you liked, and next time it will be able to prepare exactly the same one - all you need to do is put your hand on it. The electronic barista will be able to prepare a variety of drinks one by one, a strong ristretto or a latte - without the need to change the preparation program. Once you accept your order, the device will take care of everything.

9th place. Digital notes for notes

How many brilliant ideas are lost, hastily written down on some napkin? There is always a risk that someone will want to wipe their hands on your idea, it will get caught in the rain or get lost somewhere. Designer Avery Holleman decided to give the tear-off notes a more business-like and durable look, creating something between a regular tear-off pad and a real PC.

This device looks like a regular paper holder with a pen holder. It's just paper and electronic pens. All PC electronics are hidden in the holder. Pens and papers are charged inductively by simply being in the holder. An image recorded on paper can be stored indefinitely, consuming a minimum of energy.

The drawing is created using special pens that transmit a radio signal to the “holder”, which sends it to the paper. Several sheets of paper can be combined into one to create larger designs.

8th place. MP-3 player of the future

I was afraid that with the introduction of all these smartphones into our lives, mp3 players would disappear into oblivion, like pagers or 8-bit set-top boxes. But there were craftsmen who took listening to music to a new level by creating a player in the form of a transparent bracelet. If you don’t like transparency, it doesn’t matter - you can choose any other image that will become the background of this gadget.

Of course, that's not all - the device is equipped with compact headphones and a built-in microphone. The player can play music from the Internet and supports the function voice control— you can say the name of your favorite artist out loud, and the music bracelet will find his playlists on the Internet. Or hum some melody and, if you don’t fake it too much, the player will be able to find it.

Another cool opportunity is to fill your life with music, like in your favorite movies. The bracelet detects the pulse and can match the music to the rhythm of the heartbeat. So you can accompany your runs with soundtracks from dynamic chase scenes or enjoy light melancholic music during a romantic candlelight dinner.

7. Smart highway

Dutch designer Daan Roosegird, with the support of Heijmans, created the concept of a smart road (smart highway). Daan took this step to popularize electric vehicles. After all, the smart highway has a strip for charging electric motors using inductive current. And the highway itself is powered by solar panels. One can only imagine how great it would be to travel in a car with endless, free and environmentally friendly fuel.

In addition, the highway has other interactive features: animated signs appear on the road that warn the driver of weather conditions. Also, the median strips on the road may change depending on the intensity of traffic. All these elements are illuminated in the dark, the intensity of the illumination is regulated by light sensors. The entire smart highway concept is created using solar electricity and aims to introduce environmentally friendly technologies.

6. Ocado fridge

What can surprise a refrigerator, what can be improved in it? “There is no limit to perfection,” decided researchers working for the British supermarket chain Ocado, and came up with the concept of a smart refrigerator. It is capable of reading information on labels to know the expiration date of products. If supplies run out, the refrigerator independently makes an order to one of the Ocado supermarkets to replenish its bins.

A smart refrigerator will help you eat healthy - it can calculate the calorie content of different foods and can offer its own recipes. And most importantly, it cleans itself and cleans itself - and not every person can comprehend this art, let alone a refrigerator. The shelves will be made of nano-tiles that can move. Thanks to this, the refrigerator will put in advance those products whose expiration date is coming to an end. Well, isn't she smart?

5. Touch-Hear Tactile Dictionary

The University of Singapore created the so-called tactile dictionary Touch-Hear. It consists of two parts - a small sensor that is attached to the fingertip, and a speaker (small earphone) that is attached to the ear. Once you touch a word printed in a book with a scanner, you can hear its meaning and even the historical facts associated with it. At the same time, the device does not disturb others at all - only you can hear it. Touch-Hear can also be used as a translator.

The Ishin-Denshin device was developed by Disney. Its name is a transliteration of a Japanese expression that denotes a silent understanding between two people. Ishin-Denshin can transmit audio information from one person to another through touch. The device is a special microphone into which you need to pronounce the treasured message. It converts sound waves into low-frequency charges of electric current, which it sends into the speaker's body. It is enough for him to touch the ear of another person, and he will seem to hear a whisper from his finger. A great way to convey a personal message in close company!

This device is a wireless device for controlling a computer with the power of thought. It uses a series of sensors that respond to brain activity and transmit commands to the PC via Bluetooth. The Emotiv EPOC is powered by a battery that lasts for 12 hours. So far, the device can only work with a small number of programs developed specifically for it. But in the future, such a thing could become an excellent assistant for people with disabilities.

2. Wireless electricity

Electrical energy is the most versatile and consumable resource on our planet. But its use is associated with certain difficulties - you have to stretch kilometers of wires. It is not surprising that he also experimented with wireless current transmission and inductance - who wouldn’t want to gain wireless independence?

But you can’t get rid of wires using inductance alone. So scientists from the MIT team came up with a way wireless transmission electricity. To do this, electric current is converted into magnetic energy certain frequency and is transmitted to the receiving device. Moreover, no one can interrupt the flow or suffer in any way from such a transfer.

Google Glass digital glasses will no longer surprise anyone - this is not the future, but the present. But Bionic contact lenses will be able to surpass not only Google Glass, but also augmented reality glasses. This device will allow you to get the fastest access to information possible. Connect to the Internet, play games, learn last news or a weather forecast - the user will be able to see all this on a hologram, accessible only to his gaze.

While this is just a concept and Bionic is still being developed and refined, such lenses could make life a lot easier. For example, they could monitor health parameters such as cholesterol or blood sugar levels. And even send reports about your condition to your doctor. Or inform about the time of taking medication, help you follow a diet, suggest the number of calories in food... Okay, who am I kidding - first of all, this gadget will be used by schoolchildren to play unnoticed in class

Incredibly, but true, the appearance of smartphones was predicted back in the 70s of the last century; In 1982, the impact of the Internet on everyday life was assessed as “colossal.” Such correct forecasts belong to an expert in matters of globalization and a comprehensive assessment of future changes Ray Hammond- a world-famous futurologist. As part of the project “Experience Intel. Look Inside” Ray explained how our lives will change over the next 20 years.

People find it difficult to find words to name things that they will use decades from now. For example, the “projector” was originally called nothing more than a “magic lantern”, and the “refrigerator” was called an “ice box”. However, this does not prevent us from predicting and anticipating the very essence of technology, as well as what opportunities will be available to people with the invention of new devices, because the main thing is inside, not outside, both for humans and gadgets.

Hammond sees the foreseeable future within the framework of several megatrends that will radically affect human life:

Global population growth (from 7 to 9 billion)

“How will we feed and water so many people?” - the scientist asks. And then he offers a solution: “There will be enough food for everyone, because its production will become low-cost and efficient.” Also, according to the futurologist, earthlings use ordinary sea water to meet their needs, creating numerous high-performance desalination plants.

Renewable Energy

The wind and sun will share their inexhaustible energy with us to provide humanity with electricity. Literally by the end of the 21st century, such methods of generating energy will prevail over existing ones.


A word that is viewed with caution by many, Ray predicts that it will significantly reduce the threat of terrorism and violence on Earth. Sounds unusual. Let's try to figure this out.

One of the components of globalism is education - increasingly better and more accessible in recent times. It is thanks to him that people can live a full and high-quality life, creating better conditions for the future of their children. As a result, there will be a dramatic reduction in the number of poor people, as well as wars and unrest.

The main idea is that progressive humanity should take care of countries that are isolated today from the world community, such as Africa and North Korea. According to Ray, the inclusion of these countries in the global life process will make life on the planet safe and comfortable for everyone, and this is precisely the main mission of developed countries. Otherwise, there will be exile countries in the world acting like Samoli.


Next, the speaker moved on to the topic of health, which is relevant at all times. Ray is one of the few people on Earth today whose DNA genome has been deciphered. Truly, a man from the future. In his opinion, medicine in the coming decades will become individual, responding to the needs of each individual person. Stem cells, genome decoding and nano-medicine will very soon have their say in increasing life expectancy. People who are now 20-30 years old, Hammond believes, thanks to innovative technologies, will live 30 years longer than they think.


The development of microprocessors used in many electronic devices around us is characterized by a periodic doubling of their performance. However, if quite recently it doubled every 2 years, now the process takes less than 12 months. This means that robots, by which Ray means various technical gadgets, can already do much faster, more accurately and efficiently the work on which a person spent so much effort and time. Is there a limit to such perfection and what will such singularity lead to? So far no one knows this. However, answering the question of what the familiar to everyone will turn into by 2030 mobile phone or smartphone, the scientist pointed to his ear. For what? It is there that the chip will be located, which will not only serve as a telephone, an organizer, it will become a kind of World Brain (Google, as it is called now), which will best friend a person always ready to help, give advice, call and fulfill almost any desire of the owner. The profession of a translator may well sink into oblivion, because Maria (as Hammond named the chip in honor of his wife) will be able to translate from any language in real time. Just imagine how the boundaries and opportunities for every homo sapiens will expand. One glance at a person will be enough to find out almost all the information about him.

In 20 years they will succeed in solving many of humanity's problems, but will not be able to surpass people in the categories of creativity and intelligence.

Anti-alcohol steering wheel, tattoo removal cream, a computer made of water and other inventions that we will use in a few years

More recently, on a historical scale, few could have imagined how commonplace they would become. tablet computers or DNA analysis. Very soon, other inventions may come into the lives of ordinary people. Yod has selected several of those featured in the popular science magazine BBC Knowledge.

Anti-alcohol steering wheel

The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is developing a steering wheel that understands whether the driver is drunk. The steering wheel has the ability to scan blood vessels in the hands.
Duration: after 1 year

The label deteriorates along with the product

A huge amount of food is thrown into the trash without ever making it to the table. The reason for this is often spoilage - buyers do not notice that the product's shelf life will soon expire. A new generation label should help solve this problem - it swells and rots along with the product, attracting attention better than ordinary silent dates.
Duration: after 1 year

Viagra for women

The famous medicine for male potency has acquired a female analogue - flibanserin. It has already been created, but not distributed, since permission for sale and wide production, for example, in the USA was received only last year. After its use in the brain, the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine increase and the level of serotonin decreases. True, the medicine has many side effects.
Duration: after 1 year

Remove tattoo... with cream

American student Alik Falkenham has developed a cream that removes tattoos. The substance uses the person’s own immune system for this, causing macrophage cells to release ink.
Duration: in 2 years

Human head transplant

The head has not yet been amenable to transplantation. One of the main problems is how to connect the spinal cord cords. Italian Sergio Canavero has challenged nature and plans operations not only on animals, but also on humans. By the way, the first patient may be Russian, and to implement it you will need as many as 150 surgeons.
Duration: in 2 years

Universal water purifier

A water purifier has been improved in England. It can turn dirty water into drinkable water and fits into a small floating container. If the technology can be implemented widely, the problem of water shortages will disappear for millions of people.
Duration: after 3 years

In the USA, they created a device that can read a person’s pain level. Based on facial expressions, the computer will guess how much pain it is for a patient who is not able to fully tell the doctor about it.
Duration: after 3 years

Entering a password using a thought

It is already quite possible to control a computer using only your brain. Why not use similar technologies for entering passwords. For example, at the American University of Birmingham, during an experiment, a computer was able to correctly understand contractions in the brain with 94 percent accuracy.
Duration: after 3 years

Blood test for viruses

Created at Havard new test VirScan blood. Using it, you can test a person for the presence of about thousands of strains of viruses, reporting the results to doctors. In 2018, a universal flu vaccine will be created that can determine the subtype of the immune system and stimulate the production of T cells resistant to the virus strain.
Duration: in 2 years


CRISPR is a technology that makes it possible to suppress sick and harmful cells with healthy and beneficial ones. The so-called T cells invade the human body and fight for his health. Perhaps this is how cancer will one day be defeated.
Duration: in 2 years

Augmented reality in surgery

Humans cannot imagine the complexity of the brain's structure. A computer will help, which will draw a virtual addition to the real brain on the screen to help surgeons perform the operation correctly.
Duration: in 2 years

Tourism in the stratosphere

World View Enterprises is going to send tourists into the stratosphere. Special balloons, somewhat similar to hot air balloons, will be able to deliver people to an altitude of 32 kilometers above sea level. Felix Baumgarter recently jumped almost from there. By the way, they plan to sell the first tickets for balloon flights in 2016. Cost - 113 thousand dollars.
Duration: in 2 years

Space drones

The idea of ​​using drones not only in the earth's atmosphere, but also in space, is embodied by NASA. Miniature space drones will be able to help both in work on the ISS and in exploring the planets of the Solar System.
Duration: in 2 years

Extinguishing a forest fire with sound

Instead of water - bass. This method of extinguishing fire may be included in the arsenal of firefighters very soon. Using sound waves, the fire's access to oxygen is blocked.
Duration: after 3 years

In 2019, with the help of technology:

  • LED lighting for residential buildings dominates worldwide
  • Stealth fighter entered service in China
  • Experimental fusion reactor ITER launched
  • Europe uses satellite navigation Galileo
  • Bionic eyes go on sale
  • Cars start communicating with each other
  • Freight transport becomes automatic
  • The Aral Sea disappears from the map of the Earth
  • Solar sail flies to Jupiter

Farms on water

According to UN forecasts, by 2050 the world's population will increase by another two billion people. The food problem will grow, and there will be less and less space on earth. A proposal to solve this problem was made by the architect Javier Pons. It consists of building environmentally friendly farms on water. For example, such a farm with an area of ​​350 by 200 meters can produce about eight tons of vegetables and 1.7 tons of fish annually.
Duration: after 5 years

In 2021 we will witness the following events:

  • Global average temperature increased by 1°C
  • An artificial kidney was created
  • Wireless electricity arrives
  • 2021-2025 - manned exploration of near-Earth asteroids
  • Male contraceptives go on sale
  • Mind reading technology is emerging. Try it for yourself now.

Trains at 1200 km/h

The founder of SpaxeX, PayPal and Tesla, Elon Musk, came up with the idea of ​​moving on the ground at the speed of a jet. His Hyperloop system, if successful, will be able to transport passengers on a train moving in a vacuum tube at speeds of more than 1,000 kilometers per hour.
Duration: 6 or more years.

In 2022, with the help of technology:

  • Deafness is completely cured
  • China completes construction of national space station
  • European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) launched
  • World antimony reserves are running out
  • Water is used as a weapon in war
  • Nanotech clothing is becoming more and more in demand

Light conquers pain

About 10 percent of the world's population suffers from long-term pain. The University of Washington has created a technology that, using light pulses and light-sensitive proteins, can suppress pain.
Duration: 6 or more years

Computers from water

Stanford University has created a computer that uses water droplets instead of electrons. If they can be taught thousands of controlled reactions, they will be able to displace electric devices.
Duration: after 6 or more years

Planetary Internet Access

The already mentioned Elon Musk is working on another technology that can change the world - the planetary Internet. The idea, at first glance, is simple - to launch four thousand satellites in low Earth orbit that distribute the Internet. Thus, it can be used even in the wild places of Africa.
Duration: 6 or more years

4 day work week

All these technologies with the ongoing robotization of production can lead to one noticeable consequence for everyone - a reduction in working week On one day. Accordingly, costs such as the load on transport systems, emissions into the atmosphere, and so on will decrease. Another reason for reduction is labor productivity per hour worked. Many studies show that shortening your workday can make you more efficient without wasting time.
Duration: 6 or more years

2024 How it works. Iron. Mining. Cryptocurrency.