How to disable updates on Android. Automatic and manual update of applications on Android How to update applications only via wifi

Dear readers, today I will tell you how you have to twist yourself in order to bypass the restriction on downloading files set in the iPhone when using the mobile Internet. Before iOS 11, using cellular data you could download a file of no more than 100 MB. We told you how to install an application larger than 100 MB - bypass the new limit of 150 MB. happened - .

With the release of iOS 11, Apple changed the restrictions on downloading files over the mobile network, increasing the limit. Now using the mobile Internet you can download files no more than 150 MB. But this is not enough for even a modest firmware update.

For example, our test iPhone 7 has firmware 11.0.2, and to update the phone's iOS to 11.1 you need to download 306 MB, which is exceeding the download limit on the mobile network.

If you try to update the iOS firmware on an iPhone that only has a mobile Internet connection (3G or ), then in Settings (General - Software Update) the Download and Install button will be inactive and grayed out. And below is the inscription:

This update requires a Wi-Fi connection to download.

Since at the time of writing this instruction we are almost in the field, we do not have the opportunity to find a wired unlimited Wi-Fi access point and easily update the firmware. Therefore, we found a couple of alternative solutions that may someday be useful to you.

Method 1. Find a second iPhone with mobile Internet

  1. We find an iPhone user who also wants to update the iOS firmware using only the mobile Internet
  2. We turn it on in his phone, and thus distribute his mobile Internet via Wi-Fi
  3. On your iPhone, go to Settings – Wi-Fi, turn on Wi-Fi and select a friend’s phone from the list, connect to his access point
  4. Once you have connected via Wi-Fi to another phone with mobile Internet, you can update iOS on yours: Settings – General – Software update – the Download and install button becomes active.

After updating iOS, you give away your mobile Internet to update your friend's iPhone firmware and everyone is happy.

Method 2. Find a laptop or MacBook

The situation is as follows: we couldn’t find an iPhone nearby to update the firmware, but since there was a work laptop nearby, we came up with the idea to distribute the Internet to it using a USB cable. Then launch iTunes on your laptop and use it to update iOS.

  1. Turn it on on iPhone
  2. We connect the iPhone and laptop with a USB cable; if there is no cable, you can try connecting via Wi-Fi
  3. Launch the program, click the button with the image of an iPhone (1), select the Review section (2) and click the Update button (3)

If you have an unlimited mobile internet plan, you can continue and your iPhone firmware will be updated.

But at that time, we had about 1 GB of mobile traffic left, and the iTunes program displays the size of the iOS update - 2.5 GB. I don’t know why there is such a huge difference, because in the Software Update of the iPhone itself, the size of the update is 306 MB . In general, we stopped the firmware download process in iTunes and decided to look for another solution.

All of today's instructions can be used not only to update iOS firmware, but also to download objects larger than 100 or 150 MB. That is, any, etc.

It turned out that if there is a MacBook nearby, you can distribute mobile Internet to it from your iPhone, then enable Internet distribution in the MacBook, connect to it using a different communication protocol and update the firmware.

In our case, described below, we will connect the iPhone to the MacBook, distribute the Internet to this Mac, after which we will distribute the Internet from the Mac back to the iPhone, but via a Wi-Fi network, and update the firmware, these are the praises:

That's it, Internet distribution from the MacBook is turned on, launch the Settings application - Wi-Fi - turn on Wi-Fi and select the MacBook in the list of networks. Now, using such a ring connection, you can go to Settings - General - Software Update - Download and install new iOS firmware on your iPhone.

This connection can be used not only for updating, but also to bypass the limitation when downloading any files exceeding 150 MB.

The automatic application update feature was first introduced in iOS 7. As soon as a new version of a program is released, the system downloads and installs it without asking the user's permission. On the one hand, automatic updating is very convenient, since you do not need to constantly perform the same procedure.

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On the other hand, some iPhone and iPad owners may not like the lack of a sense of control over what is downloaded to the device. If desired, the user can disable the automatic update feature. This is quite easy to do.

How to enable/disable auto update feature in iOS

1 . Open the application " Settings».

2 . Go to section iTunes Store and App Store.

3 . Scroll to the subsection " Automatic downloads" and, depending on the need, activate or deactivate the items " Programs" And " Updates».

There is also a solution for those who want to use the automatic update feature, but do not want to waste mobile data. The developers have provided the ability to automatically update only when there is an active connection to the Wi-Fi network.

Note: Applications are automatically updated when your iPhone or iPad is connected to a charger.

You can set up automatic updating via Wi-Fi as follows: below in the same section you need to disable the toggle switch " Cellular data" Now, when you connect your smartphone to Wi-Fi, applications will be automatically updated, and you won’t have to think about the safety of mobile traffic once again.

Unfortunately, the developers did not provide the possibility of selective automatic updating, so it will not be possible to configure this function for any specific applications.

In general, automatic updating is quite a useful thing, but sometimes it complicates the user’s life. As a rule, in new versions, application creators eliminate the shortcomings of previous releases, but sometimes updates still contain errors that can worsen the performance of the iPhone or iPad.

You can update applications downloaded and installed on your Android device either manually or automatically. You can also set up automatic updates for individual apps. Updates contain new features and also improve the reliability and stability of applications.

How to set up automatic updates

Here's what you need to do to keep all apps on your Android device updated automatically:

Note. If your device experiences an error logging into your account, apps may not update automatically.

How to set up auto-update for individual applications

Here's how to choose apps that will update automatically:

The application will be updated automatically when a new version is released. To disable this feature, clear the checkbox.

How to update the application manually

You can install updates using the Play Store application. Here's how to do it:

Note. When updating, some applications may require

By default, applications installed through the Play Market are updated automatically in all versions of Android. Very few versions of the operating system automatically update the software. But any user can switch to manually updating applications and software.

How to activate or deactivate automatic software updates

The software updates itself only in unofficial Android builds. In other versions of the operating system, it must be updated manually by default.

Deactivating automatic software updates

But if you are faced with the fact that the software updates automatically, then follow these steps to prevent it from doing this:

Video: How to disable automatic Android updates

Activating automatic software updates

To enable auto-update, follow the three steps above, but in the last one, do not deactivate, but rather activate automatic software update.

Manual software update

If you have disabled automatic software updates, it is recommended that you constantly check for new versions manually.

How to enable or disable automatic app updates

Only programs installed from the Play Market update independently. Applications installed from an .apk file are updated only by deleting the old version and installing a new one.

Activating and deactivating automatic application updates in the Play Market

To enable or disable self-updating of programs, you need to follow these steps:

Video: how to disable auto-update of applications on Android

Manually updating programs from the Play Market

If you have disabled automatic receipt of new versions of applications, you will need to download them manually. Otherwise, some applications will refuse to work or will not receive new features added with updates.

What is needed to update applications in the Play Market

You can manually update the application like this:

Video: how to manually update applications in the Play Market

Possible problems when updating applications

When updating applications manually or automatically, the following problems may occur:

You can enable or disable automatic app updates on Android at any time. The same can be done with self-updating software, if such a function is present in your firmware. After deactivating automatic updates, do not forget to manually update the system and applications.

Modern mobile operating systems tend to be updated. Thanks to updates, they become faster, more economical in terms of resource consumption and secure in terms of protecting user data. But in some cases, constantly receiving new files leads to wild traffic consumption. How to disable updates on Android and get rid of constant requests for new “updates”?

In this article we will look at:

  • Disable receiving operating system updates - they are not released very often, but their volume can be very large;
  • Disabling updating of installed applications - the amount of data here is no less, since applications are updated much more often.

As a result, we will get a device that will be updated only manually, without independent actions.

Updates on Android

As we already know, there are two types of updates on Android - updates for the operating system and updates for applications. The Android operating system is updated relatively rarely, about 2-3 times a year. Developers are closing old “holes” and opening up new opportunities for users.

New updates are sent to smartphone and tablet manufacturers, after which they adapt the files to their devices. Operating system updates are most often received by device owners from large brands - Samsung, LG, Sony, Nexus and many others. Owners of tablets and smartphones from little-known brands may not count on updates. The same applies to those who buy cheap devices from the lower price segment.

As for applications, they are updated on all smartphones and tablets, regardless of the manufacturer of the user devices. As soon as developers release a new version of the software, it automatically becomes available to everyone. The frequency of release of updated versions can vary greatly - from several days to once a year. But as soon as new updates appear, they are automatically installed on user smartphones and tablets.

Disable app updates

How are applications updated on Android smartphones and tablets? All new versions are requested via the Internet. To obtain data the following is used:

  • Mobile Internet 3G or 4G – as a rule, traffic packages here are limited, and regular updates lead to their complete exhaustion;
  • Internet via Wi-Fi - traffic here is most often unlimited, so Android devices “devour” it without hesitation in their appetite.

There is also an operating mode where the update is checked for any connection, and the update process itself starts only when connected via Wi-Fi.

So, how to disable automatic app updates on Android? This is done not only to save traffic, but also to avoid the accumulation of garbage in the internal memory. Not every update gives users some important innovations - most often the changes lie in the internal structure of applications. Therefore, too high a frequency of updates often harms Android devices, especially very weak ones. In order to disable automatic updates on Android, you need to open the Play Market and go to the application settings.

Here we are interested in the following checkboxes:

  • Automatic application updates – set the “Never” option if you want to completely disable automatic application updates on Android;
  • Availability of updates – by checking this box, you will be able to see a notification about the availability of updates if their automatic receipt is disabled;
  • Auto-update - If automatic update is enabled, the system will notify users that some applications have been updated.

Here we are interested in the first tick. Set this to Never if you plan to avoid automatic updates entirely. You can also set the value to “Only via Wi-Fi” - when connected via a mobile network, only notifications about the availability of “updates” will appear, and the updates themselves will be downloaded only when connected via Wi-Fi.

If you want to update applications manually, launch the Play Market and go to the “Games and applications - My applications and games” section. Here you can update all programs at once by clicking on the “Update all” button or select an update for a single application.

A typical sign that an application needs to be updated is that it stops working. Some programs require a forced update to function (this is what banking applications do most often).

How to disable system updates on Android

Are you afraid that the next release of a new update will “gobble up” all your traffic? Then we will teach you how to disable automatic Android updates. The most unpleasant thing is that updates are downloaded silently - we only receive a notification that they are ready for installation. That is, the traffic has already been spent (the most offensive thing is if it was mobile traffic and not access via WI-Fi). How to disable system updates on Android? This is done as follows - go to “Settings - About device - Software update”.

Here we will see two checkboxes:

  • Auto-update – by checking this box, you will start an automatic regular check for updates. If you remove it, then the presence of “new things” will not be checked;
  • Wi-Fi only – if you most often use the mobile Internet, and do not want the next 500-600 MB update to eat up all your traffic, make this checkbox active.

In order to completely disable automatic Android system updates, uncheck the first box - now your traffic will be safe.

Please note that releasing updates may make your smartphone faster and more energy efficient. Therefore, we do not recommend that you completely disable automatic updates. Leave it active, but check the box “Only via Wi-Fi” so as not to waste mobile data. As practice shows, Some updates are very successful and significantly speed up Android devices..

If you still turned off automatic system updates, but want to check for updates at the moment, go to “Settings - About device - Software update” and click on “Update”. If there are updates, you will be notified accordingly. At the same time, the download of the necessary files will begin.

If, after installing an Android update, you are faced with a situation where the device has become very slow, do not perform a general reset - this will not help to return to the previous version. In this situation, you need to find the file with the previous firmware and do a “rollback”. Please note that reflashing devices under warranty will void the warranty. If you do not have enough knowledge to carry out flashing, contact your nearest service center.

Another way to get rid of glitches after updating the firmware is to do a general reset and try installing all applications again.

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