The physical memory of the computer is loaded, what should I do? Methods for clearing computer memory. Memory problems begin with the start of the OS. SanDisk USB Type C Flash Drive

An integral part of the life of many modern people all kinds of gadgets have recently become. Most owners of smartphones and tablets with the Android operating system sooner or later face the problem of insufficient memory. V budget models its volume is, as a rule, no more than four gigabytes, but here it should be borne in mind that at least a fourth part is occupied by the operating system itself.

All modern games, like high-quality photos, music and films, require more and more available memory. So, at some point, the user simply will not be able to install the required application, download the required data. The lack of free space also negatively affects the speed of the device itself. So how to free internal memory on Android? You can move files to external storage and optimize your smartphone.

What is filling the free space?

While figuring out how to free up the internal memory of your Android phone, you should pay attention to a few points. Certain methods can be effective in some cases, but completely inappropriate in others.

Before freeing up the internal memory on Android, you need to understand where the data that populates the device comes from. Here are some of the most common options:

  • saving photos, music and videos;
  • data used in the exchange on social networks;
  • audio from a voice recorder;
  • data downloaded via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi;
  • applications from the Play Store located in the device's memory.

How can I prevent files from being saved to the device memory?

So that the problem does not recur from time to time in the future, you need to redirect the download of files from the device's memory to other media. For example, to a memory card (SD card). To this end, you should change the parameters of the save path in the settings of some applications:

  • camera options;
  • voice recorder options;
  • place for browser downloads;
  • location of cached files from applications;
  • regulation of messengers;
  • regulation of downloaders;
  • regulation of navigation GPS-maps.

In all the above settings, the path to a specific folder (or several folders: separately for music, video, pictures and files), which is located on the memory card, must be registered.

How do I move data?

It is better to move files from device memory to memory card to similar folders. If there are none, you can create them using any file manager, which is downloaded from the "Play Store", or by connecting the device to the computer via a cord. Moving to places with similar standard names will avoid unnecessary confusion. Folders usually have the following names:

  • Bluetooth;
  • DCIM;
  • download;
  • media;
  • movies;
  • music;
  • video;
  • sounds.

Transferring files, as well as creating new folders, can be done in two ways: directly by the functions of the device itself or using a computer. You should not transfer the data, the purpose of which is in doubt. Moving program files can contribute to device malfunctions, you should be aware of this before freeing up space on the internal memory of Android.

How do I transfer files directly to my device?

To transfer pictures, music and videos directly to the device, it is better to use a file manager. ES-conductor is simple and reliable to use. The main function of the manager is precisely to work with folders and files. This file manager is very lightweight, does not take up an already small amount of memory, and is convenient.

To transfer the necessary data, you need to select it with one long press. Choosing the action "move", you should click on "SD-card". The advantage of this file manager is that the menu allows you to immediately create new folders for transferring files.

How do I transfer files using a computer?

In order to clear the internal memory of "Android" using a computer, you need to connect the device to it using a USB cable. To provide the ability to manage data on a smartphone or tablet, specialized programs and drivers must be installed on the PC. As a rule, such software is installed automatically, but you need to wait a little while the computer detects the type of device and finds the appropriate drivers on the network.

Problems when transferring files using a PC are easily eliminated free service AirDroid, which provides the ability to work with the device from a distance by connecting to Wi-Fi networks... Firstly, this is good because you do not need to additionally install any programs and drivers to recognize your smartphone or tablet. Secondly, this service provides communication between devices at a distance longer than a cable.

And yet, how to free up system memory on "Android" through a computer using this method? Everything is very simple here - data management is possible through any browser.

How do I move apps to SD card?

How to free up internal memory on Android to unload devices? We note right away: this is not an easy task. The reason is that in order to carry out this operation for applications, as a rule, you need to have special rights, namely administrator rights, which will allow you to fully manage all files.

You can get administrator status by installing additional software or changing the settings of your smartphone. In the latter case, everything is much simpler. Devices, in the settings of which you can set the "developer mode", allow you to perform many actions that are not available ordinary users, for example, install fake localization.

If administrator access is already enabled, the next step is to install the Link2Sd application. It allows you to transfer both installed additionally and standard applications from the device memory to the memory card. But here you need to remember that such actions can lead to malfunctions of the device.

Only a subset of applications can be moved without administrator rights. This action can be performed in the device settings. But the standard method is not very convenient, and if you do not want to change the settings, it is better to download Android app Assistant.

Android Assistant consists of eighteen tools to help you work with Android in a variety of ways. Directly transferring applications is carried out as follows: open the program, go to the "Toolbox" section and select "App2Sd". A list of applications that can be transferred will open.

Also using of this application you can perform a complex removal, which will contribute to the optimization and increase the speed of the device.

How do I clean up unnecessary junk from my device?

By following the steps above, you can make significant progress in clearing your memory. Having set the correct settings once, most likely, you will not have to do all the actions again from time to time. But you will often have to use the information on how to free up internal memory on Android by removing garbage. So, by installing a special application (for example, Clean master), you can make the cleaning process quick and easy.

The so-called garbage in the device, which occurs through the accumulation of cached data from the Internet, browser history, applications, is a very common phenomenon. Periodic cleaning allows you to increase free space on the device and speed up the execution of all activities.

If you disassemble cleaning the device from garbage using the example of the most optimal and convenient Clean Master program, then there will be no difficulties in using it. You just need to select the "trash" option and click "clear". The application, carrying out in-depth analysis, be sure to specify which files do not need to be deleted.

How do I store files on the Internet?

To free up the internal memory on Android 4.2, you can use the so-called cloud storage. They allow not only to store files, but also to open them using various devices. Having installed an application of this type on a smartphone, in order to gain access to the data, you will only need to register (when you first turn it on), and then enter your username and password.

It is important in working with cloud storage and constant access to the Internet, because the data is located in "virtual memory". Among the most successful cloud storages are Google Drive, Mega storage, Yandex.Disk or Dropbox.

How do I completely clean my device?

To drastically clear the device's memory, you need to completely delete all data. The action is performed using the "Formatting" option. As a rule, this item is located in the device settings in the “ Backup and data reset ". After confirming the user's intentions and deleting the data, the device will reboot and take on its original appearance, that is, everything that was installed and downloaded after purchase will be missing from the smartphone.

In general, the instruction "How to free up memory on Android" includes several stages, some of which are interchangeable. Consecutive execution of actions of various kinds will lead to an increase in free space, which will certainly entail optimization of the device.

The cost of older models of smartphones is overpriced. We all understand perfectly well that the difference in price between 16 GB and 32+ GB models is unreasonably large. We are talking about the iPhone, and about all the variety of flagship representatives of Android. As a result, a person takes a junior model with 16 gigabytes of storage on board in the hope that this will be enough. But, often reality does not live up to his expectations.

What eats up memory in a smartphone

First you need to understand that the amount of memory specified by the manufacturer in the device is not the same as user accessible Memory. That is, in practice, we always have less memory available than what is written on the package, and this is true for both the iPhone and the Android family.

In both cases operating system devices take up 2-3 GB of memory, and they cannot be returned to the user's disposal - this space is needed for the device to work.

So when you look for new smartphone then consider this: 16 GB is actually about 13 GB, and 32 GB is at best 29-30 GB.

In the future, the amount of memory remaining for the user will be encroached upon. installed applications and games... The screens are getting better, the picture must be of better quality, the graphics are getting cooler - this seriously makes the applications heavier.

Also, over time installed applications will get fat accumulating in memory cache data- this is everything that remains in the device while the application is running and after it is closed. Any application that receives content from the Web saves it on the device for faster delivery to the user. Watch YouTube - Get cached videos. Listen to music online - it is cached locally. Surf the Internet through Chrome - the pages visited in the browser are cached.

If you have Android and you find yourself in a situation where you urgently need to get several hundred megabytes of space for a video or photo, then clear the cache data.

Settings -> Memory -> tap on Cache data.

You can also selectively clear the cache for individual applications.

Settings -> Applications -> tap on a thick application -> Clear cache.

There are no such standard tools in iOS, but there are third-party utilities.

These days, 1 GB for a single game already seems quite acceptable. Periodic cleaning games with a preliminary question to myself "will I still play this?" will help get rid of boring and unnecessary toys that continue to take up a fair amount of memory. The same is true for any other application. Didn't like the app? Do you plan to use it in the future? Delete it, don't just keep it on the device.

Music uploaded by the user to the device is getting better and better. Some people no longer accept 320 kbps mp3 and only want flac. Such tracks take up several times more space on the device.

Consider whether the headphones you are using will provide enough sound reproduction to make you feel the difference? Maybe an average quality mp3 is enough?

If we are talking about Photo and video then it's even worse. Top current smartphones are equipped with 8+ megapixel cameras that can shoot FullHD video with a high frame rate and take very high resolution photos. Such photos and videos take up a lot of space. For example, 1 hour of 1080p video can take up 10 GB of space on your smartphone.

With captured videos, there are virtually no options. They need to be periodically moved from a mobile device to a computer for subsequent storage or placement on video hosting.

The Dropbox mobile application can help with storing photos - it has the function of automatically transferring pictures from the device's memory to the cloud.

And yet, the more technological our mobile devices become, the more space will be required for applications and content. Manufacturers understand this, and often go to meet the user, embedding a slot in smartphones and tablets for removable memory cards... Unfortunately, users of iPhone, Google phones and some other Android lines are deprived of such an advantage. Google invites us to store all data on the web.

This concept is also supported by many developers - now we have hundreds of thematic online services available that provide content in the form of streaming. They are complemented by dozens of cloud storages. In this case, the memory of the device will be clogged much less, but the requirements for the quality and speed of the mobile Internet will significantly increase.

Android phones and tablets can quickly run out of free system memory if you actively download applications, cache data for offline use, and write media files such as music and movies. On many inexpensive gadgets, the amount of free memory is a few gigabytes, it will fill up even faster.

The less free space, the more time you will have to spend on freeing up space. If you are constantly running out of space, next time think about buying a phone or tablet with a lot of internal storage.

Use the Android Task Manager

The latest versions of Android OS have a dedicated Storage panel where you can see what is taking up the most memory on your device. To find it, go to settings → applications. Here you can see how much space each application and its data takes up, namely image and video files, audio files, downloads, cached data, and other files.

Go to the list of applications, see what exactly takes up the most space, delete what you can do without. Go to downloads and see the list of downloaded files. Remove unnecessary downloads. Delete the data in the cache of installed applications. Review everything and delete the most unnecessary, especially the ones that take up more volume.

When working with applications, keep in mind that not only the application itself takes up space, but also the data it uses and its cache. For example, if you have Spotify installed and listen to a lot of music offline, the program may take more than 1 GB of space. To free up more space, you can delete the cached data or start Spotify and set the settings to a lower value for the maximum memory used for offline music listening. Any application that caches data to work with it offline functions in a similar way. In the screenshot below, the Google Play Music app is only 40.66MB in size, but it stores 2.24GB of cached music.

You can see how much system memory the data files are taking up and delete the cached data for each separate application by going to the corresponding item in the list of applications in the task manager or by going to applications on the main settings screen.

The built-in Storage tool of the Android OS is good for visually assessing the space occupied by various types of data, but not in order to find out the amount of memory occupied by individual folders and files. For the latter, you need an app from a third party developer. For example, the excellent and free DiskUsage program. Install it from Google Play, launch it and see what happens to the file system of your gadget.

Use the visualization to see which folders and files are taking up the most space. You can remove them directly from the DiskUsage app. For example, here you can find folders left over from games you have already deleted. Usually such folders are deleted during uninstallation, but this is by no means always the case. In this case, you will have to delete them manually. Select the appropriate folder or file, go to the menu and click "delete".

Note that in DiskUsage you can delete files that the installed applications depend on. Do not delete data related to the application if you do not want to lose it. In many cases, data is synchronized online and can be safely deleted. Next time they are needed, they will simply be downloaded from the Internet.

Insert SD card and transfer data there

Many android devices still use microSD card slots, although they are less common on newer devices. If your phone or tablet does have a microSD slot, you can purchase a suitable memory card and insert it into your mobile phone or tablet, thus increasing the amount of storage space. This additional space can be used to record music, videos, pictures and other media files, and in some cases even applications (see the next section). Some applications also provide the ability to write cached data to a microSD card.

If you already have an SD card in your gadget, that's great. Cards microSD memory are very cheap, so you can easily upgrade by increasing the amount of memory for literally a penny. On, you can always find 32GB cards for $ 10 and 64GB cards for $ 19.

After inserting the memory card, format it as portable or built-in storage (if your phone has Android 6.0 Marshmallow OS). Then connect the gadget to the computer and transfer music and other files to the memory card on the PC.

Transferring applications to a memory card

Depending on your phone and Android version, you can also transfer apps to your SD card to free up space on your system storage.

Android 6.0 Marshmallow users can do this by formatting the SD card as built-in storage. In the future, the system will independently determine which applications to write to the memory card. As a user, you will not be able to tell the difference between a real built-in storage and an SD card formatted as built-in storage. Please note that in this case, you will not be able to connect this memory card to other devices until you reformat it, having lost all the data recorded on it.

If your gadget has an older version of the operating system, developed before Android 6.0 Marshmallow, you can move some applications using the built-in Android toolkit or manually. How to do this, see a separate instruction.

Transfer photos to cloud storage

Photos can take up a lot of space on modern smartphones. Instead of storing them on your phone, you can use an app that will automatically upload the pictures you just took to cloud storage such as Google Photos, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Flickr and so on. Google Photos is integrated into the Photos app of your Android device. With it, you can store an unlimited number of photos in the Google cloud storage. You can access them at any time through the Photos app of the gadget or by going to in the browser of any computer.

If you follow the above, you can delete copies of photos from the gadget itself, since they will always be available through the cloud storage. Sometimes in this way you can free up more than one gigabyte of device memory. Alternatively, you can simply copy these photos to your computer in a more traditional way. Best of all, your photos will still be available through the Photos app on your phone or tablet, whether they are stored on your device or in the cloud.

If you do not like the Google Photos service, you can use another cloud storage. For example Dropbox.

The technique described above is suitable not only for photos, but also for other types of files, which makes it possible to potentially free up a lot of space in the system memory of the gadget. For example, you can upload a large collection of music to a cloud storage service like Google play Music and listen to songs from there via the Internet, caching sound files, instead of storing the entire collection of music on the phone.

Buying a brand new gadget, users begin to actively download various applications. Over time, free memory runs out, and it becomes necessary to clear it.

We will tell you about the simplest and most useful methods.

Manual cleaning

Manual cleaning of smartphones and tablets takes a lot of time. After uninstalling applications, the cache often remains, so this method cannot be called optimal.

To remove games or programs, you need to go to the gadget settings: "Settings" - "Applications". In the list of downloaded programs, we find the desired one, press the "Clear cache" button, and only then "Delete". Unfortunately, 99% of users forget about the first button, and files remain in the drive that slow down the system. When viewing photos, unnecessary and low-quality pictures can be mercilessly destroyed by clicking on the trash can icon in the lower corner of the display.

The second manual cleaning method is Google Play. Having opened the store, it is enough to find the program in the search or in the list "My applications", go to the page with details and click the "Delete" button.

We use memory cards

New applications are released regularly, each of them wants to be tried. But the free memory on the device is not unlimited, and mircoSD cards come to the rescue. Fortunately, the majority modern smartphones and tablets support them. The stores have cards from different manufacturers and volumes. The most common options are 16, 32, 64 and 128 GB.

You can also move files manually through the "Settings" - "Applications" menu or using special programs(Send to SD Card, AppMgr, SD File Manager and others). To prevent malfunctions operating system do not touch files whose purpose is unknown.

On some smartphones, when you hold your finger on the application icon for a long time, a menu appears, in which there is an item "Move to SD card".

To move files to Android using a PC, you need pre-installation on it software and cable. This method is dangerous due to the possibility of transmitting viruses between devices.

You can also clean the device and move the necessary applications to the card if available, but few have them. In addition, upon obtaining root rights, the manufacturer's warranty for smartphones and tablets of many manufacturers "flies", which makes this method of saving memory on the device difficult.


CCleaner is free utility to care for the device system. Unnecessary files appear constantly: from running applications, cache from web surfing, leftover files after uninstalling programs, etc. CCleaner helps to free the memory of smartphones and tablets from unnecessary garbage, optimize the system to speed up its operation, and also monitor the state of the gadget by checking the load CPU, battery temperature, and RAM usage.

In the manager, you can remove all unnecessary programs at once. When installing automatic settings cleaning the system, the need to carry out the procedure manually will disappear.

CCleaner helps keep Android clean and fast.

Cloud storage

Cloud storage is a great alternative to memory cards. Plus, they can be used on any smartphone, tablet or computer. Popular cloud servers with a simple interface include Dropbox, GoogleDrive, and Box. Each is available for free download on Google Play. They allow you to store your photos, videos, music and other files on the cloud.

After registration, GoogleDrive provides each user with 5 GB for free. However, the cloud is very slow on slow internet connections.

Many gadget manufacturers provide users with a certain amount of gigabytes for free on cloud servers for data storage. For example, Sony Corporation gives device owners 50 GB of free space on the Box service for two years.

In the absence of free memory, Android starts to work slowly, and no longer pleases the owner. But cleaning will help restore system performance and enjoyment when working with the device.

Unlike the iPhone, which has no removable cards, and all memory is built-in, most devices equipped with Android allow the use of memory expansion modules. But you cannot transfer the OS to them, they are suitable only for storing user files.

Therefore, one of the weakest points of the Android OS is the system memory. Over time, depending on the nature of the user’s use of the device, it is filled with different files, including garbage. And in this case, you have to deal with cleaning the system.

How to free up internal memory on Android

The built-in memory stores applications, reports (logs) and system cache... One of the options for its release is, but this is not always possible, some of the data must remain in system partition, it is necessary for correct operation.

Available methods:

  1. Move programs using standard Android tools. Find the desired program in the "Applications" item in the device settings and click "Transfer to SD card". In this simple way, you will free up the space in the internal memory of the device, which was occupied by a specific program.
  2. Another way is easy removal applications, you can do this through the task manager or the "Applications" menu from the previous paragraph. The only exceptions are preinstalled programs, standard ways which cannot be uninstalled. In this case, you will need root rights.... Next, you need to go to the system / app folder and delete the same names apk and odex files unnecessary program but be careful because some of them, like Google services, interfere with other programs. Only advanced users are allowed to do this.
  3. Periodically, you need to clear the cache and temporary files, it is best to do this using special applications, which will be discussed below. But you can also perform the procedure manually by selecting the item "Data cleaning" in the program menu. In a sense, this option is safer, but much more laborious.
  4. There is a cleanup method using the file manager. It seems that everything is quite easy here - you just need to delete the files, but this is not true. If there are no root rights, then you will not be able to erase anything important, but when full access is provided (third-party managers often use it), you need to be careful. Before carrying out the procedure, it is better to create a system save and place everything on another medium.
  5. Alternatively, you can use cloud file storage. This means that you will always have access to them using the Internet. There are many services, one of the most popular is Dropbox which has its own mobile app... You can also save notes or documents to Evernote for no cost if your device is free of traffic restrictions.

How to free up RAM on Android

This is a special section of the smartphone's memory, the amount of RAM is not cumulative with memory cards, and a movie or game cannot be recorded there. We need it to store application data. After the completion of the work, the memory is freed, but many programs continue to run in the background. Sometimes such a function is really necessary, but in most cases it can be done without it.

  1. The easiest way to clear RAM is to turn off programs, and not minimize them with the "Home" key... But, unfortunately, many developers simply do not provide such a function in their applications, or it is difficult to find it. Sometimes pressing "Back" several times helps, but nothing can be guaranteed.
  2. Another way is to force stop the most resource-intensive applications.... The list is available in the "Applications" item, which can be found in the settings. In the "Running" tab, all programs are displayed, except for the system ones, which are running in this moment, on the right is the amount of memory they occupy. It is enough to check the box next to the desired application and click "Stop" (the button below), but in this case unsaved information may be lost.

The most radical way to solve the problem is to reboot the device.

Using special programs

An example is. This is perhaps the most popular system maintenance application. Of course, there are other programs with similar functionality, but it should be understood that the main thing here is not to harm. If important files have been deleted, it is not always possible to restore them. The consequences of poor-quality cleaning can be disappointing, so it is better not to experiment with little-known applications if there is no copy of the system.

To use it, you need to provide the application with root rights, they give full access to the file system, with the ability to change the content. The application itself will send a request or provide instructions on how to do it.

The interface is completely Russified, so even inexperienced users should not experience difficulties in using it. It is enough just to start the scan, after its completion, you will be prompted to clear not only the cache files, but also the space in RAM that is used by inactive applications.

Another type of analysis is also available: applications that are rarely used will be found, and their uninstallation will be offered. In this case, you still should not blindly trust the program, it is better to visit the Play Market and find out what they are for, perhaps some of them will still be useful to you.

There are other functions in the application, in particular, cooling and analysis of battery use, but they will not be considered in detail here.

It is worth noting that the application itself runs in the background, constantly analyzing user activity and offering various tips. This can sometimes negatively impact performance and negate the entire cleaning effect.

Alternatively, you can offer a less demanding resource App App Cache Cleaner but its functionality is highly specialized.

Good day, dear readers, admirers and other personalities. Ever notice that space on your computer is wasted?

As a rule, this is not a consequence of a virus or your carelessness, but simply a system restore service. Windows, incorrectly configured paging file and others. Often, the reason for selling space is also the high value of the browser cache or the OS cluttered with all kinds of software garbage.

How to find out the reason for disappearing space in Windows

As I said, there are several sources where space can be lost.
Let's take a look at them in order.

First, the recovery system. The fact is that Microsoft, taking care of its users, made in Windows recovery system, which greatly affects the fact that your place is lost (although in fact it is just "hidden").

It is engaged in the fact (if you have not changed the settings) that with some frequency (especially in the case of installing programs \ games \) it makes restore points, which you can always use in the event of a system crash / failure. The question is, do you use this recovery system?

For example, I can hardly remember the last time I had to do this. Moreover, the benefits of this are highly questionable. In turn, these points occupy up to 12% places on every hard disk, which, you see, is a lot (especially on large disks). Therefore, here's how to get rid (or at least reconfigure) the amount of space occupied by recovery points.

How to reclaim disk space on your computer

Start-> Customization->Control Panel -> System->System Restore

For Windows Vista / Windows 7/8/10:

Start-> Customization->Control Panel -> System->System protection

Here you can either completely disable system restore, or distribute on which disks and how much space the points will take.

I cannot recommend that you completely disable recovery, because I don’t know how often you encounter system problems and resort to recovery, but for me personally it is disabled, tk. I consider it a dubious tool that takes up quite a lot of space, especially since you can always use the "" article to protect and restore data.

For those who want to leave it (system restore), but configure it as competently as possible and make it so that it was no longer necessary to look for where the space was lost:

  1. It is desirable that the disk with the operating system does not have them at all or they take up as little space as possible;
  2. You don't need more 3 restore points, i.e. it is not necessary to set the maximum percentage even on several disks. It will be enough 3-6 % on one or two disks and that, in my opinion, will be a lot.

By the way, before setting these parameters, the system had already created a number of restore points, so it would be nice to delete them. To do this, open " My computer", right-click the place on the hard disk where you need to clear and from the drop-down list select "Properties".

In the window that appears, click on the button “ Disk cleanup” – “Additionally” – “System Restore” – “Clear” – “Yes” – “OK“.

Or, if you have Windows 7 / Vista You can clear the space occupied by restore points using the " Configure - Delete"located on the" System protection"(see the path above):

This is, as they say, time.
Let's go to point two.

About the swap file and where space is lost

When the operating system does not have enough, it starts to unload programs into the paging file, i.e. a file on your hard disk that serves as a kind of random access memory, but much slower in speed. Accordingly, the size of the paging file can be different, depending on the amount of your RAM.

By default, the paging file size is 2-4 times the amount of physical RAM, but this size can be changed, however, often at the expense of performance (especially if there is little RAM). He also answers the question where the place disappears, because he takes this very place and takes all his strength.

Configure the location and size of the paging file on hard drives here:

  • Start-> Customization-> Control Panel -> System-> Additionally> Performance> Parameters> Additionally>Virtual Memory -> Change

I still do not recommend disabling the swap file entirely, but redistributing or reducing it is always welcome. I wrote in more detail about the swap file and its configuration in the article, and therefore check it out to set the correct numbers.

Cash, trash and where the place goes

During the operation of the system, programs, browsers and other differences constantly create a so-called cache, that is, temporary auxiliary files that (files) they periodically forget to delete after themselves. Also, after removing various programs, they usually leave traces of trash from the files, which, at times, also weigh quite a lot.

Therefore, I recommend that you constantly clean Tempory Internet Files, browser cache, traces of programs and other all sorts of garbage. I wrote how to do this in the article "". I highly recommend reading it, because it often frees up a lot of space.

Other manual cleaning

First, turn on the display of hidden files. To do this, follow the path “ My Computer - Tools - Folder Options - View - Show hidden files and folders - OK ".

Next, open the disk with the system and find the folder there Documents and Settings... It contains your profile files and some system / program settings. The thing is that most programs, especially if you uninstalled them incorrectly, i.e. without use, for example, they leave behind a bunch of traces and debris, which sometimes are not even cleaned Ccleaner... You have to dig with your hands. According to my estimates, the most cluttered folders are:

  • C: \ Documents and Settings \ name\ Application Data;
  • C: \ Documents and Settings \ name\ Local Settings \ Application Data.

where C: \- the disk where the system is located, and name- this is your name in the system.

Dig carefully through these folders and delete the folders with the names of programs that have not been on your computer for a long time.

You can find the rest of the thick folders yourself by selecting one \ group of folders in Documents and Settings and checking their volume by pressing the right mouse button and selecting the item from the list “ Properties“. As a rule, traveling like this, you can find a lot of all sorts of junk that was forgotten (or deliberately left behind) by the uninstaller programs.

In general, to make it clearer what exactly takes up how much space on which disk and how to delete it, I recommend reading this article of mine: "", the program in which will clearly allow you to reveal what is eating away the cherished megabytes from the disk.


Something like this.
I hope you found this article helpful and that you cleaned up and saved heaps of valuable megabytes.

As always, I will be glad for your additions, reviews, questions, etc., which you can safely write in the comments to this post.

PS: As a good alternative to the aforementioned Ccleaner, I can suggest you to use - a wonderful program for cleaning garbage and all sorts of "forgotten" difference.


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Naturally, the smartest decision is to purchase and install additional memory cards. This method has a significant drawback - it requires financial costs. Therefore, try first to programmatically optimize your computer.

Visit the site Download Advanced SystemCare from there. It is specially designed to optimize most of the parameters of the operating system and internal devices of the computer. Install Advanced SystemCare and restart your computer.

Run the program and go to the Utilities menu. Select the "RAM" item. In the window that opens, click the "Settings" button. Activate the following items by checking the boxes next to them: "Automatically clear RAM", "Do not clear during use central processing unit"," Use smart RAM compression technology. " Click the "Ok" button.

Now click the Forward button and select the Deep Clean option from the drop-down menu. After the process is completed, the inscription "250 clearing memory" will be displayed in the lower left corner. The indicator "250" refers to the amount of free memory in megabytes.

Now return to the main menu of the program and select the "System Diagnostics" item. Check the box next to Optimization and click the Scan button. After completing the analysis of the operating system, click the "Repair" button. The program will automatically disable unused or unnecessary services that consume processor and memory resources.

Now open the Control Panel and go to the System and Security menu. Open the "Administrative Tools" item and go to the "Services" item.

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V latest version operating system line by Microsoft has proposed a unique idea. The essence of the technology was to connect the missing amount of RAM. Now there is no need to buy trims with operational memory... They were replaced by ordinary flash drives that will connect to a computer via a USB bus.

You will need


For this technology, some obligations have been introduced: the volume of the flash drive must exceed 256 MB. There are no restrictions on the plug-in. It should be noted that a flash drive means not only standard flash drives, but also flash drives. Roughly speaking, any drive that has a USB port. To perform this operation, you will need already installed windows 7.
Click on the "Start" menu - then select "".

In the "Computer" window that opens, right-click on the icon of any flash drive that you are going to use to test ReadyBoost technology. In the opened context menu select "Properties".

Go to the "ReadyBoost" tab and select the "Use this" option (this drive must be configured according to the rules of use). Here you need to set the amount of disk space on your removable storage, which will be reserved in the future to speed up the operating system. Click OK.

After the performed actions, your system will configure the cache on the selected drive. This process will take 10 to 15 seconds. After completing this process, ReadyBoost technology starts working.

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PC users who have reinstalled the operating system at least once have probably noticed that after that, the speed of loading and running applications accelerates. But over time, this effect disappears, and this is due to the fact that the operative is "clogged" and there is no free space in it for comfortable work with applications. Therefore, the operational memory needs to be cleaned. Let's try to figure out how to do this using the standard tools of the operating system.

You will need

  • Computer, RAM, Msconfig program


Some applications in the process of work take up all available ones and even after the termination of their work they do not release it. If the situation is one-off, just restart the computer, and a complete wipe occurs. In general, the behavior of applications indicates optimization of the program code, and such programs should be avoided whenever possible. Most often, games sin this way.

If memory clogged constantly, you should see what processes it is. To do this, start the Windows Task Manager (to start, press the ctrl + alt + del key combination), the Processes tab will display the program modules currently in memory and how much space they occupy. To unload a "gluttonous" program from memory, click on the "end process" button.

To prevent automatic loading of programs in memory, follows them from the list of applications. To do this, run the Msconfig program (to start, press the Win + R key combination and type msconfig in the line). In the menu that appears, select the "Startup" item. A list of applications that automatically go online will be displayed. memory at system startup. Select the ones you want to remove from the list and uncheck the boxes in front of them.


Be careful when cleaning up your RAM so that you do not end the process required for the system to work.

Useful advice

Do not run applications at the same time, except for those that really work at the moment or must be constantly active (for example, antivirus). This preventive measure will significantly save free space in RAM.


  • System memory

Home computers are used more actively than ever. But the wide functionality has its drawbacks - computers are quickly clogged up from work in different areas of activity. Therefore, a general cleaning should be carried out at least once every six months.

Memory overflow problem, which can be identified by the Android operating system message "Memory full", is quite common. Moreover, there are no universal solutions for it, but there are many tips. In this material, we will try to systematize all or at least most of the available information on this issue.

Memory types in Android devices

RAM, Random Access Memory or RAM - random access memory or random access memory. Software(including the operating system and installed applications) writes to given memory the data they need in the course of their work and can quickly read it. The RAM requires constant power supply - when the device is turned off or rebooted, it is completely cleared. The more RAM, the correspondingly more different processes and services can be started simultaneously. The "Phone memory is full" error can occur if the entire amount of RAM is completely depleted, and there is not enough free space for the application being launched.

ROM, Read Only Memory, or ROM - read-only memory. The information stored in it cannot be changed and is recorded during the manufacture of the phone, or when reinstalling the operating system - that is, during the flashing process. ROMs are often split into multiple sections to perform internal functions.

Interal Storage (Interal Phone Storage) - internal storage of a smartphone (or other device). This section of memory is intended for storing user data, installed applications, and so on. This is something like an analogue of a hard drive in a personal computer. Naturally, in the process of writing data to the internal memory of an Android device, free space here becomes less. The total amount of the drive and the amount of free space can be viewed in the device settings.

External Storage - or, in fact, a microSD / microSDHC memory card. The user can expand this type of memory at will, if, of course, the device supports memory cards, and there is a corresponding slot for this. Is something like external hard disk for personal computer... The total and occupied volumes of this type of memory, as well as the free space on the card, can be checked in the settings of the Android gadget. The memory card can store multimedia data such as music, movies, pictures. Starting with Android 2.2, it became possible to transfer installed applications to a memory card, if the application itself supports it, thus saving space on internal storage... Before replacing the memory card, it is strongly recommended that you first unmount it, and not just remove it from the device.

Why is memory running out

Usually, after some time of relatively "quiet" use of the device on Android, users begin a period when they want to modify this very device in every possible way. The endless installation of applications, scripts and so on begins. And sooner or later the message “Phone memory is full” appears, especially if the model is not one of the “top-end” ones, and there is not so much of this memory. It is logical to assume that the problem is in the RAM - yes, this is partly true. But it is much easier to clean it up, this can be done both through the settings and using various downloadable utilities. So, the message about the lack of memory in the device appears when the internal storage is full. Of course, you can constantly clean this very drive, delete unnecessary applications and so on, but over time it will be seen that the notorious "Phone memory is full" will appear more and more often. What is the reason for this?

  • operating room Android system installs applications to internal memory by default;
  • not every application is available for transfer to a memory card;
  • Vital programs like Google Maps and Google Play "embedded" into your device are periodically updated, taking up additional cells in the internal memory;
  • some manufacturers throw pre-installed games and other software called bloatware into the smartphone or tablet you bought.

Free space check

Through the dispatcher

Button - call the dispatcher

V Samsung devices press and hold the Home button for about a second, then go to the memory icon.

The data is displayed here in the "Busy / Total" format, so you will need to remember a little about the arithmetic lessons.

Through settings

Everything is simpler here: Settings> Options> Memory ... And you don't need to count anything.

How to clear - overview of options

Operational measures

For a quick, although not very long, solution to the situation, cleaning up temporary files will help. They have the extension .rm and are stored in the folder datalocal mp... You can delete temporary files with Root access, for example, using the Root Explorer.

Also, in the above folder data you can find many files that have the .log extension and contain "error" in the name - these are error log files of various applications that take up quite a bit of space. We delete them and forget about "Phone memory is full" for a while.

Deleting dex files

Now let's take a closer look at a more thorough way to clean up space on an internal drive. Each program on a smartphone or tablet, or any other Android device, upon installation, creates a file with the .dex extension in the directory datadalvik-cache... But sometimes, on some system applications, these files are missing, and the following picture is visible:

Indeed, it is strange that the program is 0 bytes. As it turns out, the reason lies in the fact that along with these files, the firmware contains the same names, but with the .odex extension. These files can be created without leaving the .dex files. For example, LuckyPatcher can "code" applications. So, first, let's look in the properties of the application, how much space it takes up:

In this case it is 1.68 MB, so the corresponding .dex file in datadalvik-cache takes up the same amount of space, and the generated .odex file will weigh the same. Launch the aforementioned LuckyPatcher, select the desired application from the list, pinch it (not just tap it once, but pinch it), see the context menu:

We select the first or second item, and it doesn't matter that the application may not need to remove the license check or remove ads at all. After that, the program will create the .odex files we need. Dex files can now be removed from datadalvik-cache. And now we see that the application already takes 0 bytes, but it works great. This method suitable for system applications.

For custom applications, things are a little different. We select the application we need and go to its folder on the memory card, look at the free memory of this application. On the this example 1.56 MB is reserved for the program folder, while the .dex file is 1.68 MB.

There are several ways to solve this problem: either move the selected application to the system directory and carry out the manipulations described above, or forget about this venture specifically with this application and take on some other program. By the way, if you move the application to user memory, and then create the .odex, you can delete the .dex, and the program will work fine. But when you move it to a USB flash drive, the .odex file will be deleted, and the application will refuse to work. In this case, there will be only two ways out: reinstall the program again, or do complete cleaning dalvik-cache. So, not every application can work without .dex - the method will "work" only with applications that have more free memory than .dex.

Hard reboot

You can solve the problem drastically by using Hard reset- hard reset of the communicator. Not a bad step, returning the device to its original factory settings. The speed of work increases, the smartphone instantly responds to all inputs and literally starts to "fly". But, on the other hand, such an action can cause inconvenience for the user, because it is the deletion of data, files, applications that he will have to install again.

An effective but harsh way to solve the problem

Removing unnecessary applications, their updates and cache

In order to get rid of unused applications, go to Settings> Options> Application Manager.

Finding in the Application Manager menu is not that hard

Once in the "Loaded" tab, open the menu and sort the files by size. Next, select the applications you abandoned and click "Delete".

You can remove updates only for those applications that you installed yourself - with built-in ones, such a trick will not work.

Select an application, click on "Uninstall Updates", and then click on "Disable".

If you have root, then you can even get rid of the system software. But be careful - one awkward movement, and the smartphone will fall asleep like a dead dream.

To clear the application cache, go to Settings> Options> Memory.

Wait a few seconds until the amount of used space is determined, then select the "Cached data" item and tap "OK".

Using the CCleaner utility

CCleaner is perhaps the best utility

Not to say that this method is super-effective, given that some utilities themselves take up a lot of space, and even show ads. Therefore, if you decide to resort to it, then choose the proven CCleaner.

After the utility has done its job, you can safely remove it - until the next need.

Video: How to free up memory on Android

“Phone memory is full” is certainly one of the most annoying and annoying messages for Android device owners. We hope that thanks to our advice, she will not bother you for a long time.

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